The Super Mario Bros. movie doesn't need any sort of introduction. Not only does it feature one of the worst post-credits scenes known to cinema, it was also considered the poster-child for why you shouldn't base your film off of a renowned video game franchise.
UK retailer Zavvi has updated its store to feature a listing for a limited edition version of the Super Mario Bros. film, due out on 13th February. What's interesting is that the release will not only feature a pretty snazzy steelbook, but an hour long documentary for the film which will include interviews with directors, producers and various staff that worked on this infamous piece of gaming history.
The entire list of bonus features listed are as follows
- 'Making Of' Documentary
- Original Electronic Press Kit
- Behind The Scenes/ Storyboard Galleries
- English Subtitles For Hard of Hearing

It appears that this is largely the same as the Blu-Ray re-release from about two years ago, but hey, at least it'll come in a snazzy steelbook for this re-re-release, eh? Also, this is the first time the US will have access to it; no doubt many fans stateside will be snapping this up as soon as it hits next year. And if you'd like a bit of an exclusive bonus feature to go alongside this, we got a chance to interview co-director Rocky Morton on what the production process was like.
Will you be picking up this release? Is the documentary intriguing enough to set aside the money? Let us know in the comments.
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[source zavvi.com]
Comments 61
Mario looks like Saddam Hussein, and Luigi has no moustache?
Haha. Terrible movie but I kind of want this.
I want it.
This made my night, I love this movie! Even if it's ... not really, no! I will take nothing from this movie. I still enjoy it.
It'll be a good opportunity to upgrade my VHS copy anyway...
Luigi doesn't have a mustache in the movie either. Luigi's personality in the movie is far better than the current "cowardly and forgotten" thing the modern games that have a storyline are doing.
You can polish a hunk of junk, but it'll still be a hunk of junk. ... That said, I may get this.
Ugh.... Nooo....!!! >_<
Just No.
I wonder if this movie will get a switch port?
I bought the regular DVD in my local Wal-Mart for 5.00 so why bother with a steel book?
I've already got the Blu-Ray release. If the steelbook had the VHS cover artwork and title then I'd double dip for sure. As it is, I'll pass.
I've got a few steelbooks from Zavvi and there have been some awesome prints for some releases. They're nice editions of films to have. It's worth keeping an eye on the site because some sell out quickly.
Never seen this. Little intention to see it.
Yes, I most Definitely will be saving money by NOT picking up this monstrosity.
@Nintendian That's the late Bob Hoskins as Mario Mario, and John Leguizamo as Luigi Mario. Both are great actors, but had to star in this godawful film. Like me, and a lot of other people, you might get some enjoyment from how bad this movie is.
I originally saw this at a class mate's birthday party when it first came out on VHS.
I'd played Mario and loved it, but being 8, and not yet very good at english, I understood very little of what was going on.
No thanks!
Hahahah, this was the worst movie ever. They should make an animated movie of Mario. Or maybe a smashbros series (made bij the company who made Naruto)
This movie was made by children at lunch time in an elementry school for extra credit.
I. Regret. Nothing.
@oats-81 - That's not fair, elementary school children would actually make it about Mario and it would be 100 times more fun than this movie.
A limited edition bluray? In the words of AVGN, what were they thinking?
This ain't no movie, it's a cinematic travesty that should only exist in the form of a grease-stained betamax copy with tracking issues.
No no no.
I wonder if they pretend that it's a good film or if they acknowledge the fact that it's awful?
"Here's what Bob Hoskins had to say:
What is the worst job you've done?
Super Mario Brothers.
What has been your biggest disappointment?
Super Mario Brothers.
If you could edit your past, what would you change?
I wouldn't do Super Mario Brothers.
...Now buy our Blu-Ray! "
I actually don't mind the movie. It's total trash, but it's kinda fun.
Downloaded this a few weeks ago as I've never seen it, wisely avoiding it when it came out. But this is utter trash, so bad it's not even funny. Watched 5 minutes, then skipped through the rest and deleted it forever and ever!
Christmas Wish and New Year's resolution in one: DON'T support this TRASH!
Won of worst movies of All time.I might consider it if they paid me,say £1000
I'll buy it. Movie was okay.
RIP Bob Hopkins and Dennis Hopper. Tremendous actors who thankfully had way better roles and movies on their resumes that really showcased their talents.
Honestly, if this came out in my region I'd buy it. I enjoyed this movie for what it was. A silly fantasy aimed at kids and inspired by the Mario bros franchise.
I know l am the monitory here, but I love this movie. Haha
I have it with RiffTrax, so I think I'm okay.
A bafflingly misguided movie, although I thought Hoskins was great as Mario.
The only thing that surprises me about this news is... ZAVVI are still around? All of the Zavvi stores in Hampshire are long gone!
Yup, movie was bad... but there has been worse (please see Uwe Boll).
Region Free this time?
Also, I'd love to see the workprint version!
From what I hear, it is a completely different movie!
I wouldn't urinate on this movie and not because I wouldn't to ruin the movie-- it's so ruined, it's better off left behind a toilet. STOP GIVING JOHN LEGUIZAMO MONEY UNTIL HE APOLOGIZES FOR 'The Pest'.
I'll accept a re-creation on the grounds everyone involved in the project actually knows what the game is, it doesn't get 'the Disney treatment' and isn't directed by J. J. Abrams.
P.S. @DanteSolablood, Uwe Boll makes films for tax-shielding purposes--they HAVE to be bad. Seriously.
Funny, we just talked about this movie in the video game podcast that I'm part of. I ranked this as the worst video game related movie. My co-hosts disagreed and said they liked the movie.
I had high hopes for this movie, I think if I didn't have expectations, I might have liked it as well.
I actually might have to get this, if it isn't too pricey.
I always loved this movie for its imagination and dystopian setting, rather than a literal adaptation of the source, which would not have worked at all.
@H1B1Esquire While I actually knew about the tax-shielding, I do find it odd that Uwe Boll still defends his movies by facing his critics in the boxing ring. I'm not 100% sure his movies are deliberately bad. Take WB & Fantastic Four... the best version they've ever made is the 80s/90s version which was made on a shoe string & never meant to be released.
I've always rather enjoyed this film, I think as long as you go in knowing it's got nothing in common with the games bar the names it's quite an enjoyable adventure movie.
This will be mine. I don't even have this movie on DVD, so Steelbook it is.
Is it actually coming to America this time? I'm not finding any listings for it in my region...
I legit want this.
@Wendigo Zavvi pretty much put anything on a Steelbook, this is nothing.
I honestly love the movie. I'll most likely pick this up.
A turd with a bow on it is still a turd. 💩
But to answer your question, Yes! I'd buy this!
Yep I think I'll pick this up if I can.
I hate Zavvi. I ordered their steel case Jungle Book 3D blue ray, which never arrived and they gave me the run around for over a month, basically putting up barriers to prevent me from getting a refund. It was by far the worst customer service experience I've had ordering online.
After a month of them giving me the run around on getting a refund, I called my bank, described what happened and got a refund as it was deemed to be fraud, on the part of Zavvi. The Bank was Capital One. I got my money, but no thanks to the shysters at Zavvi. I still can't believe the hoops they put up to try to get me to give up getting a refund. They are crooks.
The most amazing thing about this movie is the little impact its had on how the industry approaches video game movies. With the exception of maybe one or two movies (or maybe just one. I can only cite the first Mortal Kombat movie as being decent), Hollywood can't churn out a decent video game to movie adaptation if its life depended on it. And you would have thought Super Mario Bros: The Movie would have been a lesson enough.
The poster looks on par or better than a star wars film!
What a film!
Sir, the Goombas are dancing again!
George Lucas should rewrite it and add a bunch of CGI scenes.
@The-Chosen-one Garbage Pail Kids is even worse, if you can imagine that...
SWEET! i have to admit this film is a guilty pleasure for me, it's not a good movie by any means but i still enjoy watching it
it's strange while i'm watching it i like it but as soon as it ends i'm like "why the hell did i watch that?"
Mario Mario and Luigi Mario
I'll buy it for sure...for some unknown reason, this movie was entertaining as long as you don't look at it like a MARIO film, but I'm also a Leguizamo fan, so that may have something to do with it too.
@Pod I speak English natively and I still had no idea wtf was going on.
Terrible movie but at least my favorite character, the Bob-omb, is faithful to the game.
So when is the NTSC reissue coming out?
I'd buy it, don't care what anyone says.
@gizmoto I recall, Hoskins' disdain for the movie was actually due to how obnoxious he found the directors to be. According to him, they got so bad their own agent finally had to tell them to get off the set. So it might not of been the movie itself he hated, (considering other equally strange movies he's done) just making it.
I always found this movie funny; it reminded me of a parody in the vein of "Spaceballs" or Weird Al's music videos. Bob Hoskins reportedly hated the experience of making the film, but you'd never know it from his performance. He's pretty much the main anchor for the film, remaining most serious while hilarity ensues around him. By contrast, Luigi's reduced to a pop-culture junkie, living with, working for, and often annoying his brother. King Koopa is also revamped from a beastly dragon to a "highly evolved" descendant of a T-Rex (no, not kidding). The one performance that truly stands out though, is Samantha Mathis as Princess Daisy. Before this, she was mostly known for co-starring in "Pump Up the Volume" with Christian Slater, and having been the girlfriend of actor River Phoenix when he died from a drug overdose. She had also voiced the fairy Crysta in "Ferngully", opposite Robin Williams and Tim Curry. But her work as Daisy in this movie really gives you a reason to cheer for the Mario brothers...far more than the ridiculous Koopa or his comically dumb cousins Iggy and Spike.
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