![Pokemon GO Fest](https://images.nintendolife.com/d8f769b847c2c/pokemon-go-fest.900x.jpg)
It’s safe to say that Pokémon GO Fest was an unmitigated disaster, as network issues and poor event planning quickly spiraled out of control. The company has been in full damage control mode for the past few days, doing its best to appease the irate attendees and save face by explaining the issues that contributed to the event’s failure. Of course, this event was open to players from all over the world, and it seems that some of those who travelled from far away are looking to get Niantic to pay them back for the hassle.
A California fan named Jonathan Norton recently hired a Chicago attorney to file a lawsuit, wishing for Niantic to reimburse him for travel expenses, and since the lawsuit has been filed, twenty to thirty other attendees have joined in. Though Niantic offered a series of refunds and other giveaways to fans at the event, those involved in the lawsuit claim that it’s not enough. Here’s what the lawyer, Thomas Zimmerman had to say on the lawsuit:
We’re not seeking any relief with respect to the failure to get legendary Pokémon, because Niantic is offering that. But Niantic is not offering to refund people’s travel expenses for coming to Chicago. Most of the people came from out of state, many people from other countries — I talked to someone who flew in from Japan.
The issue is, what was promised, what was the incentive that people relied on and the representations that people relied on to buy a ticket and make travel plans and fly to Chicago to participate in this festival, would they have done that had they known that that was not going to be lived up to and they weren’t going to get the experience that was represented?
What do you think? Is this lawsuit justified? Were you at Pokémon GO Fest? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source polygon.com]
Comments 119
I can't blame the angry people who went.
It would be like traveling across the country /planet to go to an exclusive concert, book your hotel, wait hours in a line to get seated...
Then some janitor comes on stage and announces that it's all been canceled but hey, everyone gets $100 of Walmart credit that can only be used in the music section. Yay! Oh, and here's a t-shirt.
This is ridiculous. Just a bunch of "sovereign citizens" over reaching in their "rights".
Pokemon Go Fest didn't even sound worth it if everything went according to plan.
They didn't announce what would be happening until after the tickets were sold out. What do they expect?
I can understand being upset by this, but its not like they didn't get anything out of GO Fest. The experience is still there, and from what I've heard people did have fun at the event and it expanded to accommodate people the bets they could, out into the parklands.
In the end there is only so much that Niantic could do, and regardless of the issues, not just form them but form cellular carriers as well, things turned out okay-ish. They refunded peoples tickets, it wasn't their responsibility to even do that, I think it's a bit entitled to be asking for the whole thing to be payed for by the company.
@Aerona Agreed.
I can see why this lawsuit was opened, and, in theory, their argument stands. Whether or not it is accepted and tried in court is another story.
Niantic did promise certain luxuries upon purchasing a ticket, and, in whole, they did fail to meet some of them. One could sue them for fraud/misrepresentation, theoretically. In practice, however, their legal team could simply argue that what actually took place wasn't their fault nor intended, and, as a result, their lawsuit is bogus.
Definitely comes across as butthurt, however. Niantic had never done such an event, so, if I was even remotely interested, I would've been extremely cautious given their lack of experience of hosting stage events.
Meanwhile children are starving every day and Donald Trump is the leader of the free world.
It's their right.
With that said, it was assumed to be a perfect scenario, which life isn't. I would be upset too, I suppose, but a lawsuit is an extreme solution to an unexpected problem. I'm sure people paid more to go to E3 this year, to wait in line for hours and play games for minutes, the difference I guess was that it was to be expected.
Detective Pikachu could probably help them, but they'd first need Lawyer Pikachu and such.
Also, I had some FEELS DAT something would've went wrong with GO fest, it didn't really......make sense so much, and also didn't really feel so inclusive inside Pokemon GO. Hey, a shirt with Pokemon GO fest on it, noice, and some rewards based on the city of Chicago's effects of doing some challenges, alrighty, but to handle all the traffic since the traffic caused the phone data or whatever to not be able to handle all of THESE? TOAST!
All and all.........Hey, at least double XP was extended for a bit or whatever, but YEEah, hopefully Niantic can learn from THESE and make it better next time.
@gatorboi352 Let's keep politics out of this.
I'm not sure what in all happened, but I doubt travel expenses for any event could be considered the host's legal responsibility.
This won't hold. Events like concerts that get rained out or are cancelled due to say an illness are non refundable it even says so when you buy the tickets. These clowns will be laughed out of the courtroom.
Nope! - Octane
It's their fault for going to the event in the first place. It was a given there would be some huge slip up. My advice: don't spend hundreds of dollars to fly out to a Pokémon Go event just to catch a legendary. It's embarrassing and a complete waste of money.
I'm not entirely sure what the issue people had with Go Fest was. It was sold as an event where you'd be able to mingle with other players, catch rare/exclusive Pokemon and be one of the first to get legendaries. Did it all go to plan? Well no. But at the end of the day the people who went did get what was advertised in addition to being compensated.
walmart next for the snes mini!
fight global unhappiness!
but it wasnt rained out.
or cancelled.
nor did it say anything about this when they bought the tickets.
they bought a ticket for what was advertised.
they didnt get it.
I don't get how you can be enough of a fan to travel internationally for an event and then after one bad experience become the complete opposite and sue them.
@gatorboi352 Don't you say anything about emperor trump. He's making american great again. Fact
This is all so irrelevant for a company like Niantic, who have made millions from GO. Pay the silly people there silly compensation and push a promotion on raid passes, buy one get one free or some such nonsense. Problem solved. Tom, Dick and Harry are happy, Niantics coffers are once again overflowing.
@gatorboi352 - I logged in just to heart your comment. Carry on.
How do I join in on this?!? I spent a ton of money and took time off work for a lame event that everyone else got rewarded for!! I could have just stayed home and saved my money!
I know this guy. Not personally. He has a YouTube channel, "Jonno Plays" specifically. I won a giveaway from him before. I heard him talking about this on Twitter the other day.
My name is Jeff Tarzia. I am a grown man that ignores my wife and children to obsess over and harass women online.
This is pathetic. I'm sorry, I've said it before, and I will say it again, it is a game. If you flew to see a concert and it was cancelled, all you would get is your ticket price back. Instead, Niantic is offering far more than that.
And I say this as someone who did go, and had a lot of issues there. Also, many of those issues were caused by various cell phone companies not providing extra coverage as Niantic requested that they do. So I have to wonder just how much blame really falls on them? If a concert is cancelled due to weather, would these people sue the band?
People are just too quick to sue, and the only ones who make any money out of it are the lawyers. I'm sorry, but these people were never going to get that kind of value from this event. And anyone who didn't expect problems, when there have always been issues with new features (like thousands of people in a small area doing legendary raids?). Anyone who didn't expect that must not have been playing the game very long.
@yerkiddinme And they are getting the price of the ticket back, just as would happen with a concert. Not airfare nor hotel.
You still got a holiday in Chicago as well as the event refund. I dunno about refunding the trip just because a event for a mobile game did not go according to plan. Don't pretend there isnt anything to see or do in Chicago.
Hell you could say hello to CM Punk if you're lucky. XD
People complain about everything and feel entitled to everything.
@yerkiddinme And that sort of thing happens with live events sometimes they don't go as planned.
@gatorboi352 Like Obama was sooo much better.
Imagine if they go there and a tornado hits, they'll probably sue the city for that too.
I actually bought the best gift box for the event my husband did as well and it was definitely not worth the money. We play on a daily basis sometimes multiple times a day at that. As far as the people like a group of our friends one in particular that went they all should be reimbursed all travel expenses such a rental cars, fuel, motel rooms, food, tickets for the event, airfare and anything else that may have been spent during the 1 day event. An honestly if they dont do something as far as open trading an battling between people, as well as adding more Pokemon an keep all legendaries out it is my belief that everyone will start deleting an stop playing on a very fast scale.
@Tasuki please no politics 🙁. On topic, why did they choose the windy city again???
If you play with Pokemon, you're going to get Charizard
So things didn't go as planned. Niantic has had issues with Pokemon go from day one. Look at the login issues a year ago when it first came out. Those who attended had their tickets reimbursed so they basically got in for free. As far as my opinion is they as players should at least suck up the fees of getting there. Now if Niantic hadn't refunded ticket prices that would be a different story. It's the same as going to a concert that doesn't go as planned yet still goes on. The band may refund ticket prices but to ALSO pay for transportation for hundreds of people as well... I doubt that. Those in attendance knew Niantics record with Pokemon go issues...take the ticket refund and legendary just handed to them and be happy the whole thing wasn't canceled.
don't know how people aren't shocked...the game runs like crap alone. add 30k other people... well ya its gona run like crap
what a bunch of loosers
@Vanyel The fact that most features of the event reportedly worked fine once the boundaries were extended shows that tge issue was with the carriers, not Niantic. Niantic would have more standing to sue for lost revenue than attendees have to sue them.
I just think spending all that money just to play a free-to-play game at a different location is ridiculous. I hope they don't win the case...
Ugh, it is ridiculous just how entitled some people are being about this. Yes the event was a failure. Big whoop. Not only did Ninantic give full refunds to every attendee, they got an extra hundred dollars worth of virtual currency, and every one of them got the legendary Pokemon that was the main prize for the event. Frankly I'm impressed that Ninantic did so much for the attendees. To suggest that the people setting up the event should have to pay for everyone who attended to travel to Chicago is utterly ludicrous.
I've seen events crash and burn far harder than this, where people who were supposed to have comped hotel rooms and travel suddenly have to pay the full amount. Actors who'd been promised payment for their appearance now were being charged for things they were promised. People were literally stranded with no way to get home. The fan community literally banded together to send donations to help those in dire straits. I say good on Ninantic to do so much for the attendees. They took the full brunt of the hit financially for this, and to have the audacity to then say to them, "not good enough, I deserve more" is just appalling to me. (If you're curious about the event I mentioned, look up Las Pegasus Unicon)
@sonicmeerkat Lol! I mean, I'm sure it was bad, but at least they didn't con everyone into going to a distant island covered in disaster tents!
Legally speaking I don't think there's much of a difference between a sports event being rained out, a concert being cancelled because of illness and a mobile focused event hitting a brick wall because of mobile network congestion.
Not only that but the event itself wasn't cancelled. Everything they listed on the page promoting Go-Fest still happened. More than that it was extended both beyond the footprint of the park and beyond the end of the event.
Niantic gave people who attended the event as much as you'd usually expect if it was a cancelled event. This for an event that wasn't actually cancelled
Fully justified lawsuit imo. No one would buy a ticket in order to participate in a disaster. You buy a ticket if you are led to believe something amazing is about to happen. Wonder how this will end.
Sounds like a load of bollocks to me. Goodluck. The only person being paid here is the lawyer. If not then he just wants publicity.
Surely there is no case for niantic to answer beyond the refunded cost of admission. Major emphasis on the fact that they already provided that refund. No different to a concert cancelation due to the performers being sick.
Ugh. Stupid humans. After using his own disposable income and free time to travel to Chicago to attend a free event for a free game, truly he is justified in... wait... no. He probably should have just accepted that sometimes things don't work out the way you want, and then go to the aquarium.
People attended an event for a bad product. You can't sue because you expected a better product. Peoples' anger is justified, but a lawsuit is not likely to work.
Niantic has proven time after time that they are not capable of meeting the demands of the game they have created. The fact that a year has gone by and they still cannot handle it is a joke. But it's the fans' fault for not catching on by now. How many times has Niantic screwed up till now? This is just the most recent colossal failure.
I'm pretty sure Niantic has more money than these guys, and can hire the best lawyer there is.
A real fan would not do this
No offence to the American readers, but is there anything they won't sue over?
Uhh.. Do you know what "sovereign citizen" means? Because it ain't these people. You could throw a whole lot of mean, variably inaccurate terms at them, but "sovereign citizen" is one of the ones that really, totally does not in any way apply. Maybe you should go away and learn a bit more before commenting again.
To some travelers I believe this is justified, if you paid 1000+ dollars on flights and hotel bookings that is.
I would never travel all the way to America just for Pokémon GO though. And if I did, I would've explored Chicago instead of waiting in line to get into a crowded confined park.
Probably a salty guy who didn't get socially accepted and now tries to take it back at Niantic and the people who enjoy the game.
Anyone who pays to fly out there, then pays a lawyer to make an issue over a mobile game has some serious entitlement issues.
@Galenmereth true, i don't want to continue the political comments but if your gonna say something like that, at least research or show some evidence to back up your point. The worst part though is that over 10 people Favorited it, which makes me feel like their don't care about what the comment supposed to be about (the article), more the other "intentions" of said comment
Good. They have been nothing but mediocre and are ruining the Pokemon name.
If they gave every ticket holder their money back, this won't PokémonGo anywhere. Figures it's some rich moron from Chicago, hope that lawyer is fleecing him good.
Rich targeting a poor company who just couldn't get anything right for once. Looks like some fan just stabbed their favorite franchise in the back. How disappointing. The Chicago dude came off his own free will and expenses can't be covered by Niantic as it's not in their range in legality. Like seriously.
Ha, 1st world problems.
Yeah that's not how the law works. Travel expenses are "incidental" damages and won't be recoverable in a lawsuit. Niantec could be liable for the direct cost of what they were selling, if they didn't deliver, but not indirect costs like travel, missed work, etc.
I'm thinking the comparison is less of a cancelled concert and more of a concert with a singer with a sprained ankle that performs laying down. The show went on but not with the experience expected.
From what I heard and partially seen from the live stream, they extended the range of the event (special Pokemon, stops and eggs) 2 extra mile, have the time extended to monday morning, give a Lugia, $100 in pokecoins, and a refund.
So far it looks like people, including him got more out of the "failure" than they would got out of the success, minus the stress of missing out on some rare Pokemon that others are catching during the chaos.
I was there. Yes it wasn't what it should have been but to sue? I only really had the hotel to pay for, and a little bit of gas, and yeah like the guy I met from Qatar, having spent a lot just to get there, it would suck even more. People get too "sue happy" these days anytime something doesn't go their way. Once they expanded the catch radius outside of the park the day went better though I'm still a week later having random boots. I've been refunded, given a ton of coins and an extra Lugia. I caught a bunch of rare Pokemon I wouldn't have otherwise. I'm good.
If the class action suit does its intended job, then the game might be... cancelled? Given it's online-only, would that be the word? Cancellation of a game that's already out, if I'm correct?
But given all data is on the cloud, this would mean loss of progress for all players. And given all my progress wouldn't have been possible without - cue shudder - paying, my account would be eligible for refunds.
And with those refunds, I might buy something more worthwhile on the Google Play Store. It would wash some of my shame away, for sure.
I hope this is a sign that you should stay true to your roots: have players face each other for a chance to become champions with the prize being an all-expenses-paid trip to X location for a collaborative effort to battle/catch these legendaries.
Good thing there are still a lot of other legends/mythics out there.
One of the biggest problems was the cell carriers couldn't keep up with demand.
This lawsuit is a joke and should be laughed out of court. Somebody looking for their 15 minutes.
Ugh... humans strike again
Pokemon Go will be great again. I promise you that. It's very upsetting, very upsetting indeed. Niantic will pay for setting up such a disgrace of a show for 30 year old grown men that now have to take large doses of Lexapro in order to move forward after such a tragic event. Such a disgrace. Such a disgrace. Ridiculous I tell you.
This lawsuit is totally justified. All problems faced should have been foreseen with in the planning of the event.
How surprising is it that your event that sold 20000 tickets that the local cell network would have an influx on the day of the event of 20000 extra connections.
I’m quite sure Niantic realised that their mobile game would require cellular connectivity. They obviously did not liaise with the cell companies thoroughly enough.
Where was the backup plan? it would have not been out of realms of possibility that Niantic could have setup free Wi-Fi at the event to handle those unable to access via cell networks.
This wasn’t caused by unforeseen events, power failures or forces of nature, it was poor planning by the event organisers. Its robbery via corporate complacency.
I understand that people are angry, but I doubt this lawsuit will go anywhere. Niantic are not at all responsible for people traveling to Chicago for the festival, all they did was host the festival, if you decide to travel miles and miles to get there that is all on you. You don't see any Chicago residents claiming that Niantic needs to reimburse them for gas money.
Anyone claiming this suit is justified is probably an American, those guys think they can sue over any little thing.
@buildz Atually Niantic run massive events for Ingress all the time.
@MadAdam81 But Ingress isn't as popular as Pokemon Go (still good, but not as widespread, particularly during last summer), so the attendance for such an event would be higher, making it more difficult to run.
I dunno, Niantic reimbursed everyone's ticket for the event as well as gave them $100 of in game credits, in my opinion, it sounds like they covered what they needed to. Your trip to Chicago seems like something that should logically come out of your wallet no matter what happens at the actual event.
Thats a lot of effort for some virtual pokemons.
@duffmmann Yeah but it's more than. Funny - because any trip you plan doesn't HAVE to live up to the hype - but if there was enough of a complete malfunction to the event, and the purpose of being there and its experience were objectively broken - a class action for travel reimbursement isn't an out of this world thought. As long as they're not trying to milk more out of this than the BASICS of the travel cost.
@Kalmaro Oh, but good sir, with Trump it's far beyond mere politics.
@gatorboi352 You are welcome to believe that but you'll just get us off topic.
@Kalmaro no worries, and I'm not elaborating any further.
@AlternateButtons AlternateButtons? Moar like Alternate Facts, amirite?!
Sorry @Kalmaro that was the last one I swear
@mordecai Maybe I did misuse the term, for lack of a better one, and thanks to you I did learn the proper meaning of it, but if I may retort, maybe you should try to be nicer when telling people what to do.
@AlternateButtons hey what can I say, free speech isn't so free.
@gatorboi352 I know where you sle- post.
The Lawsuits sound ridiculous
@Aerona Your opinion. I'm sure those who flew in and drove in from around the country and world would disagree.
Shugo I totally agree, being a player that has got tons of miles, hatched many eggs, catch many Pokemons on the comfort of my office due to cell phones towers unavailability to point your exact location blaming Niantic for the cellsphones overload is not fair, regardless of where you where you traveled from (I bet there were tons of people that did not get in outside trying to get into the action
@phirst , not really.......cell companies are very fickle you can have the best phone and still loose connectivity in the middle of the city, my cell thinks I am at the Airport while I am at work just because I am near
What a bunch of greedy, self-entitled idiots. How pathetic do you have to be to sue because you chose to travel for a little free to play phone app and the event disappointed you? Should I sue the movie theater for travel expenses because the movie disappointed me? No. No one Forced these people to go.
Plus they were reimbursed and given goodies. These sue happy people act like spoiled little toddlers.
I'm going to sue you over your insensitive comment. It has caused me great anguish and sleepless nights and caused my dog to die.
@Tempestryke In that context, PoGo Fest was like you traveled to an US movie theater to see the premier of your fan favorite movie sequel, but can't see the movie due to broken film projectors.
Whether that justifies a lawsuit is for everyone to decide, but I definitely see a point if a bunch of million dollar companies (Niantic and mobile providers) screw up that bad. They need to work for their riches or else face the consequences and deal with them professionally.
Believe me, I truly understand the upset this guy, and many others had. You travel out far for an event, it turned out to be a disaster, and you felt like you wasted your money.
But I just don't see this lawsuit going anywhere in their favor. With the exception of some circumstances, no company is responsible for your travel costs. If I went to EVO to compete in a tourney and for some reason the tournament was canceled, at most, I should be refunded for the tickets for the event itself. In no way would they be responsible for any other means I took to get there. It's not their fault that I needed to take a plane. For all I know, some of the attendees could be in walking distance. What about them and their experience? Should they sue for pain and suffering because their feet hurt? Ridiculous.
@nab1 Weird how some people, like yourself, are actually willing to be ripped off by multi millionaire companies out of some misplaced sense of loyalty.
They'd sue you in a heartbeat mate- you can be sure of that.
Theres an old saying, "you pay your money and you take your chances".
The suit will get tossed.
@buildz Actually I didn't think of that.
@Kalmaro Except not at all? They were rewarded with the goal of the event. Making a comparison to the contrary is superbly moronic.
Players sent out Thomas Zimmerman, Thomas Zimmerman used clarifying statement. Niantic is unaffected.
Crazy world we live in.
I want them to reimburse me for the soda I threw at the stage cause I'm an angry manchild. I want them to reimburse me for the tea and honey I bought that night cause my throat hurt after yelling and having no soda to keep my throat moist. I want them to reimburse my parents for school expenses such as lunch money, no. 2 pencils, and even the 42 dollars from that time I ate all of my fundraiser candy because I clearly am not putting my education to good use.
@NF6429 @Galenmereth As ignorant and uninformed as his comment may seem, I really do think the guy was just trying to be funny. Sort of like when I tell my child to finish their food because there are starving kids in Africa. I think he was just making a point that, as a human race, we have bigger issues at hand than this type of situation. If I'm wrong and the guy is just being ridiculous, then I agree with you both.
@stevles Yes, obviously it's my opinion.
@Slaz Yeah, but they compensated them on their own incentive. To expand on this analogy, it's like if you drove farther out to a movie theater, the projector was broken and they gave you free tickets and popcorn/drink vouchers next time you came to one of their theaters. To demand more after that is selfish.
Especially since said movie theater is not responsible for your gas money. Nor is Niantic responsible for your travel expenses and I actually feel sorry for them.
@Nnnn the goal of the event was not just to have lugia given to them.
@Rayephi "not really"what? I don't understand how your experience with poor GPS location applies to a company not thoroughly planning the arrival of 20,000 phones in a park. With regards loosing connection in a major city, big buildings and other factors cause radiowave "black spots" which cell companies strive to minimise. Niantic chose the venue, the minimum level of planning should be cell coverage in THEIR chosen area.
Considering the company didn't pay for them to travel, asking niantic to give them that money back is like walking into a grocery store and asking for a refund on the gasoline you purchased shortly before at a different location.
@HyperSonicOne It's a very poor analogy. You should read the article again.
This will likely get thrown out. I've been to numerous sporting events in Chicago (I live in Michigan) where it got rained out and they just refund your ticket or allow you to exchange for a different day. I've been to concerts where the headliner cancelled right before show time and you are left hanging. Guess what? You eat the cost. They aren't responsible for your travel costs.
The reimbursed the ticket and have a 100 bucks of in game prizes as compensation. They did their part. Technology can suck like this
@NinNin I know what the article says, and my point is that it isn't niantic's job to give people money back for travel costs, something people spent their money on of their own volition. I can understand refunds for the event itself since that was something they hosted, but things like airfare aren't their responsibility.
@eltomo: Nope. We'll nitpick at the slightest thing if it means we'll make a quick buck! XD
@gatorboi352 Lol
@gatorboi352 My boi woke.
@Kalmaro Let him, fo he's doing Gods's work. 😂🤣😊
@Galenmereth It's what a lot of people call POTUS even outside the US.
@Aerona "Pokemon Go Fest didn't even sound worth it if everything went according to plan."
The only necessary comment. Including this one.
@Tasuki agreed, this case is hilarious
@HappyMaskedGuy > out of some misplaced sense of loyalty.
What does loyalty have to do with anything? I don't even like pokemon, and this would still be ridiculous even if I hated Niantic. It's almost the same as suing Dreamworks for gas and tickets money because the trailer for Despicable 3 said it would blow my mind and then it didn't.
I think the question should be what were they expecting?
The event may have had major problems (which should have been expected, given how Niantic had rushed to get the raids in place in time), but it still took place... attendees still got the chance to take part in the challenges that were going on as part of the event, they got the chance to catch rare Pokemon, and were the first ones to take part in legendary raids.
Basically, Niantic delivered what they actually promised... they never promised that there wouldn't be any problems, as that is not something they could have promised... it was out of their control.
@nab1 Not exactly. More like Despicable Me 3 was advertised as only showing in one cinema. Everyone who wants to see it has to spend money travelling there. Then it turns out that the cinema was actually closed years ago, and DreamWorks didn't properly prepare by finding this out ahead of time.
I'd want my travel expenses back for that. Why wouldn't I?
@MonkiPlays What happened there exactly?
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