The Nintendo Download Update is now live in Europe, so we have the details of what awaits in the Switch, 3DS and Wii U eShop. There are a couple of tempting options on the Switch, in particular, while some discounts on Wii U and 3DS may prove tempting - let's get to it.
Nintendo Switch eShop
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (DotEmu, €19.99 / £17.99) - This stylish remaster has been on some wishlists for quite some time and arrived earlier this week on Switch; it's a faithful recreation of Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap that even allows you to switch between lovely updated visuals and sound or their 8-bit equivalents. We gave this a strong recommendation in our Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap review.
ACA Neo Geo Fatal Fury (HAMSTER, €6.99 / £6.29) - Pretty much the original SNK fighting game, opening the door for so many that would follow; at the time it went to battle with Capcom's Street Fighter II. As an ACA release it'll have the usual extras and goodies, and we'll let you know what we think in a review.
New Nintendo 3DS eShop
Breakout Defense (nuGAME, €7.00 / £6.00) - Based off the classic Breakout formula, this seems focused on two paddles competing against each other as you take on the AI. Previously released on Wii U.
3DS Demo
Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition (Ratalaika Games, free)
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
Farming Simulator 14 (Focus Home Interactive, €7.49 / £4.99 until 4th May, normally €29.99 / £19.99)
Epic Word Search Collection (Lightwood Games, €5.99 / £4.49 until 4th May, normally €7.99 / £5.99)
Epic Word Search Collection 2 (Lightwood Games, €5.99 / £4.49 until 4th May, normally €7.99 / £5.99)
Splat The Difference (Lightwood Games, €4.00 / £3.60 until 4th May, normally €5.00 / £4.50)
Dan McFox: Head Hunter (Lightwood Games, €1.66 / £1.33 until 18th May, normally €2.49 / £1.99)
Fairune (CIRCLE Entertainment, €1.99 / £1.99 until 11th May, normally €2.99 / £2.99)
Petit Novel series - Harvest December (CIRCLE Entertainment, €7.99 / £7.92 until 11th May, normally €11.99 / £11.89)
Tappingo (CIRCLE Entertainment, €1.99 / £1.99 until 11th May, normally €2.99 / £2.99)
Football Up 3D (EnjoyUp Games, €1.97 / £1.55 until 18th May, normally €2.99 / £2.36)
Darts Up 3D (EnjoyUp Games, €1.49 / £1.34 until 18th May, normally €2.99 / £2.69)
Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition (Ratalaika Games, €2.39 / £2.15 until 27th April, normally €2.99 / £2.69)
Wii U eShop
ORBIT (RCMADIAX, €1.95 / £1.39) - In this game you manipulate a forcefield (or orbit) around your planet to protect it from dangerous items trying to get through.
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Trine 2: Director's Cut (Frozenbyte, €8.49 / £6.99 until 18th May, normally €16.99 / £13.99)
Trine Enchanted Edition (Frozenbyte, €6.49 / £5.49 until 18th May, normally €12.99 / £10.99)
Kung Fu FIGHT! (Nostatic Software, €1.49 / £1.11 until 27th May, normally €1.99 / £1.49)
Shadow Puppeteer (Snow Cannon, €10.49 / £9.44 until 24th April, normally €14.99 / £13.49)
Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition (Ratalaika Games, €2.39 / £2.15 until 27th April, normally €2.99 / £2.69)
360 Breakout (nuGAME, €4.90 / £4.20 until 18th May, normally €7.00 / £6.00)
Citadale (Nitrolic Games, €2.50 / £2.24 until 18th May, normally €5.00 / £4.49)
Mortar Melon (Nitrolic Games, €2.50 / £2.24 until 18th May, normally €5.00 / £4.49)
Plenty of Fishies (Nitrolic Games, €2.50 / £2.24 until 18th May, normally €5.00 / £4.49)
Rorrim (Nitrolic Games, €2.50 / £2.24 until 18th May, normally €5.00 / £4.49)
Gravity+ (Nitrolic Games, €3.24 / £2.94 until 18th May, normally €6.49 / £5.89)
Candy Hoarder (Nitrolic Games, €0.74 / £0.69 until 18th May, normally €1.49 / £1.39)
A.C.E. – Alien Cleanup Elite (Nitrolic Games, €2.50 / £2.24 until 18th May, normally €5.00 / £4.49)
Star Splash: Shattered Star (Snails Animation, €2.61 / £2.24 until 3rd May, normally €3.49 / £2.99)
That's it for the European Nintendo Download Update this week - let us know what you'll be downloading in the poll and comments below.
Comments 54
Fatal Fury? I was kind of hoping for a different pocket rumble...
Nothing at all for me this week.
Might buy Wonder Boy eventually. Asides from that, nothing. Don't really need more Switch games to play right now anyway though.
@Mart1ndo Go find some of the games that came out for it. I'm betting you haven't played half of the good ones.
So booooored! At least Puyo Puyo Tetris comes out next week. Hoping the story mode and others will be a big change from my gaming monotony lately.
My Switch is gathering dust.
Just... one... more... week...
Already downloaded Wonder Boy. Fabulous remake.
Dragon's Trap - relatively expensive, but worth it. The sheer quality of it is joyous.
Dreadful week apart from Wonder Boy I guess. This is a new console, right? Where are the games? Hamster must have at least half of the releases on the Switch with all their NEO GEO ports. And whenever a game does appear, it more often than not is a years old port.
What an embarrassment for the switch again!!
Think back to this the in the Wii u launch and there were LOADS of games coming out, VC, backwards compatibility, demos galore, sales and launch offers.
How anyone can say the switch is better at this point compared to Wii u is beyond me. Of course commercial success is based on many factors but wow, what an awful launch period in terms of games!!
@ThatNyteDaez The story mode is the usual: "funny" dialogue between the Puyo² protagonists and the personified Tetris forms (the "invaders") leading to some quarrel you have to clear through one of the different game modes (sometimes with a specific goal: clear a board/X lines etc).
It's nice when you need to warm up or learn one of the games. Otherwise, it might seem rather boring (the "cute" dialogues can be skipped naturally).
The multiplayer section is clearly the meat like in every Puyo² game, with all the different modes and rules.
If you tackle the internet matches, I hope you don't meet the japanese crowd too early (it can be horrifying for non-seasoned players, I ended upmaking breaks far more than I wanted despite knowing puyo myself XD).
May grab Wonder Boy but I'm still busy with Zelda so no need to buy another game for the Switch.
That and there's more to life than gaming.
I got wonderboy already and no cool discounts for 3ds... urgh la sigh! Here's to hoping there's something next week.
just gets worse every week for 3ds
I'll be finishing Breath of the Wild before I buy Wonder Boy
I'll buy Wonder Boy some time down the line but definitely not this week.
I dont like waiting till the day to find out theres nothing
I already bought and played WonderBoy when it was out a few days ago. Other than that, nothing else.
@eltomo Also an hour+ after the store updates too. The EU guys who do the press release are awful.
Bought Wonder Boy. 7 weeks after launch and I have a backlog already. I don't have enough time to play the Switch games I have, or my PS4 backlog, or my Xbox....Forza Horizon backlog.
People talking about lack of games on the new console, probably haven't bought many consoles upon release. With the exception of Wii U, that's always the case. I suggest you take a look on the games that launched on the first 8-10 months of the current number console, PS4.
I'm more disappointed by the lack of discounts on the Wii U eShop. Why don't give it a last hoorah?
@Mart1ndo it's currently worth around £100 at CEX
@CapricornDavid Was hoping for Fatal Fury Special. I love that game on my Neo Geo CDZ!
Your memory of how Wii U was at this stage is really playing tricks on you.😉
VC was 5 months after launch....
@ULTRA-64 The Wii U had many games upon launch, but not many good games. In fact, most of the games did run better on the PS3 and Xbox360, which at that point was 6+ years old. The first good game was LEGO City Undercover, which was released four months after launch. The other two good games released within the first year was Pikmin 3 and SM3DW. The Switch is on route to beat that by a country mile.
Edit: I forgot Rayman Legends.
@CapricornDavid Had to come out some time.
@electrolite77 Reading those articles and comment sections, one might wonder if it wouldn't be better if all those launch games were spread out over the first three to six months...
It is Fatal Fury, not Fata Fury
Wonder Boy looks interesting.
@electrolite77 I love how the WiiU defense force and the 3DS defense force are all revisionist historians. So good to see someone else remember they both had awful launches, despite what NL will try tell you.
Not to mention multiple different times in the first few months where you couldn't transfer your wii VC licenses across because the version of the app on the WiiU and the version of the app on Wii were mismatched every 2nd week whenever 1 was updated but the other wasn't updated at the same time.
Nothing as usual.
Seems Mario KArt will still be my second Switch game... pretty lame on the release front so far.
@electrolite77 @ULTRA-64 Better be careful lest this creates another Mandela Effect.
@Sinton @electrolite77 I've got to hand it to you guys, the numbers and articles don't back me up at all. It really is a case of memory glossing over the truth for me i guess. I had a blast with my launch day Wii u so maybe the facts are blurry 🤔
I guess i shouldn't be as worried about the games out or round the corner as much....
The next phase i guess is the games to be revealed and the e3 build up. Will 3rd parties get involved and build some more momentum etc.
I was hoping a little bit more on the switch side but...I will have to wait. Maybe revisit binding of issac and actually buy it.
@ULTRA-64 rofl what are you talking about? don't know if switch necessarily has more games than the wii u after launch but the quality of the available games is way higher on switch
Nope. Still got plenty of BOTW and a hefty 3ds and WiiU backlog. Good job really.
Hang on, you do know this is the internet? That's a far too rational response. You're meant to argue and argue forever no matter how much evidence you're shown, maybe throwing in a few false equivalencies, insults and invoking Godwin's law. 😁
@Mart1ndo I agree between my Wii and Wii u I have about 300 games downloaded 4gb SD card for Wii vc and 2 tb harddrive for my Wii u
@ULTRA-64 took about 4 months for the Wii u vc to hit.remember the first few games was working 30 cents lol.and Indie games was crap on Wii u in the beginning. I had to correct you.
@Arngrim lol your comment is a joke I got 11 games up to Tetris next week and Mario kart.
@Sinton new super Mario bros u lol forgot that one
@SLIGEACH_EIRE lol ps4 and xbone was the same for the first few months.killer instinct was only xbone game I got for a min.ps4 oddworld was the only good game for a min heck son I can take you back to the SNES launch lol
Has Trine ever NOT been on discount !?
@ULTRA-64 Are you sure it's the Wii U launch you are remembering? It took a while before we got demos, VC heck even sales.
EDIT: Sorry, didn't see that you had already answered.
@Menchi187 : Exactly. Judging by what has been announced, I'll most likely be buying more retail Switch games in the first 9 months than the first 3 years of the Wii U combined. There are almost 20 games on my wishlist, and that's only considering what has been announced so far.
The launch period has been annoyingly slow, yes, but things will go full steam ahead from next Friday, when Puyo and Mario Kart are released.
@sillygostly I'm not denying the Switch launch is sparse, just that everyone seems to misremember other poor launches.
Sadly my list isn't as strong. Excluding "2017" and "coming eventually" games like Xenoblade and Shin Megami Tensei, my confirmed Switch retail game list is 4 more games this year and it's a pretty poor list too. Excluding Zelda obviously since it's already out and I've had it since day 1.
Mario Kart, which will be a better version of a great game, it's still a port.
Ultra Street Fighter 2, a marginally updated port of a 2 decade old game, which I wanted until the price turned me off but then playing SF5 for the 1st time recently and seeing how terrible it was changed my mind on USF2.
Seiken Densetsu Collection, because Secret of Mana is my favourite game of all time.
And Mario Odyssesy, because new Mario.
Have you played Disgaea before? It's pretty awesome.
@Fandabidozi Yeah I have, they're good enough games but the game the Switch is getting I already played 2 years ago. Which is another problem with the Switch stemming from the failed WiiU
@Moon why I assume you've finished Zelda or got it on the Wii u like I did.
Blaster master and wonder boy are both excellent games well worth anyone's money.
Voez wit over 100 tracks is also fabulous.
Snake pass is great but infuriating,
Nor turf masters is probably the best arcade golf game ever.
Mr shifty is also a very good game.
There is plenty to play- great games are being released weekly.
Good God- I just defended Nintendo 😂
Good to see so many readers fully supportive of this weeks offerings. Keep it up guys.
Lol: Only 2 downloads on Switch, one of them being just a port (and the other is old too, but has at least new graphics). And that on a new console, and one that has to live entirely on downloads. What a shame!
@darthstuey Thanks dude. I've got Zelda (100% finished), Bomberman (is awful), Snipperclips (finished) and Snake Pass (also finished).
I've looked into all those other games you've mentioned and don't think I'd like them/not worth the money. Money's tight atm (just moved) so I will likely just wait for Mario Kart for now.
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