Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has got off to a quick start already, with the official UK charts likely to show it at number one once the results are formally published. Now Nintendo of America has confirmed that the release has proven to be a quick hit, setting launch sales records in the US.
As you can see below, US sales numbers for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on its launch day make it the biggest the series has yet seen in the country; that equates to nearly half Switch owners in the US, from launch day sales alone. An excerpt from NOA's press release is below.
With more than 459,000 combined packaged and digital sales in the U.S. on launch day alone (April 28), Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch system is the fastest-selling game in the long-running Mario Kart series. The previous record holder for the highest first-day sales in the franchise was Mario Kart Wii, with U.S. sales of approximately 433,900 when it launched in 2008. The solid sales numbers for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe equate to an attach rate of 45 percent – meaning nearly one in two Nintendo Switch owners in the U.S. purchased a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the first day it was available. To date, more than 2.7 million Nintendo Switch systems have been sold globally.
Impressive stuff, to be sure. In serving up all of the Wii U title's content - including the DLC - and a new Battle Mode it's clearly proven tough to resist for Switch owners; we think it's outstanding.
Let us know what you think of these results in the comments.
Comments 159
Those are some seriously impressive numbers.
Wow, I honestly didn't see this coming!
The Hype is Rising...!!!
I see what you did there. 1-2-Switch
I would've gotten it but I am currently brokzo.
Not surprised actually. Smart move picking this game to port Nintendo.
I said since the launch of the switch.nintendo is back
@Switch81tch A lot of people are double dipping. I don't understand it either. No way would I pay another €60 for such a lazy effort. It is 2 months as well since the launch and people need another good game to play after Zelda. Its quality is not in dispute, it's other less savoury aspects. It's a great game, if you're playing it for the 1st time then you're laughing. Why I'm not?
I feel cheated since I have to pay for a whole game when the only content I lack, should have been in Mario Kart 8 in 2014.
I'll pass.
It just kind of scares me that Nintendo will think they can get away with quick ports of past games to fill in space between games ...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE don't hate.i said since launch Nintendo was back lol seems like you have been getting burnt since launch lol
The new Battle mode is a delight! Plus it looks egregious on that portable screen!
These numbers should put the "It's just a port, nobody will buy it" belief to the pasture.
It somehow looks better than I remember it on Wii U.
Absolutely fantastic game
@Slim1999 I'm not hating and after just 2 months I'm certainly not burnt.
By the way, MK8 on the Wii U had a similar attach rate, in fact even higher, ~60%. Remind me, how'd that work out again?
@rk3388 I wouldn't call it a quick port. They added a full Battle Mode, which is good enough that for me that alone justified the price, plus some of the small additions to the racing like steering assist for my young kids were also great. At first I wasn't going to double dip especially since I bought MK8 digitally so I couldn't even sell the old disc, however after seeing the details I changed my mind and we played all weekend.
So far no regrets!
That's great but Mario kart, Zelda...where's the 3rd party support?
Tbh I didn't expect anything less, it was great on wii u and with added bonuses on switch, it got better. The big surprise really is it topped the UK charts, last time that happened was pokemon white in 2011 for a Ninty release. Got to say though I wouldn't double dip even though I loved it on wii u
A great game that deserves more love and attention than it could garner on WiiU. The small addition of steer assist makes it very attractive to families with young players.
Surely this is not all Wii U owners double dipping...I have wondered how many of those Switch purchasers actually had a Wii U. If this is just double dip sales, imagine what the numbers will be when the Switch is out and people are buying this as a "sequel" to Mario Kart Wii?!
I did double dip and glad I did. Playing this online in handheld mode has been awesome.
I plan to buy it, but haven't yet. Saving my money instead for FE Echoes
Been a fan since SMK. This one is the best yet.
It deserves to sell millions.
Its well worth the upgrade from WiiU. As well as the brilliant battle modes there are lots of other new updated improvements
@Proust I don't sell my games.
Edit: Your answer explains a lot. I've heard many people saying they did this.
Nintendo, your definitely doing something right. Now don't stop, you proceed, because that's exactly what you need.
The visual improvements are quite noticeable. I noticed little details on the tracks I had never paid attention to before and even my wife, who plays MK but isn't hugely into it noticed the difference,
A great addition to the early Switch library.
Hopefully we'll also get a Smash port Deluxe (with all the DLC), and Xenoblade Chronicles HD (I know this won't happen, but it's my all time favorite game and if they did to this like they did with Bayonetta 1 & 2 I'd be uncontrollably excited).
You're not alone. The fact that an enhanced port has sold this great on day one speaks volumes. It's amazing to see what a portable option can do for a game that was previously exclusively locked to a home console.
Lol thing is, if it wasn't on wii u then you wouldn't be playing it now cause they would still be making it. It was the right game for right system in that regards
I hope E3 brings in a new Bayonetta. Ports are fine early on, as the PS4 clearly showed, but some new blood would be nice as well.
Nintendo's first party software has been on a roll. In the last 6 months, we have witnessed the fastest selling Pokemon, Zelda, and Mario Kart games.
I wouldn't be surprised if Mario Odyssey became the fastest selling 3D Mario game come the holiday season.
"It clearly shows that Switch owners are desperate for games and are stupid enough to buy an old Wii U port"
Wait... I'm not Yasume.
@Marios-love-child Annnnnd now it's portable.
I would expect them to port just about every wii u game Ninty made eventually even Starfox with reworked controls, it makes sense, the Switch has a whole new audience to cater for
@Proust Sold my Wii U copy for $35 a month ago and got MK8D through Best Buy Gamers Club for $50. Upgrades and portability easily worth an extra $15 in my book. Brought my Switch to the office today and played with a buddy on our lunch break (he brought his Switch as well). So much fun!
I don't get the hate over this port. It's an imporved version of an already excellent game that was released on a system that not enough people bought. If you owned MK8 don't buy it, if you're not happy with the price don't buy it, if you hate ports don't buy it, but there will be potentially millions of gamers whom none of the above will apply and they are going to buy it and so they should it's the best version of possibly the best Mario Kart. As a side note I do own a WiiU and still have my copy of MK8 and I paid for the DLC and I still picked this up on Friday because now I can play it on the train, when I'm away, and when I'm the other side of apparently impenetrable wall from the TV. Personally I don't regret my purchase for a second.
This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
1) It's a fine game
2) It's a really good port with noticeably improved visuals, tons of content, added extras and portability
3) Previously the games sales were restricted by the Wii U not selling but now it's on newer, better hardware with the potential to reach a bigger audience
It was always going to be a big success.
@rk3388 Quick port, this is certainly not. Wrong choice of words.
Improved accessibility options, improved performance, all DLC, new characters, extra item box, beefy battle mode, and full portability makes this fully worth the upgrade. ESPECIALLY if you sell the outdated Wii U version.
The Switch has 50 games available as of tomorrow, of which Nintendo have published 4.
I was going to pass on this since I have the Wii U version, but with all the rave reviews I decided to get it while I can still get it 20% off with Amazon Prime.
Calling it now: when Switch 2 releases in two years Mario Kart 9 will be the launch title.
Mario Kart 8 is an evergreen title and will probs be hanging around in the charts for quite some time. I double dipped even though I played the hell out of the original because i love my Switch and I love MK. Don't get me wrong it would've been nice for Nintendo to give a bit of a discount to those of us that had it before but personally I was going to buy it either way so why would they. I have to say it was ace playing it on my daily commute. Almost missed my stop.
Sega: Puyo Puyo Tetris, Sonic Mania, Sonic 2017
Konami: Super Bomberman R
Capcom: Ultra Streetfighter II
Ubisoft: Rayman Legends definitive ed
Bethesda: Skyrim
NBA 2K, Dance Central, Fast RMX, I am Setsuna, Disgaia 5, indies, nindies, a bunch of NEO GEO, and an upcoming virtual console+ huge E3 not good enough?
Edit: also Lego City Undercover, Binding of Isaac, and Minecraft?
I got a chance to try it out at a friend's house over the weekend, it's definitely the definitive version. The graphics really popped, the extra item box was welcome, and battle mode brought back a lot of memories from SNES MK.
@MegaVel91 Ditto
@SuperWeird Two years!!!!
While I'm not excited for Deluxe like I was when Mario Kart 8 first came out in 2014, I'm happy it's getting the attention it deserves once again. Hoping to see missions return from Mario Kart DS one day.
@electrolite77 really 50 ? seems more like the under 30 mark when i check
Still not a compelling reason for me to buy a Switch. I have the original game on my Wii U. If I want a quick fix for a race, it's still more than adequate.
Can't blame them. There's nothing else to play on it.
Mind blowing. Switch owners just sent a clear message to Nintendo, "Stop making new games and just rebox the old ones!'
When I get Switch in 2018, when hopefully there will be some exclusive games for it, this will be bought again unless I find it for like $10, which isn't going to happen obviously.
@Yasume Nobody buys a game because they are forced to. All these owners obviously bought Mario Kart 8 deluxe because they want the game. You're not going to spend 60 bucks on a game that you don't want only so you can have more games on your console (also 350 bucks for the Switch itself). Hell if that would be the case all the Wii U games would be selling millions.
@Dakt what? How does this go to show that?
@Deanster101 I know you are getting harassed for not recognizing all the 3rd party porting going on and indy devs, but you are correct in that AAA 3rd parties haven't really backed the console yet, with a few exceptions... of ports.... beyong Bomberman, but come on, thats a 20 years old PC port up ressed.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm not understanding your insistence that this is a quick port. I'm guessing we just have very different definitions of what "quick" means. It looks like they put in a lot of work into this port from the way I look at it.
° Rebalanced stats on some karts and the drivers.
° Acceleration tiers finally work.
° Another tier of drift boosts.
° Item occurrence rates tweaked.
° Double items.
° All dlc unlocked.
° More characters.
° More kart parts.
° Robust battle mode that blows the old one out of the water.
° More options when online.
° The biggest change, complete portability.
I'm just not sure how you justify saying this was a 'quick' port.
I had it on Wii U and loved it, but having it portable on Switch now appeals to me even more. It looks really great on my new TV too. With the new content, I couldn't be more happy with it. Another Switch Success
The amount of crows that the Switch and games like MK8 Deluxe are making people eat is abolutely glorious, is just a proof about how a big part of the called "gamers" doesn't know heck about this industry and what the mainstream public really wants kkkkk
@SLIGEACH_EIRE with bestbuy or amazon prime, its $48, instead of 60.
The new modes, new items etc are a bit expensive at $48, but, DEAR LORDI it looks amazing. I loved 8 to death, but an army of managers and coworkers just played it at lunch, 2 people per console. It looks far, far better than it did on the wii u tablet, and better overall. with trade or sell of the wii u version, the upgrade is as little as $16. worth it, honestly.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm double dipping because I love the game and want to be able to play it mobile. Plus the fixed battlw mode is a ton of fun.
@Shinuki Totally agree.
When Super Mario Maker for 3DS was announced lots of people on here were saying that it would flop because nobody wants a downsized port of a Wii U game on 3DS. Apparently 2.34 million people (and counting) disagreed with that assessment since they bought the game.
When people say "nobody wants game X" what they really mean is "I don't want game X and I am assuming that everyone is just like me".
I skipped the Wii U so I grabbed this and it's great in short burst. I don't see myself playing this for hours like I do BoTW.
@Captain_Toad Did you just quote Sonic Rush...
very good to see nintendo isn't fumbling this launch. there isn't just the promise of heavy hitters — they're already here
I'll admit that I'm the switch owner that hasn't bought it, I don't think it's worth it after having played 8 so much on Wii U, but I'm glad to see it doing so incredibly well
Couldn't bring myself to sell my precious Wii U version, we're best pals.
But when I bought the Wii U version, I paid under £40, and for that I got a free exclusive t-shirt, a free download code for Wind Waker HD, and my favourite Wii U game - MK8 itself.
So now being able to play it mobile, with improved resolution and battle mode, for £37 extra, is the least I can do to take my relationship with this game to the next level, and to say thanks to Nintendo.
@iMarkU This isn't true, some people do buy things just to have them or "just in case" or they buy it and never open/use it. $60 isn't worth the same to everyone. This is definitely a title Switch owners would feel obligated to buy due to its high quality and the small library.
No brainer this one.
1. Portable
2. My kids love the smart steering - gives them tons of confidence to keep playing
3. Just a fantastic game and looks a treat
4. Rewritten battle mode
5. Local multiplayer a piece of cake without need to buy new controllers
6. Did I mention it's portable?
I was very happy to hand over my £50 for this. The ability to play Mario Kart 8 on the Switch (i.e. in bed, on the train, etc...) was enough.
After having played a lot over the weekend I do not regret my decision. It's better than I thought it would be. The new Battle Modes are excellent as is the ease that you can play over wireless with other Switch.
Hearing the kids playing Renegade Roundup together across multiple Switch is great. I even "shared the joy" with my youngest in tabletop mode (which worked great)
@Pierod yes, smart steering is a huge addition when you have very young kids (i.e. 5 five year old daughter). We played a 2 player Grand Prix and she was able to finish 1st in all races.
Well my brother bought it for Wii U so this wasn't technically a double dip for me lol
@JamesR same story here 5 & a 7 yr old, no more sad faces coming 12th at some point they can turn the smart steering off if they want an extra challenge
A fair number of people bought Smash 4 on both Wii U and 3DS. Granted, there was some variation in stages and modes, but the main appeal to many was the option of being able to play at home and on the go.
For those wanting a sequel to MK8 on Wii U, this really is just a 'Deluxe' version - take it or leave it. But for those who've been wanting a 'true' sequel to MK7 for a while (by which I mean, the next portable entry in the franchise), this is the sequel of dreams. It stands so high above 7 that it's just silly.
I remember when OoT 3D was released a few years ago, and I was like, "Oh cool, we can have handheld versions of home-console games from a few generations back". Now it's more, "Oh cool, we can have handheld versions of home-console games from last generation but better in every possible way".
It must be frustrating for those who stumpted up the cash for the original game, and all the DLC, but it's hard to argue that the world would be better off without MK8D existing. It's certainly a more impressive package that a rushed MK9 would inevitably be if it were released at the same time. All in all, I'm perfectly happy to have a Mario Kart on the Switch now, and for the sequel get some decent time in the oven. Because it's going to need it to outclass this game.
I never owned it on the Wii U and I honestly cant get enough of it. Played it most of the weekend with the fiancee in docked mode and upstairs in bed.
In all honesty, you can probably argue that these solid numbers are also due to the limited Switch library. Nothing else really huge to purchase since Zelda. But a Great game regardless and a compliment to the Switch library no doubt!
@rk3388 They are getting away with it. BotW and MK8D are probably the most successful ports in recent times.
Great game
I'm quite surprised at how well this sold, given the number of Nintendo fans that this "Deluxe" version has burned. But I love it - the battle modes and maps are insanely fun, and it plays like a dream.
For anyone who owned the Wii U version, I understand the hesitancy of getting this one at full price. But for anyone who didn't, this is head and shoulders the best Mario Kart game to date (in my opinion) with 48 tracks, 43 characters, 8 battle maps, 5 battle modes, double items, etc.
@Kalmaro I can't take that seriously, for this alone, "All DLC unlocked"
The effort. Or what about your comment about Battle Mode? Righting a wrong that could have and should have been ficxed on Wii U does not justify another €60.
@Paddle1 Honestly, how many people do you think would buy a game because they feel obligated to?
Then again, I am curious to how many of the Switch owners own/owned a Wii U.Because right now the two biggest titles are also available on the Wii U. Which is precisely the reason why I don't own a Switch yet. The percentage of "double dippers" could be surprising small by my guess.
@iMarkU I beg to differ, I bet all kinds of people involuntarily reached for their wallets when MK8D released.
"What's this? Why is my hand shoving itself into my pants? Oh no... STOP IT... I ALREADY OWN THAT GAME!"
MK8D is reflexively purchased
" Eh, oh well. More Mario Kart couldn't hurt. "
Well I bought it...lol
...And the original gets left in the closet, crying.
Thats problaby the Nintendo curse which hasn't hit me then... yet
@SwitchVogel similar thoughts here. This game screams "discountable for owners with gold points" and yet, there's no such thing happening.
Those are great results! MK8 is the game I bought a Switch for. So now I'm having real fun.
I wonder how many good news stories it takes to shut the trolls up. It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong and lots of little trolls to keep banging the Switch is a rip off drum.
I never owned a Wii U. Personally, I'd love a few more ports of games I missed like Mario Maker, Smash Bros, DKC Tropical Freeze and more. If you sunk hundreds of hours in MK8 then I understand but many people didn't buy a Wii U. So Nintendo has a reason to port them.
@BLP_Software Yes, I have quoted sonic rush...And Irritating stick on the PS1 which didn't use the same song but uses the same quotes.
It has sold a lot? Cool! It does not need my support so I will skip it. Never play any MK enough to make it worth the expense.
I am hoping Arms and Splatoon 2 get that enthusiasm from the userbase.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The point isn't if they could have fixed something earlier, the point is that they did. That means they put in effort. Unless you are making the claim that they gutted their own game in anticipation of the sequel that would come years later, you have no leg to stand on.
Glad to see this sell so well. I'm having a nice time with it the second time around, and I am constantly in awe of how great it looks in handheld mode.
Hold up, that 45% attach rate doesn't seem right. We know the Switch sold over 900k in March, which would suggest that it only sold ~180k in NA in April.
Either supply was a lot more constrained than previously thought despite 3-4 restocks throughout the month or they're using March's numbers for this attach rate.
Edit: My math was wrong, that would make it 114k for the month of April. That would mean Nintendo has some absolutely SEVERE supply issues (given that it's selling out as fast they can crank them out) or they're basing that attach rate off of March's numbers so that they aren't disclosing April hardware numbers. Gotta be the latter, as the former doesn't make any sense as they shipped more than that to Japan last month. That's some shady and unnecessary PR though - it breaking the record is impressive enough.
I'm another Switch owner who has no interest in buying this game. I'm also another who feels it does nothing to justify paying full price. (Maybe if it were $40 or less, which would essentially knock it down to half off, at most, with GCU)
I've been having a lot of fun still with Fast RMX, Bomberman, Puyo Puyo Tetris, etc if I need a multiplayer fix, so yeah... consider this game skipped. :v
If you're having fun with this though, kudos to you. I guess the wait is on with MK9....
@Drummertist "I never owned a Wii U" - You and over 80 million users who bought another console instead.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is clearly, CLEARLY not going after the niche crowd that owned a Wii U and bought MK8. Instead is going after the massively huge crowd that either didn't know the Wii U existed or just didn't care to buy it.
So all those users saying "No thanks Nintendo, I'm not buying your game again cuz you should've release the new fixes and content as dlc. So u wont get my $" all you are just wasting your time. Nintendo doesn't care about you. They already got your money.
Now let us rejoice in the success of MK8 DELUXE!!
Impressive but I had a feeling something like this would happen Mario Kart 8 is a fantastic game and one of Nintendo's best. If it was on Wii It'd have probably outsold Mario Kart Wii.
I'd bet by the end of the Switch's life Mario Kart 8 deluxe will have outsold Mario Kart 8 for WiiU.
No surprises that it's doing well. The game is fantastic. I'm a Wii U owner who double dipped, and I'm glad I did. Not even for the portable aspect, but, battle mode obviously, but, also double items completely changes the game, and the races feel different now because of that.
@Marios-love-child Well, it does run at 1080p on the TV now.
Season pass DLC in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
50 it is. Not all available in all regions.
@MegaVel91 same here but plan on picking up the game either this week after paying rent
Has anyone worked out how the existence of MK8 Deluxe stops owners of the original from... well, playing the original?
There's all this huffing and puffing along the lines of, "Nintendo wants to charge me $60 to play Mario Kart 8 again!? WELL GO SUCK ON A SWITCH CARTRIDGE NINTENDORK AND STOP HARASSING ME BY RELEASING VIDEO GAMES".
But... Nintendo isn't charging you $60 to play Mario Kart 8 again. If you want to play Mario Kart 8 again, just go play Mario Kart 8... again, for free. I mean, you own it, right? You can still use things that you own, even if new things get made in the future.
Just go play the thing that you have, and stop being angry that other people now have it too.
@90sRetroGaming completely agreed DLC is def going to be announced at some point
@PlywoodStick I almost thought you were reaching for your...car keys, that's right your car keys so you can drive to the store to buy the game cough.
I did not double dip on this game because I was felt obligated to, to support Nintendo (wtf), due to a supposed lack of games on a 2 month old console or any other reason some people on here tell me why I bought it. I bought it because I want it and have enjoyed the hell out of it all weekend and have had my moneys worth already. £38 without having to trade in my Wiiu version. Hell I paid more to watch Guardians of the Galaxy at the cinema on fri.
Really? Even the WII U owners went to get this version??? I didn't expect to be selling this much of Deluxe version. Maybe the people who did not buy a WII U.....
But there's no horn on a second screen...
Oh dear..., and I still don't get a Nintendo Switch ($480 is too much + $60... (dollar in Mexico)), but, really I want to buy this game NOW (and yes, I have the Wii U version, but, with Switch, I can play it anywhere, XD)
great game. yes the new added feaures make family play great for everyone. Would love to see some more ports of the best wii u games. Yeah they will be ports. But not as if they where on PS3 etc.
The simple fact is the wii u bombed big time. 100% Nintendo's own fault. They seemed to have learned some (yes they still havent learned all) of their mistakes. So a lot of switch owners current & future might not have played or even seen/heard some of the wii u games.
Plus Koei Tecmo announced they are working on Switch exclusives. One of my fav dev/publisers.
Anyway my 4 year old loves MK8D & her 2 year old little brother might have the controller upside down but is happy to be involved as well.
Just stuck on a repeat now. I'm passing on this game not because I don't like it, but because it's the same game with battle mode and I don't play battle mode.
My Wii U copy will do me just as good.
@BornInNorway81 Sure the Battle Mode was very lacking in Mario Kart 8 on Wii U. But I feel for the time in 2014 it was still a great value and the $12 DLC stands in my mind as the best value DLC in the history of DLC.
Now sure it has only been three years since many of us first bought and played this game the value proposition isn't as great now on the Switch. Personally I am a huge Mario Kart 8 fan so double dipping wasn't a big deal for me. But you likely are a big fan as well and the upgrades might not seem that great. Yes they seem like small things but together as a whole this is the definitive Mario Kart 8 experience. I've spent a good part of this weekend getting three star rank on all 150 and mirror cups (as well as three of the 200cc cups) and the extra purple boost is nice, but the extra item block is so much better now. You can have a commanding first place lead and have a better chance of defensive item instead of just a coin. The battle mode is great, with my kids loving renegade roundup mode the best, but the other modes are very welcome. And Youtube video can't even begin to show the difference between a true 1080p 60fps experience compared to the 720p 59fps exerience on the Wii U. The Wii U game is by no means bad, but MK8D runs so smooth and has so much detail that it makes the original Wii U version look soft. If Nintendo wanted to make Mario Kart 8 Deluxe perfect for me it would be in adding Block Fort to the battle arena options, and then adding two more cups (one new and one retro). Personally I would be fine paying another $12-$15 for the additional content. But even if you're not a fan of MK8D, there is always Mario Kart 9 on the Switch to look forward to.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It's not a lazy effort - it is a finely polished effort.
All DLC , new characters, buttery smooth gameplay - fantastic connectivity. It also does something else - this weekend , we had a post gig party with 8 people all playing MarioKart on their SWITCHes in a Hotel room locally. Fantastic effort Nintendo!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE @Switch81tch A huge amount of people won't have the original Mario Kart 8, it wouldn't be unrealistic to think a decent amount of the 13m WiiU owners have held back from picking up a Switch yet... making MK8D their first MK8 experience.
I'm a huge Nintendo fan & chose the 3DS as my MK7 vehicle instead of the WiiU - this generation I'd choose the Switch (if I had the cash right now).
@cfgk24 I agree, changing the game to run in native 1080p was no small feet either, Nintendo went out of their way to make MK8D the definitive experience. It's a great game that a lot of people didn't get to play due to it's platform failing (unfairly).
Saw this coming
Double dipped. No regrets.
We play projected on a wall and the added sharpness is pretty notable, especially in a game where you're always looking into the distance and hoping to see what's coming in a small part of the screen.
Also, battle mode is really good, not "fixed". So far it has been the only battle mode in series history I've wanted to play.
The original Mario Kart 8 had a Battle mode few wanted to play, but the game was also considered best in series by many. So, arguing "it should have been fixed" just sounds like whining to me. The game delivered more than promised and had DLC with great value on top of that.
I mean I understand if you don't want to double dip, it's a different value to everyone. Some won't care about local multiplayer and other niceties. That's fine. But dismissing the awesome new Battle mode and the new battle arenas because "shoulda" just doesn't fly for me.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Maybe it's because I'm a Yankee, but I don't understand your use of the word "lazy."
It's awesome how well Nintendo's doing right now! Whoever thinks they're doomed or failing at this point is just kidding themselves.
I'm surprised at how popular the Switch has been in my area. Either a lot of people are closet Nintendo fans or they have attracted tons of newcomers to the console.
That's great! Go Nintendo!
@Turbo857 yeah, truly. Even the online has been a better experience for me so far.
I do hope all of this is a sign for a good generation. Just looking at year one there are already two "evergreen" titles out. Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 should definitely be numbers three and four. If ARMS or any of the others have staying power this is an exceptional year for first party. Even Bomberman has surpassed expectations so far. Hopefully Skyrim or FIFA do well and other stuff follows from that.
Don't waste your time with him; for he, if is about the Switch, nothing is right, all Negative; for this, I have him in my ignore users list
@SakuraHaruka All this time, if never used the list because I never noticed it, haha.
However, I feel obligated to respond to his comments, in case others read them and get the wrong idea.
I'm going to triple dip on this one
(my brother broke my first disc on wii u so I had to buy it again) and now for the deluxe
But first I need a switch...
I doubled dipped. Sold my Wii U and copy of Mario Kart 8 before the DLC came out back in 2014 so this is kind of like a new game. Like a few others, I think I would've preferred Mario Kart 9, but honestly, 8 was already such a solid game and it's good Nintendo's giving it a second lease on what so far seems set to be a more popular system than the Wii U ever was. Will be interesting to see how Nintendo improves on what this 'Deluxe' edition offers when it does come time for MK 9. In the meantime, I can't imagine how many hours I'm going to pour into this game, it's tons of fun.
I did not double dip on this game because I felt obligated to, or to support Nintendo (wtf), or due to a supposed lack of games on a 2 month old console, or any other reason some people on here tell me why I bought it. I bought it because I want it and have enjoyed the hell out of it all weekend and have had my moneys worth already
Dude, preach it
Even if it was a straight up port- no 5 new battle modes, no 8 new battle arenas, no 4 extra DLC Cups, no Gold Mario or Inklings or King Boo or Dry Bones or Bowser Jr, no new carts, no new items like feather or ghost, no double item slots, no 3rd drift boost, no auto steering and accelerate options... none of that... it would still be a must-own just on portability alone, not to mention portability that allows for local multiplayer with others anywhere anytime (something plain jane handhelds can't do).
But adding all of that in too? I'd have to slap myself if I didn't buy this game. For the first time ever in history I can play Mario Kart in console glory on the go on a sizable HD screen with real, actual controllers and HD Rumble and even battle others locally anywhere I go (and hands down the best MK ever, brimming over with half a hundred tracks and new spread of battle arenas, the double items changes the dynamic totally, as does the pink drift boost and 200cc is insanely awesome now that I learned to break properly). Why on earth would I value 50 bucks in my wallet over that... it just offers way too much to pass up.
this game is amazing and battlemode is insanely good.
I owned the game on Wii U, and while I liked it, I never spent too much time playing it; the game was awesome, but I'm just more of a handheld gamer since I rarely have the time to just sit in front of the TV and play for an extended period of time. So I double-dipped, and I'm SO happy I did - the new battle mode is fantastic, and nothing beats playing a quick race on the bus or with a bunch of my coworkers during our lunch break.
I know many Wii U owners don't like the idea of Nintendo re-releasing the game on Switch, but I think it was an incredibly smart move considering how small the install base was; the Wii U had a fantastic game library (second only to 3DS, imo), and I couldn't blame the company if they decided to re-release Smash, DKC: Tropical Freeze, Captain Toad, etc. in the next year or so. It wouldn't hurt anyone, would easily pad the release schedule out a bit, and would allow more people to come across some great games - at least, that's how I see it. ^_^
Now . . . I wish Nintendo would make and push games in a few of its less "golden child" franchises they way it has with Zelda and now Mario Kart, and probably Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey too. I mean, I'd love to see the likes of F-Zero, Animal Crossing, Punch-Out!!, Metroid, Star Fox, and Advance Wars, etc., get this kind of love and attention, in all areas, from dev budget/resources to the marketing push and beyond. Nintendo could have a whole bunch of AAA multi-million sellers on its hands if it gave those franchise this kind of love.
NPD data for April 2017 won't be release until mid-May, so until then, not even Nintendo will know how much the Switch has sold through in April, so they probably had to rely on their own shipment figures from the end of March when talking about Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's attach ratio.
I'd be stunned if the Switch only sold through 114,000 units in April in the US, given that the Switch will probably sell 100,000+ units during the week of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's release in Japan alone.
I bought it. It's pretty fun, but I suck at it.
@westman98 That's what I was thinking. Supply issues will certainly keep it from shifting another 900k in April, but no way they'd be that bad considering there was a major restock with MK8D's release and 2 or 3 smaller restocks earlier in the month.
I'm gonna Double Dip !
I'm gonna Double Dip !
I personally think Nintendo needs to port over all of their best Wii U games... I know a lot of people here disagree, but it just makes way too much sense to not do this. These ports are not made for the people who own the Wii U...
Heres the easy reasoning for trading in mk8 towards mk8 deluxe... Disc Rot. If you dont know what it is, google it.
@Dr_Corndog I assume he means it in the sense of "not taking a lot of effort to make". Which, if you compare the man-hours spent going from Mario Kart 7 to 8 to the number between 8 and 8D, could probably justified. But aside from using loaded language ("comparatively low on development costs" would have been a more balanced phrase), the main fallacy is the assumption that a game's quality is equal to the amount of 'effort' put into its creation.
Yes, MK8D would have been one of the 'easier' Mario Kart games to develop, but sweat for sweat's sake does not a good game make. They could have made the dev team walk all 70 kilometres of the Kyoto Trail before breakfast every morning and the game wouldn't be any better for it.
It's not a question of "have we invested a specific amount of effort?", but "have we made something that justifies its existence?". And in this case, I find it hard to argue anything other than "yes". Not only does the Switch need a Mario Kart, but millions of people never bought the Wii U's entry, which evolved into the biggest game in the franchise by far. Wrapping the entire bundle in a single cartridge, dusting around the edges, and crowning the whole thing with the series' best Battle Mode to date makes for a brilliant, "lazy" way of getting the ultimate Mario Kart game into the hands of millions of new customers. And if the sales figures above are to be believed, it's proved a very sound business decision.
At the end of the day, I doubt the bigwigs at Nintendo are losing too much sleep over the fact that some dude of the Internet (who doesn't even own a Switch) feels it didn't take enough effort for them to make.
The Switch looks to sell around 230,000-250,000 Switches in Japan during the month of April. Given that both the Switch and the Mario Kart franchise are significantly more popular in the US than in Japan, I imagine the Switch will sell around 400,000-450,000 in the US in April.
@Ernest_The_Crab Well, that is a valid strategy for couples, they can take each other for a ride... I mean... With Mario Kart, of course...
@Maxz Sliggy is just basing what he said off of his 430+ hours playtime on Wii U, he can't justify spending more on basically the same game. However, MK8D is basically an expansion + DLC pack of the original, and it's portable with increased fidelity and playability. That's not an insignificant port job at all, it's one of the better types of port. The type of port that's truly lazy and a waste of money for owners of the previous console applies to games like The Last of Us, that have literally almost no improvement or additions at all on the PS4 version, just a resolution and texture pack upgrade and improved frame rates. Meanwhile, MK8D has all of that and much more.
@PlywoodStick Honestly everytime I think of a port, I immediately think of the Last of Us Remastered. I wonder if that's a good thing or not.
@PlywoodStick It's obviously fair enough for Cpt. Sliggs to make (and justify) his own purchasing decisions, but by using loaded words like "lazy", he's sending out kinda mixed messages.
Saying "I've played most of this game to the bone already and can't justify repurchasing it for a console I don't even own" is one thing.
Saying "this is a lazy effort" is a much more concrete and objective statement, which carries much more right to be scrutinised and challenged.
i bet sakurai is watching reactions to mk8 to see whether the next smash should be the next smash or the last smash tarted up for switch. either way, there should be bayonetta.
got i both on the wiiu and switch......
Switch version is sweet....... But i'm still getting pwned online -.-
@RatKing64 It's sad that so many people have giant egos and think they are the arbiter of good taste.
For me, Mario Kart 8 is a better game than OOT and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is better than OOT3D.
But I hate that style of 3D platforming and fetch quest that doesn't feel natural (which is why Breath of the Wild blew me away and isone of the greatest games I have played) but that doesn't mean Ocarina of Time isn't the best game ever made.
@Slim1999 you lie Nintendo is DOOMEDDDDDD just kidding I just remember someone said that to me but hey I forgot who maybe they faded to nothing
@impurekind I think Nintendo would love to release new games from these classic franchises, the problem is that the more powerful that hardware gets the more staff, money & time it takes to make the games... we saw this when the WiiU' s HD gaming dropped and games suddenly dried up.
Other companies like Sony buy entire studios to help make up for slower in-house releases & while Nintendo do this on a much smaller scale, I don't see Nintendo having quite the deep pockets Sony have.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You don't need to sell any games to be able to enjoy the greatest racing game of all time even more on the Switch.
Impressive numbers for sure. Nintendo has set up a potentially strong first year for the Switch. Within the calendar year of 2017, you will see Zelda, Mario Kart, Splatoon and Super Mario. That's sure to keep the sales high and create a strong user base.
The Wii U needed nearly 4+ years to get all of those franchises on the platform. The big question will be "What does Nintendo have for 2018?"
Personally, I'm buying a Switch when Splatoon comes out and it's nice to know I'll have Zelda and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to pick up, too.
Honestly it was kind of ignorant to think that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would not sell. There were only 8 million people who got the game on the Wii U which might sound like a lot of players and it is but there were a lot of people who acknowledged that it was a good game but they did not want to pick up a Wii U. As such it is those people, the majority that did not buy a Wii u and stuck with their 3DS's, PCs, or alternative consoles that are going to drive sales of MK8D on top of the double dippers like myself. I'm glad they ported this game, it was addictive on Wii u and its so much more addictive now on Switch with the improvements Nintendo added.
I was... actually joking when I said months ago that Deluxe was going to sell another 8 million+ just from being Mario Kart alone.
Well, being that I got it Day 1 despite already owning it on the Wii U should have been a sign this was exactly what was going to happen since I rarely double dip.
Time for people to accept that the switch is not gonna be Wii U 2.0. this machine is flying off the shelves.
It may not be considered one of the Wii U's better titles, but I'd like to see Star Fox Zero get a re-release on Switch. If the controls are changed up just a little bit, it could make the game much more enjoyable.
I only played a little bit of it at a friend's house so I can't fully judge the game. I will say I wasn't digging the controls but if it came to the Switch with an option to play with Star Fox 64 type controls I'd definitely buy it at launch.
Not bad at all considering the install base is yet to be fully established
Nintendo: "yes! Why release new games when old ones also do the job?!"
@rk3388 I understand what your saying, but I look at it this way. With the Wii U having such an abysmal run, saleswise, ports of Wii U games, which lots of people haven't played, will fill out the release calendar with originals in the mix. This keeps the momentum going, sales stay up, more games are made for the system. With the combination of the portable and console teams at Nintendo, their second party developers, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about.
Starfox needs a lot of work. Absolute rubbish. And no, my opinion is not formed because of 'sheep' following an internet 'hate campaign'. Sigh, @Mart1ndo.
If you consider the fact that there are almost no games for the Switch right now, an attach rate of 45 percent is actually pretty low and disappointing.
Unless those other 55 percent already own it on Wii U, that is...
@electrolite77 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course. But I have to strongly agree with @Mart1ndo here. In my opinion Starfox Zero is an amazing and truly unique game - mainly because it finally fixes the ~ 30-year-old problem of not being able to fly and shoot independently in such games.
And deliberately or not, there was a big hate campaign online. Those people either didn't understand how the controls work or they just didn't want a challenge but rather something easy or just because they were too lazy to adapt.
@Mart1ndo @shani
Internet campaign or not, a lot of people played it, including posters on here and didn't like it. To suggest that all those who didn't like it were suckered into not liking it by other internet posters is laughable.
@electrolite77 No, that's not at all what I wrote - I don't get where you got that from. Who said anything about people being suckered into not liking it?
What I suggested was that those who didn't like it just didn't understand or didn't want to adapt to the new, innovative and challenging controls.
And the consequence was that they started badmouthing the game - which turned into an online campaign, although that doesn't mean such a campaign has to be a planned or concerted effort - instead of seeing/admitting their own shortcomings.
Sadly, it's a very common behaviour among people. Not just recently, in politics (for example), but also throughout the entire human history.
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