One of the surprise inclusions of the recent 4.0 update to the Switch’s firmware was the inclusion of GameCube controller support, or rather, support for third party accessories which extended to the GameCube adapter for the Wii U. Fans were wondering whether this was Nintendo laying the groundwork for some exciting things in the future, though no Virtual Console has yet materialized, there’s been talk of GameCube games on the Switch. Also, for the inevitable Super Smash Bros., who wouldn’t want the option to use the GameCube controller?
In a recent interview with Kotaku, Reggie Fils-Aime talked a bit more on the included support, though his reply was rather amusing. Here’s what he had to say:
In our latest system software update, it enables third-party peripherals to work on Nintendo Switch. As a result, the peripheral for Wii U that allows it to attach GameCube controllers also works. I think it’s fair to say, Stephen, that that peripheral working was as much a surprise to us as it was to consumers.
So, there you have it, everyone was surprised by the GameCube controller support. Still, here’s to hoping that doesn’t mean GameCube games aren’t involved in the Switch’s future someday.
What do you think? Would you like to play GameCube games on Switch? Have you tried one out yet? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 100
So it was unintentional?
Glad they didn't leave a vague response and removed it in the 4.1 update then.
If it was unintentional then colour me disappointed!
and the magical world of programming strikes again where a small opening can allow for a world of possibilities... and more bloody Gamecube controller debates.
I take it as “It came as a surprise to Nintendo of America”.
But I could be wrong!
It was a happy accident.
That must've been a rather interesting surprise then. Wonder what they'll do with it now that they know it is already supported?
Maybe they'll unwittingly add some GameCube games next week? Like 100 or so. You know, just by accident.
Heha, well nice. Hope to see them build on this officially now. Like a hot key shortcut for the missing controls n such.
Gamecube the controller that wouldn't go away
I've never quite got the whole game cube controller obsession that some people have. Nintendo is my passion but I've always preferred the playstation pads over anything else for comfort and button layout.
That said I'd give my left testicle to be able to play Super Mario sunshine on the switch in the not too distant future
I call bologna. hardware interacting with software in an update like this is not something that happens by accident. No one accidentally programs a system's firmware to magically be compatible with a previous system's hardware. I think he's playing coy. They might have plans, they might not. Pretending like it was an accident is a good way to draw people's attention to it.
This would be like me making a bunch of fumbling sounds in the kitchen while baking a cake, then after its frosted and decorated, when my significant other enters the room I shout "I have no idea how this happened, was straightening up the kitchen and bam, a cake appeared. I'm as surprised as you!"
I don’t think it was a surprise to Nintendo Co. JP Ltd, just NOA.
So people that were complaining about `supporting` it were really just to seek attention?
@AugustusOxy except if the adapter hardware is generic enough that it uses components that third parties use to manufacture peripherals like this.
You know... part of that industry is standardized, so a thing like this shouldn't come by surprise
So this guy is president of Nintendo of America but in fact, he knows nothing
Huh ?!
Where is the proof ?
Kind of suspected it was a happy accident. Nintendo doesn't seem to be willingly moving towards any kind of Virtual Console at the moment outside of their impending subscription service.
Reggie: "What, the Switch supports Gamecube controllers now?!?!"
The World: "You're the President of NOA, How'd you not know that?"
Reggie: "I've been too busy making vague statements about random things fans ask me. I just say stuff like, 'Nintendo's listening' or 'We'd like to see that too.' It drives people nuts. It's great!"
This interview contained much more interesting stuff. Kotaku put it all in one article but I guess it's going to be broken up on this site. The announcement of a release date for the Zelda DLC is all that concerns me at this moment. They'll announce a date shortly, it's still coming this year though from what Reggie says I expect it after November 10th(new Zelda amiibo release date).
He also talks about the possibility of classic games, why Miiverse is shutting down altogether, the status of video-on-demand services, My Nintendo Switch-specific rewards.
This interview further highlights that Reggie is a puppet as well as a muppet.
I honestly figured this, but I'm glad they're reacting with "Oh hey that's cool!", instead of "Oh no we have to patch this!"
My sons third party wired ps3 controller doesn’t work so it’s not like they added Direct Input support and coincidentally the GCN Adapter works now.
I do believe Reggie that he didn’t know though. They didn’t have plans on announcing it and since he’s not programming the thing he would have no reason to know they added it until they’re ready to announce it.
As far as I can tell he’s mostly a spokesperson. As the president of NOA he is probably also in charge of the day to day operations in Washington as well and can offer input regarding this market but decisions are made in Japan. He sells those decisions to us.
Reggie is a massive liar, so I wouldn't believe a word he says tbh
ehe eh eh eh ...right Reggie, OF COURSE (wink at him), was a VERY SURPRISE (wink intensifies, wink, wink at Reggie).
What game ?!?!
Can you play Mario Kart with GameCube Controllers now?
Waiting for inevitable GCN and Sm4sh reveals...
I know the Pokken controller was made to work earlier (on more games than just Pokken) bit will 3rd party USB controllers work?
If my friend gets a chance to play Blazing Star with his Saturn PS3 pad he'll bust a nut.
Makes me laugh when people get annoyed by Fils-Aime. He doesn't give answers because he doesn't have any. He's a spokesperson. A frontman. That's all. If you want to get annoyed about lack of info on a Nintendo-related subject, get annoyed at NCL and their 'Japan ALWAYS knows best' approach.
@Chandlero When they mean third party, that doesn't include Sony or Microsoft. It means those forgetful brand like Mayflash and such.
I think Nintendo uses there own version of the Xinput for their controllers. Hell, call it the Ninput controllers. But I could be wrong.
@eSocrates Yes, with a gamecube to wii u adapter, you can use your GameCube controllers for your Nintendo Switch games. For a game like Mario Kart and Puyo Puyo Tetris, easily playable with it.
@AugustusOxy Pretty sure he meant it was a surprise to them (aka Nintendo of America... Not like it just miraculously happened...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE But at least he has a Nintendo SWITCH eh?
@electrolite77 Actually Reggie is on the board of directors in Japan. So he has some say. Non-answers or lies are common in the world of business. You can’t show all your cards.
@CorvoRevo you know , that game where the plumber is trying to crash the wedding
@Chandlero yes
@Marios-love-child If you've always preferred the PS4 pad, you should understand the obsession to some extent - there's plenty that have always preferred the GCN pads.
Personally, I've always really liked the GCN controller. I'm a fan of the button layout, as I find it very simple to hit all buttons just by rolling my thumb. It was a necessity for Smash Wii, and I still preferred it to the Wii U Pro controller. With the Switch Pro controller, it might be the first time I give up on the GCN controller for good.
@1UP_MARIO Thanks
So the Gamecube adapter won't work in Wii mode on Wii U, or with Wii U games other than Smash Bros., even though it should. But now it works with EVERY game on Switch by accident.
@Dr_Corndog Wii mode issue is because gamecube support was hard wired, but removed from future Wii models as the target market were casuals with no need of cube support.
Wii software built into Wii U lacks all backwards compatibility same as those later Wii models.
Chances are, it was being worked on for a future update and wasn't intended to be working on this console update.
Its not specifically the ps4, just playstation pads in general, or even the snes pad as you could say that's where the traditional 4 button controller with shoulder buttons we all know and love began.
Maybe it's just me but I've always found the gamecube controller a little bit weird and clunky
I see what you did there. 🙂
Wavebird work? Lag? Just wondering.....
Well the use of the GameCube adapter working (even if it wasn't planned) allows the following to happen:
1: The use of 4 GameCube Controllers. A much cheaper option than having to buy more Pro Controllers or Joy-Cons. For games that don't use the Motion Controls like BomberMan R, this is perfect!
2: I can use my GameCube Arcade Stick. I doubt many people have one (I picked a Logic3 one for £10, and it surprisingly works really well with built-in rumble). Perfect for the Virtual Console Neo-Geo games and Street Fighter 2.
3: GameCube Controller Adapters work. I myself have an adapter that supports Mega Drive, Master System and Atari controllers. So I can play Sonic Mania old-school style! I even started using it for Puyo Puyo Tetris. You could even get an adapter to use PlayStation 1 Controllers.
So yeah, this update is really amazing! Yay Nintendo!
@Marios-love-child I understand - the GCN was weird, and took me a bit to get used to. I never did like the shoulder buttons, but I felt the grip/face buttons made up for it.
Personally, all modern controllers are so good IMO, it doesn't make too much of a difference to me anymore. I really like the PS4, XBONE, and Switch Pro controllers. I think this is the gen I hang up my GCN controllers for good, and simply adapt to Smash with the Switch Pro.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE i'm surprised at how annoyed you seem at a PR man for an enigmatic and hard to understand company who is just doing his job. Do you also get upset with service workers who deliver their forced corporate spiel with a smile? I expect to be asked: do you want our store's insurance plan on that item that is the same price as the insurance plan?
Either the programmers who worked on the update knew, and it was a surprise only to the management, or it was unintentional byproduct of allowing other D-Input controllers to work as well!
Does anyone have old pre-xbox PC-controllers laying around to try?
I am seriously sick of all the people here expecting a lie behind every corner, even when there is neither proof nor motive for them lying.
As it turns out, those Gamecube controllers were a pretty good investment.
Hope they will support Wii U Pro controllers as well. I mean, why not? Would be a huge boon to Wii U consumers.
"Personally, I've always really liked the GCN controller. I'm a fan of the button layout, as I find it very simple to hit all buttons just by rolling my thumb. It was a necessity for Smash Wii, and I still preferred it to the Wii U Pro controller. With the Switch Pro controller, it might be the first time I give up on the GCN controller for good."
Um... i was a bit awkward when playing Harvest Moon Magical Melody GCN with Gamecube controller. Sometimes i confused between X & Y button position during gameplay. A Button in the Center, for me a bit wrong position because i used to press A button for Nintendo machines on the Right side.
Sooo what other third party products are supported then? USB Generic Controllers?
@Blueberry very true.
They are quality controllers
IF they wanted to re-release a bunch of game cube games they wouldn't make the old ones they cant make money on compatible its a business not your friends house
They would make new controllers and adapters etc
@AugustusOxy Very well put!
Clearly a bluff.
I don't buy this PR babble for a second. If it was simply an update to support third-party controllers they would've mentioned it in the patch notes. Nothing about controllers was mentioned, leading me to believe that they were trying to hide this feature.
the ps jiggle sticks are in the wrong place. N and MS have it right. I can't stand the ps controller.
translation: Reggie (and NoA) has no idea what the devs in Japan are doing.
Maybe the surprise was that it was activated prematurely.
@Anti-Matter Guess I just felt right at home because it was still to the right of the B button. I really liked the larger A button for smash, thought I wouldn't have been angry if it was slightly smaller either. Still a great controller imo, but the Switch Pro has finally convinced me to let go (I think =D)
I don't doubt he has a lot of input when it comes to marketing, merchandising, staffing etc. In the USA. But whether it's that he doesn't know or isn't allowed to say the end result is the same. He fronts up as the PR bloke, pushes the company line, says what he's told to say and acts as a lightning rod for the ire of angry zealots who erroneously think he's lying to them on purpose (and no doubt gets paid handsomely for it).
So with the gamecube controller support and them better triggers it has. Over the switch controllers would this be the perfect controller for rocket league when it launches?
It is the best packaged Nintendo controller ever. It's a pity I don't have the WU adapter thing because I boycotted the WU!
That explains why it wasn't list on the update.
"What do you think? Would you like to play GameCube games on Switch? Have you tried one out yet? Share your thoughts in the comments below."
I would had typed "in the comments section" if I were the author or editor of that part of the article.
@thesilverbrick But there is absolutely no reason for them to hide that. In fact, if they really didn't want anyone to know and it really is not about third Party controllers either then why did they patch it in the first place? And why would they hide a feature that at all?
This makes WAY less sense than what he is saying since third party controllers can simply mean new possibilities for future controllers.
@Kirgo I think you're misunderstanding me. I believe they intentionally added support for GameCube controllers (for some specific reason) and didn't mention anything in the patch notes to keep it a secret. Now that people have discovered it, they are claiming the patch was just to support third-party wired controllers. If they did patch the firmware to support third-party controllers, why didn't they just say so in the patch notes? This patch was specifically for GameCube controller support, and they're trying to pretend it was for other third-party controllers.
@MrGawain Frankly, I feel Reggie is a much more patient man than I am. Considering the number of times HQ has done things without telling NA, I'd be pretty annoyed.
You're not slick Reggie. More to come for Super Smash Bros. for Switch etc. etc.
@thesilverbrick But thats the thing. Why keep it secret? They don't gain anything by doing that.
And regarding the patch notes: I wouldn't expect to see something like that in consumer oriented patch notes because it is really only interesting for third party hardware developers. They can probably bring new Switch controllers more easily now. That information in itself actually means nothing to a consumer though.
@Kirgo They would have kept the GameCube controller support a secret so as to not spoil a potential surprise in the near future, whether that be GameCube VC support or a Smash 4 port, or something else that could take advantage of GameCube controller support.
And why wouldn't it show up in patch notes? Consumers would be the ones to purchase and use third-party controllers.
@thesilverbrick But that is not a reason to patch in GameCube controller support now already. They could just patch it in after anouncement.
If a new third party controller is announced as being Switch compatible then why do we need to know that there was a patch involved? It's small stuff like that, that we usually just never hear about. They also never tell us what the last stability update exactly did, for example.
Next week, "Oops, we were updating the eShop and somehow Luigi's Mansion got mixed into the files. We're just as surprised as you are! What a coincidence that it somehow got a price tag too, $14.99!"
Week after, "That's weird, how did Super Mario Suneshine end up in there? $14.99."
Next year, "Guys, we were just doing some maintenance of Super Mario Odyssey and we accidentally created another New Super Mario Bros game, $59.99!"
Ugh this madness has to end! Apart from the analog shoulder buttons, & a nice grippy thumbstick, the GameCube controller is a pile of piss. The dpad is practically unusable, the c-stick is dreadful, the buttons are like jellybeans and irregular oreos!
Let it go people!!
@Ichiban Never.
Now if only they'd push an update to allow Bluetooth headphones please!!!!!!!!
@sword_9mm Seconded that the PS layout is the worst, with both sticks blocking the central buttons. I actually think the Wii U has the best arrangement, with neither stick blocking the central buttons, but obviously the Switch had to adopt the MS arrangement so the right Joy-con would have the proper arrangement when used individually.
@Kirgo And why not? If they drop a couple of GameCube Virtual Console games as a surprise after a Nintendo direct in the next couple weeks, it would be best if the console could already support the necessary controllers instead of requiring people to update first. Also, I don't think Nintendo wants to roll out patch after patch it when it is simpler and more efficient to just dump more features into an existing patch, especially if you know a particular feature will be used very shortly. It's also worth noting that third-party GameCube controller adapters don't work with the patch as it is. Nintendo only made their first party adapter compatible. Seems pretty deliberate. And why would Nintendo want to patch in support for third-party controllers, anyway? Wouldn't that encourage people to buy knockoff products made by a competitor instead of first party controllers? And officially licensed third-party controllers like the Hori wired one and the Pokken pad already worked via USB, anyway, before the patch. Can anybody even verify that new controllers other than the GameCube adapter actually even work with the Switch that didn't work before? The only verified new controller to be supported by this patch is the GameCube controller adapter officially manufactured by Nintendo. The whole situation seems very suspicious, and Reggie is infamous for dodging questions and redirecting.
I always feel like Reggie has to abide by the strict embargoes of the Japanese mothership so he is forced to keep finding new ways to sidestep questions. When was the last time he got to break a big announcement?
Whether NOA knew it or not, they fixed that Analog trigger problem that people were criticizing a few months ago. So it's makes GCN VC a lot more probable.
@thesilverbrick My GC controller adaptor is third party, and it works perfectly with the new update.
Probably my favorite controller of all time. It’s just so good.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Reggie's answer was PR BS. I'm pretty confident that Nintendo knew the update would enable Wii U Gamecube adapter functionality (or at least planned to enable this functionality eventually with the impending Switch version of Smash Bros).
I'd go as far as assume that this was the main motivation with the Switch dock to be designed with 2 USB ports in close proximity in the first place. Especially considering external hard drive compatibility is still iffy at this point.
@eSocrates actually there is a wireless USB adapter which makes it possible to use your PS3 and Wii U pro controller on th Switch there's a video on YouTube. So it's possible this is some sort of happy accident. I wish it were more but I don't know....
I mean, it would be a surprise to me as well if I didn't have a clue what my engineers were working on.
@-DG I stand corrected. This site's article on the GameCube controller support said that some third-party adapters required a firmware update to work. That's what I was basing my statement on.
@Filth_Element That’s fine and all. I’m not really looking for a way to actually do that. I was trying to convey my view that this was not an accidental byproduct of programming in support for some input standard that the adapter just happens to use.
When plugged into a pc wired ps3 controllers are usually detected as standard Direct Input devices. I might be wrong but I thought the GameCube adapter was as well. I know it can be used to play games on Dolphin but maybe it requires drivers to do so. This made me think to try my son’s ps3 controller to see if Nintendo added support for Direct Input devices. Like someone else earlier I had the idea of being able to use any ps3 or pre Xbox 360 pc controller on Switch.
Thinking about it now I’m sure they use a proprietary protocol on their system even if the controllers themselves are Direct Input compatible on PCs. Which leads me to the conclusion that they deliberately added support for the GCN Adapter and hopefully for a good reason.
And hopefully they have some new-stock Smash Bros controllers hidden somewhere. I was hoping to pick some up cheap with the demise of Wii U but instead they all seem to have disappeared.
Did they really remove it? I heard one person say that before seeing several other people saying they still work.
People here are saying you just need to resync them.
@PLATINUM7 he was saying it wasn't removed. The gamecube adapter still works on the Switch. Both the official Nintendo version and Mayflash version in Wii U mode.
@oats-81 Wavebird Controllers do work with the adapter. Didn't notice any lag when playing games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Bomberman, or Puyo Puyo Tetris.
@thesilverbrick Yeah, I saw that article too. I was worried mine wouldn't work but it turned on with no issue. So part of me believes what Reggie said here but... At the same time Nintendo had to know what this update was really doing.
I'm just really hoping this means GC games are on the way, regardless.
@macaron75 his name is Reggie. He is special.
@Shade_Koopa Actually they just using DInput, not XInput. XInput is a standard mostly used for xbox 360 and Xbox one controllers, if the switched used this protocol, the PC would see switch controllers as Xbox controllers. Steam Big picture sees the Switch Pro as a Dinput device.
@PLATINUM7 I'm saying I'm glad it wasn't removed.
If I can't use my ps1 resident evil pad then I'm not sold.
@evilnatt Just do some rewiring (or buy an USB-adapter) and try!
I want Nintendo to continue manufacturing GameCube controllers!
@Smash_kirby huh, then I guess it's my adapter then. I have a Mayflash adapter that let's me use my Wii U Pro Controller as Xinput devices.
But thank you for correcting me. Now I just feel dumb.
A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one
I doubt that's the real story. I think they just wanted to announce a few GC games and didn't want the public to find out so they're covering it up now. How the update 'accidentally' happened is something that I still can't understand. It's like saying you made a car and then when asked about the AC you say "Oh? There was an AC in the car? It was by accident". But well, I still don't have a GC controller
Yes! We might get a Super Smash Bros on the Switch now!
I've got 2 MadCatz GC controllers lying around and I managed to find an official adapter on ebay, so I'm all set! Please give us Virtual Console versions of MK: Double Dash, Melee, Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, and Four Swords Adventures.
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