Short of inevitably fake and potentially real leaks of the script, the Nintendo Switch presentation's hints and tips have been picked relatively clean. Presented out of Japan with an English voiceover, the live broadcast is eagerly anticipated by fans and intrigued followers of the gaming industry.
The timing isn't necessarily ideal if you live in some parts of the West, like North America or Europe, and we may have to buckle up for a relatively long stream. It still appears to be an estimate, but as web chatter points out the Niconico schedule is pegging the presentation at around one hour in length.
How accurate is it? We'd suggest some caution as this seems to be a rather rough estimate. In some cases the Niconico schedule seems very specific, and in others merely lists a block of time; this may just be the latter. Naturally Nintendo is streaming the presentation through other formats, too, and none of those seem to be giving runtimes as yet.
Nintendo Switch Presentation
8pm Pacific / 11pm Eastern on 12th January, which is 4am UK / 5am CET / 1pm Tokyo / 3pm AEDT on 13th January
We've had Nintendo Direct / Digital Event broadcasts run into the 45 minute territory in the past, and if a major information blowout is planned for Switch a similar length or beyond is certainly feasible. In any case, a pot of coffee seems like a good idea as a presentation accompaniment.
Thanks to everyone that sent this in.
[source sp.live.nicovideo.jp]
Comments 85
Oh no...
can't hardly wait
I'm actually really excited now.
Fair enough.
cracks neck Bring it.
Common sense would prevail it won't be any more than that, with console specs, pricing, features probably half an hour, games the other half. I'll be curious to see if they concentrate on day one stuff, reveal 'launch window', or just throw a bunch of stuff they have in the pipeline out there like they did with Bayonetta 2, Xenonlade, and the SMTxFE thing?
Do they just stream the stage presentation or is there additional content from the show floor?
I would like to know the length before hand cause I'm not waking up at 4 to watch it live but still would like to watch it before work so need to know how much earlier I need to wake up 😀 Although if it is a hour in length I'll probably have to wake up at 5! So not much difference lol
From what I posted on the Switch thread:
An hour seems short, personally I expected somewhere between and hour and a half and two hours. There's a lot to cover initial games 1st and 3rd party, price, controller options, whether there are multiple SKU's, virtual console and hopefully a new account system.
Now if it's like the PlayStation experience last month, then there will be no complaining.
Interesting. I was expecting more, honestly, but if it's compact and straight to the point, an hour seems fine. Ideally they spend 25 minutes showing us the console, 25 minutes of game trailers, 10 minutes of bundles, pricing and where to pre-order, etc.
That's a thought... Will they be letting us know the EU pricing? Is that something NoJ typically do?
hope karen shows up.
I honestly haven't been this excited in something gaming related in many years. Whilst I enjoy my other consoles this gen in particular hasn't cracked up to much in my opinion. I feel like I really need this to get my gaming enthusiasm back.
@Jamotello Probably too busy at a hipster roof party to give a damn.
@NX64 I hear you. I've been gaming for 30+ years, and in all honesty as much as I love my PS4 it feels very samey in terms of the games I played on PS3. I'm just not prepared to shell out £350 for PSVR (which I probably won't get on with full-time anyway due to irritations with my astigmatism), and PS4 Pro just seems a bit pointless as I haven't got a TV that would benefit from anything more than 1080p (and don't plan to any time soon).
I'm hopeful that Switch turns out to be something truly engaging and fresh, because I'm truly waning when it comes to gaming nowadays. I'm certainly not the only one, it would seem.
Still won't be long enough!
The only shots I'll be drinking during this presentation are shots of coffee.
It's in line with most other Nintendo hardware reveals.
E3 2004 (DS unveiling): 48 minutes
E3 2006 (Wii unveiling): 1 hour 4 minutes
E3 2010 (3DS unveiling): 1 hour 17 minutes
E3 2012 (Wii U unveiling): 1 hour 10 minutes
And an hour give or take a bit should be fine as long as they don't spend time spinning a yarn in places like wool shops.
@KiWiiU_Freek Good job there will be a Treehouse stream later on in the day then
I'll be watching as soon as I come home on Friday! So that means I have to go through the whole day not looking at the news wondering what was revealed!
@Farmboy74 I'd like something longer too but it's a pr event for press and investors so they can't really make it too long.
@Moon "Will they be letting us know the EU pricing? Is that something NoJ typically do?"
I guess there's nothing typical to Nintendo about the way they're doing this presentation. That's kinda exciting.
Even if there's no region specific info in the main presentation, then that info will be found in regional social media channels and websites.
@roboshort, I think that's where treehouse live will come into it's own, demo's of the games that are coming launch day.
Keep it short. Simple
I can stay awake for an hour
Makes sense. An hour is enough time to convey your core message and show off day one software and launch window software. After that let the 3rd parties off the leash and let them openly discus their own software port or exclusive at E3 and other events before and post launch.
This is best case scenario so far if everything turns out well expect the Switch to be a success.
H Y P E wont go to sleep the night before. Good, I dont have to go to work...
Hour of power, is it? Hopefully they won't waste time going in-depth on the games, of which at least one will be Generic Anime Moemoe Waifu Simulator #672,891.
@Solid_Stannis I think you are confusing this with PSVR.....
@Solid_Stannis Hey don't dis Generic Anime Moemoe Waifu Simulator #672,891 that will be the best entry in the Generic Anime Moemoe Waifu Simulator since #672,887 Final Remix Ver. Kai! That was the best entry because it had best moemoe waifu!
SO excited, am really hoping for some sort of FZer GX port
This could be bad because we cant estimate how long the battery will laste on the switch....
I've already set my alarm!
Actually glad it's on this early. Teatime presentations get spoilt by my kids needing things and every man and his dog being online at the same time. 4am means family and neighbours all in bed!
Is it on YouTube or just via Nintendo.com
An hour is fine with me. I usually go to sleep at midnight anyway.
In Australia we get it live at a lovely Friday afternoon time. Treehouse is middle of the night though, however staying up later to watch it won't take much effort.
@Frosty_09 http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/G-8AAOSw-4BXaK5t/s-l400.jpg
@Moon I'm guessing each region will have their own version with the only difference being a different graphic showing he price for their region. I assume there will only be one English voice over, probably by someone from NoA. If it was a Direct I would think Shibata would do his own European version, but I don't think so here.
30 mins of that will be Breath of the Wild.
I expect gratuitous amounts of corporate spin, forced excitement, and young trendy people enjoying themselves with classic Nintendo brands!
"Switch on the coffee machine"
Given what happened with the last thing codenamed "Nintendo Café", I wouldn't put anything Ninty-related and coffee in the same sentence ever again.
Wow this AND treehouse coverage? This is gonna be great!
I'm really surprised people wanted or expected something longer! Don't forget Treehouse is going to be doing extensive game playing afterwards. I actually think an hour is probably too long. Hopefully it's very slick and efficient and packed full of exciting stuff and clear messaging.
@Jamotello I'll be greatly disappointed if she doesn't walk onto the stage, playing Super Mario Switch and sticking the console back in the dock for the game to appear on the big screen. That rooftop party has been going on for far too long!
I'll be doing my best to watch this stream on my phone quietly in the dark while the wife and kid sleep. School night.
Looking forward to seeing what games Nintendo's been cooking up the past couple years. I'm as hyped as a 40-year-old introvert kid can be.
@aaronsullivan No one is saying that.
Where will we be able to watch?
I want the whole Switch thing to last about 4 years, not just an hour
At least I'm staying up later these days since Sanya is calm more often at night. lol
I hope they don't throw a everything out there like they did with Wii U because a lot of those games never game. SmtXfe, Brothers, Project:CARS etc... I'm still bitter from that sizzle reel from the Feb 2013 Nintendo Direct.
I hope they concentrate on release games and releasing that year for sure.
Gee...they'll spend numerous minutes picking up the system, turning it on and playing it...then finally get to the games and specs. We'll see the re-release trailers for the games that are already out on Wii U, some more Zelda, then they'll bow their head and say..."Oh yeah, we still didn't learn from past mistakes and we lost 3rd party support before it even started!!!"
Sorry, just felt like saying that. Glad I can skip some of the minutes that are boring, but all I'm looking for is the prices and the games coming out (and not just re-release games or games that have been out on PS4 for almost a year...actual new games...especially that Mario Adventure one and the Rabbids Mario Crossover one.
@Great_Gonzalez me too
@ruinez An hour...that's why the presentation is only that long!!!! Just joking, but it would be funny if that's how long it actually lasts.
@Moshugan They will at least have a Treehouse live presentation of the games the day after.
@ThomasBW84 As @Frosty09 pointed out, why is this article tagged under Retro?
Good, plenty of time to reveal system features, games, eShop, Virtual Console Launch Day and Price, Accessories, and so on.
But will we get worthless MyNintendo coins for watching? XD
Do'h, I thought the reveal is on Friday (I'm here in the UK) I have an early start on Thursday, have somewhere to be at 11am. Thats a shame, I pre-ordered a Switch at Game. The price, launch date and the games lineup is very important that will come in 5 days time, I'm hoping Switch wont cost more than £300 here in the UK. I'll be very happy if it's £250.00 as I am setting aside a budget for it. Initially I was going to get one Christmas 2017 but my Birthday is in April so I'll get one for my Birthday, one final point I asked someone in Game if they are doing a midnight launch.... the girl said she wasn't sure but the manager over heard and he said HQ haven't confirmed either way yet but normally they do a midnight launch for big hitting hardware and even games. Maybe nearer the time Game will confirm either way....
I remember I pre ordered a Wii-U from blockbuster (they didn't do a midnight launch) as at the time they were right near where I used to live, I preordered a Wii and picked it up at midnight from Gamestation.
Keep in mind that NicoNico only does timestamps by the half hour, so it's probably around 90 minutes or so.
@IceClimbers hopefully most conferences like the sony and microsoft e3 ones are an hour and a half
The Switch presentation probably take more than 1 hour. Prepare your drinks & snacks !
@Pj1 It's 4am Friday for UK.
Mr. Shibata still speaks "Engrish". XD
The time isn't that unreasonable for North America.
(maybe that 11PM time for EST is pushing it...)
@AlexSora89 Haha, good call. "Project Café" was a disaster. Better lay off the coffee puns. Maybe make a "Revolution" joke for good commercial luck?
that's 5 AM where i live.
cue coffee.
@Solid_Stannis But....but...it's confirmed to have Karen from the Switch reveal trailer as a new waifu! Why aren't you excited!?
In all seriousness, I saw somewhere in the comment section that says Niconico does timestamps every half-hour. Could this mean the event will be longer than an hour? I sure hope so. The event starts at 11pm where I live so I wouldn't mind staying up till 2am if I had to (that is if the event is longer than a hour).
Meh, still doesn't bother me. I'd be singing a different tune if I lived in Europe, though. 10-11 PM CST isn't bad at all for me.
An hour seems fine considering there's going to be more in-depth presentations the following day from each respective region. They'll probably just hit all the biggest guns and focus a lot on the system and it's own features.
@Dev Exactly they dont need to drag it too long, just go in, get your message out and get out.
@Yasume "no one is saying that". @Farmboy74 and his three hearts say hi. (edit: had the names switched first time!)
I want to know everything, so the longer the better.
I think my body is ready
@NX64 I agree...nothing that mind-blowing really happened this generation. I guess graphics upgrades and poking at VR but that's it. If switch will truly add mobility a home console game experience I'll be happy, but I'm not expecting a revolution, either.
An hour should be fine if that is correct. A lot of features were already shown in the trailer, just need some details like date, pricing, and so on. Needs launch lineup. Would like to know what will happen with virtual console and eshop. The Tree House and 3rd parties should be the ones giving closer looks at the games. Really, the next two months should be full of that info.
The Reality of it all is that we're gonna need a Nitro boost if we want to catch the Dolphin on our way to Atlantis (which, hilariously enough, sinked just like its namesake). Either way, this is going to be Revolution-wait for it-ary. Until then, we should keep the hype under Kontrolle, or else its flame will go from sunshine to Twilight.
Nah a sequel to GX!
Maw! Go to sleeps at like 2am then wake up at 4am lol then back to bed I feel
I expect i have to wait 4-5 month anyway until i can go into a store and buy a switch like the nes mini.
Shows that it probably won't be a massive game blowout!
@Nin_Myski Well here I'd say would be the best place to watch the presentation and treehouse stream. An article on the front page usually goes up an hour before the event starts which contains the stream and a chat so the community can discuss the event live together.
Good timing if you're in Australia (for once). I'll get to watch it when I get home from work on Friday. Can't wait!
@Grumblevolcano Ho, cool
@thesewoodenideas Thank You
We've had robot chicken and Muppets. I want the Switch presentation to be gloriously presented in a hyper beautiful Ghibli style. Animation blending with real life
I'm pretty sure they'll have plenty of time to announce anything we haven't heard of yet. It only takes a few seconds to reveal the price and release date(s). They'll probably show a little bit of BoTW and the Switch's launch window games. I don't see anything wrong with that.
@Savino Nintendo isnt Nintendo without its sense of fun.
I personally loved the puppets.
Why is it so late..... I'll be at work....... UGHHHHHHH
1hr is about right for a white glove unboxing, then a talk on how motion controlled games are the future followed by a collection of awlful shiggy prototype games like Wii music and giant robots.
I was hoping it would be over an hour actually. But so long as it's not a quick 20-30 minute thing. If I'm up that early it's gotta be worth being up for.
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