As we reported earlier, the NES Classic Edition has been discontinued in North America. It also appears, via an update on the official website, that the same has occurred for the Famicom Classic Edition in Japan. A message on the site says:
This product has ended production for now. When production is being resumed, we will tell you on our website.
We have already reached out to Nintendo of Europe for more information on the NES Classic Edition production in Europe and will update when we have more information.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 70
The sadness continues. You can be sure it's finished in Europe too.
Hopefully this is a precursor to VC on the Switch.
Would like another controller for mine but hard to find and £40 on Amazon!
Was it not around £10 originally?
@sandman89 It was around that, yes. I've never seen them. And the only time I ever seen the console in shops was when I got so lucky with buying my 2.
Probably in favour of VC on switch, which surely isn't to far away, this is one announcement that will come out of E3
oh Nintendo, you could at least have made it clear at the beginning you were only planning a limited run (and you definitely shouldn't have trotted out Reggie to lie about it).
@NintySnesMan 'swhat i was thinking. classic bait and switch, really.
Lucky me I could buy both versions (nes and Famicom) right at launch =]
The stopping of manufacturing the NES and Famicom Mini doesn't mean there's any sign of the Virtual Console heading to the Switch any time too soon. I think that will happen when the accounts and paid online officially launch later this year.
If anything I think this is Nintendo putting all resources into making more Switch consoles to try meet demand. Or I hope that's what they're doing.
Was to be expected that this would be a short run, but I expected it to last a bit longer.
Well at least it's implied it'll come back. Maybe it'll be a seasonal product from now on.
We can always play those Classic games from either Original NES / Famicom or VC on newer Nintendo machines. Even Mini NES / Famicom discontinued, it doesn't mean we can't play those games forever. I'm kinda interested with Mini NES too based on the size (so cute), but if I don't have a chance to get it, I will not mourning or grieving. I can always play them on VC or if i'm lucky enough, I can get Original NES that still can play Original NES cartridge even already 30+ years old.
They must have something up their sleeve, as Nintendo can't be this stupid, surely? 😕
I don't think hacking or VC as excuses make any sense for these moves. In terms of hacking, you have to actually buy one of these before you can hack it, and as you can't buy additional games there's no loss of income there.
As for the VC, that excuse only applies to Nintendo gamers who would have bought one of these and didn't already have most of the games on the VC already. How many is that, really? I believe these products are desirable for a much wider audience than just Nintendo gamers (if they produced enough!), so little if any cannibalisation of the VC will occur.
I am seriously baffled by this news.
This thing was meant as a special collectors edition type thing. I think it is a little ridiculous that people are getting so upset about it. Nintendo said it was going to be a special limited item, like collectors editions of their games, so I think it was pretty unrealistic to think these things were going to stay around and be constantly produced.
Yeah, it is a bit disappointing that you can't get your hands on one now if you haven't already, but it's not like this is the only place to get these games. Wii and WiiU virtual console had most (all?) of the games, and I'm sure the Switch will do the same thing in the future.
@Kid_Sickarus So true. You reminded me about Reggie. It was only 2 weeks ago that muppet said they were still making them and that demand was "largely addressed". Reggie always be lying.
Next article's headline: "Europe waving goodbye to NES Classic alongside all other regions"
Subtitle: "General rejoicing among scalpers"
Of course, VC for Switch is basically confirmed now.
Interesting wording: "for now".
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Most people forget that Reggie, while still head of NoA is still nothing but a puppet at the hands of NoJ. Nothing he can say or do officially without the go ahead from Japan. Sure, he's the face of the company to most people (even more so now Iwata is gone) but that's because he's a well spoken american, meaning he can personally reach more of the audience than NoE or NoJ's heads. Despite what everyone thinks, Reggie can't put a product back in production. He can weigh in heavily that it needs to be done (as head of NoA after all) but at the end of the day, he can't pull the trigger.
Yeah exactly. "for now", "when production is resumed", and from the American statement "this year". Suggests that this may not be a permanent end.
Retailers here in Australia have been told to not expect any more stock so I'd say it's finished worldwide.
Glad I got mine.
I suspect this has more to do with the fact that there are online tutorials on how to add more games to the system than any other reasons. Any future production runs will have more robust hardware and or firmware.
As mentioned above " for now. When production is being resumed, we will tell you". This isn't final, this is switching production lines to meet demand for another product.
Of course a temporary pause can become indefinite, but this has been phrased very carefully
I'm wondering, is this possibly linked to rights issues? And could this be what's holding up the Switch VC (i.e. NES Classic needs to die first). Seems rather odd if it's not forced.
You never know. They might have started production of SNES or Gameboy Mini which they will announce at E3 and release in time for Xmas so we get to hunt again...
Leave Reggie alone!
. . .
Is there any evidence that either console was ever actually produced?
@Kid_Sickarus To be honest I don't think they did, I mean they did double up production of the Switch. Maybe they needed more focus on the switch rather than the mini.
@Nintendoforlife yeah, I could definitely be being harsh and reductionist out of ignorance of the behind the scenes. On the other hand Nintendo do have an extensive history of inaccurate public statements so I find it harder to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Can anyone explain to me what makes this console so appealing, other than game offerings and price?
@Azooooz Nostalgia. There's just something about playing the game with the official hardware and official controller especially imo. I refuse to play emulators on my PC or hacked consoles because it isn't the "real thing".
@Kid_Sickarus It just doesn't add up, why would you stop selling something that has so much demand? Unless of course, you have something that is even more in demand (Switch).
@Nintendoforlife could be, assuming that it's the same means of production being used for both the switch and nes mini.
With nintendo's track record of managed scarcity I subscribe to the theory that N hates to overproduce anything and would rather hit their profit goals and stop. But I do love a good conspiracy:)
But I want a Switch and a Classic
I've said from the beginning that I expect Nintendo to rerelease these classic editions every holiday season. Everyone is expecting a snes classic but knowing Nintendo, their plan is to rerelease the same system. They were obviously caught off guard with classic demand and extended manufacturing until this month, possibly out of fear that people would boycott the switch over the situation. Even if we don't get a rerelease this year, I still believe more classics will be available in the future.
@Linked2thaPast I'm hoping they just bring the "line" out each holiday season but add on to it each year. NES last year, NES and SNES this year...so on and so forth...
Either way if they just release all of those games on vc I'll be good. It is a nice product to have but if you have a mainline system it isn't that crucial. It is a blow to non gamers that wanted a piece of their childhood though.
I might be willing to brave ebay to get one of these though.
Europe will follow soon. They've damaged the trust of potential consumers of this product massively. You always assume that when launch stock is so hard to come by it's only a (very agonising) waiting game of a few months or even a year until you can't move for units on shop shelves. You never ever expect that once the early stock is gone you've missed the boat and you can kiss goodbye to it. This just creates an even bigger panic for the next one now, but I'll be surprised if many people who aren't hardcore Nintendo fans will even bother trying if they make a SNES edition. They've lost faith, and trust, in the Nintendo brand to fulfil the demand of their nostalgia.
I want an SNES Mini or a GB Mini (that plays handheld games from original GB to GBA. Or better yet, let the user custom pick thirty games from the back catalog and custom write the console. Instant special edition and no frustration about that special missing game or why'd that include that game yada yada yada. They could call it...wait for it...MyNintendo. Do custom cases and controllers and BOOM! Boutique business and no fear of a warehouse full of product no one wants.
@GravyThief they Are stupid... face it.
yeah surprised no one's commenting on that
Phew... Just picked one up before the prices got silly. Fortunately I've already got a NES Mini, otherwise I be pretty annoyed right now.
@Sinton I've not looked at the source, but perhaps it's a lost in translation sorta thing?
@Azooooz people also like the fact that it is a miniaturized version of the old console. Add that to the nostalgia factor, and you have a product designed to be appealing to many. I didn't want it nearly as much as some, but for 60 dollars, I would have considered picking it up as a fun and interesting novelty item.
I'm not impressed with Nintendo here. The whole thing was poorly managed from the beginning. I wonder about the theory that this was just a way to dump old, spare, Wii controller parts. The funny thing is the third-party accessory makers understood this product from the consumer viewpoint better than Nintendo. They made a lot of mistakes here. One of which was a lack of transparency about it. I could say a lot more, but I'll reiterate what I said elsewhere. Nintendo has told the scalpers to keep doing what they're doing.
What an absolute laughing stock Nintendo have become.....
Makes me so sad to see business decisions like these that go against what their fans want. And without even a hint of a reason. Just embarrassing....
If the reason for not making them is so they can focus their resources on the Switch and 3DS, that's fine with me. The NES classic mini was only ever going to sell to a relatively small number of people, and for me personally I'd rather see Nintendo focus it's resources on marketing its brands to the Masses via the Switch rather than waste energy on satisfying the demands of a few, regardless of how good the NES Classic Mini may be.
@sandman89 yeah they were £10, you can use Classic Controllers from the Wii.
Is this really a surprise?
Maybe they will do a version two next with more games?
@subpopz I heard that supply was good, sadly Playasia were/are selling them for about £100.00.
Prices on ebay have gone up to £200.00 for brand new European Nes Classics, what are Nintendo playing at?
Wait a minute? Why do they get another run?
For the same reason anyone buys a plug n play with a ton of classic games on it. Nostalgia and a good deal.
Paul Tassi of Forbes is right. They're ending production temporarily to either improve the product or build up stock.
Saw an NES Classic Mini preowned in CeX earlier today, £190. Shocking. They were selling Switches for £300 too. Sad that even a highstreet retailer will sell preowned stock at above RRP.
Gotta love Nintendo making products that people want unavailable, oh I wonder if those new amiibo will be available at launch 🤔
Another console thats spoken of in myth. Its technology has not been seen by many human eyes. I want to believe it exists, I truly want to hold those controllers made for midgets, but without proof, I'm just chasing false dreams.
Apparently, Nintendo of Japan is temporarily suspending the sales of the NES Classic Mini, so all hope is not lost, fellas.
Disappointing to fans that wanted this. I feel for my gamer friends, who don't own Nes playing hardware, be it a clone system, or the real thing. Maybe the system was a stopgap, or financial boost to look good on, & before the next fiscal year began?
My suggestion to my gamer friends: Purchase a real Nes/Nes 2, or perhaps even decent modern clone hardware, like the Retron.
As for me, I wasn't truly interested in this, as the game lineup couldn't be customized.
As for the heart of the system, I understand it was emulation, via Linux. Through the os, & its' licensing, I imagine anybody could "crack it open" adding games, or even other software functions. Literally, that's what's being seen on the internet.
If Nintendo wanted to make a killing, they could sell a retro styled system, & sell retro games for a decent price. The loss they'd take on low cost game purchases, would be outweighed by how much bank they'd make on such a system; perhaps just the base unit alone.
Lastly, to all my gamer friends who want this: hang in there!
@Jamotello the Nintendo Switch lol
@Capt_N if people wanted it that bad they should have preordered
Reggie just said two or three weeks ago that Nintendo will be releasing more NES classic's in his last media interview!? WTF
@Snakesglowcaps Most retailers were outright refusing to offer pre-orders. In America I think only Target did and only very briefly, like for a couple of hours. A blue-shirt at Best Buy was nearly hostile to me when I asked about a pre-order for it back in October.
@Snakesglowcaps: Thing is, not everyone can afford to pre-order it, for various reasons. Lots of people have already mentioned what I'm about to: Some of those interested, when they can afford one for the msrp(manufacturer's suggested retail price) may lose interest altogether, if they can't find one. Obviously, if they have the know-how, patience, will, funds, & deep-enough interest, they can get one from online resellers. Though, to the common customer, that's a manufacturing/production issue, on behalf of the co., to make that few of a product.
@Meaty-cheeky: Either that was before the people at the top made the decision to pull the plug, or quite possibly he's referring to a (last) shipment that has already been produced.
@Everyone_else: Nintendo is known to not like over-producing, & under-selling, which makes some sense in terms of investment:returns ratio. I guess they believe their target customer bases already know when an item will be hard-to-get, or "available left, & right". Edit: It certainly is debatable whether this helps Nintendo's image, as far as any particular audience/consumer-base, by making their products seem to be so good, they disappear so quickly after hitting shelves, or hurting them, by people angry/disappointed/lose-interest/what-have-you that they can't get a particular product.
Those two things aren't enough? I think ease of use (plug and play with modern tvs) and that controller being almost a perfect match for the original are appealing too.
The AVS is an incredible piece of equipment. You can't get down to 0 lag with any modern tech. But the AVS seems to add no to extremelt limited lag. Nes games on the avs paired with a low lag monitor is a joy. I've easily beaten Tyson on both a 10 ms lag gaming monitor and a 26 ms lag projector. I still do keep the crt around for other systems like the snes but with the avs my main setup has gone HD. I could never beat Tyson on the mini. I tried on my 10 ms monitor. Too much internal lag.
At least here in Chile there was only one or two shipments. The first shipment ran out almost immediately in November and the second one was in stock until recently, due to its high cost ($120).
It ran out when they announced this news.
All the tvs I've worked with handle 720p really well. About a frame and a half is the sweet spot for me since I've beaten Tyson with that. Most emulation seems to add 3-4 frames which is why lag is so noticable on VC and the mini because the software has to approximate the positions. To me most games are very playable with 40 ms lag and only really heavy twitch games need more. Having said that, I do have an RGB modded NES which I got before the HDMI mod was available and I like that setup alot too. The AVS is lag free and stands up well to it from a visual standpoint.
What kind of games are you playing? The tv is the most comtrollable aspect, but with wifi, wireless controllers, modern gpus, ram, etc it's still usually only a part of the equation. https://displaylag.com/video-game-input-lag-database/
According to this site most modern games have 60+ ms built into the system. Modern games handle lag better than retro because they plan for it, but I could easily beat most games with 60 ms of lag. It just makes me wonder if you have something else going on with your setup.
My first experience with was a tv with 40 ms. I hooked my snes to it over composite cables and it was unplayable. My first thought was 40 ms must be too high for gaming but reality was that the tv handled content over composite very poorly and I was probably getting 200 ms of lag. I hooked that same snes up to the same tv with rf through the coax jack and it played great. Oh it looked like crap, but it was very playable and enjoyable. I've subsequently played some tvs that do okay with composite but it's never really ideal.
Difference between the Japanese announcement and the other regions is that in Japan the say it's only temporarily discontinued.
But damn this NES/Famicom Mini was unbelievably badly handled by Nintendo. They lost sales that would've reached millions during Christmas.
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