Atlus is bringing its popular Shin Megami Tensei series to the Nintendo Switch, it was revealed today.
The game will be made using Unreal Engine 4, and the brief video shown off during the Switch presentation didn't show any gameplay as the title is still very early in production.
The last game in the series was Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse on the 3DS, and that console is also getting a new game in the series:
Both projects will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the franchise.
Comments 49
How far away is it? And then for it to make it outside of Japan? All we got was a short CGI trailer.
So much yes!!
How far off is it though? I'm guessing next year holiday.
Ironic was looking through my Devil survivor artbook recently.
This news made me so happy, I was wondering where the series would be heading since the 3DS is pretty much done now.
And with the removal of the region lock I don't even have to fear whether or not I can get it.
This was the most exciting game in the presentation for me.
SMT V is a killer app for me.
Her is the games coming to the switch
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Has Been Heroes
Super Bomberman R
I am Setsuna
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
LEGO® CITY Undercover
Sonic Mania
Splatoon 2
NBA 2K18
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim®
Super Mario Odyssey
Project Sonic 2017
Steep (trash)
1, 2, Switch
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
Arcade Archives
Disgaea 5 Complete
Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2 (Working Title)
Farming Simulator
Fast RMX
Fire Emblem Warriors
Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure
Minecraft: Switch Edition
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Rayman® Legends Definitive Edition
Shin Megami Tensei: Brand New Title
Syberia 3
@FX102A Coincidental, not ironic.
Also I' be surprised if we saw this before 2019. Can't wait though. 1 of the 3 games from the presentation I cared about
Great news, having MegaTen and SRW are major contributors for me getting a new console, and I'm moderately certain Bamco will start covering the Switch to continue its 3DS line of SRWs.
Must finish 4 and TMS.
@therealgamer Thanks for the games list, really comes in handy!
They reveal that it is a Shin Megami Tensei game but won't say if it's a sequel to Apocalypse or if it's a Persona, Devil Survivor, or Summoner spin-off. My hope is that it's a true sequel to Apocalypse.
Playing through IV at the moment
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Well SMT4 and SMT4: Apocalypse left Japan and those two were mainline games. Both Devil Survivor games (remake and the sequel) made it out of Japan as well. Even Soul Hackers made it out.
Chances are it'll be localized and even if it isn't it'll be importable since no region lock.
@retro_player_22 It's possible but judging by how they named SMT4's sequel it'll probably be loosely related to SMT4 Apocalypse at best.
There goes another 100+ hours of my life.
@therealgamer Wait... what? Syberia 3? Really? Hell God how I could have missed that one? My all time favorite adventure. I hope it comes in the edition with Syberia 1 and 2 included like for PC and other consoles, though that will be difficult, they would need to re-done it for Switch... but it's the best news of today!
@therealgamer Yep, this will make me need to get a S(and)witch. No rush, though- I can easily wait for Holiday 2017.
@retro_player_22 It looks more like a cross between Nocturne and IV to me. The Kaneko designs look like they're still intact, looking better than they were 13 years ago.
Ah, yes, I was waiting for this- a REAL SMT game on a home console once more! (Well, sort of, for the S(and)witch... But it's portable, which makes it even better!) That hasn't happened since the PS2, and before that, the SNES! No more putting up with disappointments like that Persona knock-off!
Persona 5 is a system seller, other SMT is not
@Ernest_The_Crab @SLIGEACH_EIRE Only Strange Journey made events take place outside of Japan in the mainline series so far. (Mikado doesn't really count, for plot-related reasons.)
@PlywoodStick Persona is better :3
@Grez To be fair, that's partially because there are 10,000's of PS4's literally being bundled with Persona 5 in Japan.
@Menchi187 You're right, Persona IS better than the Persona knockoff that is TMS.
@PlywoodStick Ok I misunderstood you initial comment then. Thought you were calling Persona the knock off like most people do. 7am reading comprehension etc
This is one of the titles that would totally convince to buy Switch.
@Menchi187 The only official Persona I would call a knockoff is the heavily edited original English/International version of Persona 1 on PS1. If you've ever seen/played it, and compared it to the original JP version, you'll know what I mean...
Meanwhile, Persona 2's final boss is Hitler (and who doesn't want to fight him!?), Persona 3 reinvigorated the JRPG genre, and Persona 4 has one of the most suave of silent protagonists ever (and Margaret ). So yeah, Persona series is no slouch, and I've heard Persona 5 continues that trend with gusto. Here's hoping S(and)witch gets a proper Persona 5 port!
@Ernest_The_Crab I think he meant the fact that it took SMTIV almost THREE YEARS to get released in Europe after Japan. That lag turns an early adopter killer app into a system swan song, which is precisely what happened to #FE/TMS.
@Noelemahc Thankfully though, no region lock by default, so Ghostlight will have to put up or shut up.
@therealgamer plus:
DragonQuest X and XI
DragonQuest Heroes I and II
Project Octopath Traveller
and... Wonderboy the Dragons Trap (I think)
Guessing this will come about 2-3 years from now. SMT demons in Unreal Engine look slick.
If Atlus brought Devil Survivor or some other SMT spinoffs (Persona Q 2 with Persona 5 characters?) and also Etrian Odyssey to Switch, that would give me a lot of favor for the system. A Tokyo Mirage Sessions port would also help.
@PlywoodStick I think you may have misinterpreted what both of us were talking about. We meant the games being localized outside of Japan not the actual plot location.
@Noelemahc Ah that sucks. I'm in North America so localization hasn't really been an issue for me so far with SMT.
@Ernest_The_Crab until Persona Q we generally had to wait upwards of six months to a record of never (the DS version of DeSu 1 was canceled because the 3DS port was announced by the time it would have released, for example). SMTIVA came out shockingly fast, I presume because of SEGA's management.
All this and no one bother to note the engine being used for this one is Unreal Engine 4.
If I've never played an SMT game before, but am intrigued, where would be a good place to start? I have all Nintendo's UK consoles/handhelds and am happy to buy from eBay if needed. I do have Tokyo Mirage Sessions, haven't played it yet but I guess that's not really an SMT game.
Shin Megami Tensei is something I'm a huge fan of, so a mainline - hopefully V - game for home console after like 14 years since Nocturne is something I HAVE to be excited about.
@GravyThief That depends, how good your Japanese is, and do you want to go for "fun time" or "original hardcore experience"?
Either of the two Devil Survivor on the 3DS if the first (they're upgrades of the DS originals, they're not connected by plot, only by using the same engine) or Shin Megami Tensei IV for the 3DS if the second.
Extra hard option: Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey on the DS is better as a story, but is more old-skool as a game. Soul Hackers on the 3DS is an awesome game, but it's a tad too brutally complex for someone new to the series' mechanics.
Persona Q heavily depends on you being intimately familiar with Persona 3 and 4 (as it spoils the crap out of both of them and is generally a game-shaped fanservice session) neither of which were on Nintendo consoles.
TMS is like an apology for Persona series' Sony exclusivity to Nintendo fans, it is not representative of the other games on Nintendo consoles, but that doesn't make it a bad game.
All older Nintendo-based games are available in Japanese only except for Revelations the Demon Slayer, but that is a rebranded localization of a spinoff to a spinoff, so I wouldn't recommend starting with it.
TLDR: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker is a perfect jumping on point if you're not into minmaxey JRPGs, as it does a great job of easing you into how common franchise mechanics work AND is an awesome game.
I've not tried SMT before. Depending on how the gameplay looks, I'd be up for giving this a go if I had a Switch.
SMT V, bring it on!
@retro_player_22 The Persona, DeSu games aren't SMT spinoffs, rather part of the Megami Tensei conglomerate of series. So when they say "Shin Megami Tensei" they mean mainline. In the '00s the games all had SMT added to their titles in the west to try and boost their popularity following the success of Nocturne.
Also, if you're hoping for an Apocalypse sequel don't hold your breath. Every numbered entry in the MegaTen series is self-contained.
@TheDavyStar technically not true — II was a direct sequel to I, and Apocalypse is a what-if sequel to IV.
But still, please let it be a proper V. With proper Moon mechanics and none of that gameplay simplification Apocalypse had.
@therealgamer You forgot Xenoblade 2 my friend
So, you think SMT V is the 3DS version or the Switch game?
Anyway, this practically confirms that Atlus left Persona as their series for PS (since they know they have a established fanbase there) and Nintendo for SMT games.
Nice arrangement, if I do say so myself.
The amount of Megaten on 3DS is crazy.
SMT IV and Apocalypse
Devil Summoner Soul Hackers
Both devil survivor games
Persona Q
and now this unannounced Megaten game?
@TheDavyStar Nah, those are clearly spinoffs. They just happen to be their own series. Having Shin Megami Tensei in the titles means they are in somewhat related to the series, not necessarily connected to the main series kinda like how Dragon Quest Monsters though part of the Dragon Quest series is a spinoff in itself.
They didn't day it was exclusive to the Switch though
@Ralizah Yeah, it potentially is for me as well, but that worries me a great deal, because really, it was the only thing during that presentation, I would truly consider (as of now) buying the system for. Why worrisome? Because they didn't really show anything, meaning the game could a) not be a "SMT V HD", but some kind of spin-off and b) it's most likely a very, very long time away.
Obviously an UE4 project on a new system will take more time than a new SMT project on the 3DS, but even the 3DS game, I would not expect in the 'west' before 2019. thus it seems to be that SMT "HD" for holiday 2020 (again, in the west), is not an outrageous guess. What does it say about the Switch, if the only game that really gets my blood pumping is only shown as a tech demo and is also still 2 or even 3 years away?
To me it says nothing good about the line-up of the system for the forseeable future, nothing good at all. The Sega and Suda51 segments add significantly to that sense of desperation btw. Rarely seen anything like it to be honest - which given all the sill things being shown and said during these presentations over the years, is once more, very telling to me =/
Hopefully the next news from Atlus will be about Etrian Odyssey V...
ANOTHER one for 3DS? Yes. Very yes.
I'm secretly hoping for another Devil Survivor game, though. The original Devil Survivor is what got me into SMT in the first place.
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