Almost every update since launch for the Nintendo Switch has been relatively low key in overall impact, often just bringing minor stability improvements and little else. There was a slight hope that Nintendo might announce some sort of substantial update in its Nintendo Direct at E3, but alas, there was nothing to be heard. However, it seems that Nintendo had in fact been planning an update, as version 3.0.0 is now up for download.
Unlike the previous few updates, this one actually does have a good deal of notable changes. New features such as the ability to add friends from your Wii U and 3DS friend lists, the ability to find paired controllers by sending out a signal that makes them vibrate, and a whole slew of new Splatoon 2 icons for your player profile. Here’s the rundown of new features:
- Register a channel to receive News for specific games
- To register, head to News > Find Channels
- Add friends from your Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Friend Lists
- To add friends, head to your My Page on the top left of the Home Menu > Friend Suggestions
- Receive notifications when your Friends go online
- To turn this ON/OFF, head to System Settings > Notifications > Friend Notifications
- Find paired controllers within communication range by activating the vibration feature
- To search, head to Controllers > Find Controllers
- Change the user icon order on the Home Menu
- To change order, head to System Settings > Users > Change Order
- Select from 6 new Splatoon 2 characters for user icon
- To edit your user icon, head to your My Page on the top left of the Home Menu > Profile
- Change the system volume from the Quick Settings
- To access Quick Settings, hold down the HOME Button
- Lower the maximum volume for headphone or speakers connected to the audio jack
- To lower the max headphone volume, head to System Settings > System > Lower Max Headphone Volume * This settings will be ON when Parental Controls are enabled
- Change display colors to Invert Colors or Grayscale
- To use this feature, head to System Settings > System > Change Display Colors
- Connect a USB keyboard to the dock to type whenever the keyboard is on the screen
- Use the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller via wired communication by connecting the USB charging cable
- To enable, head to System Settings > Controllers and Sensors > Pro Controller Wired Communication * The NFC touchpoint on the Pro Controller will be disabled while the controller is using wired communication.
- Update connected controllers
- To update, head to System Settings > Controllers and Sensors > Update Controllers
- Added a feature that suggests deletion of software data if there is insufficient space when downloading other software
- To use this feature, head to System Settings > Data Management > Quick Archive * User save data is not deleted
General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience, including:
- Resolved an issue that caused game software updates to fail and prevented the software from starting
- Improvements to prevent unintended HDMI input change with certain TVs while the console is docked in Sleep Mode
What do you think? Are you happy with the changes made? What else would you like to see in future updates? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 145
Absolutely nothing? How bout some memory management and the ability to choose to download to the SD card or system memory?? Or to copy from SD card to system and vice versa?
was hoping for discord app with the update after reading the previous article, oh well
Invert colors? Does this mean I can play Breath of the Wild, demonic edition?
Nothing? Lol what? Who said that?
Wow, I actually am surprised this time!
Not bad, but nothing special
Wow. I clicked the link to make another dumb stability joke but it seems this is a real update for once!
Cool, I'll get on it right now 🙂 Bout time. Those stability updated were causing too much stability. Gotta shake up the standard sometimes...
Just need a folder option for all my Neo Geo and non retail games!
Yay! I heart system update day... Especially when it actually does something!
thank you Nintendo.
I can't tell you how annoying it was having my TV switch to whatever hdmi the Switch was on. I would unplug the hdmi cable when i wasn't using the switch
The keyboard compatibility and Pro Controller wired connection option are great
It's a good start. Keep it coming!
Seems like Nintendo ran out of stability, so they gave the Switch actual updates...
@w00dm4n Same here, really glad they fixed that. I'm surprised they shipped with that bug to be honest, it seemed to do it 100% of the time. Did they never switch their display to a different source while testing?
What I find a little interesting is how many of the 90-odd U 'friends' I have, have picked up a Switch. I expected a good number, but at least 40% have one already, which is a fairly good chunk, but a far lower parentage of 3DS 'friends' have.
could have been a X.50 update not complaining though
Still waiting for an update which lets us use our Wii-U Pro Controller on Switch.
This is pedantic, but one of my favorite things about Nintendo systems in the new millennium has been menu music, and I haven't gotten any of that yet.
Also; the friend code update gives me hope that they'll transfer Wii U or 3ds virtual console data as well, even if it's the pay a dollar for the license fee.
All I want is an option for wireless headphones. They said that would be a feature before the system launched and I was really disappointed when it wasn't. I want to use my AirPods and QuietComfort 35s with my Switch.
Can someone confirm when a friend comes online it displays at notification, does it state what your friend/s are playing ?
So they finally fixed the HDMI CEC bug? Now I can finally turn that back on in my TV settings. Sweet.
Cool! Arms icons please?
Nice they listened about the HDMI issue, and interesting they added more icons for free rather then the Playstation/XBox route of charging for them.
@Angelic_Lapras_King PSN adds new free avatars all the time, yes there are paid ones too
Cool about the wired connection for the Pro Controller. It will help for the more competitive scene in Splatoon and Arms, due to the lag.
@Windy I honestly doubt such an update will ever come, since they put out a new Pro Controller. They want you to get the new Pro, not stick with the old one.
@ValhallaOutcast Ahh, still stuck on last gen as far as me and camp Sony is concerned. XD
I like the keyboard feature. I wonder if the cross-platform games are going to use it.
Good to see some basic features coming to Switch along with some cool ones like finding a local controller. Still waiting on messaging but I'm sure that will come with the Summer update with the Switch party app
"Improvements to prevent unintended HDMI input change with certain TVs while the console is docked in Sleep Mode"
Holy crap, it's about damn time!!
I can finally just put my Switch to sleep when it's docked and I'm not using it instead of powering it down completely, as it was designed to be used.
Know how to tell a system is doing well?
It actually gets real updates.
@Aouzy I've been wondering this myself. Currently on the console versions of Minecraft (for example) you can only use voice chat to communicate. However, on PC there's voice AND text chat available. I'm hoping they add text chat windows to the console versions to make communication easier for those of us that aren't really into the voice chat scene (namely because whenever I try to use voice chat in games...no one ever responds and talks back...lol).
The update to use the Pro controller wired made me lol, not that it might not be useful, but just that they didn't think to include that in the first place when you actually connect the thing to the dock to charge in the first place.
"Improvements to prevent unintended HDMI input change with certain TVs while the console is docked in Sleep Mode"
Holy cr*p, I've been waiting for this one for SO long. It alone makes the update worthwhile and no that is not sarcasm. I'm so sick of unplugging my Switch every time I want to watch my Shield TV.
Stability update coming in 3... 2... 1...
USB keyboard allowance is interesting. Handy for that new programming tool, Fuze Code Studio...amongst much else.
This update is amazing as my son lost one of my joy cons and I had a very hard time finding it - the whole time I was wishing I could just 'call it' with a vibrate or something lol
Also been waiting forever to import friends lists from 3DS / Wii U - I'm surprised it let me add people I've never interacted with from Fire Emblem Heroes before it did that! HAHA
Overall a step in the right direction - I'm kindof a sucker for customization features, so I cannot wait to get themes for this little bad boy ::crosses fingers::
Would have been nice if they added the option to backup our game save files to an sd card or USB thumb drive...like on the Wii U and 3ds. Since cloud saving doesn't seem to be ever be an option a Nintendo console, you would think by know they would have given us some backup option.
even if there's not text chat, a lot of kids make those little signs and write text on them all the time on the wii u version. if they are playing with someone who isn't voice-chatting etc.
i feel bad that i know this fact. LOL
so, cool stuff and all, but when am I getting the ability to organize my home menu? Everything moving around on its own on a single, linear list is not very appealing to me at all.
Controllers update(s) seems promising.
I never had a problem with my TV inputs. Although I heard that the problem was only for Samsung TVs, which both TVs I have are LG.
They fixed the docking issue with certain tvs. And wow what an update! So awesome!! Can't wait for folders and themes!
@iphys PS4 controllers don't act as wired either when plugged in either.
The Switch is more stable than an anime fan on...(reads article). Really? That tagline suggested it was going to be same old same old but it was actually something different? (Ooh, add 3ds and WiiU friends to the Switch, Noice!) How dare you lie to the Captain!
Is it stability?
....oh, search for controllers. Hmm ok. Not bad.
Oh wow almost overlooked the friend list thing. That's really cool.
Just add TV/Video streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc.) and we will be in business! I'm happy with the console besides it not having a virtual console and the vid services
Dry Bones looks so goofy with inverted colors - I love it! Really nothing that interesting in here, though.
My dad could really use something akin to that search for controllers function. Just with stuff like glasses, keys, smartphone and wallet instead of controllers lol.
@Windy You and me both.
@SanderEvers Right you are!
@Indielink yes they do
If that Hdmi fix works for me I'll be very happy
I hope the controller update will be good for us, and not for Nintendo.
I do not want to update my controllers so that the Switch can refuse 8bitdo controllers, for example.
No ARMS icons?
Never had issues with the HDMI in conjunction with my Sony TV. Only turned the TV on and switched inputs when it was meant to. From what I heard it was just a few tv models that were impacted so it is cool that Nintendo cared enough to patch it. I'm still waiting for an update that shows other system games my friends are playing. That would be cool to know one of my friends is currently playing on their Wii U so I can change over and play with them.
We need save data backup and such. Still very much in love with the fast switch ui.
I think my favorite part of this update is CHANGE LOGS.
Nice but I'm surprised they didn't bother with Arms icons, it's not like adding new icons is hard... heck, why not having them available on the eShop or, even better, unlockable for games you own?
Also the one feature I want added is a more customizable menu. I already have too many icons and it's a pain to scroll to the end to click the button to see all my games at this point. if I wanna do a game I haven't played in awhile it's inconvenient, I wanna just display them in a tiles fashion...
Don't disrespect ARMS like this, Nintendo. The same week you release a new IP, new icons are FINALLY added to the Switch menu and... It's all Splatoon 2. Doesn't "Ka-boom-boom!" mean anything to you? Ain't right.
Appreciate the wired controller support, though!
Yay for keyboard support!
Where's the helix avatar ? Love that blorby little so and so
Yay keyboard support!
@joey302 You can already transfer to the SD Card to System or System to SD Card. Just go to the Settings -> Data Management
Can any please confirm if the 8bitdo controllers can still connect to the Switch 3.0 firmware?
I would hate for my SFC30 controller to stop working with the Switch.
No stability, no buy.
Woohoo HDMI fix, at last!
@joey302 Reggie commented on this - apparently they are looking at it from a piracy perpective but sounds like they're working on - not everything happens at once =P
@RadioShadow I think he means save data
Switch update. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
Joking aside. "Use the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller via wired communication by connecting the USB charging cable." That should be good, hopefully it reduces lag.
"Find paired controllers within communication range by activating the vibration feature." It would be far more useful in general, not just for finding your Joy-cons but if they had a speaker. The Wii remote had a speaker and that's over 10 years old. I'm sure they could have improved it substantially since then.
"Added a feature that suggests deletion of software data if there is insufficient space when downloading other software." Here's a suggestion, you should have put more than 32GB's of memory storage on the Switch you stingy gits. It's no better than Wii U and just like on that platform, you don't have the full 32GB's available to you on the Switch.
Worried about the lack of stability.
Yeah, but... isn't it a bit unstable?
Kids are great, my son maimed my Shulk and Zelda amiibos. Fcourse my own fault, didn't know he could climb so fast. Anyway, good thing on an interesting update but do long for some social functions and liked the menu tunes we had on the WiiU - get to work Nintendo.
Noticing a BIG difference in the audio department (while using headphones). Just seems cleaner. Higher fidelity sound. I dig it.
Change volume from the quick setting. This is great. This update is amazing
Hope they implement cloud saves and eventually system transfer since my Switch's battery won't last forever...
With the friends list I would like to be able to click on the game they are playing and be taken straight to the lobby they are in so I can play along with them. Maybe that is something to do with the game it self but it would be great.
"Improvements to prevent unintended HDMI input change with certain TVs while the console is docked in Sleep Mode"
Yay, I've been forced to unplug the NS from my TV because of this.
Besides that, kinda wish they added more icons for the announced E3 games, but still a great update.
@RupeeClock Mine still do.
People are overreacting - it's right there in bold:
"General system stability improvements"
@ACK That's good to hear, would hate if I couldn't keep playing stuff like Puyo Puyo Tetris or Mighty Gunvolt Burst was my SFC30.
I've also found another thing that had changed since the update. Yesterday In was trying al sorts of internet connection tests and the sounds of finding a connection had been changed to a more calm and softer tone whenever the switch found An internet connection. Of course it is not a big change, but it is more pleasing to the ears
Guys there is a setting to disable the HDMI, turn on the TV, thing. System settings,
TV settings, match power state,
And still no Daisy user icon!!!!
It also allows compatibility with the Pokken controller for all games, you can play ARMS with it for instance.
Themes for the next update right?!?! 😉🖒
No "stability-only" updates? I love the Switch already.
This is a very good update, hopefully the start of some even better ones to follow soon. I like that I can now add some of my friends from the Wii U and 3DS (@JaxonH, I sent a friend request to you). Being able to follow game channels is a nice addition as well.
@Leostacks Nothing said "it's game time" like the Wii and Wii U menu music! So I second that request for sure.
Great to see some of these updates. The Switch finally has a full slate of AAA titles on the way for 2017, and I suspect some other updates with clever things folks want will continue to follow.
Give us Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, Crunchyroll, Amazon Video, and a proper excellent browser already!!!!
Ah, I was wondering who that was. Switch needs messaging, but this is a good start I guess. Decent 1st update.
So anything catch your eye at e3? Metroid Prime 4 and Monster Hunter World have me more excited than I've been in recent memory. Xenoblade 2 and Mario Odyssey and Pokemon on Switch, and Metroid Samus Returns on 3DS, and Shadow of the Colossus on PS4, and Ori and the Will of the Wisps on Xbox One... all incredible. And even though it wasn't shown, Fire Emblem is right up there (the real FE, not Warriors, although Warriors looks good in it's own right). And that Mario Kingdom Battle looks surprisingly good. Had an Xbox only gamer at work asking me about it which I never expected. Spiderman looks decent too, and God of War, and of course Skyrim on handheld and VR.
@RupeeClock can't you confirm for us if you have a switch and a 8bitdo
Noice! Can't wait to download!
Just updated! Haven't checked it all out, but one thing you guys missed is 'Software Information' in the softwares options. A new tab, I am pretty sure wasn't there before.
@60-hz Yes, it does display what your friends are playing when they come online.
Need a fix to stop turning a powered off console on when docked/undocked. Its so annoying. I just want my off console to charge and stay off- not go into sleep mode.
Another unmentioned feature is the Prevent Auto Archiving. Available in Data Management > Software. Select the software.
I loved what Nintendo had on display. Super Mario Odyssey is my most anticipated game right now, for any system (it's my dark hose pick to upset LoZ: Breath of the Wild for Game of the Year). Xenoblade 2 is a day one buy as is Sonic Mania. Kirby was a cool announcement and since I'll finally be able to play it on a tv, I'm going to get that Pokemon whenever it comes out. Pre-ordered Metroid: Samus Returns and Metroid Prime 4 will almost surely be a buy, still need much more info but at least it's happening. Wish there was more third party stuff, we'll see how that plays out overtime.
I posted it a lot over at PushSquare, but I was disappointed by Sony's showing though Spider-Man does look awesome and Monster Hunter World can be a good game but I hate when I here talk of 'Westernizing' franchises, which is a nice way of saying 'dumbed down.' Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Horizon: Zero Dawn DLC is cool. Unfortunately everything on the first party side is a carbon copy of the Naughty Dog style. I like Naughty Dog but I don't want to see it in everything. I would've preferred God of War and Syphon Filter. Not Uncharted starring Kratos and Son and The Last of Us: Biker Edition.
MS brought a lot of games and new hardware but like with the PS4 Pro, right now, Xbox One X looks like a miss for me. Crackdown 3 was the only game shown for this year that I might buy. I like Forza but will probably skip this year because of some other games.
From third parties the game I'm most looking forward to is actually Assassin's Creed Origins now that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a 2018 release.
Where is virtual consol, Netflix, YouTube and my web browser?
At first I was not impressed with Monster Hunter. The trailer focused on showing all new mechanics which made the gameplay look radically different, and no felynes were shown, no cooking jingle, and with the rumors of westernized and open world, it seemed to be exactly that.
Then more info released, and leaked gameplay, and I rewatched the trailer and noticed more and more core series staples, and now I'm 100% sold and confident it's the real deal. Not sure if you're into the series but, if you wanna hunt I'll be taking 2 weeks (at least 1 week) vacation from work when it releases 😁
Ya I never liked Uncharted too much. So all the games in that style are kinda eh... But that Shadow of the Colossus, wow. If they fix the camera controls I'm all in
Can we ever hope to have steaming capabilities, so that we can let our friends watch us play like the PS4?
Never been the biggest Monster Hunter fan, but I did enjoy 3 back when I played it on the Wii (I think it was 2009 or 2010). If I get MH World, I'll let you know. There are some games higher on the list though, mostly Switch games. I'm a very big fan of this system, it's what I wish the Wii U had been.
@Ben_Rage_V2 there are people that stream all the time on Twitch and Netflix, just use a capture card
no serious streamer uses that built in functionality on PS4 or XB1
Least they've actually add features this time, but I wish there was a internet browser and some apps for the console.
These updates are good and all, but why for the love of god can't they fix the freaking SD card data management nonsense? I have to go through way too many steps, that quite frankly don't make a whole lot of sense, just to get a game downloaded on my SD card. For some reason, Nintendo thinks that "download to SD card" is only relevant for screenshots.
@ValhallaOutcast What's wrong with the streaming functionality of the PS4 other than the fact that it's only 720p? PS4 Pro does 1080p
Actually for someone with a Samsung 4K display, this is great. Hopefully it fixes the input issue. It was highly annoying to be playing my xbox, and my TV randomly switching to my switch input when it was asleep. I have had my switch off and undocked since.
Ahhhh, I bet that's what was happening with mine too. I never pieced two and two together. I would sometimes be playing on my PS4, and the HDMI would cut out for 5-10 seconds. I can't say for sure if my Switch was in the dock, but I bet it was when that happened. Thanks for the comment.
I don't bring my Switch to work.
Splatoon 2 icons? What about Wario??
Just the fact that I can use the Pokkén controller for any game I want to now is great news. It really works wonders for 2D games!
Dang, I was hoping the update would eliminate the component shortage currently plaguing Nintendo.
This is pretty cool to get a few nice features in a firmware update for a change. It's amazing how they dropped this so stealthily with a bunch of new features.
Though I'm still waiting on the very most important feature of all: save backups! I almost had a heart attack the other day when I thought my Switch was dead (it wasn't, it looked like it but it was apparently just in a REALLY stuck frozen state it didn't want to get out of even with a dozen "hold the power switch" resets...but it came back and is fine now.)....really need those cloud saves or local backups of saves. And need to be able to transfer them between machines!
@HeroponRiki Why yes it does! lol just tested this out. Its extremely freaky with Deity link eyes XD
Solid update, kind of surprised at some of the less nice comments. Lots of good steps are taken here with these increases in functionality.
I'm curious how it will respond to unlicensed controllers like my FC 30 Pro 8bitdo controller.
That HDMI problem got on my nerves so I had to put the Switch by itself on slot 2 and have all my other stuff on my switcher on slot 1 because it randomly would blip off the TV while watching it.
@tanookisuit my NES30 still works perfectly! Still sees it as a pro controller
@bluesdance that never actually worked for some people, myself included. Turning it on or off literally made no difference as far as input switching. Hopefully this update actually makes that feature useful. I'll have to test it this weekend, but I won't hold my breath.
Allowing the Pro controller to work as wired is pretty nice.
I would hope they would also allow you to use a Wii U Pro controller with th esystem that way, so I wouldn't need to buy a new one.
@mariol66 cue someone posting that you could have solved your problem by turning off Match TV State in 3...2...1...
It's been almost as infuriating to have people who don't have the issue or cannot replicate it telling me I can fix even though I couldn't. Oh well.
Seriously though. I have a Samsung KS8000 and it was/is the MOST annoying thing I have ever experienced with regards to technology. Well, maybe second, right behind the sound of my alarm clock in the early mornings haha
Aw man! That headline really got my hopes up for the introduction of full browser support.
Well at least being able to add my Wii U friends is a useful feature.
Ya I like it too. It's so much better than Wii U. And I liked Wii U, buuuut, in contrast with Switch it's not that impressive. Biggest difference is 1 They're bringing the goods for Switch games, far better library than Wii U 2 The system itself is actually practical and awesome.
@Hordak same model as me lol it was infuriating.
Still no Data management options and no themes. How pointless. I should be thanking Nintendo for introducing a News channel that 'isn't' accessible on websites like NintendoLife. Guess I'll have to make do with playing Zelda in grayscale
Take it slow Ninty.
I'd be more excited for this update if Nintendo had included the ability to store game save data to microSD. I still don't understand why this isn't a standard feature on the Switch as it was with every one of their other consoles since Wii.
Thank GOD. for months ive been getting flagged in Miiverse for sharing my Switch Friendcode with EXISTING FRIENDS!! Thank you nintendo...please just add a webbrowser and Netflix and We're ALL GOOD.
@tanookisuit it scares me that they add a menu to update the controllers, makes me think they might stop 3rd party ones from working
What they really need to do is stop the console turning on when returning it to the dock. What is the actual point? If you switch it off, you want it to remain...OFF.
Thank god the HDMI issue is fixed in this update (or at least that it contains an attempted fix). I was getting sick and tired of moving the HDMI cord around to prevent interruptions when watching TV or using a different system.
@Captain_Gonru The cord was just charging the controller. The communication for inputs was still through bluetooth. Now with the update, you have the option to make it wired communication when plugged in.
Wonder what Thumper looks like with inverted colors.
@Baker1000 this completely
Not bad, pretty standard stuff. "Guess what it does" might be pushing it though, that implies it actually does something we'd be excited about like themes, voice chat, fixing the credit card memory issue, etc.
I don't understand why people keep bashing stability updates. After the first few stability updates were released, my system's wifi connection improved where I could actually stay connected to download other updates. So yes, I welcome stability updates if they improve issues like that.
As for this update, it's great. Definitely a step in the right direction.
Maybe getting ready for Smash Switch with that update or just for arms and other fighters in general though I don't notice much lag anyway.
Thanks Nintendo!! Now my surround sound is screwed! Before it was working fine, now after this update, when I do the surround test, I'm get sound coming out of the wrong speakers. Using Denon AVR-X2200W.
Me: sees article "STABILITYYYYYYYYY!" reads article "Oh..."
Also is appears that the Nintendo Gamecube Adapter works on the Switch with the new Firm Ware Update. Could it be leading to something.........Smashing?
Love the friend suggestions and the 'stability' improvement fixing the rogue HDMI signals. Very good update!!
Has anyone else discovered that the "invert colors" and "grey scale" settings don't just apply to the menus...but in game as well? Played a little BotW and Minecraft in inverted colors...talk about trippy! lol... Could only take it for so long on the eyeballs, but its pretty cool. I'd like to see a sepia one done next... lol
I added all of my Wii U/3DS friends who upgraded. I was surprised to see that many of them have! An added bonus is that they own the same games I do, so MK 8 DX online will be awesome.
@Steven_the_2nd I would have liked to try mine but it was dead yet again. I'm guessing it's a stupid device that doesn't shut off on its own so you have to power it off or it dies after a few hours. Looking at the battery rating I don't think it lasts long does it?
@tanookisuit Yeah, its just like any controller. It will die if you leave it on lol. I have only charged my NES30 like 3 times in like a year. So battery life is amazing to say the least. But to turn it off just hold start till the life goes out.
After the update I now have a full signal on my wifi connection. Well done Nintendo...
@Indielink the new controller does though
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