If you have a Netflix subscription and you're a Castlevania fan then chances are you've already digested the four-episode adaptation that has recently gone live on the streaming service. Based on the events seen in Castlevania III, the show includes the vocal talents of Richard Armitage (The Hobbit) and Matt Frewer (Max Headroom) and we found it to be very enjoyable indeed, if a little on the short side.
The good news is that Netflix has picked up the series for a second larger season, and to learn a bit more about its inception and future we were lucky enough to speak to producer Adi Shankar, who describes himself as "a gamer first, a filmmaker second". Famous for his acclaimed "Bootleg Universe" series of short films which have covered properties such as The Punisher, James Bond and Power Rangers, Shankar has also produced Hollywood hits such as Dredd, The Grey, Lone Survivor and Machine Gun Preacher. Dubbed "the Quentin Tarantino of the digital generation", Shankar's star continues to rise - but his involvement with projects like Castlevania is borne out of an obsession to see one of his childhood loves get the treatment it deserves.
Nintendo Life: Thanks for taking the time to speak with us. To kick things off, do you have a message for the readers of Nintendo Life and Castlevania fans in general regarding the series?
Adi Shankar: First off, thank you! This show was made by fans for fans. I wasn’t going to mess up my own childhood and thank you for creating an ecosystem of fandom that has allowed this show could exist. I hope you guys keep supporting the show and spreading the word about it so that our audience grows and other fan made shows like this can exist.

How did Castlevania find its way into your hands, and how did you convince Netflix to take it?
I met Kevin Kolde in a chance encounter. He’s a great guy and was instrumental to every single aspect of this project. The plan initially was to go the Kickstarter route. I wasn’t sure how big the audience for Castlevania would be, but I knew I really wanted to see it made well and I hoped others felt the same way. Also, Bloodstained had done killer numbers on Kickstarter. I had assumed after releasing Power/Rangers and nearly going to war with Haim Saban - and then refusing to work on the official Power Rangers movie - I’d been ostracized from Hollywood, but I guess Netflix really liked what I was creating on YouTube and let us do our thing.
What's it been like to work with Warren Ellis, who is something of a legend in comic book and literary circles?
If you look up the people I’ve cited as influences early in my career Warren Ellis was and always has been on that list. Eminem is also on that list as is Banksy, who inspired my fan film satire series “The Bootleg Universe.” I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with several of my idols throughout my short career and it’s always been surreal. I guess the best thing I can say is that artists talk to each other in a very supportive way that transcends age and experience.
Was it hard to stay true to Ellis' original vision for the show, which is very gritty and mature?
Mature and very gritty describes every movie that I’ve ever produced and every unauthorised “Bootleg Universe” short that I’ve ever made. I would say it fit me like a glove, but that’s cliche so I’m going to say that it fit me like a Power Glove.

Would you consider yourself to be a fan of the Castlevania series?
Yes. That is why this was such an important project to me. Storytellers like myself are here to preserve our fandom culture and contribute to it so that future generations can enjoy and expand upon it. The harsh truth is the reason I quit the film industry and retreated to YouTube back in 2015 was because the major studios (except Marvel) blatantly didn’t respect fandom. They viewed us as “the pre-existing audience who would show up opening day regardless” and I didn’t want to participate in the massacre of my childhood.
It's been confirmed that Netflix has taken a second series of eight episodes; is the script already in place and will this next season take us to the conclusion of Castlevania III's narrative?
Yeah the scripts are done and they blow Season 1 out of the water. I’m not answering the rest of this… I don’t want to spoil it!
The show does a fantastic job of pulling in elements of other Castlevania titles - most notably Symphony of the Night, perhaps the most celebrated game in the franchise. Could we see a future series tackle the story of Richter Belmont and Alucard? Or do you think there are other parts of the Castlevania timeline that are ripe for adaptation?
Here’s what I love about Castlevania: to me it’s always been a story about multiple generations of a family. It’s a timeline that spans many many centuries. Making this show was a dream come true and I would love to keep making as many seasons of this as they’ll allow me to. As long as the fans keep watching the show and engaging in social media about it then the team and I will be able to tell a lot of Castlevania stories.

You've conformed you're also working on an Assassin's Creed series. What can you tell us about that in terms of setting, production team and cast? Has any of that been decided yet?
I am working on Assassin’s Creed. Lots has been decided but I’m not going to reveal any of it. It’s going to be dope.
What other video game series would you like to adapt?
Dark Metroid in the same anime style.
You've worked in movies as well as TV - what other projects do you have in development that you can tell us about?
I was working on a show called Adi Shankar’s Gods and Secrets which I had to pause because of an incident that I’d rather not discuss here. It’s now back in production and will be out very soon.
We'd like to thank Adi for giving up his time to speak with us. Castlevania is currently available for streaming on Netflix.
Comments 95
This guy is cringy...
And if he wants to respect fandoms, then why did he make that violent Power Rangers video?
And no thanks for a darker Metroid.
I don't like this guy...
@Neon_Blues Perhaps because the audience which grew up with Power Rangers is much older now? I thought it worked really well - certainly better than the recent live-action movie!
Cue gibberish comments about how this show is the worst thing on the face of the Earth.
Thanks for the interview. However, you folks missed the opportunity to ask him about the decisions for the OST, such as not including classic themes, etc. It didn't bother me at all and I still think Konami has to do with that, but since it did bother you guys judging by the review, I honestly expected a question in that direction here.
I'm definitely a 'classicvania' games fan but this show looked much too mature in content for me. I might be in the minority for my age group but I'd have preferred something closer in tone to Tales from the Cryptkeeper. But given the age and later direction of the property that wasn't going to happen.
Dude is a gamer through and through, they couldn't have put Castlevania or Assassin's Creed in better hands. Also interested in seeing this Gods and Secrets thing.
Can we also give Trevor Morris, the 2 time Emmy winning composer, some credit here? The soundtrack was great, even if it didn't play up on nostalgia for the sake of nostalgia. I can't imagine one section in this season where the iconic songs would've been used to full effect. Gamers apparently want to hear "bloody tears" when Trevor is drinking in a tavern.....maybe wait for them to actually get to Dracula's castle.
Adi Shankar doesn't wear the creep make-up anymore?
Still, couldn't care less about his opinion.
Hope its as good as the game can't wait to watch it!
The mention of Metroid made me feel all tingly.
People want to complain about Mature content when Historically the themes Castlevania covers are insanely mature. Does anyone even know the real Count Dracula? The one that started the legend? The one that killed soldiers and hung them on signposts to scare away other soldiers from his land?(Seriously the guy was crazy as hell). If you come to Castlevania expecting Hotel Transylvania then you should not be into the series. Honestly, the Netflix series is amazing for the source material, and season 2 is really Gonna Kick A**.
@Eddyson Could or couldn't?
He's really a fan, and the show could not be in better hands.
You can see his "fanism" in phrases like "it's going to be dope", it's easy to see how passionate about the projects he is.
Very authentic, I like the show and now I like this guy.
Vlad the Impaler was his name, the real Count Dracula. And the stuff in the Castlevania Netflix show is VERY tame compared to the stuff this man did in his life.
hahaha "couldn't"
My bad.
I knew something sounded off as I was reading it back to myself.
GG thanks.
@Neon_Blues Yeah, how dare he wish to make a dark Metroid series! After all, Metroid has always been known for its bubbly attitude, comical characters, and peppy musical numbers.
@FriedSquid Oh I loved that musical they did a few years ago. Remember "My Right Arm Cannon"?
@LinkSword Well put and I expected question about that too and if some of the classic themes were going to be in season 2. Would love that, some proper orchestral re-imaginings. Either way, great interview and I for one would love a Metroid series in the same vein(ia)!
Sorry couldn't resist.
I find it difficult to see how Metroid (a show and don't tell franchise) could be pulled off in an anime. Samus would need some sidekick companion to be annoying and make her talk. Samus was alright in the Metroid manga. She was young and there was plenty of characters, but now she's alone and mature.
I'm sorry but I really really didn't like it. I didn't like the writing, I didn't like the art style, I didn't like the music. Lines such as "I could just piss in a bucket and give him that". Seriously? I have no idea why people are acting like this is good and I'm starting to wonder if it's just because this guy has lots of high up friends in the industry
@Scapetti or because people like different things?
@Bliquid Beer being compared to piss water isn't exactly a new thing and wouldn't explain a distrust for someone. It's just a throwaway line that is meant to be seen as a "gag" but is instead just overly visual and unnecessary
@faint I tend to find that hard to believe. Some things are just awful. Privileged people with good connections who just make movies because they can. I witness it a lot in the industry. There are people that make movies just so they can get drunk at wrap parties with the female cast. It's disgusting
@Neon_Blues cool I now know who to 'Ignore' on here going forward.
@Scapetti Yes, we are pals, he invites me a beer every sunday and all I have to do is like the show.
I'm sure there's a lot of things you really like that many find "awful".
Just saying that it's hard to believe that people have "different opinions" is an instant loss in an argument, simply because, from all the people on Earth, you really, really believe none of us like it for a genuine reason and somehow it's more credible that it's because of his connections?
@Bliquid I don't understand your explanation, it doesn't flow with me. A better explanation would be that "he's so drunk anyway he wouldn't notice" but even then it was a gross thing to say in front of your grandfather and all the other people surrounding her at the time. And it was only ONE example of dialogue that I thought was just plain bad.
@roy130390 You misunderstand me, the connections is in relation to the talent involved. Stick a few big names on something and people go "ooh this is great", even if it's really not.
@Scapetti Oh, ok, I understand. Maybe it does impact the general opinion, but in my case, to be honest, I've been a fan of these games since the early 90s and I have no idea of who this guy is.
@roy130390 No, I have no idea who this guy is, I've just gathered he's a young youtube personality who says "dope" too much. The bigger names are Richard Armitage and Warren Ellis (who coincidentally came from the same town as me)
@Grandpa_Pixel Ridley's "I killed everyone you loved" is a personal favourite of mine.
@gatorboi352 See ya.
@Damo Thing is, a good bulk of the audience that grew up with Power Rangers is still following the show. I am not just talking about those that watched Mighty Morphin and stopped. I'm talking about the many that watched past MM (and maybe even other seasons within the Zordon Era. Yeah, I'm a PR geek myself). That short completely missed the point of what PR was all about. And it was violent and gritty just for the sake of it. Those attempts tend to be shallow
Also, for anyone that has stayed with the franchise, you would know that it has matured beyond its cheesy beginnings. I mean, it still maintained a level of cheesiness and appropriateness for its core audience. But watch seasons like Time Force, Lost Galaxy (that actually shows a ranger dying) or RPM and it was clear they tried making the show more than just a vehicle to sell toys
But I digress about Power Rangers. I enjoyed this Castlevania series and can't wait for more
@Scapetti I liked it. It's a great little b flick. There is an entire industry devoted to it.
@Scapetti he has made over ten feature films including the brilliant killing them softly. He has worked very hard to get where he is and is not a youtuber.
I wish I had played any of the Castlevania games, especially when they first came out. I'm sure I'd be much more interested in watching the show if that were the case.
I might watch it sometime, though. I'm always down for more vampire stuff, especially if it came from a classic video game.
@faint Do you know what an executive producer is?
A dark Metroid? Uhh... YES, PLEASE!! Especially since the tone is somewhat ALREADY there!
@patbacknitro Thank you!!!! The real legend behind Count Dracula, Vladd the Impaler, was insanely violent. If people were hoping for some Twilight b.s. then they definitely don't know their vampire origins. I thought this show was brilliant. I have only played the original Castlevania and that was WAY back in the day. This show has made me want to go back and play the series through Virtual Console & NES Classic. Also people should have realized this show was going to be super mature and bloody. There were comments made by the producer and writers that they wanted to make Castlevania more bloody than Game of Thrones. It was incredibly refreshing of Netflix to let the team go with it and make this show how the creative team wanted to.
@Scapetti Are you trying to tell me that fundraising for muti million dollar films is easy? I have work on quite a few incredibly low budget films and let me tell you...it's incredibly difficult. Also all of the films he has produced have a common look and feel regardless of its director. This implies tons of creative input.
I like this guy! You could really tell how passionate he is
@Scapetti ps... could you be more condescending?
@faint I just think, if you can't do this stuff yourself, you shouldn't be in the industry. All I see is privilege
Good points abiut power rangers. I never got why people liked MM( I was introduced to Ultraman from my friend in Tokyo) but I have watched a few of the later series and they are a lot better.
As for Castlevania, some of the dialogue , for lack of a better phrase, tried too hard, but it was in no way over the top poor taste. I have read fantasy books since I was 8, and I have to say, p-ss being compared to weak beer is pretty common in fantasy.
The gore was perhaps a bit in your face, but the source material for Vlad the Impaler, as well as most of the takes on Dracula are much worse. I understand a lot of us grew up with Castlevania, but this isn't really G rated material.
For those that prefer their Belmonts less edgy, can I recommend Captain N?
@faint Also, I can try
@Scapetti that is a job man. Without an executive producer most films would never get made at all.
@Scapetti seriously there is a lot of work behind what this guy does. He has also acted in, directed, and written a few things. If you think it's easy work give it a go. That was not my experience.
@Scapetti You're going to tell me that someone like Kevin Feige is not a key important piece to everything Marvel does? Or how about what Ari Arad did to help get the first Iron Man film off the ground (or the 6 other executive producers)? They do a ton of pre-production heavy lifting and tend to be the folks that keep the shareholders and the money men happy while the directors do their jobs.
I use Marvel as an example, but this can be applied to almost if not every film or series.
@Wexter 💯 correct
OK, I just finished all four episodes and it's actually really good, with a lot of potential going forward. It just started a bit slow for the first couple of episodes--enough that I nearly gave up on it--but now that this first four episodes are done, and they've set up whatever comes next, I can see it turning into potentially one of the best shows (or film) based on a game yet. This makes me very happy.
@faint I have given it a go... many times... I'm a filmmaker. And @Wexter Kevin Feige is not comparable, this is just some kid
@Scapetti Some kid who has assisted with working on Killing Them Softly, Dredd (don't know why I put Man of Steal), and a very successful Netflix animated series that has been green-lit for a second season when most video game adaptions land on their face.
Film maker or not without this "kid" there would be no Netflix Castlevania or not anytime soon.
In a good or bad way?
No thanks to the Metroid idea. Wasn't it based off Aliens anyway?
@Scapetti And I'm a simple every day toad who just so happened to rise to the ranks as Captain and happened to help Mario get the Power Stars in a couple of galaxies far far away and in a 3D world, however simple some people in the rumor mill happened to spurt out, and thanks to me and my team's heroic efforts, I happen to star in my own game and managed to warm the hearts of millions, your argument is irrevelant.
The Castlevania games are very tame compared to Vlad the Impaler. Mortal Kombat it ain't and never was, so yeah we don't expect hyper violence, gratuitous cussing, some is alright and expected but you have to do it right or it sounds dumb and forced. Plus the games are based off a mix of the old monster movies and various mythologies.
The animated series does look good though.
It would be rad to have them hire The Megas to do Castlevania tunes for the show. I loved their take on Heart of Fire and Bloody Tears.
@Scapetti if that true then why do you trivialize the work involved
@Tempestryke Castlevania has had some rather disturbing imagery and bosses before. Such as one from Symphony that was a massive corps on chains. One from Aria I think was a massive ball of dead bodies and LoS was rated M.
Granted this series did get me a few time and I'm a bit of a gore-hound (loved Higarashi).
@Tempestryke In a good way, just because I love the Metroid universe. Although it is a series defined by isolation, so I'm not sure how interesting it would be to actually watch. Maybe like the first half hour of Riddick, who knows.
@faint Because executive producer is not a job, it's funding. It's some guy saying "let's hire this director, let's hire this writer, let's hire these actors, and then we'll sell it to netflix and make loads of money". It shows no heart, it is everything wrong with the studio system delegated to a single person
Are we arguing about whether Castle-Fight Demons, Zombies, and God knows what else-Vania is or should be mature or not?
I could have been doing 83.7 other things, none of which involve ignoring blatant themes.
Oh. I haven't seen Riddick so I'll take your word on it.
@Wexter What IS Killing Them Softly... you're all talking about it like it's some big deal? This is exactly why I have these conspiracy theories about this only getting good reviews because of insider connections. Big names, big budgets, privileged kids
@Wexter I know, but I'm saying it's not so over the top that it gets absolutely ridiculous. Even Princess Mononoke had me rolling my eyes from time to time and I love that movie.
@Kriven What? That's not how it works... he pays directors, writers and animators to do the work for him. That's what I'm referring to
@Scapetti Killing them Softly is a cult favorite and was nominated for a few awards. It is a really respected film by fans of mob movies. Also has Brad Pitt and I love Brad Pitt, think he is a fantastic talent.
@Wexter It's hardly White Heat from the looks of it
@Scapetti I still recommend it, really good film.
@Kriven Hmm, never talked about crowdsourcing and so didn't mean funding in that way. Must have misunderstood
@DarthFoxMcCloud ...why did you change his name? patbacknitro was right, it's Vlad the Impaler. Where did 'Destroyer' come from?
@Markiemania95 You are correct that is his title. The only time I have seen him referred to something other than Dracula or the Impaler is Dracul (the Dragon), but that tends to be referred to his father Vlad II.
Why yes, that how it works. Movies and animated series can't be made without the help of tons of other people and wouldn't you know it, they get paid.
I would love for him to be able to make something with Metroid. Keep in mind that "dark" does not imply bloody or gory, just heavier subjects and more consequence to actions. One of my favorite and the darkest TV shows I've seen is Black Mirror, and I don't recall blood or gore being part of it (or at least it's not what jumps to mind when I think about it).
People are getting too caught up on the (short) violence in this Castlevania series, but what stroke me the most was the deep characters, the good guys are not so good, and the bad guys are not so bad. There's many layers in between, and it's way more than I expected from what could have been just a quick cash grab. Great job!
I don't want a "dark" metroid.
@Damo "Certainly better than that recent live action movie"
I've lost the little respect I had for Damo.
He's not like Tarantino at all. Tarantino creates original content from ground up.
@Markiemania95 Honest mistake dude, I mis-typed. Don't get your titties all out of joint.
Always liked this guy and what he does. I don't have Netflix, but this Castlevania series might be the thing i need to make an account.
Metroid don't sound so bad, let's hope he gets some momentum after AC.
@DarthFoxMcCloud I can assure you no 'titties' are getting out of joint. While I'm here replying though, what a lame excuse - how can you mis-type the word 'Impaler' and have it come out as 'Destroyer'? Just because you were wrong doesn't mean you have to lie and then lash out after someone picks you up on it.
Surprised to see a lot of "hate it" comments tbh-- Not so much that people aren't entitled to their opinions, but, I look at this show a little differently than most people who have commented here have. While this Netflix Castlevania is not perfect, I think we're ALL forgetting one key thing: This is a videogame-to-movie/series adaptation who's production and execution far exceeds the likes of many failed attempts (Super Mario Bros movie., Double Dragon movie, etc.) and "...Eh..." attempts (Prince of Persia, Resident Evil, Mega Man '94, etc.). Even if not "thee" best, it's definitely debatable that this is a top 10er, and I'm being reeeally lenient with that. I didn't find myself cringing, eye rolling, tongue-in-cheeking, or face-palming even once. And the fact that the producer IS a gamer is exactly why gamers "should" be handling videogame-to-movie adaptions, though that's been an opinion of mine for a long time in my life. We'll have to wait to see how time treats this game-to-movie/series adaptation as time moves on, but so far, we're off to a good start, and it's being critically well received. Just my 2 cents.
I thought it was good, the gore was just right, Castelvania has always been pretty gory where it could be, The dialogues were a bit hit and miss and it had a right amount of camp with it's grit just like the castlevania games. It served as a great prequel movie for Castlevania 3 but could use some refinement as a whole, I hope the creators take the critique to heart and use it to improve upon the solid 4 episodes.
@LinkSword including classic themes would mean royalties to the composers I guess, maybe that's why they opted for original compositions.
@Tempestryke true, yet untrue as the games have you slaughtering horde after horde of gruesome monsters. Sure in the games the monsters just disappear, but with the netflix series being set in a realm of reality, then it would make sense for there to be a ton of blood as they can't just disappear without a trace, they have to leave a corpse.
Im not a huge Castlevania fan, but the show was awesome. Its written by Warren Ellis, one of my favorite comic book writers. It was a little more mature than what I was expecting, but honestly I wouldn't expect any less from Ellis. Can't wait for season 2!
@faint Many executive producers, even people like Tom Cruise and Arad would die to have such an impeccable resume of produced films. Must be honest, haven't seem them all, but The Grey, Killing me Softly, Dredd. Machine Gun preacher have ranged from good to excellent. And The Voices, which is a bit controversial, is right down my alley: a well crafted good black comedy. And he is only 32 years old, for crying out loud!
In regards to the Dark Metroid idea, I think an adaptation/interpretation of the manga series could work well with that. It would allow for Samus' character to be fleshed out with interactions with other people, like the Chozo. If it were to happen I would be totally on board.
@Scapetti You are so wrong in so many levels, that, honestly, you don't have a clue what an executive producer is.
Besides funding, executive producers often approve or disapprove scripts, or even tone down/highlight aspects of the film. They usually have the last word on the version of the film to be released. A good producer can either kill a film or franchise (Arad in Spider Man 3) or save it (Tom Cruise, Ghost Protocol).
Many ideas haven't been able to be filmed because of funding, so it is not a trivial matter.
Look up the role of Arad in the Sony Spider Man films, or in Marvel's, Tom Cruise on MIssion: Impossible or Kenneth Branagh in most of its films.
I already binged the show (if less than 2 hours of episodes is binging) and loved it. This is definitely one of the better shows based on a video game
@maceng I 💯 agree. I'm not sure why so many in this thread do see the hard work, control and input this particular producer has over the content. You can tell when you are watching something he was responsible for.
Anything is better than Lords of Shadow or Castlevania Pachinko at this point.
Although the dude comes off as a A-hole and I don't like the idea of a "dark" Metroid, if the show is good, I'm content. He can't possibly do anything any worse than Konami themselves have done at this point.
@Neon_Blues I totally agree. He sounds so pompous and snide in this, it makes me want to avoid the show.
@dpaint4 Really? He strikes me as a really down to earth person, with the only title he addresses to himself is storyteller (artist is a given, the moment he filmed something).
Metroid, yes! But not to violent, and no bad language please.
@Damo No. Just no. The recent movie was great. I do not give a wit that it has none of the campy charm of the original Mighty Morphin. That's part of what made it good. It wasn't clear cut and dry, typical Power Rangers. Anyone who thinks the movie was bad, in my opinion, doesn't really know what they want.
@UmbreonsPapa THANK YOU!
Right I saw castlevania and it was trash, do not! Make a Metroid don't ruin my fave thing
Adi Shankar did a great job adapting Castlevania and is in touch of what this generation wants nowadays of games adaptations: mature stories grounded in reality but with the right tone.
Jeez, those people attacking the guy personaly and calling him pompous or previleged are just jealous. I don't like to point this things to people I don't know, but this is blatantly the case. At this point, after many falied games and books adaptations, I'm just happy there's people that know what is doing and is in touch with fanbases. I hope this open doors for opportunity to other people that want to make game adaptations but are ignored by the cash grab hollywood that dumb down innovative projects of newcomers.
The 3d Remake of Castlevania 2 - Castlevania Horror Quest - https://youtu.be/Q0IzNPwCNCA
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