The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Nintendo Switch still only has a 'Fall' release window, but it did feature in Bethesda's E3 press conference.
Two key features were showcased - a recent Link amiibo was scanned to create a themed skin in the game, and the Joy-Con were shown to support motion controls for combat and aiming your bow.
Check out the trailer below.
Do you like the look of the Switch version of Skyrim?
Comments 135
This is a great bonus for Nintendo fans and I like it when third parties take the time and add in some Nintendo Easter eggs. I'm still wondering if mod support is there and a release date
Cool how the motion controls seem to be optional when the joycons are disconnected. I think there's a future where motion controls and regular controls can coexist (like how Splatoon and Arms have been handling it right now).
@Malcrash After seeing their E3 video on their new "mods" system where you have to pay for them, I can do without.
It's nice to see that amiibo support (despite being only for Link, as far as I know) exists in this port, but I think I'll stick with Breath of the Wild, especially since part of its DLC isn't far ahead.
Edit: ...not to say that I hate this game, though.
Man they went all in.
This is a seriously awesome port. Screw the nonsense, Bethesda did Nintendo fans right and proper
It's not like you have to choose... can enjoy Zelda and Skyrim.
This is a Bethesda game, something we've never had before (and one of the most popular games ever made). If you have any desire to see anything other than 1st party for the next 20 years, I'd say give this game a go.
If you like Zelda, this is up your alley.
Skyrim Skyward Sword No release date though?
Nice. Gyro aiming was one of the things I was really looking forward to with this version. Hopefully they can be enabled separately from the general motion controls. I don't want waggle controls, but BotW and Splatoon have spoiled me with their gyro aiming controls. It's so much nicer than aiming with an analog stick.
Dat' frame rate doh'
I'll be having this, day one! Can't wait.
Anyone who liked Breath of the Wild should seriously consider this game.
I never played Skyrim before but this is definitely the one that I'll get soon
I don't care what people say about em, Bethesda is one of the best current AAA developers. Props to them for giving Nintendo fans something extra. I'll be picking this up day one for sure despite already playing the hell out of it on PS3.
I've never played Skyrim, so this has me intrigued. I really hope, however, that Breath of the Wild hasn't ruined every other open world game for me.
Will Nintendo give us a release-date tomorrow? Hope So...
Props to Bethesda for doing more for Nintendo fans than just making a simple port and taking advantage of the Switch's features
Really cool! Maybe for the first time I'll give Skyrim a shot?
I really want to support 3rd parties but the fall slate is starting to get crowded, and we still have few dates... Is this date gonna be revealed in the Nintendo spotlight? Also I remember seeing an article on polygon or something saying dragon ball xenoverse 2 was coming this fall but then I have heard nothing else about that release. Is that still happening?
Yeah I knew I had seen this:
I wasn't sure if I was going to double dip on this, but I like the extra touches. Def will e buying this for the Switch as well.
Apparently, Skyrim Switch comes with all the official DLC (Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn) as well.
give wolf link pet and guardian amiibo to gie a guardian and we are set.
The frames drop hard when those dudes with clubs appeared.
I was watching the stream on my phone so I couldn't 'really' tell but is this the 'original' Skyrim, like, the pre definitive version from 2011?
The bad experience I had with the ps3 version makes me not want buy this.
But it seems to be an decent port. I can give it a second chance
Makes Skyrim a little more interesting to me for Switch. I just may pick that up with hopefully Mario around that time.
Um, it has all the add on content from the remastered version, and screenshot comparisons show it close to the PC version, and night and day from the OG version.
Besides, if you have to ask and can't tell the difference for yourself then it's probably not that important anyways
@Hordak Agreed playing HZD (before I got bored with it) and Nier I had muscle memory because of how you can go anywhere in Botw.
This is really cool. I am so happy Switch is getting this game.. I hope the Switch and this sells well so we keep getting those 3rd party quality versions. The best on the Wii U was Arkham City, Mass Effect 3 and so on. Of course they used the great 2nd screen which no longer exists... but playing on the sleek portable, and with amiibo, it's good enough to make it special.
@JaxonH I would probably at least give this one a try somewhere down the line, but if anything, I'm not too keen on games that are realistic and an FPS without guns (of course, Third-Person View is an option, as far as I see).
I'm hoping Skyrim will prove me wrong.
@JaxonH My video feed was in 480p most of the stream so I couldn't make out details. Thanks though!
@liljmoore Man those really were the dark days ... Alot of third party games played like crap on PS3 other than exclusives.
@AshFoxX I really hope it's not the 2011 original release.
One of the defining traits of Bethesda games is that you can switch between 1st and 3rd person!
I typically play Skyrim in 3rd person but, the option is there and toggled with a simple click of a button at will.
Trust me, there's a reason this game is so popular. Realism is fine, it's just overused. But if you rarely play realistic games it'll be a nice treat.
amiibo is good but that is cosmetic. Without mod support, I'm not sure if vanilla Skyrim is worth buying again.
@oatmealwarrior92 No kidding. First day I brought Skyrim on Ps3 It crashed on me like 12 times before I could really get into the meat of the game. Fallout NV was just as bad.
Truly gaming has come a long way
Bethesda always borrows the best mods and merges them into their games. lol. I have it preordered....I'm nervous about bugs though. Skyrim needs the Orkin Man.
Thank you Bethesda! Can't wait to buy this game... again. I always wanted to do a second playthrough in order to make some different choices in the story but never had the time. This will give me an excuse to go back. However, I hope they fixed some of the issues I had with this game on PS3, like loading times getting longer and longer as my save file got bigger. Waiting 5-10 minutes for the game to load every time you go in and out of a building was bad enough 5 years ago, but will be even worse post-BotW. I really hope it won't be an issue.
sniff But I wanted Doomzies. Even if it was just a port of Doom 3 BFG edition.
Wolfenstein would have been nice too.
I already have BotW for a BotW-style experience. I'm not looking forward to sinking in another 100 or so hours into a conceptually similar game. The Switch also has no shortage of 90s fighters. The Switch needs more diversity in its library.
@JaxonH Okay, thanks. I'll go see if I can find a copy to rent and try out for a week on my PS4. If I happen to be blown away, then...I'll think about getting this game for my Switch (I'm on the road a lot, nowadays).
Would love to see Fallout 4 and The Evil Within on too. But oh well I still have my ps4 for that I guess
@sillygostly Dude, I would so want to play Doom 2016 on my Switch if that were to happen. I'm not as big of an FPS fan I was back in the day, but Doom 2016 (being my first game in the series) just brought me back to those magical days and reminded me why I liked FPS's back then
It's gonna take a little time to invest. Just so you know. I stopped my play through on X1 6 months ago in anticipation for Switch version. But you'll like the beginning.
I mean if it offered mod support, I could just add a link skin
Then again I don't want to pay for it which seems to be the case with the creaters' club.
But motion controls got me, so I'll pick it up
This might be an old game but its one of the reasons I bought switch. Cant wait! I hope it has tons of Nintendo Easter Eggs.
I'm pretty sure the visuals from the trailer are from the Special Edition, even if the game won't have the "Special Edition" moniker.
Already played 50+ hours of Skyrim on the PC and that was enough to become a god and pubstomp 90% of what the game had to offer. Over 100 hours into BotW and it's definitely doing a better job holding my interest.
That being said, I may get this. Honestly it will mostly hinge on what the alternative offerings are. I'd rather see a Fallout game, but who knows, maybe that's on the way if Skyrim does well.
No offense, Bethesda; if the Link amiibo is the only amiibo figure that Skyrim is going to benefit from, then why stop there? How about bringing in Shulk so that we can use the Monado Blade to truly tear dirt on those monsters? How about making us wield the legendary Falchion Blade when we scan any Fire Emblem amiibos? And as for Meta Knight...well, the possibilities are endless.
Of course, I'm just kidding about all this. It's understandable if Link is the only Nintendo character to make the cut.
This Skyrim looks intriguing, but adventure games require such a time investment that I don't know if I will pick it up.
I'd like to see Bethesda bring Heretic back from the grave.
Well, very glad to see Bethesda take advantage of Switch hardware to make a quality port. I'm sold. Honestly hoping they will sell enough to port more games over.
I Platinum Trophy'd Skyrim on PS3 already, so I think I'll pass (not saying it looks bad though).
Got Skyrim for PS3 in 2012/13 or something. Played for about 80 hours but never "finished" anything. Can't wait to revisit this game with PORTABILITY (!) and the link amiibo support is icing on the cake!
This looks really good. Never played it before so a must buy for me. Hope it gets the support now.
Aww yeah. Can't wait. Hey, This and Fifa has me convinced third party are doing it right
Glad to see a big 3d party title like this to hit the Switch, but I prefer mouse and keyboard for this game. And mods. Still cool though!
This definitely sold me. Probably will never use the motion controls but if they actually work then I'll give it a few tries. Visually, from first glance it looks so tick all the boxes so there is very little negatives to share.
@AshFoxX I don't know if it's an error by Gamestop, but they have Switch pre-order covers lying on the shelves saying it's the latest Skyrim: Special Edition.
I don't see why it couldn't run the Special Edition. It only has to run on 720p in Handheld mode and 1080p docked.
It's the mods that can really wreck performance, but as long (if mod supports will even be there) as they won't allow graphic mods, it should not cause to much issues.
@Malcrash I think they can pull mod support off. I just hope this mod support thing that Bethesda unrelieved with supposedly paying for Mods is just something that's misunderstood, it's a huge turnoff and I can already see there being a lot of Backlash.
@JaxonH I really want to see it in action. The trailers looks great but I want to see/feel it for myself.
This game I am getting day one. Never played Skyrim before, so this shall be fun. I like that it will include all the DLC and mods.
@StephenYap3 : They will need permission to use any Nintendo characters in their game though. I'm not sure how much autnomy Intelligent Systems has over the Fire Emblem IP, but that would require Bethesda to contact them separately.
In a perfect world, I would love to see even the unlikely and ridiculous of amiibo make the cut, but sadly, it's not realistic.
Skyrim 4: Breath of the Wild? Okay I'll bite.
@sillygostly ...which is why I said I was just kidding. But yeah, permission is definitely the key if Bethesda or any other company would have any desire to use Nintendo's characters.
I'm there day one.
I have been playing this since release date 2011. I have it on PC, PS3 and my stepson PS4. Skyrim is an absolute joy, and I am on my 4th or 5th 100+ hour playthrough. I am already planning my new character on the switch. This is a day one buy for me. Skyrim + portability = awesome!
Would love cross platform save states, having pumped 150 odd hours into this on my PS4! Really wasn't going to double dip, but those Easter eggs....
I'll be buying this, even before I have a Switch if it released as a Limited Edition. My wife will play this as she played the original on XBOX 360 and loved it, but didn't complete it. I think I'd struggle to enjoy this after playing BotW, older open world games just seem clunky in comparison now. Especially the combat, every video I've seen of combat in Skyrim looks awkward and like it's a bunch of robots having a fight.
Doesn't look bad. I wonder if it looks as good as the remaster on other systems, can someone verify?
For folks wonder if this is just vanilla with all the DLC, or the remaster....
Vegetation more dense, sun reflection in water more scattered (as an indication of using the newer water shader), overall color shading, etc. Texture quality may not be as high as on PS4/XB1/PC, but this other stuff, plus evidence of things like godrays in the initial Skyrim for Switch reveal point towards it being based on the Remastered version.
I must admit, Skyrim Switch is looking a LOT better than I was ever expecting! Though I doubt I'll be using the motion controls if I'm honest.
And who knows, maybe if Bethesda sells enough copies, perhaps we'll see a port of Fallout 4, as well! Either way, I know I'm in
I've never played Skyrim nor does it jump out at me as something I need to play, but signs point to this being a pretty good port so if that's a case then I'll probably give it a go.
I played the hell out of this about five years ago on my PS3, and I'm seriously thinking of double-dipping - it looks like a really well-made port, I love the extra Nintendo touches!
EDIT: Corrected two spelling mistakes (that pesky phone keyboard...)
Day one and it looks great.
So we finally have official Zelder Scrolls now... I already have Skyrim(original version) on Steam, but haven't played it much(It's hard). I'll buy it again if it runs smoothly on Switch. Motion controls are interesting, but Pro Controller probably is the best option. PC-version plays well with the Xbox 360 controller.
that framerate didnt look too good.
Glad it's the Remastered Edition. It looks good. The Link BOTW costume is kinda cool, though I don't agree with amiibo and also it's impossible to buy so how are people supposed to get it?
@RazorThin Actually what that will bring is professionals who make professional quality material that will be cheap DLC. Instead of the best ones being worked on a few hours a day, people can work full time on it.
Only these top mods will end up costing money, and people will ignore mods that cost more than they should, resulting in them quickly coming down in price.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I assume it will he compatible with all of the Zelda and Link amiibo. I have most of them.
Before we get too excited about Bethesda support, let's remember that it was Nintendo who approached Bethesda and asked them to specifically put Skyrim on Switch. I find it telling that we have literally seen nothing else from Bethesda announced for Switch. Considering the number of titles that would have been a good fit for Switch (Doom 2016, Fallout 3/New Vegas "Special Edition", etc.), it's pretty sad that we got nothing outside of a title Nintendo had to essentially beg them for. Hell, it's really telling that the mobile titles (Elder Scrolls Legends, Fallout Shelter) didn't even get announced for Switch. There would literally be no work porting them to the system and they would be a perfect fit. Even when Nintendo makes their machine super easy to develop for AND it sells like hotcakes, big 3rd party's show them next to no love. On the plus side, 1st party games will be amazing and Indie 3rd Party's will likely thrive on the machine considering they won't have to contend with the bloated "big" 3rd party's.
@MadAdam81 If it's like that then it's fine. But if it's handled like in BOTW, then there won't be many people going around with this costume.
So was this the only Bethesda game confirmed for Switch? If so, not great news. I don't see anyone buying a Switch for this.
As long as that isn't the only amiibo that's compatible, then I'm happy to see other developers taking advantage of them within their games.
As for the motion controls... I get the feeling that it was just something they wanted to experiment with and just tacked it on when they saw the opportunity to do so... whether or not they've done a good job with them is more of a question, as they are easy to get wrong either on the technical side, or the application side.
Personally, in a game like this I think motion controls need to be used conservatively... as an enhancement to the standard controls, rather than a replacement.
Omg these look like to worst motion controls ever! We better be able to switch them off!
Here's the official boxart.
Looks cool, would buy it if i had switch
Skyrim will be a test bed for third-party support. If it sells well publishers will see a growing market for PS3/360 ports and a new revenue stream from old games.
You realize that's how games come to systems before launch right? "Beg"... please. People said Nintendo should approach 3rd parties. This is them doing that. Doing what People like you said they should do.
Obviously, Wii U happened. And devs are reluctant. Add to that the historical trend of realistic games selling poor, and it's no surprise where we're at. Everyone knew they weren't suddenly going to have all these Switch versions. But this is a big deal. A game like this on Switch is a big deal. Pending Switch continued sales and software sales, there could be more. But It's gotta be earned by gamers. Nobody's gonna start dumping their whole portfolio until sales prove out. And it'll never be like other systems but that's ok, like you said there's tons of amazing Nintendo games
So was this the only Bethesda game confirmed for Switch? If so, not great news. I don't see anyone buying a Switch for this
Could be all the salt in your eyes 😁
I was in effect of Fallout fatigue when Skyrim came out, skipped it all together, guess I will pick up the Switch version maybe? Probably?
@electrolite77 I would love to agree with you but I've been through every generation of Nintendo hardware (their console always my primary machine each generation). From the N64 till now, 3rd party support has always been on a steady decline (even the Wii had pretty awful quality 3rd party support considering its success). I see no reason why this will change with Switch. At this same point in the life of the PS4/XB1, 3rd party's had tons of games announced and in the works without a need to "test" their viability. Even the PS3, which sold relatively poorly in its first couple years, had loads of 3rd party software despite the poor sales and being a nightmare to develop for compared to 360.
The idea of developers needing to "test" a Nintendo console and its success is an idea I tried to convince myself of quite a few times but in reality, these company's are very likely to do what they always do. They'll pay lip service to Nintendo, slide them some table scraps every so often and continue to say they are bringing their games to "all" systems (i.e. Sony, Microsoft and PC) while acting like the Switch (or any Nintendo console) doesn't really factor into the conversation. Even the Need for Speed Payback Producer said that the game could run on Switch but "it's not something we're looking to at this very moment". Personally, I'm fine with this as Nintendo software and Indie's trump most of the mainstream 3rd party stuff in my opinion but it is the reality of Nintendo consoles for over 4 Nintendo console generations now.
Can't wait to play through this again.
Tacked-on motion controls and unlockable Zelda outfits. Bethesda's been learning from the Nintendo cliché handbook it seems.
Yep this is the game to stop me from playing botw.
I admit I never played skyrim. Oblivion, but not this. Logged like 2000 hours of dark souls instead. So I am looking forward to having this on switch.
??? And???
That's because there's a much smaller market for big flashy and realistic games on Nintendo. But that doesn't change the fact Wii U made the situation 100x worse. It doesn't change the fact developers are leery after they invested in Wii U and got nothing in return (like EA, who brought Mass Effect, who brought Need For Speed, who brought Madden, who brought FIFA to a console they got burned on)
I don't even understand what you're arguing. Nobody thinks Switch is gonna get every single game other consoles get. But it will get some. However, the loss of investment from Wii U was a major hindrance.
Idk what you're even trying to argue.
@JaxonH @Hordak @StephenYap3 Skyrim is obviously not competing with Breath of the Wild in terms of polish, combat, or physics + chemistry. Its combat system is designed around a first-person perspective to the benefit of immersion, and that's the canon way to play it IMO. Its got climbing though: It's called a jump button and a will, haha.
It's a very atmospheric game with tons of dungeons and natural locations to discover. There is a lot more to the world than Breath in that many of the dungeons tell a story of some sort and there are tons of books in the world to read and a deep lore underpinning the series and a lot of character dialogue. Generally you'll find a lot more quests, unique items/locations, and NPCs out in the world. I think it occupies its own space of immersive, environmental storytelling-focused open world game that nothing this gen has really committed to (besides Life is Strange, weirdly enough).
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm surprised it does not have the Amiibo logo on it. Did Breath of the Wild have it on its cover? I can not recall
@liljmoore Dude, don't let it prevent you from getting this. The 360 version didn't have all the bugs from the PS3, so I'd like to think by this point they'd have porting the game to other consoles nailed down.
As for me, I'm trying to decide what to do. I've put a crap-ton of hours into my 360 copy, but rarely have time to play it anymore with a 3 year old child. I hate the idea of having to start over, but having a portable copy sounds verrrrry appealing.
The Switch has eight times as much RAM as PS3 and Xbox 360.
Why are the textures this compromised?
Maybe it's just for handheld/tabletop mode, and quality is bumped up when docked. I should hope so.
First time I'm gonna play Skyrim.
Will be playing in handheld mode until the battery is completely discharged. Then I'll be playing in docked mode in my 50" TV. It was like this with Zelda. Didn't want to carry the power supply adapter with the tablet.
That's incorrect. It's not a yes/no attribute. Either they have support or they don't. Nothing is black and white like that. Everyone has support, it's just a question of how much.
You fail to consider it's never been about sales, it's been about Return on Investment. And with demand for such games lower on Nintendo, and cost of porting much higher, and added difficulty of incorporating motion, and added difficulty getting games to run on sub HD hardware, it's no wonder Wii never got many of those games. But even then it still got some.
Wii U started off very well with 3rd party games. I don't care about "oh but this version had this or that wrong with it". It's irrelevant. The point is Wii U got more of those games in it's first year than Wii got it's entire lifespan, despite Wii getting more niche games.
Switch is 800% easier to develop for than Wii U, and doesn't force any difficult features to incorporate. Which means it can ultimately see some decent support. Some. There's no getting around the "less demand" issue.
3rd parties aren't conspiring against Nintendo- there's always been a reason that keeps support away. And there will always be less demand. But by requiring only 1 dev for every 8 needed to port to Wii U or 3DS, and with a hot system, Switch can get some decent support. It will never be as much as other consoles cause that's where the market has developed. But that doesn't mean there's NO market.
You're whole argument is based on blanket black and white statements. No such thing as "no support". We're seeing support, right here. And it has the potential to increase well beyond Wii or Wii U now that RoI isn't impossible to achieve. Just depends how many people buy the games
I seriously flipped when I saw that you can unlock the Master Sword and a Hylian Shield. I can't wait for this version of the game.
Skyrim: Way of the Hado Edition
@xxAcesHighxx I would love a port of Fallout 4. I played almost 300 hours worth on Steam and got close to 30 suits of Power Armor in one of my saves.
@westman98 I would hope so!
Never played, so the Switch is the perfect console to try it on
@Aeleron0X Skyrim is definitely worth playing. Just keep in mind that it is a 6 year old game and titles like Witcher 3 and BotW have raised the bar substantially for RPGs.
I'll probably get this, but I haven't even finished BotW yet, so it may have to wait. Still, good on Bethesda for not making a lazy port as many other companies (cough, EA, cough) would.
You have data to back that up? Porting to Wii with a sepatate, foreign architecture and motion controls was far more expensive, and yielded exponentially lower returns, and was far more difficult due to sub HD and forced motion.
You're just making up facts to support what you want to believe. GTA did come to DS, because RoI finally enticed them.
You have no idea what you're talking about. If devs see an opportunity to make money they will do it. They have limited resources though so it can't just be profit. You can profit anywhere. It's a matter of allocating resources where they will drive the most profit. And with demand far greater for those games on other consoles, 9 times out of 10 they'll see more profit rereleasing a game on PS4 than porting to Nintendo.
That, however, could soon change now that it's 800% more efficient to port to and the system is actually hot and there's no forced motion control schemes to get in the way.
Cool, I'll buy this as soon as I can find myself a Link amiibo. A nice way to include DLC without having to tie it through season pass or pre-order.
Smart move, but they could have kept the motion controls.
I'm buying this. Motion controls are OPTIONAL people.
Agreed re: motion controls. I think they're fantastic, but making them mandatory is only going to turn people off of them.
Have a quick look at my other comments and you'll see we're on the same page. I'm not expecting a lot from Western third-party publishers on Switch and I'm constantly telling those who are obsessed with seeing the latest Western AAA games on the machine that they've bought the wrong console.
Personally I've bought it to replace my Wii U, 3DS and Vita by playing Nintendo games, Japanese games and indie games on the go.
I just think there may be a revenue stream for quick ports of old games potentially reaching a new audience with minimal work. Publishers love a sales pitch like that.
This looks amazing! I haven't played Skyrim since the original release on Xbox 360, and am excited to dive back in for the exclusive content and expanded world. Hadn't been pumped about this one until now.
A good share of Nintendo fans have never played Skyrim, so taking care with a port like this and adding in Zelda stuff shows that this was handled with more respect and effort than I think most people gave it credit for.
Wow, when Skyrim for Switch was first revealed I was like, "That's great, but I've already beaten it for Xbox 360".
But now that motion controls, gyro aiming and DLC (which I didn't playthrough) are included, I'm gonna have to double dip. I always believed the Wii remote/nunchuck (joy-con split) is a more comfortable way to play games that feature sword and shield combos (as well as 1st/3rd person shooters).
Awesome port!
@MadAdam81 From Bethesda's PR statement just put out.
"The Legend of Zelda Outfits and Weapons – Tap compatible The Legend of Zelda character amiibo to gain outfits and gear inspired by the series. Take down enemies with the Master Sword, protect yourself with the Hylian shield, or look heroic in the Champion’s Tunic. Tap other compatible amiibo to gain additional loot. Compatible amiibo include those from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild series, 30th Anniversary – The Legend of Zelda series, Super Smash Bros. series, and The Legend of Zelda series."
Looks like it's being handled like BOTW.
Screw motion controls (I mean, they're nice and all but...), I just wanna play this on the go. Like... at work☺ I mean, I have this in the 360 and the new HD maxed one that came out on my PC a few months back but I'll support it on the Switch as well. Lovely!
There seems to be a disturbing amount of crowbarring motion controls into Switch games so far (that beautiful first Switch trailer seems so far away now...) The Switch was my dream, but Wii nightmares keep cropping up. I'm just going to hope it's because it's early days, like in the early days of the DS where seemingly every game had to have to some sort of blowing/yelling into the microphone abomination.
This is pretty cool. I technically don't care about motion-Skyrim in generally but it shows Bethesda really sat down and thought about how to utilize the Switch rather than making a cheap and dirty port. Hopefully it's well optimized but I'm sure Nintendo and nVidia have been participating in that as well.
Besides, console TES has always controlled HORRIBLY, and PC TES controlled only somewhat better. Maybe motion controls will actually be superior here
I was hyped to see them not only include Switch at the Bethesda show, but highlight the console itself, and be the ONLY console with a full page logo-trailer.
@Haywired I think for a lot of these games it's mostly because the devs just want to do it. Bethesda's never played with motion controls. Capcom barely has but the Street Fighter team hasn't (and lets be fair, Hado mode is a response to ARMS...) Bethesda loves tinkering with external gadgets and such...they're a bunch of tech nerds, though they rarely get it right (Pip Boy Edition, anyone?). Devs tried it a lot with Sixaxis on PS3 when it launched too. Sony encouraged it as Nintendo does, but I think a lot of devs see a cool toy and want to play with it.
@rjejr Skyrim presented at the Bethesda show. Do I get an "I told you so" award or something?
@TreonsRealm While I don't think we will get much else from Bethesda on Switch in general due to most of their current games not lining up well with Nintendo's platform (Doom, Quake, and Wolf have a Nintendo history, but the current ones are SO dark, business wise, I probably wouldn't do it either) but this is also testing the waters. IF Skyrim goes over well on Switch, they'll be taking a look at it going forward, if not for their shooters and horror games they seem so obsessed with now after buying id, their big RPGs (TES/Fallout.) But it's their first approach to a Nintendo console....can't blame them for being cautious. And I think it will sell, but not so overwhelmingly they think "hey we need to put every game on here!". But it'll also build a portable fanbase within the Bethesda fanbase.
@GravyThief @sillygostly Keep in mind Zelda is an Action-Adventure, while Skyrim (Elder Scrolls in general) is a WRPG/CRPG. Despite similarity in being an open world game in a fantasy setting, they're actually entirely different genres, thus the combat, etc. is going to look clunky. TECHNICALLY Skyrim is better compared to Xenoblade than Zelda as both are large open world RPGs (but Xenoblade is a modernization of JRPG format while Elder Scrolls is one of the originators of the WRPG (on which JRPGs actually stem from.) It's not menu-driven like a JRPG, but the combat isn't 1:1 action input like Zelda, it's really running dice rolls and RNGs in the background like an RPG. Thus how it looks "robotic." Just as Xenoblade makes menu-turn-based RPGs more "action-y" modern TES makes command-based RPGS more "action-y".
@Haru17 I know Skyrim is a completely different game than Breath of the Wild. I'm just not those types of people who are fond of realistic elements and FPS (or Third-Person View) games without guns of some sort. I mainly care about gameplay the most out of any game (unless otherwise for certain games), so other stuff like Stories, Characters, and Soundtrack are side dishes in terms of appeal for me.
...but I was just gonna try and rent Skyrim and see if I like it or not.
It's what I expected, decent graphics and motion controls. Hope they will sell because they deserve it. Game is also fluid, I like it.
The real question will be how this stacks up against the skyrim special addition and if it will have any bonus content.
@NEStalgia Well I don't recall you telling me personally, but if you say so.
Just watched the vid, man what an awful song. I assume every video has Imagine Dragons in it these days but these guys put the pit in Passion Pit.
This is how to present a trailer for a game like this.
lol at the motion controls. Skyrim's combat already feels floaty.
That's cool, but no matter what amiibo bonuses they try to add, there's already a mod for it.
@rjejr Maybe it was Thanos? But I think it was you, who didn't believe me when I said they'd do it at Bethesda's show rather than (or in addition to) the Nintendo show
Well, the trailer wasn't for Skyrim itself (if you're watching a Bethesda show and you don't know what Skyrim looks like yet, you might want to put the bottle down and get out from under that rock ) It was a trailer for how Skyrim plays on Switch.
And I'm pretty sure given the imagery and music the trailer was made by Nintendo's PR firm, not Bethesda
The Bethesda show was well put together but I'm not sure why they had Pete on stage just to close out the pre-made demo reel. Probably backlash from the 40 minutes of droning on and on by the Dishonored II guy last year. But nobody can wind down the show by calling a game "effing bananas" with quite the authenticity of Pete
Closing the show with Wayne Newton was the last thing I needed right before bed though. shudder. Sadly I realize 80% of the people here have no idea who that even is, and 60% probably thought it was a female understandable.....
Looks nice but I can't really bring myself to play a console version of Skyrim when I can play ti on PC, with all the mods and the pure fun you can have when messing with the console commands.
@NEStalgia I'm gonna blame Thanos, he'd understand.
Missed Bethesda but I am so sick of the freakin Youtubers everywhere. RIP Humanity, as if the Kardiashians and Paris Hilton weren't bad enough. I'm too old for gaming I guess, I can only name about a dozen YTs that my kids watch, I don't watch any of them.
I didn't watch the whole presentation (loved the intro!), but I did manage to catch the trailer for Skyrim on Switch. I hope that you can use more amiibo from the LoZ franchise for some more crazy effects. Motion controls also look fun!
I had Skyrim on the 360. I have Skyrim on the PS4.
I WILL get Skyrim on the Switch!
I hope we can Gyro Aim in 3rd person mode!
I hate 1st person mode!
@rjejr LOL, I'm right there with you. I don't get it, it popped up a few years ago, and won't go away, like a fungus. Youtube is a place you go to watch badly chopped shakey cam videos ripped from other things to me. The idea there's "celebrities" on youtube....I guess it's just a gaming thing...but still feels weird (though I guess rising to your own celebrity is better than the old corporate network model...)
Not sure when "dude that put a camera in his bedroom and screams into it while playing video games" became "celebrity you pay to attend your event"
That said, big props to iJustine, who I know only because of the Miyamoto interview she did a few years back. She was far and away the single most professional sounding personality at the entirety of the EA event, and 10x better than that horrible, confused voice actress they paid to have on stage to present Star Wars. She seems to have gone to broadcasting school at some point, as she sounds as good or better than most DJ's and TV reporters I could name. Something tells me she'll move onto something better than being a "youtuber" (sounds like a worm...) soon.
@Ralizah Same here. Not sure I care about motion controls for sword wielding, but motion control aiming is great, at least if it's implemented as well as it is in BotW. The one thing I didn't like about the console version of Skyrim compared to PC was how difficult aiming bows with an analog stick was. Motion control solves that for me with BotW.
I can't believe I am now going to spend even more time in Skyrim . I am intrigued by the motion controls .. I have played the game to death in normal mode .. if the motion controls are well done it could be a whole new experience , especially if combat and difficulty mods come our way. I hope the big N has more surprises for us tomorrow
I can't wait to have this on my Switch. It is not even nearly as good as Oblivion (graphics aside) but it is still extremely addictive, it literally can make me play with my Switch forever. The Link amiibo thing is not that useful however, using common green clothes you already can look similari to Link enough imho. Common clothes does not have armor benefits though but still make the amiibo supporto less impressive imho.
Take my money! Excellent work Bethesda.
I've had a love / hate relationship with Elder scrolls. Bought Morrowind and Oblivion and i WANT to like them, but i just didn't.
With motion controls however, i may finally be intrigued enough... however, the graphics look incredibly dumbed down. And it'll have to be 60fps or bust for me.
The character in the trailer looked stupid with that Link, there should be a proper Link model or template to make it look good.
The motion controls however could make me buy Skyrim again. If they are (at least) on par with Skyward Sword, I'll defintely buy it.
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