Earlier this week we highlighted impressive growth for Nintendo's share value, as it surpassed the brief Pokémon GO peak of last Summer and hit its highest point in a number of years. You may have also noticed that Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) has been confirmed for the Nintendo Switch with further details to come this weekend; that's the most recent iteration of the game on 3DS which hasn't yet made it to the West.
When you combine Monster Hunter and portable hardware from Nintendo the results are tasty profits, so news of even a re-release for Switch in Japan seemed to help propel Nintendo's share value further in today's trading, closing up a whopping 5.48% on 33,510 Yen.
It's an interesting development, especially as Monster Hunter 5 is a relatively hot topic right now - there have been some suggestions that the Capcom / Nintendo relationship with the IP will extend to the next 'main' entry, but there are apparently some rumours (not really solid enough to report) that Sony also wants in on the action. Considering the success of the series on 3DS and the portable-centric fans Monster Hunter has in Japan, we think the odds are good on the next 'main' entry also coming to Switch.
Time will tell, and we'll also keep an eye out for localisation news of XX for the West. Its predecessor Monster Hunter X (Cross) did come to the West as Monster Hunter Generations, so perhaps a Generations X name would work for PAL and North American territories.
In any case, it's the latest notable boost to confidence in Nintendo's current prospects. The company's share value has been generally on the rise since the Switch arrived; the buzz around the system has been significant, and Nintendo has been battling to keep up with demand. Nintendo will also use E3 to further highlight the games that'll push the system forward over the rest of 2017.
Exciting times for Nintendo fans, we'd suggest.
[source bloomberg.com]
Comments 83
I was just in the middle of posting this.
Nintendo's share price increased by over 5% due to the Monster Hunter XX announcement. The timing was very deliberate. The markets are now closed for the week. Capcom's share price went up too but not as much.
LOL at those who thought Nintendo was dead
Just announce Pokemon already and take over the world!!
This is flipping ridiculous! A 5% stock jump for announcing a port of a six-month-old game that is already on a sister system? I would love for the next MH to be a Switch exclusive, but I can definitely see a Sony/Nintendo mutual tie-in ahead. Basically, Square Enix showed the way with Dragon Quest.
Nintendoomed since 1889!
Imagine what would happen if they made it from the ground up for Switch, or if Nintendo announced a Pokemon game for switch.
If this is true then you got to trust Sony to want a piece of Nintendo's success. Yes I'm aware MH began on Sony platforms,but they clearly weren't bothered letting it slip away and now they want another bite of it?Nothing really surprises me with them anymore.If Nintendo are smarter they'll do what they can to keep it exclusive going forward. As everyone keeps saying,Playstation has enough third parties, so..........
So, it's a port of a 3DS game that's already released in Japan?
Well, it's cool that this is coming to Switch, but it still doesn't give me any real confidence that Capcom is serious about supporting Switch. Switch also needs new dedicated games in each of Capcom's big franchises (Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, etc), not just ports of older games created for and already released on vastly less powerful hardware.
I've no problem with Switch getting a bunch of 3DS ports--I've said many times that I want to see pretty much every single game from all of Nintendo's past consoles on Switch (via the Virtual Console)--but I really want to see developers/publishers announcing far more of their tentpole current-gen AAA titles too.
Will Monster Hunter XX Switch be your AAA 3rd party games that you are looking for ?
A Good reason to buy Switch and paired with your Wii U.
There is nothing wrong to own a lot of Nintendo machines.
Announce Animal Crossing for Switch with proper gameplay will Blown away to the Heaven...
@Spoony_Tech This certainly feels like the latest in at least 5 years we've gone without a new Pokémon game announcement. Either new main series games, the remakes or Mystery Dungeon. Japan must be freaking out, what are all of those magazines and TV shows covering? My only thought is Nintendo wanted it revealed at E3 b/c my brain can't comprehend a Christmas w/o some type of Pokémon game.
Monster Hunter Generations X would be a much better title than Monster Hunter Generations Generations.
Monster Hunter: Generation X. Calling it now.
"The company's share value has been generally on the rise since the Switch arrived-"
I will be rubbing this fact in the face of every nay-sayer I can. Because, seeing them struggle to come up with a sound defence now when they insisted Switch would be dead on launch will just be that grand.
I want RE 1-6 and all the side games on the switch. I nice port of RE7 would be cool but I don't think that would be possible, or maybe it would? Capcom would make a tiny fortune from me with physical RE releases.
@BinaryFragger Preeeetty much. People are dumb like that.
Two things, One: Generations X is a terrible title. Just call it Double Cross like they should have in the first place.
Two: Monster Hunter 5 is almost definitely also coming to 3DS. They also fit the open world Monster Hunter Stories on 3DS, so who knows how limited it will or won't be. Regardless, a ton of people own 3DS' so it would be mad not to release the game on both, especially in Japan.
What is stopping nintendo buying capcom? The benefits for nintendo would be amazing in the short and long term? Think all exclusive content and back catalogue, didn't capcom take all the clauses out to be open to a buyout?
I hope Nintendo are able to maintain Monster Hunter as an exclusive.
Deletes comment on other article where he disses Capcom and hopes no one notices
Witchcraft!!! Internet told me Nintendo was DOOM.
@Moon I think they will. MH works great as a portable experience.
Nintendo just gained an astounding 2 billion dollars out of the Monster Hunter XX announcement, so now Nintendo is seeing this,
If Capcom can localize this game, both Capcom and Nintendo will be seeing this
Have I ridden this joke to the ground yet?
@Tsurii Magicarp? That's not a game, it's interactive marketing for real Pokemon games. Or Pokemon toys. Or Pokemon cards. Or Pokemon movies. Or the Pokemon TV show.
It probably took me longer to type this than it took them to make Magicarp.
@Kalmaro luckily mine is less of a diss so its staying up!
@Jessica286 Well, at the moment it's working out really well for both Capcom and Nintendo, and I don't see either of them wanting to ruin what they've got.
...and I agree, it's an amazing portable game. It's going to be so awesome being able to play on the tele for a change though! It's also going to be nice playing with 2 sticks instead of a C-Stick.
@BensonUii Releasing a Monster Hunter on both PS4 and Switch would be a very smart move. Then it can get sales from its current fans as well as getting a lot of brand new fans of the series.
Also, can't you just enjoy the good news for once without the whole patronising Nintendo is Doomed thing?
@ieatdragonz Haha, I'll leave mine up, was mostly in jest anyway.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE lol counter what you said this morning
Could never enjoy the demos. Controls felt just aweful. Gonna try again on switch.
So yeah bring Ever oasis to the switch^^
I know Monster Hunter is popular in Japan, but $2 billion is insane. That's very impressive.
@Anti-Matter Not at all. This is a port of an old 3DS game. In fact, the future looks worse for Nintendo with Sony muscling in on the next main entry. Why is any of this positive?
Edit: This is positive to gamers, of course, just not Nintendo.
I'd like to remind you that the 3DS, home of the Monster Hunter franchise for the last couple of years, first received a port of Monster Hunter 3 before recieving new exclusive entries. The announcement of a Monster Hunter XX port on Switch follows that same pattern.
Also, I keep hearing about this "Sony muscling in on the next main Monster Hunter entry", but I'd like to ask, where did this rumor come from, and is there any legitimacy from the source of said rumor??
Okay, even Monster Hunter XX Switch version is taken from 3DS, But.... can you imagine how different the graphic from Pixelate and Jaggy on 3DS become Smooth and HD rendered on Switch ?
That's a HUGE differences, like the differences between LEGO CITY Undercover 3DS & Wii U.
I'm sure we will see the truth tomorrow, on 27 May 2017.
Ah... good to see share value climbing so high.
That will make sure that in the end, they don't drop to an all time low after the inevitable shock wave that will send the share holders into a negative frenzy again once Nintendo has done its E3 announcements, since those will "surely" disappoint to some extent...
So don't fret about all these weird antics, @rjejr. Things will be back to normal all too soon...
@Krillin It's a year and half old if you meant a port of MH X. It's more like 2 months old if you meant a port of MH XX (which is an expanded version of MH X) from the 3DS.
Nintendo normally does the publishing for regions outside of Japan for the MH series (same with Dragon Quest). I wouldn't be surprised if only Japan gets a release of MH5 for PS4 and Switch gets it for all regions (due to Nintendo publishing it).
Nintendo's stock is currently the highest it's been since December 2008, the literal height of the Wii/DS "money printing" era.
Nintendo's stock peaked in November 2007, when the Wii was still growing aggressively in the market.
Good on Nintendo, now have a fantastic E3 and you're set for a wonderful future for the Switch.
@Shellcore How do you know that the next chapter will be for ps4?
Sources? Or it's just you looking at your crystal ball
right? lol. sometimes the masses are actually right.
i'm still waiting for a proper Lufia 2 sequel (those handheld ones weren't really the same). I promise it will increase value by $2billion!....
@ThanosReXXX Fret, me?
I'm still looking forward to E3. Still dont' know what's going to happen, no predictions, just hopes and doubts. Stock price should drop after a big event like that - "buy the rumour sell the news" - but I'm not worried.
NTDOY blows past $37/share and we are still 7 months away from Christmas . . . .
The Sony thing might be a concern. Don't forget they paid towards the development of Street Fighter V thus making it a PS4 exclusive. I do hope they don't do the same to a MH5 as well, this announcement has shown its a huge deal for Nintendo....
@Angelic_Lapras_King I think Nintendo has enough of a stake in Monster Hunter that they would make Capcom at least have the game as a multiplatform. Sony can no longer compete in the portable market and Capcom knows it's the portable market that drives MH sales. The Switch is too much of a tempting device, nailing the home and portable markets, for Capcom to ignore. And Sony can only offer a home experience. I am not a big MH gamer, but I'm pretty sure more people would buy it on Switch than PS4.
I'm looking forward to this though. If it does get localised, that would be great but not a deal-breaker as the system is region-free. I'm also really looking forward to Monster Hunter Stories!!!
That's great, but if the monster Hunter 5 on ps4 rumors are true, and they seem to be persistent, will it just drop again?
LOL. The stock market is so ridiculous.
Just the announcement of a game that is not developed by Nintendo leads to a higher market value? Come on!
@Shellcore Quit this moaning please. There is one that moans almost every other day about Switch failing even when news are great. Let's not add another one to the roster.
Cha Ching.
I don't know, but that would be awesome. If Nintendo would turn loose of some of that money. They should have tried to buy Sega when they were hurting too.
@impurekind It's quite possible that building an new HD MH with a new engine for MH5 will take some time, but Capcom still wants a MH game out early 2018 to help with their end of financial year in March. If MH5 is using a new engine, I wouldn't expect it until 2018.
In my opinion, they need a new engine to stay fresh. MHXX (3DS) is basically running on a super altered MH Tri (for Wii) engine... They've really milked that engine for all it's worth! haha
But who really knows.
@westman98 You're right. We still don't know if this rumour is legit. For Nintendo, I hope it isn't. For all gamers, I hope it is. Thanks for the reminder of the 3DS MH history.
@Anti-Matter Yes. I'm excited to see how it will pan out. Would prefer a new entry from Capcom. Between this news and the Street Fighter 2 port, I'm kind of done with being expected to lap up overpriced ports and be grateful for it. There are better things to spend my money on.
@DarthFoxMcCloud Oh it'll get localized. If a spin off like Stories and no doubt the amiibo that come from it can get a release outside of Japan, XX certainly will.
What I wonder though is will they still bother with the 3DS version like the duel release of 3 Ultimate or just make it Switch exclusive outside of Japan.....
@TsukiDeity I would think they'd just use Unreal Engine 4.
@arpaktiko I read the article. Yes, its an unsubstantiated rumour. Bet you if it was a positive rumour, you'd be all over it. It's nice to consider what could be, rather than what is. That's kind of part of the excitement of E3. Rumour has it, Nintendo will knock it out of the park this year, but maybe I should nay say that as well?
@Cosats Erm no thanks. If you see it as moaning, that's a shame. My points are my subjective view on unsubstantiated rumours mentioned on this website. If we aren't allowed to talk about them, then what's the point of a comments section?
Nintendo stock is up 40% since the launch of the Switch. That's just crazy
Oh and over 100% year on year
8:00AM: Capcom will consider future Switch support depending on success of Ultra Street Fighter II. "Capcom is so stupid, here we go all over again with bad ports meaning no support! Bye Capcom!"
10:00PM: Monster Hunter XX on Switch [drops mic].
10:30PM: Nintendo up $2B after Capcom announcement.
"OMG Switch is amazing, Nintendo really nailed it this time, they have such a great relationship with Capcom!"
@DarthFoxMcCloud A port of the game to two platforms (or 3 if they're still doing 3DS) would not come without expenses, and going to Sony with this particular series would carry uncertainty of recouping said expenses. Next to 3DS/Switch, PS4 is really not successful in Japan, which is 75% of this series' market. It's not worth the cost to port for the Japan market. Theo only value would be in tapping the Western market through the huge PS4 install base. The question is, how much of that PS4 install base is potentially an MH customer? Given that Disgaea 5 outsold PS4 version total sales alone just in preorders on the 2.5 month old Switch, and Puyo Puyo Tetris saw Switch as its sales leader, it's no doubt a very clear message to Japanese devs that just because a lot of people bought a PS4 in the West, that doesn't mean those people have any interest in the games you're making, while the more limited number of people buying Switches seem to show significant interest in those games.
No doubt if Capcom was in talks with Sony, hedging their bets in case Switch failed, is seeing those results and solidifying their base platform(s) based on that. It doesn't mean they won't do a PS4 port. But if they do they'd have to do it with the expectation that it might be a money loser but may or may not be worth the risk it will succeed.
@ottospooky If it follows the naming conventions of recent games, it'll be "Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate." Which is actually a pretty awesome name.
I'm more partial to Monster Hunter XXX, though.
That's why Street Fighter V impossible to be ported to Switch just because Sony paid Capcom to create SF V.
And it ended with Blah Blah Blah.... quality.
Sony just wasted their money for a Failed SF V and if Nintendo can "Bribe" Capcom to stay on Nintendo side, Say hello to ported SF V or SF IV, Say Yes to buy Nintendo Switch for sure 1000% rather than PS4.
Nintendo got Great Fortune during this month.
Oh, add with these to boost the Hype for Switch until Heavenly level.
Switch + Monster Hunter XX + Pokemon + Animal Crossing Switch + Splatoon 2 + Super Mario Odyssey + Gamecube VC + Colorful Switch bundles + Permanent price cut = Yippeeee....!!!
@Anti-Matter Sony still owns part of the game, much like how Nintendo owns part of Bayonetta 2 as they paid to make it even possible. Capcom plan on supporting SFV onwards into 2020 with new fighters, stages and whatnot, so I doubt a port on any other console will be happening (And even if it did, Sony could get a cut of the profits, meaning less profit for Capcom and all round not worth the investment.)
@Anti-Matter They won't price cut it if people are still buying it madly at the current price, and certainly not at least till they become cheaper to make.
Lacking a current-gen portable is the one thing against Sony for MH right now. It also didn't help that they weren't able to truly support MonHun when they had it. West sales really ticked upwards when the series shifted to Nintendo.
"Meh, call me in five years" is becoming the new "meh, call me in a year" for Nintendo critics. Nintendo is curving upwards as the 3DS developer mainstays begin shifting to the Switch.
Next year it'll be Pokemon, and we'll be seeing "Meh, call me in Nintendo's next gen" banter.
And they still having major IPs unannounced for the switch. I wonder what games like SSB, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, DK and more will cause with just beeing announced.
@Anti-Matter Most of that sounds attainable, except that last one. You get success, OR you get a price cut. You don't get both Success means the price stays as long as it's a success at that price...and that looks like it might stay a long time considering they sell faster than they can make them! Which is a good thing (for Switch.) And a bad thing (for our wallets.)
@Ralizah So out of curiosity I just did a google search for "monster hunter xxx". Yep, it's pretty much what I thought I'd get, and it ain't rumors of a western port on Switch.....
OTOH if they wanted to get off the charts sales in the west, it could be a good move. Maybe there's value in going to Sony after all.
All this hype makes me really sad that I wasn't able to get a second Switch while I was on a business trip to Japan. It was sold out everywhere (and I went to Tokyo, Kyoto, and even down south to Kitakyushu!). Even on the weekend that they released new stock, it was all lapped up within 30 minutes. Pretty insane that Nintendo should be making even more money had they been able to produce more units!
@NEStalgia You've basically just proved my point with the Sony comment. I was saying skipping Switch or 3DS & going full-on Sony doesn't make much sense for Capcom...especially since MH fans are mostly portable and the Switch kills two birds with one stone for them.
@Angelic_Lapras_King I wouldn't be surprised if both arrive in the West but they might be digital only...or at least I could see one being digital-only. It'll depend how much Switch sells. 3DS still has a HUGE install base in the West but I really don't think the Switch version will have 3DS graphics. We saw the Wii U get a really nice version of MH 3 Ultimate. I could see the Switch getting some special love for its release of XX in the West.
@Krillin Considering all the latest Monster Hunter games have been Nintendo exclusive, I'm really not so sure Sony has much stake in future titles. I can see the XX successor only being released for the Switch for sure.
Monster Hunter games are all mostly the same, aside from different maps (most of which are reused from past releases anyways) and a handful of new monsters.
If MHXX added at least 4 new monsters (and I'm sure it did) that would make it on par with how many new monsters Generations added, and that was considered an entirely new game for it. And considering Generations was a celebration of the series and had maps from 4 different games combined AND new maps, I feel like XX has plenty of leeway as far as feeling brand new still.
Heck, just making the transition to Switch alone will make it feel completely new. And I gotta say, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was like an entire game's worth of new content added on. If it's anywhere close to that we'll be set for hunting a long, long time
I can hear the sweet sounds of heads disappearing up freshly puckered buttholes all accross the Internet.
If Capcom sold MH5 on the PS4 and the Switch it wouldn't sell well on the PS4 in the slightest. In Japan people tend towards portable games because you are on the go a lot usually with public transportation of some kind and from what I've heard it's very common to see people playing MH with random strangers on the train. If there's a portable option the Japanese will flock to it and that's the main market for the series while the boost it's seen in the West is a bit more recent. Nintendo has also done A LOT to help promote the series in the West and helped it become as popular here as it is now. There is literally nothing that Sony has to compel Capcom to their hardware while Nintendo has reasons for days to show how the Switch is the right fit for the series going forward.
@JaxonH would you buy XX on the Switch if we can't transfer Generations 3ds save data over? If not it's a deal breaker for me. There are so many fetch quests in Generations. I'm not interested in doing them again.
Would I? Oh without question.
Its been about a year since I played Generations, and by the time this releases it'll be 1.5-2 years. It'll feel like a new game by that point, even just by virtue of being in HD it'll feel fresh.
And tbh, most MH games are similar anyways. He it this one or some other entry, it's gonna be the same types of quests with a variety of past used maps and monsters.
So ya... there's nothing that will stand between me and this game! There's no way I could not partake of Monster Hunter in HD on the big screen again, and on the go and can switch between at will...
Must... have... now
@DonSerrot All Sony would need is to give enough money to Capcom and Monster Hunter would end up PS4 exclusive. Money is the reason SFV is PS4 exclusive, Bayonetta 2 is Wii U exclusive, Rise of the Tomb Raider was timed XB1 exclusive, etc.
There is always a point where you give 3rd parties enough money and they'll gladly make their games exclusive even if it doesn't make sense to.
So yachts for everyone at Nintendo and Capcom right?
All this for MH? Let's see how shares go up when Pokémon is announced. Now that is going to be true insanity.
@DonSerrot Monster Hunter in it's current form wouldn't sell well on PS4. But if they were to "westernize" (dumb down) the formula and have Sony's marketing force behind it? There's a good chance it would sell well enough in the west that it completely makes up for the loss of the Japanese player base.
I keep saying have Nintendo release their entire library of games and sell the old games for $5 maybe less on the Switch.
MHXX comes out on Switch in August. The summer just got really stacked for Switch.
Monster Hunter isn't even that good.
@segasonicsteve 90%+ of mergers and acquisitions end in a net loss for shareholders--for a co. as conservative as Nintendo that's poison.
@ECMIM ahh I see... I'm still thinking about how things would of been if nintendo weren't blocked by the Japanese government from buying namco.. I know stocks and shares change on a whim in either direction but if capcom is worth roughly 1.5 billion and nintendo just added 2 billion in value from a capcom port anouncement I would be doing everything I could to aquire them! ( I know it's never that simple and purely wishful thinking on my behalf) but nintendo would gain a studio with a game library that goes back to the nes days and ip that could be exclusive and when anounced could potentially lead to stocks rising further?
@ottospooky followed by Monster Hunter Millennials. XD
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