After a notable absence from Nintendo platforms, FIFA is finally making its return to a Nintendo home console. The last ‘current-generation’ release a Nintendo console has seen was as a Wii U launch title all the way back in 2012 in FIFA 13, though a few entries with minimal updates did arrive on 3DS and Wii in subsequent years. EA seems set to reinvest in Nintendo with FIFA 18 for Nintendo Switch, but will it be able to stand up to the offerings on competing consoles, or will the developer again let down its Nintendo fans?
At E3 we had the opportunity to play an extended demo of EA’s latest and we came away cautiously optimistic about the game’s fortunes. The team behind the curious iteration has made use of all of the Switch’s controller configurations, including single Joy-Con play for quick matches with friends on the go. We suspect, however, that longtime fans will prefer the Switch Pro Controller, not only because it is an excellent pad in its own right, but because it so closely resembles the controls they’re likely accustomed to using.
FIFA 18’s controls are laid out similarly to the traditional setup used on other consoles when using the Pro Controller, with the face buttons handling attacking, the sticks handling movement and the bumpers handling advanced maneuvers. If you’ve played FIFA on another console you’ll feel right at home in this setup. These controls also translate well to both portable mode and using two Joy-Con simultaneously in a Grip, though things became a bit more cramped and complicated when we used just one Joy-Con; it was hard to judge just how good the single Joy-Con configuration is in practice given the limited amount of time we had to work with.
The Switch version of FIFA does seem to run at a constant 60 frames per second in 1080p when docked, but performance seemed to suffer somewhat in portable mode. Though a representative did at least confirm that portable mode outputs at a native 720p on the console's screen, we didn’t feel it was hitting the full 60 frames in this setup (that is EA’s stated goal for the final product). The game also appears less visually detailed (unsurprisingly in light of what we know about it) on Nintendo’s hybrid console, with the pitch missing important details like the slide marks and divots that enthusiasts will be looking for. Character models appeared less detailed as well, but they were most definitely serviceable, only looking slightly worse than those on other consoles.
Despite the lower visual fidelity, playing FIFA felt every bit as it should, even in portable mode. Matches were every bit as well-paced and challenging as they always have been, and the roster is seemingly identical to that of the Frostbite-powered versions of the game. When played against a skilled human opponent the game truly shines, too; this is especially true when you consider that FIFA 18 is one of the few Switch games that can be played in local multiplayer without having to split the screen, making for an easy-to-view experience on the go.
FIFA 18 made headlines the week before E3 with the revelation that it would not be running on EA’s proprietary Frostbite Engine and that it would not include the popular “The Journey” mode, but it isn’t all bad news. Fortunately, FIFA’s immensely popular Ultimate Team and Seasons modes will be available in this somewhat lesser version, replete with both local and online multiplayer. We were also told a new mode dubbed Switch Kickoff would be available, though details on the mode are thin on the ground.
All in all, we found FIFA 18 on Switch to be a promising if slightly worrisome title. While EA has crafted a competent albeit feature-incomplete port of its popular franchise for Nintendo fans to enjoy, its sports titles have so far failed to find an audience on Nintendo’s hardware, especially home consoles. That said, the package put together is indeed as EA claims, the best portable FIFA ever. Could that be enough to sell fans on the Switch version? Only time will tell.
Comments 118
Day 1 buy for me, never played any Fifa
Let's be honest here, anyone that owns a PS4/Switch or XB1/Switch combo will opt for the more powerful and fully featured version on home consoles. However if you only own a Switch or portable is a big draw for you then it's def possible the game will find an audience. The only problem is are there enough of those consumers out there to make this a successful seller on the Switch? Only time will tell. I won't be one of those since I don't play FIFA much as it is, never even owned one but for Ninty and 3rd party devs sake, I hope there are enough fans that will want this on the Switch.
Just like CoD/BF doesn't have much of a fanbase on Ninty hardware and the few that do don't warrant a port (sorry guys but u account for 1-2% of overall sales, which in the grander scheme of things doesn't make business sense whatsoever at this time) I don't think that sports games that aren't arcade like have a big draw on this platform. Hopefully seeing the effort they put forth in this version I'm optimistic for its chances as it's looking really good.
Wonder how much Fifa 13 on the Wii U actually sold? It was a launch title on a console that struggled from the very start but I really don't think EA gave it a chance. I hope this is a quality experience & that it does well, I think it's important it does.
Why slightly worrisome? Is it sales you're worried about or the quality of the game?
Note, I'll buy the Switch version and I've got both other Consoles. Sport games are entirely perfect for a portable if done right.
I think more people downloaded the F13 demo than ever bought the full game on the Wii U... keep in mind we're talking three-digit figures here.
Nobody's gonna buy a Switch to play a third-rate port with performance issues.
The biggest stone around this title's neck is expectation. We all know what levels of polish there have been on other consoles, and the drop in performance and features for the Switch is resented by us fans, even if it's justified by what the Switch can do. I actually really enjoyed the Wii U FIFA, because I didn't have preconceptions of the XB or PS versions.
The truth is if this wasn't called FIFA and Switch Football instead, we'd be far more open to it.
I'm buying it to round out my physical lineup, but somewhat doubt I will play it much. Hope other will follow suit, but also enjoy it more.
Glad to hear this version is better than anyone has expected. If this version has an arcade mode (like NFL Blitz and NBA Jam), then it's gonna be fun
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I own an xbox one but I would rather buy it on switch just for portability.
Think I'll get this, haven't played fifa in a long time
Never played a console FIFA. And most likely never will for the time being. I would've definitely picked this up had EA put up all the features like on the other consoles but as of now I'll pass on FIFA. More of a "I''ll see" approach. If it sells, maybe I might buy it...
One of the developers has said it will be a rock solid 60fps in both hand held and docked. Something along the lines of "With FIFA its 60fps or get outta here". So I don't think we need to worry about that. But saying that , FIFA Wii U's framerate was horrible.
I'll be buying it day one for sure. As long as everything is as it should be then i have no doubt it will be one of my most played games.
If this is a good game I may buy it. If it's a shameless, poorly developed title, I won't
@electrolite77 Maybe that EA seems to be putting all of its eggs in this FIFA basket, meaning if it doesn't sell they won;t support Switch, problem is that this game doesn't have the mass appeal to make it a HUGE seller on Switch, thus it being unlikely that EA will support Switch further.
Let's hope it's a good game. Generally historically FIFA sux compared to PES but maybe the portable form in the amazing Switch will finally make it shine and worth it.
So many Debby downers.
FIFA fans should boycott this product.
There's no need for such a watered down, half assed version of the game. This is just lazy. Tell EA why you aren't happy.
The problem with EA sports is that they keep giving us dumb down version's of the games we like, such as Madden and FIFA.
To you EA, if you're going to do it, do it right!
Not worried about anything apart from the frame rate, they need to make sure the frame rate doesn't drop to noticeable levels in portable mode.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN Not necessarily I can see many people opting for the Switch for portability reasons. I've already seen many stories of people wanting to play a quick game with friends in the pub. It really comes down to whether you value the journey/physics or not.
Well, I never was a sports gamer...but if it's playing the core game at 60fps with Switch portability, seems it should still be a good port. I might even try this now.
If you're playing this primarily as a console game then the Switch version isn't great. I'll be curious to see how it sells on Switch.
Yeah sorry but soccer is not remotely interesting. It's really a very dull sport. If this is EA's way of gauging interest for their games on the Switch then clearly they're not serious about supporting the Switch.
Certain day one for me!!!
No. Not everyone.
Here is one who will only get it on Switch despite owning multiple consoles including PS4 and Xbone.
Is there a way to stop the players from taking dives in this game? Is there a no goalie option so it might not end in a 0-0 tie?
I don't really understand where the frustration with this version is coming from. It looks like EA only chopped what couldn't run on antiquated hardware and delivered a solid port (which is commendable, it probably takes a LOT more work to port from PC to Xbox or whatever than from Xbox to Switch). It's really quite simple: If you already own a current gen machine and care more about graphics than portability, don't buy. Otherwise, enjoy!
@LeRaposa @RoomB31
Yeah maybe. I suspect a lot of people will find excuses not to buy it now matter how good it is (see posts 19 and 20).
It's the right game to try though. Last year's version was the biggest selling game of 2016 worldwide. If the most popular video game in the world doesn't sell on a machine designed with multiplayer in mind they're probably right and it probably isn't worth bothering.
@electrolite77 Sure why not try, but a sports game specifically soccer/football isn't the game to get non-sports enthusiasts excited.
I'm not saying it's niche I'm saying it's narrow. If you like Fifa/Soccer/Football, yeah you should probably give this a chance. I have ZERO interest in this game/sports games in general, but that doesn't mean I don't want it to succeed as I want to see other EA games brought to Switch, I'm just not convinced this is the game that will convince EA do that.
I have a portable version on vita and it plays a good game of footy, so I can't see why this version would be pants, it should play like footy and that's what you need for this game been portable, didn't stop the vita version been a decent game just because it didn't have all the whistle and bells shenanigans. Though motion controls could ruin the game, they don't belong on a footy game, good luck to it though
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah? You've played it already?
That's the place I find myself. Huge FIFA fan, always been a PS4 guy, I wanted to get this for the Switch due to needing to play on the go. But it worries me to think I might not be getting the best play modes.
I don't care about graphics as long as it is reasonable, but if the story mode is actually good this time, then it worries me to not get the PS4 version.
I appreciate Nlife getting a demo, but the question is what is kick off mode? I need to know what it is and how good it is, because I am reading story for kick off
Oh noticed the predicable EA have given switch owners a dumbed down version comments.
How does leaving out one mode = dumbed down version?
Please stop with these OTT statements
But what else do they go for? Star Wars isn't going to get non-Star Wars fans excited. Battlefield won't appeal to non-FPS players. Any other sports game is more niche by definition. Mass Effect has its own controversies going on and won't appeal to a lot of people. They've gone for their biggest hitter.
@Nobleredone Don't need to play it, to know that it's not using the frostbyte engine, is lacking features and won't look as good as the other console versions.
I truthfully don't like any sports games, but it's nice to see that this isn't an extremely watered down port.
Day 1 buy for me. Perfect to take on the train for the offline stuff.
At least EA are bringing a version of FIFA 18 to Switch. I just hope that when they analyse sales of the game they take into account the amount of Switch owners when compared to those owning PS/Xbox. Obviously it will sell less than on other systems, but that might not be an adequate indicator of fan support (or interest in EA games in general).
Equally as predictable will be posters claiming that because it doesn't run on a particular engine (that makes no material difference to the game) they won't buy it. That's be the best excuse. Even if it turns out to be an excellent version they'll use the clarion call of the clueless modern gamer as their excuse for not buying it.
@HappyMaskedGuy This is such an asinine response. I get that it's fun to hate on EA, but the posts from people stating that EA has a personal vendetta against Nintendo, or that this is somehow "lazy" is utter nonsense. How is custom developing a new engine and assets for a game "lazier" than a simple port? If EA could have taken the "lazy" way out, they absolutely would have.
I'm not defending this game. I don't know if it will be any good or not. But one thing it most definitely is not, is lazy. If you want ports of all the latest third party software, the Switch is not for you. As much as we may want to hate EA for that, Nintendo knew full well this would happen when they launched a comparatively weak console. If anyone is to blame for lack of third party ports, it would be Nintendo. I for one will happily sacrifice third party ports for first party software and the portability that comes with the Switch.
@electrolite77 I worry about the sales; the quality of the game was more than up to par. If the sales don't meet whatever expectations that EA has, we might not see Madden or other popular EA titles.
Not a football (or soccer, over here) fan at all, but one of my fave portable games of all time was a soccer game for the Neo-Geo Pocket Color, Neo-Geo Cup...had a quick 6 minute match mode that I loved when I needed a pick-me-up, on the go. If this is anything like that, I'd love to try it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Appreciate what you're saying but that implies that there's never been a good football game that hasn't run on frostbite or have the "journey" mode. Don't get me wrong if you play 100% docked and have a PS4 or Xbox you may as well get the other console version. However if you do play 100% docked you kinda missing the Switch USP.
We've now come to the point where people who complain about the lack of third party games say they won't buy a third party game because it doesn't run on a particular engine (which they probably haven't seen in action or know anything about anyway) or because it lacks one mode (but adds another) that most people just play through once anyway. I guess some people are just hopeless
@Rumncoke25 Kickoff mode is the quick and easy way to play a match. It is like the demo of the game, but all teams are available if that makes any sense.
I'm just imagining a Heath Robinson style drawing of a sweating gamer with a T.V, PS4, surround sound system and generator strapped awkwardly around his body as he plays FIFA 18 'full fat coke edition!' on the tube.
All held together with bits of string and planks of wood, naturally. Oh, and the generator is coal powered - which is causing much consternation with his fellow passengers.
Title would read 'If a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing in HDR, 1080p at 60fs!'
@kobashi100 To be fair, they are not using the same engine as the other two consoles, and they left out two popular modes. I can at least understand people's frustrations.
Could not possibly care less about the Journey, but I'm wondering if it'll feature all the players from the other versions (particularly the players from the women's leagues — for me, that's been a huge plus over PES even though I'm more used to PES' engine).
I think most FIFA players are already firmly routed in their console of choice (Xbox or PS) by now, already have a familiar group of people they play with online, and wouldn't even think about buying it for anything else anyway.
I think if EA wanted to test the waters with the Switch, I think they should've given us a Dead Space or something.
@electrolite77 I see what you're saying, there isn't a ONE GAME solution, but that's why it's so problematic to rely on a single title to determine the future of their support for Switch. There are a plethora of titles that have appeal in different genres that it would be unfortunate if they didn't do a little more to see if there is interest in their games on Switch. PVZ, PEggle, Sims, Need For Speed, Titanfall, Mirrors Edge all have different audiences. Let's just hope that regardless of how well Fifa does, that they try out other categories before making any swift judgements.
I hope this is portable gold for those that enjoy FIFA.
"FIFA 18 is one of the few Switch games that can be played in local multiplayer without having to split the screen"
That, for some reason, made me chuckle...
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I don't know, I've already got Fifa 16 on the PS4 (not really interested in having one on the X1, purely for friendlist reasons), so having another to play on the go, or just off the TV or just with friends whenever, where ever is more interesting to me than all the upgrades Fifa 18 with offer on the PS4 - over Fifa 16.
I don't care for the Journey or Ultimate and all those shenanigans. I either play a normal season or with a buddy/ online. I'm not saying that the other options are no good, but I'm not remotely enough invested into Fifa to care. Sometimes I'm in the mood for some soccer, and that's when I load-up Fifa.
That's about it, begin able to do this without any hassle anywhere anytime is a plus, hence I would disagree with your view.
Anyone know the asking price for this version?
Just make a great rip off of Sensible World of Soccer and put that in the Switch.
That game, portable, with online and local multiplayer / leagues / player trades, and co-op mode would be AMAZING and a sweet match for the Switch and it's dinky little shareable joy-cons.
Multiplayer football fun. Done. DO IT!!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE have you played it on the Switch?
I'll get it, Fifa is an awesome party game
I will accept nothing less than motion controls and foot straps
@electrolite77 @timson72 @nintendoforlife @timpiss @rumncoke25 @ralek85 @jamesrooney27 guys I did state "however if portable is a big draw for you..." which left it open to the possibility of owning a PS4/XB1 and still wanting it for switch. If you're going to use it primarily as a home console game I don't see why get it on the switch. Other than that I completely disagree with this being a lazy dumb downed port. Building a custom engine is a good sign of the effort put towards this game and the fact that it's only missing one mode and still looks great are all good signs that EA has done the best it could with the game.
@Sligeach_eire remember Switch cannot run the Frostbyte engine but doesn't mean it's not going to look good or that it's bad because of it, and please remind me what features are missing? So far isn't it only Journey mode? 1 thing only. Again building a custom engine so that it runs on the switch is a positive sign And one deadbolt is well towards the efforts EE has gone towards making this port the suppor and one deadbolt is well towards the efforts EA has gone towards making this port. Sometimes I think you like to complain about something just to complain rather than actually call out all the many positives this port actually shows.
FIFA games are garbage and so are the people they're aimed at.
I have both, but buying the switch version this time.
@bluesdance lol yes please i would love to see this
I'm encouraged because it does seem EA put effort into this port. For a long time, I was afraid it was going to be an upscaled Vita or PS3/360 port and a "Legacy Mode" at that. But it feels like they are adding as much as they can into this version to get as close as possible to the other versions. I am a soccer fan, and enjoyed FIFA on the Wii U, I have this preordered and am excited for it.
@roadrunner343 Indeed, poor, misunderstood EA.
Hmm, person who randomly insults millions of other people on the internet thinks other people are garbage. Interesting....
Depends what their expectations are of FIFA (and obviously we won't know that). Hopefully the level of sales they're looking for is realistically calibrated. As I've said elsewhere though, third-parties were always going to be cautious on Switch. They've gone for their biggest games, one that chimes perfectly with the way Nintendo are marketing the Switch and it looks like they've done a really good job. Personally I can't say fairer than that.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN For the vast majority, I reckon you're absolutely right. But as a PS4-owning, Switch fan, I'll be buying FIFA 18 on the Nintendo machine. Thanks to its portability, almost everything is better on Switch. For me at least
I've no interest in FIFA personally, but it sounds like EA are making the effort here for a Switch specific version of the game, making it as best they can. So kudos for them.
Whilst this won't be as technically impressive as the PS4/XB1 version, a very important USP for the Switch version has to be that it's portable? Won't this be the first instance ever of a proper full on console version of FIFA playable on a handheld? That has to be appealing to some, even I think that sounds good and I hate FIFA! 😀
@StayFresh that still doesn't mean it's dumbed down though.
People should stop saying that as it's clearly not true
@MaSSiVeRiCaN hold on dude. Switch can run frostbite. Think a developer from EA even confirmed that. Gamers have got frostbite games running on pc with lower spec then the switch. Xbox 360 and ps3 ran frostbite engine games.
@kobashi100 Today's Frostbite is not comparable to the Frostbite engine of 10 years ago. Suffice to say, if the Switch could in fact run the same Frostbite engine that the XBONE/PS4 are currently using for this game, EA definitely would have rather ported it. Writing a custom engine for this game certainly took more time and money.
I will agree with you and @MaSSiVeRiCan though, that this does not appear to be dumbed down to me, and the fact that they put in the effort to write a custom engine for the Switch is a good thing. I don't understand why other people (Not you) are complaining. Why would we prefer a straight port that would likely chug on the Switch, over an optimized, custom purpose built Switch version?
I am going to get it when released and hope people that enjoy sports games also buy it as we need to show third parties it is worth while to develop for the switch.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I'm sure the Dev Andrei Lazaresco: It's not that you can't get Frostbite on it. It's just that we felt this custom-built engine would build the better experience.
I'm not a tech person. I create games. I know what the game should feel like. Me seeing people actually enjoying the game, for me means the world.
I have ps4, xbox and gaming pc but the thought of having your player where ever you go is dope, same as nba, ill get them on all consoles but worried how it will hold up in hand on switch.
Thanks for that. I have the same concern.
As a multi console owner, I could buy this game on 4 different platforms, including PS4 Pro and PC, if I so desired.
But I've never really been into sports games the last few console generations, barring a few exceptions. The reason this game grabbed my attention, is because it's coming to Switch, and is an excellent local MP game. The portability is nice too- the 3DS and Vita versions offered portability, but it was considerably sub-par compared with Switch, and those versions did not offer local multiplayer, nor did they offer TV play. It's just the one two three punch of local multiplayer anywhere anytime, console quality experience on the go, and the double value of console + handheld + shared save file that makes this a day one purchase for me. Indeed, there are quite a few games I probably wouldn't buy on other consoles that I'd be very interested in on Switch. This is a perfect example.
I've never bought a soccer/football game in my life, played a few though mostly on snes, yet I feel compelled to buy this. Its two fold it seams.
1. Switch lends to co-op/competitive at the core system level. Its it's thing for the lack of a better term. Two controllers out the box.
2. We as switch owners need to show the big AAAs we are interested in their games or we'll end up getting nothing again.
I can hear the whisper of complaining coming now, "but downgraded port, less modes, no dlc, lessened visuals". FIFA has at least 2 of these, but nothing earth shattering wrong with the game. Sad thing is I truly agree with the community that this should not be acceptable and we need full games plus extra content where applicable.
Everyone knows about the Nintendo triangle with 3rd parties. Publisher takes wait and see approach at first, releases port of game six months later than other systems it in turn sells poorly. They then decided to pull all future support.
The publishers aren't willing to break the cycle by taking a few game losses and keep making games till they strike gold on Nintendo when there are more lucrative platforms.
So we as gamers have to step up and buy these games so they sell well enough for support not to get pulled. If we don't break the cycle it won't end. Of course if you want to keep things how they are, table scraps with zero parity 3rd party wise with the twins then well god help us all.
@electrolite77 I'm not saying that everyone who plays FIFA is. Just the non-gamer type that the games are aimed at. The people who buy new consoles just for a new version of the game when there's barely any difference from one game to another.
So aside from the lack of the Journey mode and the inferior graphics, it sounds like a pretty decent FIFA game...
I've never been a fan of sports games at all on any consoles, so I probably won't be buying this game, but I hope it sells well enough to ensure the Switch continues to get future FIFA entries and other EA Sports games (Madden, NHL, PGA, UFC) as well. Same applies to NBA 2K and 2K's other sports game, WWE 2K.
I really want to be optimistic but this is a watered down port. Its only appeal is portability. Whether or not thats enough will be determined by the marketplace.
I just dont think it will be overwhelmingly positive especially since there just arent many switch's out in the wild yet, and potentially negative for ea switch support longer term. They must be hoping for a near 1 to 1 attachment for this game and nintendo unfortunately used to be synonymous with sports games but that was pre playstation era. No longer.
Time will tell but its not in my personal games to buy list.
Never cared about sports games and now it's not going to be different. I won't be buying it.
But we all need to credit EA (as much as I dislike them) for trying to make a good port. I don't see this FIFA as a "watered down, half assed port". They didn't use Frostbite but they did create a custom engine to take advantage of Switch features. Also it looks quite good (it's not an issue that looks worst than the PS4 or XboxO versions, that was obvious from the beginning, but does look good enough to make graphics insignificant), also all the new gameplay mechanics are also there. Just The Journey is missing and that's because it is so dependent on Frostbite that it couldn't be done without starting from scratch.
I wouldn't call that watered down or half assed.
@Robohock iblike your comments but i wont stwp up and buy a sub par fifa game. If support is pulled its probably a good thing. This fits the same argument against shovelware indie titles on any eshop. If we keep buying them they will keep shovelling them in. I dont want a host of second rate sports games on switch that gwt hammered in the press and recreate wii u circumstances.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN portability is key. I don't play FIFA so I won't buy this on either my Switch or my PS4. But if we're talking about Monster Hunter, I'll go portable over the better graphics of Monster Hunter World 10 times out of 10. Graphics isn't everything, and when you have "OK enough" graphics on the Switch, then all the better.
I own a PS4 and I'm getting this on my Switch for quick matches in the office.
I'm not interested in this, but I'm not interested in this for my ps4 either. Any realistic sports game really doesn't catch my attention anymore.
From polygon they state it's 1080p docked, 720p undocked and both running at 60fps. Also, Switch Kick-Off lets you instantly jump into a solo or local multiplayer match. Online play is, however, much more limited than in the PC/PS4/Xbox One versions, which support full 11-on-11 matches (i.e., 22 human players). The maximum on the Switch is only four players.
I'm looking forward to Fifa 18.
Leave the sports games to heavy hitters. Just keep churning out Marios Zeldas, Pikmin and Metroid and I'll be happy
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I never take my Switch out of my house but will still buy that version,so I can play while the Mrs watches crap.
Being a Yankee, I'd rather have Madden. ; )
@Solid_Stannis Wow 3 digit figures?? did they really only sell less than a thousand copies in total??
@WhiteTrashGuy Being a non-yankee (Aussie would you say the Madden games are as good / better than say Fifa or 2k NBA as far as sports games go? I have never played an NFL game so just purely on the videogame itself rather than NFL, would you reccommend me trying it given I don't know all the rules of game yet (nfl)?
This sounds pretty tham good. Day 1 purchase for me without a doubt. 1080p60fps docked, 720p60fps portable, 4 player support. Could be the best Fifa version ever made.
It will print money. May this welcome In a new era of Sports games on a Nintendo console.
I've mentioned this a few times in the past and I'll say the same thing. I want EA, Ubisoft and other big companies to support the Switch so early titles are going to be very important. I would never buy this version annually like like I do MLB the Show or NHL, but I decided to save up some money to support some games I normally wouldn't buy for Switch just to show some love to third party supporters. A few months ago I decided to buy Fifa, NBA and Mario/Rabbids. If you want third party support, perhaps consider buying a game you normally wouldn't.
To be fair about the fact that FIFA failed to gain an audiance on Nintendo.
When was the last realistic chance? The Wii games were not comparable, obviously and the one Wii U game was garbage, besides the Wii U itself not selling...
I think this has a way higher chance of success. And the Journey mode isn't super important anyway.
The gameplay comparison will be key.
Seriously cant understand the issue with it not being the same as XB1/PS4 graphic wise as long as it has ultimate team etc & rest of features & plays well thats important. Just look at size of each console for a start never mind components inside the bloody box. I have high end gaming PC & it walks all over my PS4 but the graphics card alone cost more than the PS4 so hardly a fair comparison. Hopefully will be a demo for it.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN I have a ps4 pro and as I have two young sons FIFA is a must buy every year but I will be getting the switch version this year. One of the main reasons is that I always end up having to get both the PS4 and the IOS version as the kids want it on the go. Getting both in one package is a great result
@MaSSiVeRiCaN Not true. I own Xbox One S and a PS4, Ill be buying FIFA 18 for Switch.
@FTL you gonna pick up rugby league live 4?
@kobashi100 well 3 was pretty average so i'll wait for reviews I think.
Bought FIFA on Wii U and will buy it on the Switch and once again hope we get more than one version...
more useless shovelware. EA just get greedier and greedier ever year. Buy a game at full price and pay again with FIFA Ultimate Team.To me its wrong to charge for a game and then add freemium transactions, it should be one or the other.
The only football game i've ever enjoyed was River City Soccer Hooligans.
At first, I cared for the visual quality. Planning to get FIFA for my PS4. But now I have the Switch and it's totally about being MOBILE with two controllers while on the go. So, I'm getting it for the Switch.
At the end of the day, it's the gameplay that REALLY matters, not the graphics.
Owning a Ps4 aswell, i would probably opt in on a Switch version of a game siply for the portability. Im not a Fifa guy though, so i won't buy this, on any platform. If it was NHL or something, i might have bought it just because.
@FTL yeah same for me. Shame the developers have never managed to make a real good rugby league game.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN not true i own a xboxone and ps4 and im buying this game for my switch. I want to support Nintendo as much as possible, i use my switch mostly as a home console.
@Metroidkiller64 and it's precisely for this reason that I won't be buying it.
The fact that they have targeted on the go usage over docked mode means I won't be going anywhere near it.
As someone who uses their Switch in docked mode as a console, I don't want sub-par graphics when it comes to Fifa.
I just want NHL on the Switch....
I would play something a little more arcadey to start out with, like NFL BLITZ which was a download title for awhile. Just like with any sports title, knowing the basic fundamentals helps out immensley. But, yes, MADDEN is usually a very good game. I hear 2017 (last year's game) was really good. Give that a go.
@Yasaal You mean like third party developers attitude towards the Switch in general before making games for it? (If the system sells...maybe we'll consider making games for it.)
@Joshua179 Personally, I could care less about a Journey mode story...that is a continuation of a story I never started on the other consoles in the first place. I don't think people buy sports games (in general) for the story...its for the action. And this version (which I DO plan on getting and being the first FIFA game I'll be getting) seems (from the preview above) to have all the wanted FIFA action intact. Yes, the preview said there are maybe some slight slowdowns in frames during portable mode...BUT...since it seems that is where EA is focusing this games appeal...I would say they are doing everything they can to work that out to smooth 60fps for the launch of the game (which is still months away).
Hm no thanks, I think I'll rather just wait until Rainway comes out and then (maybe, if I should ever need it on the go) play PES/FIFA on the Switch.
@BezBot Really?? Its a great soccer game. I think that ANY gamer should have a soccer game on his collection. The local multiplayer with friends its a blast.
Switch is not in the same category of PS4 and XB1. It's a different device. If you have one, you know that. Did you know you can take the Switch out of the dock and carry it with you? I buy games for the Switch that I can see myself taking with me. If I want to play FIFA on the bus, I'm gonna buy this game. Go ahead and buy the PS4 version so you can be stuck in your stinky room surrounded by a mass of potato chip crumbs as you pretend like you're popular with these online faceless friends while I'm playing with real people that I can actually high five and talk with.
@Highlar Lol yeah. If EA does it so can we XD
@Flugen Yep never played any of them because none of my friends did plus there was always games I wanted more on Nintendo consoles so I just never got around to playing any Fifa but I will be glad to buy on Switch
@BMox81 i never cared for amazing graphics in games honestly but i do understand where you are coming from. Till this day my favorite soccer game of all time and ill still play it over fifa anytime is International Superstar Soccer 64, maybe its because its arcady lol
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