There's been plenty of speculation regarding the upcoming FIFA 18 on Switch. We already know that it's not using the Frostbite Engine like the PS4 and Xbox One versions, but a custom engine designed specifically for Nintendo's console.
Footage shown so far appears to suggest that in term of visual fidelity, it sits somewhere in-between the last and current generations of hardware, but for most FIFA fans, the frame rate is of more importance as stutters and drops can impact the flow of the game.

The good news from Gamescom 2017 is that FIFA 18 runs at 60fps in both docked and portable modes. When docked, the game is output at 1080p, while in handheld it's 720p (obviously).
Speaking at Gamescom 2017, supervising producer Andrei Lazarescu said:
We spent a lot of time actually understanding what the console is. In dock, what we're seeing right now, for example, is 1080p run running at 60 frames per second. When you plug out and you play in handheld it's 720p. We spent a lot of time making sure that transition happens seamlessly and you still get 60 frames per second.
That's really good news for FIFA players; maintaining that silky-smooth frame rate was always going to be a challenge but it looks as if EA is taking this port very seriously.
Has this news increased your interest in the game, or have you made up your mind already?
Comments 92
Not bad. It's nice to hear EA at least put some work into optimizing the framerate and resolution. I expected more of a rush job, but this shows they care at least somewhat.
1080p60fps should be expected for this type of game. Nonetheless, it is still good news to be confirmed.
Very nice.
I begrudgingly admit EA seems to have got something right in terms of full HD and 60fps.
Really couldn't care less about frame rates and whatever. Never cared about them growing up, never cared about them now. All I want a FIFA that doesn't pale in comparison to offerings on other formats for Nintendo.
I'm ready.
I'm gonna get FIFA for switch , don't have a footy game for it yet and it sounds like EA might be putting some effort into this.
I wonder if ps4 / xbox1 die hard fans suddenly falling in love with Switch version...
Their toughness heart can be cured with Love from Nintendo...
NHL or nothing.
If I buy FIFA 17 will EA also bring out Madden and NHL?? I wonder what their sales expectations are for the Switch version to get those other games? Hope enough buy this if only to enjoy the sport as it looks worthy!
Haven't bought a fifa for years,would rather Madden tbh but I'll get this.
Mario smash football or bust.
Yeah, I guess I'm probably due another football game. I liked International Superstar Soccer and Pro Evo 4 so there's a good chance I'll make FIFA 18 my third.
I don't play soccer games but it nice to know that there was some effort that went into the game. Hopefully enough people play so that I can finally get some type of racing game on my Switch. Maybe Madden but that game hasn't changed all that much.
Is EA showing actual effort?!
EA played things extremely safe with the Switch by only bringing a custom port of their biggest sports game to the Switch.
They have began dipping more toes into the water with Fe, so I'd be surprised if Madden 19 and NHL 19 aren't released on the Switch in 2018 alongside FIFA 19.
Getting FIFA 18 on Switch, i do want to play with my friends that mostly play FIFA and want to beat them. Will like to see more support from EA next year
Pretty sure this was confirmed back at E3. Doubt things would have changed in 2 months.
I'd cry tears of joy.
Just shows you that when a company puts time and effort into there products what can be accomplished. I hope to see more games from them and hopfully other companies will step up and take notice
Really looking forward to this game. I honestly couldn't give a toss that it doesn't include the Journey mode like its PS4 / Xbox counter parts
I did play the Journey mode on PS4 last year, while it was a nice diversion from the main game (playing football) its hardly a deal breaker and I for one certainly wont miss it.
I love FIFA! I'm really enjoying FIFA 17 on the PS4. The questions will be, do I want better graphics or mobility? Nintendo also has a cheaper online subscription too. That's something that a lot of people are forgetting. I also need to figure out what features will be absent from the Switch version. I believe I saw somewhere that it will be missing content or something.
My only fear is that we're taking a step backwards if we buy 18 on the Switch.......but I believe we're leaning towards the Switch version at the moment.
@Marios-love-child Is that the only thing missing from the Switch version?
@dkxcalibur Go for Switch, it needs our support and it'll mean Nintendo get an even better game next year.
Never played a FIFA game and I don't ever plan on it either. Just not a fan of sports games, I'd rather watch or actually do the sport.
I am glad for those who do like these games though, I'm surprised EA put in the effort.
I'm extremely pleased to say that this seems like the best possible port they could've done. 1080/60 and 720/60 is optimized for switch. All unique switch features included (they confirmed HD rumble too, right?) Only absent feature is the new story mode cause that only works on frostbite. Small, necessary sacrifice, IMO.
If EA can put this best effort, so no excuses to not port The Sims 4 for Switch with same contents as ps4 version.
An unprecedented purchase (made myself chuckle with that!)
I usually don't buy many sports games but this is really getting my interest
can't wait to buy it, I hope it will be on nintendo's eshop
As far as I know yes
Amazing job, EA. I hope you sell well.
Sounds good. Too bad I'll never buy this.
I am quite glad that EA is capable to give Switch owners the full HD console experience all without any dips in framerate or resolution. Good job EA.
I've never ever bought a football or sport game, and I doubt I'll start with this. But it seems that EA really put in a good amount of effort into this game, so I hope it sells really well.
@timson72 I'd rather another NCAA GameDay but alas that is only a dream. 😞
FIFA was one of the first games I bought for my Vita back in 2012. Seeing how I (finally) procured a Switch, I'll definitely be grabbing this. I've moved more towards PES on consoles for my footy fix. However, till they bring it to Switch, I'll rock with some FIFA.
sounds like EA starting to do some effort. hopefully, the reviews are good.
@Spoony_Tech I dream of a collaboration between ninty and EA with a hockey and/or American Football game. Just imagine the possibilities of a full-fledged hockey game with a mario roster and power-ups. Same thing with an american football game, in the same brutal gameplay as Mario Strikers !!
I'm nervous that Nintendo fans just don't care for Sports games. Which is fine, but I would be sad if it justified companies being wary of Switch ports
I may just actually get this now. I was quite against this title at first with the whole 'rebuilt from the ground up' engine instead of frostbite. I mean, 1080p at 60 fps want what was expecting but ...EA actually did it🤔 Amaze-balls!
@Captain_Toad I know, right.
This might actually turn out well.
What a suspicious lack of people saying sub-30 fps is okay, 30 fps is great if constant, movies are 24 fps anyway, it's not a big difference, etc.
It isn't my game so I won't be buying it but it is good to see EA are putting in the effort.
Since this is both portable and console, and they put effort, I will prolly get it.
I hope this supposed "custom" engine allows EA to port and create more experiences for the Switch. Give us a STAR WARS game and some MADDEN!!!
@westman98 If this does well we'll definitely get Madden next year. Not sure about NHL though.... maybe UFC or NBA Live?
Was NOT expecting that!
Nintendo need to promote the hell out this and get units produced fast!
This will be a big seller for Nintendo!
Excellent. 60fps is vital for a football game.
Looks like EA isn't [removed] after all.
@Yasaal Language please! - Octane
Can't wait for this on Switch. I like what I've seen so far and it looks like EA have put some real effort into the Switch version.
I'm loving the Switches 1st year so far but my wallet is hating it.
NHL is more popular than UFC and NBA Live, not to mention annual unlike UFC which is biannual. NBA Live is largely irrelevant due to 2K.
@westman98 Fair point. Would like to see UFC at some point though! Honestly NBA Live being irrelevant saddens me as 2K has gotten rather... complacent. 2K needs some competition.
Havent bought a FIFA game in ages, I might break that habit.
Like Digital Foundry says, the Switch is fastly becoming THE console for 60fps gaming. This might be the first FIFA game I try.
I'm considering it just to get madden
Damn! I think this will be my first EA game on a Nintendo platform.
Never buy FIFA but I'm interested
That's really encouraging news, actually. It's a far cry from the days of the Wii, when third-party games on the weaker system ran poorly, or were even completely broken.
In the near future Nintendo gamer's won't have to worry so much about low-quality ports especially if the Switch keeps selling.
watched gameplay footage both on tv mode and handheld mode and i must say handheld mode looks a lot cleaner and even the pitch itself looks fantastic and more vivid then on tv mode. that could be just the recording off youtube though.
Pre-ordered the Japanese version (U$5 cheaper - teehee).
I'm deeply impressed at the results of FIFA 18 for the Switch. Amazing job and my hat is tipped to EA Sports.
I wouldn't mind 720p docked and 30fps frostbite fifa
@FinalFrog There is a world outside the US though and a good deal of it loves Football (what you refer to as Soccer).
@dimi yuck!
30fps will suck. 1080@60 docked and 720@60 is a must.
Too bad their capture wasn't 60FPS. The frame rate doesn't seem too good in that video up above.
I really hope this sells (so I can get NHL), and it sounds like it deserves to. They put in the effort and they deserve to be rewarded for that, EA or not.
@FinalFrog I live in NY. I don't like soccer. But even I recognize how big Football (soccer) is everywhere in the world.
Here's a stat page from for active players:
And this is just players, not spectators which could easily be in the billions.
I also remember this article from a while back:
While all this doesn't sway me to like soccer (the ONLY soccer games I like are Mega Man Soccer and the various NEOGEO offerings), game recognizes game. So yeah, soccer is huge outside the US.
Paying attention to optimizing performance? On a Nintendo console? This can't possibly be "my face is tired" EA!
Meh, if im paying full $60 price I want the best version. I play mostly at home anyway so no point in going for the interior version just for my 2 hr commute.
Urgh no. Frostbite is just graphical frippery. Frame rate way more important.
See EA, if you put some effort into making a game for Nintendo, instead of making a half-assed port as usual, it'll be positively received. All Nintendo fans asked is not to be treated like an afterthought.
EA has always been good at making games.
They don't deserve even one percent of all the crap they get.
I finally get FIFA on my Nintendo again. Even less reasons to open my PS4 now. Xbone has been standing still since march
Good, but I don't think people were expecting anything else.
@FinalFrog @masterLEON For what it's worth, I live in the U.K. Where Football (soccer) is a national obsession and a multi billion pound industry and I've disliked the game my whole life.
EA bring us FIFA Street, then I'll be interested.
@Timppis, here's a video explaing some of the reasons why EA get so much hate. And, tbh, it's kind of justified really.
Generally I only buy FIFA world cup editions, so hopefully EA will deliver that next year as it's mostly changes of teams and players, and minor fixes in AI. If not, I'll get it on PS4!
@Anti-Matter I wonder if Nintendo fans will ever stop picking on other communities with implications and undertones.
@FinalFrog lol
Great! I don't like football games, but I hope those that want FIFA enjoy it. It seems EA actually bothered to make a great port this time!
This may be a European system seller; FIFA 18 on the go anyone? Simply a simple prediction. I'm glad to see effort was put into this game, I hope it does well.
I can't wait to play fifa on the go. I really can't frkg wait. If the game is actually great I think ea will be really rewarded by switch user. All im afraid is a downgraded gameplay that will be too soon being monotone
@Athalias to be honest FIFA as a single player game has been pretty bad for years now. I have huge doubts this has been improved on any version.
Problem EA has always had is individuality. They have all the teams, all the leagues but teams generally all feel the same when playing against the CPU. Single player modes just become tedious and and boring.
It's one thing that PES has always trumped over FIFA
@kobashi100 But...but Switch owners don't have that choice:( Are you taking the PES? O.<
i too have preferred PES over FIFA or a long time, however as this is the only football game in town, i am taking that day one gamble.
Hopefully this will fill my footie fix, maybe in 2018 Konami will see the light and get some PES action going.
Already £400 in for games for my switch,
looking forward to see what EA can bring us next, having a reasonable powered PC already , my Switch / PC combo will hopefully work out well for me in the long run.
What id be after next , PGA,NFL,NHL.
my cash is waiting EA...
I love the comments from the American users.... "duuurrr what's other countries, soccer sucks who cares about it, I like to ignore millions of people who actually exist. Where's my 'world' series Madden"
I'm so hyped for this game now definitely a must have FIFA on the go! Awesome😍
@Filth_Element I want a Judge Dredd Vs Judge Death (guest starring the ABC Warriors) game
@GrailUK sign me up that sounds immense! Anything with a good ricochet bullet would do me!
@Nolan420 yeah I know that because I've bothered to read an article or two and understand what is big in the US despite not living there. I'm just laughing at some of the ppl here from the US who refuse to look at the outside world once in a while because they think only America counts. Not trying to have a go at you but must not have been clear enough before lol... rant over.
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