It’s been almost exactly three months now since the launch of the Nintendo Switch and yet My Nintendo still has yet to update with any of the Switch rewards which are “coming soon”. While this no doubt comes as a disappointment to some, Nintendo for its part has been faithful in keeping the divisive rewards service ticking with new rewards every month. This month’s update just went live last night and while there’s nothing here that’ll set the headlines alight, some may no doubt still be pleased to see what’s being offered.
All of the following rewards will be up until 2nd September, though the Link wallpaper will be available until December. Here’s the breakdown:
- 15% discount on The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Wii U) – 300 Platinum Points
- 15% discount on Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo (3DS) – 300 Platinum Points
- 20% discount on Mario Kart 64 (Wii U) – 200 Platinum Points
- Wallpaper – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Link – 50 Platinum Points
- 20% discount on Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS) – 30 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Mario Party 10 (Wii U) – 70 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Super Mario 64 (Wii U) – 30 Gold Points
- 20% discount on Tomodachi Life (3DS) – 30 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Punch-Out!! (Wii U) – 30 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Super Punch-Out!! (Wii U / New 3DS) – 20 Gold Points
- 30% discount on Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (Wii U / 3DS) – 20 Gold Points
- Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 1 – 60 Gold Points
What do you think? Will you be getting any of these? How long do you think it’ll be until the Switch gets added in? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source my.nintendo.com]
Comments 52
Poor switch.
Oh man... I really don't know what to think about that..
My Nintendo Rewards is so incredibly disappointing. If you are a fan of Nintendo, they give you nothing new. I have all of the wallpapers, videos, etc. I lose coins every month. Last month was the first month I actually lost gold coins. It is a little irritating.
Why do they just do discounts?
It would be better if you got the full game for your points.
Plus make exclusive stuff, please. I already own anything I would want from these rewards.
I'm still trying to figure out what the loyal fans who have already purchased all of the offered items are supposed to use their points on.
Just saying, aside from a dramatic overhaul, My Nintendo would be better for Nintendo if it never existed.
Still can't believe all the complaints people had about club nintendo.
Between the wii, wii-u, DS, and 3DS, I own like 15 games that I didn't have to pay a single cent for.
My Nintendo blows. I don't want minor, tiny, little insignificant discounts on games. I haven't used any of my nintendo coins. Its awful.
All the weirdos that cried about the physical rewards from Club Nintendo, need to have their head examined. At least you got something. These minor discounts for digital games are a joke.
@fortius54 same, lost a bunch in April.
I miss club Nintendo. I mean give us 10% off brand new games, that's fair as digital is already overpriced compared to physical.
Considering these carts on Switch cost sooo much money every single Nintendo game I've bought on cart has been at least £10 cheaper than on the eShop.
@remlapgamer lol. So true
Ah Ninty....
Fairly pathetic, I usually say what about Europe but you're alright Nintendo, you can keep your "generous discounts" to yourself.
@fortius54 True that. Club Nintendo was pretty good. I got lots of rewards from that, and actually stuff I still have and use. Not like these discounts on games. Some prize that is.
I REAALLY hope the reason My.Nintendo isn't all that great so far is because they have yet to integrate it with the Switch, which it was likely designed for.
But I'm not getting my hopes up.
The switch will only be added once everyone's gold points have expired.
My Nintendo sucks.
Growing (on the quantity of stuff you hafta spend on at least), Just need something for the big spenders.
(Second verse; same as the first)got so many coins in the bank doin nothing!
Bring back the Themes, and maybe some free plays at the badge arcade, PK Shuffle or somethin...
Okay, now I got to get Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 on my Wii U.
@Aurumonado (plays your avvy in reverse)
"Divisive"??? Who in earth's hell likes this absurd and lackluster "reward" system?
Divisive would be 50-50, 40-60, 70-30
This is just like 98-2
Only Reggie and another condemned soul thinks this system is good.
woke up to see three different websites posting up twitter about this update - 'My Nintendo updated with new rewards' ...
then realized they were all talking about the update that occurred 1st June ...
Can we just have a service similar to Club Nintendo? My Nintendo has some neat wallpaper but using game currency for 30% off is lame. How is that a reward?
Unless we get some great switch rewards this service is gonna go down as a major disappointment.
You know what would be so much better than useless discounts? If you could spend coins to earn eshop credit. Maybe 150 gold coins could earn you a £15 eshop code or something like that. That way you can choose what to get, and true fans aren't given the metaphorical middle finger with endless discounts for games they already own that are cheaper elsewhere anyway!
3 months in and STILL no switch....Im going to lose all my Gold Coins at this rate.....
the only things i don't have... is The Wind Waker HD, Puncth Out games, and Mario Party 10.
...i think i'll pass on this one
I think people continue to mistake My Nintendo for a rewards program like the old Club Nintendo used to be. It's not. It's a program designed to spur consumers to make additional purchases. These "discounts" are only on virtual products where no additional overhead costs to Nintendo are involved (cart production, packaging, wholesale discounting, etc.) I guarantee that even with the ~30% discount involved, Nintendo is making a profit. All they are doing is attempting to move fence-sitters into making a purchase.
Nintendo is not rewarding you at all. With this program they do not have any additional outlays, other than getting a staff artist to create an original wallpaper (or cull it from artwork they already produced for advertising.) They don't have to commission unique products like carrying cases, nor do they have to pay a more expensive development team to create unique one-off games.
As long as Nintendo sees that its customers are spending these gold and platinum points, I doubt this "rewards" program will ever change, nor will it ever resemble the old Club Nintendo.
Why did they get rid of Club Nintendo? I miss it so much...
The one thing I don't already have is Animal Crossing. And I don't really care for Animal Crossing.
A couple of these I might have actually used... If I didn't already own every game on the list.
I love that you ask us what we think at the end of all of these My Nintendo articles.
I think you know what we think. 😂
Jeez this is ridiculous! I have about 215 gold coins, which is 100s of dollars of merchandise, and the best they can do is 30% off a 10 dollar N64 game?? Give me a break.
This is such a broken system...
Remember when My Nintendo started and you could get the actual full download code for Mario 64 for 80 gold coins.
Still crap. Honestly I think I'd rather nothing at all compared to this. At least then there wouldn't be the constant disappointment. I'll just keep ignoring it for now and hope the Switch rewards are slightly more tempting.
man its funny how Steam and other platforms gives you "rewards" all the time, and for free, i mean...
oh wait...
Stop the Discounts and give us full games.
I'm mildly tempted by the Super Mario 64 discount. That said, they had the full game available for 90 gold points back when the service started instead of 30% off. I'd prefer if they did something like that again.
dear nintendo, i'll make you an offer,... i mean, a "reward": you stop treating us like idiots, and maybe i'll consider buying something else from you again...
When it first began, My Nintendo offered Super Mario 64 completely free for either 80 or 100 gold coins (can't remember exactly). It was a lot, but I'd take that over 30 percent off for 30 gold coins. I figured if they did that with a couple of games every couple of months, then I could live with the service. Outside of that, WarioWare on DS and the Zelda Picross game, no other games have been free in the US.
All My Nintendo is good for, is watching your coins slowly disappear into obscurity.
The old My Nintendo was good (even if you take out the physical rewards)... But the relaunched one (that's around for a year or so) is not worth the effort... The only game that's really free is the Picross (Zelda) and Warioware DS, the discounts are meager (30% at most... look at Playstation Plus, where older games are often offered for up to 80-90% off, sure PS+ is paid, but they do offer free games every month). Not to mention, that most of the discount are for games that a devoted Nintendo loyalist most probably already bought...
I lost both Platinum / Gold points and don't care about it anymore, because it is just not worth it... Online Game guides that are truncated, wallpapers that are bested by many fansite efforts, and digital goods for Miitomo (that I don't care). Not worth the effort... Not a real reward for Nintendo loyalist... If they do not make great games, I'd moved elsewhere but they still do..... So, here I am.
I don't even log into MyNintendo anymore. If not for the articles here at NL mentioning it, I would've completely forgotten about it's existence.
no content of interest to me. yet another month or two of where my points will meet their expiration point.
Reggie has turned MyNintendo into a complete disaster. Another embarrassing failure.
Oh man. I remember when i had some good expectations about the new MyNintendo system. I was so happy when they released Zelda Picross. But now... i really hate MN. I'm tired of discounts and wallpapers. We can find some better wallpapers just searching on the web.
looks like coins is gonna b expiring again the only good thing that was worth it were the yokai watch and bravely second 3ds themes everything else is garbage
@Li_Bae why does nintendo insist on keepin reggie the fans dont like him and he doesnt do anything good for the company y keep him around
I want those Switch rewards, but when they come I'll have all the games they discount...
It is funny that they charge 60 gold coins to exchange for a meagre 30% discount for Mario party 10 - a game that was universally panned.
Nothing for Switch? No physical rewards? Boo...
Might I add, I have redeemed all my physical Switch cards and points earned have been pretty meager so far...
So disappointing. I miss the days when I could get a good little game for free with my points.
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