Well, if you want to know what this video is about, the headline sure clears that up. Our video man Alex has teamed up with his chum Arekkz Gaming to put together a top 10 list of race tracks in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which is sure to fire everyone up (and hopefully in a good way).

This writer would certainly like to heartily endorse the number one choice, but all told these 10 tracks are strong examples of what the Switch release has to offer. Check it out and then let us know which are your favourites in the comments.
Comments 33
Rainbow Road SNES, Ribbon Road and Yoshi's Valley are amongst my 3 favourite.
Bowser City, Toad's Turdpike and Melody Motorway are probably the 3 worst.
Then there's tracks like Baby Park that are mayhem lotteries more than skill based.
Can't wait for this tomorrow, going away for the weekend to a friend's caravan with 3 friends and planning to take the switch with us.
Can see it getting a lot of play time (in between a lot of eating and drinking of course)
Couldn't have been a better timed release for me personally with it being a bank holiday weekend in the UK
Wow. This list is horrible. Big Blue as #1 has got to be a joke, right? And Baby Park is clearly the worst level in the entire Mario Kart series. Electrodome, Thwomp Ruins, Cloudtop Cruise, Sunshine Airport, Toad Harbor, Wild Woods, Superbell Parkway, Tick-Tock Clock, Rainbow Road, and Bowser's Castle are all better. Alex, just because the levels are too hard for you does not mean they are no good (love you Alex).
I was t super hyped for this but... I am now the closer it gets!! I love the additional excuse to not touch my Wii U anymore so this is definitely good
Think I'll download it straight to my system, not SD.
Hope a discount for those who brought MK8 digitaly on Wii U. 79,99$ CAN Its a so High price.
Actually, the more I think about it there's a few more bad tracks. Big Blue isn't great, neither is the other F-Zero track, ironic considering the series pedigree. And Ice Ice Outpost.
Cheep Cheep Beach and Toad Harbour are great too.
It's a right mixed bag.
Playing now! Downloaded from the Japanese shop!
I don't like Big Blue either. Shy Guy Falls and Grumble Volcano are probably the only ones in the video I truly like. Some of the other ones featured are pretty good though. Music Park I really liked in MK7 but Electrodrome is better in this one.
I agree that Big Blue is the best track in the game. My top 10 would be:
1. Big Blue
2. Mute City
3. Bowser's Castle
4. Wii Grumble Volcano
5. GCN Sherbet Land
6. Wii Wario's Gold Mine
7. DS Wario Stadium
8. Wii Moo Moo Meadows
9. Mount Wario
10. GCN Dry Dry Desert
Really hoping there's DLC for MK8 Deluxe and that includes more F-Zero themed tracks like say Sand Ocean or Port Town for example.
Ice Ice Outpost... I don't know why, it doesn't have an interesting theme or anything but it's my favorite. Oh and I love Ribbon Road.
Is it bad that I played so little of MK8 that I don't remember more than two or three tracks? Kart racing was fun back in N64 days, now I'm enjoying games like Forza Horizon 3 a lot more.
Wild Woods is my favorite. The theme is so soothing to me.
Big Blue is one of my favourites for that sweet music, and I also enjoy the Animal Crossing track. I'm ready for this tomorrow.
man i wish that deluxe had 1-2 new cups..would've made the purchasing decision sooo much easier for me
(i still bought it but had to think a long time if full price is justified again)
Should be top 8
@RedMageLanakyn nah its not bad, Mario kart 8 would a lot more fun if there was voice chat. I also barely played the game when I got it
@brutalpanda I only tried the online a few times, it seemed pretty good for the first few races, but connection loss and lag became a big problem after awhile. I would blame my Internet, but it was the only game across 4 platforms it would happen on consistently.
@RedMageLanakyn did it happen a lot to your Wii u in general? The Wii u had a terrible Wi-Fi setup and I always experienced problems, was forced to get an adapter and do it by Ethernet.
@brutalpanda Honestly it was the only game I tried playing online. I suspected it had something to do with the WiiU's wifi, it did seem to disconnect often, even when browsing the eshop. It sits next to my PS4 and X1, both of which have zero issues on WiFi or intensive multiplayer games.
Neo Bowser City, Shy Guy Falls, and Bone Dry Dunes are my top 3 favorite tracks. Can't wait to play this tomorrow!!
It's funny seeing this video and reading all the comments how everyone's taste differs when it comes to favorite tracks.
Personally, the tracks that I like are all based on the music; if I like the tune then it becomes a likable track.
With that said, all the way from 1992, my absolute favorite track is Donut Plains 3 from the SNES!
See you all at the starting line
My Top 10 :
1. Rainbow Road (Space Station)
2. Big Blue
3. Ribbon Road
4. Baby Park
5. Dragon Driftway
6. Rainbow Road SNES
7. Mario Circuit GBA
8. Thwomp Ruins
9. Tick Tock Clock
10. Animal Crossing
I love Wild Woods, Animal Crossing, Excitebike Arena, Donut Plains 3, Shyguy Falls, Haunted Manor (forgot its name) and a whole heap of other one's.
I both hate and love Baby Park and I know that everytime it comes up online it'll get chosen! Lol
@JTSRB I love the Wild Woods theme! and the location is so nice!
Oh my gosh, now it's all coming back to me...
How much I love Mario Kart.
I never played the Wii U release too extensively... maybe 20 hrs tops, so these tracks still seem fresh (I remember them but can't remember how the tracks go). Oh and that sweet, sweet battle mode to look forward to.
My copy needs to arrive tomorrow so I have it to play at work this weekend.
Nice video and pleasing banter fellas! I'm excited to play this tomorrow, missed both the wii and Wii U versions, so a lot to look forward to.
My list in no real order
mario circuit
toad harbour
cloud top cruise
snes donut plains 3
n64 royal raceway
n64 yoshi valley
gba ribon road
wild woods
big blue
sunshine airport
I dunno why Alex would add baby park, the exite bike track would have been a better choice.
Oh yeah and Mount Wario..and Toad Harbour..and Cloudtop Cruise haha I love this game so much xD
Mount Wario, Big Blue are the ones I definitely agree with being in the Top 10. As a Zelda fan, I am very pleased with the track to add it to the Top 10 and happy you did as well.
For me:
1) Big Blue
2) Cloudtop Cruise
3) N64 Rainbow Road
4) Tick-Tock Clock
5) Royal Raceway
I absolutely love most of the tracks, though.
Arekkz is a scourge on gaming sites. Avoid this shill pleb.
I agree about Hyrule Circuit. It looks great with all the Zelda references and features but the layout itself doesn't make it very memorable.
Also, where was Koopa City?!
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