Nintendo has revealed that its retro-focused Virtual Console service will not be ready for the Nintendo Switch launch. The company has stated that it will share more information on this service "in the future".
In slightly better news, Nintendo has also revealed that funds currently held on 3DS and Wii U consoles can be carried over to the Switch and spent on the new eShop, which will launch alongside the console on March 3rd. A system update will be required to activate the eShop.
Here's the official update, straight from Nintendo itself:
+ People who already have funds in their accounts on a Nintendo 3DS family system and/or Wii U can access them using a shared wallet that works on Nintendo Switch as well. Once they link their Nintendo Network ID and Nintendo Account and then their Nintendo Account to their Nintendo Switch console, this functionality becomes possible.
+ Virtual Console games will not be available on Nintendo Switch at launch. We will share more information in the future.
+ A News feature will offer updates about the latest additions to Nintendo eShop, as well as providing information about upcoming games and other updates from Nintendo.
+ To access Nintendo eShop, a system update is required that will be available on launch day. The system update downloads in the background, is designed to install quickly, and doesn't disrupt gameplay.
Nintendo has also confirmed that it will be broadcasting a special Nindies Showcase presentation on February 28th.
Comments 260
Not surprising, but still disappointing.
Knew it. You don't wait a week before launch to tell prospective customers that something WILL be available.
Poor, I can only hope that means they have a new strategy for Virtual Console.
Considering how the VC was handled on the Wii U and the 3ds I won't hold my breath for anything special this time.
nintendo always lacks some online features at their console launches i think. nothing surprising here
Least its actually confirmed as coming!
the real question: will the Switch T-Shirt be ready day 1 for Zelda?
Disappointing, but unsurprising. The optimist in me is hoping that the delay means they're trying something new/different with the VC service...or at least experimenting with adding GameCube games.
Of course it's not ready. Nintendo aren't ready. They're a disaster. Learning from their mistakes, my backside.
@eltomo No, they said they'd have more news in the future. They never confirmed whether or not it'll actually get here. Nibelsnarfing Nintendo Nintendoing this left and right.
Damn it Nintendo!
The first thing I was looking forward to doing on my brand new gaming hardware was downloading old games and then playing them! 😜
Im smelling a 3DS Launch...
VC not ready, limited launch title selection...
I don't expect much from Nintendo. The VC has been just terrible since its introduction. They really need to improve it.
Very disappointing if I'm honest
Incredibly disappointing. Now VC games better transfer from previous systems when they finally get off their rears and do it.
This is the first Switch 'bad news' that has me really bummed out. At least I hope that info is coming in the NEAR future.
Kinda expected this, what with the release date fast approaching and Nintendo having not mentioned anything about it.
I imagine people will be too busy with BotW at launch to notice, but hopefully it's not too far off. I did wonder if VC-wise the Switch would offer the same as the Wii U eShop offerings, but it's looking like a "buy them all again" job. Hopefully there'll be a transfer option and sensible pricing for new releases.
A bit dissapointing, but I prefer to see the glass half full.
Hope the delay in VC is because they are making the necessary tweaks for GC VC, and for an upgrade fee to get the VC Games we had on the Wii U.
I seriously doubt that the lack of VC at launch will hurt them very much. Having the eshop ready was a much bigger priority. How many people per-ordered a Switch so that they could start playing retro games on it right away?
The 3DS didn't even launch with any eShop whatsoever. At least we get that this time.
I hope VC launches soon.
Would have been nice to have this strongly supported out of the gate. Hopefully NES mini catches up to demand soon.
No fuss since I'll be playing Zelda till Mario comes out in 7 months and a little Splatoon 2 on the side. 😉
It's a soft launch. System won't be fully ready until the fall. That's probably why online is free until then.
I guess this is because of their online subscription service offering a VC game each month?
I guess its no surprise and they've at least acknowledged it
Repeating the mistakes of the Wii U
such weaksauce
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm glad your backside is learning from their mistakes, Yoda.
I hope they don't repeat the same Wii U and 3DS mistakes. I don't wanna buy the same game for the 3rd or 4th time.
They've got big plans for the VC,I'm sure of it.The online modes being added to NES/SNES games points to this.It not being ready and them saying they will share details later about it also imply's there's going to be more to it.We already know there will be some sort of upgrade fee for previous purchases and that there is a new team with a great record working on the emulators.Plus we have the Arcade Archives releases beginning in March.
Relax folks with all the needless negativity.You'll give yourself an ulcer if you keep it up!
lol ah nintendo... seriously...
@Einherjar Great, that means if I wait for 6 months, I can pick one up for €200!
Not surprising, but just hope that it's a good service when it does eventually launch. I still have suspicions we may be looking at a subscription model, but hopefully not.
The switch was rushed
Again another showing how this product was rushed to launch. I was really counting on some sort of VC, seeing as how they have "purposely" staggered games. I was hoping that was to give time to really polish other aspects of the console. Nintendo needs to step up.
My hope here is that the Virtual Console itself is getting reworked EG online multiplayer and more display settings
at least I get to carry over my remaining 49p to my Switch
Also, I think there's going to be some big negative again when the VC is finally announced. Like that it's a subscription service or that people have to pay for them again but this time will be the last time they'll do that to us. They'll blame it on some technicality. Or if the games can transfer, we'll have to pay another upgrade charge. Whatever about Wii to Wii U(HD), I don't see why we'd have to pay again.
any one else feel like we paying Nintendo to BETA TEST the switch for them?
ouch why Nintendo are you always so backwards?
I'm buying a switch to play older games I own on older systems
Wow Nintendo, I already pre ordered the Switch but jesus Nintendo why are you trying so hard to screw up?
Yeah, this really isn't a big deal at all. No one is buying a Nintendo Switch just to play retro games on it. Nah, that's merely the icing on the cake for some. The Virtual Console is great, but its certainly not a system seller.
I'll agree that it is quite disappointing (and stupid on Nintendo's part, seeing how much time they've had) but at least it's coming.
Wow... I thought that since the launch lineup is rather paltry, they were gonna make a huge announcement with some great new system for virtual console titles... "play our incredible library of retro games on-the-go or at home, while you wait for more AAA titles".
"+ To access Nintendo eShop, a system update is required that will be available on launch day. The system update downloads in the background, is designed to install quickly, and doesn't disrupt gameplay."
I said there'd be a launch day update. That 25.9GB of storage will be nibbled away at fairly quickly. I'm sure there's other things that need an update. We know that if you want to use a Micro SD card above a certain size then that too needs an update.
Well can't say I was looking forward to playing past gen games day one on a next gen console. More eager to play next gen games.
Happy about the shared wallet though, even if it was to be expected. I remembered being bummed about the Wii points not converting to the eshop with the Wii U.
And that explains why we haven't seen any video previews by Nintendo.
No excuses to be honest. This happened on 3DS and Wii U at launch.
Pretty pathetic
Unless there's a Gamecube Virtual Console in the future, I don't really care that much. I'm buying this for new Nintendo games, not old stuff I've already played.
No skin off my back. I got Zelda to play, after all.
To those of you saying that it's not a big deal about the lack of VC, that you don't need to play old games, I say:
1001 Spikes
Cave Story
Human Resource Machine
Hollow Knight
I Am Setsuna
Little Inferno
Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
Minecraft: Story Mode – Complete Edition
Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition
Shovel Knight
Super Bomberman R
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
World of Goo
And many more besides. Yet I see countless people saying they're buying those games. A little hypocritical don't you think?
Sigh. Very disappointing. They really should have been ready for launch but, with full predictability, Nintendo pull a Nintendo.
Nintendo are the gaming company with the biggest, broadest and all-round best games catalog in the entire industry, they're sitting on a veritable goldmine of old games, yet confusingly they seem reluctant beyond belief to make use of it.
It's almost like they're terrified of actually capitalizing on all that instant profit. I honestly for the life of me don't understand it at all. They have barren lineups for their systems, especially at launch, their 3rd party support is Dreadful to say the least, and VC could easily be used to remedy this, to an extent. Their fanbase and customers are basically begging to throw money at Nintendo for classic games, but the company's just like, 'meh, no. Maybe sometime in the distant future. But we're not talking about it'.
Just why?
@ThatNyteDaez I actually was hoping to play games i missed on skipped consoles. I know it was not a guarantee, but that will be a big part of my purchases.
That would have made sense. They managed that in 2006 but can't do it now, on much more powerful hardware.
So this is an early access console. Well guess i don't have to buy it day one.
The idea of being able to play Nintendo's back catalogue on a portable with a quality 6.2 inch screen is a big dollop of very sugary icing. No maybe not a system seller for some, but it instantly makes the games catalogue look much better when available.
I honestly don't care . I buy new systems for New Games. I never went back to buy old games on my current gen system . I never understand the hype for the VC.
It's a pity, since it seems to be an important feature for a lot of people, but I personally don't care - when I buy a console, it's for new games; VC is just a nice, very secondary thing for me. Although I can't say I wouldn't be happy to see GC games available, along with a larger library of GBA titles.
Let the trickle begin!
All will be forgiven if your entire VC library transfers over!
@DarthNocturnal It's probably in an attempt to sneak this in under the radar, websites are loaded with articles about Switch, in a week it will be here so everybody is talking about it, and inbetween all those articles is "Oh yeah, VC won't be there yet, please understand!", Nintendo are hoping for this to get lost in all the other news...
It's understandable for Nintendo to try to hide this (Nobody wants to admit their new device doesn't do something the old one does), and it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it all comes off as a bit underhanded...
Something else to look forward to.
No worries
I think you need to get out of the house a bit more. You're not even buying a Switch so what's it to do with you? You are trying to ruin it for all the people who are buying a Switch. Pretty mean spirited if you ask me.
Well, at least Nintendo remains consistent with their "afterthought" strategy for VC.
@Luna_110 upgrade fee? I've bought the same VC games for Wii, Wii U, and 3DS. Nintendo should let us download them again for free.
@Mart1ndo I'm not doing that, Nintendo is.
I'm not buying a Switch AT LAUNCH. I've said numerous times that I'll likely buy it next year. Have it pre ordered still from 6 months ago but the presentation was so bad, it's put me right off, for a while at least. The games when they eventually arrive will twist my arm.
They should be putting their best foot forward with the Switch. They're meant to be eliminating all their mistakes and making it as attractive as possible. After the failure of Wii U, it's now even more important to do so. The same mistakes happened with Wii to Wii U as they are now from Wii U to Switch. We thought both times then that because we were starved towards the end of those consoles that it means they'll launch with a bang, instead it was a whimper. I want them to succeed but this is not how you go about achieving it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE you've made clear numerous times you're not getting one ,so don't let it bother you.
Your memories must be shot.lol VC wasn't available day one on Wii,3ds or Wii u.lol why would VC be available day one on the switch lol
@Mart1ndo Don't mind him. He thoroughly enjoys being a Negative Nancy. It's pretty much his trademark at this point.
As long as I don't have to pay for all my games again I don't care when the virtual console launches
@Slim1999 VC was available at launch for Wii meanwhile it took a few months after launch for Wii U and 3DS.
Oh well.
I don't see Nintendo making anywhere near the mistakes they made with Wii u. The biggest mistake with Wii u was Wii u. It's was an oddball console, that is the reason it failed.
Switch is far more clear proposition. What you see is what you get. Wii u was a confusing mess.
....Yeeeaaah we're gonna have to re-buy all the VC games yet again on Switch.
Disappointing, but at this point when they've been so quiet on it, expected. Should be worth noting the Wii U didn't launch with VC...perhaps not a mistake they want to repeat but it's not like Switch is the first to have the feature delayed from the off.
Would have been a massive positive for day one sales though.
@Mart1ndo I agree. It seems a much more clear proposition.
Personally I'm excited and I don't feel we all should be entitled at anything just because we like certain companies' products.
From an economical point of view, Nintendo surely relies on 1st party software, I guess they want consumers to spend all their bucks in their all new 1st party offering instead of canibalizing it with older games. It makes sense to me
That said, I'm also disappointed but it didn't move my hype away one bit
Your comment is also a disaster.
Need a tissue? To wipe away the tears? Lol.
This was a given. Silence is associated with negativity not positive news. So what they told us was the LEAST info. What I need to know instead is when wil VC be available, and more importantly, HOW will it be implemented. Like will GameCube make its way to VC or no?
If Nintendo told the public the VC is on hold so they could get Mario Sunshine ready, I imagine few would have gloom and doom.
@Mart1ndo Yes Wii U was a mess, doomed to failure before it launched but Nintendo did very little to help it succeed and gave up on it early on. I still like the Wii U and like it more than what I've seen so far of the Switch. That may change in time.
I am honestly fine with no VC at launch since I am buying this at launch only for Zelda.
@The-Chosen-one To wipe away my tears of laughter? No thanks. You're alright. And I genuinely did laugh at your comment.
Every single Switch article, be it good news or bad news, is met with a overwhelming tidal wave of negativity in the comments on every website on the internet. Would VC on launch day have been good? Yes. Is it necessary? Hell no. I have my Wii, 3DS and Wii U if I want to play VC games. On launch day i've got a solid 5 games to play (Zelda and Super Bomberman R for new games, I Am Setsuna, Fast RMX and Shovel Knight for games i've never played before) so for myself I am happy with what there is for launch. I'm here to spread love and happiness in the comments, everybody smile
I'd rather play NEW games at launch. That's what I'd buy a whole new console for.
Hopefully they're at least taking the time to get it right this time around....
I don't pay to be a Beta Tester.
@OorWullie unless they are infected with H. pylori I think people will be fine.
I'm glad VC ain't ready.like everyone else I'd rather play new games at launch Zelda and Bomberman is the only 2 games I'm getting for launch
Booooo! Was secretly hoping for MarioKart DD to hold me over until MK8. Oh well, there's just gonna be a whole lot of Zelda until then. Rats!
No problem. I'll be working on my wiiu vc backlog anyway. And playing brand new Zelda on my NS.
This news and the reports of joy con syncing issues (along with lack of compelling titles not already on WiiU) make me glad I held off. Everything about the general system build makes it sound like a quality system that will eventually be worth having assuming the software library is strong.
@antdickens They do, start from scratch again and drip feed us with a fee for every game because there will be added features like online multiplayer in SNES games.
Very disappointing
@Einherjar The Wii U's VC also wasnt ready for launch.
@AG_Awesome Well we know they're adding online to SNES games at least, so there'll be some work done on them and not to mention that NES Mini emulation could be used for the NES games as well.
Until I know the state of the VC on Switch, I'm not going to invest on anything more for the VC on the 3DS or the Wii U. I'd love a switch, but it's just not that compelling for a Wii U owner yet. My 3DS is half knackered, but it remains unclear what the strategy is there. If I knew I could transfer purchases from the Wii U to the switch (even if it is in 6 months time) I'd be OK with carrying on purchasing on the Wii U. But the silence really means lost revenue for them.
Rather handy for making sure that early adopters actually purchase some of the current publishing partners' software.
I can vividly imagine the dismay of 3rd parties at the launch of Wii and Wii U, where the likelihood was high that people would buy the system with the included Nintendo game, and proceed to buying a couple Nintendo made Virtual Console classics, and not needing anothe title for months.
Nintendo has to make sure not to scare away their buddies this time.
@Tyranexx No it means they heard that people were tired of buying them over and over again so they discontinued the service instead of letting you play your games on the Switch for free.
Likely it will be replaced with VC games with new features like online multiplayer which justifies both the reset and drip feed and the new fee.
I like the idea of HD remakes. Let's get Luigi's Mansion HD. Or even a new game with HD Rumble support for detecting different types of ghosts.
A primary thing that doomed the Wii U was the terrible handling of the launch. When all the Premium Bundles were sold out in February at popular retailers, the Basic Bundles rotted on shelves for months and months, and stores wouldn't order new Premiums because they didn't understand the difference, and could convince Nintendo to take the Basic bundles back.
It was a disaster that lost them most of their large scale physical retail distribution within the first year, which is where most of the casual audience would have been exposed to the system.
Nintendo also weren't willing to pay for any reasonable amount of demo kiosks or advertisement.
While the Wii U was an odd beast that was hard to understand for the average consumer, it still could have done a lot better if Nintendo hadn't tried to play hardball.
@Mart1ndo He's just some random person on the internet. How is he ruining anything for anybody? Let him speak his mind, and agree to disagree.
Sort of glad I cancelled my preorder, not that I'm that salty about this, but I do like to know the full picture of a system before I buy it.
Like if any other games are really going to come out in it's first year for instance....
I think this is a very low tactic by Nintendo once again. My theory on why they don't want to announce anything now is because they know it will anger people and those people will not buy the Switch. Personally, this puts another question mark in the "should I buy a Switch" column. Ridiculous!!!!!! Almost a week away and there's still questions up in the air!!!!!
Everyone should get ready to pay a subscription to play VC games or repurchase all their games once again!!!!!
I'm not a bit surprised. The VC has never been the money printer they'd hoped (and that the fans thought it would be). If they had made prices much lower or offered an unlimited monthly subscription service, it might be different. People just aren't that interested in playing old games for more than a couple minutes, but give them that incentive to buy lots and it really doesn't matter.
I suspect the only thing keeping them from killing it entirely is that they need it as a fail safe should the Switch start tanking.
We FINALLY get the news! To be expected, can't wait for Switch VC in teh future.
Sad, but to be fair, I will be playing Zelda so wont affect me.
@LandOfZeldtir Well technically you could play most of those on other systems so either you would like to dismiss your VC point or take it to it's conclusion. Zelda can be played on the Wii U, I am Setsuna can be played on PS4, Vita and PC and Shovel Knight has been released everywhere.
My biggest fear is it's some crazy subscription / pricing scheme that they have in mind. Don't go there Nintendo! Look at the huge success Sony had with their PlayNow Pay-by-the-hour setup they had on the PS4 to play PS3 titles...
@World The biggest problem with the VC is that NOA releases games at a super slow pace. The second biggest problem is that they expect people to keep buying the games again and again and naturally the pool gets smaller each time.
A subscription service is a terrible idea. For example, I bought Super Mario RPG and I paid $8 (I think) for it. I have played it a few times over the years. Let's say that I bought it in 2010 on the Wii. 7 years is 84 monthly payments. No doubt I would have spent more than $8 on the game by now AND if I ever stopped paying, I would lose it. How could anyone want a system like that?
I don't see the problem here. Yes it is a bit disappointing, but I just don't see anyone buying a brand new console to play older games. My hope is that they'll take this time to carry over some of the already released VC titles, but that's a lot of wishful thinking on my part.
Don't see why anybody is so upset they don't get to play 20+ year old games at launch. They will probably launch VC closer to the time they start charging for online.
@Crono1973 Oh, absolutely. A bigger and better release schedule would have been ideal.
I love the VC, but I think Nintendo should have been much more aggressive with building the initial VC library (rather than waiting for companies to drop the games in their laps) and priced much more competitively. $5 for a PS1 game on a sale vs. $5 for an NES game? No contest.
That's okay, I won't be buying until Odyssey is out, at the very least. Great job providing content for early adopters, as always.
This isn't something that makes me hate them until I hear more information. I'm too concerned about new content to get to up in arms at this point.
@Barely_Able "joy con syncing issues"
In case anybody accuses you of making stuff up or reporting on Reddit or 4Chan made up rumours here's some pseudo "mainstream media" coverage of the issue, which does appear to be real.
I rarely comment but this news make me want to put fingers to keys. I'm a die-hard Nintendo fan and was all prepared to buy the Switch at launch (it times with my birthday), but after viewing the disappointing January presentation and complete lack of games coming this year (mostly 'remakes' or ports of old games) I decided to hold off till Christmas. By then at least Mario Odyssey will be out, and hopefully VC will be up and running. As much as I love Nintendo I feel they are hindered by those who rule it, I've read reports of an out-of-date managerial system and it takes forever to get anything done in Kyoto. They also seem arrogant and don't listen to any of their fans pleas or advice. The things they had to get right at Switch's launch were obvious, and they seemed to have failed. The Switch itself looks remarkable and I still think it has a very bright future.
The fact they gave up on the Wii U so long ago and combined their handheld and home console departments gave us all optimism that the Switch would have a great launch line-up (they even said they delayed it for that very reason). What have they being doing all this time? And not bundling in '1-2 Switch' is shocking penny-pinching. Sure it cost money to develop, but I'm sure Nintendo could absorb that cost with their massive wealth. Satoru Iwata would have made sure it was a bundled game.
If the Switch is aimed at people who skipped the Wii U, how come a port of Wii U Super Smash Bros isn't a launch game? Or Super Mario 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong country Tropical Freeze, etc.. How hard would it have been to make an in-house team and port these games over for launch? Games most people have never played. It's baffling and such a missed opportunity. It seems Nintendo are eager to please their shareholders and not invest in new development teams, just use what they have. They should have employed M2 who did the amazing 3D Sega classics and let them work purely on VC.
Who knows, maybe they have an amazing VC planned with new multiplayer options, but I've learned to not get my hopes up anymore with Nintendo, just take what we get and enjoy their (sporadic)amazing games!
I honestly don't think that VC is making a return on Switch. Nintendo's lack of support and straight up indifference tells me they're about done with the service. I believe that they will begin going the route of the NES Classic for all their retro products. The "Classics" logo on the NES Classic's box looks to me like a branding and implies that there are more products in that "Classics" line to come. That's the future of VC, I think.
No virtual console, games locked to a single console, DLC for Zelda, no pack-in, too few systems for the initial demand. Gee, you'd think they'd learned a lesson with Wii-U, wouldn't you?
I really think the people that hold off until Christmas will be rewarded. By that point, supply will have caught up with demand and Nintendo will be trying to juice sales--especially if they run into a game release gap--by putting a pack-in with the Switch. I really think they're trying to milk first-adopters for what they can, but 1-2 Switch was always intended as a pack-in in the long run.
Patience will pay dividends.
@aaronsullivan Since you're here, just wanted to say don't buy 2 Switch at launch. Not b/c of VC, who cares, lack of BC is a much bigger issue, but that other article about system lock. You don't want to buy 2 consoles at launch and you can only buy VC and digital games on 1 and not be able to play them on the other. I know that's the case now w/ 3DS, but Switch is newer, a family man such as yourself should be able to share 2 consoles w/ his kids and not have to worry about which 1 he is playing. Of course you do need to worry about the save files, online saves w/ PS+ and my 2 PS3 are very nice.
So enjoy the 1 now, get another later after the Switch comes out of beta. Read links in post #126 above about more on that.
@Dev 'I'll be too busy to play Zelda to care'. There are many posts like this, how shortsighted. It's as if Zelda is all that matters. Well, I'll be playing Zelda too and I'll be playing it on a dual screen console with VC and I will be paying less to do it. Sadly, the dual screen features were dropped, probably to prevent the dual screen version from being superior.
yes I completely agree with you. By Christmas it will be a much more tempting console to purchase, for Nintendo die-hards and normal folk alike. Maybe sales in the first 6 months will disappointing so Nintendo will have to up their game just in time for christmas and we'll benefit. I'm not a massive Zelda fan so I can hold off unlike others who are.
I really really want GameCube VC. I didnt expect VC right out the gate except for that rumor.
But I'm in no rush. I have a full VC collection on Wii U and 3DS, all my games on PC, and can play any time.
As long as they bring GameCube at some point before this generation ends, we're good.
Gamecube. Before this generation ends. I'll be happy.
Poor. I've ordered a launch day console, but now it looks like there's no point opening it for a while.
Hopefully the delay is to freely transfer games already bought on WiiU across...
Wow, now the launch feels definitely rushed to generate some income before the end of the fiscal year. Nothing is ready! The flagship title was basically stolen from the Wiiu and there's nothing else. Will happily wait.
Gonna cross my fingers and hope that the delay is so they can get it right this time.
I think VC is overrated. It's nice to have, but not that necessary.
On a positive note, I still have the poster of the main image. Back when NGamer was still a thing!
Bummer. Well, I Am Setsuna it is, then!
@JaxonH So it's cool with you because you can play your VC on other consoles but then you spend the rest of your post saying 'I want Gamecube games on my new console' even though you can play those on two other consoles too.
As a long-time Nintendo gamer this doesn't disappoint me personally as I can wait for it, but I think the Virtual Console is such a huge asset for Nintendo that they should really make the most out of. You need only look at the popularity of the NES Mini to see how much of a strong suit their back catalogue is. Hopefully when it does arrive they make a big deal out of it.
A little delay is not a problem. The way it will be implemented and what it will allow (to redownload titles previously bought on Wii U/ 3DS / even Wii) is the key part here. If full priced is asked again for every title, it will be virtual console death...almost.
But I fear the new drip feed rythim of VC Switch games once again
To me the process to link is ridiculous! If you already have an ID and password it should be a catch all kinda deal! My personal opinion they need to stop with the drip feeding on VC titles and release at least 5 every time of the systems represented. Nothing on the 3ds VC in over a year and the dead WiiU gets VC releases?! Nintendo needs to get smarter management! I wish my job was that easy 1 game per week which is done in a day or less?!
No VC . I'm liking everything is connected tho account wise hopefully means that purchased VC games could get linked also if Nintendo can make that happen.
@Crono1973 wait, that's the first time I hear of Gamecube being even on Wii U VC, let alone the 3DS one.
Not happy. I love the vc. To not have it day 1 is bad. Poor show nintendo.
@nhSnork No, you can play Gamecube games on a real Gamecube or on the Wii. If you are ok with VC not being available because you can play them on the Wii, then you should be ok with playing Gamecube games there too.
im not surprised, it wasnt availble at the 3DS launch or the Wii U launch
@nmanifold I got to admit I was expecting to hear more about Wii U ports. Hoping E3 delivers, but not sure.
Not surprised, but if NOA thinks they can trinkle out releases like before they are out of their mind.
I'm not really concerned. It would be weird to buy a Switch to play old games first.
I don't think Nintendo uses E3 anymore as a 'big announcement' event anymore. If there were more Wii U ports on the horizon why not tell us? They seem to have the whole years (1st party) releases mapped out. It doesn't make any sense to have held back information on more games for 2017, It can only hurt sales of the Switch doing so. There is none.
It is quite humorous how every new detail about the Switch results in such angst on this site. Its like you are all in a state of constant nervous agitation about this launch possibly going bad and thus every potentially negative detail gets blown way out of proportion. VC will not be there at launch! Nintendo have no idea what they are doing! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
Are Nintendo 100% ready to launch this system? No.
Will it matter? No.
Switch is the shiny new toy right now and if pre-orders are an indicator it is going to get off to a roaring start. After that its success will not depend much on the Virtual Console, or the size of memory card that ships with it, or the fact that digital games are locked to one machine. It will depend almost 100% on what big games are announced for it and how well it is marketed.
Wow, the Switch keeps getting better and better. Lmao
I honestly can't even tell if it's all just a massive wind up anymore. Classic Nintendo!!
I hope they don't make VC a paid service. Where you only rent the games.
Not a big deal for me, personally. I have basically everything I want that they would release for it on my Wii U already. I just hope it means they're working on some sort of system to transfer your purchases to the Switch. I'm not holding my breath, though.
Well, whenever VC hits the Switch I just hope you can transfer your games from Wii, Wii U, and 3DS to Switch.
Wow. Wow.
For me, this is a really big deal. A week before launch, and finally, ironically, my opinion has actually been shaken. This is ABSURD. I'm about to pay $300 for an unfinished console.
I'm a big time retro gamer, and a game collector. Nintendo knows a lot of their core market is like me. The Virtual Console is one of the main selling points of Nintendo machines for me. BUT BEYOND THAT, this is just insulting in general. You couldn't get a couple emulators running on a Tegra device?
I never thought I'd say this... This is such an about face for me, I'm such a fanboy... But the Switch finally, to me, looks like a joke. Nintendo cannot get away with blundering around forever. I have basically zero confidence in the system at this point.
And I was SO EXCITED. Grah.....
I think this is better because thein they can get all the VC games that where on wiiu and maby wii and 3ds so mabey when they announce it it will have a lest nes,snes,n64, and mabey the game boy and DS
So when the do have it it will be the ultimate VC.
@FrankJaeger ' You couldn't get a couple emulators running on a Tegra device?' I am sure that it isn't the emulators that trouble them but rather how they are going to reset the VC again, drip feed and charge again. Probably not a fact they wanted to reveal in the launch window, that's why more details will come later.
This is disappointing, but not as disappointing as when they tell you that you have to buy the games you already own and start the drip feed all over again.
@zeth ...because a delay always = awesomeness?
Nintendo have shown that they have a steady stream of games coming out this year. Like AAA games. Zelda, Arms, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade and a new Fire Emblem afterwards. I believe Reggie when he says Nintendo have secured third party support and I totally expect a massive E3 showing in direct contrast to last years '1 game' approach. No VC at launch is not a deal breaker, you are a fool if you think otherwise. They have your money with the console, Zelda and the dlc and maybe 1 or 2 games extra. VC is redundant for most early on.
I'm ok to wait. What I'm not ok with is a lack of information about what we should expect. There is no reason they can't give us details about what the Virtual console will be.
@GrailUK Believing everything Reggie says (hint, it's his job to sell you on the Switch) and you call us fools. LOL. Pretty sure they were suppose to have great third party support for the Wii U too.
No, they don't have my money with the Switch. I will play Zelda on the Wii U and they don't have my money for the Zelda DLC.
@Crono1973 I'll remain optimistic with my hobby thanks. You can surround yerself with negativity all ya want
@GrailUK You'll also be out a few hundred extra dollars because your optimism isn't free. Skepticism is healthy, especially as a consumer.
@RandomNerds If they had good news for consumers, it would be financially wise to tell us all the details.
@Crono1973 I'm sad to say you are probably right.
I would rather them take their time and get Virtual Console right than to make a subpar service.
@Crono1973 Heheh. Touche
I've always really liked this picture you've used here, but I never knew its origins. Can somebody help me out?
@Crono1973 that would make it even worse. Whether a business failure or a technical failure, this is utterly, truly pathetic. I just have zero sympathy left for them at this point. And I want to have some. But I well and truly don't. I truly believe Nintendo has set themselves up for a solid possibility of complete failure.
@RazorThin There is no evidence that they will though. Past experience suggests the opposite. They will add a small feature and then charge an upgrade fee or full price again.
Well, I like the prospect of sharing my account money between systems.
As for Virtual Console, all I can say is I'm glad I have a nice backlog on both my 3DS and Wii U.
Expected, but still disappointing. The fact that they now just said this, when they had practically weeks to announce this is just worrying in my opinion. The Switch is coming up in almost a week from now, and there is still no direct or any actually announcement. The information we've been getting so far are a few statements, unboxing videos, some gameplay videos and leaks. I think Nintendo might be getting ahead of themselves in terms of releasing the Switch.
I have not preordered a Switch since I cannot afford one right now but even if I could I don't think I would. Firstly it is way expensive since you have to buy a memory card, a travel bag and (maybe) controller.
But no VC and way to transfer old VC games is a huge blow. Honestly for me it was a selling point at both the Wii and the Wii U as an official way to play retro classics (although overpriced sometimes). This and the fact that the most appealing games (to me) are available in other systems I have makes Switch less appealing. Too bad since I love portable platforms.
@RatKing64 According to NES Mini demand, a lot of people want retro games, apparently...
And launch sales aren't an indicator of future success. Just look at the first two months of Wii U sales vs the rest of it's lifetime...
Yes, precisely.
I said I want GameCube because I want them portably. I do not currently have them portably.
I said it's cool because I'm in no rush to get them portably, just so long as I get them.
Is there a problem with that???
@JaxonH So you want Gamecube VC games as portable but not the rest of the VC?
@PlywoodStick Good to see you friend. Your NES Mini point is absolutely on the nose. To anyone saying this isn't a big deal-- how could this not be a big deal when the NES Mini is STILL making headlines left and right because people STILL want it so badly yet STILL cannot get it? That machine is basically a small VC. There's a large demand for this service.
Now they're dealing with a software-only environment, and they still can't meet demand. This is not a small deal. This is not negligible.
I'm not saying this a surefire sign that the Switch will fail-- but people need to get their head out of the clouds. Realistically, this is a bad sign, and realistically, this is just one of several bad signs that have cropped up.
That's not good.
Remember when the original Wii launched in 2006, you had Virtual console right from day 1? (Mega Drive, NES, SNES and N64, PC-Engine) what do we get now? nothing, where's the GameCube games? or even where's SEGA's consoles? (we finally get PC-Engine games at the end of the Wii U, and still no SEGA? unless you go back the original Virtual Console in Wii Mode)
Was mainly go for a Switch if it could play GameCube on the go, at this rate I'll stick to my old purple cube and NES Mini.
Come on Nintendo, Step it up already! XD
@GrailUK Lol, Xenoblade 2 isn't going to be ready until next year, 2017 was just a place holder. BotW is a launch title, ARMS isn't coming until 2nd quarter 2017, Mario Oddysey isn't coming until 4th quarter 2017, and Fire Emblem Warriors isn't coming until 3rd or 4th quarter 2017. That's not "a steady stream of games." That's a trickle of games. I'm not expecting NS production to ramp up until 2018, anyways... Suffice to say, though, with VC absent, and 3rd party offerings looking slim, the 1st year library is looking to be as sparsely populated as the 1st year 3DS library was.
Well f--k. One of the things I wanted to do day one was play Super Mario Kart 2-player with my co-workers.
@FrankJaeger TBF what console recently has released the finished product?none.
Well sure, why wouldn't I. But it's not really high on my priority list. I've got every NES, SNES, BS Satellaview, Genesis, GBA game ever made on my modded 3DS. And have for years.
I rarely, rarely play 20 year old games. Maybe once every year or so. But sure, I want em.... no rush though. I know they're coming, 100% guaranteed. So whenever is cool with me. It's not like I haven't been replaying all those same games for 20 years now.
@timson72 Very true and Nintendo has watched consumers buy unfinished consoles without hesitation just like they have watched (and learned) consumers pay for online play.
@timson72 I'd agree with that, without the "TBF", cause none of this has been fair or professional. But you're right. The generation, in my opinion, has been an absolute dumpster fire. I have a PS4, and sure I like some of the games, but the device is terrible. The controllers fall apart, the user interface is clumsy and terrible, PSN sucks A LOT, and the games didn't really start getting good until a year ago-- 2.5 years into the console's lifespan! And most PC ports are somehow broken nowadays. After using a Xbox 360 and 3DS as my main devices (and being treated really well by them) for a long time, along with everything that came before that, the current generation of consoles has just been nightmarish in my opinion. And that's not excusable. Nintendo was supposed to be better than that. In my opinion the Wii U was-- I liked it's interface and games. Its marketing was just trash
@JaxonH 100% guaranteed that they are coming? No, they reset the damn things every gen and then we never get all that we had before. Look at the Wii U VC compared to the Wii. 3DS is even sadder.
Your modded 3DS? Well I guess it makes sense that you don't need to wait for Nintendo to get around to releasing poop but those of us who play by the rules do.
@FrankJaeger i dropped over 500 on xb1/games day one and that was far from finished,everything seems rushed nowadays,im not to fussed about VC at launch as ill be balls deep in Zelda.
@FrankJaeger It's been a while, you last posted in January!
Personally, I think that as more NS details are revealed (or not, as the case may be), it's reminding me more and more of the 3DS launch, right down to the launch month. It's almost eerie.
I do still think that the NS could become a powerhouse in the future, and potentially even the next RPG Mecca. (It's going to do way better in Japan than anywhere else, partially because they're going to pay the equivalent of at least US$39 less than everyone else in the world for the base package.) However, the first year after the first couple of months is probably going to be really rough. I'm waiting for Holiday 2017 or later, myself. (I want those RPG's...)
@JaxonH that's fine... But a lot of people DO play 20 year old games really regularly. Like a lot a lot. And we all know how to use emulators-- we're just willing to buy them again. "Just"! You realize how nuts that is? This is a LARGE consumer base willing to pay for something that BOTH SIDES know they could get for free! Yet they're willing to pay! But Nintendo won't offer the purchase! Again, exhibit A: the NES Mini. Also just the success of the VC overall. This is an ENORMOUS missed opportunity.
@timson72 with all due respect, that's exactly the problem. Consumers are looking at unfinished products and still dropping massive loads of money for them day one. That tells the companies they can get away with it. The people feeding the beast then turn around and complain about the beast.
I bought a PS4 used over a year after launch, and I still feel overwhelmingly mixed about it. Consumers should be skeptical.
@timson72 "...i'll be balls deep in Zelda."
@PlywoodStick I think that's very wise. Your 3DS analogy is likely right on point-- at launch, there won't be much on the table (as I remember all too well), but a year later things will likely pick up. Then all of a sudden there will be a flood of RPGs. Seriously, like so many RPGs
Big disappointment for me. Don't get me wrong, Zelda looks great and I can't wait. Was just looking forward to some VC games.
What are you trying to convince me of?
I didn't tell anyone to do anything or feel any certain way. I simply said "hope they bring GC this gen". So... what's the problem?
I know many people do play 20 year old games, and more power to em I guess. Idk what to say, other than maybe go play the 3 other versions people are complaining about having already bought? Then complaining about not being able to buy them all again day one, as if the last 3 versions don't work all of a sudden... ???
All I can say is, do what you feel is best. If you wanna not buy a console for not having VC day one, then don't buy it. IDK???
@PlywoodStick love it lol
@JaxonH wasn't attacking you dude. Wasn't even really trying to convince YOU specifically of anything. Just using your post as a point of conversation to point out that this is a big deal as there's a lot of people eager and willing to pay money, and people saying "this is not a big deal" aren't really looking at the big picture.
I want GC VC games too. Like a lot. Like more than I really want any of the new games announced.
Those who preordered a Switch to play new games muat be really disappointed that they won't be able to play 20-30 year old games right away...
The Switch rumors said we'd be disappointed by the Virtual Console service at launch, and boy were they right! Good work, everybody! (claps)
@westman98 They might be disappointment that they won't be able to play new games right away since the launch line up consists of two.
It's amazing, the Wii U's downfall was largely credited to it's lack of early games, but it had some VC and backward compatibility, on top of more launch titles. This has less and people still think it is going to succeed.
@westman98 I get what you mean, I doubt many of them care. But I have no doubt some people were primarily excited about the Switch due to the possibility of GC (and other) VC. When that rumor broke, it got a ton of traction. Plus, the Melee community exists.
Personally, I'd say I was equally excited about Zelda, Mario and GC (and SNES on a really nice portable screen) VC. Mario and VC are now delayed. That's 2 out of 3 things I was hyped for delayed.
Actually Wii U VC took a few months after launch, then they ran that 30 cent promotion. I imagine they'll do something similar, or at worst launch the service with the app (well it'll have to be up by then since it includes VC game each month).
My fault, must have misunderstood... I just got haggled by someone else and seemed like another person was attacking me for not really caring much if VC is there day one.
I totally agree VC is a big deal. Most definitely. I just don't think it's absence day one is particularly distressing, given that we know it's coming. I am eager to finally get Metroid Prime and FE Path of Radiance on the go, but I know these things will come in due time. I'm hoping they also map Wii to the Joycons, cause having Wii games would mean potentially having all 3 consoles FE games on one device, and portable, and console, all in one.
That's been my dream. I hope it comes true this generation. It has to. Too many people want it for them not to (not so much worried about not getting GC, but more about not getting the specific GC games I want)
@antdickens That's what I'm hoping. I hope it's a new approach that's just better than the current way of doing things.
With my Wii U, I mostly play VC games and use the internet. Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword have caused me to lose interest in new Zelda games, I already have Mario Kart 8, I'm not intetested in gimmick games, Bomberman '94 is all the Bomberman I need and I have SSFIIT HD Remix on my XBOX 360.
I'm not seeing a reason for me to buy a Switch.
@JaxonH no problem at all. I'm not trying to be that dude online-- your opinions are 100% valid and important.
I find it saddening, but I'm sure the majority who were going to pre order are already locked in. The VC has been very successful-- but of course the majority of fans are going to be more interested in new games. I'm just personally no longer very hyped for March 3rd
Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, F-Zero GX, Melee, FE: PoR & RD, original WW, original TP, Four Swords Adventure and my favorite SNES and GBA games, all officially portable on a nice 720p screen... The idea just drives me up the wall. I wantses itssss. Those three systems hold up just so well, IMO. Good pixel art is timeless when paired with good mechanics (here's to you, Shovel Knight!), and the GC really nailed beautiful, simple, stylized 3D.
Plus, apparently Horizon: Zero Dawn is very very good, which hampers my BotW hype :/
Edit: and Binding of Isaac had been delayed a bit! Man!
@Alshain01 The Wii U ha d a ton of early games. More than any other consoke this gen. Unfortunately, that didn't help when a major portion of the mass market thought the Wii U was an accessory to the Wii.
@westman98 I seem to recall waiting for a year and a half to get games on the Wii U. You and I clearly remember differently. I'm pretty sure I'm remembering correctly. Even Nintendo blamed it's failure on the lack of games.
Ya it excites me too. But I'm a fairly patient person. As long as it comes it's cool. And I'm feeling pretty confident they will (GC I mean, the others are a sure lock in).
My copy of Horizon is in the mail, and it does look good. Can't say it's damped my hype for Zelda though, it's actually the other way around. Ever since I watched that Game informer exclusive video with Link twirling a pitchfork on horseback, I haven't been able to think about anything else. Horizon will have to wait, and I'm a huge Bioware fan so Mass Effect Andromeda is next in the list after Zelda and the initial Switch games
@Alshain01 Nintendo's own 1st party during the first 6-9 months of the Wii U's lifespan was pretty bad. Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker HD were the first "big" 1st party exclusives to come out after the 2012 launch. In this regard, I think the Switch has done a much, much better job.
3rd party support at launch was really good for the Wii U, but few bought any 3rd party software during that launch period, so 3rd party support went away very quickly.
Pfffff Nintendo doesn't surprise me anymore....
By the way, it is the softest soft launch ever....
Couldn't care less about the Virtual Console not being available at launch. I can play Megaman 2 on my Wii U if I care that much. The whole purpose of purchasing new hardware is to play "new" games not immediate access to old games available for older consoles.
It'll be a nice addition when it's good and ready it's time to launch it.
Subscription vc coming? I hope not. Nintendo just needs to start giving back to fans. At least provide nes games for free across the board now. Its time they stop gouging us for content we have purchased many times.
@Turbo857 These are the same people who are complaining about Skyrim being 6 years old.
"I want a new console to play old games!"
The whole purpose of purchasing new hardware is to play "new" games not immediate access to old games available for older consoles.
And yet I would still download Gamecube and Dreamcast games if they came to Switch.
@Yorumi What if they were all games that you already own, and you can't transfer any of your Wii U or New/3DS VC titles?
Wow. This comment section is overly dramatic.
@westman98 Didn't help that 3rd parties often gave the worst deal to their Wii U version (e.g. Mass Effect 3 instead of Trilogy), or delayed the Wii U version so it could have a multiplatform same time frame release (e.g. Rayman Legends).
As long as I could still buy VC on my Wii and Wii U, VC for Switch could wait until ready.
@Turbo857 As I recall, backwards compatibility has been a big deal since the PS2, X360, and Wii all had it... And it certainly helped a lot of people make those transitions from the PS1, XB, and GCN, respectively. (It didn't help the Wii U and 1st year 3DS, but there were other factors involved there.)
One can sell their old hardware for the new hardware, and essentially cut their alloted console space in half if every new console is backwards compatible by one generation. So it's not insignificant, it's been a selling point for at least the past 17 years. But of course, when it's not there, there's always someone who claims it's suddenly not a selling point anymore...
That shared wallet is promising and more than I was expecting. It bodes well for virtual console transferability.
If it's not releasing immediately I wonder if they might be overhauling them. If they could get the NES, SNES, N64 Virtual Console to be as good as the GBA and DS it could be worth the wait.
@LeRaposa agreed and if they are adding gamecube games to it then lets have them continue to improve vc till its release date.
had switch on pre order since 13th jan,but the lack of info till a week before release is not good,gonna wait few months now see if things get better at e3,i hope im wrong but its like wii u all over again..just cancelled me amazon pre order
@Enigminator try ign comment section its even worse.
This is their 3rd go at Virtual Console and they're still screwing up. Same old Nintendont.
It only makes sense. They've already sold every Switch in existence, no reason to do more. Once they start shipping more and some actually sit on store shelves, they announce theVC, Netflix, etc and they get another bump in sales. This is good for Nintendo's pockets, and they have to do these things with their poor recent financials.
@Yorumi @PlywoodStick fun semi-related story... So as you both well know, for those who don't, Nintendo announced they were price-cutting the 3DS and giving all those who registered their systems before the price drop access to the Ambassador Program. The Ambassador Program got you ten free NES VC games, and ten exclusive GBA VC games.
Well, I read a rumour online at the time that some rural Walmarts had/were going to accidentally apply the price drop early. So if you were fast and lucky, you could snag a significantly cheaper 3DS and still register for the Ambassador Program.
Wouldn't you know it, I lived in a VERY rural area at the time.
And wouldn't you know it, but our primary store was a (pretty trashy) Walmart.
And wouldn't you know it, they had a SINGLE Aqua Blue 3DS on sale. Freshly tagged at the price drop one day early.
I ended up walking away that day with that 3DS at the cheaper price ($180 I think?), registered for the Ambassador Program AND a free used copy of OoT3D on promotion.
It was an amazing day. It gave me a cheap 3DS full of good games when the 3DS' library (and my wallet) was still so very sparse, started my love affair with the 3DS, and completely reinvigorated my love of Nintendo after the Wii and DS (which I just didn't like very much, sans the Wii VC. Sorry DS, not sorry Wii). Since then my 3DS has been my favorite system by a huge margin, for old games and new.
Just a fun memory. It's nice when things fall into place like that
@FrankJaeger Awesome! Yeah, the 3DS really picked up after the first year. Used it for hundreds more hours than the Wii U... Almost 3.5 million steps on my O3DS, carried through rainstorms and snowstorms even... It broke my fall once, and sacrificed the top screen to shield my right hipbone... Battery blew up like a balloon, replaced it with a 5000 mAH battery to go 24 hours without needing a charge... Replaced R button's switch/cable myself... Going to replace the Circle Pad, the old one crumbled away after years of use; A button also needs to be replaced...
It's gotten a lot of use. But I finally transferred it to a Super Mario Black New 3DS that I ventured out to get on Thanksgiving. Little did I know one of those Ambassador titles made the modding process possible, before the newest method made it obsolete.
Now I'm using a modded, Ambassadorized New 3DS, and I plan to try replacing the TN top screen with an IPS top screen soon. Placed a gunmetal carbon fiber skin on it, got a couple iLLumiShield screen protectors, and about to get a replacement top screen clear cover, and a twisty stylus that can be wrapped around a finger.
Suffice to say, they've been through some journeys.
I'm not upset about the lack of VC at launch. I am, however, ticked at the lack of VC info so close to launch. If I have to rebuy VC games for a 4th time i'm done. I seriously hope to be proven wrong and someone has finally fixed this issue. All of my VC purchases ( WiiU & 3DS) are linked to My Nintendo account, they're right there on my profile. This 'My Nintendo' account was suppose to fix the issues of VC purchases to avoid this issue on their next system. Well, the next system is here, and they have yet to reveal any information on this. And you would think the good news of this would be inviting to those on the fence who got burnt with the WiiU. It's obvious they want to avoid the bad PR before the system launches, because Nintendo knows they can nickel and dime their loyal customers once they've reeled them in. Unfortunately I have a week to decide if I'm gonna keep, cancel, or sell my pre-order.
I'm not gonna bother buying VC games all over again. I will just play my VC games that I have, on my WiiU.
@Yorumi Unfortunately, there's no Iwata this time around to make a crucial price drop decision, approve a nearly hand picked Ambassador lineup, and force themselves and other executives to take a signicant pay cut that would be paid towards averting the losses.
Oh Gee you're kidding what a surprise!! 2+ years they had for vc to be ready for day 1! The only bright light so far, like the Wii U, is that the indies are lining up games for Switch otherwise like Wii U, would be nothing but crickets again! Unbelievable....😡
@PlywoodStick that's dope. All of that is dope. Mine's at 2.7 million. I'm glad to see someone with a similar story to mine!
Most of ol' Aqua's buttons held together, except Smash destroyed the circle pad. I ended up trying my hardest to get a Majora's Mask edition n3DS XL, to no avail; I got there at 6AM, and was beaten out by the 4AM group I ended up getting a plain black New 3DS XL so I could give Ol' Aqua to my girlfriend so she could get her Pokemon fix. I REALLY didn't like the larger size though (no longer pocketable), so I ended up getting a Pokemon 20th Anniversary edition New 3DS. I LOVE that thing. The perfect size. My only complain is the colors on the TN display, so if you do that mod PLEASE share your experience, as it's a mod I'm VERY interested in myself. I'm tired of the washed-out yellowness. Also, if you find a decent brand of twisty stylus, please share that as well. I had an AMAZING one that got me through Metroid Prime: Hunters, but after 100hours of Kid Icarus: Uprising, the tip came off >.<
The black New 3DS become a tinkering toy as no friends wanted to buy it; it's sitting with homebrew, but doesn't get a lot of use because I (mostly) prefer physical cartridges, so even with homebrew it doesn't offer much that my main n3DS or GBA Micro can't offer. I take too much pride out of physically owning my games (to the pleasure of Nintendo's wallet, I'm sure).
My girlfriend promptly lost Ol' Aqua, which was actually really heartbreaking... I now have two Circle Pad Pros with no purpose in life.
Do you like the size of the regular New 3DS? It's the most perfectly proportioned console for my hands, IMO. I like using the D-Pad now, which is so pleasant for Super Metroid / Super Mario World! I'm jealous of the black color, but I love love LOVE my Blastoise faceplate. I haven't decided if I'll mod it...
@PlywoodStick actually it's been a selling point all the way back to when the colecovision could run Atari 2600 game cartridges but Atari's own 5200 could not! As a result colecovision sold better and Atari couldn't even accomplish backwards compatibility until they modified 5200 manufacturing to make it work. When they finally released the Atari 7800, it ran 2600 games right out of the box! The Only problem? The NES!
So just sitting on the couch watching walking dead I just get more and more pissed about this! It's just totally inexcusable and incompetent of Nintendo. They really could've softened the weak game launch a bit by having the vc service ready to go with dare I say a few GameCube and Dreamcast vc games!! Bring back Genesis and Neo Geo?? Turbographx 16? Just a big lost opportunity for Nintendo again that I've been ragging about since the early Wii U days! Nether Microsoft nor Sony (To a lesser extent) possess this "secret weapon" Nintendo has. They should actively be talkIng to Sega, Atari, SNK, Konami,/Hudsonsoft, Capcom, warner bros/Midway games, Namco, square enix/Taito, Activision, Stern, and sooo many others to insure a robust lineup of classic games for this service!! There are 100s and 100s of classic games to be had here and the prospect of them being portable with the Switch is just a no brainer!! If i was put in charge of this service you all would have ear to ear smiles!!! Every Thursday!!! And NOT 1 damn game a week either!! Good god!!
@FrankJaeger Well... I've actually seen the Majora's Mask limited edition panels out there... So it's a possible conversion of sorts.
I'm going with the ComfortStylus, which was made by an inventor during the early-mid DS years. I'll let you know if it holds up even now, when I get it. (They ran out of neutral white, though, so I either have to go with a fire engine red tip, cobalt blue tip, or flowery light pink tip... Probably going with pink, since that's a real man's color!)
I've tried out the Thylus, which is nice, but it doesn't let you use the buttons and the touch screen simultaneously, while the ComfortStylus fairly easily does. Thylus Inc. finally went out of business last year, so there's no way to contact them, and any orders now send your money into the ether.
I almost know how you felt- I got the fourth to last Super Mario New 3DS, even arriving in line 2 hours early to a local (not too crowded) Best Buy on "Black Thanksgiving", as it has become. They sold out within 15 minutes of opening, no preorders were allowed, just first come first serve. (They staggered the original single file line going in, they didn't allow the stupid stampeding that occurs in various -Marts.)
I think you lost the lottery on the Pokemon New 3DS, some people have reported getting dual IPS screens on it. (Yes, even for bottom screen... who knows why.)
There are written tutorials out there for working with the N3DS XL, but I haven't found anything at all for the N3DS. Not even videos in English. I've only found videos in German (I think?), and only dismantling, so I'll have to write down and memorize the steps just from watching them do it.
Changing the screens is the most difficult mod for the N3DS/XL. It's possible to change the clear screen cover if it gets scratched, by using heat from a blow dryer, but you need to dismantle most of the system to change the screens. It's not for the faint of heart, you need to be careful with the tape connectors.
Also, there's a certain serial number on the newer variety of screens... I think some of the newer ones that are available right now are shipped from Hong Kong, eWWT specifically. Not sure on that yet, though, I'll find out next month or two. The serial number in the middle on their back for them is 4819Q, which is (presumably) newer than the 4817Q which has been a hot seller. (Probably IPS screens.)
There's also a new type of IPS, called IPS-NEO, developed by JDI (includes Sony, Toshiba, and Hitachi). It's basically a much improved version of IPS, if you can imagine that. And there's someone in China who has modded a N3DS with IPS-NEO screens... So they're out there, somewhere... Screens that are better than the normal IPS ones... But I don't know the serial numbers for them.
And yes, I think the N3DS has the ideal size for the format. Bigger touch screen than the O3DS, nicer to hold (especially with a decent skin applied), and has the correct screen size to resolution ratio. (The XL has the incorrect ratio, so it's not as sharp. This is much more noticeable on any game with fluid aliasing, such as Shin Megami Tensei 4/Apocalypse.)
@joey302 Ah, but only the Atari 2600-5200 can claim to have 5+ year forward compatibility with Sega Genesis controllers...
Rushed console launch is rushed.
Alot of thoughts on this, I'm slightly bummed by this but not a deal breaker. So we have heard about online multiplayer but what about local co-op? Would be pretty cool to slid off a joycon to hand to you buddy to play 2 player Mario kart SNES or smash 64.
I was only going to buy the switch at launch if it had GameCube virtual console games, but I guess I'll be waiting to get one until Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is released.
And they want us to buy more games from the e-shop? Lol 😂 No thank you! At least they got the sleep mode right! 😂
Yunno, as much as I love the virtual console, I'm quite fine with the delay. It will give me time to just enjoy the couple of games I plan on getting at launch. As long as it isn't forgotten about, because I think it is an impeccable service.
The funds thing is nice but aside from the basics, the lack of VC at launch is so disappointing. I'll probably be getting the Switch around Christmas so hopefully, it'll be there.
If VC on Switch doesn't get Sega Genesis or GameCube, then it'll be a fail.
Doesn't matter to me. If I want to play VC games I will still have the Wii, Wii U and 3DS for my VC needs.
VC on the Switch might be the same as previous consoles anyway, it will only get hype if they release Gamecube titles.
If I can play, without a fee because I've already paid for the damned things, my downloaded 3DS titles, I will buy a Switch. Otherwise, Nintendo will have to gtfo.
If it's delayed while they implement a "buy once, play anywhere" system, that'll definitely make me more eager to buy one.
I'm not going to be happy if they expect us to buy our games again.
I do think, however, that not having VC at launch might be intentional - to not cannibalise sales of other launch games. Why buy I Am Setsuna when you could download Link to the Past for much cheaper?, for example.
I'm hoping that it's not ready because they're getting a LOT of VC games ready from day one of its availability. I am likely just being optimistic here, and we'll probably just get a small trickle of releases much like we did on 3DS and Wii U, and also be expected to repurchase all of our old games.
@TruenoGT Yes, surely that's the reason Nintendo didn't release a lot of VC games on Wii U - so as not to compete with all the marvelous new games they were releasing constantly. :/
Of course they are not ready. They are releasing The Switch IMO a bit too early. Finish it and give more games to choose at release. Pushing it to june 2017 i would be fine as well...
I think the VC is one of Nintendo's biggest USPs with any of its consoles, and not having it on Switch at launch is a joke—and it reminds me of the gimped Wii U launch to a large degree.
The one thing the Switch is lacking right now is a huge library of games at launch, and a fully stocked Virtual Console could have been both very cool in its own right but also a great way to bulk out the games for the system on day one and in the launch window. Also, I just want to be able to play all the classic games from Nintendo's past systems in one place (both home console and handheld) and finally have a Virtual Console that is everything it deserves to be.
Get this f'n sorted; for Christ sake, Nintendo!
PS. That image at the top of the article is awesome. It makes me feel so happy just looking at it—despite Nintendo's best efforts to piss me off.
@Einherjar And quite a bit overpriced for many consumers who might otherwise be interested in the generally pretty sweet console--assuming the issues with the Joy-Con de-syncing can be fixed easily.
Ahhhh ... true, true. I had forgotten about the mini.
Yes? No? Maybe? I just want to know if at some point in the near future if I will be able to play a vast virtual console library on the go!
@RatKing64 Already!?
@impurekind I still think that the price issue is largely artificially created outrage :/
Considering getting a Vita with the same 32gig capacity costs more than a Switch with a game (At least here in Germany it does), i really don't see the issue on that end.
As for the disconnects:
Another indicator that, even after all these delays, the release was still rushed. They probably released it as soon as BotW was done. The core UI and OS of the system leaves many things to be desired.
So i expect a major overhaul during its first year, not unlike the WiiU actually.
Nintendo pulled game streaming without delay off, i doubt that the desyncs are hardware related and more signs of a "not quite finished" OS.
So yeah, id say give it a couple of months and a handful of patches. If stuff isn't solved then, we can close the case
Boy oh boy, the one thing that should have helped the console during its initial game drought isn't there.
This can't end well.
@AlexSora89 I always thought Nintendo have never realized the money making potential of the VC because they spend the lifecycle of the console building up a worthwhile library, and then tick off the ones that paid for it by making them rebuild for the next piece of hardware. I'm keeping the Wii U plugged up because of this.
@Einherjar Everything else, sure, but the price is just too high imo. I was hoping for £200 in the UK, or maybe £250 at a push, but £280 is just too much as far as I'm concerned. And, to be clear, I was expecting that price WITH a bundled digital copy of whatever game (ideally a big game like Zelda or Mario or something like that). You may think I'm being unreasonable; I think I'm saying what really should have been the case regardless of any defences and excuses people care to throw out.
Point is we all know Virtual Console is coming... If Nintendo said they weren't doing it at all for the Switch, my voice would be among the complainers. It's a good feature afterall.
But as far being Day 1 available, its absence isn't painful. Also, Xbox 360 didn't support Xbox games out-the-box. That gradually came later and didn't support all games in the Xbox catalogue.
They do, but only when hyping up something that shouldn't honestly deserve hype (in the sometimes-right Jim Sterling's words: "not getting praise for something they should have done before") such as EarthBound's European release and other similar cases.
Yeah, it's a good thing, but way long overdue.
Everyone has that very same feeling. I wouldn't have minded the Switch version of Zelda coming out next Holiday season - alongside Odyssey of course - to be honest, but, you know... Nintendo.
@impurekind And im also trying to see things from a companies side to stay, well "unbiased" might not be the right word, but you get the idea:
They sold the WiiU at a loss and basically created a financial black hole. I think for a company in their position, 300 is a reasonable pricing point for what it offers.
I do expect the price to drop relatively soon-ish though, when things have leveled out again. But for now, im personally perfectly fine with the price point. Or lets say i at least don't feel ripped off.
At the end of the day, its a completely subjective matter. So really no point in arguing ^^
If the price point was reasonable or not will be dictated by sales anyways
I'm not complaining we get sniper clips and Zelda at launch.that will last me till mk8 and splatoon 2
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