DOOM on Switch is a pretty incredible technical achievement - even if it's not quite as detail-rich as other versions - and the team behind the port clearly has some serious talent.
Panic Button isn't a name that many people will have heard of, but the studio is also porting Rocket League to Switch as well, so it clearly knows its way around Nintendo's latest console.
Established in 2007, the Austin, Texas-based company mixes original IP with co-development, porting and work-for-hire projects, and also specifies in skills such as "high-end, low-level optimization and rendering".
Astro Duel Deluxe is Panic Button's first self-made Switch release, while members of its team have worked on titles such as Turok, NBA Jam, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, Ultima Online, Metroid Prime, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect at other studios.
In the past, we've seen Aussie firm Tantalus become famous for its Nintendo ports - perhaps Panic Button will give it a run for its money?
Comments 19
They really are a talented team that have the willpower to port amazing games to the Switch
Here's hoping Namco is calling their offices right now to port "Tekken 7" for the Switch.
Get them on the job for an Evil Within 2 Switch port.
They will certainly gain a new wave of fans if they keep producing ports of Doom's calibre for Nintendo's audience, i'd love to see Prey on the Switch next personally.
@Shiryu Tekken 7 should be an easy job, since the arcade version was released so long ago hasn't changed for home consoles, visually
Sounds like they're the new Retro Studios. Bet ya they're the ones behind Metroid Prime 4.
"Austin, Texas." First thing I thought of was Metroid Prime. You can't have a studio over in Austin and not have former Retro guys and girls on board.
Sounds like these ports are in good hands though.
@Exy I'll take that bet
@Malcrash My points for asking are:
1) "Tekken Tag tournament 2" on Wii U remains amazing and
2) "Tekken 7" is running on Unreal Engine, one of the most scalable engines this industry ever used.
Make it happen Namco.
Buying both Doom and Rocket League definitely
Here's hoping the Dark Souls games get ported to Switch...
Good work, Panic Button. You are like heroes to us, coming to help save this first Switch holiday. Mark me down for two copies of each, please.
Also, Astro Duel Deluxe is an excellent local multi time waster. More people should give it a chance, particularly those looking for quick, competitive arcade-style games to play against friends.
Wow, interesting! Might have to give Astro Duel Deluxe a second look now...
Didn't they make sonic boom? Or am I thinking of another team.
@607jf You are thinking of Big Red Button, for Rise of Lyric. Sanzaru Games for the 3DS tie ins to the cartoon.
Not sure if this is the place to ask, but I need to take every opportunity to mention that gyro support would be greatly appreciated, especially by Nintendo fans where the option has long been standard in first party games.
Hey, uh, you guys know that the thumbnail and pic you used is from Doom 3?
You know, the Doom that was released around 15 years ago?
The one that's not being ported to Switch?
Austin, TX? Man that can't make Retro feel too good. RIP Retro.
Hopefully we'll get more stuff from them. Great to know.
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