Fire Emblem Heroes has been a steady mobile release for Nintendo; while it may not have gone viral and taken off fully, it's earned a loyal player base and has regular content and event updates.
The latest 'Feh Channel' video goes into what's next in the game, with events and new additions due later this week. It includes battles based around the eight most popular fighters from the pre-release Voter Gauntlet event, the release of the previously promised special outfits for four heroes in a summoning event, a 'Quick Hero Battle' game on the official website, and a special summoning event where you get to choose a hero.
It all kicks off on 31st August, so it should be a fun week for those still enjoying the game.
Comments 16
Not really interested in their mobile game anymore.
FE warriors though, that looks good.
Great updates for a good game. FEH continues to be a good way to kill some time when you need to kill some time.
Great update for one of the best mobile games on the market!
FE Heroes and Warriors, great time to be a FE fan!
IM glad they update so regularly, but I just log in for the log in bonus. There isn't a lot to the game unfortunately. Maybe one day they make a game closer to original for mobile.
Still don't get how Nintendo made such a great mobile game.
This game is actually incredibly deep. It just takes a large time investment to unlock the characters and late game challenge.
Glad to see the constant updates this game gets. Not sure who I'm picking from choose a legend yet.
I don't understand why people still say there isn't a lot in this game. Maybe a few months ago this statement is true, but right now there are so many things to try and so many team combinations, skill inheritance possibilities to think of, even trying to complete monthly/daily requests takes some time - not to mention grand hero battles. (Infernal Valter for example?) I can play this game non stop for hours on weekends!
I regularly play this game yet haven't spent a cent on it.
My Free character is gonna be Ike!! Anyone else??
@WiiHawk Exactly. I at least play it daily for 3 minutes to get my daily sign orbs, and maybe play a map or two.
@Captain_Gonru Yikes!. Time an upgrade maybe?
@SnowFox Pick Lyndis because she will be the hardest to pull
Lucina looks bad (and she's the only character of the 4 I care about).
Buffs specifically non mage units in a game dominated by mages?
And any non ranged blue without distant counter inevitably competes with Azura, who is arguably the most useful unit in the entire game.
That 1 free pull means Arena is going to be filled with Horse Emblem with Horse Bow Lyn now (and it's already filled with Horse Emblem, now Horse Emblem is even better).
@DarkKirby Actually Lucina is not bad. From many speculations (since her stats weren't shown in the video like Lyn and Ryo), she is a great support unit that both ATK and DEF can probably compete with Ike. A support unit that can also fight on her own - that's pretty amazing.
Also assuming her weapon support and skill can stack (b/c there's no reason to give her a grant +3SPD weapon and a Speed +3 C skill...right?), that means she can give other units +6 SPD, which will make everyone on her team extremely dangerous - even horse emblem team may not be able to compete.
The thing is, any unit that doesn't have a ranged attack and/or isn't on a horse, needs Distance Counter, unless you're Azura, who has both Triangle Adept built in and Sing (really, Triangle Adept is just the bonus that makes her better than every other Sing/Dance user).
You can't be an effective unit in FE Heroes without any of those qualities, you just end up stuck in the back of the map, unable to reach anything. You mention Ike, but Ike as Distance Counter built into his weapon, it's what makes infantry units like him viable.
And like I said before, Lucina buffs specifically non mages (and well, non dragons as well), and the meta game is built around mostly ranged attackers, who are mostly mages. So she's only really useful for people who don't use any mages because they completely refuse to conform to the meta.
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