The Nintendo Switch is a vital launch for the company, as it seeks to move on from Wii U while also keeping the 3DS active. Following the formal presentation earlier this month plenty have shared their views on it, positive and otherwise, and pre-orders also went live.
As we reported not long after listings went live, pre-order stock was short-lived. The system became hard to find rather quickly in the US, for example, while units took a little longer to sell-out in the UK; demand in Japan prompted official sites to go down.
A little extra context has come now from Sweden, with retailer Webhallen catching some attention for its recent update on pre-orders in the country. The company say it's gone through its full March allocation but is taking pre-orders for subsequent deliveries, before stating that its Switch pre-orders to date exceed those it had for the PS4 back in 2013. Nintendo Life reader Daniel Glenberg has kindly provided a translation from his native language.
Nintendo - The Comeback Kid!
It's still January but 2017 seems to be Nintendo's year. We have already received more pre-orders for the Nintendo Switch than the PlayStation 4, and it's still going strong! The first batch to release in March is already fully booked, but we recommend you sign up for the next shipment for the highly wanted gaming console to ensure to get one in the next coming days and weeks after it's release.
Of course, it's only one retailer and it's all relative; the key for Nintendo, no doubt, will be to ensure strong momentum beyond the day one sell-outs. To do that Nintendo will certainly need to keep the buzz high and, most importantly, provide regular and substantial refills of stock for retailers.
Are you optimistic about sales success for the Nintendo Switch?
[source facebook.com]
Comments 85
I'm not optimistic in the long run. It'll have a good launch and maybe first year. But it needs new games from big third parties(they cannot survive on their own), not ports of years old games from indie developers. What would help shift Switch units, Resident Evil 7(new big budget title) or World of Goo(years old Wii game, most of us have played)?
Maybe if Nintendo can get the price down to €250 before the end of the year it might help. And reduce the price of the accessories.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You are not optimistic full stop. Ever! lol
UK pre-order for the full grey console is still open, but console with neon is not available
Very optimistic in the long run. The games will come. Let them announce a new Pokemon for example and watch what happens.
I currently have 71 games on the Wii U and 86 on the 3ds, with loads more for both I would like to get, so I have no concerns about getting my money worth from the console
@cfgk24 Ever? That's definitive and a lie. lol as you put it. It's also called living in the real world. They're making similar mistakes that they made with Wii U. I have a pre order from before the big presentation though after that I'm not likely to buy it until maybe at least Christmas. I'm buying Zelda on the Wii U instead and will have to cancel my Yooka-Laylee Wii U Kickstarter backing unless the Switch transfer code doesn't have an expiration date.
I want Nintendo to do well. But I also want them to listen to us. I didn't ask for a console that's barely more powerful than a Wii U. I don't care for portability. I'm a Nintendo console gamer.
It can be just marketing, but i'm really hopeful about the Switch! We will get more announcement, especially at E3, and the sales will ramp up even more!
Not all that surprising though; there's the ever present core of avid Nintendo fans and there's some great momentum thanks to Pokémon Go and the NES Classic.
The Switch selling out in the first few months will be good, but not an indication of long term succes per se. I personally can't wait for the Switch (pre-ordered and all), but am still somewhat worried about its mainstream success. We'll see...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I would guess Nintendo will lower the price if the sales dip over the course of the year. They have all their eggs in one basket now. It seems like it was a smart move to put it at $300 for launch, though. I am not sure whether to be optimistic. It depends on E3, where they will likely show more western games if there are any in the pipeline. The first party line-up for the Switch looks pretty solid on paper and the console design is perhaps the best to date, so it is hard to say.
I really do hope the Switch does well.
I have always loved Nintendo, and to see them fail again would be crushing. I hope the Switch succeeds, and I know I'll be buying it come Christmas!
These strong preorders are indicative of the fact that people understand the Switch concept. I'm very excited to get my hands on one. I love my WiiU but waited 2 years to get one. By then there were just too many games I didn't want to miss out on so I had to buy one.
But with the Switch I simply can't wait. I want to show it off to people - something I would never do with the WiiU...
I'm optimistic. Like someone said before, the games will come, and the Switch seems to be an impressive little console. It may not be absolutely as powerful as a xbone, but that's not a huge problem in my eyes.
I just hope the cycle of "third parties don't make games for it so it doesn't sell well, and then third parties don't make games for it because it's not selling well" doesn't repeat itself this time.
I think Switch will be a huge success.
To talk of a price reduction before it's released is a bit silly really.
@JohnG That's your opinion. €330 isn't mass market friendly. €250 is, and I spoke of it for Christmas not now. And it should have come with a game.
The hype is so real.
I would be happy if Nintendo Switch sales keep going up.
Be positive, guys.
Send your positive messages from your pray to Nintendo.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE To be fair on @cfgk24 you are on the more negative side of realistic for a majority of your posts, but it's all personal opinion. So I don't think anyone should knock you for sharing that opinion.
Personally I do see larger titles coming down the line for the Switch as well as those indie titles. It's quite unrealistic to ask big level developers that were burnt by the Wii U to go all in on another console until we see how it launches. There is also a case to say that the dev kits sent out to a majority of developers are underpowered compared to the Switch itself, meaning larger developers may be holding on until Nintendo can get full kits out.
As for price, it's easy to cal Nintendo out for pricing it too high... but the technology in the Switch is far newer than the PS4 or XboxOne even if it doesn't match up in power. Even then the "barely more powerful than a Wii U" remark is pretty negative. Even first gen Switch games like MK8D are showing the Switch can outperform the Wii U without taxing itself... in a years time there are likely to be a few shut mouths.
@Megas I wonder how many pre-orders your local store put aside for the Switch in the first place? Wonder what would have happened if Sony had released two colours of PS4 at launch?
But you have no idea what Switch actually costs Nintendo to produce.
They have to try to make a profit with a brand new product and I'm sure they have priced it as competitively as their costs would allow.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE oh! How powerful is the Switch? Do you know?
It's early days - there is a lot of news to be revealed -There are a lot of games to be revealed. IT'S ALL EXCITING AND VERY POSITIVE!
@DanteSolablood It wasn't just developers who got burnt with Wii U. We the gamers did also, that's why there's a significant number of people holding back and taking a wait and see approach. Switch has Zelda which is huge but after that it's Super Mario Odyssey at Christmas and given Nintendo's track record that could easily slide into 2018. There's MK8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 but as someone who's played 100's of hours on them I'm not compelled to spend another €60 on a slight upgrade. I'm speaking more about MK8 here. That Battle Mode could and should have been fixed on Wii U.
@DanteSolablood Thanks! Tbh - I don't think I knocked @SLIGEACH_EIRE 's opinion - I jus pointed out he's never optimistic.
Well, My bad because IAM A POSITIVE PERSON! - a I am EXCITED about SWITCH - and I am also very very very grateful for all the hard work that Nintendo has put into bringing a unique product and ecosystem to the market that we couldn't possibly get anywhere else - and done with such passion and love. I have friends who work in the Nintendo Building in Kyoto - they are very passionate about what Nintendo does - they work very hard. Sometimes as consumers - we don't understand what it takes to bring an idea to reality - that includes dealing with copy cats, pirates, Changes in local and global markets - the effects of currency changes on what you can and can't do and how you have to price things.... nintendo are doing their best to look after us but sometimes expectations must be managed .
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Battle mode has been fixed - it is now on SWITCH.
@cfgk24 Zelda, MK8, Splatoon 2 and others look barely better if at all than on Wii U(Zelda yes, but comparisons are of an old Wii U demo, it has higher resolution and some of its benefits come from being on cartridge, like faster loading). What have you seen that looks so much better than anything on Wii U?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree with you, gamers were burnt as well... arguably you could say that's another reason why Nintendo have to re-release Mario Kart 8, the Wii U sold so poorly the majority of gamers haven't experienced one of the best games in many years. However MK8D has new characters, mechanics, improved graphics, new tracks, game fixes and probably some more unannounced features. I'd hardly call it a small update, you don't always get that much with a brand new Call of Duty.
There is a balance here though, I think Nintendo could have pushed all their resources and had Mario & Splatoon 2 at launch... but then it really would have been like the Wii U. A first party gaming drought for most of the year. Pacing them out is not necessarily a bad thing.
However... it would have been smarter for Nintendo to have released the Switch nearer the Summer with more third party games and devs having more time with better dev kits.
This is good news, it's off to a good start before launch. I too wish they had just made a powerful home console but at this stage it looks like switch was the better option for them.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE In defence of @cfgk24 people who have seen Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in person, rather than running on compressed YouTube videos are saying there is a NOTABLE difference in how it looks compared to the Wii U version. Even if you doubt that, it's still running in native 1080p, locked 60fps... not only something the Wii U could not dream of handling, but promising for future "not-ports".
@cfgk24 You said, EVER! That's a lie. 90%+ of the articles on this site are about Switch. I'm not overall positive about the Switch and its future, I don't like some of the decisions Nintendo have made with it so of course I'm going to come across as negative at times. I will buy one eventually and I am entitled to my opinion, however much you mightn't agree with it.
@Megas Oh, I'm in the UK and know GAME well. However, sales vary from town to town & GAME does have a reputation for being over priced.
You also have my personal experience where my local game launched the 3DS... but hadn't put any shelving space for games. GAME don't do Nintendo well!
We'll see, I don't doubt your personal experience... I just don't know how well it scales. We'll see! Maybe Sweden will buy enough to cover any we don't buy?
No way!
@Megas Ah, okay. Yup, we have a store called GAME which also happens to be the main "gaming" store. Just so happens they don't shift as much as our supermarkets anymore.
Edit: I made an assumption... to be fair though when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME. So we're both asses now.
Ow, i see your complaints....
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is better than Wii U version.
Who don't want to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the go ?
Despite of being Wii U port, Switch version has some different things that you can't find on Wii U version.
I love Wii U version, but i love even more for Switch version.
The addition makes some drastic changes, it will not 99.99 exactly same.
If you afraid to lose your pride as being a console gamers, don't be afraid.
You still gorgeous as being both handheld and console gamers.
If you afraid to take Switch on the go because peoples will judging you, don't mind them. Instead, ask them to join in the gameplay and let them feel the experience of Switch gaming.
If you concern too much with Nintendo's decision, it won't make you happy.
I am also disappointed with Wii U but i can't be so negative all the time. There is some times Nintendo being clueless, some times Nintendo know what should they do. And when i see more info about Switch and the game list during 2017, i can feel if Nintendo is being more serious now.
I'm glad you still want to buy Switch soon but please don't be so negative with every single Nintendo decision. I remember you hate Amiibos because wasting money, you didn't like some certain games because it didn't look promising. Nintendo just doing their jobs, offering so many products regardless you interested or not. Maybe Amiibos are not for you, but other peoples want those toys. Maybe you think Switch first launching price is too high, but for me and some peoples it was right (Not too cheap, not too expensive, considering Switch technologies that more advanced than previous Nintendo machines).
I will buy Switch too, but not first day launch because i need to save my money for Switch after i purchase New 3DS XL on February 2017 later and at the same time i will keep my eyes on Nintendo for White or Blue Switch bundles because i really want those colors.
Btw, on the first day of Chinese New Year 2017, i will pray again for Nintendo's success at my nearest Chinese temple, just in front of my house. I will pray for Nintendo Switch sales, Mr. Tatsumi Kimishima and especially Mr. Reggie. I don't want Mr. Reggie screwed up again. I want Mr. Tatsumi Kimishima can planning a good business strategy. Do you really want Nintendo Switch become a big success ? I know you want but you have to reduce your pessimism level, okay ?
I hope everyone buys the switch. I'll buy one when when it has games. I might be lucky it comes in a decent bundle with a price drop.
Wii u was day 3 but switch will be day 289
@DanteSolablood I've seen it. Yes it's 1080p at 60fps docked. And 720p at 60fps undocked, the same as Wii U. It's not a big leap in performance. Even Super Mario Odyssey, which unlike the others is built around the Switch, while gorgeous, it's not a big leap over Wii U visuals. Perhaps, I need to watch it again.
I keep saying it, if you're primarily a handheld gamer and skipped the Wii U then this is fantastic. But for me, who is a Wii U owner, I see a "console" that's been severely restricted so it could be portable too.
@Anti-Matter This is the best post ever! lol
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I had a hands on play with the switch and played a lot of mario kart 8 deluxe and I have to agree it looks exactly the same. The new mechanic is the old mechanic from Mario kart 7 which you can hold two items. The new characters well it's just new skins. They don't bring nothing new to the game play. Like I said I also have a Wii u and a 3ds like most here and I believe it only makes sense to buy one when the new Mario odyssey comes.
I don't think your comments are negative, I think a lot of people are either in kookoo land or are really emotionally attached to Nintendo like they owe them alot
I'm optimistic that the Switch will do well. Long term success. They have the experience of the Wii U to learn from and have been planning the Switch for some time. They know what to do differently and have the partnership with DENA. While this doesn't guarantee success, the above makes it more likely.
On third party support, there's only so much Nintendo can do. Surely there has to be some chance taking from third parties. If they don't release their games to begin with then the console won't attract as many gamers. If they take a chance on porting then people will be more attracted to the library of games and sales will increase.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE These games have to look better?
How can Splatoon look better? how can MK8 Look better?
Zelda looks great on Wii U but apparently it does look better on Switch with better draw distances. . It is a shame it's only 30fps.
As I'm already reading some of the comments...it's already getting pathetic to say that nintendo dominates Sony now. PS4 is now known as the highest selling system of all time...it's already surpassed the PS2, which the PS2 has surpassed the Wii...with Wii being in second place. All this means, is that the Switch will definitely sell more than the Wii U, but let's look at facts...how many of those people that are pre-ordering it, will:
1. Pick it up without cancelling their preorder
2. Trade it in later on within a few months
3. Put it on Ebay at a higher cost to get more money...meaning, never actually play it or be a part of it's install base.
No matter what, this is not really news...it's not March 3rd, and really and technically, nothing can be looked at yet on if it will become a hit, and this is basically coming from one site...which there are many other stores...this site could have sold consoles for expensive prices for all we know. Not really news or something to look at, because the Switch's sales will all come down to March...and if it does sell out, will nintendo have another shortage like the Wii, where no one can find one for years...nintendo has always done this!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE To be fair, the Wii U did have frame drops running in 720p. But you missed my point... Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U is one of the last generations of Wii U games & arguably is milking it's max performance. MK8D is a first generation Switch game & a bumped up port at that. All first generation games on all consoles look terrible compared to those that are released even a few months down the line.
I can't deny that the Switch has been compromised in power to work as a handheld as well... but then we could be facing a situation where Nintendo released a console just as powerful as the PS4/XboxOne and not pull in any of the large handheld market & also releasing fewer games with their divided dev units still in place. Nintendo has one shot.. I'm not sure another PC in a box is what Nintendo needed to do.
@UK-Nintendo Then I bow to your experience, I've spoken to other people that had played it first hand & had a very different opinion. I don't think I'm being in anyway "cuckoo", I just think some people are speaking from their own personal disappointment rather than a realistic plain. I'm certainly not a Nintendo nut, I didn't buy the Wii U as I didn't think it would do that well. I feel different about the Switch. My opinion.
@JLPick Anyone saying Nintendo will dominate Sony are just outright mad. However, it's possible to have higher pre-orders but not have better long term sales. There is not dissonance. I think the real thing to consider is that ONE report of high preorders means very little. I think this kind of reporting should always be served with a heavy dose of context.
@gb_nes_gamer That's where nintendo kind of has to play around with their money. Pay money to a third party company to make a great game for the Switch...not kiddie titles, not cartoony games, not party games, but a really great looking game that is ONLY exclusive to the Switch. It somewhat worked with Bayonetta 2 only coming to Wii U, but no-one really bought a Wii U...if Bayonetta 2 came over to the Switch, and the Switch had a larger install base, would it sell better...yeah. With PS4 getting Shenmue 3 as an exclusive to them, that's a way that Sony is staying on top...they've been giving their money to other companies to make exclusives for their machine, and it's working in Sony's favor...not a lot of first party titles (more than what Wii U would have...Wii U, four years old, number of exclusives...PS4 by the end of 2017...four years old...will surpass it). Nintendo has done this kind of business in the past with their NES, Super NES and even the N64, so hopefully they look back on their past glory and realizes that they need to go back to something like that. Plus, with retro games coming back into play, it's a good time to start thinking about bringing back some of their old franchises too!
@DanteSolablood and I respect your opinion as mine is a opinion not fact. We all allowed to agree and disagree with each other, even if they are positive or negative. We're all gaming fans at the end of the day be it Nintendo. Sony or PC
@UK-Nintendo Exactly and that's how I see it. Though I do remember being accused of being a Nintendo shill the other day because I didn't hate the Switch...
@JLPick and that works. Well it worked on me. I doubt I would've picked up the PS4 this early if it wasn't for street fighter 5
@SLIGEACH_EIRE You can't help mentioning prices can you?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The PS4 and XBONE didn't come with a game at first launch...neither did the N64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2, PS3, 360 or XBOX at launch...it wasn't until almost a year later before they did that. I wanted a PS3 at launch...then I saw the price...I ended up paying $400 for the Motorstorm bundle that came out. Other than that, I did pay the full on a PS4 at launch, but I also preordered two games to go with it. As for the Switch, I may or may not buy it this year, but to include a game with it, nintendo would probably have raised the price. Nintendo hasn't been too cheap in things...the Wii was cheaper when it came out, but underpowered...the Gamecube went down to a $100, but it took a while...Gamecube was my favorite of that generation, but it really struggled. Wii U should have went down, but never did...even if nintendo took a loss on the Wii U, they never realized that they would get that money back with the user base and the sales of games...something that I never got with them. XBONE struggled, microsoft took a large cost by lowering the price dramatically and also having a bunch of events of giving it away for free...helped them out with it, and that user base bought more games (retail and download) and became live members, so microsoft made the loss back.
While I do think the Switch first 6 month will be kinda poor, the future does look promising.
lol have to agree, I called him Debbie downer yesterday and he's still on it today.
Ps. I think he's working for sony!
Maybe I'm the wierd one, but I've enjoyed my WiiU more then my PS4. A running theme with my WiiU was "I wish I made more time to play these." With my PS4 it's "Why buy it on PS4 when my 6 year old PC can run it better". If it wasn't for Horizon Dawn and Persona 5 I would trade in my PS4 for for the Switch. If I wanted to play a game for specs my PC slaps my PS4 everyday. But I enjoy playing my 3DS and Vita as well, because I'm not so hung up on the latest specs. I just care where the hell are the games I wanna play at, and how would I enjoy it the most (Like Terraria on Vita is for portablity).
I'm waiting for a similar headline for 1-2 Switch
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm on your side here. There were obvious failings to the Wii U: price, games, pointless expensive tech nobody really wants, lack of third parties, too big a power gap to the competition.
From what I've seen so far with Switch the same failings are present. The console/hybrid function look great, but lots of the basics are wrong. It just looks destined to fail.
I'm more than happy to be eating my words in a year's time if I'm wrong, as it will mean I have an awesome new console from Nintendo.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Mkae up your mind. First you say "Oh the launch will suck, they have no games for people to play". Then you start up with "The launch will be good, but after that it's doomed"
Like come on starting in the summer there's going to be non-stop game releases going into next year. If anything the second year will be the best.
But Nintendooomed! I doubt overall pre-orders are higher than PS4...heck I doubt Nintendo has more inventory available than Sony did at launch considering Sony did a west-first launch and Nintendo is doing global, but it's till encouraging that in some pockets, this is happening.
@BiasedSonyFan I think it's a 50/50 split here, but I couldn't help but giggle when I read that...oh so true for that 50%.
The "fans" that really just want an XBox with a Nintendo logo on it, I tend to wonder why they actually buy Nintendo and hang out on a Nintendo site if they seem to reject the entire Nintendo ecosystem in favor of another products ecosystem. Most games on Nintendo have a common vibe whether fun and carefree like Mario or more serious like FE and SMT. It's either a vibe that appeals do you or doesn't. Yet so many seem to argue "I hate the vibe of Nintendo, love the vibe of western consoles, but I buy a Nintendo for Mario and then complain that's the only game I like!" I mean why would ANYBODY expect that's what Nintendo would make? It's not really what they do or have ever done, despite the N64 and GCN being pretty powerful in their day, it's not like that strategy actually worked out. Add in the overwhelming success of GBA/DS/3DS....and yeah, if you didn't guess Switch back around when Cafe was announced, you're just not Nintendo savvy.
B-b-b-b-but this is the internet. We can't say positive things about Nintendo!
I highly doubt preorders of the Switch will rival the PS4 here in North America, but I'm still taking this as a positive sign. Like I've said before, Nintendo has done a much better job marketing the system this time around.
Sounds like many Swedes will Switch to the Switch!
@NEStalgia Hell the Gameboy had worse hardware compared to say the game gear. Specs don't matter if the games are awesome.
@dew12333 I have no time whatsoever for Sony or Microsoft. I've never bought or owned any of their consoles.
@Vegaphil Price is one of the biggest issues for Switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Well everything anyone would want to hear about the price has been said many times over already, it doesn't need to appear in every comments section related to the Switch from you. Quite frankly whether it's too expensive or a fine price is down for each individual to decide, it doesn't need to be repeated ad nauseam
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It seems to have sold out at a lot of places.
the evidence shows that price is not such an issue as maybe thought.
Yes - some scalpers have overbought - that is very likely true! - however - if Nintendo bring fresh stock into the Market before Release day - those scalpers will be unable to sell at higher prices ( har har scalpers!). The Market is settling down with lower prices on some games and accessories now. Ideal situation would be 4 million Switches sold at Launch. . Nintendo have stated they have the ability to ramp up production quickly.
I'm hoping that the scalpers are unable to sell at higher prices on Launch day.
(p.s - I actually quite like you - we often disagree on opinions - yes, it's true you are mostly negative - yes. but I enjoy your banter and involvement on the NL site. . )
@cfgk24 It's the hardcore who usually buy at launch. 2 million is a drop in the ocean. And yes, I agree, I'm sure some of those initial buyers are scalpers hoping for repeats of previously launched Nintendo products in small quantities that they sell on for extortionate prices. We only need look at the NES Classic Mini at Christmas. I'm still waiting to buy it despite pre ordering back at the start of July.
Nintendo Switch is the SEXIEST console Nintendo has ever released it is sleek and sexy did I say it's SEXY cause it is SEXY just like a new piece of gaming tech should be . I hope Nintendo all the Success in the World for Switch it will be awesome to see what kind of great gaming experiences will come from Switch and it is a very real possibility that Switch will be SUPER successful there is this buzz in the air around it, alot of people are talking about it, devs. even seem excited by what the Nintendo Switch has to offer now then bring on March 3.
@Arehexes Game Gear. I think the batteries almost lasted through the "SEEEGA" audio clip before needing to change them. I think THAT was the first console/handheld hybrid. You held it in your hands but had to plug it into the wall to use it anyway.
I still have my Game Gear....Screen's broken though, it only shows a thin line across the center of the screen like a CRT with a bad electron gun. I also still have my original Game Boy. Runs like a dream.
Though I think some people here wish the Game Boy were as powerful as the NES. Yes, yes, THEN it would have been more successful! </sarc>
@cfgk24 Launch preorders aren't the best indicator of overall sales. It's encouraging yes, I mean it would be awful for Nintendo if pre-orders were stagnant. But it's expected. 2M for launch month available is a low number, scalpers buy in, but also some people place preorders with multiple stores to be sure they get it, then cancel as it gets closer. But even that aside, every console sells out on launch, even WiiU had an extremely good launch. The hardcore tends to all buy it right away because we know we're going to buy it sooner or later anyway so why not be there for the fun of the start? But once the hardcore all stocks up and the eager base is taken care of, the bigger test comes if anyone ELSE buys it. For PS4, other customers kept coming and buying. For WiiU, they did not. For 3DS they started after that first price cut. For Wii they sold so fast it took me a year to even be able to GET one, and even that felt like winning the lottery. A good launch is a good start, but it's not much of an indication how sales will go after the kinds of people reading about Nintendo on the internet all get theirs.
@NEStalgia Sega Nomad was the console/handheld hybrid, the Gamegear was more of a PSP. The moment you turn it on the batteries died though (lol).
Nice to hear your gameboy works, my has screen rot and the speaker died. Been with me since I got it in the Hospital. I have a second one though so yay.
I'm glad the switch is moving, but as others said, not indicative of future success. There have been several missteps in my opinion, and I fear they will hold by John Q. Public from buying in.
I do think the potential is there, I will judge more on first year rather than launch window. E3 will show the direction Switch is going, and holiday sales should go a long way in third party support
"With that kind of price and launch lineup Nintendo can not hope to sell much at launch. Switch is set to fail!"
News comes out that preorders are apparently going very well
"Well, Switch will sell a lot at launch, because of their fans, but in the long run it is destined to fail!"
Reasons why I can't take comments like that seriously anymore...
But what I would want to know of those people here: Have you ever considered that your opinion might NOT be the opinion of the masses?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Dude, just...stop. 🤐
@CircuitWrangler3 Great contribution to the discussion.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE and @gravythief I too agree with you both to a certain degree except when something bothers me I will not support it later on after the launch. I too have a strong distaste for Switch and don't see it being successful in the long run. I am a console gamer and do not care about portability whatsoever and this gives me no reason to upgrade to Switch. I have a Wii U and the performance and Graphics all though I'm not big on that and games and fun are more important but I don't care to spend around 500 to 600 in hardware and accessories when this runs slightly better than Wii - U. Plus I stopped gaming for a long time and did not have a Wii so Wii - U being backwards compatible was like getting two consoles in one. Switch not backwards compatible a lot of Wii - U ports that side by comparisons nothing different enough to me to buy the same games all over again. When the noise settles down and the dust settles I see this maybe being just a tad more successful than Wii - U but not by much or even slightly below. This is the first reveal of a new console that I have instead of embraced I have ran away from and will not be making the Switch at all not even a few years later into its life. I will stick with my Wii - U.
If the initial shipment has sold out, Nintendo will be happy. Why would they reduce price now... This is because the best time of a consoles life to make extra $$$.
Sure, everyone wants it for less. But this is a business, not a charity. The best way to get 3rd parties into the console is to show it's highly profitable.
If anyone checks out EBAY and put a brand new Wii - U in your cart even if its 10 or so of them in an hour time there all gone. Is it that people realize the Switch isn't much better in terms of graphics and performance and decided to finally get one. Or is it someone like me that was so disappointed and decided to skip out on the switch all together and pick up a second wii - u just in case the first one dies and just wait and see what Nintendo's next console is. Either way Wii - U's are going faster now than ever since major retailers do not carry them. Too bad it did not sell this way when available as I think the Wii - U was a fantastic system and my absolute favorite of Nintendo's
I really hope the Switch doesn't get a price drop for about two years or so, Christmas in pack game bundles yes but not a price cut. The Switch will do well, the NES classic has been sold out everywhere for the last two months and that's a system that's 30 years old......
I adore the fact that you are on this website.
The world needs people like you.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Y...y...y..ou didn't notice I said I liked you ? ( Cfgk24 bursts into tears. . . Waaaaaah!
@NEStalgia Yes - Those who don't buy at launch miss out on weeks/months of Nintendo Gaming fun!
Exactly! Well, sort of exactly. Lets face it, most of us day 1 buyers already have a backlog of 3DS and/or WiiU games we're pushing aside temporarily to get in on the new Switch goodness that we could be playing instead But it's still fun to look back at the end of the console's life and say "I'm so glad I was there the very first day!" I still have fond memories of 3DS day complete with Face Raiders.... WiiU I received on launch day but couldn't open it right away, so I'm half there.
" I am a console gamer and do not care about portability whatsoever and this gives me no reason to upgrade to Switch."
I think you're one of the few that is up-front in directly stating why Switch, for you personally, lacks appeal. So many try to make it into some existential cosmic reasoning for why Switch is bad for everyone rather than to simply say what you said here!
Yes, if you're a core console gamer with no interest in mobile play, and not strongly enough tied to Nintendo's game experiences to find the hardware performance reasonable for those experiences, then, yes, Switch is not a machine being marketed toward you. Though as for whether it is a success is a question of whether mobility in a console IS a selling point for enough other people worldwide, including Japan (where mobility is pretty much the only selling point that matters.) Mobile gaming is certainly profitable in the west between phones and 3DS, but so far carries the stigma of being less than real console games. Switch's intent seems to be to be what Japan is looking for as a handheld, and to maybe appeal to a broad base in the west that would love to be able to have a mobile "real console" (Vita tried but failed badly at being that) + phone/tablet gamers that might make the jump to a real console if it's in a more familiar form factor (these days, especially with the millennial set, people don't watch television, they watch You Tube on their tablet. Playing games on a television isn't very appealing to them. Having a tablet like device that plays real games with real controls might be.
You, the console gamer who just wants the most performant console tech are definitely not the customer they have in mind for Switch. The problem is a performant console is definitely not what most consumers who aren't already vested in XBox/Playstation/PC have in mind either. So Switch is aiming to a group for which no current product satisfies: A "real console" that is portable, hand holdable, and can still be played like a normal console, with the main sacrifice, of giving up some performance over the competition.
You're honest about that, which is refreshing. There's too much "I'm not the target customer for Nintendo's new console therefore Switch sucks!!!" going on around the 'net.
@iGen @Anti-Matter Here, here! Seconded!
@Malanta EXACTLY!!! There's always more games on nintendo's systems then I have time to play
@SLIGEACH_EIRE "It wasn't just developers who got burnt with Wii U. We the gamers did also"
I wasn't. Thoroughly enjoying mine.
@BiasedSonyFan "Gamers would be happier on this website if the Switch was a powerful x86 console that got all of the Western AAA video games but still didn't sell well. This has nothing to do with sales or Nintendo's financial success."
Exactly. I think "AAA" is overtaking the "g" word as the most overused and abused term on the site right now. Some people on here wanted a square box with twin sticks, mandatory installs and identical games to the other two even if they already own them. Good to see imagination and a taste for variety in life is alive and well.
Like sweet cakes straight from the oven.
Keep em coming. Ill play zelda till it explodes lol.
I just saw a video of the touchscreen posted by Ob1plays on youtube looks nice tho.
Im really hyped about the switch.
I think that Nintendo is saving some big reveal for last.
To sell this console fast! They have to anounce a Pokemon game. Every pokemon fan will run to the store to have one. They can even level up the hype lol, everyone who gets a switch and pokemon will get a special pokemon.
I don't know if anyone's said this before but don't you think the Switch is really good value for money? I can't wait for Day One! Don't get me wrong I loved my Wii U but can't wait to upgrade to the Switch.
@Mellor2000 I think the Switch is fantastic for the price!
Lol the japanese pre order section crashed! and is now sold out. More Preorders are coming.
People even pre ordering the switch from over priced websites. Its cracy.
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