We're not too far away from the release of Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers which - despite a wonky first-person mode and some question marks over its status as a retail title - is an oddly tempting game. We suspect many have hovered over pre-order buttons, unsure over whether to take a punt.
While we consider our options on that, Nintendo has been stepping up with Street Fighter-themed My Nintendo updates. Nintendo of America previously added a 'calendar', and now there are some extra discounts that went live on 1st May in both North America and Europe. Let's get to the details.
- Digital Wallpaper for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers - 50 Platinum Points
- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Wii U / New 3DS) - 30% discount for 20 Gold Points
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Wii U / New 3DS) - 30% discount for 20 Gold Points
- Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Wii U / New 3DS) - 30% discount for 20 Gold Points
- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (3DS) - 20% discount for 20 Gold Points
North America
- Digital Wallpaper for Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers - 50 Platinum Points
- Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (3DS) - 40% discount for 60 Gold Points
- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Wii U / New 3DS) - 40% discount for 30 Gold Points
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Wii U / New 3DS) - 40% discount for 30 Gold Points
A decent chance for discounts on some of the Street Fighter classics that are currently on the Wii U and New 3DS Virtual Consoles. Are you tempted by any of these offers?
[source my.nintendo.com]
Comments 98
I think they are awful. But hope they help someone
Interesting that there's the random Etrian Odyssey discount. Seems out of place
I want Switch Rewards. It's my only Nintendo console currently.
I'm no expert on the series, but what makes this new version of Street Fighter 2 worth about $32 than if I downloaded another version of Street Fighter 2 for avout $8 (or less with a dicscount) on another system? That being said I would rather all my gaming focus be on Switch now, but still.
Appalling! But then what's new? Even with the discount, those 20+ year old games are still a rip-off.
@Whopper744 I'm not really an expert either, but from what I've heard (you may want to double-check these):
-2 new characters (evil recolored versions of Ryu and Ken, but have some new/different moves)
-Some rebalancing
-2-player co-op arcade mode
-First-person, motion controlled game mode
-Optional touchscreen shortcut buttons for complex combos
Plus, of course, the new graphics.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Aren't you always just a ray of sunshine.
I don't know why they keep releasing those poopy SNES ports(they were good at the time, but not the best versions), when they could've easily emulated the arcade versions.
@Whopper744 It's not worth it. It has no meaningful upgrades over the previous version, which was released about 9 years ago for less than half the price of this. Everything added is token at best. A Wii 2.0 hardware gimmick mode that barely works, 2 "new" characters which are just reskins of existing characters. A colour customization tool (which almost renders the "new" characters moot) and a 2 on 1 mode.
The things it does have going for it are already available in previous versions of the game that we know about. Tuning is currently unknown from the previous version (in the sense there are tuning changes but we don't know if they're better or worse). If you want the best version of SF2 you can get without paying over the top for this, get either SF2 Turbo or Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.
Or if you somehow happen to have a 3DO and the rare official 6 button arcade stick and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, congratulations, you have the only arcade perfect port of SF2 and what is generally considered the best possible version of SF2.
Having said all that, I wanted USF2 but the price turned me off until recently when I played SF5 for the first time a few weeks ago on a whim. It was so ridiculously bad, I decided I'm actually going to fork over the money (still begrudgingly) for USF2.
Edit: SF2 Turbo (or SF2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting, depends on platform) for SNES is my personal favourite~
I am new to Etrian Odyssey so this might be a nice way to check it out.
@Reverandjames I find the mentality on some things today funny. This game looks like it's going to be great, has new and retro graphics which is always cool and it only cost $40. The SF games that came out on the Super Nintendo were all $50 and $60. While I get that times have changed, I just don't see why anyone would complain about this being $40. Will this game be less fun then the SF games from the 90's? As for me, I already pre-ordered it on Amazon so with my Prime discount, it as $32.
@ElekidDude @Whopper744 Adding more context, the $8 dollar version is the SNES port of SSF2 (read: not arcade perfect), while the new Switch game is a newer version of SSF2 Turbo, for which there has never been a version released on a Nintendo console. While SSF2 and SSF2 Turbo may look similar, Turbo added super moves and some more character moves, as well as the introduction of Akuma, a fan favorite character. Overall, it's a better game than SSF2.
Ultra SSF2T has the advantage of offering both the arcade perfect original graphics, as well as the newer HD graphics from the 2000-something remaster. And like any Switch game, it has the advantage of being portable.
That said, for people like me who already had the HD remaster this can be expensive and not worth double dipping, but if you are new to the game IMO it's totally worth it. Kinda like MK8 on Wii U vs on Switch.
@Amsterdamsters but the 10 year old game street fighter 2 turbo hd remix also has hd and retro graphics you can swap. I don't think street fighter 2 needed any balance changes. Evil Ryu and violent ken are just a split between alpha akuma.
New 3DS would be nice, but SNES 2P Virtual Console isn't supported, and I have Super Street Fighter IV3D from a sale or a humble bundle, or I dont even remember. Its been so long now. Plus the discounts are lame. Not even 50%
@nab1 although your right. I wouldn't say it can be played portable with the analogue stick on the joy cons. Connecting a jump hard kick, medium sweep fire ball to super will be pure luck and a 1/10 chance
@nab1 I keep hoping Capcom will allow Microsoft to add the HD Remix from the 360 to work on Xbox One backwards compatibility. I had hopes today when I saw a huge Capcom sale on Xbox this week, including the SSF2T HDR but nothing yet If they add it before the end of the month though, it saves me €42 from buying USF2 probably.
edit: Hell I forgot there was even a port of SF2 Turbo/Hyper Fighting from way way back on the 360, I'd be happy if they added even that as a start.
@VR32F1END lol. I got super street fighter 4 free with the humble bundle.
Oh great...more discooooooooounnnnnnntssssssssssssssss........ssss....
@Amsterdamsters Yes. Thanks for noticing.
@nab1 Thanks for some clarification. I kinda want it but I'm still a bit iffy. Never have been great at fighting games, outside of Smash, and I don't think my wife would be interested in this so much at all, so most of my time would probably be single player. I'll have to keep thinking about it.
You include download play and mulitplayer for your VC titles and maybe I'll consider it. Pass for now.
I wouldn't say it's "unplayable". It's perhaps not ideal, but far from unplayable. I play split Joycons, one in each hand, and it's the only way I play. It's fantastic, but the one drawback is that it's hard to use the directional Dpad (for fighters, specifically, its fine for other games) when it's split apart. But when the Joycon are attached to the system, or in a grip, they work fine, cause you can hold it steady with your right hand if that makes sense.
I've played several of the NeoGeo fighters and basically, you wanna either attach to the system or use a grip (or just use the analog which some people are fine with as they're not competition level fighters and just wanna have fun). Which admittedly, that means 2 player co-op or MP will probably need an extra set of Joycons, but I keep a spare set with me in my MP shoulder bag so no biggie. Could also use Pro Controller, which I also keep in my MP Pro bag.
It's also got co-op (yes, two players can take on the CPU at the same time!) and the first person mode, a 250pg digital art book, 2 new characters and the aforementioned dual graphics (modern HD or classic retro).
Of course, the ability to fight anyone anywhere is a big draw, as it is for all Switch games (perk of the system). And it does have a physical release, which with GCU/Amazon means $31.99 for physical copy.
I hate to say it but I probably won't be buying it when it comes to Switch. And this is coming from a grizzled veteran of SF2Turbo on SNES. Why not bring SF5 or at the very least SF4. They brought that one to the iPhone for goodness sake! They've milked SF2 enough and I'm done.
@UK-Nintendo To be fair, the retro graphics in the HD remix version are not the same as in in Ultra, which has the actual graphics from the original. In HD remix it's a weird mix of sprite foreground/HD background (or is it the other way around?) with some filter applied. It's a nice option, but definitely not the same. Although personally, I much prefer the HD graphics and would never use either version of retro graphics other than for some occasional nostalgia.
@Menchi187 That Xbox sale, I noticed it today, and I don't think I've ever bought so many games at once
@UK-Nintendo I don't think playing with a joycon would be that bad. Personally I got used to using an analog stick on my 360 because the dpad is so bad, and I actually find it easier to pull off certain moves with it, although I mostly play for fun. Obviously it's not the best, but it is so nice that you could just bring the one portable device to any friend's house and get a game going with nothing else, even if somewhat limited control-wise. It's the one reason this version tempts me.
@Drummertist Sony helped fund SF5, not fully but enough to keep it PS4 console exclusive, which is why it's on PC too. Think of it as a similar situation to Bayonetta 2 on WiiU. Also SF5 is total garbage.
@nab1 I can only tell if I get a copy and play more. Although I played a demo with both graphics on the switch version. To me it looked identical.
@nab1 it might be ok for casuals for some silly fun here and there. But if you love street fighter or fighting games in general you need a fight stick or a dpad to play. The original street fighter 2 on the snes was great and the snes controller was perfect for street fighter
They need to do a better job when it comes to the Gold Coin use. 60 Gold Coin for 40% SSF IV 3D Edition. I remember a few months ago when Capcom had a sale for the same game at 75% off ($4.99), 0 Coins.
> the snes controller was perfect for street fighter
For me that's exactly the problem. Ever since the SNES, I haven't found a controller with a good enough dpad, and I never got used to fight sticks, so I have been forced and learned to adapt to the controls available. I don't intend to go to Evo, just need to school my friends from time to time.
I dunno, My Nintendo is still looking pretty scrawny.
Still a ripoff. Street Fighter II retails for $1.99 at Disc Replay, Turbo retails for $3.99 at Disc Replay, Super retails for $2.99 at Disc Replay, and SFA2 retails for $9.99 at Half-Price Books. That's less than $20 for 4 games.
What is it with Nintendo and their stupid discounts?!
I've preordered , can't wait
@nab1 that's true about Nintendo and the snes controller. I think sonys taken the snes controller and improved it on ps1/2/3/4.
You couldn't really play a fighting game on the n64 or GameCube properly. The Wii it could with the classic controller and Wii u pro controller was great. I think the switch controller pro is good but not great imop
I'm good waiting a few more weeks to get Ultra Street Fighter II....also I bought Super Street Fighter II on WiiU a few years ago....
you too can get a my nintendo discount on SFIV 3D edition or have paid $4.99 for it no less than three times over the past 14 calendar months, including once with the humble nindie bundle to get four other games.
But I guess it's an improvement over "Here's a discount on a game everyone already has", baby steps
@ap0001 People always praise the PS1/2/3 controllers, but I personally never liked the button-like Dpad nor the curved "legs", though I've yet to try the PS4 controller. They're good, but for me not as good as the SNES felt for fighting games. The Wii classic controller had the right dpad, but the shoulder buttons felt weird, plus the whole controller is too light and kinda flimsy. The XBone controller is nice, but I dislike the clicking dpad.
Yes. In fact, when I use a little rubber thumb grip on King of Fighters 98, I can comfortably rock the special moves in tabletop mode!!! I was pleasantly surprised.
I try to like My Nintendo, but Nintendo you make it hard sometimes..
@Menchi187 I love the run up through that Sliggy-style rant only to cap it off with the admission that you're buying it because you love it
I'm buying it....because of the box art
Seriously, why is everyone so obsessed with D-Pads when talking about "arcade perfect SFII"?
Do any of you people see any D-Pads on this "arcade-perfect" copy? No, neither do I. You know what I DO see? A pair of sticks.
I'd get Turbo, but I don't live in Europe.
@NEStalgia A lot of console gamers can't use sticks. I think it is weird personally since that is the source of the game but I get it. I could never use a dpad properly so I don't care either way about joy cons and the thumbsticks wont feel as good although they will be passable. I'm just holding out for that HRAP.
BWHAHAHAH HF is on sale? Oh the irony.
@NEStalgia It's not just the input when it comes to "arcade perfect" conversions. Timing, tuning, spacing, control, reach, movement, positioning, to name but a few.
I'd say it's common knowledge that serious players will invest in a nice quality Hori stick (because madcatz for the lolz, they went out of business for a reason) but some of the world's "greatest players" have been bodied by gamepad users over the last few years. So there is that too.
And even though I'm assuming you were being tongue in cheek, just in case you're not, the difference between an arcade stick and an analogue stick is huge.
That and it's a bit unfeasible for most players to get an arcade cabinet xD
@NEStalgia But those arcade cabinet sticks are 8 point digital not analog. That's why the d-pad is preferred. Or were you just being silly and I told you something you already know?
This is such a useless service
@NEStalgia For me the thing is that in my country arcades were quite expensive, so I got more used to playing at home than arcades, which lead me to prefer dpads over sticks.
I played a SF2 game on SNES in the 90s, but I don't know which.
Were all three SF2 SNES games released in Europe, and what are the differences between them?
I must admit I never 'got' Street Fighter.
Really enjoyed the fighting mechanic of Dead or Alive on the 3DS - the actual game play not the puff puff bits, Tekken on PlayStation, Mortal Kombat on the Amiga (ask your parents) and even Way of the Exploding Fist on the Spectrum (ask your grandparents).
But Street Fighter... I dunno. Graphics, controls... I just never gelled with it. I can never seem to get a 'flow' going.
Not blaming the game of course, but it doesn't seem to fit me.
Leapin' Lizards, am I the only one around here who just wants to play some Street Fighter? What the hey, I don't care if the controls are perfect and I'm not in a position to argue which of the five thousand versions of the game was the ULTIMATE ELITE. Guess what, I was never all that great at pulling off perfect combos in any fighting game and I couldn't for the life of me tell you which versions I've even played. I just want to have some fun, throw down with some classic characters, trade Shakespearean insults with my kids. FUN. Remember that stuff?
When did gaming become such a serious business? I have enough seriousness in my job. I game to relax, not act like I'm getting paid for it and the fate of the world is on my shoulders.
(Yeah, yeah, "old man yells at cloud". "Welcome to Internet". I know. I practically invented those. And you're welcome.)
Awesome! I can save the money I would have spent on the Switch version and finally spend some of those gold points.
@Menchi187 Let's give credit where credit is due. Madcatz put out some nice quality fightsticks. The company that went out of business was not the same company that made the 10 dollar two hour specials for controllers in the past. They tried to change...just too little too late.
Still nothing worth it. Haven't touched my Nintendo since last year, when I spent all my Platinum coins on Zelda Picross in October.
About USFII, I am not getting it, let alone at full price, and I am a SF fan. I have HD Remix on my PS3, that I got in a sale for about $3, and that I can play with my arcade stick. Portability does not do it for me and the 2 v 1 mode is not worth $40.
@JasmineDragon Yeah I do too, and I normally have a more positive opinions about games than most people, but every time I see this "new" street fighter game I just want to return to play my Street Fighter IV 3DS which is constantly on discount (I don't know how much it is in the USA when the discounts apply since I'm from Mexico... 9 to 15 bucks I guess?) along with Resident Evil Revelations or play the original SF 2 from Super Nintendo (if I had a New 3DS and not the original one) which is also less than 15 bucks.
I guess Violent Ken, Evil Ryu, Flirty Zangief or whatever and slightly better graphics isn't much of a change for me to justify that price.
Course you have to remember that SSFIV 3D became a £5-10 game very quickly so you could always wait.
Oh, My Nintendo. You had so much potential.
@roy130390 That's legit. I just haven't played a Street Fighter game in ages, and I have no problem putting up the $32 (with Amazon Prime preorder) to have this on the Switch.
I miss Club Nintendo
I'm not so much into fighting games, but can somebody explain this to me? Why port SF2 and not, for example, USF IV, which is much more recent, critically acclaimed, and with a 3DS version as well? I understand they cannot port SF5, so why not the most recent version before that?
Wanted to use up some of my coins so I got Sfa2. Man, the snes port sucks
@gortsi Because its simpler and quicker to do. Like how Nintendo released Super Mario All Stars on disc for Wii.
I guess Violent Ken, Evil Ryu, Flirty Zangief or whatever and slightly better graphics isn't much of a change for me to justify that price.
How else are you going to play Street Fighter II in the car? On the GBA? Surely not the New 3DS VC releases of SFII on SNES.
What is My Nintendo?
I got Alpha 2 seeing as I wanted another fighting game on my 3DS, too bad that SF2 discount wasn't for the 3DS as well seeing as I would prefer it on there, let's just hope next time they offer some free games or are we beyond the point of no return, trick question, we passed that stage long ago.
@Ryu_Niiyama I disagree, everyone praised them out of nowhere for the SF (was it 4 or 5?) partnership but their products were still inferior to their 3 main competitors despite roughly the same price or sometimes even more expensive because of the official partnership.
Did they improve the quality of their sticks? Yes, but only compared to their previous iterations and not their competitors.
@gortsi My guess is because they can't put SF5, and having 4 would feel like a step back, while this port of SF2 has the retro value. Personally, I prefer the old school versions much more than the newer 3d ones.
Also, each SF series is kind of its own game, in that the SF2 series is a totally different game than the SF3 series, which is totally different than the SF4 & 5 series, not to mention the SF Alpha series which is also a totally different game. In that sense, Ultra SSF2T is the "newest" version of SF2, while SF4 is an "old" version of the SF 4 & 5 series. Hopefully that makes sense
So... does Nintendo NOT want us to buy the so-sensibly-priced Switch port?
Having never played Street Fighter what one would be good starting point? I use to be a big MK player on Gamecube and the original Xbox and want a good fighter.
@UK-Nintendo Not to rekindle old system war debates, but I always thought the Sega Genesis six-button controller was the best one for playing Street Fighter II.
Especially since it offered the same layout as the arcade version.
@Menchi187 @Ryu_Niiyama @Gen0neD Haha yeah it was a bit tongue in cheek, and I'm fully aware of arcade sticks differences from analog sticks. But as different as they are they're still more similar than a D-Pad that everyone seems obsessed with while talking about being "arcade perfect"....it's hard to get more arcade-imperfect than a D-Pad
It's just the irony and humor of people arguing about wanting a "perfect" D-Pad to "seriously" play their "arcade-perfect" game for a game that was NEVER meant to be played with a D-Pad in the arcade. It's kind of like complaining about not having an orchestral soundtrack on a bit-perfect version of an NES game.
I'm far far far far far from a skilled fighting game player, but darn these games really suck on a D-Pad....it NEEDS a stick of some sort.....preferably the tall sort that fits in your palm. Whether Joycon 4-way buttons or a real D-Pad it all feels wrong and plays wrong if you remember the cabinets
Got all of them already but thx anyway Nintendo
C'mon Capcom we need some arcade love on the eShop. Follow what SNK and Hamster did and just release every arcade perfect classic you can give like these for examples:
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strikes Online

Vampire Resurrection (Darkstalkers 4)
Marvel vs. Capcom Online
Final Fight
Ghost 'N Goblins
The King of Dragons
To be fair, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition goes on sale once in a while. I'd say just save your gold coins and wait.
@NEStalgia Well when Hori get off their arse and give the details of their arcade stick, maybe everyone's problems will be solved! There was the original leak then the actual confirmation from Hori around March 5th, but it was just "yes, we're making it, here it the announcement but specs, release date and pricing tba". I expected it out around the same time as USF2 so there is still time for that.
Although that will be one extremely niché market, even by Hori stick standards. Who knows though, it may shock me and end up being the biggest market if the game is well received.
Cant wait for this game I pre ordered from GAME with the free t shirt bundle. I remember from my childhood how I really enjoyed street fighter 2 on the snes it was great but didn't quite know how to use the special attacks. street fighter 4 on the 3ds was a good game but no where near as good. its also nice that sf2 is physical its nice to add to the collection.
I wish Street Fighter Alpha 3 port on Switch eshop someday....
@Mario_Fart Not particularly good is the general consensus
Considering picking up Street Fighter Alpha 2 to have SF on the go. It'll probably be a little while until I get Ultra SF2 on Switch- I'll wait for it to drop to, say, $20 (this is incidentally my feelings on a lot of Switch titles, mostly because I need to budget). Being able to get Alpha 2 for like, roughly $4.80 doesn't seem that bad of a deal, though.
Is it just me? Or is everyone else confused as to why there is so many freaking Street Fighter games on this list? What's the difference between these three games? I am so confused LOL
@NEStalgia Also a pair of coin slots. C'mon you can't have the perfect arcade experience without paying to play.
They are all Super NES ports of their respected arcade game, anyways here are some info on each:
Street Fighter II Turbo - A SNES port of Street Fighter II Champion Edition and Hyper Fighting, game contains 12 playable characters all from the arcade, a normal mode which lets you play the game in slow mode like Champion Edition or a Turbo Mode which lets you play the game a bit faster like Hyper Fighting.
Super Street Fighter II - A SNES port of the arcade game of the same name, it's another version of SFII but with 4 new characters added to SFII Turbo's original 12 as well as 4 new stages, some new modes, less Turbo options, new artworks, endings and combo system.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 - A SNES port of the arcade game of the same name, contains all 13 characters from the first Street Fighter Alpha and 5 new characters, all new stages different from the first game, new fight techniques like air blocking and safe jump from throws are possible, new Super combos, new artworks, new alpha counters, new Custom Combo system, new hidden boss and new storyline endings. It also plays slower than any other SFA2 port but had the same flashy style. It's also the only SF game on SNES that is not another version of Street Fighter II. Sadly it only has two game modes so if you're expecting a whopping list of game modes to enjoy, you'll be disappointed with this game.
@sinalefa Why are you telling us this? You seem to be doing fine. Just go "Nah, I'm good" and that's it.
I don't understand ppl who feel the need to inform others what they do with their money and time. Especially when no one asked them.
Ok for wii u and 3ds users but come on Nintendo get the switch rewards started up !
MyNintendo discounts suck sooo much lol. How about discounts on NEW GAMES....all of these were on much bigger discounts throughout the years.
@nab1 I know each game is different, I've played some of each version until 4! I just thought 4 might have been easier to port since it already exists on a modern Nintendo console. @Bass_X0 I wonder if it was really simpler and quicker than porting IV, but anyway, it doesn't matter, they picked II and that's it.
Maybe oned ay they'll have Switch rewards...
This could be the flop that capcom need to stop supporting the switch.
@Caryslan the controller was good the port was terrible.
@retro_player_22 It's as though you believe the inevitable DLC isn't exactly that....
If you have a PS3 and don't have yet Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, it's on sale currently with the PSN Golden Week Sales for just $3.49. Don't spend $39.99 for, essentially, the same graphical style game on Switch.
@NEStalgia DLC is buying content, paying to play is not. Arcade games are meant to munch quarters/token and the challenge of any arcade game were to either see how many quarters it takes for you to beat the game or beat the high score. That's the joy of arcade game, DLC is nothing like paying to play.
@retro_player_22 true but the financial concept is based on the same premise. If course mucrotransactions is the TRUE coin box. It's Capcom....you can still get your dream
@retro_player_22 Thanks you know your stuff, I'm thinking of getting the alpha version, sounds like what I want.
And so another set of 100s of Gold coins go 'poof' because My.Nintendo is completely and utterly pathetic.
The Wii U premium reward program was a billion times better because i could recoup the credit on 'anything' in the eshop.That kept me buying and filling up my hard drive with games.
They just need another version of that instead of this mess of a system.
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