One announcement that slipped through the cracks during the Switch broadcast last week was the news that Sega is (finally) bringing Puyo Puyo Tetris to the west. The game launched in Japan in 2014 on 3DS, Wii U, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PS Vita and many assumed it wouldn't be localised, but thankfully that isn't the case.
In some ways, holding the game back for the Switch launch makes brilliant sense, as the console's local multiplayer focus makes it ideal for impromptu puzzle battles. Sega has also confirmed that it will be selling the Switch version for $29.99 on the eShop and physically for $39.99.
Here's the official PR:
Two puzzle game juggernauts collide as Tetris®, one of the largest-selling and recognized brands in gaming history, and Puyo Puyo™ from SEGA have combined to create a fun-to-play, fast-paced, competitive party game like no other! Coming to retailers in the Americas and Europe on PlayStation®4 and Nintendo Switch™ in spring 2017, the game offers tons of gameplay styles - from single-player Adventure and Challenge modes to ferocious competition with up-to-four player Arcade modes, for tons of Tetris/Puyo variety. Plus, an in-game Shop enables players to unlock new characters and skins for Puyos and Tetriminos.
Puyo Puyo Tetris will be releasing only in physical format on the PlayStation 4, and will cost $29.99 at retail. The Nintendo Switch version of Puyo Puyo Tetris will have a digital version for $29.99 and a special retail edition for $39.99. The Nintendo Switch retail edition will include two keychains players can use to show off their Puyo Puyo or Tetris allegiance - one keychain features a green Puyo, and the other features a purple T Tetrimino. The special launch edition of Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Nintendo Switch will only be available in quantities limited to pre-orders and first-run printings of the game in the Americas. Puyo Puyo Tetris is now available to pre-order at most major game retailers.
Here's a quick rundown of all the different ways to play:
+ Adventure - Single-player mode offers ten unique acts, each with ten stages featuring different characters from the Puyo Puyo and Tetris universes. Each stage contains unique challenges players will need to overcome in order to win and move on!
+ Multiplayer Arcade - For up to four local players, Multiplayer Arcade offers a wealth of game variants that will bring out players' competitive nature!
+ Versus - Players compete head-to-head in either Puyo Puyo or Tetris to fight in the puzzle fight of their life.
+ Swap - Players' abilities are put to the ultimate test when they compete on both Puyo Puyo and Tetris boards, which switch back and forth at set intervals.
+ Fusion - A true hybrid game where players compete with Puyos and Tetriminos together on the same board, requiring deft, on-the-fly thinking to become victorious.
+ Big Bang - It's a race to the finish as players compete against each other to clear unique challenge boards as quickly as possible to win.
+ Party - Players compete on Puyo or Tetris boards, but the puzzles feature special items that when activated either help players or harm their opponents.
+ Online - Players can try their puzzle skills on a global scale by playing any of the multiplayer modes with up to four players online in Puzzle League or Free Play modes
+ Puzzle League - Increase player rating, earn ranks and aspire to new leagues in this mode for competitive enthusiasts.
+ Free Play - A more casual experience where records aren't kept and players can customize matches with unique settings, and invite their friends to play.
+ Replays - Players can save and upload any online matches to show off to their friends, or search other players' replays using the tag and filtering system to see how they tackle matches.
+ Solo Arcade - Play any of the Multiplayer Arcade modes against the CPU in Battle or Endurance matches, or try single-player challenges:
+ Battle - Substitute human players with 1-3 CPU opponents to fight against simultaneously.
+ Endurance - Go the distance in a one-on-one gauntlet of never-ending CPU opponents, racking up as many wins as possible.
+ Challenge - Forget about the opponents and put skills to the test with Sprint, Marathon and more, like the quirky Tiny Puyo, which shrinks down Puyos to fit even more on the board.
Puyo Puyo Tetris will be the site of many contentious local- and online-multiplayer fights for puzzle superiority when the two games collide in spring of this year. The PlayStation 4 version will be available only in a physical format for $29.99, but the Nintendo Switch version will be available digitally for $29.99 and physically for $39.99, with a special launch edition that includes two Puyo Puyo- and Tetris-themed keychains while supplies last. The PS4 version of the game is rated E10+ by the ESRB. The Nintendo Switch version is not currently rated by the ESRB, but E10+ is expected. There will be more information about the puzzle fighter coming soon.
Puyo Puyo Tetris arrives on Switch this spring.
Comments 46
I'll buy this on the Switch for the portability and support of Sega localisations.
The game looks colorful and nice to be honest and i can understand the price. Will likely buy the digital release to save me some money to be honest as 30 seems like a decent price.
Already have this on Xbox One, but might buy it on the Switch also to support the localisation. Great game!
Awesome, I love that Sega mix them up for a better enjoyment. Nintendo already tried their mix with Dr. Mario back in the Super NES days, now we got the Sega Puyo Puyo Tetris mix.
Day one right here, about time I get my PuyoPuyo fix, I was never very good at it unlike Tetris.
Looks pretty cool, and it should be fun, but there's something a little bit "cookie-cutter" and "Adobe Flash-ish" about the visuals that puts me off the game slightly. It's a particular artistic look and style that has only really existed in games since the advent of Flash and vector graphics, and I really don't like it for the most part.
Looks good! I love games like this! I used to have Tetris4D on dreamcast! Loved loved loved this game
Tetris...I'll be there to buy! Haven't played a Puyo Puyo game since Dreamcast, so this will definitely be one I'll keep my eye on when it arrives later on in the year. Sega seems to be bringing back some of their classics too, so I'm glad to hear! Does anyone know if this is coming to PS4 too???
@JLPick Never mind, already saw that PS4 is getting a physical next question is why the Switch's version (physical) is $10 more than the PS4's????
@JLPick discs are cheaper than carts.
Good thing I held off on importing the WiiU version for my JPN WiiU.
EDIT: Annnnnd Preordered. Also made what I feel is a common sense edit.
@GreenUFO13 well wouldn't it work if you import the Wii u from Japan. Wouldn't it
The **** isn't this releasing digitally for the WiiU?
Even a New 3DS release, retail or digital, surely.
Switched screen ?!
Count me in if available on physical Switch !
Lets hope the Wii U-version gets localized.
@GreenUFO13 Good thing I own a JPN WiiU then huh? I wouldn't have made the comment if I couldn't play the game currently.
A definite day one for me.I love this kind of game,I can play them for hours and this seems to be a pretty meaty package too.Hopefully my favourite,Dr Mario will come soon too.
@JLPick The Switch retail version is a "special edition" that comes with 2 keyrings.Not trying to justify it but that's why
A game like this is better to have downloaded onto the system anyway.
It seems Sega are now the current global license distributors of the Tetris brand. Ubisoft had their share of the Tetris IP for quite a while.
I've been hoping for this to come West for a while, so I'll grab it.
Now if we could also get Tetris Switch done by Nintendo, including all the Ninty love that Tetris DS did...
I wish the localized version was coming to all consoles that the Japanese version came out on.
Well I don't really care for this game... but the Puyo characters are SUPER cute. Might have to buy this.
I've had it on PS3 for a while, would totally buy again.
This is fantastic news. I was bummed that the Wii U version was never localised (I mean, wtf SEGA, this would be one of the easiest games on Earth to localise!!!), and if they hadn't localised the Switch version then I would definitely have considered importing it.
Ahhhh can't wait for this! Tetris is a classic and the PuyoPuyo characters are so cute!
Definitely gonna get this game once it releases on the Switch, though one thing concerns me...
"Puyo Puyo Tetris will be releasing only in physical format on the PlayStation 4, and will cost $29.99 at retail."
...despite me getting this game on the Switch, I find this unfair for PS4 owners
I'm so hyped for this! Been waiting for so long since it came out in Japan.
@StephenYap3 I will probably pick this up on PS4, and it doesn't really bother me. I like physical more than digital.
90% chance this (a killer app for me) comes to New 3DS by the following year.
It was due on Wii U and regular 3DS for over a year now.
Other systems in the US got it too.......
What do you guys think?
Seems it's getting a physical release on Switch too?
Loving all these middle market retail Switch releases. Like this, Redout, Binding of Isaac, etc
"Puyo Puyo Tetris will be releasing only in physical format on the PlayStation 4"
That's incredibly strange.
It sounds like this might be hard to find in the future, and I do like Tetris... maybe I'll preorder it. Maybe.
Now this is a puzzle game!
The mode where gameplay switches back and forth between the two game styles is an awesome concept, looking forward to picking this up. Spent a good few hours playing Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine when I was younger <3
Gotta save a lot this year lollol
This looks good. It harkens me back to the SNES. With Tetris attack. That was the best Tetris game ever.
I almost forgot about this game. I haven't played Tetris since the original Wii. I'm buying it
Preordered. Tetris is great and seems like a perfect game for the switch, honestly. I don't know much about the PuyoPuyo franchise but I guess it's time to learn!
Wife told me this is the only game I have to get for Switch. lol. She didn't have to tell me though, I had already preordered it.
She crushes me at this stuff. She has since the '90s (possibly 1989). Now my daughter is getting there, too, but she also cleans up in runners and loves Super Mario Run, of course.
Anyone remember Tetrisphere? Ah, that should have been on 3DS and would be just fine anywhere. That needs to come back.
Love the puzzle game genre. I only have Nintendo consoles (and a PS2), so I am very happy this is coming out. Reminds me of the N64 4-player Tetirs and Dr. Mario games.
@JLPick @jump
By the looks of things, it might be because there's only a special edition version at launch for Switch physical (comes with two puyo-puyo and tetris themed keychains).
There's no mention that the PS4 version is a special edition.
This is finally the one and only game I've seen for the "Switch" that I'm actually interested in. I really desperately wish they would put this on 3ds though. I know they did in Japan, but Nintendo/Sega obviously has very little love for the American 3ds gamers.
Would want retail version over digital, for the keychains and I like owning the game more.
@Ernest_The_Crab Did not realize...glad to know that people are basically paying $10 extra for the keychains though, but still...I'd rather have a nice amibo for Puyo Puyo instead...for some reason, I'd even love to have a Tetris one (especially since Tetris was the game I fell in love with on the NES and it was a pack-in for the original Gameboy! Would love for Sega to create more Amiibo...I'd love to have a Tails and Knuckles one and a Robotnic!
Never really been big on Tetris back in the day but i am sucker for Special Editions tho lol.
@JLPick I want to be able to scan a Tetrominoe and get Tetrominoe Yarn Yoshi, that would be awesome.
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