Many will recall that, when Pokémon GO went viral last Summer it led to an extraordinary spike in Nintendo's share value; though it was partly irrational, even after the inevitable fallback and decline Nintendo was still left with a significantly higher company value than before the app's launch. Although Nintendo's share of the substantial GO profits was relatively modest, it seemed at the very least to reaffirm the company's potential to achieve sizeable revenues and sales through its IPs.
Naturally the company's share valuation has fluctuated over past months, but there is a landmark worth reporting today. Nintendo's share value has been moving in a generally positive direction since the Switch launched in early March, and has continued to rise significantly since mid-April in the build-up and then reception to the company's annual financial results. At the close of today's markets in Tokyo, Nintendo's value per share was 31,180 Yen; that is beyond even the highest peak of the Pokémon GO era and also the highest its been in the last five years.
Check out some graphs below (via Bloomberg) that illustrate this point.

It's all positive momentum for Nintendo. In addition to early demand being high for the Switch it has the upcoming New Nintendo 2DS XL, various ventures such as the upcoming theme park attractions, and rumours that The Legend of Zelda is coming to mobile won't harm investor optimism, either.
Of course, share values can decline as rapidly as they climb, but as it stands Nintendo's business is evidently on sure footing and inspiring investor confidence.
[source bloomberg.com]
Comments 50
Well done Nintendo. Honestly, well done. You have made a great console. Now keep it alive and support it with gaming classics
Well that's surprising and interesting. Good to see though. The confidence should last another couple of months at least.
@Grandpa_Pixel You mean they've made a great handheld. As a home console, not so much.
So, disregarding the PGO spike, this is the highest point it has been since... the Wii years? Or was their share value as high when the Wii U launched?
I wonder if those stupid investor suddenly adore Nintendo Switch after was being Negative with Switch's prospect. They might be lick their spit.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE A handheld is not a console? Am i missing something or what?
By the way great results. I'm waiting to see what the status will be after ARMS & Splatoon 2 releases!
Another financial article, another use of that Kimishima/Mario horde picture.
Not complaining it's an awesome image. Someone funny needs to turn it into a meme
@SLIGEACH_EIRE http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5e/5ed8203b5d448035b98e7972a9ab35086ace35ff5c3cd170b4395242b20162ae.jpg
@FGPackers @SLIGEACH_EIRE A handheld is a console. Its portability does not detract from what it was made and purposed for.
Wow, and this is by selling actual video games and not selling out like every investor wanted them to.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE well I use my switch as a console so it's a console
Switch = Handheld + Consoles
This is welcome news, and unlike the Pokémon GO spike, this boost wasn't based on a misunderstanding.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE it's a great portable console for many reasons one of which is when I get home, if the kids aren't on the TV I can carry on gaming blown up on the big screen. It's a great home console because when I need to go to bed/ take a dump/ do whatever I can take the thing with me and carry on with a seamless transition. This genius makes the device more than the sum of its parts. It's not just a portable nor just a home console, nor just a portable that you can plug into your tv, or a console that detaches!!! It's effing all of the above and it's genius! Get on board! Oh and to top it off it looks really smart and I have no issues with whipping it out on commutes.
They deserve it. It's a great product.
@Bruh Right back at you.
They've done a damn fine job with the Switch in my opinion.
The investors are loving Mario Rabbids
Hopefully their stock stays steady until E3, then Nintendo can get another spike via the nice things they'll reveal there.
Why the drab outlook for the switch regarding it as poor home console? Its clearly got more going for it than the WiiU ever had,which you've stated many times as being a very good console that you've defended numerous times (i agree to an extent). Its the same whether you play the switch in handheld or docked. both Mario Kart and Zelda perform better on the switch than the WiiU,therefore its surely a more capable console? And no denying Oddysey looks infinitely better than 3d World in my opinion,not to mention developers are more willing and optimistic about this console.If you don't have then you really cant judge,much like those that didn't bother with the WiiU but were happy to slate it
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You're right, as a home console, the Switch is completely outclassed by your preferred choice; the Wii U. The Wii U is the perfect home console.
The Wii U not only has more power than the Switch, but also has this cool thing called 'off-screen play' meaning that if someone wants to use the TV, you can keep playing the game in portable mode (as long as you don't move too far from the television). It also has touch and motion controls, which are really cool.
The only way you could improve on the perfection of the Wii U is maybe by increasing the power of the console, extending the range at which you can play away from the TV, and possibly also improving the screen quality in portable mode (as well as upgrading to a modern capacitive touch screen and improving the motion controls and rumble).
But until that happens, the Wii U will never be bettered, and all other consoles shall be inferior.
So yeah, I totally agree with you on this. The Wii U is the perfect home console. The Switch sucks and is completely outclassed.
Haha very good
@ThatNyteDaez Agreed, though it seems some people, including Nintendo's marketing team and the industry analytics people, unfortunately, don't agree and track them separately. But IMO, a console is a console, and I've long said 3DS is my most played (by far) 8th gen console. It has probably 8x the hours on it my PS4 does and 4x the hours my WiiU does.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "Home Console" doesn't translate to "Plays all games by EA and Ubisoft at highest graphics settings". Microsoft has spent a lot of money (in fact more money than they actually make selling XBox products) to convince everyone of that, but that doesn't make it true. It's an excellent home console that plays games that are fun on a home console. It's an unimaginably great handheld that plays games that are....fun on a home console
Meanwhile, deep under the bottom shelf of my AV rack, sits a lonely PS4, last powered on in February. Across from it sit multiple full price retail games games meant for it. Under a coating of dust laden shrinkwrap. Because i just can't get myself to put the Switch down.
I'm telling you, when you get it you're going to think "Now I get it, why wasn't I excited for this before?!" I mean you managed to be among the niche that loves the WiiU.....no way you're not going to be hooked on Switch (unless you're really just more of a Playstation guy which I doubt. PS is fine...and has some great games....but it's no Switch when it comes to convenience and customization.)
It's "good" news, but it's not really something to watch that closely to. Investors are fickle beasts that do not understand the market (gaming not financial in this case). Nintendo has done well with so little (like bare bones) that there is no where but up, so this is positive, and I look forward to the necessary improvements (online etc..) and additions (proper browser, streaming apps, VC) that will hopefully grace this awesome HYBRID this year.
@MarcelRguez The last image of the article shows the graphic for the last 5 years (which includes Wii U launch, 4.5 years ago).
@NEStalgia I'm not going to think that. When I buy it I'm going to say, this generation Nintendo has cost me €700 for 2 "consoles". I'm paying for their mistakes. I haven't the slightest interest in its portability. We're getting a lot of ports, games don't look noticeably better than on Wii U. 3rd party support isn't better, no apps, no VC, no backwards compatibility, still gimped online, which by the way will soon be a paid service. What truly unique feature has the Switch introduced? HD Rumble.
this seems like a much more healthy and sustainable growth than what happened with pokemon go.
That is good news and it will likely get better as Splatoon 2 and Mario odyssey be release.
They have a great product out right now, with many more games coming in, I believe it only gets better from here on
@RennanNT True, didn't realize that segment of 2012 probably includes November.
Still, then when was the last time Nintendo shares were so valuable?
Maybe it has to do with Pokemon coming soon for Switch and MM.
@FGPackers I was gonna reply him the same. Handhelds are consoles.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nah, you only think you won't use the portability. But it sits there in its dock. The TV's not on. The audio's not on. But it sits there in its dock and it tempts you....constantly...."maybe just 5 minutes..." you'll say. It's not always about taking it to play in public spaces, or outdoors. Sometimes it's just about "I don't really have time to play and don't feel like powering everything up...but...just a few minutes...it can't hurt..." It changes the way you think of your console and use it. Probably in an unhealthy way. Maybe a very unhealthy way. But it's so darn satisfying. WiiU started down that path with the off-screen but it still made it comparatively slow to start up and get into the game so I didn't really use that that way hardly at all. But the "instant on"....it even powers on when you lift it from the dock, so you pick it up, and it's just in your hand, instantly up and running...tap "a" and you're in the game where you left off. No wait at all.
I can't disagree with you about paying for Nintendo's mistakes though. They did a lot wrong with WiiU, and in a way Switch really is the "WiiU: We got it right this time Edition." OTOH looking at the included tech, there's just no way they could have released it at any usable price point 4 years ago. The tech wasn't there, and what was would have cost a fortune. I still have my conspiracy theory that WiiU was a known failure from launch and was released just to buy time and R&D money for Switch.
I"m still not worried about games though. Ports at launch are winding down now. Most of what's coming down the pipeline (obligatory Smash 4 port aside) are new (and Disgaea 5 sold so poorly on PS4 it might as well just be considered a Switch exclusive, it's already outsold the PS4 version.) I know you've mentioned the western AAA's, and yeah that situation won't be significantly improved (ever) no matter what Nintendo does. But I do think Japanese 3rd parties are going to be FAR more vibrant than they were on WiiU. Not only because Japan loves their portable consoles, but even in the West Japanese content seems to be selling well on Switch.
HD Rumble. Haha...well...that's a marketing failure. The new rumble packs are really cool, but they're subtle. It's just Rumble 2.0. And after 20 years, it's about time Rumble 2.0 happened. It's a better rumble engine in every way, but highlighting it as some obvious marketing feature was definitely foolish. It's all about NOT noticing it versus the big vibrating controller, not about noticing it. OTOH consumers are idiots and it's a memorable brand-feature that people talk about. Maybe it's not so foolish after all. Heck, Sony made a light bulb a marketing feature.
Good news to me.
@MarcelRguez Here's a chart with data since nov 1996. Their peak was holidays 2007, and were worth about twice as much as they do now. Around Wii launch (but DS going strong), they were worth about as much now.
@NEStalgia I tend to think you're right about Wii U, as much as I love the system myself.
My theory is that Wii U was supposed to be like a PS4 Pro or Scorpio...keep Wii branding, still plays Wii games, but the gamepad with more conventional buttons and more processing power for the "hardcore". They thought they would further the dual screen concept while they were at it, but also give hardcore gamer console gaming on a handheld touchscreen device while his parents watched Wheel of Fortune on TV. Minimal marketing investment would be needed because of the goodwill of the Wii brand name...hindsight may be 20/20 but Nintendo probably did think this would've been a home run on the drawing board, if not on launch day.
Glad I bought in about 1 month ago...up 19% already. At this pace, that's an annualized 228% return. I highly doubt it'll reach those returns over the next year, but momentum is clearly with the stock and hopefully, E3 will keep that Mo moving!
@BlueKnight07 Yeah, and fueling that kind of thinking on the drawing board would have been that they'd started designing it during the height of the Wii craze where they thought everything Wii was the new definition of gaming. When Wii sales sharply declined and the fad had clearly worn off for years after that initial craze, they were already knee-deep in planning the "self selling" successor and never adjusted their strategy.
Really this just goes to show how bad Nintendo was doing with Wii U and to a lesser extent 3DS (in comparison to DS).
Switch basically couldn't fail as bad. Like objectively, there was no way. But yeah, software will determine long term success.
@gatorboi352 Well almost every piece of consumer electronics is a massive failure next to DS. Even PS2. That thing was just the right thing at the right time like the natural inverse of WiiU being the wrong thing at the wrong time. That's the one down side of having a very successful product is you're forever compared against your own surprise success.
Stock went up 3% yesterday alone...the same day Mario×Rabbids was fully leaked lol...
@RennanNT Okay, that's all I needed to know, for a little perspective. Thanks!
Nice! I always tell myself I'll buy shares in Nintendo someday, and then never do.
Also for anyone that wants to see something impressive, take a look at their share price back in the Wii days, it was nuts!
Stocks hold very little meaning really. A lot of those investors will just as quickly jump off if they see the smallest chance that the Switch could go wrong. But hey, I think we can call this one a victory for now.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 exclusive would send this to the moon! (Right past that space whale).
@SLIGEACH_EIRE How do you feel being so WRONG about almost everything that you whined about Nintendo Switch?
@NEStalgia "natural inverse of Wii U" lmao you're too kind. Wii U was the single worst selling home console of all time for Nintendo.
@rennandovale How have I been wrong? I've been right about mostly everything. It's far too early to predict Switch's long-term future. Thanks.
@gatorboi352 True, though I hate using the actual sales metric based on what went down. No question it had no momentum and no consumer interest, but in terms of if it could/would/should have sold more units to at least get it over GCN it can be a thing of debate since they killed it off before it died totally. Announcing "NX" was the signal that WiiU is dead and halted sales, and then the "We're in a state of transition" E3 opener pretty much cemented WiiU was dead. WiiU was dead either way, and they probably made the right call in trying to kill it faster, but I do wonder if it would have at least had somewhat more reasonable sales had they not pretty much openly/doublethinkingly stated they were killing it at just under 3 years old, and never even included it in promotional advertising for it's last Holiday.
If they went full-on 3DSXL style marketing and pretended WiiU was here to stay forever and ever right up until they rip the rug out, like the NES 3DSXL weeks before announcing N3DSXL, rather than (in a rare move for Nintendo) quietly warning people away from the platform, it probably would have outsold GCN if for no other reason than a larger overall gaming market than in GCNs era. Believe it or not.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You are delusional
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