With today's announcement of the Super NES Classic Edition (NA) / The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL), Nintendo has generated a lot of buzz online. After the availability issues with the NES Mini in 2016, however, the scramble for pre-orders is sure to be intense; at the time of publication some UK retailers have gone live (and in one case already sold out), but we're waiting for North American equivalents.
Nintendo, for its part, has tried to offer some reassurance that it is aiming to meet demand, but in a statement to Kotaku has also made it clear that the system is only currently planned to ship in 2017.
We aren’t providing specific numbers, but we will produce significantly more units of Super NES Classic Edition than we did of NES Classic Edition.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition is currently planned to ship from Sept. 29 until the end of calendar year 2017. At this time, we have nothing to announce regarding any possible shipments beyond this year.
Our long-term efforts are focused on delivering great games for the Nintendo Switch system and continuing to build momentum for that platform, as well as serving the more than 63 million owners of Nintendo 3DS family systems. We are offering Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition in special recognition of the fans who show tremendous interest our classic content.
It's positive and negative news, then. While some of us argue Nintendo should keep making these Classic systems until demand dries up, it seems that the company feels differently.
As an additional detail, it seems the controller will have a longer cable than the NES equivalent.
What do you think of these remarks from Nintendo?
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 76
Still need preorders in NA, Nintendo. Give us a fighting chance.
I will fight someone for the N64 Mini next year though.
Why can't they make the Controller wireless? At least I hope this doesn't mean we have to get up every time we want to change a game.
...I wonder if I should email NintendoLife on how I managed to nab a Switch, since you could use that as a tip to nab this thing...
I don't view the lack of units beyond 2017 as a bad thing. It means more chance of the Switch Virtual Console coming.
I still know in my heart that I will never be able to own one of these.
At least we can be prepared this time.
PEOPLE... If you want this machine, get it pre-ordered! I used to work in GAME, and I swear, if I had a pound for every time someone said "oh I didn't think I'd need to pre-order the Mini NES", I'd probably have... Well, about £10. But STILL, the point stands. PRE-ORDER!
Might as well give the nes mini another run while they're at it.
I think that's the more popular one anyway.
@Joeynator3000 Blood sacrifice? Rain dance? Blackmailing executives at Best Buy?
I hope so, I've placed a pre order with Amazon UK
If it turns out to be a limited edition thing as suggested they going to be hot property
Nintendo has learned something at least. First, they're starting earlier, which gives them more time to manufacture for the holiday season. Also, they're communicating up front the limited time frame. Their big failure last time was poor communication, not explicitly saying how limited it would be while also saying they would meet demand when they had no intention to do so.
Remember, preordering was only available in some regions last time, and that may be the same this time.
Please open U.S. preorders. I need this.
Wish there were a few more games but I will preorder this.......although I should preorder 3 or 4 to pay for the 1 I want cause you know these are gonna be selling for $400 on ebay.
I'll believe it when I see it. Launch day will still look like this:
Yeah, but did it make the controller cords a practical length this time around?
As long as all those games eventually make their way to the Switch VC and they at least support the 8BitDo Super Famicon controller then missing out on one won't be as bad. Still I'm taking no chances this time. Preorder is locked and loaded.
@Stryker89 Here's another quid, I said the same thing to myself. Wasn't too bothered as wasn't the biggest fan of NES games.
@KirbyTheVampire especially as a SNES library for the CGC is currently considered, too.
50 units is significantly more than 5 units...
Limited NES mini stock, limited switch stock, yep limited snes stock guaranteed
Oh come on, they don't plan to keep selling even this next year? So they haven't learned from their mistakes of the NES. They get a hot product and then discontinue it within a few months. News like this is going to fuel scalping. People will just withhold extra units they find until 2018 when no one can get one for the retail price.
5 feet? Well, at least that's long enough to reach my couch this time... just as long as I don't flail around in frustration while playing Star Fox 2.
Should have just retailed it at $180 to weed a lot of people out, lol.
@Marios-love-child I can't find it on Amazon?
The limited run makes no sense.
I really can't believe while Switch is still suffering supply woes, they're actually sticking their foot in it again with a limited time release popular demand product. Though I guess it creates the images taht EVERYTHING with Nintendo's logo on it is in extreme demand like it's the most popular thing in the world. Disappointing customers could be a marketing gimmick?
@KirbyTheVampire My thoughts exactly. While I would prefer them to have this and the NES classic mini available continuously, I also understand them not wanting to compete with their latest console.
That said, IF they include SNES titles in the Switch Online subscription, and IF it'd include the games available on the SNES classic edition, I'd almost rather pay $20/year. Of course, not everyone who wants this wants a Switch, so I feel sorry for people like that who wouldn't be able to get their hands on this.
@Stryker89 I just tried to pre-order from GAME but their site is so utterly crap, it just doesn't get past the part where you click 'Pre Order' and sits on Loading.
Well okay Nintendo, prove it.
So they're making 5 of them. Well it is an improvement.
I'd rather buy a cartridge for my Switch that has all of these games on it!!!
Seems to be sold out now though
@NEStalgia I thought you'd be happy after your earlier comment about the "holiday" thing. Really that's the only good thing I see from this, they are actually announcing it's 2017 only. So I give them credit where it's due as it's such a rare occurrence. But at least people now know, if they dont' have 1 by Oct 1 start looking on eBay, and if you dont' have 1 by Christmas stop looking all together. Of course the "2017 only" comment did just double the price on eBay. Maybe triple. I said earlier my most optimistic thought on all of this was they make enough stock to keep the eBay price under $200 but that's out the door now, it will be $400-$450 a week before Christmas. All the Warriors will own one. Splash.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Correction they are making 3 of them.
@rjejr Hehe, I'm just amazed they're stepping into this trap while they're struggling to keep up with Switch supplies. It's a messy business. A good business but a messy one. Not that I didn't know they were going to, it was obvious, but still..... Heck even XBox knew about it, given the survey (where they actually appeared to be worried that SNES Mini would hurt Scorpio sales.... )
But yeah, at least they admitted it's a limited edition this time, and significantly more means "way under demand", and yeah, they just set absurd scalping prices....which we know they love....
Pfft! That's what they said last time! I'll believe it IF I see it.
I expect them to make 5 million at most. Man, I hope they do US preorders this time.
Better try them all just to be sure.
And they continue to learn nothing! Darnit Nintendo!
Why does this have to be limited? VC games were never given a limited release.
@Don This is classic Nintendo strategy. They release their products in limited quantity in order to drive up demand.
Best advice: try and buy 3. You can always sell it for more😊
I wonder if Japanese version will be available.
Eh ?
A recipe for a scalper ?
Nintendo's current plans are only to offer it this year. "Super NES Classic Edition is currently planned to ship from Sept. 29 until the end of calendar year 2017," it said. "At this time, we have nothing to announce regarding any possible shipments beyond this year." from gamespot
I communicated how hard it was getting a hold of a NES Classic to my customers. Some didn't want to come to the store early to line up, some didn't want to wait on line at Nintendo NY down the street (who really did have a mountain of them behind the counter!), some literally expected to stroll into the store during a lunch break or after work and pick one up. Of course some came back and were shocked we didn't have any. I had to give them some canned sympathy and send them on their way.
Now, I don't expect Nintendo to have a metric ton of extra units, as I shudder to imagine what "significantly more units" means to Nintendo. But now more than ever, even if you're merely thinking of possibly purchasing one, preorder, preorder, preorder! Or, if you're in the US (where we may not get a chance to preorder), go to sleep earlier the night before and go wait on that line! Beat those scalpers by showing them you mean business!
Nintendo's not in that golden time of mid-Wii-life-cycle production anymore. People have to accept that Nintendo-related demand is at an all time high in NA, Japan, parts of the EU and UK, and even South America where Nintendo pretty much pulled out of the market, which is forcing people (mostly from Brazil and Argentina) to fly to the States just to buy Nintendo stuff. So if you're, unrealistically, thinking of just waltzing into a store all willy-nilly expecting to pick up a Super NES Classic Edition off the shelf, then you've pretty much lost the right to complain when you can't get one...Unless Nintendo happens to magically produce like 15-20 Million of these things, then by all means waltz away!
So instead on 1 meter cables for controllers we now get 1,5 meter cables for controllers. What an improvement Nintendo!! /Facepalm
@Anti-Matter exactly. I just want the controller for my Wii u virtual console.
Pre-ordered two from GAME the minute I saw it (one for me and one for my brother in law). I was on GAME's website before they'd even put it up for sale lol. I just sat there refreshing the page for 5 minutes or so until it popped up on their home page.
Nintendo will make 4 million, release 3 million, call it a "limited run" (which they're doing) then release another half million saying "we extended the run because we didn't know how popular it would be."
By the way, notice how it's showing normal controller ports on both the images for the Classic/Mini versions?
I wonder if that means it will only work with the official SNES Classic Edition/Mini controllers of it the images are really just placeholder and it will have the same kind of ports as the NES Classic Edition/Mini. . . .
Well, that controller length is definitely better, but it still might be too short for most homes.
@impurekind wow me. I seriously did not notice that. I really thought it'll be like the nes mini wiimotes style connectors
At least they're emphasizing it's limited. We all know that they won't keep it on the market for too long.
I'll believe when I see it. Until then, my phone is primed with notifications that will explode through an external speaker when the listings become available.
@UK-Nintendo It could just be in the image, but it's just something I noticed and was like "?". I don't think it really matters too much though, because the SNES controllers are frikin' amazing, you get two of them in the box, and with the controller cable at least a bit longer now at 5 feet--still probably a bit short for many houses but certainly way better than the NES Mini's 3 feet cords--I don't see any good reason to use any other controllers anyway.
Just got one from GAME this minute!!
Looks like they have added £10 on the rrp.
Or Smyths is £10 less than rrp?
Nintendo: Super Nintendo Entertainment System: Super NES Classic Edition is currently planned to ship from Sept. 29 until the end of calendar year 2017.
2018 on Nintendo fan sites: They didn't make it clear! Sob whine spam a comment section or five!!!
Woudn't be nice to also state that the controllers cord length will be 1,5 m? I bet a lot of your readers live in countries that only the metric system is used.
I preordered 2 SNES minis
They should re release the NES mini. There are still millions of people who want that system. I think it would make more business sense to offer that, the SNES mini market will still be there a year later.
I mean seriously, wouldn't they make more money going that route?
Personally what I love about the Mini is the replica NES controller. The NES is a 30 year old system, and I liked the fact that you can take the internals of controllers that went bad and put inside a Mini controller.
@Luna_110 Unless you want them to jack up the price for a wireless module. And I think the appeal of these classic systems is to actually mimic the old days, wired controllers included. Getting up and switching games isn't that hard right?
Scaplers are salivating to sell this at $500 this Christmas
Willing to bet good money that I won't see one of these in stores either. Oh well, life goes on.
atleat they are being more upfront calling it a 2017 product only
@j-life Not exactly, NES and NES Mini controller parts are non-exchangeable I'm afraid. Different moulds, I tried the second I could
@Megal0maniac https://youtu.be/NmyST03mAcU?t=1073
I'm referring to that. Taking the old NES controller PCB, putting it in the case of the mini.
Emulation adds a few frames of lag and it's well known the nes mini added lag and so will this.
I've pre-ordered. Ended up kicking myself for not buying a NES Mini. And yup I did see one IRL. 😰
@NEStalgia @Tempestryke
Everybody trying to buy a SNES mini at retail be like...
@impurekind Only half a meter extra is nothing. It's still a joke.
Unless you have and old tiny TV, who is sitting this close to a TV these days?
We are sitting at least 3 meter from the TV, so 1,5 meter length of the cable is going to be a problem.
They can't be making that many, according to Eurogamer the pre-orders are already all sold out! I had no idea pre-orders would open so soon!
@Jeronan Yeah, the 8 feet cable would have been about right.
@Jeronan Memories...
@Joeynator3000 Did you order from the Middle East? That's what I did. Those guys NEVER run out of stock. I still remember seeing that stocks on the UAE website of a retailer say "NES Classic: 27 remaining (10 NA, 7 JP and 10 EU). That's what I'll do again with the SNES Classic. There's a tip folks, now go and enjoy
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