First unveiled in a jam-packed January Nintendo Direct earlier this year, Fire Emblem Warriors is one of two Fire Emblems currently scheduled to hit Nintendo’s Switch. And while the still-untitled mainline adventure announced alongside it will likely continue with the grid-based strategy-RPG gameplay the series is known for, Warriors is a different beast. Koei-Tecmo’s long-running Warriors (also known as Musou) series has been blended with everything from Gundam and One Piece to The Legend of Zelda, and now it’s ready to bring its blend of speedy, tactical hack-and-slash action to Fire Emblem. We were able to go hands-on with a demo build of Fire Emblem Warriors in a back alley of New Donk City at this year’s E3, and came away dizzily excited; what we played was polished, chaotic fun and Fire Emblem fan-service in equal measure — a wonderful mix.
New Characters and Familiar Heroes
Our tour of Fire Emblem Warriors started off in the boots and bracers of Rowan, who — along with his sister Lianna — is one of the two new headlining characters created for the game. As in Hyrule Warriors and other Musou titles, we immediately found ourselves both overwhelmed by hordes of identical-looking soldiers on all sides, and also armed with superhuman powers to take them out. Hacking and slashing with a combination of the ‘Y’ (weak attack), ‘X’ (strong attack), and ‘A’ (special attack) buttons, we had no trouble keeping scores of foes aloft in the air for multiple hits, and the balletic, combo-heavy aerial rave action was a blast.
In addition to close-quarters combat, however, Warriors games involve quite a bit of map-management, and this Fire Emblem variant is no exception. The individual beat-‘em-up battles you’ll fight are part of a larger campaign concurrently unfolding all over the map, and success in a given mission involves not only cutting down the enemies you can see, but also taking territory, repelling reinforcements, and making sure you don’t leave any allies in the lurch.
Along with Rowan we also had Chrom, Marth, and a female Corrin on our side at various points throughout the battle, and a quick flick of the D-Pad up or down let us cycle between characters on the fly. That quickly came in handy, and especially when things began heating up on certain parts of the map. Our mission was to defeat three outpost captains so that we could lure out their commanders — who ended up being fan-favourites Ryoma and Xander — and rather than being a linear hunt, that meant simultaneous attacks on several fronts. Sometimes swapping to a character near an unfolding situation would let us take care of it, and sometimes we just had to hustle over with the warrior we were already controlling, but either way the demo kept us engaged with the full extent of the map throughout.
The Flow of Combat in Fire Emblem Warriors
We played on a Pro Controller and the basics felt great, although the overlay system which uses ‘ZR’ plus the face buttons for various advanced techniques often left us searching for the cheat-sheet; it’s easy to see it becoming natural with time, but it didn’t click for us before our demo was up. Movement was smooth and responsive, however, and the generous combo timing seemed to make button mashing, sincere strategy, and something in-between all viable options for success.
Each character kept the same basic inputs, but there was a good deal of variety in their attacks and styles. Marth and Chrom played like the sword-slingers you might expect, with big sweeping moves of the blade covering crowd control and jump-slashes delivering powerful blows, while Corrin fought with both her sword and her shapeshifting dragon powers, making for quite a different feel. The continual ebb and flow between regular and special attacks (which charge up as you deal damage), combined with swapping back and forth between different characters and parts of the battlefield, gave Warriors a feeling of frenetic energy that never let up as we played. It was a bit confusing at times, with new missions and side quests popping up as we went, but even if we weren’t always 100% clear on what we were doing it was still undeniably joyous, and commendably cathartic.
In addition to embodying that satisfying sense of style with its gameplay, Fire Emblem Warriors is a treat to look at as well. The character models are subtly cell-shaded with soft lines and a liquid sheen that gives a wonderful 3D-watercolour look, and while there’s a notable amount of pop-in — enemies sometimes seemed to appear right at our feet — everything looks great in motion. Particularly impressive are the character cut-ins for special attacks; calling up the critical hits in the 3DS Fire Emblems, they zoom in on your character’s face in a manga-like frame before zooming back out to show the full extent of your destructive power from multiple angles, swooping in, around, and under the action as it unfolds. Warriors also keeps the three-tiered representation of the characters introduced in Awakening, with gorgeous (HD!) 2D portraits in menus, cute pixel art as icons on the map, and 3D models in-game — complete with feet this time!
A Fire Emblem Fan-Service Fest
It also feels safe to say from the section we saw that we expect this to be a fan-service fest — in the best sense — much as Hyrule Warriors was. An all-star lineup of heroes brought together from different games and universes, a two-stage final fight against Ryoma and Xander, and lots of lovely nods to series style and lore made even the introductory stage we played feel like a real celebration. The unmistakable Fire Emblem level-up jingle, for instance, brought a smile every time it popped up — as did the decidedly un-Fire Emblem (i.e. generous) stat boosts that accompanied the achievement. There’s also echoes of the relationship systems found in Awakening and Fates (and to a lesser extent, Echoes); by getting within range of another hero on the battlefield and hitting ‘ZR’ and ‘B’, you can pair up your units for Dual Strike attacks and defense boosts, among other advantages.
Some things translate better than others, however, and one thing that sadly stood out is just how bland the swaths of cookie-cutter Fire Emblem footsoldiers we fought were, both in comparison to their commanders Ryoma, Xander, and Corrin and to the more imaginative enemies used as grunts in Hyrule Warriors. At its best, Fire Emblem character design is top of its class, but at its worst it can tend towards generic Euro-fantasy fare, and that’s what we spent most of our time knocking around in the demo. Still, the muted design does match their primary gameplay use as combo fodder, and we can certainly forgive pedestrian-looking evil underlings if that’s what lets us throw fifty of them at a time up in the air as dragon-Corrin.
Though we only got to spend a brief time with Fire Emblem Warriors, we already can’t wait to dive back in with Corrin and friends for the Fall 2017 release — the breezy chaos of Musou action and Fire Emblem’s legendary characters feel like a wonderful fit. At the moment, our biggest hope is that it will also come with the co-op that made Hyrule Warriors such a wonderful two-player adventure. The Nintendo representative we spoke with said they don’t have anything to announce in terms of number of players supported at the current time, but here’s hoping; being able to fight with your friends — and not just for them — would make this brilliant battle even better.
Comments 56
Not a fan.
This will be my first Fire Emblem game. I enjoyed Hyrule Warriors and Dragon Quest Heroes, so I don't see a reason why I wouldn't like this either. I'm hoping this will hype me up for the oncoming core Switch title.
Looks aewesome, Just the character roster ia underwhelming. We need a Pegasus Rider !
Can't wait for this game. Hoping we get some magic users announced for this chaos soon.
@Fbigabig Same here. Looks cool, but not for me. Love the original Awakening though.
@RaphaBoss if hyrule warriors is anything to go by then expect way more fighters in the end.
No Roy, No Buy.
@Shard1 I for one am rooting for Ike Still, keeping Hyrule Warriors in mind, and the INSANE amount of characters that came to that game by way of DLC (not that it was shorthanded initially either), there is a good chance, that by the end most if not all of the fan favourites will be there.
Mind you, it's not a given obviously, but I think it's more likely than not, esp. if the games does well for them.
I'm really more concerned with the total lack of any ranged units, magic units, support units, flying units and - from what I saw so far - equipable skills, enemy variety, mini-bosses and bosses with weak points (loved that in Hyrule) and an overall repetitive feel to the combat, the heroes and the opposition.
Basically, all of which I hated in previous musou games, and most of which Hyrule had really addressed already. I hope it's just that they decided to hold back on us, to keep the marketing train rolling with new reveal trailers leading up to release.
I want Ike too. He would be great!
Although, then again, Lyn and Florina would both be musts for me!
I think Hyrule Warriors is enough for me, more than enough in fact as I've all the DLC downloaded. This just looks like more of the same but with a different skin.
Not really interested if they don't have other characters like Ike and Roy. And Hector of course. And with Echoes recently out, why not Alm and Celica?
DLC perhaps, but I feel like they should already be there.
Looks like it plays smoothly (good fps), which is nice. Seems like standard Dynasty Warriors fare, which is somewhat unfortunate as I was hoping for that to be changed up.
I am so taking off work once this comes out.
Wait, did they say Roy and Ike aren't in it? I would think they would be definites. I mean, I doubt that they unlocked every character in the space of one session. Hyrule Wariors had a bunch of heroes that you unlocked over the whole campaign. Is this not like that?
Looks like it's shaping up pretty well. Sadly, I'm still not a Dynasty Warriors fan so this doesn't interest me. I still hope it does well so Fire Emblem can become a stronger franchise! Bring on the 2018 main series game!
I hope this game has split screen!
Pre order and season pass to me. Fire Emblem is my favorite franchise and musou is in my top 10! So to me this is a match made in heaven!
I love button mashing.
Let's take a strategy game, and make a button mashing spin off! I bet fans will love it!
You forgot one important thing!
How did you like those profit margins?
Yes, I was able to play the demo and had a blast with it, and I do appreciate that it is voice acted, but the line about profit margins came up a smidge too much.
I wasn't a huge fan of Hyrule Warriors, so I'll be skipping this one.
Too much button mashing. I prefer actual strategy games.
I know it doesn't bother many people but the "popping" when enemies just appear in your face out of nowhere is extremely jarring and ruins the gameplay for me. This popping is present in zelda hyrule warriors and it sucks. I am not new to hack and slash but wow are these warrior games repetitive. Oh look here comes 30 of the exact same enemy that popped in from nowhere and has virtually 0 chance of ever killing me. It's sooo boring.
I hate to be negative, but the graphics are terribly bland and reminiscent of an up-converted Wii game. It's probably a great game, but a truly ugly port.
They've already (somewhat indirectly) confirmed that pegasus riders, or at least fliers of some kind, are in the game and will be weak to bows, just like normal FE.
They've also said that this game has the largest playable roster of any non-sequel spinoff Musou game, so that's neat.
Hyrule Warriors got boring very quickly; hopefully there'll be a bit more strategy to this then tilting your joystick and mashing a button again and again...
I enjoyed Hyrule Warriors, and I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan, so I'll definitely pick this up - though I might wait for Christmas, since there are so many great games coming in the next few months.
Same with me. And if I would buy, then certainly not the dlc. I just am not enough of a Fire emblem fan. I like the games, but are not a gigantic fan.
Good for anyone who has completed Hyrule Warriors and is craving for more. I think I can wait for the real Fire Emblem.
Excited! just look at how amazing Hyrule Warriors was a a game
@Pahvi Multiplayer not announced either way, framerate was below 60 but felt fine, and combos felt like HW style!
Why in all the footage I've seen of this and Hyrule warriors do enemy's not attack?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'd love a FE skinned Hyrule Warriors on the Switch, but alas from what I've seen, mechanically at least, this seems to be a more traditional musou game unfortunately. I hope they'll show us more and I'm proven wrong though.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE How many Musou games have you played?
I hope that Camila, Roy, Alm, Celica, Hector, Takumi, and Lynn are in it. At least include sixty characters day one.
I hope they bring Hyrule Warriors and Dynasty Warriors to the Switch.
I really want Eliwood to be in there. Looks like a great game for fans of FE and Warriors.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE not far wrong but if you love FE & this type of game then lets kill 1000000's
I assume they will pay (actually, we will pay them) for their crimes of not adding FE7, FE8, FE9 and FE10 Characters in the initial roster by adding them later as DLC.
I can't seen to like this game for a FE fan service without those characters, but as many commented above, if Hyrule Warriors is anything to go by, it will be a good game. (The thing is, I LIKED the cast in HW, but I can't stand the "Awakening, Fates and Shadow Dragon" only cast we see here)
Ike is a given on day one. Anything with an Amiibo, actually. After the initial run, they'll likely make many available via DLC, as well as costumes for the characters already in it. As long as people are buying DLC, more characters will come. What I'd really love to see is co-op play between the Switch and New 3DS versions, although I know that's unlikely.
More classic Fire Emblem characters and less from Fates and Awakening.
Give us Roy, Alm and Celica.
This game is EVERYTHING I wanted it (and believed it) would be and I just can't contain my glee! I was actually tearing up while looking at the gameplay because it's so beautiful ;___; I'm so excited. This is my most anticipated game I can't wait!!!
@JTMnM Ooo, if you've enjoyed both games then you're sure in for a fun ride with this one!!
So, do common enemies just stand there watching you until you attack them...?
No motion controls like what Hyrule Warriors had?
I already ordered the Treasure Box version from Japan! Can't wait!!!! It got Music CD, Art book, character postcards and a dragon stone crystal thingy too!
Where's that confirmation for 2-player co-op?
Is this Husbando Emblem? Where are the waifus? Female Corrin doesn't really count, you can't be Corrin and be with Corrin.
Might be a reason to buy a switch
But this isn't Fire Emblem game. It's Warriors game with FE skin.
I mean. You cannot play this and say "oh I've played Fire Emblem!" becuse those are totally different.
But I am so excited about this. I enjoy hack and slash and I've loved Hyrule Warriors so much. It's kind "no need to think, just smash away" game.
@Giygas_95 The developers already stated in an interview that the project started with the idea of exploiting Awakening and Fates casting along the venerable characters from Fire Emblem (the first one and its remakes). I suppose, at best, that you can hope for one or two characters not from those episodes as payed supplements.
If it's anything like Hyrule Warriors, they'll be adding tons of awesome characters over time. Looking forward to it!
@TossedLlama never forget
I gave up on this game the moment I learned it would only be Awakening, Fates, and Shadow Dragon. Sure, IS, just limit us to characters from the worst entries in the franchise, will ya!
Eh, so far the game looks worse than Hyrule Warriors, maybe because i can't be bothered to care for setting and characters of FE.
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