We're only about four months away now from the official release of the Nintendo Switch, and pre-release reaction certainly does seem to be quite positive. Naturally, developers are always talking up a storm ahead of any console's launch, but the Switch's unique positioning as both a handheld and home console has gotten a lot of developers very excited. Ubisoft is one such developer that has been singing praises about the Switch for some time, and another executive has weighed in with his thoughts on the upcoming platform.
Polygon got a chance to briefly chat with Xavier Poix – the director of Ubisoft's French studios – and he mentioned how Nintendo is aiming to make the Switch to appeal to a broader audience, referring to both the casual and the hardcore crowds. He then went on to explain how his company is working out how to find the right balance between lighter gameplay fit for a handheld and more in-depth gameplay meant for home experience:
We are thinking that if Nintendo's philosophy is really to gather those two worlds. If adult players and console players could be the same community, then what's the best user journey of one player that would own the Switch? Not necessarily only with the Switch mind you, but we tried to consider this in the way our upcoming games are being designed. We thought about the time needed for a play session in this game to fit the experience of a handheld. When you are playing a game, an adult console game or mobile game for instance, you are spending less time than you then when you are at home in front of your TV for hours. So that's something that we have in mind for the games that we are producing right now.
It'll be interesting to see how developers address this going forward; as the Switch seems like it'll be quite versatile in the breadth of experiences it can offer.
What do you think? Would you rather games be more complex or simpler on the go? Do you think the Switch will manage to reach the audiences it's expected to? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Thanks to all who sent this in
[source polygon.com]
Comments 73
Just give me Fire Emblem and Pokemon, then a Xenoblade sequel please.
well, for me, ""hardcore"" and ""casual"" are words "Unnecessary", some that only works for catalog "some" without sense, but well.
only I wish see many games for all kind of audience/players.
I think he underestimates how many people think "Nintendo sux" for no legitimate reason whatsoever. These people will refuse to give Switch a chance because it doesn't have as many teraflops or some ignorant reasoning similar to that.
I, for one, hope Switch takes off big time so I can go back to being a one console house.
Not sure I'm so interested in the handheld part tbh. I don't see the system leaving my house except for family travel and if the system isn't in the dock then I'm playing off tv which I don't really consider on the go gaming. This is why to me I really hope the 3ds sticks around a lot longer or Nintendo actually makes a more competent handheld for the switch that will fit in my pocket.
@firstnesfan And that's exactly the kind of thinking that gets Nintendo in these problems with 3rd parties!
@Spoony_Tech I agree, this probably won't leave the house much for me. It'll still be nice for trips though!
Who cares about titles like hardcore or casual? People play games to have fun.
You guys have great points but I feel nintendo is going to give us a reason to take this thing with us
Being someone with a young family and trips to see family quite regularly, the tablet has massive appeal.
The Wii U has been a massive part of my gaming time for the past two years thanks to the gamepad, but this was only limited to my home.
Switch improves on something I've found really good for my current lifestyle.
The industry is dying for innovation right now. Vr is still largely expensive and experimental.
Please geeef me moar fire emblems nintendood!
Plus its 2016 man. Why cant i take my blockbuster video games on the go and plug it in with hdmi wherever i go? The tech exists. Just mass produce it and make it affordable.... oh wait thats what nintendo switch is allegedly doing....
Also remakes of snes rpgs would sell like ... remakes of snes rpgs... or little tiny nintendos.
I prefer portable than console right now but still I like both of them. Having portability is really huge deal. I can treat my Switch portable like 3DS or console like Wii U. Very handy.
Just let me know when The Last Story 2 gets made.
Lol This article is still filed under "NX" instead of "Switch".
@Hordak Wii sold 100 million. Not enough care that much about teraflops to really make a difference.
@Tempestryke There are different markets, and from a game maker and console maker you want to appeal to as many groups as you can, by really sitting down and contemplating how you can combine them. It was quite interesting how they are thinking how to combine console and portable groups so you get games that sit between "console" and "portable" types.
@Hordak oh, there's plenty of legitimate reasons to feel as though "Nintendo sux" these days; the same reasons that forced you into being a multi-console owner.
@MitchVogel the fact that many others feel the same way will ultimately be the downfall of Switch. Its main gimmick, the ability to take your console gaming on the go, is such a non-starter with people that I feel folks will largely ignore the console... unless, and only unless, Switch has equal or better 3rd party support as XB and PS. Highly unlikely.
So, I think that once again Nintendo is overestimating the 'how people will play' aspect just like with Wii U and the majority will, once again, shrug their collective shoulders at this latest gimmick.
I'm an adult console gamer (who never grew up) who loves playing Nintendo, so what does that make me?
Seriously, these titles annoy me, we are all gamers of differing ability, we all like different genres, machines and different input methods, but we are ALL gamers!
@Tempestryke To bad the online gaming community doesn't realize this...
@gatorboi352 I don't necessarily even see it as a central selling point; it's more of a convenience factor. The idea is that it's a home console first, but you can take it along if you feel like it. I think it's a lot less in your face than motion controls or the GamePad were; it seems like the Switch is primarily going to be focused on delivering a conventional gaming experience, but with the benefit of taking it anywhere. In short, it's 'gimmick' won't impact the gameplay experience like the last two generations did.
Gimmick is NOT a Sin for Video game.
Switch have portability = Gift from God (Thanks to Nintendo team for create that wonderful idea).
There is nothing wrong with unusual way to play or something creative.
Accept it, admit it if Switch is different from other consoles.
I think it'll be interesting to see how they handle online games with the portable aspect of the Switch. Unless the developers make some sort of appealing single player campaigns in the games the portability just wont cut it for me personally. Let's say I'm playing Splatoon at home, how will I continue playing in the same manner on the go?
People talk as if Nintendo doesn't have a strategy for the Switch launch. Roll on January, so we can see the damn games and people can finally shut up (I hope).
I'm curious...
I only play Nintendo games right now both consoles (Wii U, Wii and Gamecube) and portable (NDS and 3DS). I only play appropriate games (Everyone, E 10+ & Teen). Not interested playing PC anymore despite being ever play The Sims 3 PC long time ago. Not interested also with mobile games. Play Dance Dance Revolution at my local Gamecentre (TimeZone) every weekend and can pass until Lv 19 song (Despite always have Bad or Decent Score but rarely Failed). I like something cute, colorful, funny, create something, unusual but in good way, musically. But I hate adult contents, horror, gory, sadistic, shooting games, etc. I play my games everyday but usually between 1 - 3 hours @ day. Sometimes I play less than 1 hour due to a lot of activities.
Based on my habits, what kind gamer of me ? Am I a casual or core or pro or different category ?
@SanderEvers Is 4G console gaming on the go even possible without using huge amounts of data?I know smaller mobile style games are fine and hardly use any but i'd imagine online multiplayer on Splatoon for example would use loads.
@Tempestryke I agree. These categories for gamers are completely pointless. Regardless, games are made to appeal to various audiences. Broad audiences who like the genre of the game in question.
I don't like the "This will never leave my home argument." Just because you won't travel with your Switch, doesn't mean everyone else won't either. It's made to fit every lifestyle.
@gb_nes_gamer I think it's silly too to label like that, but there is certainly a difference between somebody who buys a video game every now and then because they see it on the store shelf and somebody who spends the majority of their disposable income on games and keeps up to date on all the news in the industry. It's reasonable to believe that certain games are geared towards certain audiences in that respect, but I don't think there's any way you can clearly draw a clearly defined line between a hardcore and casual gamer. It's more of a spectrum.
@SanderEvers "A reviewer who gets paid to review the game is also a "pro" gamer."
So that would make Conan O'Brien a "pro" gamer? 😁
As a PC gamer, the Switch is the only console that appeals to me because of the portability. Typically portables aren't very comfortable to play on for extended periods when compared to full-fat controllers, but the Switch solves that problem by allowing external controllers too. Perhaps, since it's an Nvidia device, it will support Nvidia Gamestream too! Wishful thinking, perhaps.
@abbyhitter I personally think people should invest in pharma after the switch is release...so many people are going to be taking this into the bathroom....I see so many sick people in the future.
Glad to hear it.
The primary reason I never got around to buying a 3DS was that the games largely seemed like heavy, time consuming console games. The antithesis of what the original DS was known for.
I think the term 'core gamer' is bit overused and defined very differently depending who you speak to but I do not agree with people saying the categories don't matter, that's ignorent.
If the categories of gamer aren't recognised it's hard to sell games. This isn't a popularity contest, it's developers having the means to find a target audience and budget accordingly.
My main point is that niche genres will fail to exist if all anyone creates is games that try to appeal to everyone. Art will die and we'd never see, say, a JRPG in the west again if there's no means of identifying the audience.
Nintendo games do manage to have a great, broad appeal and do away with categories for the most part on first party stuff. It works for them, but for the wider market and devs making games on Nintendo's platform, the labels are necessary.
Everyone looking to adopt the same model can often impact creativity.
As for HOW they're used, that's an entirely different matter...
@SanderEvers I also include "Mainstream Gamer" though they are more a subset of Core Gamers.
They are the ones who play games fairly in depth but will only play popular franchises and stay squarely in their comfort zone of titles.
Basically follow the crowd or what adverts tell them. They also value their own "image" and will avoid certain consoles or titles so as not to be "branded" by others.
The biggest problem I see with Switch is; Nintendo are not only trying to cater for casual and core gamers, but now added into the mix is portable and home gaming.
I'm losing interest fast.
I've never really understood this idea that console games should be long and complex, whilst handheld games should be short and simple. For me, a handheld is just as good for a quick go of Tetris as it is for a long RPG. The best solution is to make each individual game as involved as it needs to be, and just have good save point options.
I'd classify myself as a softcore gamer
Just bring forward our digital library from the E shop and give us the option to add an external hard drive! Soooo important!
I personally think the Switch is a lot more significant than many people think. It will be as compact and easy to take on the go as any other tablet or portable console out there.
But it will have the power to rival xbox one and the ps4 if rumors is correct. So this basically means that all of nintendo:s handheld games and console games will join on a single system.
Mario, Zelda, Fire emblem, Xenoblade Chronciles, Metroid, Pikmin, splatoon. You name it.
And yeah you can also take it on the go so it will sort of market itself or any game running on it witch should be an interesting factor for third party developers.
And yeah as it will work as a home console and a console that you can bring on the go. This actually not only gives it the possibility to rival home consoles or portable ones but also tablets solutions in general.
The Switch could from this point of view actually be potentially the most successful console ever.
@MitchVogel I think you and I are on the same page, but I don't believe Nintendo is on that page. I expect them to push the "on the go" aspect of the console hard, however I hope I'm wrong because I just don't see a mass amount of gamers in the West a) seeking out the Switch due to its portable aspect and b) utilizing the portable aspect outside of maybe running to the restroom with it.
"Gimmick is NOT a Sin for Video game."
Never said it was.
"Switch have portability = Gift from God (Thanks to Nintendo team for create that wonderful idea)."
Now I can't tell if you're being serious or not.
In all honesty, I hate casual and hardcore split customer. Effectively, the split is a false dichotomy. Yes, games can be causal and/or hardcore and/or mainstream; however, doesn't mean that casual can be used as a term to describe a gamer.
Personally I think people should just learn to get along no matter what style of gaming they have.
@BiasedSonyFan Good post. I'm god honest sick of that trite narrative that Nintendo abandoned the "hardcore".
@SakuraHaruka Yeah, I dislike the terms too, they divide gamers & games too much. As a result the so-called "hardcore" gamers fear anything "casual," (even looping stuff like "Mario" into that category) and they gave Nintendo a stigma for focusing on the casual crowd during the Wii era that they can't seem to shake no matter how many "hardcore" games they make. Nintendo kinda shot themselves in the foot inventing those terms, as it's given them an unfortunate stigma, and I doubt they'll ever win back the hardcore crowd whom like the gritty games on rival consoles.
Yes, I'm aware WiiU & 3DS have many gritty games too, (and even the "cute" games have their edgy/darker moments, just look at Kirby) but try telling others that...
Lol: Ubisoft is soooo full of Switch. When have I heard this before? Oh yeah, Wii u!
When the Switch bombs, they immediately abandon ship. Beyond good and Evil 2 may be a exclusive for now, but when the Switch bombs it becomes immediately multi-platform!
I'm speaking in the way Gamers use them. A lot of people use both as insults. Hardcore can mean hardcore, or dudebro, or brainless fanatic. For trying to establish themselves as being superior for liking PC, PS or XBox.
Casual is an insult, for Nintendo players, for cellphone gamers, for people who enjoy games that aren't rated t or m. For people who don't have time/money to buy every console and handheld and who don't have a big backlog.
People who act like that are full of themselves and can't concieve that there's anything inbetween. Therefore the labeling is dumb, with a Capital D.
We shall see
@gatorboi352 That's something a lot of Nintendo Fanboys don't own up to. I have has a second console since N64 and last gen the 360 was my main console.
The Wii U has taken up more of my gaming time this gen because of the portable element and I see the same holding up for the Switch. What I'd rather not carry over to the Switch is the need to purchase all of the usual multiplats on another system.
I'd prefer to buy the majority of my games on Ninty consoles and a few choice exclusives from the competition. Unfortunately, that hasn't been a reality since the Gamecube.
Absolutely agree with you 100%. This "hardcore" vs "casual" dichotomy used to insult and delegitimize people who game and contribute to the success of this industry is ridiculous.
Ubisoft's comments about the Switch are not surprising, given that they have always been quite supportive of Nintendo hardware at launch. The Switch could have been a cardboard box, and Ubisoft would still praise it.
The more meaningful third party publisher comments come from Bethesda, a company who has never supported and has openly disregarded Nintendo hardware in the past, yet has heaped a ton of praise for the Switch.
I full agree. That's why I take all this praise with a grain of salt-- its human nature to love everything shiny and new, but we will see once the actual Switch details and games come rolling through. I'm waiting not to see what 3rd parties are on board, but which ones will jump off the ship... (hopefully none of course)
@MeloMan nuff said
Your just a gamer.
Really ?
I found myself playing 3DS XL for 1 hour and more still comfortable. Doesn't matter I play 3DS XL or Wii U with Gamepad or Wii with Wiimote, all of them comfortable in my hand. Sometimes I wish I can take my Wii or Wii U on the go, to show off around peoples on the street or in the Mall.
lol, gatorboi352 is the biggest troll I ever seen. Hope you are financed by MS or Sony to spread your anti Nintendo crap in this forum. (If not I feel sorry for you kinda)
I'm totally convinced the switch will be a big success and third party support will be pretty good. But remember the many fantastic EXCLUSIVE titles it will have. Those will not be available for xbox or playstation ...
@Anti-Matter An hour, fine. I'm talking more 4-6 hours.
The shape of the 3DS does not fit the hands the same way a DS4 or Xbox One controller do. Not that I would expect it to, of course, it has to be relatively slim, but if I'm home then I'd rather be playing with a more ergonomic controller. This is the main appeal of the Switch, to me (so far),
Ah...Mainstream gamer...
I am kind of Anti-Mainstream gamer then, because I almost never like what people really like most nowadays and vice versa. Most adult male gamer like FIFA or Soccer but I don't like it at all. Most mainstream gamer will never care or avoid Quirky games such as Tomodachi Life or Miitopia, but I enjoy it. Most adult male gamer will never care girly games such as Cooking Mama or Style Savvy, but I do care. Most mainstream gamer still really hyped into some popular franchises such as Star Wars series, but I will Never get interested (Instead of being interested, I feel disgust with such a lame euphoria like that). Well, I have a lot of opposites with some Mainstream gamers I guess...
Straight 4 - 6 hours ?
Gosh...that's very unhealthy way to play video games.
Better you take break for a moment to rest your eyes and brain.
Even I like to play video games, never more than 3 hours straightly. Sometimes, I feel bored to play for very long time. 1 - 3 hours is quite enough for me. Beside, I still a lot of to do from doing my house chores, finishing my own drawing projects, prepare for drawing lesson material, etc. Do you have much time until you can play 4 - 6 hours straigthly ?
Yup. Especially LEGO CITY Undercover Switch version. While PS4, Xbox1, pc and Steam will be Mario-less , I believe it still exist on Switch version since Lego City Undercover have licence from Nintendo.
@Anti-Matter I can quite happily go 16-18 hours if I'm into the game enough. On a weekend, dawn 'til dusk.
On a PC, that is. With an Xbox Elite controller. My hands would cramp long before that if I tried the same on a 3DS.
@Beau_Skunk Problem is that Nintendo didn't use the term casual. Casual is an invention by the gaming media. Nintendo used the term "Expanded Audience".
Surely it's the games that determine if they are 'casual', 'hardcore' or somewhere in between. Not the hardware. So just make both types of games and don't try and pigeon hole the system into one or the other. Simple surely?
@ronnande Yeah he's fantastically persistent with it as well, isn't he? Tries waaaay too hard though...lol
oh thank god. I hope this is true. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to play Style Savvy, Zelda, and Dark Souls and Final Fantasy all on one console. Please please please!!!
I'm legitimately excited for the Switch and its potential for greatness.
@Spoony_Tech To be honest, my 3DS only really gets played around the house, on breaks at work, and when I'm a passenger in a car, and the Switch should be equal to those tasks.
The 3DS will undoubtedly get at least another year of third party support. I'll eat my hat if Atlus doesn't release an EO Untold 3 after EOV.
@Ralizah I just screen capped that quote just for the fact I've seen others eat hats so ill give it what 3 to 5 years before I bring this up again if need be. 😉
I personally don't see my switch leaving the house with me for one big factor, I have to share it with the rest of the family. My 3ds is mine and my 3 kids have their own but I'm not going to own multiple switch systems so I can have a system on the go. Plus I don't like how the screen isn't covered. Set's it up to be broken or scratched fairly easy. This thing won't fit in my pocket and I'm not carring something extra to carry it around in. The clam shell of the 3ds/ds is perfect to carry in your pocket.
@Spoony_Tech I'm sure they make edible hats. They make the most unlikely things edible.
I thought about that (sharing it with the family). If the Switch really is $250, I'll treat it as personal property, and anybody can just dock their Switch with the TV when they're playing.
Lol Nintendo even confinced my brother who was anti-nintendo and pro Sony.
Even he is now hyped about the switch and is buying it from day one.
I just love how everyone's like "I don't like it being portable" or "Its not meant to be used as a home console!" when it's literally both. It's actually been designed and made to fit the purposes of BOTH a home console and handheld. If you don't like one aspect of it - fine! It can do the other thing anyway!
If you don't want to take it with you - you don't have to (shocking, I know). Just leave it docked at home if you prefer and treat it like the home console it has the potential to be.
If you don't want to leave it at home - good for you. Pick it up and take it with you as and when you wish. Heck, play it around your home if you hate the big screen that much.
Why are people even complaining about this?
@Spoony_Tech Well if they think a last gen Fifa is going to do well then they are part of the problem. I am all for Nintendo having strong 3rd party games, but for a long time now everything 3rd party port has been a lazy, little to no effort by the developer. Then the games bombs and they have to blame someone other than themselves and that is just bull. If Street Fighter 6 or COD 2017 come out day and date without, being gimped, but still sell terribly then that becomes a real problem. Wii U had a terrible install base and that was the only other real root of that issue.
@ThatNyteDaez People complain because it's not what they want, I don't understand either. Some complaints are valid, they price is too high(although it does seem within reason), the launch lineup is thin (but Nintendo has learned their lesson about that, right?) but complaints about it being a hybrid is crazy to me. I mean who wants a phone that is more than just a phone right? Oh ya, everyone.
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