The Pokémon Company has just confirmed that its popular Wii U fighter Pokkén Tournament will be making the jump to the Nintendo Switch in the form of Pokkén Tournament DX, or Pokkén Tournament Deluxe, if you prefer.
The one-on-one fighter - developed in conjunction with Bandai Namco - launched in arcades and on the Wii U a short while ago. It features several famous Pokémon characters duking it out in a wide range of arenas.
It's coming on September 22nd and will be playable at E3; it'll include more characters in the roster and some new features.

Are you excited about this announcement?
Comments 250
Nothing I'm interested in from this direct :v
Didn't much care for the WiiU original. Still gonna buy it day one.
If I was a pokemon fan, I'd be so pissed... lol
Dammit Nintendo. You utter, utter bastards.
Never played the original Pokken on Wii U and zero intention of playing it now. Will wait for Smash instead. Really hope we get Game Boy VC for Switch at the very least.
Hardly surprusing, this one. Revealing it at E3 adds to the 'too many ports' patter. Announcing it in a pokemon direct adds to the hype
Portken, pass.
Terrible presentation. Port, lazy sequel and badass VC news.
Good to hear, but i was a bit disappointed.
Well, i will deliberate for Pokken Switch...
Makes sense as it got a low reception on a dying console and deserves another in.
How many people shouted at their monitors when Stars wasn't announced though? haha
Not feeling this at all.
Another Wii U port. Feel sorry for Switch and Pokemon fans. Thankfully I couldn't care less about Pokemon.
I'm hoping for more partner Pokémon and stages as well, but a new mode and 5 new fighters is pretty good.
Pokken better be 1080p at 120 FPS for me to buy this. Plus put all the characters you released as DLC in that package too.
My sister wanted it, but it was on the Wii U. So this made her happy.
I loved the original but I hope the game has a load of new modes, cause the Wii U version was a bit limp on content.
If Nintendo releases Smash DX this year as well, it would seem that Nintendo wants this to be year of the fighter!
this was the best direct for me. I love that Silver & Gold are coming to the 3DS VC. I never got the original Pokken tournament game so I will get this for my Switch (when I get one) and love the Ultra Sun & Moon. I can't wait for this game to come out.
I remember them making such a big deal that the multiplayer wouldn't work on a single screen and you need the Wii U tablet, look where we are now.
Great package for anyone who hasn't played it. As a Wii U owner though...wow. Nintendo (and Gamefreak I guess) always manage to undercut my already low expectations for these Directs lol
That was plain bad.
Wii U port.
Hashed out sequels.
VC games ONLY for 3DS.
Yay. More Wii U rereleases. Can't wait for E3 and the announcement of Wind Waker HD DX, Smash Bros DX, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker DX....
"Sorry about Tekken 7, guys" - Bandai Namco
As usual you can't get your hopes up for these things. Obvious choices with gold silver and Pokken, but ultra sun and moon? Stupid.
I have yet to buy a Switch and so far I'm only missing out on enhanced ports. Hopefully E3 changes my mind.
(cough) Wii U 2 (cough)
You poor souls expected a mainline Pokemon game on Switch now, didn't you?
@daveh30 I am.
This Direct was shown 1 week before E3 to disappoint on purpose, Nintendo is doing their trick again. When you think nothing is happening, they will surprise you.
Meh. That was a disappointment. Yet another port.
And a Virtual Console release and an update to a game that already exists. Sigh
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Of a game no one wants/wanted mind you. Sadly it'll probably sell because the Switch has nothing else.
Those silver/gold VCs were the best announcement.....
Nintendo never learns
Announced for arcades, people complained it wasn't on Wii U.
Announced for Wii U, people complained it wasn't on NX.
Now it's announced for Switch, and people are complaining.
Sounds about right.
@rdrunner1178 Sure hope so. Then I could finally smash my WiiU!
In retrospect, I was wondering why we'd get a Stars announcement before E3. That being said, I already had ARMS in my sights. I guess if that bombs there's always Pokkén Tournament.
Lol, yep exactly right.
RELEASE NEW GAMES. How about what everyone has been shouting for. A REAL POKEMON ON SWITCH. I will not buy this just because of that. STOP REUSING CRAP AND MAKE A NEW GAME. Today Nintendo pissed me off period. I don't even play Pokemon But I would buy a NEW one or a NEW Pokken Or a NEW Pokemon Stadium for Switch. Rant over----
Awesome, my kids will LOVE this. Was hoping for a mainline game but this will do for me. I can fully understand why many are disappointed though
E3 is so soon, I don't see why everyone is so upset over this presentation. They wanted to reveal Pokken for Switch because of the invitational to garner interest at E3. So it'd make a lot more sense to have a much bigger reveal during that.
Only one week left for E3 2017.
Hopefully some Big Surprises from Nintendo.
Definitely happy to see this coming to Switch, especially since I took back the Wii U version
@N8tiveT3ch This version includes 5 new fighters (four missing fighters that the Arcade version got, plus a new one), plus a 3-on-3 mode.
@garthvader Why blame Nintendo? It's all on the Pokemon Company what games they make...
I'm happy all I wanted from the original was the dlc and same screen multiplayer, so they got my buy.
@Phin68 Not only that, but they also expected a full HD remaster of a pair of 3DS games in less than two years.
I was happy. Got exactly what I expected - Pokken port on Switch, mainline game on 3DS. Gold/Silver coming to VC is a sweet surprise though!
This left a poor impression. I'm not excited about Pokken but I guess I'll buy it anyways because a fighting game does seem like it could be fun. Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon or whatever they're calling it just really annoyed me. It feels like serious money grabbing. The VC news was awesome though and the only thing I'm actually excited about. No main Pokemon game announced for the Switch is the part that annoyed me the most but I guess it's early days still so I'm not that surprised. I knew what to expect but that didn't stop me from getting my hopes up that they'd surprise me in a good way.
@Bender I blame both because Nintendo COULD push them to make one on Switch because it would sell MILLIONS and it would sell CONSOLES. I mean seriously you do see the initiative to make a full new Pokemon on Switch from Nintendo's perspective right???
They should really have updated the Wii U version with the missing characters first... or at least offered them as DLC.
@StephenYap3 did they confirm the 1080p at 120 FPS? JK, I will be fine with 60.
Meh. Hope E3 goes better. 😛
Wow, that's terrible.
This Direct sucks tbh.
should have been a trailer only.
First, they need to solve the clunky local multi from the Wii U version, which ended up being a major drag. But I also would really like to see a more fleshed out single-player with some actual incentive to plow through. There is way too much potential there for a singleplayer mode and what we got on Wii U was bland, disappointing, and hardly felt like Pokemon.
Let's just hope that they bring us an actual Pokemon game next year. Certainly not spending money on this game, anyway.
Got one predictions right. Still glad it was announced now and not at e3.
I skipped this on the wii u, and I'll probably skip it on the Switch. Disappointing direct.
I got more than I expected for the 6 minute presentation. Not surprised to see so much salt here though, it is Nintendolife after all.
I didn't get Pokken on Wii U, so the DX version is tempting. If I did get the Wii U version though 'd be annoyed.
Ultra Sun and Moon, not that excited for but I'll probably still get.
Happy to see my favourite Gen on VC, although I replaced my Gold gamepak's battery not too long ago and replayed it. It's currently in a Transfer Pak being used to play through Pokemon Stadium 2. Might get the VC release, I'll see.
It puts somethinh to play on that September dry spell
This comment section is toxic. Jeez, guys, what did you expect? Stars, which was only a rumor? For perspective, Black 2 and White 2 didn't launch on the 3DS, even though it was out. Game's take time to develop. And quit with the "Kill the 3DS" crap already. Why cut off a very profitable revenue source and put all your cards behind a system with less than a tenth of the install base? Now, if they release Gen 8 on the 3DS in a year/year and a half, then we've got a problem. But seriously, the Switch hasn't even been on the market for a year. Expecting a full Pokemon game, even if it's a port, is just stupid. Check your expectations before E3, or some of you are gonna have a stroke.
@Anti-Matter Just don't get your hopes up. Unfortunately it's not looking too likely at the moment that they'll announce anything super exciting. I'd love an Animal Crossing game for the Switch though.
It's a smart move any time a Wii U game is ported to Switch. They need to get them all out over the first year though, because these announcements are not exciting.
Btw, which season for Pokemon Sun/ Moon last time ?
Because i think we have to wait for "REAL" Pokemon games until the new season of Pokemon Anime announced.
Desgining a tons of New Pokemons design , animations and attacks are not easy job, especially Sun / Moon design looks like run out of ideas.
Pokemon designer should take a look some of Heartless / Nobody design from Tetsuya Nomura for references.
For me, this was probably the weakest part of the news. Frankly I'm most looking forward to Gold & Silver, though I kind of wish they were being released on Switch for VC as well/instead. My New 3DS XL is quite battered and I much prefer playing switch as a handheld thing now.
I'm a simple gamer. I see Croagunk. I want it.
Seriously though, portable Pokken with extra stuff is always fun.
@garthvader Switch is already selling. Doesn't need a mainline Pokemon yet. It would just amplify the current supply issues by a thousand.
I have the Wii U version but stopped playing it completely. Whether I'll get the switch version I'll see. Fighting games is not my favourite thing anyway.
Didn't play it on the Wii U, so yeah, kinda nice
I'm pleased for this, I enjoyed Pokken on the Wii U, but I didn't enjoy playing it on the Wii U if that makes sense.
I don't care if it's double dipping like with Mario Kart 8, I want this to give the game the chance it needs.
I agree that it's an odd choice that the new mainline Pokémon game is still for the 3DS and not for the Switch too.
You don't have to buy any games again, but the Switch has a potential for a much larger audience than the Wii U did.
Zelda Breath of the Wild's and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's sales are a good indicator of that.
@Findonovan95 to be fair the ultras are technically the 3rd game split into two, this isn't the first time the Pokemon company has done this the first was Black 2 and White 2, and with as many comparisons sun and moon had to Black and White I honestly wasn't surprised, shoot it looked like Necromza was fused with the cover legendaries, also similar to B,n,W. At this point sun and moon is just re:Black and White.
@IceClimbers yes... but that is not a horrible problem to have. I think maybe IF they have a full pokemon they may be waiting for E3.
This is good news. I’ll be buying this day 1 and hoping that we also get Tekken in the near future. Pokemon Stars could still be announced on the 13th. Man, June is so stressful.
Maybe I'll trade my Wii U version in for this one, although I wonder if we'll still get Shadow Mewtwo in this one (he was a first-run fighter for those who had the Wii U version). But I barely touched this game, do I really need it again? And Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun? Ugh, this is Black/White/Black 2/White 2 all over again. I didn't even finish Black until like a week before Black 2 launched...I had to rush it so that I could get the next. I'm not even done Moon yet. I would have preferred Pokémon Stars (even if it was a 3DS version). I don't want a re-hash of games I've already played, very recently. Gotta say, the only thing I'm liking about this Direct is Gold/Silver on 3DS Virtual Console. And even that, I'm like I played Heartgold on DS which was a superior version...do I really want to go back and play the GBC version? Gotta say, let down by this Direct.
Pass for me. These aren't my types of games.
Ultra Sun/Moon look nice, though.
I'm happier about this than I would be a Sun and Moon port or third version. Pokken is an ideal game for the Switch and more fighting games are always welcome. Leave the main series' Switch debut for either a new generation or an ambitious remake of Diamond/Pearl to test the development waters.
New E3 predictions :
Super Mario 3D World Ultra DX
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker DX with Knuckles
Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival HD Rumble Dice DX ~ with limited edition amiibo for EVERY villager!!!1!!!1!1!
The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker HD x Minions for 3DS mini cheese galaxy edition
I know that it probably won't but if there is a new story mode on DX then I might buy it. The WiiU's story mode was average at best but it at least was something to interest me. If Switch's version is exactly the same, I doubt I'd buy the same game just to play online with people who all destroy me immediately and get some new characters... I actually really like Pokken though so it's nice other people can have a chance to play it.
The only misstep I really felt was that Gold and Silver should be released on the Switch, not the 3DS! I think that would have made up for no mainline Pokemon on the Switch and people could at least feel the nostalgia and have some fighting as well on switch!
Well, glad I skipped the Wii U version, now. A superior version on a superior platform.
Doesn't really seem like it sold well enough to warrant a re-release, but based on the the direct as a whole, they're taking the lazy route this year.
People tell themselves it's going to be something then get ticked off when it's not what they thought it would be.
Gamers have really become entitled turds in the Information Age.
I want a main series game on Switch, but anyone that thought it was 100% going to happen this soon after the system's release is delusional.
All of you complaining are monsters. You're gonna get your pokemon mainline game on Switch, it's a given eventually.
There are also a great deal of original games coming, so you don't have to focus on a port that you don't have to buy if you want. The irony here is that the third huge complaint is people missing a feature that is exclusively ports in the form of Virtual Console.
3 rules of being a fan of Nintendo on the internet.
1. Be Patient
2. Keep Your Hype low
3. Don't buy into any rumors
You'll be happier
TBF, I can understand rereleasing Pokken Tournament. It arrived late in the Wii U's life (Which already the console had less then a big audience) and the arcade version got new content. I think it deserves another shot, this time with the growing bigger crowd the Switch will no doubt have.
@ACK The core gameplay of the WiiU version was quite good and innovative so it has a lot of potential, but yeah, it was lacking in other departments. I hope they rectify that. Not lacking as much as Mario Tennis (which should come to the Switch as well before too long), but still pretty lacking.
This is what i didn't want to see on thw switch. Pokken tournament bored the life out of me on the wii u. This is cheap poor and pathetic Nintendo.
@rdrunner1178 Is it bad that I want all of those XD
Decidueye is a playable fighter in pokken.
Don't know why you guys are complaining about a port when Decidueye is a playable fighter in Pokken.
I said I'd laugh if they announced this, and you can bet I did. But I laughed even harder at the whole Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon debacle.
@rdrunner1178 I would totally buy Wind Waker HD DX.
Yesssss! That was all I wanted. Pre orders open? This might be one of the few times I trade in an older game (kept mario kart 8) for the revision. Me and Luchachu are about to wreck it!
I'm sad that this is going to get spun into bad news just because people got hyped over rumors.
@Dakt Fair, but again, there was nothing confirmed. Ever. If people choose to believe the rumors, that's fine. I'm sure the same thing will happen if/when no Metroid game is announced at E3. If people base their expectations on rumors, then they'll definitely be disappointed.
What? You mean our unrealistic assumptions based on nothing (Pokémon being on Switch) weren't true?! Omg!!! Nintendo sux!!11111
Well then...... Saw that coming.
@InternetBowser they probably went for the Ultra versions because Sun/Moon will become the best selling Pokemon on 3DS. I think they are just keeping the momentun going.
Nothing surprising here, I didn't think they'd be doing much on Switch yet, and I've said often that I thought they were going to milk 3DS at least one more year, because that's what they always do. Rarely does TPC support a new console and often supports a large install base on an outgoing console. So there's nothing new going on.
OTOH, the internet hype has me disappointment, and I'm still frustrated that there seems to be better new games on 3DS than Switch still. I know, I know, next week that will change...I'm being picky But this is yet AGAIN, another "mostly online timed match competitive game" which seems to be all Switch is getting. I don't want it to be the competitive console, I want it to be a console for all genres.
The other slightly worrying thing I saw in this video was a very clear positioning: Pokemon mainline is for children on 3DS. Pokken Tournament is Pokemon for adults on Switch. Switch=Adults 3DS=Kids is fine and consistent with Nintendo's messaging. But I'd hate to see the idea that mainline Pokemon is a kids game, and fighting games are adult games dictate the future of TPC, but this entire presentation was dedicated to that concept.
And for right now, assuming Smash happens, that means the first 7 months feature 4 fighting games, one racer, one shooter, for a total of 6 mostly online games and Zelda/Disgaea remaining the only meaty experiences. If they're spending this much of a block on online competitive gaming I want to see a similar block of 7 months of nothing but RPGs and Adventure games.
Hopefully they use this opportunity to address Blaziken's plumage problem from the WiiU version. THAT plumage. You know what I'm talking about.
Was hoping for Pokken Tournament so that's awesome. Fingers crossed for new modes and a higher resolution
Remember when the 3DS had been out for a year and they announced Black and White 2 for the ... DS. I don't know what you guys were expecting. It took a while to get X and Y.
Just because a mainline Pokemon RPG didn't come in the first year for the Switch doesn't mean it's never gonna come, the Switch is only 3 months old and Nintendo only has so much development horsepower, chill people.
Wow, how does this game even work since it totally has to use two screens so that you can see what you're doing? /s
But seriously, it was obvious this was coming. I'm just surprised the announcement came this early what with Arms on the horizon. Honestly, it looks great. It's what Pokken should have been if it were properly supported and didn't force you to use the game pad. The only bad thing about this is it really drives home that Nintendo's strategy for success with the Switch is to give Wii U owners the shaft.
@DragonbornRito Very true. If anything, these announced games will bind time while creating what I assume is Gen 8 on the Switch. Given that we're not going the remake route or a 3rd version this time but the sequel-ish route of Black and White, they should hopefully mean the main games after USUM will be Gen 8.......hopefully.
Also, think about the stock issues that would be caused if they announced mainline Pokemon games on Switch. They already can't keep up with demand as it is. Think about how bad the problem would be if they announced Pokemon, which often ends up being a multi-million seller in days. Then people would be even madder because they couldn't buy a Switch and the game. It's a catch-22. They're either screwed cause they release on the 3DS, or screwed because they release on the Switch, but there aren't any Switches to buy.
Meh. Maybe I'll try this game out later on when I get a Switch.
Potential reasons why no Pokemon for Switch yet:
Mario at christmas and limited stock - no point in competing.
3DS / new 2DS still has legs - especially with new Pokemon game.
The Switch looks set for a good run- they have years of slots to fill with big games
Switch less suited to younger gamers (parents perspective) so maybe they wait till they make a kids friendly Switch and launch together.
Edited formatting
@Rexx you forgot Mario kart 8 deluxe.
Oh yeah. That's out
@NEStalgia "mostly online games"
Can't charge $20 per year for "Nintendo Online' for single player offline experiences now can they? And "NO" was supposed to start being a paid service this fall, but of course that got delayed, but we were supposed to have to start paying this fall, so they needed the online games ASAP.
On the bright side, we can probably expect Ultra Sun DX and Ultra Moon DX on Switch in 2018. I don't see how Stars (or my preferred Eclipse) can ever be a thing now though.
@PokeMario Your comment sums it up perfectly
Pokken with more content is a good option. The Wii U version lacked more characters, but as it sold not too many copies, it wasn't profitable enough (probably).
I'm not sure if I'll get it, but the portability of switch makes it tempting at least... I I get hold of a second controller, then I think I'll get it.
Sure it disappoints Wii U owners - but some of the Wii U's best games - there are plenty - deserve another shot.
Well, that was a total failure. Don't even know why I got my hopes up. Definitely re-adjusting my expectations for E3.
@Chanchozoka actually Pokken sold extremely well considering it was on Wii U.
This is great news. I will be so happy to play as Empoleon!
Not surprised by this at all, and I still think Smash 4 is just around the corner for being announced for Switch. I never played Pokken, so maybe I'll give it a go when I get a Switch. Maybe.
A Pokemon game on Switch confirmed. Sun/Moon "definitive" editions confirmed. Folks still complain because cosmic balance uber alles. Well, all the more amusing to see karma flip the bird at us fans with its monkey paw again. X^)
I have lukewarm interest in Pokken, but seeing the mythical "Stars" materialize as sequels/spinoffs actually compels me to put the reveal on my wishlist unlike with a mere updated re-release (and no, I don't get hard to the thought of Pokemon in HD). With two versions available again, I might even grab Ultra Sun this time,.although GTS made getting version exclusives so much less of a problem. And more importantly, Gold/Silver coming! I will be able to continue my archive binge in legal owner status but without paying an arm and a leg for a HeartGold import! It could only get any better if Nintendo actually confirmed online trading at least for these ones - but overall, this direct pleasantly surprised me as it is.
The original Pokken never interested me, and that remains the case with this re-release. I'm going to give this release a pass at launch. Might revisit it when it drops in price a bit.
@NewAdvent how is it a "missed opportunity" on a console several months old? If Game Freak plans to release mainline games on Switch at all, the platform isn't going anywhere soon. Using it to boost the sales a year or two down the road would be quite an opportunity, too.
And not talking about your comment specifically, but one gotta love how people in the comments complain about the Wii U port while mourning the absence of a 3DS one. ¯(ツ)/¯
Not sure why anybody is complaining. Wii U had some great games, better to let more people experience them. Pokken is a decent fighting game and will be nice to have 2 big ones on Switch by year's end.
Never played the Wii U version so I'm stoked for this. Day one for me.
Really thought that it was common sense that they wouldn't drop a mainline pokémon game on Switch on the same time frame as Mario Odyssey.
Here's the problem:
People who got the games on WiiU feels like Nintendo is giving them the finger and punishing their loyalty.
Nintendo, meanwhile, sees ports as an opportunity to re-release games that didn't get a chance on the WiiU and reach a larger market.
So Nintendo faithful really are getting angry for no reason. Yeah, Switch needs more new games but for the majority of Switch owners, these ports are new games.
Wow.... for all the speculation out there, this should have been done at e3!!!!!!!!!! I guess that's why such short notice, if there had been any more build up to that direct people would have been even more disappointed
Was expecting Pokemon Stars or whatever for the Switch... and instead we've got another port. I don't mind ports because many people missed the WiiU and there are plenty of great games that deserve a second chance... BUT a mainstream Pokemon game is what everyone was waiting for and Nintendo didn't deliver...
Well, that doesn't mean they will not make one anyway, but we'll need to wait longer.
@rdrunner1178 "Wind Waker HD DX"
The joke's on you - unless NGC VC is confirmed, this had better happen for real.
But ditto for everything else on the list, really. Sorry I lived on Mars while the entire Earth population of 13 million had and played these games. XD
@Dakt I've been visiting this site for years, and others for longer, and I see the same thing every E3/Direct: disappointment. Someone is always disappointed. People do not know how to keep their expectations in check. I don't see how this can be considered being lied to. That's just me, personally. Now, it would be different if NL said "Pokemon Stars is 100% coming to Switch" and didn't tag it as a rumor. Again, people should not base their expectations on rumors. And if Ultra Sun/Moon is that bad or people are so mad at it existing, don't buy it. Vote with your wallet. If there's a serious drop in revenue from S/M to US/UM, then they might consider moving to Switch, if they haven't started development on a game already. They could be working on something right now and have nothing to show right now. People need to lower their expectations.
I'm not a big fan of pokemon but this game is excellent.
@Nintendian I would love to share your optimism, but I don't think anything Pokémon related will be announced at E3.
At best we'll get some gameplay footage.
Am I the only one who thinks the Ultras were a missed opportunity for the Switch?
@Monado_X The press plays it's part in that cycle though for its own profits. They stoke rumors non-stop. They give it a front page big splash spread when it's a rumor of something very big like Pokemon. And they willfully post "rumors" of things they "know are leaked" like the Switch hardware leaks and Rabbids/Mario, while posting other things with such similar "rumor, it could be true we can't say." in a pattern that a lot of people seem to buy into as meaning when they post rumors it means "unofficial (yet) truth" not rumor. I don't see that cycle ending.
@Hikingguy Ain't that the truth!
@MrPuzzlez Why is the opportunity missed? Why can't the come back next year with "Pokemon SOLAR" which includes an HD port of Sun, Sun Ultra, Moon, Moon Ultra? And sell it AGAIN to everyone that already bought them all on 3DS, plus new people? Opportunity knocked and was asked to take a number.
nothing completely fascinating to me as I have never, nor really have had the desire, to play the main games. Although I DO own the Wii U version of Pokken, played the hell out of and enjoyed it, I'm still going to buy this version just because of the versitility and the fact that we're getting the DLC the Wii U was jipped of...but honestly, I dont feel like 5 extra characters and a team battle is enough to warrant a "DX" title...if they were certain to releaase extra playable characters, assists, and heck, maybe a tag battle (Pokken Tag Tournament lol), then I'd be onboard with the DX label
Jeez, if this is anything to go by, the reaction to a most likely pretty cool E3 line up is going to be hilarious!
Big games take time and are spaced out strategically.
Plus - Mario doesn't like to share.
@NEStalgia I'll second the diversity point anytime, but I can also understand Nintendo (and other companies like Hamster's Neo Geo line or Capcom with their USF2 as the shot) trying to solidify the portable local multiplayer environment since it's indeed one of Switch's most unique offerings IN GENERAL (and certainly a notch above what XbOne and PS4 can provide). And there are many meaty single player games coming up anyways, including One Piece UWR, Skyrim, Odyssey, DQXI and more I probably forgot.
Pokken is sooo good! Super glad to get the updated version!
Pokken in September - Plugs a gap nicely.
@NEStalgia Oh, I agree. I think reporting on any sort of rumor is a poor journalistic decision. I'd rather them just report on the facts, and the occasional opinion piece. However, it is what it is, unfortunately. I can't stand rumors and "building the hype". The hype argument is so stupid. Look at what hype did to Last Guardian, Duke Nukem Forever and others. They never live up to the hype. Hype causes people to go crazy with wild expectations, and then they're disappointed when things don't live up to their expectations.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You feel sorry for the Switch fans every hour of the day. That's the only thing you say in your miserable posts day after day.
Was not interested by the Wii U iteration, am not interested by the Switch one either. The roaster is still tiny, I didn't like the battle system, and the voice acting was irritating even in the demo!
Can't wait to see some Smash announcement.
I'm really not quite sure what people were expecting out of an eight-minute mini Direct a week before E3. Announcing a port of Pokken Tournament is about what I would think would happen in a small event like this, and I don't have a problem with it. It was a moderate success on the Wii U, and, like Mario Kart 8, can get a lot more exposure on the Switch from the millions who skipped Wii U. And it helps plug a hole in the first party release schedule... and it's also minor enough that it can easily be ignored by people who have the other one.
Announcing a Switch version of Pokemon Stars or whatever is not something they would do in a throwaway direct like this. That would be more of an E3 calibur announcement I feel, especially on a new console.
@Cosats it's amusing because he feels so sorry, meanwhile Switch fans are perfectly fine and wondering what's wrong with him.
I bought this game, played it a total of 4 times, and recently traded it in for $50 credit towards my Switch library. Somehow the portability makes it tempting though.
@Kalmaro Indeed, but I think you're overexaggerating a little bit on how many people are fine with this.
@MegaVel91 Not at all. It's like I said in my earlier comment #135
Nintendo fans are getting bent out of shape but they forget that they are a small group of gamers. Nintendo is bringing games they feel will be successful and putting them on a system that actually is more successful.
Its a great move. Some people are unhappy but to me it looks like a vocal minority, you can't really go by the salt in online forums.
@Kalmaro thing that gets me is we are getting new games. Zelda was multiplat, ARMS, Splatoon 2, mario, plus other smaller games. It isn't like every game announced is a wiiu port. Also ports happen. Ask any owner of the HD twins. I'll tell anyone I'm not a fan but it keeps games on the shelves that not everyone in the world has played. Yet people can't see beyond their own wants.
Hmmmmm I must admit I was very unhappy with this announcement. Pokken is great and a good announcement but lets not lie the Switch real pokemon would sell like crazy
@Ryu_Niiyama Right? The PS4 had ports for ages and very few exclusive new games at the beginning.
Horrible. Early adopters of the game get screwed over with an underwhelming experience and don't even get the arcade characters. Yet another anti-consumer practice that people here will somehow defend.
Another sensible port though probably not anything I'm going to buy.
BTW don't want to be Captain Obvious but nothing in this announcement means Pokémon stars isn't coming out at some point.
Nah, I'll pass on Pokken have it on Wii U don't care for some new characters, it was a good game but I'm moving on to Arms.
I don't think ports is really the disappointing part here. Switch's first-year lineup of exclusives is better than what PS4 and Xbox One had combined throughout late 2013 and all of 2014. What's disappointing is no mainline Pokemon on the Switch. I have a feeling had the rumored Switch of Sun and Moon happened, people would be complaining a lot less. There'd be a few trolls of course, but most people would be hyped.
@PotatoTheG Early adopters did NOT get screwed over, they got exactly what they payed for. Since this game is a deluxe edition then all the early adopters have to do is sell their old copy (that is so clearly disappointing) and get the new one. They may even get more money than normal since interest in Pokkén will probably pick up again.
If people can't differentiate between rumour and actual announced confirmed news that's their problem.
@Gamer83 It's a little sad we didn't get a legit new Pokémon game announced, but to expect one so soon and to be on the new system while ditching the old one, that seems unrealistic.
Especially to expect it to be announced in such a small direct. News like that is E3 worthy.
@Kalmaro the standard version of the arcade game is what I paid for. The arcade game got updates, why shouldn't the Wii U. It had barely enough content to justify 60 bucks anyway.
@PotatoTheG You got me there, updates would have been nice. However, I'm don't think we weren't promised any dlc at launch, so we knew what we were getting into.
@PotatoTheG Don't get bent out of shape on it, you have a point but Wii-U is dead, they have moved on. I can't believe this (Pokken) is coming out September 22nd 2017 lol...why so long for a port?
@Kalmaro Doesn't make it any less scummy imo. Sadly I bought a digital copy so I can't sell it either
EDIT: At the end of the day it's not a huge deal personally though
They'll do a new Pokémon next year when they want to shift the 3DS userbase across
@PotatoTheG Touché. I agree that it did suck about the arcade getting special treatment but I was happy personally with what I got. I was just pumped to have an HD fighting game where I could play as Pikachu that didn't have the words 'Smash Bros' in the title.
The game is pretty solid, I had some complaints but I think it deserves a sense on chance. I will probably pick it up again down the road. Not immediately though, I have a ton of Switch games already.
It irritates me so much that I bought the original PT on launch just over a year ago, about the same amount of time that the Smash DLC finished after the game was released, yet I cannot just get the new Pokkén characters as DLC. It's Mario Kart 8 Deluxe all over again. Once more, loyal Wii U owners are shafted. Buzzing for Mario Maker DX with a new set of items that'll render my Wii U version irrelevant. I wonder when they'll cut off the online for Pokkén and MK8 Wii U; I give it a year at most.
I'm somewhat interested. I already have the Wii U version but I am interested in what the Switch have to offer. I hope there is more new modes/gameplay beside the 3 on 3 battle, which I hope is tag team style.
When I saw your profile pic next to the others, I thought I was high.
@NewAdvent the headlines may be a glass-half-empfull perspective thing, but Switch is still getting a Pokemon game (one making use of its main strengths, too) to add to its already solid momentum backup in 2017. Japan will be head over heels with MHXX, then there are Skyrim and Super Mario Odyssey. 3DS had a much worse first year momentum, yet Game Freak didn't even release any of the Unova games on it (especially as they were technically playable on the console as it is). X/Y only came out in 2013 - but they were a smash hit even then.
I like how a lot of people are deriding Bandai Namco and Nintendo and Game Freak for having good business sense.
Granted, it still sucks that the Wii U version got no updates besides balancing and bug fixes, but calling it an 'anti-consumer practice' (as @PotatoTheG said) is stretching things a bit.
The Wii U is a rotting corpse at this point, and the Switch is new and still minty fresh, it makes sense for them both financially and for sales, to bring the game to the new console instead of letting it rot on a console that has been closed in the casket, but not yet buried.
@Monado_X #59 great post...I'm drowning in sodium here!
Ugh, so lame in regards to Pokken (barely anything new) and USun/UMoon (no Switch port confirmed).
I was incredibly disappointed with Sun/Moon so I might pass on them this round if they stay on 3DS.
@Monado_X I don't think hype killed Last Guardian and DNF. I think a decade of being lost in development heck killed those games. Why anyone had hype for games caught in the abyss like that when there are no known examples of once that emerged and weren't awful is the big question. Marketing and press, and a twist of hopeless dreaming makes for a very big disappointment
@Kalmaro The first year of PS4 was probably the single worst year of console ownership I ever had, except maybe the final year of WiiU (but by then I had a backlog thanks to Splatoon.) PS4 was basically an HD PS3....except PS3 was supposed to be an HD PS3.
a game no one wants/wanted mind you. Sadly it'll probably sell because the Switch has nothing else
No one wants... pretty sure there are people who will want this, including myself. And not because Switch has "nothing else" since last I checked Arms and Splatoon 2 and Mario and Skyrim and Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade and goodness knows what else is all coming this year.
But you know that.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE so, you DO care about Pokken
@MegaVel91 exactly!!! a lot of great games on the Wii U didnt get the chance to shine like they deserved because the sales were low to begin with (my friends were convinced of the great games when they played it at my house, they just dont wanna invest in the system) and the system is already rotting away as you say. Porting these games over while adding new content shouldnt be anything to complain about (like so many people are), if u ask me...the only complaint I would have is paying FULL price for the games I mostly own
@rjejr Fair point. They did need a bunch of online games to boot the Fall launch of the online service. But they also needed to focus on rounding out the library...my hope is this doesn't set a standard for the future that Switch, the portable console you can take wherever you don't have internet is all about online play
@NEStalgia Ok, those might not have been the best examples. Destiny might be a better one. The marketing campaign and all the hype brought people up to Cloud 9, and then the game didn't deliver for most. However, I still think the "Announce X game for Switch to continue the hype" is a bad argument, but one a lot of people adhere to. And I think a lot of people don't understand that regualr consumers don't care about hype. Most people see a new Pokemon game online on Amazon or in the store and buy it without any knowledge besides that it's a Pokémon game. They won't question why US/UM isn't on Switch, they'll go, "Oh, a new Pokémon game!" and buy it. I think that's something a lot of people here miss.
I liked the original but thought the roster was lackluster. Can't wait for September!
@nhSnork I forgot about One Piece.... That and Skyrim count for me personally because playing it portable and having skipped both after buying both because the platforms I bought them on didn't really run them well (3DS One Piece, X360 Skyrim), but I tend not to include them overall because most gamers have already played Skyrim many years ago, and One Piece has been around the block long enough in Nintendo's own environment. Personally I'm interested, though.
But you're right, I see the need to use the local multiplayer....but it's about balance. They're shoving all the same type of gameplay out the door at once (4 fighters if Smash is announced, 5 if Baz is out this year?) and may (hopefully) shove all RPGs out for a while after that...but it's a pretty imbalanced release schedule.
It's still selling systems though, so there's that.
There does seem to be an odd trend on this site with a small coterie of posters (the one you just replied to, the Irish chap and @RainbowGazelle) working desperately hard to convince switch owners they're disappointed with the machine. Yet-oddly-that work seems to be met with either shrugging indifference or hooting derision.
@roboshort Yeah, exactly. That is why I think it would be a shame to release a second version without proper, substantially improved modes. It's weird to have a pokemon fighting game that is literally just fighting pokemon. Such a waste.
That said, I believe the Switch itself will help solve the local multi problem, while 3v3 is a nice addition and they appear to be fleshing out online a little more... So that leaves the single player, which probably needs the most work as it is.
The sloppy, grindy, unfulfilling story mode should be entirely replaced, if you ask me. Ideally, they'd have an actually world map with gyms, villains, and regular opponents. Gyms would act as gateways with "boss" enemies, while villains could offer forced battles as you progress maybe with special conditions and regular opponents could be sprinkled around as optional battles with unique rewards (avatar gear or whatever, though costume accessories for the pokemon would be swell).
Just an idea to provide a example of how much more relevant and enticing a single player mode could be over what we got. Whatever they do, I'd hate to see the same exact bland modes ported over. Use the Pokémon brand!
This game should be Tekken in a Pokemon format, not Pokemon in a Tekken format, if that makes any sense.
For the people who are being salty for the sake of being salty. You can have this.

There is a part 2 question here though.....how will Pokken Tournament (and/or Smash) affect sales of Arms? SFII isn't going to compete because it's largely a different audience for a "hardcore fighter" but I can see Pokken eating into the success of ARMS as a new IP because Pikachu reasons.
@Yellowtails The Switch is making me glad I didn't buy a Wii U. Why bother when there's "Deluxe"?
No. They're all nice games but if we got them in addition to other games for those of us who played them all on Wii U would be nice. I occasionally enjoy fighting games but how many are we getting this year for Switch?
I am 'meh' about this. It's cool that Pokken is coming to the Switch but it's whatever.
I'm personally happy to see Pokken brought to Switch (and I bought the Wii U version!). I'm also glad they figured a way to play on a single screen locally, because the former way was either too unbalanced on one system and too complicated for across two.
And the complaints about Switch ports feels a bit unwarranted. Many acknowledge that the Wii U didnt sell as well as it did, meaning that many more people missed out on some great games. So why not bring a few gems over to the obviously better selling, more accessible system?
You want "new" games, they will come. Heck, they ARE coming.
That's fine. I have no problem with them releasing Wii U games on Switch because it is a smart idea after the low install base of the Wii U. I would just like other games for those of us who did play the heck of all of the gems on the Wii U. Hopefully E3 will give us some surprises. I just have plenty of fighting games at this point and I have no interest in Skyrim remaster as I played it plenty on 360. I know for sure at least that Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania are coming.
So Wii U owners can't download a couple extra characters huh? welp the original was boring so why should I buy it again? rather buy MK8D, at least that's fun! but that's a different story.
@NEStalgia "my hope is this doesn't set a standard for the future that Switch, the portable console you can take wherever you..."
want and play Wii U ports.
Maybe they shouldn't' have SSB Deluxe at E3. But they better have something for Feb/March and the end of May game, new games announced at E3. Mario v Rabbids isn't really cutting it.
The japanese site confirms it's compatible with the Pokkén pads by HORI. Great news! This is a day 1 purchase if there ever was one.
All the salt from Wii U owners in this comment section.... my goodness!
I've said it multiple times with USF2 and I'll say it again - if you don't like any product that a company puts out, vote with your wallets by not buying it or waiting until it falls to a price you consider suitable for the product.
Whether you like it or not though, this version will sell more than the Wii U version. Why? Because the majority of people don't know/didn't own the Wii U and the Switch will have a larger install base than the Wii U.
I am sick and tired of, without mentioning usernames, certain Wii U owners who bought games that are getting ported to the Switch saying that no one wanted a Switch port/this port shouldn't exist. It just goes to show how selfish some gamers in this fanbase are. I didn't hear PS3 owners complain when TLOU remastered got announced or Xbox 360 owners complain when it was announced Xbox One was backwards compatible with games they owned.
I was toying with getting Pokken Tournament for my Wii U since I enjoyed the demo. It looks like I may be waiting for the Switch version now.
Actually, I have. Just last week people were talking about it, saying they hope all the arcade characters release on it.
For others (such as myself), maybe it wasn't their first choice but will definitely be glad to have it. Its one more game in the lineup, and while I'm always welcome to ports, I'm particularly welcome to Switch ports since it's essentially the first ever handheld version of each and every game on the system.
Most games fall into that category. I wasn't asking for a port of Dragons Dogma on PS4, but I'm glad it's coming nonetheless.
I don't get why everyone has issues with Switch ports of Wii U games. Quick and dirty ports help build up the Switch's libary and give games a second chance to find the audience they never had on the Wii U.
They also fill in gaps on the release schedule and buy time for the brand new Switch games to arrive.
@Pigeon Nintendo wants the esports crowd now. Putting out three fighting games and Splatoon is a good way to do it.
Can't wait!
@rjejr LOL, yeah, a lot of WiiU ports, but really it's 50/50 so far. I mean what's a port? Pokken, MK8, Smash if they do it (really 4 fighting games though?), Zelda doesn't count...that's a multiplat regardless of it's dev history, Lego City, Shantae, Rayman, One Piece.
A number of games are ports from non-Nintendo systems (Disgaea 5, Skyrim, SFII, Setsuna, etc.)
And then either new exclusive Switch games (or multiplats on simultaneous systems), FIFA18 (har, har, gimped), NBA18, Arms, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Odyssey, Rabbids (opinions don't count ), SMTV, FE18, FE Warriors, DQ11 (Ok 3DS/PS4 port sort of in the same window), MHXX (first western release), Puyo, Lost Sphear, Sonic M, Sonic F, Steep (maybe?) etc.
I kind of agree with the ports chorus in a lot of ways mostly because it's all being unloaded so close together....but really the bulk of Switch games are not WiiU ports, there's not too many of those. It's kind of a meme. The bigger problem in reality is that the ports and new games releasing in the first 7 months or so are mostly all of the same general genre: online competitive timed match.
@Monado_X Absolutely true, the online crowd really doesn't seem to understand they're not the average game consumer. Of course genre crossovers like Pokken are a different form of confusion for consumers expecting a Pokemon game and getting Tekken: Pikachu Edition, but still...
@NEStalgia Agreed. I'm predicting Pokken DX to do reasonably well, but not super great. Maybe a million seller. I see US/UM to sell millions, cause the average consumer is going to be excited to see a new Pokemon game.
I didn't mind working an extra shift this morning because I knew there wouldn't be a major announcement at this direct with E3 on the doorstep. No if I don't get some news I want at E3, then you might see Rumncoke boil.😡
Where were we? Oh yes pokken.
Never had a Wii U, so not upset about a port.
Same fighter requirement applies for me. Better have a lot of fighters, with some strategy play. Content is important. I'm very meh on buying fighters due to lack of content. The only fighter I'm leaning toward buying this year is Marvel vs Capcom(memories) and if Smash gets announced( doubtful.)
@Monado_X Definitely. Plus a fighting game is by its nature a niche. It seems to be a growing niche again, but it's far from a mass market product.
I think the worst part about Pokken Tournament DX is that they probably purposefully didn't put any of the Arcade updates as DLC on the Wii U version just so this version feels more like an improvement.
And even then, people complained that the game wasn't worth $60 last year.
Once again, Wii U owners getting the short end of the stick.
@NEStalgia If it reaches a million, I'd consider it a success. What a lot of people don't understand is what defines "success" in the gaming industry. X game may only sell 500,000 copies, but if the developer makes money off it, then it's a success. Same with consoles. If Sony's PS5 sells 80 million units next gen, but they sell each unit at a loss and don't make up for it through software, then it's a failure. Granted, that would never happen, but still. Sales numbers =/= success.
I will try to play it when I am at E3 then! Never did play it on Wii U!
Not surprising. But would it kill them to offer paid DLC on the Wii U for the few characters they ripped off Wii U users by withholding like Empoleon & Darkrai? Keep your Decidueye, just give us the others that were set to come out before you decided to pull this stunt and cancel their release to the Wii U unannounced.
Most ports I could care less about. But I'm torn on whether I really want to spend money on this and encourage a business practice like this. I enjoyed the game, but this is a bit frustrating.
Despite having a Wii U I've actually never played Pokkén, so I'll probably pick up the Switch version.
Seriously ??
>For eel ??!?!
@Lumine I can't believe the Wii U was a flop.
Played the Wii U game, it was alright but not great. This game isn't gonna persuade me to grab a Switch.
Plus, they shafted the Wii U version by not adding the DLC that the arcade version got, which discourages me from supporting Pokken again.
I'm confused, is Pokken DX a port of the Wii U version or a conversion of the arcade machine?
@Monado_X Someone on the internet talking sense about reality? What do I do, what do I do?!? PANIC!!!
Sadly a lack of understanding of those concepts is not limited to consumers but to the businesses themselves. The best example is Squeenix who infamously sold 3M+ copies at launch and considered it a failure because they estimated 5-6M copies in the first month. And they spent accordingly, losing money in a big way. The game went on to sell nearly 10 M copies, but that includes deep discounts, Steam sales, and the like. At best they barely broke even due to expecting absurd sales. Nintendo always gets bashed for low sales, and meanwhile almost always turns a profit. Even WiiU turned a (tiny) profit. While consumers praise Playstation and XBox as the "winners" and condemn Nintendo as always behind. Playstation certainly is a winner. Nintendo always makes money. XBox has burned enough cash to run a glass factory and has never made a dime. Hard to declare it a success if selling the thing COSTS them money!
Somewhere, in an alternate universe, nobody "thinks" so much, and just applies common sense to everything. I wish to live in that universe.
@WiltonRoots Yes.
The Arcade machine was more or less the WiiU version but with more updates and more content. DX seems to be the current version, a.k.a. the arcade version. Though if there are any differences or not we'll have to watch Treehouse probably to find out.
@NEStalgia I wasn't sure because I knew the arcade version had more grunt than the Wii U version under the hood, which caused the home version to be slightly gimped.
It seems to be a regular cycle around these parts for people to build up their hopes slightly too much prior to a direct only to be left with crushing disappointment when what they wanted doesn't come to fruition, ie a mainline Pokemon game on a new console with no track record versus releasing it on an established console with the biggest user base this generation where they can shift 10s of millions of copies.
Pokken Tournament might stand a chance of doing really well on the Switch though. Never bothered with it on the Wii U, but the on-the-go factor might give it a big boost.
@Bender exactly right.
Also keep in mind, Pokken could sell to a lot of non-Wii U games, not MK 8 sales necessarily, but it is Pokémon.
@WiltonRoots That's a good question, but I thought the only limitations were in graphics which switch should be able to handle when docked. I didn't think there was any gimping of actual gameplay, though it's a game I hadn't followed too closely as I was neck deep in Splatoon at the time It's possible it's just a WiiU port, then, since they didn't promote the arcade aspect, but then, it's TPC, not Capcom. I'm surprised they handled the announcement at all since it's really more of a Bamco game.
Yeah, I don't get the disappointment on it. It's not that I wasn't secretly hoping for Stars to be real, I sure was, but it's just a matter of knowing the company history. They NEVER put mainline pokemon games on consoles less than a year old, and have always cited that they seek the largest install base. The fact that Pokemon is usually sold cheaper than other games is reflective of the tremendous sellthrough affording them to do that. I WISHED it would be true, but it's just a given that Pokemon arrives after a year or more of platform growth. To me it's a huge signal of the future though that they held a direct to open with an image of the Switch which is what the real take-away here. TPC Acknowledges Switch as the new hotness. That's the future, so in a way we got what we wanted. Sort of a low key promise that Pokemon is coming to Switch whenever they're done milking 3DS, here's Pokken while you wait.
Somehow Switch seems like it's becoming the official home of fighting games. Makes sense in the sense that Switch stands to disrupt arcades more than any console before with it's mobile local multiplayer. I've mixed feelings on that since I've never been a fighter fan. OTOH it's turning me into one I suppose the MK/Tekken/VF, etc type games will remain out of sight though.
I never owned a Wii U so I'm excited that some of the best games are coming across alongside new titles like Mario Odyssey, ARMS and Splatoon 2.
It helps build up the game library, and offers more choice.
I'm also not sure why people are disappointed that Gold/Silver is being released for the 3DS and not the Switch. It would be pretty weird to reveal details of Switch's VC service via a Pokemon specific Direct.
@NEStalgia I see this as a typical knee-jerk reaction. A lot of gamers these days are entitled. When they don't get what they want, they get mad. And then they buy the game anyway, usually. I see this with the Metroid fanbase a lot. The vocal minority has be screaming for a game for years now. Nintendo gives them Other M and Federation Force, and they get mad because "that's not what we wanted." I see a lot of entitlement and elitism in that fanbase from the people who are very vocal about it. Same thing happened here. "I want Stars on Switch!" This is basically Stars, just on 3DS. And I'm sure some of the people saying they wanted Stars on Switch don't even have one yet. When they don't get Stars on Switch, riots ensue. It's stupid.
@NEStalgia There are indeed some differences with the DX version
New content according to the press release:
-Decidueye as a fighter
-Litten and Popplio as support Pokemon
-Daily Challenges
-Group Match mode
-Team Battle mode
I wouldn't be surprised if there's new stages as well, not to mention the fixed local multiplayer.
"Nintendo Switch - You could have played these games years ago!"
"Nintendo Switch - Didn't buy our Wii U games? Well, you will now!"
"Nintendo Switch - Wii U part 2!"
@Monado_X Yep! The reaction to Federation Force was weird for what was obviously a spinoff. Granted the game is kind of so-so. Fantastically designed....IF you have 3-4 local players. Not scaling the difficulty for less players really hurt its broad appeal. But if it wasn't so insanely punishing with 1-2 players I'd have loved it. 90% of that reaction was based on the assumption a WiiU Prime would be announced.
@IceClimbers Oh cool. I wonder, though what features will or won't line up with the arcade cabinet?
I would think if there were new stages that would have been a big deal in the direct, so it's probably safe to assume not, but a nice surprise if it does. I also wonder/hope they did a bit more with the single player mode which I remember being panned as ridiculously easy. Switch is a PORTABLE console and I don't really expect to have internet available to play games half the time I want to play them. Quality solo is a must! Arms looks like it will have that nicely.
@NEStalgia I didn't pick it up. It just didn't look like the game for me. The only Metroid I've played is Other M, and I didn't make it very far. I liked the 2.5D, fast combat. I think a lot of people trash Other M for the story. If they took that out, or fleshed it out, I think fans would enjoy it more. I've never been a Metroid fan, so I can't speak for everyone else, but observing the fanbase just seems to show me that some will never be satisfied.
A lot of people here don't know much about Pokken and are making some incorrect assumptions.
For one thing, the Wii U game was a port of the Arcade version (with an added story was was really poor), the Wii U version was inferior graphically, and stopped getting updates while the Arcade continued to get them, which includes the new playable Pokemon.
Pokken DX is not a port of the Wii U version, but more accurately a "Super" version of it, or the game with more content and balance changes (not something that's new to the Pokemon franchise, as in fact Sun/Moon 1.5 was announced along side it).
Since this is a Nintendo site, I assume almost everyone here (myself included), already owned a Wii U, and thus, games on the Wii U they're not interested in, but you have to remember, the Wii U was an utter failure and most people didn't buy one so they didn't play any of the games on it.
I'm not sure this is what you mean by "fixed local multiplayer" but split screen on 1 Switch console has been confirmed in another video.
Great, another port from Wii U to Switch with some additional content that is supposed to justify buying the same game for the full price again. Yeah, no thanks.
Exactly what I expected, and I'm happy about it. Now I can throw my Wii U in the trash. The Switch has got all the games I still play on it.
What exactly did you guys expect? Pokémon Stars? We got Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, which, while stupid names, are basically Pokémon Stars. Also, it's almost E3. If Nintendo announced their big hitters now, you'd all complain later. Geez, you can't win with fans.
@GoldenGamer88 Is there a reason that you'd buy this day-one despite not enjoying the Wii U original? I don't thing anything was changed aside from the addition of a few fighters. Well, the fact that it's portable and playable with a single joycon is pretty cool, actually. I didn't pick up the original, and don't imagine I'll buy this one either.
@Nintendoer While I agree that much of the complaining is a bit much, I don't think it's reasonable to argue that Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon fulfill the same role as the rumored Pokemon Stars would have: people were excited for Stars because it was said to be HD, and would have appeared on an alternative console. Now folks who own a Switch but not a 3DS remain unable to play the game. I can understand that disappointment, even if it's not a big deal.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I get where you're coming from. Don't want too many Wii U ports but I don't blame Nintendo for releasing them. The Wii U had some absolute gems, but not as big an install base to enjoy them. As Switch is appearing to be the comeback with more sales, they want more people to experience them who missed out previously.
@Pokefanmum82 Nice to hear a positive comment! I'm glad that you liked the Direct. I'm not a Pokemon fan so this Direct wasn't too interesting for me. I think people are totally over-reacting in a negative way to this Direct though. How many games do you want in the Switch's first year? The mainline Pokemon game will come to the Switch - just not in the same year as Zelda and Mario!
@DarkKirby If you played the original story mode, was it really as bad gameplay wise as it's made to sound?
@Monado_X M:FF was actually a good, well designed game with neat level gimmicks. For the raging internet fans it failed because of it's appearance and not being a "real Metroid". For me, it only failed by not scaling the AI for any player number, limiting it to being a "for Japan only" kind of game with the need for a full squad to really get the most out of it.
I never played Other M for some reason. But of course, to me, Metroid means Metroid 1 (and the arcade cabinet....it was rare...but it really was a thing and I really played on it back in the 80's ) and Super Metroid. Everyone loves Prime. They're good games, certainly, but to me, "Prime isn't Metroid!" so I think Other M would have appealed to me more. Not sure why I didn't play it other than I think I stopped paying attention to Wii by the time it came out.
More ports. Wii U 2.0. I bet Smash will be the next to get ported over............................sigh
There is nothing wrong the the game play, as Pokken's Story mode essentially takes place in the game's Arcade mode, where you just fight against one random person after another with the game's normal mechanics, with story segments squeezed in between some of the matches.
The reason the story is bad is simply because the story itself is bad. It's short, lazy, and boring. It's pretty much "here's a story for the sake of having a story".
This is ignoring the fact that the English voice acting was horrible, it sounded like they just had whoever was around the office that day try and voice all the characters instead of hiring actual voice actors, and these people are voicing the dialog for the characters in the story. Thankfully, the original Japanese voice acting was left in as an option (with subtitles), but not everybody is into that.
@daveh30 I know right? I hate it when directs come up out of the blue and they announce a bunch of products no one was expecting.
E3 is just around the corner folks. We've also been told that the Pokemon company will support the Switch. This direct does not change that. There's sure to be more surprise announcements at E3.
@roadrunner343 exactly! Everyone loves it when they announce a direct to get peoples hopes up, then use it to announce a port of a spin off, and two half assed mid-life "upgrades" of two current games.
The best thing about the direct was 2 VC games, and let's be honest... If you're a fan, you already have them. If you're a fan, theres nothing here for you. (Unless, I guess, you're super excited to buy 2 more copies of a 3DS game you already bought twice...)
really all they announced was a bunch of 2nd chances for folks who couldn't be bothered the first time around...
@singingbrakeman It's not so much a matter of 'not enjoying' it but moreso a matter ofcircumstances. Was pretty busy with other games and irl stuff when the game launched. Despite me being an avid Pokemon fan, it didn't look to interesting and neither of the fighters grabbed me. You see, I play fighting games because I like some characters, their play style and most importantly, personality. I don't find enjoyment with white bread Ryu nor with any of the playable Pokemon in Pokken.
Lastly, however, the game already had a pretty steep hill to climb to keep me playing due to the system it was on: WiiU. Very few games on that system kept me playing more than a few times. I simply couldn't stand the system. So rather than plugging that machine back on to give Pokken the chance it deserved, I'll just play it on a system I really like. Plus, Scizor! How could I ever say No to Scizor!?
@GoldenGamer88 That makes sense - I misunderstood your original comment. Scizor is pretty compelling for me too! Unfortunately, the only Pokemon from this game that I'm especially excited about are Scizor, Pikachu Libre, Suicune, and Chandelure; I really do favor the odd/cute Pokemon, so Pokken doesn't quite scratch that itch for me.
@daveh30 Pokken came late in the Wii U's life, so it makes perfect sense to port it. I don't think it's for me, but maybe I'll pick it up discounted someday.
People lost their minds for the VC release of red and blue, so I'm sure plenty of people are looking forward to gold and silver. Personally, it was my favorite generation. Again, I don't plan on picking either of them up, as I prefer to play on original hardware, but it's a solid release nonetheless.
As for Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, we don't know enough about them yet. It says a brand new story and new pokemon, so perhaps it will be close to a full sequel like Black and White 2. Again, I don't plan on buying it, but I'll reserve judgement until we know more.
So, as someone who admittedly got very little from this direct, I still don't see why anyone would be upset with Nintendo. We weren't expecting anything, and they gave us a few surprises. With E3 right around the corner, I think it makes sense that this is all we got.
@GoldenGamer88 I'm with you on that. I'm not a huge fighting game fan (Assuming Smash doesn't count), but I do love me some Marvel vs. Capcom because I love the characters. Like you, I wasn't huge into all the characters the first time around, but I may pick it up eventually on switch, especially if it can be found at a discount. I would love to play as Scizor and Charizard.
lets not forget gamefreak is very picky on which systems pokemon goes on too and they have more control over pokemon then nintendo.
@DarkKirby ahh, that makes sense. Hows the ai in arcade mode though? I heard it was really really bad..... just punching dummies more or less?
The AI isn't bad, it's more accurate to say it's easily exploitable if you know what it doesn't know how to deal with.
That said, while the game was very bare bones and completely lacking in features in general (or at least the Wii U version was), the online ranked mode worked well and found matches fast (really fast), despite the online itself also being bare bones, lacking lobbies or chat, and connecting to specific people online required putting in their code. But the point is you're never going to be short on people to play as long as you can play online.
@electrolite77 I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm merely voicing my opinion and general distaste of Nintendo's recent practices. It always baffles me how many fans feel the need to call out those with a negative opinion as trolls or such, simply for not blindly accepting everything Nintendo do with open arms.
If you're happy with your Switch purchase, then fantastic, I genuinely hope you have hundreds of hours of fun, but I personally feel very disappointed with how Nintendo has treated its consumers as of late. I'm just posting my thoughts here, like anyone else.
I was sure this would happen,so I avoided buying the incomplete Wii U version and just played the demo.
@NEStalgia The reaction to Federation Force was weird for what was obviously a spinoff. Granted the game is kind of so-so. Fantastically designed....IF you have 3-4 local players. Not scaling the difficulty for less players really hurt its broad appeal. But if it wasn't so insanely punishing with 1-2 players I'd have loved it. 90% of that reaction was based on the assumption a WiiU Prime would be announced.
I remember this well, a lot of people were writing Dear Santa style wishlists for E3 2015, including Metroid Prime 4, after about 2 years in I think Nintendo knew they were going to pull the plug early on the Wii U based on poor sales sadly - I couldn't see them putting tons of effort in on a Wii U version of Metroid when previous incarnations barely set the charts on fire especially in Japan, it would be a lot of effort for very little return for quite a small fanbase.
Apart from Zelda they pretty much had nothing left to offer on the Wii U apart from the odd dribs and drabs.
I'm very okay with this since I'm one of the many people who didn't buy this game the first time around. Switch will have two fighters by the end of this year, even if one's a port, that's better than the Wii U at the same point in its life.
Tekken 7 would make everyone happy you know because it uses unreal engine 4.
The way the game works, playing local multiplayer on one screen is going to be pretty lousy and result in several headaches.
They better be bringing those extra fighters at least to the Wii U version as DLC (like the extra tracks in Mario Kart 8 are DLC in the Wii U version). We shouldn't have to choose between a superior local multiplayer mode in a game several of us already own; or double-dipping on a new version with the extra fighters alongside a more populated online server, handheld mode, and a few other new features!
@ACK Those are some good ideas. Though it doesn't look like they will do anywhere near that much, I hope they at least add a proper story mode.
Getting annoyed with ports, this should be no more then £20
Gotta port 'em all!
So the games that did NOT sell Wii U consoles..... are supposed to sell Switch consoles? I am definitely missing something here.
Your comment is so far down no one will see it, but it is the best one here! haha
@PokeMario This. SO much this. Thank you. Ugh. I don't get it... siiiiiiiigh...
For the moment anyway, the Online mode for Pokkén Tournament still works. So unless they take that away, I'm not likely going to upgrade (unless I really need something to play on the Switch). The thing is, if people double dip for Mario Kart 8, they will double dip for Pokkén Tournament.
I will say it's funny how people don't complain about all the remasters on the PlayStation 4, let when Nintendo do, number 2 hits the fan. I will say I wish they focus on giving us a sequel, rather than slapping 6 characters and calling it "deluxe".
I'm sure there are Wii U double dippers, but you also have to remember that the Wii U was actually an utter failure and most people didn't play any of its games because they were unwilling to buy a Wii U, so playing them on the Switch would actually be their first time.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the complaints on remasters/HD versions, but I will say one notable difference is the ones on PS3/PS4 (or Microsoft consoles as well for that matter), are usually notably cheaper than a new AAA game, or are multiple HD versions of old games in a series bundled together to make up the price of a new AAA game. A practice that is done more often with ports (like on the 3DS), remasters and HD versions from Nintendo, is selling the game alone, at full retail price or near it. In the end, it's not really Sony's decision most of the time either to release HD/remasters, but the publisher of whatever remaster/HD version of the game is being released.
Anybody know what the song is called or who its by? Really want that in my playlist
If Nintendo revive Sawk as playable fighter, not as a Cameo at background.....
@Yorumi I feel the same way. Bought it digitally for $60 for the Wii U and would love a discount on puchasing it digitally on Switch for my kids. Nintendo were pretty great about the digital launch and sent people who requested a Dark MewTwo amiibo Card one for free so that they wouldn't miss out on the retail bonus. I could imagine them doing something here too. They didn't for MK8 Deluxe though...
Told ya! By the way, that's another "surprise" at E3 scrapped. Of course!
Have the game already on Wii U. If you didn't get it, then yes I would recommend it. For those like me however, $60 for 5 new characters and a 3v3 mode? No thanks...especially after they refused to offer DLC updates to Wii U owners.
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