The Switch eShop has been inundated with a whole slew of great games lately, our resident video producer Alex even argues that it's become a problem, in a nice way. Like any store, especially now that curation has evidently well and truly ended, there will also be releases that are less appealing. We'll have to wait and see which category Super Ping Pong Trick Shot falls under when it lands on Switch tomorrow.
As you can see in the trailer the concept is pretty simple, and it's aiming for a budget price point; here's a bit more info from the game page:

Try throwing a ball across a room filled with moving platforms and obstacles and into a cup!
Test your throwing skills across 80 challenges with mission and sub-mission objectives such as making the ball bounce twice, or using at least 75% power.
Use the L-Stick for traditional controls or the more energetic motion controls that simulate throwing a ball.
In addition to the single player Mission and Time Attack modes, there's also a 2 player competitive mode! Go head-to-head with a friend to see who can throw the most balls into the cup and use special items to get an advantage over your opponent!
Based upon the Nintendo of America game list (which isn't always 100% accurate ahead of the official download day), this one could have a lot of competition.
Comments 30
A load of balls.
I think we're starting to see the tip of the shovelware iceberg.
I fear that a game this epic is going to steal a lot of the momentum away from Odyssey.
Get your shovels ready...
Looks fun
I hope this is good. (Not joking!) Ok, the graphics are just functional, but the gameplay looks great.
This has been on the Japanese Eshop for a good while now and its icon is the most Wii U like shovelware icon that you could possibly get. I had hoped it would never make it west but here it is. RCMADIAX must be thinking "if only I can somehow better this, my games won't be the worst on the Eshop". The truth is though, even this is beyond anything that guy put out. His games were a one trick pony, play for 5 seconds and you've seen the lot. Unfortunately he has 2 games in development so yep, the shovelware gates are open. Fortunately for us, there is an avalanche of great games so "developers" like that will have not a chance of finding any sort of success.
Looks like poop
I watched SLIGEACH_EIRE's ball cup video till the end. The same cannot be said for the ping pong ding dong trick thingy video.
There are two of these on the 3DS, and this was already released on the Switch in Japan for a while now.
To be fair, though: how good could/should a physics-based ping pong puzzle game really look? This honestly seems quite adequate, and it functions just fine and the physics seem to be pretty okay as well, so I don't see the problem.
It doesn't seem like shovelware at all. I think that a lot of people confuse titles that they don't like with titles that are utter crap in general, as shovelware is, and shovelware is generally also of the lowest possible quality.
This game here is neither, and most complainers have probably not even watched the entire video, to see for themselves that besides being quite simple and not having highly advanced graphics, there actually isn't that much wrong with this game.
So, just because YOU don't like it, that does NOT automatically equate to it being shovelware.
It simply does what it is supposed to do, and that is being a physics-based puzzle game.
Not gonna lie.... I could see enjoying this on a plane ride for a few hours. This will go at the very bottom of my wish list...hell, I have 100% spent $5 on worse things than this lol.
I actually bought "Major League Eating" on the Nintendo Wii. This looks 100% better.
@ThanosReXXX Well said mate.
This is a game that is very black and white, it's either good or it's bad, I like the premise hopefully they did a good job of execution.
On second thought they really need to rethink the music it's terrible
Rather just listen to Spotify on the bus.
Looks like simple fun. All physics based puzzlers make me yearn for another Boom Blox entry, or a spiritual successor to that series.
Comparing this only to itself and other ping pong games, this looks absolutely fine. Decent presentation, music is catchy enough, and the gameplay looks solid enough.
However, it's still a ping pong trick shot game.
Are you saying in your opinion someone elses opinion that isn't the same as your opinion is an opinion that in your opinion they shouldn't have because your opinion is different and therefore they are expressing the wrong your opinion?
@GrailUK Thanks.

@Grogan No, I'm suggesting that an opinion is not a fact, and that shovelware is NOT about it being a game that you don't like or that you think is ugly, so the term shovelware is wrongfully used.
Seems like you completely misunderstood my comment, didn't read it completely and/or simply rushed to comment on it with your own opinion...
Far as I'm concerned, everybody is welcome to their own opinion, as long as it contains constructive criticism, and some realism and fact checking also isn't to be ignored...
My comment wasn't an opinion-based one, but a fact-based one, based upon a bit of unbiased observation. I can say this because this isn't my type of game either, but I still don't feel the need to label it as trash or shovelware because of that.
Someone else might very well enjoy this type of game, and the more the merrier.
😉 I didn't offer an opinion I asked you a question 😉 oh by the way I love your use of the condescending winking icon, it's cute 😉
I think my entire post went over your head.
You say 'everyone is welcome to their own opinion' but you say they confuse things and dont know what shovelwate is, implying that you do and they don't, that they are wrong and you are right. You seem to contradict yourself and judge everyone wrong if their opinion differs from yours... I'm going to guess your a teacher or college lecturer 😉😉😉😉
Now THAT is an opinion
@Grogan - You’re burying yourself, and you’re out of your league.
I don't know why but now I really want Wetrix on the Switch!
@bimmy-lee he really isn’t 😉😉😉😉 but okay 😉😉😉
@G_M - Well, I guess that’s just a matter of... opinion then, isn’t it? If you want to confuse randomly spouted nonsense with clearly stated logic, by all means, go right ahead.
Lol, this is what the Switch was made for!
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