Hamster should certainly be commended for its commitment to the ACA Neo Geo series, as it has faithfully produced at least one new retro title just about every week since the Switch launched in March. It’s certainly put Nintendo’s efforts to shame, as the company still has yet to make any formal announcement that a Virtual Console is even coming to the Switch outside of the Netflix-like service that comes with the paid online next year.
Shock Troopers 2nd Squad was this week’s new release, and a listing for next week’s Neo Geo game has just been spotted on the eShop. The new game will be Sengoku, a beat ‘em up arcade action game from 1991. Here’s the full description:
Sengoku is an action game released by SNK in 1991. Players will fight against past ghosts that have been revived to the present age in a devastated Washington City. Players can use special characters who are confirmed, after releasing them. Fighting by switching to Armor-clad Wolf, Samurai, or Ninja according to the situation will be your key to success.
This one admittedly hasn’t been too well received according to past reviews of it, but we’ll just have to see where we stand when we review it next week. Sengoku launches on the 15th and will cost $7.99 / £6.29.
What do you think? Have you played Sengoku before? What’s your favorite Neo Geo game? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 34
I love my Neo Geo Switch. Wonder if Nintendo will screw up the Virtual Console again by drip feeding us obscure no name titles, one per week, and only get a title of note once every 3 months.
Assuming we even get a Virtual Console.
Remember when the 3DS went for over a year without getting a SINGLE virtual console game? Never forget
The neo geo games have been great.
On the Arcade Archives Wikipedia page,Magical Drop 2 is the only game left that's been confirmed for Switch so far still to get a release date so I'm guessing that's up next.When I last checked a couple of weeks ago,Shock Troopers 2 was the only other still TBA and that arrives today.That said,Sengoku was supposed to have released in March according to WIki so I'm not sure how accurate it is.There are quite a few other Neo Geo games from Hamster on PS4/Xbone yet to be confirmed for Switch like King of the Monsters and the Last Blade but I'm sure it's just a matter of time until they are.
Sadly no sight of any sports games like Super Sidekicks,Soccer Brawl or Super Baseball 2020.
These games desperately need a CRT filter option, they look terrible on the TV. Its fantastic that so many are coming over but it could be so much better.
@YANDMAN They do have them. Personally I turn the filters off, (it starts with 1 on) because I love my blocky pixel art.
Someone pick up that phone because I called it.
Really though, the Sengoku games are fantastic.
Yaaaaaassss! And tomorrow is payday...meaning eshop card day.
@Menchi187 i always turn the filters off they look pixelated but really clean and bright the filters tend to dull the screen. We need baseball stars 2 and super sidekicks 3 they would be great with online play.
Three count!
Hamster has been simply amazing! Where would the Switch library be without their contributions!! Still plenty of Neo Geo titles to go!! Sega & Square and other companies sitting on tons & tons of classics should take note!!
Good to see a Beat-em-up after so many Shmups and Fighting games.
Played this on SNK Arcade classics on Wii, it is a good game. Windjammers and Super Sidekicks 3/Neo Geo Cup 98 are my wishlist of games I like to see on the Switch.
Hope they release the sequels at some point too as, in my opinion, this series got better with each installment.
Sengoku 3 is the one I want, but this'll do for now.
Will pass on this one, but keep up the good work Hamster! The ones I want (and the ones I don't realized that I want) will come in due time!
@BionicDodo If you have an Xbox one or PS4 Sengoku 2 is already out for them, has been for about a month or more now.
@Menchi187 A CRT filter? i dont think so.
We finally get a beat-em up which is nice!
@YANDMAN Well it depends what you mean, but I was talking about scanlines
@Menchi187 Yes so am i, they might have 'smoothing' but not scanlines surely? iv'e never seen them in the settings.
@Gutsukyo Thanks, but I don't own either of those. To be honest I'm really waiting for #3 anyway. I know a lot of purists don't like it as they feel it moved away from things that made the series unique, but to me it has always been one of the best scrolling beat 'em ups of all time.
@YANDMAN They do, they're in the filter section,about the last 5 or 6 of them are different scanlines. I haven't checked since thew 1st HAMSTER release on Switch, because now I just go in and turn it all off. But I'm 99% they have various scanlines.
Iv'e seen several other forum posts on various sites with people wanting this, this is going to be hilarious if they already exist.
I like the two sequels better, the first one just doesn't cut it but I'll give it a try to see how it fares.
@BionicDodo Yeah, same here. I've always loved the Sengoku series, I even still have Sengoku 1, 2 and 3 on the Neo Geo.
@YANDMAN Scanlines are definitely an option on all the switch neo Geo games. I always play with them turned on. Feels wrong without them. 😉
I like Brawler's, and I passed up all three Sengoku's in the past mainly because I had no one to play them with. Does anyone know yet if this will have online co-op play? On a slightly different note, I heard that Sengoku 2 was better than part one but I'd still play all three pending I can find someone to play with.
i beat this on wii, its actually an interesting/good game if yer into hack n slash/beat em ups.
and who isnt?
@BionicDodo I was just revisiting Sengoku 3 a couple of weeks ago. I love that game. It's one of my all-time favorite beat-em-up games as well.
More games on the Switch is always welcome. The more support the system gets the better.
This one is mediocre at best.
@YANDMAN @HexagonSun @Gutsukyo
The issue with scanlines is that the ACA games ONLY allow use of scanlines with their really bad upscaling filter. It makes no sense, since the filter makes things smudgy but people who want scanlines are likely looking for a crisp image.
A1-A5 in the settings gives varying degrees of scanline intensity, and B1-B5 also adds vertical scanlines with a rather annoying scrolling screen refresh/distortion thing (I'm not sure gow to describe it well).
I play with all filters off, that option is one to the left of the default A1 setting. IDEAL would be no filter and scanlines, and I'm hoping that option is eventually added via an update to the ACA line of games.
Admittedly, I'm a little picky on this though. I still play my Neo Geo on a Sony PVM CRT monitor through RGB, which is the ideal way to play any 240p game... so I have spoiled myself a bit
@firenze yeah you are pretty much echoing my thoughts. I havent really played any of these on the switch as i have both an MVS cabinet and an AES system with a pretty large selection of games between the two. I bought Shock troopers and Blazing Star for my girlfriend as she often watches me play on my MVS but never gets involved, i figured these two and easy enough and fun especially with auto-fire. When i saw Blazing Star boot up on the TV without any filters it looked horrible, like you im a CRT purist. I am interested to try these out though later on.
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