When you create a fictional multiverse as rich and diverse as that of Zelda's then deciding what is and isn't canon can be a tricky process (as was evidenced when one of our former staffers got into a particularly heated debate with Nintendo PR about the Zelda timeline at an official press event many moons ago).
The franchise has been around for years and during that time sequels, spin-offs, localisations and side-projects have all added to the lore, making it hard to decide on the "complete" story of Link and his battle against Ganondorf (or Ganon, if you prefer).
One thing which is apparently now officially rubber-stamped is Ganondorf's last name. According to the official Zelda site, his second name is Dragmire - something which had previously been revealed many years ago in the English manual for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past but was never considered to be 100 percent fact until now:
Once known as the King of Thieves, Ganondorf Dragmire used the power of the Triforce to become the beast, Ganon.
It's great to see the Zelda universe being comprehensively fleshed out in this fashion, but the real reason to celebrate this is that Dragmire is a badass second name.
[source zelda.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 142
I'd just gone with the odds and assumed it was either Smith, Mohammed or Patel.
Lol never knew his last name.
I thought it was: Ganon - Dorf hahaha
But Link's full name is still Link Link...
Wow, today's news is awesome.
First we had mech suit character from ARMS is actually in a mech suit.
Now we have Zelda character's surname might actually be that character's surname.
Last name should have been Dorf
Finally we have the answer! Because this has been keeping me awake at night...
That's some pretty sweet Ganon canon.
Who else but Dragmiiiire? Giggidy
"Oh sure, I knew the Dragmires, a lovely family. Their kid used to play with my son, he was so funny, always with the 'when I grow up I want to be the continually reincarnated embodiment of evil'. Ha. Good times."
Love it.
@Vhyper1985 I can't believe you went there. xDDD
Nice that it's been confirmed officially.
I would say "Who cares?" But Dragmire is such an awesome last name that I now care.
I had just reread that manual. I was like: wonder if that was just some flavortext a translator threw in? Guess its real now. Cool name bro.
Uh... ok.
@ThatNyteDaez Haha honestly that was the 1st thing that came to mind & hey it makes sense he also went after women although i don't think Glenn has ever tried taking over the world just yet.
It wasn't official being in the manual for a video game? Jeez, your criteria is strict! lol.
Hang on, so we now have Ganondorf Dragmire, Zelda Hyrule, and Link... Hrrrryyyahh?
Huh, I thought this was already official (though I can't recall where I actually heard the name, as I've never read the Link to the Past manual). Nice to have confirmation, I guess.
@GrailUK The issue was that back in the '90s the people writing the English-language manuals took massive liberties with the story and characters. Check out some of Konami's NES manuals and you'll see what I mean. The guys who did the manual for Castlevania III practically invented a whole new story!
Hey cool. If I couldn't get info like this from a place named Nintendo Life I'd be disappointed.
So glad people spent the time to comment on how they dont care. lol. In case some of you didn't notice, Zelda is having kinda of a big year.
i'm just excited for voice work so we can get official pronunciations. Should have seen me while playing Other M and someone said Samus Aran's full name. Never imagined it that way and I was well pleased
|| "Mr Dragmire....I've been expecting you" ||
I'd always assumed Ganondorf was his last name, as he's always "Lord Ganondorf" in my head. Assumed his first name was Al, short for Alfred, or something else simple yet regal, to go w/ a last name of Ganondorf.
Who the heck names their kid Ganondorf? It's like Gandalf, but your kid is a dork. I'm just going to start calling him Lord Dragmire.
Hello, Mr. Ganondorf.
I always assumed that the Ganon from lttp was Ganon Dragmire. And the oot/tp/ww character was just known as Ganondorf. But I guess with the official timeline, Ganon Dragmire is the same character somehow
@G-Boy I always assumed Ganondorf Dragmire was his full name and never questioned it (because of the reference in the article no less) but when I saw this on the front page I thought "Oh no...it's going to be Ganon Ganon or Ganondorf Ganondorf isn't it...."
@G-Boy He had a middle name. His full name is Link Link Link esq. He got his Juris Doctorate from Hyrule Law.
This has the sort of feel of reading the classic Nintendo mags, when often they'd reveal this sort of backstory. Love it.
@Aurumonado Ganon actually rarely dies in any of the games. Normally he just gets sealed away, like in Ocarina of Time.
@ballistic90 I know that, but none of the serious timeline theories I'm familiar with actually thought that oot Ganondorf was the same character as lttp Ganon.
I had somehow remembered this from the Link to the Past Manual and named the black and orange horse in BotW Dragmire a few weeks ago
@G-Boy Links last name is your last name. He is supposed to be you, so he will always have a vague cannon.
@AlexOlney Link Error
I actually thought he just had one name that was maybe originally his surname. Interesting, I guess.
@Aurumonado the Hyrule Historia basically says it's the same Ganon.
I am relieved... that was the name I gave for Ganondorf's horse in Breath of the Wild. If was something else I would not know what to do.
What a drag.
It's a good name, I like it.
Before reading, let me guess. First name Ganon, surname Dorf? That is a real name.
Edit: Nope, I was wrong. It's not a bad name actually. It sounds right.
"Giggidy giggidy giggidy, let's have the Triforce!". Gandondorf Dragmire.
Hm...I always thought it was confirmed regardless of the uncertainty of his last name. Ganondorf Dragmire...I like it...My future son shall be called Ganondorf Dragmire
Great, so... Uh... Are we ever going to get confirmation of Mario and Luigi's last name? Or are we going to have to forever suffer the Mario Bros. movie's explanation?
It's been Mario Mario and Luigi Mario since 1983. Adding "brothers" after a name makes that name the brothers' surname or shared name. That's how language works. The movie didn't make it up.
The brothers Doug Walker and Rob Walker are collectively called the Walker brothers, not the Douglas brothers. See?
Dragmire sounds like a British farmer. 0/10
@rjejr Funnily enough, I know a couple who named their son Ganon.
Kinda makes me wonder who his parents are and what everything was like for them. Did they die? How? I'd imagine being the parents of the only male Gerudo for (what was it?) a 100 years, kinda makes you special. Did the Gerudo leaders take baby Ganondorf from them to be specifically raised as a leader? What happened?
Best thing about BoTW is the return to the proper existence of Ganon as the villain instead of decades of Ganondorf (and Demise, ugh!)
Still fun that ALttP gets the credit on this one!
@Samuel-Flutter I like Ganon as a name, sounds like a 3rd basemen for the Braves, Ganon Wrigley, OK maybe that's more of a pitchers name, but how many people named their kid Ganondorf? Maybe in Austria or Scandinavia someplace I suppose. Ganondorf Henrikssen.
@rjejr @Samuel-Flutter Ganon is a name beyond the realm of video games. It's uncommon and a bit weird, but it was there before.
It's apparently a different form of the name Garret (how?)
(it means "fair skinned/haired" btw)
@GrailUK Once upon a time, a manual stated that the Koopalings were Bowser's children. Nintendo has since stated that this is false, and Bowser Jr. is the sole heir to the Koopa throne.
"The name of this king of thieves is Ganondorf Dragmire, but he is known by his alias, Mandrag Ganon which means Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves." - A Link to the Past US manual, page 5.
Interesting. I never owned this game before getting it on the virtual console, or even the SNES for that matter. Like Joe Redifer I was a Sega guy back in the day (as well as NEC TG-16).
Ganondorf can have a last name, but Link's Uncle can't have a first.
I think I just assumed since Link to the Past that this was official. But its nice to get confirmation from the horses mouth
Screw this...
I'm more interested in that heated debate!
It doesn't really matter because almost every character has a different name in the different localisations anyway.
I think the only consistent names across all languages are Link, Zelda and Ganon.
Even an important character like Groose in Skyward Sword has a different name (Bado in German + Japanese).
For those arguing over Link's full name, I'll tell you it:
His name is Link H. Listen.
Already named the large horse on BOTW Dragmire. This article made me nervous at first that they changed it. Whew.
@AlexOlney Most Links probably aren't of a social status where they'd have a formal last name; if there's any need to distinguish them, it'd be "Link of the Kokiri" or "Link of Skyloft" or whatever.
Actually, is "Dragmire" even a last name, or is it maybe a title given to the male Gerudo?
I just find it amusing that the article talks of canon names of Gannondorf, yet the thumbnail picture isn't even a canon incarnation of his, being from Hyrule Warriors.
It's almost like that was intentional...
@Kayfios Wow... I clearly missed that bit of info. I've still been.under the impression they were his kids. I've even introduced them to my three year old as his kids.
Too long and not sounding together! ^^
Ganondorf wasn't enough? Like Alexander? Or Link? Or Mario (Fratelli)?
Superman. ^^
Who else but Draaaagmire?!
@Damo Thanks for the explanation Reminds me of the west having to make up their own stories for the Battle of the Planets cartoon.
Just like Zelda's is Hyrule.
Unless it isn't, because that's not how reincarnation really works, so why are we talking about this? I guess they mean specifically the Ocarina / Wind / Twilight Ganondorf, because that was one person with a particular background and heritage.
I'm glad it's officially Dragmire, lest my giant horse's name would be meaningless
His last name has been stated for over a decade now.
I like it, sounds cool!
Which makes the Dragmire seen in Brawl In the Family actual canon.
I was gunna say that this isn't news, but I guess having it 100% confirmed is good? In any case, already knew it.
Phew. Glad that's cleared up.
I was going to come up with a witty comment, but other commenters stole my ideas.
I guessed that "Dragmire" was the answer, but it's nice to see it confirmed. Now we just need to learn Toilet Hand's real name.
Noice. Mark my words, there'll be a metal band called Dragmire at some point, if there's not already.
@Thermoclorn I had the same thought about naming that same horse that name, but ended up making him Ganondorf, and named the pure white horse Zelda😂
LOL I always took the LttP manual as fact. So he has always been Gannondorf Dragmire aka Mandrag Ganon to me.
@EdFairway I named my giant horse Venger. If only the orange hair had been red.
Also known as Mandrag Ganon.
As for Link, he can't have a set last name, because almost all Links are different and not all of them are related by blood.
This is of course different for Zelda, since every incarnation of her is of Hyrule's royal family. So she's always Zelda Hyrule.
Always used Dragmire as if it was his official last name, i mean if it was in the manual, it gotta be "official" in some way. Glad to see it's now official offical.
And here I just assumed it would be a Mario situation, where his name was Ganondorf Ganondorf.
Knowing the Zelda series, Nintendo will have no problem directly contradicting this in future games (which is as it should be as they all have a distinct "canon" and attempting to tie them all together is a fools errand).
@Kayfios Which is also silly as Bowser Jr. was really just Baby Bowser in Yoshi's Island (where Mario and Luigi were also babies), through some temporal parodox Bowser is essentially now hanging out with his younger self.
Which doesn't really bother me when it's just a goof-around game like Mario Party or Mario Kart or Smash Bros. or whatever, but is always slightly distracting when they appear together in an actual Mario game, like Mario Sunshine and the Galaxy games.
Nice. I was worried they'd make his official name something that wasn't ingrained in my head from childhood.
I was so sure when I saw this title that his full name was going to be "Ganondorf Ganondorf".
Now waiting for Nintendo to reveal the complete name of Link. Link Fernando Ramirez Smith.
@UmbreonsPapa Well, it's perfectly fine to think they are. There's a theory that they're still his children, but not by blood, which I think makes Bowser look like a downright respectable guy.
This wasn't already official? It is in the manual to a Zelda game. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C9373gGW0AE1J8D.jpg
Can't wait to get Marios last name. Mario Helldoomer. or Link Killstabber, or Samus Carnageprime, or Kirby Savagestorm. All of these Nintendo characters need Bad@ss last names.
@Trikeboy It was thought to be a translation thing, so it wasn't 100% official. Plus it hasn't been used since then so it has been up in the air.
@Trikeboy The official story is the localization team went a bit AWOL but it ended up sticking and influencing Ganon as a character....(and zelda too if you look at Hylia/Zelda). See, localization isn't just trying to keep you from seeing pixelated skin, it can help too!
@patbacknitro18 Mario's last name is Mario. There are three Mario's see, Mario Mario and Luigi Mario.
@Aurumonado He is the same Ganon. OoT tells what happens right before the Imprisoning war. (well it gets into it technically but since Link was in a coma for seven years...you don't get a blow by blow narrative.)The aftermath of the war and Ganon being sealed is the entire plot of LttP. As he wrecked the Silent/Sacred realm and turned it into the dark world.
Edit: For the most part Ganon doesn't seem to die and isn't reborn into the world like Link and Zelda. He tends to revive. Granted there are a few instances that are post LttP where he is pretty much a zombie...which makes me wonder if his revival process takes several centuries (people keep stabbing him in the head...gotta take time to renew those neural pathways I'd bet. Good thing the power of the goddesses doesn't mean super healing...otherwise Link would be in trouble). I feel like BOTW Ganon is sort of in the revival phase or if they wanted to twist it, the malice of Demise could be mindless malice (I haven't beaten the game yet so just WILD speculation on my part) that is has not yet formed into a human form (and thus doesn't actually have the power of the Triforce of power and is just working off of Demise's admittedly considerable power as is). I always felt kind of bad for Zelda for this reason. If she didn't have to live out life as a mortal eternally reborn, she could just awaken as Hylia and fight Ganon herself. The sealing power comes from her...so I would imagine a version of her that was once again a Goddess would pretty much render Link useless. Then again she may be so powerful that acting in her true form would cause reality warping events. (I firmly believe she is born from the Triforce as its keeper and the goddess of time. After all the golden goddesses had no other companion when they created Hyrule, but they end up entrusting the Triforce to Hylia. So I think the empty space represents her. Which would also why she has no Triforce piece of her own to bequeath to a person. Of course I am well aware that Hylia was a NOA creation and the Triforce is just the Hojo clan family crest, but it is fun to expand upon this cool mythology...I love religion from a story perspective)
Is it also Dragmire in Japan? If it's not it Princess Toadstool, Bowser or heck Ganon Dragmire all over again. Japan has the final say and it looks like that glossary is not in Engrish or Japanese
I never thought about his last name before. But I've played a lot of Legend of Zelda games. I guess I haven't really thought about any Legend of Zelda characters last names... Maybe because it's not very relevant? Unless, some characters share a last name, someone unexpected? Maybe it's Link Dragmire? Goddess Hylia Dragmire?
Parents, if your last name is Dragmire, name your kid Sunny or Daisy or something cheerful like that. You're just begging for trouble with Ganondorf Dragmire. It's like naming your kid Max if your last name is Payne. Who the hell does that?
@PlywoodStick Unfortunately, Miyamoto has confirmed that Mario and Luigi's last name is indeed Mario, and that the Super Mario Bros. movie is ACTUALLY CANON.
Everyone commenting here is so witty we should all ban together and make a video game. It would be so awesome haha let's put it on the Switch!
I'm sure Nintendo will let that one Drag out first before we learn of the complex enigma of Toilet "Cool Hand Fluke" Hand
I am generally against "cannon" declarations made outside of the source material, even if from official sources.
That said, with every incarnation of Ganondorf being a different person, they may all have different last names anyway.
Hahahahaha your reaction! Genius.
I just imagined ganondorf acting like: Gigidigidi and shaking his head while watching zelda do the ritual bathing.
@Aurumonado Well, they were all wrong then. Even before the timeline, Nintendo specifially said AoL was the sequel to LoZ upon its release, ALttP was said to be the distant prequel to TLoZ upon its release, and OoT was firmly stated to be the prequel to ALttP upon its release, and it shows. It took text from ALttP and turned it into an actual backstory that OoT uses as a plot foundation.
@Ryu_Niiyama: I prefer Ganondorf Dragmire, but Mandrag Ganon has a wonderfully violent flare to it. Sort of similar to "Mandie" from The Fairly Odds.
@EdFairway: It just occurred to me...what is Tingle's REAL name? Surely it can't be Tingle.
@Tyranexx Yeah it is Tingle. But he wasn't always clad in green and looking for a fairy. That is Uncle Rupee's fault. Not sure about his brothers though...
His "real" name is player decreed. (I think it is Koji.. )
But agreed I always imagined this brutal slaughtering of Ganon's followers (which I guess means he could have killed off or enslaved the rest of the Gerudo...they didn't seem very happy after the seven year jump in OoT so...) where he strides through a sea of corpses with bloodstained hands to claim the power of the goddesses...instead he just pushed a 10 year old out of the way. I guess the carnage came later and legend muddled it up.
Edit: I was sort of a morbid kid...not emo but I sorta like brutality in a fantasy setting. Perhaps a reaction to the fact that I'm very non-confrontational?
Dragmire Roost Island
That's awful.
It's great that this last name is actually acknowledged by Nintendo, since it's really cool! I remember learning about it from a Brawl In The Family Comic where Ganondorf is referred to as Mr Dragmire.
Due to my perception of him with a moustache: Wario
I can dig that brutal imagery, and agree with the edit Personally I wished there was some of that in Twilight Princess, specifically after Lakebed; Prior to Hyrule Castle's seal; monsters swarm the town; and Link is powerless as a wolf to stop it. Instead, Random Citizen: Oh look the castle's a pyramid now, go figure.
Seeing so many people named the giant horse in BotW Dragmire... mine was Ganonhoof. Still okay with it.
@EdFairway I think Nintendo has the dilemma with telling a pretty dark story (because Hyrule is totally a Crapsack world) but in a format that won't scar kids for life. I actually feel that is part of the reason Metroid doesn't sell well. I sorta miss the manuals for that reason. I used my LttP map and manual so much that I kept them under my pillow at night. Just because I would imagine all this backstory that the intro screens hinted at. Granted at the time I had recently finished reading the Hobbit and was starting LotR (my parents really didn't age check what I read as they were just happy I spent most of my time reading...good thing I just loved fantasy, Disney, super heroes and martial arts as a kid...my poor mother likely didn't expect me when she longed for a daughter lol) In that way OoT kinda let me down, but I was so blown away by the graphics that I got over that really quickly. Seriously, the opening to OoT still makes me grin from ear to ear.
Edit: Word salad fixed...I hope.
As a Family targeting company, that is a given. Then again, after playing Planet Robobot, there are some subtle nightmares in a select few of the bosses; the unwilling mechanizing of Meta Knight and Whispy Woods for example.
But if you want dark storytelling, just look up the work of Taro Yoko, gaming industry's answer to Gendou "the Butcher" Urobochi.
@Ryu_Niiyama, @Ed_Fairway: I dig the brutal imagery too, especially in regards to Twilight Princess; while one of the darker entries already, I think it could have done with a couple of darker scenes, though the mind-flay story /scene that Lanaryu delivers comes close, IMO. Then there's what could have happened during Link's very long nap in OoT that's left to the imagination; probably the most shocking moment in the game for me was entering the now-desolate Hyrule Castle Town and seeing all of those Redead. It brought to mind images of what could have happened to the general populace of the area who hadn't fled to Kakariko Village or elsewhere. I wonder if I'll have similar feelings when I get around to playing Majora's Mask 3D. (This isn't to say that I dislike the lighter entries to the series; out of the 13 Zelda games I have played, I haven't found one yet that I dislike)
I'm probably not what my parents expected as a daughter either (that honor goes to my little sister, lol), at least past ages 7-8. XD I was tomboyish (Ex. I sometimes opted for dinosaur toys and Transformers over dolls) and into video games even before that, though gaming didn't become an actual pastime of mine until I was gifted a GBC and Pokemon Gold for my tenth birthday. That said, I didn't really start getting into actual fantasy until Jr. High when I read through the Chronicles of Narnia series.
My morbidity didn't surface until high school, though I wasn't what you would call "emo" either. These days, I can channel that into the haunted house that I volunteer for every October. XD
@Tyranexx I thought MM was suitably dark in what it implied. You will never, ever help everyone and you have to pick and chose who you save and who you let get kidnapped by aliens (weirdest quest ever, I'm just saying). However part of that may also be because of the fact that I have physical reactions to the music. (seriously the opening of MM when the moon's music overlays the town music...yeah makes me queasy even now.) Likely one of the reasons why I love MM so much, it acknowledges that the Zelda Universe is a terrible one (pun intended). I wish they had gone more into Majora itself (I don't count the manga backstory) or what the mask salesmen are. There are a few comments at the end that made we question the nature of the salesman a lot.
I felt like TP walked up to a line, took a hard look at it and then turned around. Like it couldn't decide what the tone would be. Although the Zant/Ganon relationship was well done. DAT NECK SNAP. shudder I also think they didn't know what to do with Midna tone/personality wise in the beginning. They make her come of as this selfish, almost devious creature to match her physical appearance... only she isn't really like that at all. So there is no real reason for her to act that way in the first place. Link is a helpful idiot...he would have worked with her no matter what.
Also, Internet High Five! I think my toy crossovers were TMNT, Biker Mice from Mars, Power Rangers (Super Sentai) and some GI Joe (Matel messed up and made doll versions of GI joe characters...totally sold my mom on that and the matching weapon cases by pitching them as dolls). I still liked dolls since most boy's toys aren't of females but Barbies have no joints...so they don't do much. Gymnast barbie was my life saver, she could be anything. Ninja, doctor, fighter pilot, you name it. I also had a weird obsession with Kitchen Littles (mini models of food) but I also built models as a kid (and now) and I think the attention to detail is what drew me in.
It is funny really, my mom and I are very similar actually, but there are slight differences. She is a car nut for instance, I love motorcycles. She got me into games (and reading too) because she was really into them and wanted to share that with me. She is the youngest of ten while I am her only child (I've got half siblings) and I'm the baby (that sounds weird at my age, but ok). So she sorta went into over protective mode I think. Her whole issue was she was nervous about having a gay kid. Whoops. At least she finally realized/accepted one has nothing to do with the other. To her credit her fear was because of how I'd be treated...my being an amputee has caused me more issues than that. So go figure. Parenting isn't an exact science after all.
@DarkKirby Technically, the three games that Ganondorf appears in is the same person (Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess). Other games either have a different villain or have Ganon, who does have different incarnations.
Does anyone knows the last names for princess Zelda, and link??
@Ryu_Niiyama: While I normally go to crazy lengths to avoid spoiling Zelda plotlines for myself until I play through the game, I pretty much killed that rule with MM some time ago. The fact that you can't save everyone and help them with their problems within three days' time, plus have to watch them relive their final 72 hours over and over again in the face of impending doom, has always been a big, deliciously dark draw for me. I've probably listened to most of the game's soundtrack at this point, and some of my favorite tunes from the game are also the darkest in the whole series (Oath To Order, Final Hours, and Song of Healing). I fully intend to play it, but only after I get around playing through the Master Quest side of OoT3D and hack through other games in my backlog.
TP definitely could have went a lot farther with a few things, but I'm assuming Nintendo didn't want to cross the line you mentioned and risk netting an M rating. That neck snap scene definitely touches the line, and the first time I saw it, I didn't really know what to make of it. XD As for Midna, I had always attributed her general selfishness in the beginning as her caring little of Hyrule's plight when compared to the suffering of her own kingdom/realm. I like to think that her change in tone as the game progresses reflects in her learning more compassion and growing as a character. It has been some time since I played the game though, so maybe I'll notice something a little different when I play through TP HD.
Returns Internet High Five! Many of my "non-girly" interests had more to do with multimedia anime franchises like Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc., but there were plenty of shows that I watched that were geared more towards boys (the original Power Rangers, TMNT, and X-Men, to name a few). There are a few shows I missed out on (we only had antenna until I was in high school), so for the longest time I was stuck with Saturday morning cartoon blocks or PBS. XD I did watch a few live action shows, but most of the shows that I liked watching then and even now are mostly animated.
I'm the oldest of three, with my sister being the youngest and a brother sandwiched between us. They also had handheld game systems at some point. My brother lost all interest in video games some time ago, and while my sister still plays on her DS and on the old family Wii (couldn't get it to move out with me, unfortunately) once in a blue moon, she's a very casual gamer and usually just plays sub-par, ad-ridden freeware games on her tablet these days. I suppose that's better than nothing, but I can't convince her that she can get more high-quality experiences on a dedicated game system. My parents never extensively played video games to my knowledge, though mom did go through the Just Dance craze with the Wii and I did find an obscure Mastering Pac-Man book that was given to my dad ages ago; apparently his extended family had one of those tabletop Pac-Man cabinets and passed it around between their households for awhile. Both of my parents were avid readers, so at least I know where that hobby came from. I attribute my gaming interests to the myriad of older cousins that I had. Two sets of cousins had their own NES, and I remember playing the Mario/Duck Hunt cartridge more than once. The system that really cemented my love of Nintendo and gaming in general, however, was my cousins' SNES that my aunt allowed me to play when she babysat me, but only if I finished my homework. XD I also had a different babysitter at one point who let me play on her son's Sega Genesis; I sucked horribly at those games (and still suck at Paperboy), but at least they were fun!
Edit: Whoops! Sorry for the tl;dr post!
And all this time, I had been calling him Ganondorf von Ronsenburg of Dalmasca.
Ganon does take different (but similar) forms, but they're all the same person as well. They're all the bestial, Triforce of Power, form of Ganondorf.
Ha that's funny. I still have my original guide that shows his first and last name in it so I never questioned his name beyond that. In fact his last name immediately came to mind when I saw the headline to this article... lol
This is like that time i found out Yoshi's real name is "T.Yoshisaur Munchakoopas".
it's a cool bit of Trivia.
Hasn't that always been his name? I remember reading the name in a manual from one of the earlier entries in the series. A link to the past I think?
@Flanktwo You actually did it. Hahahahahahhaah
I thought I was forgetting something, now I remember and I can't unsee. My imagination is turning every final boss fight in the Zelda series into a family guy episode.
Don't think any of the Links have had one.
However, all the Zeldas (except presumably SS Zelda) have been Zelda Hyrule. (ST Zelda is arguable, since she was the princess of a new kingdom.)
@Dezzy Considering Nintendo is a Japanese company, Tanaka or Suzuki also would have been likely. But can I place my vote to have his last name changed to Patel???
No no no, his real name is Canon-dork Dragqueen!
On a sidenote: Now that Zelda seems to be super popular, I really hope Nintendo won't milk the franchise to death with all kinds of sub-par games!
@Dezzy hahahahahaha
@Henmii no, but hitting it with a Netflix cgi animated series would be awesome and raise tiits profile even more. My son watches the cartoon from the eighties, which was crap, but he loves it just cause it's Zelda. Release something contemporary and I imagine now is when it could do very well and get more interest in Nintendo
As a Ganondorf enthusiast, I'm happy.
I would love a new Zelda tv-series, but I prefer anime over cgi. Oh, and not on Netflix. It should be available for everyone!
Speaking of Anime: Why is there still no super-amazing Professor Layton tv series, Level 5 games?!
What exactly makes the mention on the official site more official than the mention in the official manual for ALttP?
Since Ganon is a Gerudo, this name doesn't seem to fit Seeing as Dragmire doesn't really scream oriental lesbian tribe.
@Tyranexx No probs I'm in the wall of text club here anyway. We get special emoji to use when typing. 🤓
Edit: We had a bit of overlap on tv shows. I still say 90s X-men and spiderman are the best versions of those franchises. Even with Spiderman's non ending. Yeah my older brother is an EE but you couldn't pay him to use a video game. Didn't grow up with my older sister (18 year age gap) so I have no clue about her interests.
Gannon-dorf? More like, Gannon-dork! -Whoa!
Am I right people?
But you know...have you ever had airline food? What's the deal with it?
@CosmicLight: In terms of Pokemon, this pretty much summarizes my experience in a nutshell:
I grew up in a small rural community, and my school system was a small one (I graduated with a class of 30). There were cliques, but not as many as what you would normally find in your average high school. I was filed into the "Other" category (as there wasn't really a defined video game/geek culture clique), though occasionally was thrown in with the "nerds" due to my grades. There weren't really any other girls in my grade who played video games; most of them were either rednecks or preps, crowds that I didn't have much in common with. As for the guys, while some were fine with discussing games with me, most weren't really into Nintendo games and preferred playing FPS games (which I'm not too fond of in most cases).
I was part of a co-ed group who played on the same WoW server together for about a year, but most of us stopped our senior year when we started getting really busy with scholarship applications and life in general.
"Dragmire" does sound cool. I still have that SNES game manual actually.
@Beau_Skunk So do I!
@PigmaskFan hmm seems fair, thanks!!.
Who else but Dragmire!?
"It's great to see the Zelda universe being comprehensively fleshed out in this fashion, but the real reason to celebrate this is that Dragmire is a badass second name."
If I were the author or editor of this article, I would had been very considerate of my audience and not used rude language to describe a "second name" (I suggest authors and editors ask their selves, "Would I say this word to my mother or papa?" in case they consider using such language in articles).
@PigmaskFan Cool, the manual had some cool stories, including the mythology of the three Hyrulian goddesses, and Triforce before it was mentioned in-game in "Ocarina of Time."
So it shouldn't be too surprising other things from the manual have been made canon.
@BensonUii Second time I've seen someone bring up the helium pronunciation. Never crossed my mind to say it that way, myself. Always been "Hi, Liam". (Yes, I know it ends in N, I'm just having a bit of fun.)
I probably used other words I knew were pronounced that way, "Hydra", "Hydrogen". I don't know of any words that start with "Hy" that are pronounced "He". Is it a US English thing that's happening here, though?
I can relate though, I have all sorts of mispronounced words from video games and reading. It's fine. Just have to adjust.
@Tyranexx Very late response but I adore AZ and her comic and this one and the "Eat your hamburgers, Apollo" are favorites of mine. However you notice she is the only girl. (Why she stuffs all that hair into a snapback is beyond me as it has to make the band tight as heck). Do you read gamercat?
@cosmiclight I swear I feel like you had a post to me about growing up as a lesbian in this thread that got deleted. I was working on a response and ended up forgetting to post it (it was a wall of text as my norm).
@Ryu_Niiyama: I've ran across that image elsewhere and just Googled it to use it since I felt that it fit me so well. XD I had no idea that was tied to an actual comic. The hat baffles me as well; I have thick hair and can't fathom wearing any hats at all.
I've heard of GamerCat but haven't gotten around to looking into it yet. It apparently involves two of my favorite things, according to the title, so I should definitely check it out at some point.
I used to keep track of a ton of web comics, but have narrowed it down to just one regular one for now (Weregeek). I typically stop reading them due to cancellation, very few recent updates (Pokemon X), or because I lose interest (Looking For Group). Some of it has to do with having less time for internet use when compared to my school days. XD
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