Namco Museum is set to be a fun retro arrival on the Nintendo Switch, offering a number of old-school games along with additional features and some quirks unique to Nintendo's console. Now we know when it's arriving, with Bandai Namco announcing it'll land on 28th July in Europe and North America. It's still unclear whether it'll be eShop only or whether there'll be a retail version too, but Nintendo UK's site lists it as download software and Nintendo of America's page has withdrawn the box art that raised hopes of a boxed edition.
The latest trailer also shows (briefly) Pac-Man VS., which was recently confirmed for the Switch version; it states that two Switch systems will be needed to support four player, which is clearly the workaround for the game's rather interesting GameCube + Game Boy Advance setup in the original.
As you can also see in the blurb below, the game will have some Switch-specific features:

Through the Nintendo Switch, these retro classics can be played anytime, anywhere, and against anyone through the game’s online ranking system. If you are nostalgic for the classic coin-op era, transform the Nintendo Switch into a miniature cabinet by turning the handheld console vertically for a taller, slimmer screen that replicates the original arcade experience. NAMCO MUSEUM also offers a challenge mode, presenting new and unique challenges for each game, giving classic games a fresh twist.
Finally, as previously confirmed it'll cost $29.99USD, other regions will likely follow suit. Below are the games included.
- Dig Dug
- Galaga
- Galaga ‘88
- The Tower of Druaga
- Rolling Thunder
- Rolling Thunder 2
- SkyKid
- Splatterhouse
- Tank Force
Is this one on your wishlist for late July?
Comments 93
And I thought Street fighter two was a rip off
Oh man I love dig dug, im probably the only one but that game is hands down my favorite arcade game
Not sure if I'm getting this. I'll be way more likely to take the plunge if it gets a physical release, though. I'm particularly interested in building a physical game collection for the Switch, so digital only releases are going to be a harder sell for me.
@Sithee At $29.99, you're paying less than $3 for each game, which is significantly cheaper than if you bought all of these games through VC.
I understand if it's not appealing to you, but it's hardly a rip-off.
I'm excited for this one
I would never buy this, far superior games already on switch with more incoming, though I did like galaga back in the day
Doesn't really appeal to me but I'm glad for those interested in this that we have a release date now.
@ieatdragonz I've bought multiple versions of Namco Museum on multiple systems basically because of Dig Dug. That's my favorite. I also always loved playing Rolling Thunder in the arcades I don't remember that game ever being on these compilations before, so that this really tempting.
I'm getting it.
@Sithee more than happy to pay that price for multiple games.
@Ralizah If you're interested in the whole or majority of the package, it's good value. It's subjective. If they had a VC, I'd pick up only Splatterhouse and nothing else.
I'd have considered it with Ms Pac-Man and Splatterhouse 2. 😔
$30 for 11 games? nice!
Yeah, I'll be getting this for PAC-MAN Vs and Rolling Thunder 1 & 2.
Also the challenges should be good if they're like NES Remix.
@Menchi187 Of course it is. As I said, nothing wrong with this not appealing to him/her for whatever reason. But it's definitely NOT a ripoff, based on price and content.
Erm Ney
@Xyphon22 I remember once my friend asked me if I could identify the arcade game he played as a child as it had been a long time and he forgot. All he remembered was that is was a top down game about killing monsters, took me a while to get it from that description haha.
When I told it to him he seemed so happy. For the next hour we talked about how good the game was. I have bought it for (almost) every platform available
Apart from PAC-MAN VS, this is the same collection of Namco games that has been released over and over on previous consoles. Is any 3rd party going to announce an original new game? Or are they just going to keep going after the cheap cash grabs? I have Namco Museum 50th Anniversary on the Gamecube and it has more games than this.
Wish it was going to get a physical release. Maybe I'll pick it up. We'll see.
@Sithee each game is 2.50. Chill out. The vc on the wii/wiiu cost way more.
I'm gettin' it!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I have never seen splatter house on a namco museum release
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I don't believe I've ever seen rolling thunder one or to on any of these releases ether.
This is nice, but when are they going to do a Namco Museum that includes some of there 3D games like Tekken, Soul Calibur, or Ridge Racer?
Solid Collection
Never thought I'd get so close to seeing and owning Battle City here in the west. During the pirate clone 90s in post-Soviet countries, this game was nothing short of a SMASH HIT. Even my father used to play it with his friends and workmates for hours. Now more audiences can get a taste of it, even though Tank Force is more of a sequel to the arcade game Battle City was a console port/remake of.
Most of these I got free from the App Store. Mobile games coming to switch
At this rate, every 3rd party is going to have "Virtual Console" (in terms of classic games) on Switch before Nintendo does! 😝
@SLIGEACH_EIRE as far as I'm concerned, the more old games Switch gets the better - and we've got a whole load of new third party stuff including simultaneous multiplats and the sweet "triple A" you're used to pining for yet seemingly dismissing the actual examples of. But is there a typo in "50th anniversary" or have I underestimated Namco[t]'s history?
I want this a little for Pacman and Galaga, but I'll try to hold off and get them seperately if VC ever becomes a thing or maybe this will fall in price. Already own all these on various systems several times over.
Let it never be said that a Namco Museum ever missed a game system!
I guess good for the fans... but not for me
30 dollars for that?...nope not for me but if people like it then that is fine.
@ieatdragonz dig dug, qbert, and asteroids are some of my fav games too.
I really do think more people would buy these games if they had a physical release...ugh.
That said, nothing wrong with Pacman and the rest on Switch. Looking forward to it.
Digital only or physical aswell?
Works out around £3 per game sounds about right considering.
Only played splatterhouse 2 on the megadrive i hope 1 is decent.
I might get this, but at the same time I might save my money for M+R or Splatoon 2.
Vertical mode. Nice!
Wasn't too interested until they announced it will include Pac-Man Vs. That pretty much makes it a must-buy.
I don't think the lineup's that big. It would cool to at least have the other Pacman variations like Ms. Pacman or PacMania
Even tho it's a bit unrelated & probs never happening, I wish they would remaster PacMan Worlds 1-3!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE cool story, Ive owned next to every console over the last 30 years and I never bought this collection once yet, so looks like there are always new customers out there.
If it had Ms. Pacman and maybe the arcade version of it is, it doesn't have enough for me
No thanks. Looks awful.
I preffer Ms. Pacman than Pacman.
@UK-Nintendo these are arcade titles
I agree with everyone. It needs Ms. PAC-MAN. It's the superior game. Do you know what has Ms. PAC-MAN? Namco Museum 50th Anniversary on the Gamecube. It was one of the main reasons I bought it.
@N8tiveT3ch it's 2.50 a game with leader boards and challenges added. My god steam has ruined gamers.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE this still has titles not on any namco museum.
Aaaand another company offers classic games to Nintendo customers, while Nintendo drags their feet with Switch VC!
This is definitely going to be In my collection of Switch games!
Old content with a premium pricetag. In aussie dollars this is simply not worth it. If it goes in sale one day i might get it.
This is what Crapcom and Scam Enix should done with their compilations and release it for all platforms. It makes no sense that the Disney's Afternoon Collection and Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 be on just three platforms. It also makes no sense for Secret of Mana Collection to be exclusive to Japan.
@Sithee well at least it's half the price street fighter was
I'm pretty sure it's physical. After all, some of the other notable upcoming games such as Mario + Rabbids also don't have their boxart featured on Nintendo of America's website, yet boxart does exist of it.
@Sithee You're joking, right? A single game for $25 more than its original release's price vs. a compilation of arcade games and a port of a Gamecube game for $10 less than that single game sells for on Switch? No matter how you put it, the former will always be a rip-off even in comparison.
dang, was hoping for the arcade port of Pac-Land to be included. The NES version, on VC, just doesn't measure up.
I know we're being sold the same collection from past systems but the last time I purchased this game was for the GBA. I believe it's available for purchase on the eShop for Wii U. It's a five game collection and has three games that are not in this collection (Ms. Pac Man, Galaxian, and Pole Position). Anyhow, I'll finally double dip
There's no reason why Pac-Man Battle Royal couldn't be included. Same with Pac-Man 256. You only need one screen for both games.
Nice selection. Pac-Man Vs. is a stone cold great game. And while there are some real dogs on here (here's lookin' at you, Sky Kid), there's potential for real value if you're into Namco's back catalogue at all.
I'm in this for Rolling Thunder 1 & 2, Splatterhouse (finally 'arcade perfect', LOL), and Galaga '88. I've never bought one of these before, but this is a great one to start off with for me!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Splatterhouse, Tank Force, and Rolling Thunder 2 have never been included in a Namco Museum volume.
I'll pass...looks like I'm only supporting Nintendo on the Switch...oh and Neo Geo.
I find the lack of Xevious and Ms. Pac-Man disturbing. With the power of the Switch and the storage capacity of it's game cards you would think they could have included a few (dozen) more games.
A poor list of games. Obviously they're holding many back for a second and third compilation.
Will be getting this but I still feel the selection is limited!! 20 games would be more fair! Many Namco classics missing!! Pole position, xevious, burning force, phelios, marvel land, Ms PAC MAN, super PAC MAN, Jr PAC man, PAC-mania, etc etc
Perhaps a volume 2 if we all go buy it?!?
Hoping for a physical release. But I want this for my switch collection.
Was Rolling Thunder 2 a Genesis exclusive? I think that was oddly the only game in the series with a co-op mode.
(As I found out when I played my JP copy on my US console. And maybe one of the earlier games with a region lockout, released in 1991 when most region-locked games were 1993+. Despite that it was in English even in Japan. "APPLICABLE TO JAPAN ONLY!!" )
Nice! Will pick this up! I really love Namco arcade games!
@faint rolling thunder 1 was in the 50th edition. Part 2 was a Genesis game so I'm really surprised to see that one!
@KingMike was a Genny exclusive yes it was. As was rolling thunder 3!!
@Jin15 absolutely well said! Skimpy selection.
Galaga 88!!!!
No "Mappy," or "Xevious?"
Oh well, Pac-Man VS is a nice touch. Shame it requires 2 systems though. "Galaga '88" is pretty good too.
I love Pacman Vs, it's almost worth the price for that alone. But thats just me being a fanboy, in reality this should be 14.99, as it stands I will wait for a sale. Unless I have a bunch of friends with switches, and a spare evening....but then we need two copies of the maybe I will skip it.
@Donutman oh man I'd kill for some Atari classics on the Switch!! Asteroids, deluxe, Blasteroids, centipede, millipede, Tempest, missle command, liberator, black widow, warlords, Super breakout, star raiders, Battlezone, Crystal Castles, and sooo many others!!
This ain't half bad of a collection and probably one of the better Namco Museum installments in recent years. Glad it's reasonably priced and not a rip-off like Street Fighter 2
No Pac-Man Arrangement, boooooo
Honestly, if this had Bosconian, I'd jump on it. I have a plug n play Namco arcade with that, Rally X, Pacman, Galaxian, and Galaga. Bosconian rocks the hardest though.
where is Galaxian, Mappy... ?
Lock on man
Why do they boither putting in links to buy or pre-order items when the links are never for the actual item.
Can someone explain to me why all games (except perhaps Pacman VS) are shown inside a postcard frame?
I get that old games aren't 16:9 widescreen, but why is some space on top and the bottom covered by a still image? It makes the screen much smaller than it needs to be. Especially on a small handheld screen.
I have to say, I will not buy this game if you can't turn that postcard frame off
It's cool to see PacMan VS on this collection. But where's Xevious, Mappy, Ms. PacMan, Galaxian, and Rally X? Namco Battle Collection on the PSP had more games on it than this does. Granted, it does have Splatter House, Rolling Thunder 2 and Tank Force; but I wouldn't mind seeing the arrangement versions of these games and maybe some of the early Namco 3D games like Ridge Racer and Starblade and Solvalou.
$30? nah.
For $30.00, Ms. Pac-Man, SplatterHouse 2 & 3, and a few other games should be on there. This is a $15.00 title as-is.
@ieatdragonz dig dug is the reason ill buy this as long as its not 40$
what i wish they would bring over is pacman championship edition love that game and have always wanted to play it on the go
I wish they included Toy Pop... It'd be a great multiplayer addition for the Switch.
No Galaxian? I'll pass.
Used to hearing "PEGI Sixteen." on game trailers. Even the announcer sounds surprised at "PEGI twelve?".
Bought namco museum for GameCube back in the day ... Not sure if I'd ever get it again but I played it at parties WAY more than I expected!
Hopefully this gets a retail release at some point.
I want Mappy!
Solid collection for when the old-school itch strikes, but I don't think I'll be buying it right away. Too many games coming out that are a higher priority for me.
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