After a tough four years for Wii U and the direct correlation between Pokémon hype and 3DS hardware sales, it was easy to approach the Nintendo Switch launch with trepidation. At different times since mid-January many observers and followers of the company have likely gone through multiple phases - excitement over new hardware, concerns about the pricing, worries about the launch line-up, optimism and faith in the concept and various feelings in between. Nintendo certainly put a solid amount of effort into its marketing, especially in North America where it paid out big for a lucrative Super Bowl ad spot, among other things.
Switch Starts Well
Now that the system is here, there's good news in the sense that early figures (for the likes of the UK and Japan) paint a positive picture, and Nintendo has been able to shout from the rooftops about a terrific launch for the company. Its subsidiaries in North America, Europe and Australia have boasted about a record hardware launch weekend for the company, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been hitting similar landmarks as a launch release. In the case of the latter decent numbers have been sold of the Wii U version, too, which is nice to see.
The numbers that have been available have been solid, Nintendo has been able to boast of notable landmarks, and demand has outstripped supply in major territories like the US, which may not be ideal for those yet to find a system but will give Nintendo confidence. Retailers, too, will have seen early momentum which will, presumably, keep them interested in the next wave of Nintendo stock.
While some mainstream media outlets like the BBC et al have picked up on complaints - some more valid than others - around dead pixels or Joy-Con connectivity issues, the reality on the ground doesn't seem too bad in terms of these system issues. Investors and industry analysts, certainly, seem pretty relaxed about the reception of the hardware, and though it may seem unjust to the Wii U for which it was created, the position of Breath of the Wild as a Switch title has been hugely helpful from a publicity standpoint. With such broad and near-universal praise - well deserved in our view - it's a game that's been a big driver of positive headlines. It's the sort of title that is not only in the best of the series conversation, but potentially the debate over 'the best' game, period. Though around 20-25% of copies sold seem to be the Wii U iteration, its perception in the broader word is as a Switch launch title.
Sold out in multiple - if not quite all - countries, company launch records and a day one game with huge buzz, all these factors have helped drive Switch success. Early and valid question marks over initial hardware issues have often been fair (such as its lack of apps and features), but disregarding some commentary that evidently just wants to troll the thing (a video 'listing all the problems' has earned plenty of views, and complaining about the lack of menu music, really?), Switch has had a strong start in the wider world.
Now the Challenge Begins
That's all nice, but let's be clear on something. It may have been a record-breaking Nintendo hardware launch, but that's also a statistic that relies upon supply and manufacturing - previous systems like the Wii may have been in more demand, but Nintendo perhaps didn't deliver anything like enough stock at that point. We should embrace all of the launch positives, they're wonderful, but we should also maintain context and cool heads. Nintendo, above all, will know there's work to come.
For one thing, it really needs to get restocks out of the door quickly, though based on the company's record over the past few years we can't help but be a little concerned. The early amiibo range, the NES Mini, various special edition systems and games, Nintendo can be painfully slow at times with restocks. Hopefully as this is new hardware we're talking about that won't be the case here, but the dye will already be cast for the next month in manufacturing plans. We hope Nintendo hasn't been too cautious, though that crazy GameStop bundle citing availability by mid-April is fundamentally worrying.
We'll see what happens in the next few weeks. Nintendo would certainly be wise to keep some stock flowing to appease those that missed out on pre-orders or launch day units, to keep the good vibes going. It seems logical, however, that the next significant wave of units will arrive in time for the release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Nintendo will look at the positive early start for Switch, the attention it's getting, and see an opportunity for the kart racer. After all, there may be a lot of lapsed Nintendo fans that skipped the Wii U but are aware of the publicity around Switch, and the sight of a shiny and content-rich Mario Kart game may prove tempting. After all, it's a franchise typically on the list of 'system sellers'.
Momentum is key, and the 3DS and Wii U taught us this. Both had decent launches, but then sales dived off a cliff in dramatic fashion. We won't go into all the minutiae for the 137th time here, but 3DS needed to be saved from its painful 2-6 month window by a major price cut and some smash hit games, and the Wii U rescue mission never succeeded, or arguably barely happened at all. The test for any hardware, from Nintendo of otherwise, is what happens after the launch - after the fans with a bit of money have cleared the shelves, after the initial publicity blitz. That's when the concept and games - the 'proposition' to use a favourite term of Reggie Fils-Aime - is actually put to the test.
There's Clearly a Plan
To be fair to Nintendo, it seems to have a plan in place. At times with the Wii U (and to a degree 3DS early on) it felt like the system was thrown out and then the company said "oops, we don't have many games coming in the next 12 months". As the big N is now over its growing pains of HD development and so on, it seems to have a steady flow of notable games coming, even if not everyone will rush out to buy them all. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, then ARMS, then Splatoon 2, then Fire Emblem Warriors, and of course Super Mario Odyssey in the Holiday season. Firm dates are lacking as Nintendo gears up for further reveals, but there's a roadmap there. Early on there's also a decent slate of third-party games due in 2017, and much will be made of some exclusives (timed or otherwise) on the eShop. Hopefully it'll be very different from the Wii U scenario of "um, we'll have Pikmin 3 out soon, honest!"
Beyond that there'll be some surprises, because there are always surprises. Whether some are reserved for E3, or Nintendo opts to make steady reveals through its own Direct broadcasts and events, time will tell. Much like the approach that's helped the 3DS tick along for the past number of years, Nintendo will try to always have a major release around the corner, giving them something to promote and also giving Switch adopters something to keep an eye on as they check out some download-only titles on the eShop.
The Switch itself, too, will surely evolve a decent amount by the end of the year. System updates will hopefully add some apps (a web browser, Netflix etc) and tweak aspects of the UI, along with quality of life changes such as actual save data management / backups. There's likely a whiteboard of tweaks in Nintendo HQ waiting to be finalised and applied, which couldn't quite make the launch day cut-off.
Fingers Crossed
For Nintendo fans the Spring and Summer months will be exciting but also have a sense of peril, as we wait to see how the broader public respond to the system. We have an idea of what Nintendo's 'core' audience is, based upon the disappointing lifespan and sales numbers for the Wii U. Like all of its rivals, Nintendo needs to woo millions more with its offering, as it did spectacularly with the DS and Wii and has also done - to the company's credit - with 3DS.
We're not sure Switch is a 'last chance' for Nintendo, but it does need a success to push the Wii U from investor's memory and also to pick up the slack for the ageing 3DS. As many have rightly observed the system needs to flesh out in its capabilities with apps and services, but as the more positive of those observers also say, the potential is there.
2017 should be absolutely fascinating for the Nintendo Switch.
Comments 137
It's Awesome! The Switch will be a success! And - no - it's not a last chance for Nintendo. . Do you not think they are already working on their next set of hardware? They are always doing research and they have a lot of access to tech that isn't in the mainstream domain as do Sony and Microsoft. . . But they will evolve and adapt. .. Me? Well, Cfgk24 is looking forward to a good many years of Nintendo Switch fun!
@cfgk24 Nobody likes a braggart!
My son talked me into buying one. He said if I bought a Switch he would buy BotW with his B-Day Money.
But guess what? There are none to be had. Switchs that is, can get BotW.
Personally, I don't have high hopes.
I'm really enjoying my neon Switch. Blaster Master Zero and Fast RMX have been really awesome, I'm on my second run through of BMZ. Unfortunately I'm the one person on the planet who just doesn't enjoy the new Zelda and I've given up on it. Still, I'm really looking forward to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Mario Odyssey and I think only having one platform to focus on will really help Nintendo from here on out.
I was never sure about getting one day 1 but im glad im on board now and i have 3 games! i agree we need a bit more like some eshop music and maybe a few apps. we also need virtual console back but that sounds like thats coming later this year
I'm enjoying my Switch at the moment because of Zelda and that will last me for quite some time but I must say that Mario Kart aside I don't see what is out there for me until Mario Odyssey. I came into this with my eyes open and have the PS4/VR so any gaming drought isn't too big a deal, however I can see me not touching it for some months other than the odd game of Mario Kart. This usually happens with launches and I hope they have learned from the Wii U that these gaps can't happen too often but for now I'm loving Zelda
I've got high hopes, mainly because I see a strong lineup of software. All the games that made their portable systems so popular they can make for the Switch. Imagine Pokémon on the big screen, then to take the Switch out and play on the go.
Also the loudest complaints I've been hearing about the Switch are mainly software related, and can easily be added or changed later. They've got enough time to get things in place before the holidays.
Yeah, The lack of stock is really annoying.
I was able to get Breath Of The Wild & Super Bomberman R, A Carrying Case, A Screen Protector & a Pro Controller. But I wasn't able to get the System itself. I had been planning to get the Nintendo Switch with the Tax Refund money while i can.
So, i'm keeping an constant eye for the system to restock.
This is why I love Switch... (me at work today)
post image online
Lot of people at my job talking about it, and Zelda, and that just feels strange because literally no one talked about anything Nintendo (save Pokémon Go). Half the people aren't even "gamers", like both plant production supervisors, and even theyre talking about getting one. Feels like it's about to catch on like wildfire...
Overall I love it. I would like to see the cloud saves offered with the paid online service, a way to message friends and send/share screenshots, and a few of the entertainment apps be added. Aside from that though it's spot on. The main function of the Switch works wonderfully, and I just can't get over how awesome tabletop mode is and the Joycons which are (by far) my favorite controllers to date.
I fully expected them to have a supply shortage because it's Nintendo. I'll be honest here, some of it is probably intentional to a certain extent due to borrowing from Apple's playbook. Keep supply a little lower so demand seems higher and create buzz around this awesome yet unobtainable tech that gives you prestige if you own it. I imagine it'll stay that way for a few months too. That said, this device is certainly deserving of the hype. Nintendo did good this time around, and while it's not perfect it is what I was hoping it'd be. By the time Summer rolls around they should be done with the whole supply shortage thing and we'll have some great games available just in time for kids getting out of school that should push sales even more.
The more I play Zelda, the more I like it, it just keeps on throwing nice touches at you.
When I look at the games line-up (already looks amazing), I get strong 3DS vibes, as in, the Switch will be a very successful console like the 3DS, even more so I reckon because of the nice screen. There's no 3D gimmick to sell this system, instead, Nintendo went with an interesting hybrid system with good designs on the controllers and the system itself.
I need a Switch so bad. I was considering waiting till Christmas to get one, but after watching videos about Zelda I just had to try to get one at launch. Of course, that didn't happen. I am hoping there will be more by my birthday. Aside from that little rant, I have high hopes for the system. Nintendo just needs to keep building the hype and release games in short periods of time. I do NOT want to have another Nintendo drought.
Best photo ever lol!
To me i think the Switch is just genius
They convinced me to 'switch'!
Breath Of The Wild - SOLD!
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - PRE-ORDERED!
Overcooked! - YES PLEASE!
The Escapists 2 - JUST TELL ME WHEN!
Stardew Valley - WITH CO-OP?! TAKE MY YEN!
Mario Odyssey - gulp ...I'M GONNA NEED MORE YEN!!
The future? ..Smash Bros.? ..Metroid? ..Pokémon? ..Starfox? ..Super Mario Bros.? ..Animal Crossing? ..'Switch' Sports? ..Mario Maker? ..Pikmin? ..F-Zero? ..something unexpected?
...I think it's gonna be alright!
@JaxonH Mechanical engineer?
The thing that they basically need to keep going (and they haven't done this with the Wii, which stopped after a year, and have not done at all with Wii U and barely even with 3DS) is advertise...keep the commercials flowing with not just their own games, but even 3rd party games showing the Switch logo after. The more advertising, commercials, magazines, store sale racks and more...and not cheap out on the retail game scene (the stores looked pathetic with only a few Wii U retail games shown). If (let's say older parents that don't read up on it, but want to get their children a system and a few games), walk into a store, look at the systems...they're going to pick out the console that has a wide amount of games and genres...which Wii U never showed. If they look at PS4 or XBONE, they see a ton...Switch can do this too (granted that it will take close to the holiday to do so). I'm still not convinced by the doesn't look that great to me, but I'm more looking into it than I was with the Wii U, but not as much as I looked at the Wii or even the Gamecube. I know I'll purchase one later on into the year or next year, but I really hope some interesting games come out for it, as I look, the only ones I'd get are Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Snipperclips and...that's about it right now. I've played Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, not to fond of purchasing it again, and I haven't ever played Splatoon, and I still have no interest in it. However, the virtual console offerings could change my mind, and some other games that could come out for it...How about some Super Monkey Ball, a Sonic exclusive, some Dreamcast on the virtual console side, new Punch Out, new Startropics and at least Chibi Robo on the virtual console side too.
It should do OK with the Ninty faithful but outside of that it will be a tough sell. Having said that it won't have a problem beating wii u and Vita sales,maybe even xbox sales but not ps4 or even 3Ds. Good luck to it though Edit if the Ninty faithful don't get on-board like with the wii u it will struggle to reach Gamecube type sales but will still beat wii u
I have never played Skyrim. Once I have finished Zelda I have Setsuna and Skyrim to look forward to. I cannot believe I suddenly have time to play rgs again, thanks to how versatile this thing is! Thank you Nintendo
I'll probably buy it at Christmas 2018. Provided they've learnt from all their mistakes. I doubt that they have though as the Switch is already a mistake in some ways. It's just a prediction, so don't go getting your knickers in a twist. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it. I was right about Wii U and I was there day one and bought all the games.
There's nothing compelling on the Switch right now besides Zelda and I'm playing that on the Wii U. Unbelievably stupendous game by the way.
Yep same here,I don't have plans to buy it even though I bought wii u. I ain't feeling it
@NaviAndMii You forgot:
Farmers Frontiers - DONE DEAL!
Just Dance 2018 - PRE-ORDERED!
The future?....Tetris Unlimited SE?....Luigi Chess Festival?....Fifa 2017 Special Version?....Othello: Origins?.....Super Mario Run DX?.....or something even more spectacular?
I think its perfect. Its just that good. Other were expecting Nintendo to drop the price already after 4 weeks, but thats haters-stuff, I think it will do great and it does so far.
Alright Bro. Shouldn't u be working hard not taking pics, lol
I think the Switch will be a success, however, that doesn't mean I think it's going to sell as well as the DS or Wii did. Nintendo is clearly marketing the system in a good way and has pleased us with some big games such as Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, and Splatoon... and I'm sure Nintendo still has surprises to show us. Their main goal is probably to let the Switch sell slowly until the holiday season comes around for a Switch explosion.
Switch is fantastic. Took it with me on a road trip to Ohio from Maryland, and I had about 20% battery left after playing over 3 hours of BotW. Had the volume on low, and screen brightness on low since it was a night trip. I've never been able to do that with a console before, and I'm looking forward to playing during the flight home!
Then the Joy-Con, I think those who haven't tried them yet don't understand their brilliance. For the first time, we have a traditional control setup with our hands completely free to be wherever you want. THAT right there is a true game changer - being able to play a game as relaxed as you'd like. I was instantly sold when I watched Sumo Digital's Switch gameplay reveal of Snake Pass. He had his hands to his sides sitting legs crossed, and he was playing the game! Guys/girls, this is huge. Switch will do just fine. I also have a feeling the lack of menu music points to customizable themes to be added in a future update. There is so much potential for this device, yet the proof of concept doesn't even need software to be conveyed. It's great!
@ironside1911 lol. Haha.
I'm pretty sure it is early to think if the Switch's future will be bad or lacking. I think Nintendo will finally outdo themselves this time, remember that they will have a big part in the upcoming E3, so I am expecting important game reveals such as METROID. I am positive with the Switch.
Also, can't find a Switch? Come to Mexico, there are A LOT of them. They don't sell because of its insane price, but many people want one, like me.
I've been gaming since the NES/Master System, and the Switch was the first time I ever jumped in on day one. So far I haven't regretted it in the slightest. It's such a sleek and well-made product, smaller than the Wii U gamepad (this is still incredible to me), and the portability is a godsend.
I hope Nintendo can sort out the shortcomings in the coming months, so that the talk can be about just how much potential this machine has.
Hey mate the switch didn't sellout at launch in the UK but it finally did a few days later. UK retailers have been voicing there concerns to Nintendo UK over shortages and basically demanding more stock
Senior CMM Cleaner
jk, metrologist
"working hard not taking pics"
Glad to see you're on board with playing games at work, but taking pics crosses the line 😉
@NintySnesMan I went in Asda and Sainsbury's at the weekend and both had switchs on the shelf ready to buy. CEX are selling second hand ones for 350 quid- what idiot is going to choose that 🤔
I'm usually a day one system guy, but sadly this time around I will likely hold off for a long time. I personally feel burned really bad by Nintendo not releasing a Metroid on Wii U and then holding Nintendo back for Switch when that was the primary reason for purchasing the console. They've broken my trust and although they don't owe me or any other fan an apology, it wouldn't hurt especially if they would openly explain and take ownership their actions. I still love Nintendo and the new Zelda has been awesome, maybe after a price cut
I take it that's £350 without a game,last time I went to CeX they was selling NES mini for £120 squid. I forgot about supermarkets selling switch,the one near me in Cornwall didn't even have any at launch,actually they haven't had any kind of Ninty stock in store for well over 2 years now but loads of Sony and Xbox products. That's Tesco for ya
Why does everyone keep bringing up the "need" for a web browser and Netflix? Am I the only one here that not only doesn't care about that in the slightest but also would almost prefer to not have them? I mean, I have gaming systems to play games. I have a phone and a thousand other devices within arms reach for media.
@JaxonH Nice pic man! I do the same thing at my work. It's freaking brilliant. I use tabletop, portable, and tv modes all pretty equally.
I think the concept of taking a home console on the go will ultimately be a big selling point. Even with iffy battery life in some examples, the idea of playing a console-quality Zelda or Mario Kart on the go is very enticing. I think having a slim launch lineup - and I know the N64 had only two games at launch, but one was Mario 64, and Mario has arguably a wider appeal than Zelda - has made some people take a wait-and-see approach, which is very understandable.
I do think Nintendo will announce some games at E3 that will fill in some release date gaps between Splatoon 2 and Mario, and also give people some excitement for 2018. This E3 is very important for Nintendo and I hope they have a good one, unlike their last two.
@NintySnesMan "It should do OK with the Ninty faithful but outside of that it will be a tough sell. Having said that it won't have a problem beating wii u and Vita sales,maybe even xbox sales but not ps4 or even 3Ds. Good luck to it though Edit if the Ninty faithful don't get on-board like with the wii u it will struggle to reach Gamecube type sales but will still beat wii u"
Dude, come on, the Switch's success will depend on Nintendo's marketing and software strategies. It looks to be off to a good start, making record sales in a number of regions. If Nintendo can continue positive momentum, beating the PS4 or 3DS' numbers won't be an impossible feat.
Hey. Apparently hackers have found a hidden Web browser within the switch. Hackers found a exploit within a few days of the switch release,seems it's quick and easy to get games running on it but same for hacking it. This won't do it any favours so early in its release. They r digging deeper before they release any tools for it to the end user,that's the consumer,but it won't be long now before u can have emulators and homebrew on it.
Edit check-out for more info,they r a renowned site for all things hackable. They release info passed on to them by the hackers themselves
My cousin ordered one yesterday, he never owned a Wii U but couldn't resist Zelda any longer lol. I'm dying for one but I just cannot afford it right now. My Wii U gets played every day in my house, & Zelda is stunning on Wii U I'm absolutely loving it, incredible stuff.
I've got my fingers crossed. Like a lot of others I struggle to trust Nintendo having been stung by so many of their questionable decisions in the past. However I see the green shoots of recovery. They've avoided so many of the Wii U mistakes already. They've got desirable, well-defined hardware, it doesn't have a stupid name, they're advertising more, the selling point of the machine is clear, it has had a good launch driven by a truly magnificent game.
A lot to do, they need a regular release schedule and the VC to keep attention on the machine. Getting media apps on board will help mass market sales. Hopefully this is all building to a very strong looking machine by Christmas. As I say, fingers crossed.
Like I said mate it will be down to the Ninty faithful and maybe a few hangers on from elsewhere, meaning wii u and 3ds owners and hangers on are those that might come back to the Ninty fold. Apart from that I don't see it appealing to the xbox Sony or smart device clans but you never know. It will never sell anywhere near the beast that is ps4 which is on course to sell 100 + million but could catch 3ds and that's a big Could. A systems launch don't mean anything,even wii u had a decent launch. I say good luck to it but tbh I don't care if it's a success or failure,for me it's about games really
Edit. It also won't help it's cause that it's been hacked already so early in its life. OK it's only a Web browser exploit but the hackers are very good at what they do and they are grinding away to get a Kernel exploit or usermode exploit etc. A hacked switch could drive hardware sales but may effect software sales but I think a native hack isn't around the corner just yet. Whatever happens I think the switch will do just fine with sales
I absolutely love the hardware but my concern is the software side (again!). The next first party game I'm looking forward to after Zelda is Mario Odyssey (already have MK8), I'm not interested in Arms, Splatoon etc, so for me at least things are looking a bit skimpy.
I really hope that Nintendo have some good announcements to make at E3.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Thanks for telling everyone Zelda is a good game. Doubt anybody else realized that already.
The Surprises I expect from Nintendo aren't really surprises as we know they're coming, but SMASH: ULTIMATE EDITION (or something like that) and Pikmin 4, those are clearly already in the Pipeline, and we might see them at e3, I'm not worried about what Nintendo will bring (retail), I'm not worried about quality eshop titles either (Nintendo and indies), I want to know about VC but not really worried about that either (it can't be worse than Wii U VC, soo....).
I'm only worried about 3rd party retail releases, and no I don't care if we get ports (I have a PS4 for that), we can and need have some GOOD ports, they can't be sloppy. If Skyrim is choppy then forget this type of game ever seeing release on Switch again, looking at dragon quest heroes doesn't instill confidence. What I'm referring to is Switch ready 3rd party games, Bomberman R is fine and a good start but shallow, so if we can get some good variety of 3rd party retail releases, then we're good to go
I'm an early Wii U adopter, the Switch will be my last shot with Nintendo (to buy in the first month), if don't bring the games, the next console may be skipped.
That said, Fire Emblem Warriors and a new main game to are coming, that alone make me excited!
@freaksloan was very disappointed to hear some friends bought 4 to resell on ebay. When i went to the store to consider getting one there was none left....
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Another comment, another vitriol.
"disregarding some commentary that evidently just wants to troll the thing (a video 'listing all the problems' has earned plenty of views, and complaining about the lack of menu music, really?)"
Ug, yes. I have some coworker gamers who shared the video with me at work in our online chat room. They were legitimately concerned about the issues, but I feel like the video is just made with the hopes that it would go viral (and that it did!) with the way it is edited.
@JaxonH I thought it was pretty obvious you put that cup of coffee in the pic to show that you were on your union mandated 10 minute coffee break.
@ironside1911 You can't pull off sarcasm bro. Just drop it, you ain't funny.
As long as Nintendo keeps up the marketing and supplying good games to it, it'll do just fine. It be even better if there was a brand new monster hunter released for it soon.
I love my Wii U and have close to 50 digital games on it- i really hope there is going to be a way to get discounted copies of the digital games i already own on the U for the switch- i havent bought a switch yet but have started buying games and accessories for it because who am i kidding- i will buy one at some point- Arms looks intriguing and while MK8 Deluxe is 90% the same game I will no doubt buy it- i have a 4 yr old at home and I have to appreciate Nintendo's mentality- theyre a videogame company first and foremost and they sell "fun"- i grew up with the NES and loved less mainstream games like Capt Skyhawk and Silver Surfer- hope there's some real hidden gems on the switch- when i do buy the switch (fingers crossed for a Christmas/Black Friday zelda SE!!!!) it'll be a game console that me, my son and daughter and wife can all enjoy together and that create alot of great family memories, as I did playing mario/duck hunt all night with my dad (who is definitely not a gamer) and playing Super Mario World and Mario Kart on the SNES from Santa with my brother and sister when I was a kid
@Yasume Im so sorry, so sorry, Bro. You are one of these Sony haters, arent you? Filled with hatred you try to tell me my switch is a cheap overpowered tablet? Dude, Bro, You wont manage that, drop it, pal. You aint funny.
Go back to your hatred filled world of GTA Online. Youre not even in the same industry when I take a look at Othello. You aint laughing no more when you see Othello multiplayer, Bro.
Where are your friendscodes, duh?
@PanurgeJr He's just trying to make it look like he's not trolling, even though he is. I'd imagine it'll be like salt or a slug if Switch is successful in its own right.
@JaxonH Tabletop mode is the secret killer app!
@AJ81 Yo Captain Skyhawk was my jam! One of my favorites NES games until I went back and played it decades later.
It looks like Nintendo has a long term plan with the Switch (as opposed to the Wii U). What we can see so far is the hype building up to a holiday season Mario. Smart. It looked foolish for them to skip the 2016 holidays, but now all eyes are on them. There are certainly more surprises coming though. I'm excited to see it unfold.
Nintendo, please bring Animal Crossing to Nintendo Switch !
We want proper Animal Crossing like on 3DS, not the Spin off !
Switch is the best chance.
@ironside1911 It is possible for people to enjoy both Sony and Nintendo products at the same time. GTA 5 is great. The Switch is great. Your profile pic is great.
@ironside1911 Right..I'll just leave you in your own little world.
@JaxonH Nice! I was undergoing some engineering training last summer and I couldn't remember how to use a caliper or a micrometer.
Here's hoping they revitalise certain dormant franchises (no need to wish list, we all know what they are!) as well as bringing new ones to help bring in a wider audience. Fire Emblem and Splatoon have surely shown them what can be done when you actually put some faith in and promote a lesser known or new IP. Please no more throwing a great game out to die like poor Code Name Steam.
Although I do wonder what's to become of those games yet to hit the 3DS? A new Pikmin and Ever Oasis, would be a shame for them to get lost at the end of the system's life.
great system. now we need a Metroid after Mario followed up with a Star Fox Smash Bros and F Zero.
@Yasume @ironside1911 What a scoop! The number one Switch critic and nay-sayer, ironside1911, spotted in line buying a Nintendo Switch! Oh the humanity! Oh the hypocrisy! More as the story develops.
Now the real challenge begins... waiting 9 months for an original AAA title.
I know. Mario Kart and Splatoon look good,. But I did start slowing down on finishing Zelda in fear that there wont be anything to play for the next 6-9 months.
Heh, yeah except the fact you can't find the system anywhere unless you pay $400 to $800 off of a scalper. Supply and demand Nintendo, supply and demand.
Well, all we know of so far is what's been announced before release. But even now, there's a lot to play in the next 9 months. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Arms, Ultra Street Fighter II, Yooka Laylee, Splatoon 2, Snake Pass, Disgaea 5 Complete, Sonic Mania, Dragon Quest XI, Fire Emblem Warriors, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (hopefully, its scheduled so I'ma hold em to it), Dragon Quest Heroes 1/2, Mario Odyssey, Zelda BotW DLC, FIFA 18, NBA 2K18 and about 50 quality indies... And virtual console will start dropping releases at some point in the next 6-9 months. Probably when online service starts.
Even if nothing was announced at e3 (and that's not gonna happen), there's a pretty steady lineup of good games to look forward to over the course of the next 6-9 months. My plan was to play Mass Effect Andromeda, Horizon Zero Dawn and Nier after Zelda, but at this rate it's gonna be hard to find the time.
Well the digitals are easy enough, but few know how to read vernier scales. Nowadays it's mostly CMM and redlight scanner programming though. Can scan an entire part into a 3D polygonal model in real time then color map against the nominal CAD to see its highs and lows.
I can't get over those damn joycons... I wish a Pro controller was in with every system
@itslukec Yes, it was a great day. I got the Switch first and ....well, funny story, I put it up on Ebay 30minutes later. I wrote the ad on my smartphone on the way home, I put a buy-now price of 1200 and some happy hunter got it right away.
I went on a 2 day party-binge and still got cash left.... and then in 3-4 months I pick a switch up for 149 again.
Would like to ask that early adopter for his friendscode, Im sure hes in for a round of Othello.
@gatorboi352 That's one thing I agree with, though I think including a Pro controller would increase the price of the system as a whole by quite a bit. I can use the JoyCons, but they're just too small for me. They feel fine when using it in portable mode, and the grip actually feels pretty good (not quite as good as the Pro, but a lot better than I was expecting, and it's definitely usable for people who really don't want to spend the money), but split JoyCons is just way too awkward, at least for games like Zelda that sometimes require a lot of finesse during combat. I could see using them in slower paced games like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley, but I'd still prefer a Pro even for those games, lol.
Still, there are a lot of people who actually prefer split JoyCons, so I guess it's personal preference. I think a lot of people would prefer the Pro controller, though.
Launch sales are nothing to go by. All NINTENDO's hardware sold out on launch. They just never seem to have enough on sale.
I think the Switch is awful. Every time I go to bed I bring it with me and inevitably stay up to the early hours playing zelda. I haven't had a good nights sleep in just over a week! Damn you Nintendo! You've made a console I can't put down.
@ironside1911 I`m so happy everything worked out for you. The only thing that doesn`t add up with your story is your two day party binge. Don`t you usually have to have "friends" to party? Can you quickly explain to me how you party-binge while utterly and hopelessly alone? I would like to put a lid on this Nintendo Switch fairy tale and play some Othello.
@itslukec Easy. I usually say I have 1-2-Switch at home and it works like a chick magnet. On weekends, I often host farmers frontier and Othello multiplayer parties, up to 2-3 hundred show up, usually people fed up and bored by GTA online.
@ironside1911 Amazing. You truly have it all figured out my friend. I don't even want to hear the captivating tactic you devised on how you convince your mom to let you have girls over. It would be too awesome to handle.
#1. I bet that's why your boss hates the Switch
#2. Are you designing the Millenium Falcon on the wall there?
I agree with you on everything EXCEPT: Luigi Chess Festival.
I don't care what it is, if Luigi headlines I buy it. System Seller!
Year of Luigi was the best year ever. (Sheds a tear that it was on Wii U and few got to enjoy it...)
(Looking at Switch on Table)
Wow, nice.
Glad to hear more newbies got interested with Switch.
@itslukec Dont worry, you get there. Tomorrow at lunch in school, you hop over to some group of chicks and pull out your switch with Othello. Dont forget to hand out your friendscode.
Joy Cons are NOT Damn awful !
They are Unique !
Especially Neon color.
@remlapgamer OK, but metroid isn't even developed by nintendo anymore... Entitled much?
I wasnt sure i would enjoy the system at first but im glad i got one now and if they keep good games coming im sure they will be fine!
It'll be interesting to see if they plan on catering to different crowds by offering different packages. I personally would never use it in handheld mode, as I can't stand staring down at a screen for long periods of time, (neck problems) and after having held joy-cons, they're not comfy at all.
If they can do a dock, pro controller, switch, no joy cons, game included package for $300 or $275, i'm in. Until then, I have enough keeping me busy that I won't feel like I'm really missing out for a couple years.
Can't wait to play NBA 2K on the go!
@JLPick To be fair, I've been impressed with the amount of real world advertising (not just banner ads and YouTube) I've seen for BotW and Switch here in the UK. I've seen massive posters for Zelda in tube stations and all along the escalators at Liverpool Street station. The tv ad has been on fairly regular rotation and I've even seen a cinema advert the other day before watching Logan.
So far I love the system and have high hopes. I mean I just took Zelda to my girlfriend's for the weekend and played while she was getting ready... a LONG process! AND I did not need a TV and the console fit in my laptop bag. PRICELESS!
@gatorboi352 They are fine. They feel great attached to the system on the go. I have fairly decent sized hands and they do not bother me in the slightest. I did have to get used to the lack of a d-pad but I will probably get a pro controller if I miss it too much. Until then, it is perfectly comfy, especially in portable mode but also in the grips as well.
They're actually really, really comfortable. Idk, some people I talked to don't like em that much, but I have a hard time relating with them because they just feel so great with one in each hand. I also think the grip feels great (not as good as Pro, but... good enough?) but I never use either because one in each hand just feels so right. I will say it's a bit... odd, to get used to them at first, but only because it's different I think. 48 hrs and I knew I might as well return my 2nd Pro Controller.
Not guaranteeing you'll like them because there are people I have spoken to who prefer the Pro... but just based on my own experience I'd say try them out first because you might be surprised. Just being able to put your hands anywhere is such a new concept for playing video games that it's still kind of hard to untrain your brain from keeping your hands in your lap
Amen. Switch was designed for those with significant others in my opinion . I have lived on my Switch when we have prolonged visits to my girlfriends moms house. I break into some Switch action when my girlfriend decides to Netflix binge(previously it was frowned upon to go to the bedroom to play my PS4, because then we weren't getting quality time).
Nintendo-saving my sanity one replayed episode of orange is the new black at a time.
@NintySnesMan You can't predict the sales potential of the Switch, because it's a new concept. Yes, it was designed with the faithful in mind (thank goodness), but it's also aimed at a blue ocean of gamers, who are yet to be discovered. It's a bold risk that could lead to great success or a Wiiu-esque dilemma. Will it sell 20 million, 40 million, 100 million, who knows? It is my hope that it does well, because, as a happy Switch owner, I've been looking forward to a more fleshed out library.
And, not calling you a fanboy, but I've noticed that you've created a Nintendo-centric username and logged onto a Nintendo site just to put Sony on a pedestal...Don't do that, it's weird.
One word
Here's the thing. Adult gamers with lives and another console won't buy this long term. It's too expensive and too easily scratched for kids, and it's too much of a Wii U 1.5 to really matter now. Next year, when the steam has blown away, it'll be just as much of a paperweight as the Wii was. Smash hit, stock shortages, not quite proper launch title Zelda? Sound familiar? Unfortunately, there isn't that same buzz worthy system seller. Zelda's big, but Zelda isn't going to go all GTAV and push 20 to 30 million copies. It's limited in its appeal and it's only selling because nothing else is remotely worth buying a console over.
@ironside1911 u r rite they shuld drop the price on game so it cheaper to buy nitendno is greet but there is too much on the price it could be 150 dollars then i can buy 1 for my frend
"Adult gamers with lives and another console won't buy this long term"
Totally disagree. It may struggle with teenage boys/singles with a mancave/4K TV in parents bedroom crowds but it's entirely aimed at adults with lives, families, work, time commitments. There's never been a console that fits better into actual adult lives.
"it'll be just as much of a paperweight as the Wii was"
You mean it'll sell 100 million and give us some all-time Nintendo classics? Deal.
@electrolite77 I love the when stupid statements are cut down so deftly and quickly.
@NodesforNoids Completely disagree with everything you said.
Regarding 3rd party software. E3 is gonna be the benchmark.
If games like RE7, PES 2018, Tekken 7, injustice 2 are not announced for switch at E3 then we can pretty much guarantee they are not coming.
Still think GTA 5 would have sold near enough 100% attach rate on switch.
Shame it was never released
Lol no mate I ain't a fanboy,I like Sony but also like Ninty actually Microsoft are OK. I am just a gamer that likes games no matter what machine they r on. Tbh I probably swing more towards Ninty,can't get enough of mario kart,been buying Ninty machines since the NES days. Anyways no we can't predict sales,that's y I was been conservative with switch numbers. I think it will do just fine but been realistic I can't see it reaching ps4 numbers,it would be great if it did but nah it won't happen. The switch was released mid-gen already putting it way behind and its life expetency won't be a very long one like the xbox or ps4,they will probably have a new more powerful machine within 5-6 years just like Sony and Microsoft. Actually it could be within the next 3 years for sonyxbox. But yeah been realistic I can't see switch reaching massively huge numbers like ps4or3ds. If I hazard a guess I would say 35-50 million which would be great,but who knows,I bought into wii u and yes it failed but I still loved it but I don't see the switch going the same way,so onwards and upwards I say. Just for the record I won't be buying into switch,this will be the first time I won't be buying a new Ninty product apart from virtual boy. This could always change though in the future. Tbh mate I hope switch goes on a rampage and makes up for where the wii u failed and that's sales. Wii or Ds like sales would be great for Nintendo and the consumer,fingers crossed eh Bro. It's going to be fun watching this all unfold whatever happens
@cfgk24 Good points there. Plenty of exciting titles lined up. The Switch will be a great comeback for Nintendo.
@kobashi100 nobody says it never will. The game was originally on PS3 and Switch is quite a bit beefier than that, so I would actually expect PS4 tier features like first person camera. As long as the install base grows convincingly, GTA5 port is guaranteed at some point, or we're not living in the same world where GTA and GTA2 were ported to Gameboy Color of all platforms.
Although I admit I would be even more hyped about a GTA4 updated re-release. Unlike 5, it's barely accessible for this generation except maybe XBox One. Even the PS2 trilogy could be welcome on Switch, and I would probably go as far as to play through them again (those first playthroughs were loooong ago when I was still just a student and had SOME tangible time for PC gaming as compared to now). Switch's nature makes it a godsend for JRPG and open world action-adventure genres, and I assume it should be getting obvious early on with BotW release and the scheduled advent of Skyrim.
I m glad I went for the early buy. The switch I have seems to have none of the issues reported. I use it solely as a hand held as that is how I have always envisaged the Switch. So in my opinion the switch should only get better.
@NodesforNoids "Adult gamers with lives" look like Switch's primary demographic, actually - the ones benefitting most from it for sure. Take it from one of them.
My concern is the graphics. There are dozens of you-tube video's out there comparing PS4 with Switch. Frame rate drop in Zelda, Dragon Quest on the PS4 and Switch and how much better it looks on the PS4.
Portability is great, but so are graphics.
I wonder what the extra cost would be to have a Switch with graphics to match PS4. I would be happy to pay the extra.
Excuse me ?!
I'm so HYPED with Switch and I am an adult 32 years old.
Worthless ?!
Do you really hate Nintendo Switch ?!
@zool If the graphics matched the PS4 then it wouldn't be portable. Technology has come far, but not that far.
Zool Personally I haven't seen a single fram-rate drop after playing Breath of the wild for more than 40h.
I think most issues are made up, for example some xbox fanboy for example might just have taken out the fan or temper with the fan which would lead the system to overheat and cause different issues.
And yeah personally I think the graphic are excellent, Zelda is probably the best looking game I ever seen and other games like Fast RMX looks really good.
But yeah even if we don't consider graphics all games are really good, especially Zelda. Personally I actually think Zelda might be the best game I ever played.
Don't worry about the graphic too much.
Perfection doesn't guarantee will mindblowing 100%.
Let's say FF XV.
For most peoples, FFXV = OMG !
But, for other peoples including me, FF XV = MEH !
Why ?
Graphic factor.
Too realistic until for some reason, it didn't look nice. Too realistic Summons ? Too realistic character design ?
For some peoples, that's killing their interest instantly.
They felt discomfort to watch too realistic HD graphic.
My personal taste, I would rather playing Cartoonish HD rather than Realistic HD. Who the heck cares people keep calling me kiddie or whatever, I don't care at all.
Even Switch graphic level is more than enough for me.
@Sandman83 take off the Nintendo blinkers dude.
Zelda has frame drops. You are blind if you are missing them.
It's a stunning game but best looking ever. Let's not get silly
@nhSnork nah I think the GTA 5 boat has sailed. I was hoping Nintendo would just fund the development costs.
Maybe I am wrong though. Like I said on my previous post though. E3 is where we find out which third parties are on board.
It has to be announced at that event.
@zool what about battery life?
A handheld pushing out 1080p PS4 level graphics is gonna kill battery quickly.
The switch is a beast of a handheld already.
@kobashi100 GTA5 is selling well to this day, so if there's profit potential in a Switch port, I doubt Rockstar will ignore it.
The Wii U had loads of potential that was never fulfilled. So far, the Switch looks to have even fewer good games to look forward to.
Exactly: The Switch has all the potential in the world—and now it's basically in Nintendo's hands to fully realise that potential or not.
Address all the issues raised with the hardware and firmware as quickly and satisfactorily as possible, get the expected features and services on there sooner rather than later, deliver as many high quality first, second and third party games on the system as possible (really push for those AAA third part titles), finally launch the Virtual Console (and let's get it right this time; no half efforts), and maybe even reduce the price of the console a bit in the near future too . . .
Be the Switch is a massive success or a massive failure, it will almost entirely be Nintendo's doing as far as I'm concerned.
@zool it's not just extra cost - it's extra heat, extra cooling, extra battery drain... Technology doesn't seem to be at the point where Switch would be functional with PS4 level hardware. It would have to ditch portability completely and be just another Xbox One except maybe with Joycons. Graphics are a neat bonus but they don't offer a tenth of portability's contribution to gaming experience.
Nintendo exited graphical arms race long ago since Iwata believed that such emphasis demoted video games to a very niche entertainment. Recent years have only proved the sensibility of this decision - if Wii U's sales could be at least blamed on ineffective concept marketing and promotion, first party draughts and third party porting difficulties, XBox One selling barely half the PS4 numbers boils down to its redundancy in the established environment at the end of the day. And if a PS4 tier media powerhouse with lots of third party AAAs took years to pass 20 million sales as another PS4 it naturally ended up being in the market, then what incentive would Nintendo have to release YET another PS4 now just to pursue an optional visual aesthetic?
Hopefully Nintendo will have some surprises in store for the Switch at E3. A new Metroid game from Retro Studios would be a good start. Now, back to Breath of the Wild.
@Sandman83 I am not that far into the game to say, and it may be the best game ever for lots of folk, but would it be any worse if it had PS4 Graphics?
SegaBlueSky I not sure about that.
@Anti-Matter I agree, I would rather play Mario or Zelda on the Switch, than have a Playstation and not play Mario and Zelda.
BUT I would rather play Yooka-Laylee on the PlayStation. Or the Switch if its graphics matched the PS4.
Portable v Graphics? I guess it depends how much time you spend playing on the big screen, and how much time you spend playing on the bus or in the air or sitting in the street.
Lately I found myself like to play handheld games (3DS, NDS) more than console games (Wii, Wii U, Gamecube). But sometimes my mood back on console again if I still want to continue unfinished games on consoles.
@zool Actually it wouldn't be worth it for Nintendo to make a game of this scale if they couldn't get a return profit of additional hardware sales. We seen this decline in quality with Sega (even if their games are still pretty ok).
The other thing is the game is already looking great, might be one of the best looking games I ever seen. But yeah then it's just a question if you like the art style or not. Personally I love the art style. Sorta like a Studio Ghibli movie.
But yeah, one of the big things about breath of the wild is really the insanely good physic engine. Here's a small comparission with the ps4 current biggest game:
Unless there are some surprise announcements, Mario might be the next full priced game I buy on Switch.
Stores in Canada were getting new stock last week.
It isn't sold out here on Chile.... but that's due to the distribution company dropping the ball. The Switch console alone is around 530 US dollars.
But the positive press is impressive. It has appeared on all news stations and even a review appeared on the biggest newspaper here, so if they can fix the damn pricing issue, I think it could be a hit here.
I'll get mine in the US though, or if the stock situation isn't fixed, on a tax free zone. As much as I love Nintendo, $530 is a scam!
@onex it's what I love too. It's an odd thing to describe but really pleasant in practice. Like many of us, I'm often hunched over a phone , tablet or keyboard resulting in "text neck" and sore shoulders. I played BOTW with the controllers detached and it was lovely!
I think it will succeed, if success is measured in profit for N, fun games for gamers and ongoing support with software.
What's encouraging from my POV is they have clearly thought the marketing through. There's a strategy and it's obvious that delivery on that strategy allows for some creative thinking (the "anywhere" living room being a good example).
As others here have noted, it's a case of Keeping it up and also support their visual presence at retail and across all other marketing channels.
Nintendo's history with amiibo, the NES Mini, various special edition systems and games, etc make me very pessimistic about stock refreshes. I've yet to see an NES mini exist outside of 'sold out' web pages, and I'm not convinced Nintendo understands the concept of meeting demand - or they do, and they purposely understock to drive demand. Hell, I couldnt even find a standard 2DS two months before xmas last year - its absurd.
The lack of Virtual Console is super puzzling too. Let me buy GBA games, and my concerns about the launch library will nearly disappear
The Switch is not in the same category as the NES mini for Nintendo.
Nintendo makes almost no money on selling the Mini. That was an advertisement for their brand, and as it is a self-contained unit, there would be no extra return on selling more of them. Quite possibly the opposite, as people won't be buying virtual console titles or be as quick to get their other platforms, if 30 games were available that way.
Completely different with the Switch. The larger install base they can create quickly, the more game sales they are likely to make for those owners. They have every reason to try their hardest to keep up with the demand.
The 2DS is a case of a specialty good as well. They'd rather sell you a New3DS.
And the lack of Virtual Console, at least for now, is actually not puzzling. I know I'm being in your face about all these points, but hear me out.
Nintendo have a lot of indies releasing digital-only games for the Switch. If these games had to, for a third time, compete with Super Mario World and other of Nintendo's alltime greatest for people's spare change, right from the get-go, the developers wouldn't have a very good launch window. And subsequently they'd be less likely to keep supporting the system. It was actually somewhat of an issue on the Wii and Wii U. I'm convinced Nintendo are making sure to allow some stage presence for their new friends among the smaller development houses.
@nhSnork It pre-dates Iwata by a long-shot. The warnings and designs to avoid the graphical arms race go all the way back to Yokoi who identified that race as an endless pit that no matter how much you give, the consumer still demands more, and there's no return or satisfaction on it. It's been the Nintendo path since the early 90's at least. The GCN was kind of an odd misstep from Nintendo where they almost accidentally seemed to get back on the arms race bandwagon following the loss of Yokoi thinking "maybe he was wrong" (GCN was Yamauchi's baby, not Iwata's), and rapidly realized "no, no he was right..."
Trying to take Sony head-on was Sega's real root mistake. Sony's not just about the product at this point it's this established brand among "core gamers" and its studios.
I still see the whole "PC graphics" arms race ending badly for all major players. The budget required to develop games like that that is always greater than the possible return. Half of that push was funded in part by the GPU manufacturers. More real graphics, more hardware sold. Hardware subsidized software and that's where the returns came from. MS helped push it too (and lost millions trying.) nVidia has been shifting massively toward mobile architecture, with Shield and now Switch. Have to wonder if nVidia will start funding studios to push mobile scaled software rather than pushing power, power power which probably hit the market ceiling for them long ago.
@Pod Nintendo just doesnt have a good history of adequate stock, for much of anything. Thats my concern there - and they benefit from getting as many units out into the wild as possible for the largest install base possible. I have friends who are desperate for one, and there's simply no stock anywhere - and they're not people who are going to camp out for one or stare at amazon for days on end. They would simply buy one instantly if offered the opportunity.
Re: Virtual Console - Maybe if there was more than a handful of Indies at launch, that would make sense. Or even if they actually communicated about what we can expect from the VC - especially which platforms will be there initially, new features, or if past purchases transfer. There are not many Indies announced anyway that I care about (I'm not fond of the generic retro/2D side scrolling platformer Indie genre), so VC would actually give me something to be excited about
I think the Switch must be available for purchase if it's to be a success. The new thing that is making me angry is companies like Gamestop who have these "super bundles" that cost $599 coming in April. Every single time we've went to a store to ask about the Switch, there is already 2 other people already asking the salesperson. I might be done with Nintendo Switch October/November.
But to those who found one, Enjoy Zelda because it sounds awesome.
Oh I completely understand your lack of excitement for the available indie titles. Only two of them are interesting to me right now as well. But from Nintendo's perspective, the system is already selling out, so they don't NEED to generate more excitement.
That was a huge issue with the Wii. Much more demand than supply. They could have sold three times as many units as they did the first year, had they been able to produce them. So this time they seem like they'd rather undersell it for the time being to those that are more specific with their tastes and demands.
I also do think that Nintendo had plenty of good history with making the DS family available, and the GameBoy models before that. With the Switch, they simply can't produce them any faster than they currently are. Opening more production lines right now would still take months from now before products hit the streets.
@dkxcalibur Gamestop started that in the Wii era. OTOH its success was a sign of the overwhelming success that was Wii, so it could be a good omen.
@Malpais Hopefully this Metroid is better than Other M.
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced the Switch is priced where it is so that the 3DS keeps selling. If the Switch was priced $50 less, and bundled with 1 2 Switch, it may cannibalize any and all demand left for the 3DS.
Just my business side of the equation thoughts.
@cfgk24 honestly, I don't know how they do it. There is so much uncertainty and risk with every console launch.
For how long will they keep the 3DS? Will there ever be a 3DS successor? Will there be a Switch 2? What will they do next?
@JaxonH just don't spill that coffee... and that's a nice Zelda case, congrats
Isn't two hand grip basically a version of the Wii - Nunchuk? I loved that setup... but I also really dig the Pro controller at the moment.
"and complaining about the lack of menu music, really?"
But I loved the Nintendo eShop music...
The comercial failure if the Wii U has been theorised to theends of the Earth, but i really feel a strong culprit to its failure was a lack of marketing.
Now, with the Switch we have already seen massive improvements in marketing. Its always a good sign when my computer iliterate mum comes over and says "Oh, is that that Nintendo Switch thing?" when she looks under my tv.
I remember, on this very site defending the Wii U a few months after its launch, stating that people werent giving it a chance, and that if they wait a year, when we have a new Mario, a new F Zero and some new ip's, that they will regret hating on the Wii U and realise the system is great. Well, we know that never came about. And while i dont feel confident enough right now to say that in a year the Switch will be a grwat system with great exclusives, i do feel like the outcome is already much more positive than the Wii U ever achieved. We will see i suppose...Right, back to Zelda!
Nintendo is riding the wave of positivity and enthusiasm for their brand as of late. It started with Pokemon Go (even though they didn't make or market the game), then came the NES Classic, Super Mario Run and now the Switch.
The Switch is an awesome little piece of kit and delivers on the promise of a hybrid home/portable console. But it needs work. First and foremost, the eShop needs Virtual Console games and soon! The system needs apps like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, a web browser and some sort of Miiverse-like community (I'd settle for just good old Miiverse). Plus they need to reveal their plans and pricing structure for their online network. The peripheral prices need to all come down a bit too. Obviously the game library needs to grow much bigger and soon as well.
As for 3rd party support, that's a tough topic. Some 3rd parties are simply waiting to see how well the system sells before committing to it. Other's games are just too graphically intensive and require better specs (Mass Effect Andromeda, Red Dead 2 etc.) than the Switch has to run decently. It'll be an interesting next 4 to 5 years for the Switch but I can see it easily tripling or even quadrupling Wii U's lifetime sales and that would be a major success for Nintendo.
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