eShop aficionados naturally fall into a pattern of looking for new download games each Thursday (and Friday for retail downloads), and as a result attention can drift away from releases that line up on, for example, a Tuesday. It's worth a reminder, then, that the rather promising Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is out today on the eShop for $14.99 / £11.99.
It was listed in last week's North American Download Update details but not in the European equivalent, highlighting the potential challenges titles like this have for launch day visibility. Nintendo of Europe has used social media to remind people it's out today, though.
A hit on other systems, this is a colourful title in which up to four players frantically rush around a spaceship to control various weapons and systems in order to hold off enemy attacks. Perhaps best in co-op, you can also play solo with AI companions helping you out.

Despite what Nintendo of Europe has tweeted, at the time of publication the game hasn't gone live in Europe or North America, but it should be a matter of hours before it's available. Is this on your radar?
Comments 31
Really want this but don’t have anyone to play with. Will get it on sale, likely.
The number of indies on Switch is getting overwhelming.
"Perhaps best in co-op" ... yeah, I'd say it's absolutely best in co-op. Very enjoyable game with friends! Not sure it's really worth it for solo play though. It's still solid and mechanically sound, but a great deal of the fun and challenge in the game is derived from the frantic coordination and communication with friends about what to do and how to do. Not to mention that the inevitable failure to figure out everything at first try leads to some really good laughs ^^
Pretty much a must have for co-op, for anything else ... not so sure.
I wish we had more demos in the Switch Eshop
Need more demos!!
When's the review going up???
The "Wierdest title for a game" contender 2017.
Absolutely awesome game. My girlfriend got it free on Xbox Live a while back, so I will have to be sensible and wait for a sale on this one.
Not interested. The co-op description reminds me of Affordable Space Adventures, though (which I thought was fun in solo play — the opposite of what this one sounds like).
Fantastic game. If you enjoy true co-op game play, in which it's essential that you work together, you'll love it.
If you play alone then I would hold off though. Stardew Valley is on the way for blissful solo play.
Definitely getting asap. Played this with a friend on his Xbone. It was ridiculously fun and didn't get old. We played for 3 or 4 hours, a couple of times.
Good cooperative game for couples. 😘👍
I love the art style so I may pick it up after work for solo play. Love supporting Indies. I'll let y'all know how it is later tonight 😝
I think they got it from the title of a Bare Naked Ladies song- "Lover's in a Dangerous Time."
Got this from PSplus, so I probably won't be getting it on Switch.
@justin233 I can't tell from the video fully but I am thinking it really wont be playable without 4 people.
If anybody out here is on the fence, I highly, highly recommend this game. I've played it on PS4 and will probably get it again on Switch (when I'm not being rendered destitute from every other game)
@WhoaManWtF It can be played with one player, but is enjoyed best with at least 2, and up to 4. With 1 player you get like AI companions you can boss around. (They're cute dogs.)
I'll be picking this up tomorrow moring
Poor wallet
This game is great. Everyone needs to get it if they're looking for a great co-op game.
Played this with my buddy. It was like we weren't having fun (kinda tedious) but kept starting the next level. Just shows you the value of local multi-player. I think he got it free from "games with live" or whatever on xbox so we tried it.
Already got it on my PS4 but will probably double dip as its cheaper for me to buy it for Switch than it would be to buy two more PS4 controllers. Two player mode was awesome but three or four would be amazing
Downloaded this this afternoon- FANTASTIC GAME! original, fun, quality piece of software! Well produced GREAT SOUNDTRACK! And loads of fun to play with my GF. Will be at FirstLook in netherlands this weekend with friends and we've arranged a Co-op session for this! nFantastic!
Not an issue for games not being on a launch weekday as they'll appear at the top with the other recent releases for eShop, and look like launch day titles anyway. In fact with the number of releases happening lately, being at the top of the list a couple days before the onslaught might be a good thing. I definitely would not have impulse bought Mario Bros. last week if Golf Story and Picross had been released on the same day.
@WhoaManWtF This game is still good as a Single Player, but it is Optimal for 2 Players. 3 and 4 Player games are fun, but they are significantly easier than 2 Player.
Lovers is a real gem and I highly recommend it; however, it’s best enjoyed with friends on the couch
I'm mostly a solo gamer so I'll pass...for now
I love this game!!! Get it, solos not very good though, the more players the better it is
Trailer gives me a "Faster Than Light" vibe, only multiplayer. Which isn't bad, but there's a lot coming out recently, I'll keep my eyes out for a sale on this one later.
This is a good local coop game.
Looks like fun, especially if you know three other people.
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