Super Mario Odyssey launches on Switch today, and Nintendo isn't wasting any time when it comes to updates.
The game has already been updated to version 1.0.1, although Nintendo is quite vague as to what this actually does.
According to the company, version 1.0.1 is all about enhancing the overall experience:
Several fixes have been made to enhance the user’s experience.
We have to admit we didn't come across any massive bugs during our time with the game but it's good to see Nintendo is keeping on top of things. Have you noticed anything different since the update?
Comments 63
More stability!
We need ways to use the hat better with moving the controller. So far I know you can...
Do a ground pound and immediately toss your hat to through your hat along the ground.
You can spin as you're tossing your hat to do the spin attack.
That's about all I know of so far.
Is it fixing the frame rate issues some players have been noticing?
Can I just say... This game is frickin awesome
If you don't already own a Switch... For gods sake get out and buy one so you can play this game
If you can't afford one, go Rob a bank, it'll be worth it it's that good
Probably made the tightropes more stable.
I hope they added loot boxes!
This game is incredible.
That's all I wanted to say.
Why do your clothes randomize after you die? Fell in poison and came out dressed in that purple/yellow cap shop attire. Fell off an edge and was dressed in captain hat and normal Mario pants. Is that normal? Can I shut off the random clothes after death feature and just be dressed as normal Mario the whole time with the option to change if I choose to?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Will this game temp you to pick up the Switch or are you holding off til next year?
@Zach777 I haven't seen that at all and I've purchased several outfits. By any chance have you used the random option at a wardrobe? Have you manually reset Mario's clothing recently? Maybe try manually changing outfits (exiting out of the wardrobe at least once).
I can't tell if this is a sarcastic comment or not. I also remember that time too, it was before the internet, with no possible ways to fix broken games.
It's basically just the polish the dev. team was still applying after the game had gone gold and was already copied to the cartridges. Quite common really.
@jimi Nu-Nintendo has just released two of the best games ever made within the space of a few months.
They seem to be doing something right.
While on the subject of Odyssey, I want to ask a quick question. For anyone currently playing it, does the Sand Kingdom also not have music for you? I don't know if it's a glitch on my end or if it's intentional.
@AlternateButtons Alright, have fun flicking your Switch in portable mode upward or do ward to toss your hat in different directions. Don't forget having to awkwardly flick it to the the side to make him through the hat around him.
I didn't know that suggesting things I'd the same as whining. How come no one tells customers to stop whining when they pull up at a fast food restaurant...
I wish it added the ability to amend the music / sound FX levels in the options menu. I wanted to turn up the music whilst lowering the SFX.
This seems a common issue in Nintendo 1st party titles. Wonder if its a cultural thing about having to experience works of art as the creators' desired.
Just played it over my lunch break, still on the first zone as collecting all the hidden stuff, LOVE IT!
@jimi This is what a day 1 update should be - simple bug fixes for anything that was found after the game was sent for manufacture. It's not like this is some huge update that adds missing content. If the game were completely unplayable, or key features were missing from the cart, maybe you'd have a point.
If it were possible 30 years ago, I'm sure they would have wanted to do minor day 1 updates then as well. Instead, the bugs were just viewed as an interesting part of the game.
Still at work. I just wanna play
@jimi @StarmanSSP Thanks, I don't know what is with some people and criticizing someone just for have a suggestion. As if adding more control options to a game is a bad thing. I STILL can't do a down thrown with the pro controller. He kinda tosses it at an angle but not straight down like in the videos. If I want to do it, I have to throw the hat immediately after I touch the ground when doing a ground pound.
@AlternateButtons oh, but this is more than just a flick, if you want to do the advanced moves you basically can not move the Switch and handheld mode while watching what you are doing. You have to flick the entire console.
I splatoon you don't have to flick, you're tilting the system while watching what's going on. To throw Mario's hat downward, you actually have to shove the Switch downwards, not tilt, actually shove it downwards. Throwing the hat up is just as disorienting. To thow it around you, the system has to be flicked to one side.
All on all, this game requires much more motion than Splatoon 2. The fact that you compared them makes me question if you even own Odyssey yet and have tried doing everything in handheld mode.
How do we know if it updated? I am set to auto-update but it didn't tell me anything. I like when I'm told things, like a screen that's says - Mario updated while in sleep mode.
And speaking of telling me things, this game tells us a lot about the collectable off the bat, the map is well done and the travel aspect of it is pure genius, but me being me I'd like more. So has anybody noticed:
1. A death count? I died in like 5 minutes, jumped off the edge, then again 2 hours later jumping into poison. I knew it looked bad, but thought 1 heart bad, not instant kill bad.
2. Scroll through the different maps? All I can see is the area I'm in, which is fine, but wanted to scroll.
3. Time played. I think Nintendo somehow managed to leave the daily log out of the Switch, after Wii, 3DS and Wii U all had it, but not even the save file has the time played, only the time and date. Not important to the game, but Nintendo got me hooked on it on Wii U, I'd just like to know.
I wouldn't be surprised if this game gets patched or updated on a regular basis now that it's out in the wild on probably a million systems by now. Some people are just going to have conflicts Nintendo didn't forsee that need fixing, whether it's social media, friends lists or USB to ether net ports. It's hard to forsee everything.
But if they want to add in a button press for the circle cap throw, that would be great. Even playing with the Joycon it's still a pain to do. Just add on another button when we press Y, maybe up, don't think I've used that one yet. Or R or L, we don't really need both to reset the camera. Something less cumbersome then flicking both Joycon, I can only get it to work about half the time.
That boss though, somehow reminds me of my mom with one of her unruly dogs at the time. Such a fun game.
"Your comment also doesn't make sense btw. the internet existed way longer."
My comment makes perfect sense, but when you place it into a time-frame when the internet was becoming commonplace, sure then it doesn't make sense. That's called "taking out of context." What exactly doesn't make sense there?
When the internet wasn't commonplace — my point was, it was absolutely necessary to make sure the games were as solid as they could be. Otherwise, as you said, you would have to make new carts, and no one would want to do that. That said, bugs still exist, even on old games.
However, games are not what they used to be back in the day of sprites. Games nowadays are so much more expansive and require teams of people to work on them. Point being, devs nowadays can greenlight games and get them out sooner "mostly ready" and they can keep testing it while their game is getting ready for shipment. Therefore, you get day one patches. In Nintendo's case here, this is literally tweaks. Nintendo, rather annoyingly don't really say what this patch does, but I would bet my paycheck there was nothing gamebreaking, and that it was likely a framerate patch, given Digital Foundary's analysis yesterday.
"Nintendo still tested games properly see Wii + Wii U era."
And about those perfectly tested games you describe from the Wii/Wii U era. I seem to recall that Skyward Sword had a gamebreaking bug in the beginning of the game, and they had to send out a patch over the Wii's wonky online infrastructure in order to fix it. So, yeah, this can happen even to the Big N. Nothing sloppy about what they did, just games are more complicated than ever.
With all due respect, I think you can settle down a bit. Nintendo's quality is still very much there, but with games becoming so much more than what they were, the fact that they must be absolutely perfect on day one — while admirable, is a bit misguided given how things have changed.
@StarmanSSP @Kalmaro
It's possible to do the spin attack without the motion controls if you spin the control stick a few times until Mario starts spinning around, then press Y to throw your hat.
@Dogorilla Yes, this is very true. However, it is much more difficult to do.
@jimi Several of those games you listed that received no patch could actually have done with one, you know to "enchance the user experience". Donkey Kong's long laggy loading screens, Starfox Zero's dodgy frame rate, Windwaker HD's dodgy frame rate at sea, Bayonetta 2 also had some frame rate issues from what I remember. Odyssey from what I've read has very minor frame rate drops. What happens, Nintendo patch it quickly. BOTW also had several parts with dodgy framerate, after a few patches it's now mostly fixed. Maybe Kimishima is doing what Iwata couldn't be bothered too?".
There's also the fact, games are getting bigger so to try and compare it with old titles is frankly laughable. But then again it is you so no surprises there. Anyway, what brought you out, I thought you'd crawled under a rock in embarrassment after seeing how well Switch was doing? DOA it was according to you, along with countless other predictions that all came very wrong.
Odyssey - one of the all time greats, a masterpiece but according to Jimi "broken crap." As I said, laughable.
@AlternateButtons... What on earth are you talking about? When do you have to shove or flick while playing Splatoon? The most I've ever had to do was kinda turn quickly when someone is behind me. Even then, it's barely any movement and nothing compared to Odyssey.
You HAVE purchased and played Odyssey, correct? It seems like you have no real reference to really compare.
It could be the slight frame rate drop in crowded areas.
Cool! Always nice to see bug fixes.
@AlternateButtons I use a combination of the control stick and turning my Switch so I've never had to move too fast to turn around. I know that it's nothing compared to what I have to do in Odyssey.
Am I to assume you don't own Odyssey then?
@AlternateButtons I see it! I must have overlooked it.
But yeah, since I used hybrid controls I never had to move as much in splatoon. In that situation I can see why you'd say that it's more intense than Odyssey.
Who else received a Mario car freshener as a pre-order bonus?! lol
@AlternateButtons oh no! Let me just say that I believe motion controls rock! After splatoon, I just can't play shooting games the same, I feel so strange not being able to tilt my controller to aim better...
I just wish Odyssey made things a little easier, not completely remove motion controls :3
@Kalmaro Hey man, I registered just to tell you this. I think you can spin the left analog stick + hat to get that same move without the motion controls
@shaddix You are correct! It's just harder to do, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me
@AlternateButtons The only thing that I like more using the joycons is being able to decide the direction the hat goes for the 2nd attack after the first throw. You can go left down up right and it's much easier with a flick of the wrist!
Enhancing the experience eh? Perhaps now the super mushroom gets you even more super high than before.
I was hoping this patch added groundwork for a DLC season pass. I'm gonna be so sad when this is over! I played for an hour and a half last night after getting this at midnight!
I'm only 2 kingdoms in but this game is amazing.
Glad Nintendo-games still keeps the poolish up to classic-standard, so we don´t need thoose 16GB day-one-patches, or wait half a year to get the game in good shape.
@rjejr I don't have a Switch but apparently there is a way to see how many hours you played each game. Something to do with looking at your profile I think. You should ask @JaxonH, I think he described how to find it in a Forums thread once.
Check your profile. It lists the last 20 games played and how long. Takes 10 days after first playing to show time.
@JaxonH "Takes 10 days after first playing to show time."
Why would it take 10 days and how would even you know that? I mean I rely on you to know everything but that's some pretty obscure trivia right there. 10 days? So Nintendo.
@shadow-wolf Thanks. I never have to ask Jax anything, I just put it out there and he always finds me, he's my patron saint.
Maybe OS 5.0 will bring the log back. It's the 1 thing Nintneod has always had over Sony on the PS3 and PS4, I've always wanted a log on those.
Idk. It tells you how many days ago you first played it, then after 10 days it switched to hours played.
Hmm looks everyone is having a blast with Odyssey, but no now, maybe in two years, i get a switch.
@roadrunner343 : Updates were possible 30 years ago, albeit on PC via the BBS system (which can be seen, I suppose, as a very early prototype of what we now know as the internet, which allowed for software downloads, online gaming etc.). However, for data that is distributed on ROM media, then obviously developers only really have the possibility to get things right the first time, and I am saddened that this emphasis on quality is virtually extinct nowadays.
@sillygostly It can't really be seen as an early prototype, since the Internet / ARPANet pre-date it by quite a bit =D Though even BBS Systems did not allow for anything like what we see today. Also, that would have been a time long before widespread adoption of the Internet, making updates over the internet not worth the hassle in most cases. Still, I'm assuming you get the original point xD For most developers, especially consoles (Which is what we're talking about here) fixing the game after the fact wasn't an option.
As for the emphasis on quality, I would say Nintendo is one of the few that seems to make it a priority still, from what I can tell. Yes, there are still bugs - but there were plenty of bugs back in Super Mario Bros on the NES. The only difference, is now they have the chance to continue fixing them, which is a win in my book.
@JaxonH Idk
Well if you Idk then certainly Idk.
I'm spending the day w/ my sister today for a very late 42nd birthday but tomorrow it's a stormy Sunday so I'll finally get around to figuring some stuff out. Well unless the kids play Mario on it all day, as much as their mother lets them anyway, then I'll figure it out on Monday.
I'm loving Odyssey man. It's the Super Mario 64 sequel I've always wanted. It's perfect. With all the great Switch games releasing this year, my Stamp of Approval is just about out of ink, which is unfortunate because we're about to get slammed even harder. I think Switch, in its first year alone, has almost matched the quality of the Wii U's library wholesale. It's absolutely crazy thinking about it.
And I liked the Wii U. It had some great games. But looking back with hindsight, after experiencing the first year of Switch... It's kinda embarrassing. Wii U's biggest problem was it wasn't easy to jump in and play. Everything took so dang long to boot up and launch. That's one of Switch's greatest accomplishments. Within a fraction of a second I can put into sleep, then undock and toss in my case, then within a fraction of a second I'm playing again.
What are your thoughts on Switch so far...
The original pokemon on GameBoy had so many bugs (MissingNum for example) that they all became meme.
Melee had that wavedashing glitch.
N64 Ocarina of Time has a glitch that can give you a swordless Link.
..."I remember there was a time, when Nintendo released games without updates and especially without day 1 updates."
Just because they never gave out any update, does not mean those games were perfect. In fact as my programmer friend once said to me: "All programs are wrote by humans, and we all make mistakes. We'll never make a perfect software. But we try to have something that is almost perfect. So instead of ignoring existed problems, we keep tweaking our codes and giving out updates so everything can work better." I'm afraid that your nostalgia goggles are clouding your judgement.
By the way, I sent you a friend request yesterday. Guess you haven't seen it yet.
@JaxonH I'm afraid my thoughts on Switch so far are kind of blurry. You ever feel sick where your not really sick so you still go to work but every few minutes you kind of feel like your in a fog or don't know where you are? I think I've been like that since Wed or Thurs. Not sick, out of sync.
I'll say this for the Wii U though, Switch library IS the Wii U library for the most part. Pokken, MK8D, Zelda, even Splkatoon 2 and Mario I'd bet A LOT started as Wii U titles. And that's why the Wii U library was weak. This would have been year 5 for Wii U, so it would have gotten Dplatoon 2 and Mario this year had they not murdered it. And Zelda holiday 2016.
All the 3rd party support - Doom, Skyrim, NBA, WWE - hard to know now, was it power, or archetecture, or poor Wii U sales? Or Switch being a powerful portable?
So yeah Switch 1st 12vmonths is good, but reasons.
I'll check for your friend request or whatever it's called later. Or tomorrow, I may just go to bed early, long day.
Anyone else having an issue with mario not ecatly always facing straight on? Seems he sticks at wierd angles and is a pain to line up straight on.
So are people still going to complain about day-1 updates- yup. Stupid question. I mean, I get it, but in this case, it sounds like the issues were minor to begin with. Considering the scope, it could've been worse. At least it sounds like it won't be a long wait and a major strain on people's micro SD cards...
@JaxonH "What are your thoughts on Switch so far..."
I'm still pondering that, but Mario is good. I'm only about 5 hours in but it's been a blast so far. And fortuantely for me I'm not very good at this stuff, so I'm not concerned about all the "it''s too easy" complaints. I mean sure, it is easy, but it has it's semi-challenges.
The ice cave Andross guy killed me twice. (I had 6 hearts going in but jumped out of the bullet bill mid-flight when I meant to hit Y to accelerate)
The crazy spinning buildings that reminded me of Papa & Yo, think I made it in 1 try but it's early in the game.
I also like how it feels like it's taken parts of other games, like N64 and Sunshine. My wife didn't even play Sunshine, just watched me play it, and even she said Tosterona was Delfino Plaza.
So I'm 3 worlds and 5 hours in. So I'm expecting a great main game and some challenging after game. And I know I'll never 100% it, but I may try for awhile.
Glad to hear you're enjoying Mario. Probably a better fall release than Zelda Windwaker HD (which, nothing against that game- it's a classic... but it was also a remaster).
But what about the Switch itself? How do you like the system itself? You know I love it, but here's why. I love how fast it is- the OS, the UI, launching the eshop, all of it. I love how sleep mode facilitates an instant on/instant off approach. No boot up times, no complex menus to hibernate. In and out. That easy. And this theme carries over to screenshots and videos. No double tapping like on Xbox or PS. No menus pulled up with delay, no using the home menu button for screen caps and accidentally going home instead of a screenshot... just press and done. Just hold a half second and done. That easy.
Of course this even translates to the hybrid functionality. Just set in dock and boom... image is on the TV. Just pull out of the dock and boom, the image is on the handheld screen. Wanna play tabletop? Just set on kickstand, release controllers and boom, 2 player MP ready to go. The entire system is built around instant gratification and convenience.
I also love the clean, simple UI. Also love the split Joycons- best controller and scheme ever invented. And of course, I love the games. This is the best 9 month output in Nintendo history. It's unbelievable how many great games they released on Switch thus far.
So... what are your thoughts? Does the hybrid concept present itself a useful feature in your eyes?
@JaxonH I'm still in my "I hate it cause it's new and I have to get used to it and I spent full price $403 on it" phase so you gotta give me some time to come up w/ something positive to say.
I really have like almost nothing nice to say, I needed to own it to play Mario, and It means I'm a nice dad b/c I gave my kids their Christmas present on Oct 27th and they got a Switch for Christmas. Besides that, well...
The hybrid nature is nice. Rather than buying a $300 Wii U 2 for me and a $200 4DS for the kids we have 1 Switch for $300. But that's more a theoretical aspect than a practical one for me as I don't play on the handheld, I'd rather do all of my limited gaming on the TV w/ surround sound.
As a portable it's nice to have multiple accounts. I don't need to buy 3 Switch, like we needed three 3DS, we can all share. But we could have done that w/ a new Wii U 2 as well, and with PS5 when it releases in a couple of years.
Joycon are annoying. I need to keep them attached to charge, and my kids play alot handheld. But I like them separate for Mario, my oldest on the Grip. So it's a lot of moving them around. I'll get used to it, but not yet.
The instant on is a bit confusing, need to get used to that. When to put it into sleep mode, turn it off, that stuff. WiFi and wired are both working, SO MUCH BETTER than 3DS WiFi set up.
My kids seem to be liking it, but what's fun for them is work for me, they just pick up and play, if they have any questions they ask me, I'm the one who sets up and maintains 3 accounts. that's work - NNID, NA, MyNintendo. And I'm still annoyed no Gold Coins for SMO, I paid $60 for it in the bundle. I'm pretty sure I set everything up right.
I miss Miiverse. They did a great job w/ pics and Twiter/FB but my kids don't have either of those, they used Miivesre for Zelda U. And you probably don't know this b/c it's just you, but all the pics and vids are kept together, not by account. You can filter by game, pic and vid, but I can't just see my stuff or my kids their stuff, it's just all in 1 place. 1 game for 2 days and we have a couple dozen to look thru already. I'm really hoping for an OS update to fix that. It's ok to keep them all together, but it SHOULD be a filter.
And no Twitter or Facebook apps means I need another device to see my posts, that's just a stupid oversite. I'm assuming it will be corrected at some point, but considering all of the porn, about half, in my twitter feed, maybe not, too risque for Nintnedo. They should have gone w/ Instagram, they ban nudity.
And I traded in my Xbox for a Switch. I used my Xbox for Netflix and Amazon. But that's just piling in, not that big of a deal.
OS main menu is kind of odd. No music? It's like half PS4 and half X1, so again, learning curve. I'll get used to it and it will improve. It's much better than Wara Wara Plaza, that was a big mistake. Though I only use Quick Start now on Wii U, so that fixed some of that.
So Switch, it plays Mario. And posts to Twitter. That's all I got. Fortuantley Mario is enough.
@masterLEON Did you delete your post b/c it was off topic? You must be new here. Once Jax and I start talking nobody is going to notice.
Thanks for the info on the Parent Control app. I wasn't going to use it b/c my kids are 12 and 15 so I don't really consider them "kids", and my 12 year old is a bit of a hacker so I'm nto even going to bother trying to reel him in, but for that info I'll at least look into it. I was going to install the online voice chat app today anyway, so I'll do both.
So thanks, I'll let ya know how it goes. Well if I can find you.
@JaxonH I don't have much new to report on the switch - I'm still annoyed I didn't get any gold coins for my $60 Super Mario Odyessey game - but the Joycon work just fine w/o the straps, so thanks. And I decided no need to attach them to the Switch every night as the battery seems to last quite a bit longer than the Gamepad or the PS4 Daulshock.
Mario, while I can see why people are complaining about it being "Too easy', bc/ people always have to complain about something, that Festival in NDC was worth the price of admission. And yes, I know I don't know how to jump rope, but I can drive an RC car, so I have that going for me. Beach volleyball really isn't my thing either, just did what I had to for a star. Yes, I know they are power moons, not stars, my kid corrects me about 20x a day, but I'm still calling them stars. I have to say, online leaderboards in a Mario game is a nice little touch. I wont' go back to any of them, but I know there are people out there who like that kind of stuff. You and sina can have fun topping each other's scores.
@rjejr Sorry, I didn't mean to be dodgy, but yeah, I deleted it because the app only reports back monthly totals, and in 5 minute increments. Rereading your comment it sounded like it'd be better to stick with the time count on your Switch profile because that's cumulative. I didn't edit it because it had some screenshots, a wall-o-text, the whole nine yards...all rendered moot because I misinterpreted the comment, possibly. D'oh! But hey, if you find the app useful, then glad I could help
@masterLEON Congratz, you're the hunredth person that managed to trigger the profanity filter by using the word ''cumulative''
This needs to be fixed.
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