One of the key features that some Nintendo Switch owners would like to see is the inclusion of apps for their favourite streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. While the Wii U supports a whole host of these now, the apps appeared over time as and when Nintendo could work this out with the various third-party companies involved.
We'd imagine the same will be true of the Nintendo Switch. It's a no-brainer that they will come eventually, but of course the hive-mind that makes up the internet is not known for its patience.
In a recent interview with The Washington Post Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime again reiterated that the Nintendo Switch was about playing games first and foremost, however he did acknowledge that they were working on getting the popular streaming services on board:
What I would say is this: We built the Nintendo Switch to be a world-class gaming device, meaning we want you first and foremost to play games on the system and have an incredibly fun experience.
We're talking to a range of companies about other services, companies like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon — things that will come in time. In our view, these are not differentiators. What differentiates us is the way you play with the Nintendo Switch and what you can play. And that will continue to be our focus into the future as we continue driving this platform.
This all seems quite hopeful, anyway.
Do you think Nintendo dropped the ball in not having all these streaming services available on day one, or do you think it's completely understandable? Sound off with a comment below.
[source washingtonpost.com]
Comments 109
As long as we get Crunchyroll!
I'll be glad when they come. I've developed a habit of taking my Switch with me into the kitchen and thinking "man, it'd be really handy if I could watch YouTube on this right now"
I want to point out everyone complaining about the lack of an internet browser on Switch, is using an internet browser on another device, to complain about not having an internet browser on Switch, to browse the internet.
Anyway, I see this as Nintendo learning from Microsoft and being games first. Worked for Sony right?
"What I would say is this" - classic Reggie
Well, better late than never.
Nah. Though nice to haves, a large portion of people have bigger screen iPads etc these days who would prefer to use those to consume media rather than deplete the battery on their hot off the press portable gaming machine.
It was the only real notable quotation from the interview. Note he didn't answer about the browser.
If I wad able to watch Netflix on my Switch, I wouldn't be able to play Zelda at the same time.
A native video player would be useful. I recall loading up my PSP with videos back in the day. It was awesome.
'world-class gaming device' HA well done Reggie, never fails to make me laugh. I know he is a PR man, but everything he says is cringeworthy.
You say you're talking to Netflix, Amazon etc. - why wasn't this done PRIOR to launch, so the system could have launched with said apps, just like every other device for the past five-ten years?
@BLP_Software of course we all have multiple devices for web browsing. When I am using my phone I use the browser on that. When I am on my PC I use the browser on that. While I am using my tablet I use the browser on that. While I am on my Wii U I use the browser on that. It's about convenience and not having to carry multiple devices to achieve BASIC functionality.
Yes, Sony went 'games first' but the PS4 did actually have all the multimedia apps at launch. The reason they could talk about games is because all the basic functionality was already accounted for. We wouldn't even be having these discussions about Netflix on Switch if we already had Netflix on Switch.
Nintendo, through their own incompetence, have drawn the discussion away from games. Unless this was their intention of course, given the lack of software. You decide.
Reggie has the right idea.
They cannot afford for early adopters to not be playing and talking about the games on their new Switch.
If they just use it for browsing 4chan and watching RuPaul's Drag Race on Netflix, the entire effort of getting the system out as early as possible will have been in vain.
As you say, Reggie is obviously a PR-man, and they clearly didn't actually WANT these services to be available at launch.
There's no point wasting memory by forcing these on the UI if people don't want them. If these apps are optional downloads, then yes, bring them over, people can then pick and choose what they want, if they want them.
For once I don't think this is just flowery marketing speak. My Apple TV will always be my media player of choice in the living room and on the go I honestly don't even use my iPhone 7plus to watch media unless it's part of an article I'm reading. I'm glad they put everything into getting the Switch ready to be a great gaming device straight out of the box. New features always come in time.
I'll always see these as just a "nice to have extra", hardly essential but helps expand the Switch's capabilities.
Hardly something to get your pants in a twist over like some people are. Not so much 1st World Problems as Entitled Dreamer Problem.
@Pod Read the rest of my comment. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if Switch actually HAD Netflix. We'd be talking about the games instead.
Whatever Nintendo's intention, it was poorly judged. They Nintendo'd the whole situation.
I just want BBC iPlayer
I am completely fine with this. My new game system is for playing games not for watching something I can watch on my computer.
Needs to come before they charge for online multiplayer methinks.
They need them quick. Differentiating yourself by offering less is a terrible idea.
@dizzy_boy you don't waste memory on them on the Wii U either if you don't download them. It's nice to have options
I just want more solid dates and information.
Netflix, BBC, you tube
There's nothing to see here people. These apps came to Wii and Wii U late. We all knew they would be there eventually.
@BLP_Software you just keep missing the point over there.
While I'm not too fussed about it not being there, it probably should have been there at launch. With a kickstand, something most phones or tablets don't have without an attachment of some sort, it makes the Switch a perfect multimedia device. Also how cool would it be to watch Netflix in docked mode then say, you wanted to go to another room, you could hand the stream off to portable mode?
If I was a betting man I'd wager they probably didn't want to go through the testing phase of the apps before launch. Just wanted to make sure the system would run games as efficiently as it could. It will come.
I read your entire comment, but I thoroughly disagree with your final assessment.
I think it is infinitely more valuable to have early adopters focus on playing games than servicing a few people who feel the need to complain if not every device they own can access their Netflix account.
It's a small thing, but as others have already stated, there's just no reason not to have these apps.
Haven't stopped playing Zelda and Fast RMX long enough to want to watch Netflix tbh.
Oh !
Youtube & Google browser, please Mr Reggie !
@Dazza I just got the subheading on the article title!
Haha, stranger things. Nice one, @NintendoLife
Nintendo has been trying to come down with an Iron Fist, but quite frankly, they've been a real Daredevil with the Switch, so granted, the fans are Breaking Bad with their comments about anything Switch related. Hopefully no one will go Walking Dead on them, or else we Better Call Saul or we'll be headed WestWorld and meeting a Mr Robot. Nintendo does focus on the Family, Guy, so with their Arrow of Marketing focusing on the Gaming Factor of Switch, they might need to broaden it out
Do people actually use web browsers on game consoles? They suck terribly.
Also when the Switch does inevitably get one, it should be called the Web Bowser.
"I feel very attacked right now!" xD
But you're right. I can't use my wiiu most of the time because that's what I watch netflix with! For me, it's one of the main reason I don't regret forking over 300,- bucks.
(The quote's a meme from drag race btw, love that show ^_^ )
@SLIGEACH_EIRE @MrGawain I didn't really care about a browser at all until I saw the video yesterday that a keyboard is supported. Of course when mobile you have a touchscreen but it fills up the screen. Now that there is keyboard support known I'm on the bandwagon.
Great news my Nintendo Switch is for gaming first but a great portable way to watch Netflix is awesome so I'm hoping this is sooner than later.
The idea that Nintendo, with its limited resources, and having to roll a new console ahead of normal time because of disappointing sales of the Wii U, and managing to create a home console experience on a portable for the first time in history, and the joycon multiplayer HD rumble features, and having Zelda BOTW (one of the best games of all times according to reviews) play on it as if it was made for it, so far into the development of the game, and having more games ready, and working on a real sequel to SMG to be released this year, and all the other games it is working on, and working on games for the 3DS and for its Mobile platform, and the amiibo and what not, and at the same time, that it should have wasted resources to have services that are on every smartphone, tablet and smart tv there already to be ready on launch, knowing that its fans really would prefer games, and would complain if there wasn't enough, is absolutely asinine.
Not bothered,got enough devices to use Netflix and such like on
I believe that one of the reasons they are keeping the thing quite locked down to start with is to try to avoid hackers from exploiting the system. I think this is one of the main reasons there's no net browser or save game copying yet.
I understand the appeal of multipurpose devices, but I see no reason to be upset that a gaming device is focused on gaming. There are so many other options for streaming, so I'm not missing it on my Switch.
I think that Nintendo heard the feedback and realized that they needed the apps for the public. I don't think I have ever watched any of Those things except on my phone, but I wouldn't be against having the apps on the switch. More importantly, I think the general public wants to have the apps.
I love the idea of Crunchyroll on the Switch, but is it a viable Netflix machine with its battery?
A console with a tablet begs for services like these and a web browser. Come on, Nintendo!
With things like this not being ready and the lack of 1st party titles (except Zelda & MK8) I can't help but feel Switch has been rushed to market a little.
I hope Nintendo re-release some other Wii U games like Captain Toad and Paper Mario etc to help fill the voids.
everyone has smart phones so this isn't that important to me but would be great! the priority should be the games and a good steady amount of them!
@Mogster "We wouldn't even be having this discussion if Switch actually HAD Netflix. We'd be talking about the games instead."
Oh, I'm not worried about that happening.
You and a few others here are always so diligent, if the Switch had Netflix from the beginning, you surely would have found some other minor thing to complain about instead, to fill the void.
When Netflix finally arrives, it will finally be time to return my Wii U to the box, where it shall rest in peace. Or at least move it to another TV, in case I feel the need to play it at some point (quite likely, as I'm not getting Mario Kart 8 again).
Nice spin Reggie. If they felt this way why did they put these things on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS? This is just PR speak for launching a featureless console.
I'm of the mind that Nintendo had to rush the Switch to market before the close of the fiscal year and one of the sacrifices was not to spend the resource to deal with Netflix, etc., negotiations and integration. I've always thought it will come; just not a launch priority.
I generally like that they're prioritizing the core features and the periphery stuff is "eh, it'll happen probably but it's not a priority". It's a nice change from "we have TV remote controls and guide services and video players, and a Google Maps interface that can't leave your home, but we have no games for the next 6 months!" that was the WiiU.
It is and always has been a given these services along with other things like a web browser will come to Switch eventually. I never doubted it in the slightest.
Still, for panicky, worrying people, it's nice to know they're working on it.
I like to use webbrowser and netflix on my Wii U. Accidentally I also use it for youtube. I'm lazy - Wii U is hocked contantly to my plasma and I can control the whole set with Wii U Gamepad.
Having these apps on the system is just another reason people could pick it up.
@BinaryFragger exactly. If don't want to carry phone, Switch and extra tablet with me. In an ideal world it would also have bluetooth keyboard functionality but hey oh.
@Pod nope...still missing the point. Again, we wouldn't be having this conversation if Switch had Netflix. We would be focusing on the games. I don't really understand why you keep saying early adopters should only have to focus on games. Doesn't really make any sense. Let people use the console how they want ffs, more options is NEVER a bad thing.
@Kirgo not my fault there are issue with the Switch. I'm afraid the blame for that relies solely on Nintendo's shoulders. There are already plenty of things to complain about, having basic multimedia functionality would cross one of those things off of the list.
@DoctorOverbuild exactly. Shame most people don't see that.
I'd say this is an okay move. Early adopters don't care about extra features, but the families and hipsters and whoever else makes up that second wave will want these features packed in for sure.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE browser? Haha! Who wants that? Ridiculous
Ok then......So I'm assuming since all other gaming devices feature these services that people forgot they were for games also??
This was obvious. Any one with a shred of knowledge would of known it would come. Haters going to hate.
@cfgk24 Yes! The Wii U is my main Crunchy Roll machine right now. It would be cool to have a replacement in the near future.
Options are always good but what would the cost have been? For most of us the Switch is for playing games so maybe the trade off was increased games over the 1st year for delayed browser, apps, etc. Maybe Nintendo just dropped the ball. Maybe a little of both. What I know is Zelda is pretty universally loved and it is pushing the launch in the right direction. Add in Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey and a nice assortment of other games and you have what looks like a successful 1st year. Get some of these apps going by the holiday season and this whole conversation just doesn't matter.
It's all about choice and I am please Nintendo sees that.
If you don't want these services then don't download/install them.
If you do want them then get them.
Don't understand why some people go on about this being a bad thing because "I don't want these services because they are on everything else". Then don't download them. Simples. Leave those that do want them alone.
I want them on the Switch because "these services ARE on everything else".
Most of all I want people to have the choice.
hope they come soon because i do not want to use my Wii U or connect my laptop to the TV in order to watch movies on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon.
I also hope that Nintendo will update the user interface on the Nintendo Switch so that we can see more games on the screen at the same time. i have a feeling they may do that since they had that feature on the 3DS and the Wii U.
We should get the YouTube app first just saying
Good, the appeal of having Netflix on one portable device that you can instantly put on your TV is fantastic. Considering you can have only so many connected devices per account, putting the service on the Switch can open up a connection for users to then share with a friend or family member or whatever.
@Mogster Yeah, I have a similar problem with my toaster.
I can't watch Netflix on that and I can't bake a cake in there either.
There are so many things to complain about on that toaster...
Seriously though, at least 99.999% of the people who are interested in Netflix and a Switch (btw. they aren't even THAT many to begin with. Netflix isn't everywhere as big as in america...) can already watch Netflix on another device.
Now as was already mentioned, it is inconvenient to have to use two device when one of them could be enough if it just had Netflix.
So in the end, Switch not having Netflix is just an inconvinience, a
-small- inconinience at that, since it is not actually a problem to use 2 devices...
Something you wrote is, that there wouldn't be discussions if it had Netflix.
So, this means, we are having all these discussions about Netflix on Switch because it is a -little- inconvinient for a minority of people.
Don't you find that ridiculous at all?
To those who commented on here that Web browsers suck anyway on home consoles so who cares. Well maybe its your setup do you have a slow router or modem. I have a NetGear NightHawk router that was top of the line two years ago not sure about today. Anyway I use the Web browser all the time on Wii - U and have no issues whatsoever or slow downs at all. Streaming netflix or Hulu with no lag. Furthermore I know this is the digital age but some of use still do not have smartphones or Iphones to all those that say everyone has it already. Stop speaking for everyone maybe some people can only afford one device and instead of upgrading to a new phone capable of streaming they considered a Switch to be their all in one device but since it can't do these things that is a potential loss in sale. Reggie I never believe anything he says till it happens. We all remember when he fried someone in the audience that said oh great not another mario Game give us Mother 3 reggie. We ended up getting mother 1 and mother 2 on the Wii - U. So with Nintendo you just never know they tend to do whatever they want when they want.
Nothing wrong with what he says there, netflix and the like will be on the switch in time, but lets be honest we've all got other ways to watch those services and I doubt I'll make much use of them on switch
Big time mistake, but they will come.
Your point is getting through quite clear to me. I just don't agree with its validity. We are not majority of owners in here. Whether the people discussing this topic are talking about the absence of Netflix instead of playing games has very little bearing on the general player base.
And it is the general player base that Nintendo want to be playing games instead of discussing the ending to Stranger Things.
Was Hopper told by the men in black that Eleven is still alive? Is that why he's leaving Eggos out in the forest?
It's 2017.. Netflix should be on the console at least within the first two months of release otherwise that is just pathetic. Having these streaming apps is such a basic necessity today that I am shocked that it isn't already here...
I think it isn't too unreasonable that they weren't included at launch, but at the same time I use Netflix quite a bit so it is something I consider crucial to any system I buy. Perhaps by the time I buy the Nintendo Switch it will actually be on it.
@Kirgo Could you please provide a source for those figures which you just pulled out of your bottom? I don't know what you're talking about at all, I live in the UK and I care about Netflix. most of Western society does. Your statements are baseless and irrelevant with NOTHING to support them. Come back with some evidence that people who play Nintendo consoles don't care about Netflix and then perhaps I'll listen too you. But you won't be able to and, thus, this is concluded.
@Gerbwmu There would be zero trade off. Nintendo does develop the app, Netflix etc would. All Nintendo need to do is provide the tools for them to do this. It's a win-win situation.
@Pod 'We are not majority of owners in here' exactly. The majority of consumers want all-in-one devices. It helps people justify their purchases. There is no downside to having extra features, why do people find that so hard to understand?
The talking should have already been done and this should be on the Switch now, but they concentrated on more important matters so I can look past this. I don't agree with others who have posted that Nintendo didn't want the services on the system because they want people playing and talking about the games instead. That seems like a stretch. What company wouldn't want everything available for a marketing standpoint? What sounds better? The Nintendo Switch plays games; or the Nintendo Switch can play games but you can also browse the internet, download an e-book, watch Netflix or HBO Go or Youtube? More is always better when it comes to marketing. You're able to "hit" on more people.
For me personally, it's not a deal breaker at all, but I would appreciate it if those services were available.
@Mogster I agree 100% with all of your statements.
Just to add onto my last post, I feel that it would have been in Nintendo's best interest to make people who carry a tablet around question if they need to carry a tablet around anymore. If you could get a "tablet like system" that has all the typical entertainment apps plus play games like Zelda, Mario , Kart, Smash ex.; wouldn't that be awesome?
Let me translate Reggie's statement: "We want the focus to be on the games, so shut up about the issues and lack of features. We obviously rushed this thing out the door to create revenue early in the year."
Of course the apps are coming later. Never understood the meltdowns earlier. Personally I'm enjoying my streamlined system before it gets stuffed full of crap I don't care about.
@Mogster I have did not write anything about Nintendo gamers not caring about Netflix. It's about how many people care much about whether they get yet another device to watch it on. They have a way to watch it already and will just continue to watch on that device, whatever it is. Netflix being on Switch as well would be nice, but not important.
And no, I don't have evidence. How could I? It is not like you have shown any evidence about it being so important either.
More features are always better, so Netflix will be nice (it is basically confirmed, that is another reason, why this discussion is unnecessary). But to call a nice additional feature like that a "basic feature" is a stretch. If a majority of people really thinks a small convinience issue like that is important, then I am VERY worried about society... It would basically mean people are so much too lazy to grab another device which is already there, that they wouldn't buy a system which can't do it.
That is also what I base this on, besides the fact that I know a lot of people who would not care at all, but that can be different depending on who you surround yourself with.
...and Bluetooth headphone support?
At first I was a little disappointed that the Switch didn't launch with these apps, but many devices hooked up to my projector have Netflix, ect. My phone has Netflix, etc. My desktop and laptop have Netflix, etc. When given the option, I probably won't download the apps seperately.
For the time being, I think it's smart to put the focus on games for early adopters.
@Kirgo go buy any smartphone/tablet/game console. Go on, I'll wait.
Done yet? Turned it on? Do you have access to, or the ability to download, Netflix? Yes, you do? Great. So you agree it is, in fact, a basic feature? Which is why every device has it? Fantastic. Why can't Switch have a basic feature at launch? Got a reason or you just going to spew more fabricated statistics again?
It's an important feature because it's a basic feature, as you yourself have proved by stating that everyone has multiple devices that have it. Why would I take my Switch out with me if it lacks basic features? I don't want to carry an extra tablet with me just because Nintendo can't be bothered, I'll just leave the Switch at home or not even bother buying one.
People want all-in-one devices. This is fact.
We would have all of these services now if Nintendo wasn't withholding them for fall.
Make no mistake, all of these will be there in that subscription pitch; Nintendo will raise the curtain: "Come join us for our online services and you'll get a New/Old Game each month! plus Netflix! Hulu! Amazon! a browser! some trail mix! ...and a plate-spinning monkey named Shep!"
@Mogster - unless you work for Nintendo and helped develop the Switch.....I don't think you can declare there are zero trade offs. I doubt anyone here knows what kind of scheduled was pushed to get the Switch out by March (if any). When dev kits were sent out. How many they had to send out and when. Not to mention the costs of having employees to help Netflix, Amazon etc optimize their programs to work with the Switch which takes away from their time to help game developers. All of these things are trade offs for what might be a system they launched a year or more earlier then they wanted too.
It's not to say you are wrong.......just that we don't know.
People who think this omission is no big deal are out to lunch on this. Quite frankly, as I showed the device to friends this weekend, when I told them that no, Netflix, Amazon Prime and YouTube aren't included yet, the response was sideways smile and "that's weird". Followed by another saying "Don't worry, I'm sure they're coming."
For the mass market crowd Nintendo wants to buy in on this, and for convenience, adding these services is a must. Saying you already own a phone that does this isn't an argument that justifies not having the services. A portable gaming system, in the 21st century, must also have other options for entertainment.
Saying you didn't watch movies on your NES makes no sense. It's 2017, not 1985. Tech evolves. I'm glad Reggie basically confirmed they are coming. And I hope by Xmas season.
Yes, must be optional. We don't need bloat ware.
Well said. No one is going to think higher of the Switch because it's MISSING BASIC VIDEO APPS!
To be honest, I don't really care... There's so many ways to stream Netflix right now. At home, my chromecast is the easiest, and on the go I use a tablet or my phone.
I would rather have a great console-hybrid that plays all my favorite games, an thus I would rather they focus on bringing an awesome supply of virtual console games instead.
'In our view, these are not differentiators'
Well that's where they're wrong. If the Switch had the same software capabilities as any smartphone/tablet, it could actually sell a lot more units.
I don't get why Nintendo don't market this as a tablet, it's a missed opportunity.
Most of these aren't available in Russia anyway, and even if they were, Nintendo Anime Channel already demonstrated that this is where console services suddenly acknowledge you living in a different country and expect you to go use a Russian internet provider before they cooperate. And just like with the browser thing, if I ever use these, it'll be on my phone 99% of the time.
I am not having difficulties understanding what you are saying. None of this has to do with what the user wants. I am not saying players are more happy with the device not featuring Netflix. Nintendo are more happy that way, and they take the liberty of disregarding whether an amount of users are unhappy.
I think most people will carry 2 devices. Switch is not a phone, and you would never leave you phone at home if you own a switch
put the nintendo anime channel on but add more shows from other game franchises
No interest in having these on Switch, I've got 6 or 7 different ways of accessing these already and the battery is bad enough as it is so I'm not wasting it watching tv. Seriously who doesn't own a smartphone/TV, some forms of cable/Sky and possibly a PC or tablet too. Most of those moaning already have multiple ways of using these so clearly it isn't a problem
@BLP_Software I AM using my PC though. Still miss It on Switch.
I'm so tired of people downplaying missing features just because they don't care about them. I don't usually use the Netflix app either or any other various services but I still see the value in it.
It's like trying to spin a downgrade from the 3DS and Wii U (and even the regular Wii) into a pro. Making the system more versatile and appealing will benefit everyone in the end when it comes to overall support.
Anyway I think these things are coming and it's a similar situation to the 3DS. Nintendo's launches always feel like beta testing.
@Mogster you're talking basic functionality of a mobile phone or a media center, not basic functionality of a console. Sony and Microsoft make sense - the former is a multimedia giant and the latter is a PC software giant. Of course browsers and video players would be basic functionality by their standards!
I could definitely understand people websurfing and watching videos on their DS/PSP/PS3 last decade, but I'm struggling to view either as a must have on ANY piece of tech in 2017. "Not having to carry multiple devices around" is a moot point when there's already one kind of device EVERYONE can be said to carry around 24/7 or so. The kind which covers both web browsers and video services with much more comfort, partly courtesy of touch screens rivaling portable consoles in size nowadays. And I've already asked this - if Switch must allow the user to dispense with all other devices on the go, should it have a GSM model for good measure? And be called Nintendo N-Gage while we're at it?
If someone has a personal habit of using this stuff on consoles, by all means. But when did it become a unanimous demand? And if it really didn't, do people just understand "basic functionality" as "features added just so they're there"? And here I thought the internet slang for the latter was "bloatware" - sorry, my mistake.
Netflix with an offline mode on switch would make it one of the best version ever !
What I hope this means is that Nintendo is getting YouTube and Netflix to actually make decent apps for the Switch. The apps they made for Wii U weren't so great, not like it's a problem though because I just can watch everything on my Apple TV. Though yesterday I was thinking it would be nice if it had Netflix so I can just watch anything wherever I go, since my phone is small and I don't have a tablet.
@RadioHedgeFund You could with Wii U and New 3DS
Still makes me laugh people are trying to justify this. If you don't want to use streaming apps on the Switch, don't use them. But there are people who want to, and not being able to may put them off purchasing a Switch. To the mass-market, it will be a negative if it doesn't happen.
"Oh but people already have devices that can access Netflix".
So? If people already have more than 1 such device that would indicate they like the convenience and that they like to use other devices than their phone (to save battery life etc).
"They're keeping the focus on gaming".
You can do that and still have streaming apps. See : PS4, XB1, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360 etc.etc....
I have so many ways I can watch those services that I can't think of them all at the moment. It would be no big deal to me that those services aren't on the Switch at the moment...if I owned one! Lol! I would just simply switch (no pun intended) to my Xbox One when I want to watch Hulu or Netflix.
'We built the Nintendo Switch to be a world-class gaming device'
Omg Reggie shut up. Greasy pimp. So tired of his hyperbolic marketing b.s. It's alomst comical. World class... good lord.
Dont tell me you're talking to companies, just make it happen. This shouldn't even be an article. These apps should have been there day one.
Youtube and I'm good. Maybe BBC iPlayer too as long as it doesnt come too late like the Wii U app....
....or just use any other device and save the $300 you would have spent on the switch! Yeah! 👍
@Pod Sorry, but you simply have no clue on how "early adopters" use their gaming consoles.
My kid keeps playing games on his PS4 but now and then I see him watching other people plays on Youtube, SuperGirl on Netflix or some mild anime on Crunchyroll.
People can concentrate on various things at the same time, you know.
@dumedum Man, first of all, learn to break down paragraphs into sentences. It was a real ordeal to try to read what you just wrote.
You lost me when you wrote "Nintendo with its limited resources". They are sitting on a war chest of 5-6 billion dollars, in cash, first, and second, they just need to give Netflix or Amazon a couple of Switches, because they are the ones that do all the work.
The fact that Nintendo has an app for the switch tells us that they expect you to have some sort of mobile device, meaning you can get Netflix on that already.
I am not disagreeing with you on whether people would want to watch Netflix.
I'm saying that Nintendo want people to be playing games and associate their new product entirely with games.
If we weren't having this discussion about whether a Netflix app is available, we'd be having reviews of the Netflix app and how it's different from other Netflix apps, and that's editorial space and customer mindshare going away from video games.
I'm sure your kids are both intelligent, and extremely competent media consumers.
Alright, that was a great tagline.
@maceng if you can't read it, don't. Won't break my heart.
If those do come, I hope Crunchyroll, Viaplay and HBO Nordic also come.
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