The incredible sales success of the Switch has masked a few irksome issues people have with the console, one of the most pressing being the lack of any video streaming capabilities, despite it being the perfect tool for portable binge-watching.
However, if a fresh rumour is to be believed, this won't be the case for much longer. Apparently, a Netflix sales representative has revealed that the company's Switch app is "locked and loaded" and all that is preventing a release is the go-ahead from Nintendo itself.
Naturally, without any official confirmation from either Netflix or Nintendo we have to take this rumour with a pinch of salt, but surely it's a matter of 'when' rather than 'if' regarding Netflix's arrival on the hybrid system.
Comments 162
Finally! Was wondering if there'd ever be news on it.
Good news. Probably won't use it much myself but can see it being a popular addition.
It's about time the Switch got some apps. Nintendo ought to be working on a web browser as well.
Netflix and Youtube would be great on Switch. I don't need or really want my Switch to become a full blown tablet. I like how it's completely focused on gaming. However a couple streaming apps would not significantly detract from this gaming focus.
Youtube, Google and Instagram apps Please !
waiting for YouTube on my switch
I have both Netflix and a Switch. If/when it comes out I will most likely download it, but honestly if it doesn't, I can live without it on the Switch. This really isn't a big deal.
Not going to say that having apps are bad, but it doesn't bother me at all. I rarely used any apps on 3ds, but our Wii U is always on because of YouTube, Netflix, internet and gaming. Today, my switch is not the family toy but someday soon we will have a 2nd switch for the family and it would be nice to have the apps. But again, our roku, PS4 and Wii U are all hooked up too...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Why do you really need a web browser on a console?
Looking forward to a Youtube app next. The Niconico TV app works great, except for the part where I don't understand Japanese, and all their memes are strange and confusing.
If you're ever stuck on a game, it's really handy to just pull up YouTube and get some tips - hopefully that'll follow closely behind it
@Nintendoforlife You mean on a handheld. A browser is handy to have. I use the browser on my Wii U all the time.
Yes... lets get BBC iplayer , a web browser, youtube & Spotify
So long as it allows for downloading episodes to view away from Wi-Fi, that would be great. Ditto for YouTube and Amazon Prime / Lovefilm apps.
But really, it's not essential - I've got all that on my phone for on the train, and the Wii U for on the sofa. I'd be perfectly happy with the Switch being pure gaming only. Can't do Spla2n on my phone...
What are you waiting for nintendo lol, now give me YouTube and twitch app.
I don't need or want a load of none gaming apps but its a good sign for people that do. If they don't come I'm happy for the Switch to stay as it is, a games focused console with a snappy and uncluttered OS.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree the Wii U browser was handy in some situations, but there are other apps that would be more useful in my opinion.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE it is a hybrid console
To log in to public WiFi... and to look up a game hint... and to look up a game review... and maybe to check your email real quick... to check the scores of a sports game... maybe someday to use your switch to control your PC (like UsendMii for GamePad)...
Man I hope so! This and YouTube and I will shut up about Virtual console for at least a few days. lol
But really, please. I want to unplug my PS4. AKA my YouTube and Netflix machine.
Would it be too much to ask for Twich too?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE A handheld only 1/3 use as a handheld, and 1/3 use as a handheld some of the time.
There seems to be a more or less fully functional browser in there already, only not available to the user. It's used throughout the UI in various places. Hopefully they will polish it up and make it available.
@TommyRabbit You know you don't HAVE to download them. The Wii U OS wasn't slow because it had Netflix and YouTube, it was slow because of bad design behind the scenes.
I know a lot of people that ended up using their WiiU GamePad primarily as a screen for their kid to watch Netflix... so I would say it will be a very useful selling point if Nintendo can make this happen by Christmas... not that Switch isn't selling, but eventually the gamer market will be satisfied and they will need to provide other people a reason to pick one up.
I almost never used the Wii U Netflix app (the Wii U OS was so awfully slow and the Apple TV version was always more accessible), but maybe the Switch Netflix will be more useful, since the Switch's OS is lightning-quick.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It's a handheld to you. For the general public it's a hybrid. To the individual it can be either a console or a portable too. It depends on how you like to play or use it, that's what makes the Switch stand out in this generation. Calling it just a handheld without at least acknowledging it's TV capabilities is kind of a disgrace to the Switch.
That said, the other consoles can be seen as using 'tablet hardware' too, yet they weren't designed with portability in mind so they lack an internal screen and use beefier power.
I do agree that Nintendo should put their Switch hardware to good use and release a webbrowser and video apps as soon as possible! And while they're at it, they might as well add true voice chatting instead of relaying it through a phone.
This makes me happy. Come on, Nintendo.
I'd rather have a Youtube App if given the choice
I'm patiently waiting for the web browser myself.
It's all rather curious why it wasn't a priority at launch. Almost all devices come with Netflix pre-installed, or download ready.
It would be a nice thing to have, although usually when I "multi task" its Netflix on PS3 and Switch in hand gaming.
Of course if Nintendo has to choose its resources to either certify Netflix or certify something gaming related; they can delay away on Netflix. A gaming console will always be a gaming platform first; everything else is "nice to have" extra.
I'd bet the app was done months ago. Wii U and 3DS both have a Netflix app, and Switch is running on fairly generic hardware, so Netflix having an app ready really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as they've managed an app on almost everything with electricity. Except the PS TV, which crashed and burned faster than the Virtual boy.
I say bring it on. I'm trading in my Xbox for a Switch, and my Xbox is my go to for streaming apps as it has them all. I don't expect Switch to have them all - HBO seems like a no show - but the basics of Netfili, Youtube, Amazon Video and Hulu. The NEW Hulu app would certainly be a win, I'm having a hard time getting that on my many electronic devices, apparently I own all the wrong ones.
If Nintnedo wants to hit that 130m Switch number - not saying they do - I think apps are a necessity. Even Wii U sold 3x what Swicth has so far, it's a long road.
I would rarely use either... but still not having YouTube and Netflix on the Switch is very surprising... oh yeah, and Virtual Console.
@holygeez03 I'll give you the wifi and review. But game hints can be found on YouTube, and everything else seems like a one time type of thing in my opinion. When you factor in access to smartphones and tablets, it might not happen at all.
@rjejr If you don't already have one, get a $30 Roku Stick for your TV streaming needs and don't look back... I just use the included remote, but if you do a lot of searching/typing, there is a phone app for a keyboard and I believe some other peripherals and work-arounds.
It's also much more portable for hotel TV's and friends/family houses.
I'd be careful with rushing this kind of thing. It's still imperative for Nintendo that people think about playing fun games when they look at their Switch, and not think about how unsatisfying the season finale for some tv-series was.
It would be great , hopefully this is true and it's sooner rather than later, Switch would be perfect for Netflix and a good Browser would be nice .
@MoonKnight7 I think - probably wrong - but I think Switch really looks more like a tablet than Nitneod wants it to once you start loading it up with apps. They are trying very hard not to have it be what it is at it's core, a tablet. Japan has 5 touchscreen games, the US only 1. Netflix will make it look more like a tablet.
Also, and this is an issue I don't see addressed very much, if ever - I wonder if there are licensing issues. Switch is a tablet, but ti's a tablet that does both handheld and TV out out of the box. As much as every device under the sun has Netlfix et al, they are almost always 1 or the other - handheld or TV. Amazon sells a lot of Fire devices, tablets and TV, but they've cut back on the streaming from their tablets to their tv devices, at least on the low end. Apple devices used to work a lot more seamlessly at the beginning, then adaptors got involved. May be better now. And Sony released a PS TV - basically a Vita you hooked up to your TV - that didn't have any streaming apps, despite being called PS TV and both VIta and PS3/4 have the Netflix app. And you can remote stream PS4 to PS TV, but not Netflix.
So I think it's possible the content providers - companies that license their shows to Netflix et al - dont' like the hybrid nature of the Switch and want more money for 1 device that does both TV and handheld viewing. My cable TV company has an app that will let me watch shows on my tablet or laptop, but if I hook up a screen to my laptop or try to stream out from my tablet the app says No. I'm assuming thats a licensing issue. Well that and the company wants to rent me more boxes at $10 per box per month.
So I'm not sure exactly what the issue is - Netfix wants more money, the content providers want more money - but I think the hybrid nature of the Switch could be an issue.
I'm confused... can you watch YouTube on the Switch? Of course you can use other devices to do other tasks... but when a device is perfectly suited to do all of the tasks, why wouldn't it?
If Nintendo has a device that can allow you to play Mario/Zelda/Etc on an airplane/train/hotel bed, and watch Netflix and YouTube... and browse the internet... why shouldn't it at this point? These are things that are already running on much less sophisticated devices...
Now, the software that claims to allow you to play your PC games on the Switch screen... it's understandable why that would take a while to work out the kinks.
@Mart1ndo I... think... you're... kidding?
@rjejr You make a lot of good points. I'm curious how true all that is.
Ah well that will kill my Wii U, might as well just get the box out for storage
@Mart1ndo Well, by that logic... I assume you don't own a Switch... because with cell phones you don't need it.
Thank god.
The Switch was born for this to happen. Enjoy all your content on the go and on your big TV. Perfect!!!
If Nintendo plays this right, and the Switch gets a browser and some more common tablet and streaming app's, then they could really take on the whole tablet market, if they wanted to!
I am also very impressed with the Switch OS. It's smooth, fast and very polished. It's on a level with iOS and Android, and as a multi-touch enabled "Tablet" OS it works great. I didn't really think Nintendo could pull that off, after how slow and bad the Wii U OS actually was!
With the Switch you get all the hybrid functionality in the box. You do not need to buy an extra Chromecast or Apple-TV for that.
I am not saying, that the Switch should become a full blown tablet. It will and should always be a gaming console first. But the most used tablet features will not hurt it, and make it appeal to a much larger group of customers!
Will soccer mom go for an iPad or a Switch the next time?!?
Good to have options
@holygeez03 No, you can't watch YouTube that's one of the apps that would be more useful. Anyways the Switch is already similar enough to a tablet. Nintendo is marketing a gaming a console, you don't want that to be blurred in with tablets by adding apps. Yes, some apps are needed but it won't take much to confuse people.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The browser is in the OS, however hackers have and continue to search out webkit bugs to get it hacked into pieces. Right now Nintendo is locking it away as it can be properly locked down.
Some good points, and it very well could be that, but wasn't the Wii U also capable of the same thing, in the strictest sense? Granted you couldn't take the Wii U with you on the road, and was a tablet tethered to your home, but a tablet nonetheless. But to support your point, Nintendo may have convinced them that it was more of a home console than anything else (and it was).
A good point though, it could very well be that.
Yay the Switch finally has a vague release date of apps that should'e been there a long time ago.
I still say having Netflix and various media apps on the Switch will be a big selling point.
@holygeez03 I've spent what feels like years trying to decide between Roku and whatever else pops up on the market. Seems like every time I get close to making a decision a new gadget gets announced. And buying another device seems stupid when I have two PS3, Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One and a Wii hooked up to various tvs in my home. And two cable boxes that have a lot of free-on-demand shows to watch. But if Switch doesn't have the apps by Oct 27th I'll need to buy something. Maybe 1 of these, I like Alexa.
I look forward to this. Now if we could get Netflix to update the 3ds app to use profiles that would be awesome!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE, I totally agree, I still use the Browser on my Wii U .
What is wrong with more options?
Look at the PS4 and all the media-apps it has!!!
Look at all the non-gaming apps the 3DS actually got!!!
Tablet apps for the Switch will never ruin it's status as a "Game-console". It's only the huge amount of great and big games, that will define it as such.
As long as the games are coming, it will be a game console!!!
@Nintendoforlife it's not a console it's a tablet and should be treated as such.
@link3710 "I'm curious how true all that is."
I'm always curios, but we'll never know why, someday Netflix will just appear on Switch. Well unless Netflix says something about it, their head is talkative. Nintendo never says zip.
@Smash_kirby I'm well aware of that.
@dres Due to the way the Switch "looks" it can easily be confused with an iPad or Galaxy Tablet. The last thing you want parents to say is "we don't need another tablet" when their kids ask for a Switch. I'm just saying you need to keep the focus on gaming, rather than multimedia capabilities.
To quote Bender "Let's go already!"
@Mogster It's a GAMING tablet. The focus should be on games not apps.
This irked me at the beginning, but less and less now. If it comes, great for those who will use it, but VC to me is much higher on that priorities list.
No thanks. Got enough devices that'll play Netflix.
Or the parents could say: "Oh.. the kids want a Switch, and it can actually do the same stuff as our aging iPad, that we thought about replacing soon! Maybe we should buy a Switch instead?"
I can't really see how more usage options could hurt sales. It doesn't make sense at all! And most people can differentiate between a Nintendo game-console and a common tablet!!!
Again... it's the GAMES that is going to define the Switch as a game-console. Not if it also has a few usable tablet apps!!!
The 3DS has Youtube, Netflix (US-only), and a browser. I do not hear people complain about these options, or thinks that the 3DS isn't a game-console because of that. The huge amount of great games defines it as a game-console!!!
@Nintendoforlife The system is plenty capable of doing both. What's your issue? You're really downplaying what a versatile system the Switch is. Do you hate Nintendo?
@Heavyarms55 I know its optional, and i think it's good to have options. I hope they do bring apps for the people that want them, thats just not me My only worry with the OS is that they might bring some big non optional updated with fancy graphics and extra features that slow things down. For now its pretty perfect. As for more apps, more ports, more indie games, bring it all on! You can't have too many options on a console !
Come on Nintendo, this should have happened by now. It should have happened at launch and 6 months later we're still waiting. You're really missing a selling point.
I'd use Plex far more than Netflix, but I welcome this as it's overdue. Bring on the streaming apps. They'd be very useful to many people, even if not for me personally.
Nintendo probably won't give it the go-ahead until their paid online thing is out first. After all why would they give it to you for free when they can charge you for using their network to watch these. Soon not only do you have to pay Netflix to stream watch it but also Nintendo as well to have the service for the Switch.
@dres It's entirely possible that situation could take place. I guess we'll see in the future.
@Mogster I've now been accused of being a "raging fanboy of Nintendo" and "hating" Nintendo very interesting. I don't see how wanting to put an emphasis on gaming, when we're talking about a gaming tablet is bad. Look at Playstation with Vue, less focus on gaming more focus on multimedia. I personally want Nintendo to stay focused on creating the best gaming experience, then lets expand.
The Wii U is currently my primary way of watching Netflix and Amazon Prime video in my lounge. I do have a Fire stick for upstairs, and whilst that's fine for Netflix (the UI is identical) it is terrible for Amazon video. The Wii U app is much easier to use. Which is ironic given the Fire Stick is made by Amazon!
I was hoping there'd be a Netflix app on switch by the time I buy one. As that's likely next year that should be enough time.
I do have a smart TV but the Netflix app on consoles just seems so much better.
Does the Netflix app still work on the original Wii? I'm going to be hooking it up to my CRT via RGB soon and it would interesting watching Netflix on a CRT!
I was already expecting it to happen.
@Nintendoforlife said:
"I personally want Nintendo to stay focused on creating the best gaming experience, then lets expand."
Do not be afraid of that. Nintendo has always focused on the games. Past Nintendo consoles have shown, that some useful non-gaming apps never hurts, and have not moved their focus away from games.
Nintendo is "The Gaming company"! It's more Sony and MS that gets distracted by all the non-gaming stuff now and then!!!
I dunno, searching for images:
@Nintendoforlife I say you hate Nintendo because you're trying to downplay the versatile nature of the Switch. By doing this you're harming the systems reputation and its sales potential. The Switch will have more value if it can do more things.
The Switch is plenty capable of running both games and apps. There is no reason that it shouldn't do so and there is no downside to this. Apart from, of course, that it obviously offends you.
@MoonKnight7 "but wasn't the Wii U also capable of the same thing"
I think you answered your own question. Gamepad really really really should have had a WiFi chip in it as a secondary source of communication w/ the Wii U console. It was so stupid that when we played 6 or 7 player SSB4 that the people using their 3DS to control their characters could be so much farther away than the person on the Gamepad. 2 floors up the 3DS still connected and worked, the Gamepad works about 12 feet. A simple software tweak that said no gaming over WiFi, b/c of latency, but the Gamepad had so many more uses. I spent a lot of time on it on the eShop, the internet, Netflix, Youtube. But I would have spent so much more time if the Gamepad had a longer reach like the 3DS has. It still would have to be connected over WiFi to the console, not connecting to the internet directly, not that kind of WiFi, but the streaming over a simple WiFi chip could work 30, 35 or 50 feet, meaning an entire house, not just 1 room. People could have then used the Gamepad as a tablet around their whole house. I personally would have purchased at least 2 less tablets over the past 4 years if I could a have used the Gamepad in my entire house, not just the basement where the Wii U was. Again, not for gaming, I understand latency concerns, but Miiverse doesn't care about latency.
So I do think Switch is different, it's a real honest to goodness hybrid. In the entertainment industry there are always concerns about things like residual payments.
Here's a quick rundown of Youtube TV (forgot that was a thing) highlighting some of the "home and away' issues regarding things like location near the bottom.
Lawyers always mess up everything.
@Mogster I'm not downplaying anything. All i'm saying is I want the Switch to be known as a gaming tablet, not a tablet that does gaming. Simple. If you disagree, you disagree.
@Nintendoforlife What does it matter what you want it to be known as? What you want it to be known will hinder the systems sales. Let the system grow and achieve it's full potential.
We need YouTube and especially Crunchyroll too!!!
Guess I'll weigh in on this too. In my room, where I usually play Switch, I also have my PC to watch Netflix/Youtube/Crunchy on. I also have a smartphone and a tablet. Not to mention my Switch's connectivity up here is bad enough that I would spend most of my time waiting for videos to buffer.
...Of course that doesn't mean this shouldn't happen, though. Plenty of people seem really interested!
@Mogster You're acting like I call the shots at Nintendo. It's just my opinion and in the long run any opinion really doesn't matter to Nintendo. They will still go with the plan they have in place regardless of what we say. So I don't know why you're trying to appeal to me.
Frankly? I have a SmarTV, I have YouTube and Netflix apps there
I very, very rarely use it on my Smartphone. But, hey, whatever, keep 'em coming, right?
So, I don't have much use to Netflix on my Nintendo Switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE it is a hybrid console
It is rumored that former Factor 5 members are working on the Netflix App, just like they did for the Wii and Wii U version.
As long as they're not mandatory updates, good. I like Netflix, but my TV and my iPad both offer me better screen quality than Switch.
I want to keep the available space free for games.
but what about hulu and amazon video? will we be getting those as well?
@Nintendoforlife because is nice to have options? You don't have to download it...
@Anti-Matter Instagram with no camera...?
@pandarino Just because something has an abundance of options does not mean every option is necessary.
Any apps are welcome, just put something on the Switch already dang Nintendo..
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the web browser has been in there since day one. they just need to unlock it for general use.
I forgot !
@Nintendoforlife to have the option to do something is always better than not to have it... No one said it is necessary.
Oh, little question about Switch.
Does Switch have very sensitive touch screen ?
I mean, when I touch the screen with NDS / 3DS stylus, will it react normally like NDS touch screen or like Smartphone touch screen (cannot detect the stylus touch, must use fingers to touch) ?
@pandarino If it's not necessary, then it is unnecessary. Which means you're saying we should add a bunch of "unnecessary" apps to the switch. In that case, I say what's the rush. The apps clearly aren't vital to the Switch AT THIS TIME.
You really think someone that is considering a Switch is going to say "Wait a minutes, the Switch has Netflix & YouTube, nevermind, my cell phone/tablet have that"?
I would welcome Netflix on the Switch
@holygeez03 Yes, I do that people will say that. People said that with the Wii U. I have no doubt some grandparents will take a look at the Switch and just think it's another iPad.
@Nintendoforlife yes, I think they should have apps for people who would like to use them and try to diversify their userbase. Crazy thought, I know!
@pandarino I do as well, I just think it can be put further back on the priority list.
I haven't tried it with a stylus yet. But interesting question. I will try it soon.
The Switch uses a sensitive multi-touch screen, and does behave and work as great as on any modern smart-device today. I haven't felt any difference. And the OS is smooth, fast and work fantastic. It's nothing like the 3DS and Wii U touch screen and OS.
Some smart-devices like the Galaxy Note, and the Nvidia Shield tablet has native stylus support. So maybe the Switch has as well? It was Nvidia who build the tech after all.
I use Netflix on my Wii u slot and YouTube. Have a better picture than my Blu-ray player for Netflix
Seriously Nintendo what are you doing, the perfect device for it and you've done nothing 😭
Never really used the Netflix app on my 3DS because the speakers were terrible and the screen resolution was too. I used it on Wii U all the time, but never in Off-TV mode because again the GamePad speakers weren't the greatest (although the screen was ok). The Switch has a beautiful screen and the speakers are pretty good in portable mode so if Netflix gets added, I'll probably use it. Although, a tablet like the iPad is still the best means of watching Netflix on a portable device.
I can go for Netflix on Switch, I want Hulu on there as well.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE still use a Wii U??? That's the funniest thing since Wayne's world.
Let's go
I'd rather not bother., I've a phone, a tablet and a desk top. Switch is for my gaming hobby.
Of course, more choice is good so, for folks that want these things, I can't see why they shouldn't have them.
@Nintendoforlife well I use my Switch a lot and when I feel the need to go to the web why not do so on the Switch? I think is needed.
I'm not sure how much I'd actually use this, but I'd like to find out.
Much better for watching netflix on the can than the 3ds.
Why this wasn't included on day 1 & why it's still not available now, is truly incomprehensible. Add this, YouTube & Amazon Prime, pronto!!
Well obviously, porting the app for the Switch could've been done easily and quickly anytime. That was never the problem.
It's just Nintendo blocking apps (including the browser) for no apparent reason.
@Nintendoforlife First of all: the Switch is not a console, it's a tablet/handheld.
Second of all (to answer your question): to browser the web, obviously.
It's so annoying having to take out my smartphone during Splatoon/BotW sessions! Why wouldn't they release the web browser and a Youtube app already? That's really mind-boggling.
Also, when taking a break from Splatoon (e.g. to eat something), it would be so much more convenient (and saving energy) to watch Netflix on the Switch instead of waking up my PC.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I have to agree, I'm not sure if any other console at the time was able to do this but I remember quite fondly the first time I need advice in zombie U . A simple menu button press and with in moment I had my answer and back in the game in under a minute. It is a nice feature to have.
@Cosats People have been gaming on Nintendo hybrid systems for years in that case. The below is a pretty fun article. There is a more recent youtube video of a GB Advance playing through the TV.
I think a lot of people need to look up the definition of "console"...
Switch is a console... 3DS is a console... WiiU is a console... right?
I'm in no doubt nintendo are holding onto app and vc announcements until there's a bit of a lull in the AAA release window to keep the switch in the news. There arent enoigh hrs in a day to play all the class games never mind watching netflix!
Netflix should have been available on Switch since launch.
What's wrong with having options people ?
Youtube please. With my Wii U gamepad's charge port a little damaged, it would be a good time to add a YT app so I can watch YT on my TV while the gamepad is sent in for a fix.
See, you get some money outta it. XD
Meh, screw that, I'll just wait for Funimation's app.
Don't need this app, all the apps I need are built into my TV. I buy consoles to play games, everything else is just unnecessary fluff. Used my Wii U browser once or twice, never used YouTube, Netflix, BBC iPlayer or Amazon Video ever.
I noticed this comment section has been derailed and turned into a console/hybrid/handheld shizzlestorm...that's a shame.
I'm looking at the source, and the website says the rumor is based on screenshots from a user's email chain with Netflix, but it doesn't provide the screenshots. There's still no proof. Even if you do believe customer service reps, the conversation itself could have easily been fabricated.
Be carefull what you wish for. More apps more updates more bloated. My Xbox1 is now a cluttered bloated mind boggling UI that's shockingly laggy and requires massive lengthy updates often. The switch needs to remain clean quick and intuitive. Some apps by all means but pls Nintendo be sensible.
I just got one... I'm aware that there is a very basic browser for wifi logins, but I have also heard that some authentications give it trouble... a fully functional browser should help that.
That being said... the original question was "Why do you really need a web browser on a console?" And "wifi login" is a valid response.
Sure some people like me don't care about streaming apps at all, a lot of people use consoles for watching TV/Movies. For example a huge selling point of the Xbox is you can watch 4K DVDs on it so this proves that people want to use consoles for other things besides gaming.
@BensonUii Oh yeah completely. The sooner they go out of business the better for all of us.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE A handheld is a console.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE think you should maybe buy one before you tell other owners what type of device it is. I have one so at least I can actually share my opinion not judge from the outside. That's why when something is reviewed ppl use said hardware/software not look at an information sheet....
At first I really wanted these apps now I found that there is no two channel audio out for my vintage Mcintosh tube amps. One thing that is nice if I turn my switch on I know I will be gaming that is kind of a nice thing ( down to business no distractions). It doesn't seem it but in the old day thats how it was. Also it has gaming news all about games. I almost wish it would stay that way. Keep it relevant to all things gaming so a browser would be a must and youtube app if you wanted tips. Or not figure it out like we had to in the old days. I get distracted on my wiiU and hardly even game on it. Its mainly my media box over anything for it's sound quality. Add them all if I decide I want to keep it clean I can choose not to download any of it. I'm just thinking I may keep it only about gaming there is a certain vibe I get from it now how it is. I may want to keep that vibe.
Doubt we have to wait long then
I feel like people are missing a major point when they throw out the 'I don't care, I don't really NEED it.' argument when it comes to apps on the Switch.
The focus should really be on the fact that Nintendo has repeatedly made this mistake, and early adopters of Nintendo's hardware have to yet again stand around twiddling their fingers (in between games) waiting for Nintendo get around to releasing miserably simple things like video streaming or web browsing. For years they have been damaging their own image (behind the times/doesn't listen to its own customer base) with something that could be fixed in a matter of hours. Some apps.
Did you have a Wii? You waited months if not years for Netflix.
Did you have a 3DS at launch? You waited then too.
A WiiU? Didn't even have eShop at launch, let alone waiting for streaming video services.
Its 2017 and now you have a Switch! Guess what? Less available than on Wiiu's launch?!? And yes, even more waiting...
Unacceptable. When lowend tablets, phones, iPods, pc, Playstations and Xboxes, even TVs, all have these VERY basic functions, it's unacceptable to BS consumers like that. But if you're a Nintendo fan, you're gonna wait, regardless of if you want Netflix or not..
@SLIGEACH_EIRE @NintendoforLife @shani it's a hybrid console, so it's both. It's What makes it so awesome and in such high demand. A console for some, portable for others and in my case both.
Also @Sligeach_Eire the 3rd party situation is getting much better, never thought I'd see Doom or Wolfenstein or any games from Bethesda or Rockstar on Nintendo consoles again. So it's already much more successful with 3rd parties than the Wii U ever was. So who knows maybe it'll be our saving grace and in another 6 months or so u can stop complaining about 3rd party support 😋 But prob not, there'll always be something your dissatisfied with 😆
@TommyRabbit I don't think you need to worry about it. I can't imagine Nintendo slowing down the OS. I do want themes for it too, but the Switch isn't going to be hindered by something like that.
Movies on the go! Can't beat that you portable people!!
@JHDK "I don't need or really want my Switch to become a full blown tablet. I like how it's completely focused on gaming."
I'm sorry, why would having more streaming apps developed by entirely independent companies detract from the Switch being a gaming focused console exactly?
@gatorboi352 Right now the Switch is a machine that does nothing but play, sell and promote games. Its sole purpose is gaming. Add non gaming elements and it will dilute that focus.
@Nintendoforlife Why would you want a YouTube app when Nintendo's browser YouTube is better? On both the New 3DS and especially Wii U the browser's YouTube has more features than the app plus it allows you to go on YouTube without having to close your game.
Browser with YouTube >>> poorly designed YouTube app.
Netflix now
@JHDK I disagree that it will dilute anything related to gaming. What are you basing that stance on?
@gatorboi352 XBONE is failing in large part due to their original e3 presser where they tried to make the machine do everything all at once.
And in my OP I said Netflix and Youtube would be good on the Switch. I just don't want it to become an ipad that plays Nintendo games. There needs to be VERY careful curation of non gaming apps allowed onto the device.
@JHDK no, XBOX is in 2nd place (not failing) literally because Sony introduced a more powerful system at a cheaper price while also brilliantly mocking them on the biggest stage that year. That's it. There's nothing else to it.
Regarding non-gaming applications on switch, it doesn't matter how many come out. Nintendo's focus will always solely be gaming.
I don't personally care about streaming apps. My Samsung TV has all the apps built in and it will stream in 4K. Even my Bluray player has Netflix. Being able to stream in the Switch's portable mode is cool and all, but it can be difficult to find decent wifi to use with it. I've never seen public wifi that can compare to my private home wifi and internet. Still, the Switch should have Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, Hulu etc. They are standard on game consoles now. The original Wii had/has them and that's a 10 year old system.
I still use my Wii U fairly often for Netflix and Amazon Video. I look forward to when my Switch can do the same. I use my phone with my Chromecast fairly often, and switch between watching something on TV back onto my phone - and I would do the same thing with my Switch. No need to pause a movie when you have to go to the bathroom! Just take it with you...
What you are talking about, is bad marketing. MS got it all wrong, when they focused on all the non gaming stuff at the e3 you are referring to. It did hurt the X1's reputation, for sure.
But then you look at the PS4, and all the media apps it got. It's offers the same as X1, and is no different. Sony where just smarter, and focused on gaming in their marketing message.
Nintendo has always focused on games. Their marketing and message has also reflected that. And with the Switch, their message about gaming where even stronger. Maybe because the Switch hardware is similar to mobile devices, and they didn't want to make the same mistake as MS? I get that! It was a smart move by Nintendo.
But all this is about marketing and what message you want to send to the consumer's. Slowly releasing some streaming app's and a browser down the line, without much fanfare and focus, will not hurt the Switch as a game console. It will just give customers some more usage options.
The PS4 and 3DS has all this stuff, and it didn't hurt those machines. Because the marketing was all about games, and the companies behind delivered on that promise.
If the Switch suddenly hits a massive game drought, like the Wii U, only then it will hurt the Switch as a game console. Especially when the device is full of non-gaming options, and people begin to use it mostly for media consumption.
Then Nintendo can't support their marketing message about gaming anymore. But at least customers have then something else to use their Switch for, right?
Again, huge amount of great games are what defines the Switch as a game console. Nothing else! Nintendo and third party publishers just has to deliver!
@dres This is very well said. You're right and explained it much better than I.
@gatorboi352 Ok, maybe "failing" is a bit of rhetoric but it certainly is a flop compared to the 360. Multiple high level shakeups, few and far between AAA exclusive titles, and the refusal to share sales numbers with stockholders all point to a system that is not doing well. And it's in second place only due to a historic failure (no rhetoric) with the Wii U and a new Nintendo system that has been around for 6 months.
Don't see a reason to lie about it. It's not like console leaks or smash characters, not much exciting about a netflix app. I wouldn't be too surprised if it's true. Probably waiting for a slow release day to launch it so it doesn't distract from a big release.
The switch doesn't have stylus support. I have tested it now. The touch screen is identical to your smartphone or tablet.
Having Netflix and the like will not detract from the Switch's focus as a gaming machine. At all.
Basically streaming apps are something that has no potential to cost them sales but some potential to encourage sales. It's mad that it hasn't happened yet.
Oh, bummer...
Thank you for the help.
No thanks, who needs streaming services when you got laserdisc.
Laser Disc ??
Don't know why people want this or don't have other methods of getting it any way.
I'll still use my Roku TYVM.
I'm not against people having streaming applications and other programs on the Nintendo switch, but I have a theory that since these programs are not on the switch this is driving more third parties games to be noticed on the E shop and push sales, because games are our only form of entertainment on the Nintendo Switch.
I feel that having no Netflix on the switch for at least it's early months was probably a smart idea from Nintendo.
I bet Nintendo won't allow these types of apps until next year when they launch the paid online service. Their goal in 2017 was to focus the system on games. They've stated it several times.
I've heard people saying they don't care if the switch gets Netflix but I would love to have it! Easy way to stream on my tv! Also would like Hulu (for all that sweet sweet anime) but it's regionlocked to the US so rip me I guess...
Well damn, that's good to hear! I've been waiting to retire my Wii U (I use it to stream Netflix and as an extra internet browser on the big screen). C'mon Nintendo, drop the goods! Give us an internet browser too while we're at it.
@Nintendoforlife just seems a step back. Literally every device, including Nintendo's direct competition....And including Nintendo's other two supported device lines...Has this functionality. It just sort of stands out. This thing is more or less descended from the shield- a gaming device with full tablet capability. I'm not expecting to get Word and take photos here, but a browser and youtube seems fairly basic. Also, common sense says you want your consumer to NEED your device. The competitor strategy has been to deter their rivals by making their machine the centerpiece of your entertainment center. The Wii tried this too, with its TV remote thing and video apps. It failed, and I understand them not going that route. But it stands to reason if I'm idling, they don't want me to grab my Vita over my Switch for something like youtube. Because when I'm done with the video, I'm going to fire up a Vita game or go on PSN. Money that they'd rather I look to spend on eshop.
@Kisame83 Fair points, but if we look at Switch sales that's clearly not a problem. The switch is flying off the shelves around the world, and is the fastest selling console in Nintendo history. So I don't think lack of apps has really affected sales in a way where you say "dang this really needs to get out Adap".
On the other hand, if you want to come at it with the angle of "keeping people who already bought the switch interested/using it". I can see that aspect of it slightly more than your argument.
I would use it. I use my Wiiu on the Tv, but I have to plug it in, boot it up, plug in the controller if it isn't charged. But the switch dock I keep plugged in, and I could just slide it in, grab a charged joycon or other controller and turn on the Tv. I'd also use it in tablet mode, too. Who wants to juggle devises and headphones when you can go straight from playing a game to watching a movie if you want? Besides, the switch is more comfortable to hold than my ipad mini, and you can navigate with controllers instead of getting gross fingerprints all over your screen just before watching a show. Plus being able to download shows onto a large memory card would be great. Storage is very limited on my ipad and phone.
@Nintendoforlife that's basically the angle I am arguing. I'm not talking about system-selling killer apps. I'm referring to device flexibility and usability in comparison to other devices people own, and where attention may drift to. I mean, I specifically mentioned a scenario where one may put down a Switch and pick up an older device.
I'll be quiet happy to see Netflix on the Nintendo Switch. I'll happily binge-watch Stranger Things Season 3
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