As someone who spends their days immersed in the weird world of Nintendo, at times I can't decide whether the current online climate is entertaining, frustrating or baffling. Perhaps a mix of all three. I'm referring, of course, to the ongoing obsession with Nintendo NX, with a lot of vocal online followers of the big N caring about little else and evidently shunning the idea that 'good things come to those who wait'.
In some respects, only one thing about Nintendo's strategy with NX is surprising - the long wait for a reveal of the concept. We've gone over some pros and cons of this already; standout reasons include the positives that hype continues to build and Nintendo can potentially go all-out with intense marketing over a short period. Negatives include the increasing likelihood of genuine leaks, and the fact that fans are getting frustrated.
That secrecy, assuming the company does hit its planned March 2017 release, is the notable change from the norm. Nintendo may have drawn inspiration from major technology companies outside of the gaming bubble, where the reveal-to-release process happens over a relatively short time. It's certainly not common in gaming hardware, apart from examples such as mid-generation iterations - the New Nintendo 3DS, Xbox One S and PS4 Pro were all given short turnarounds from their announcements to appearing on store shelves. The fact it's not common practice with a 'new generation' of hardware may explain why some vocal online fans are losing their minds, packing comments sections on Nintendo's social media posts with constant "where's NX" remarks.
Looking at recent examples, Nintendo's approach to revealing hardware hasn't always been consistent, varying from quick turnarounds to longer waits.
Sticking to the current generation, the 3DS was first confirmed (formally) in a terse, dull investor relations statement in March 2010. Rumours had abounded of a DS successor for a while beforehand, and the brief statement revealed glasses-free 3D and backward compatibility as features. It was then a relatively short wait before the 3DS had its full unveiling in June 2010 that year at E3; ahead of its March 2011 release there were major media events a couple of months before, along with consumer demo 'tours' shortly before release.
It was a quick turnaround overall, though that was arguably a problem. The system launched in time for Nintendo's end of year finances but was half-baked, lacking a killer app at launch and missing key features like the eShop. It was the Summer and beyond before it picked up speed, and by then tanking sales prompted a hefty price cut and some major releases to save the day in the Holiday season of 2011. The release schedule was clearly planned by Nintendo to boost year-end profits, to be blunt about it, and it wasn't an unparalleled success.
The Wii U had a longer road to stores. It was April 2011 that 'Project Cafe' rumours hit the web, and later that month Nintendo confirmed it would show its new hardware at E3. It did so, but the reveal didn't go particularly well due to sloppy messaging and that Wii U branding; while the fact it was a new console seemed clear to me, a lot of online comment seemed unsure of whether it was actually a tablet-style add-on for Wii. No matter what you though of that misconception at the time, it was Nintendo's mistake to be vague enough for that to happen.
After that we knew of the core concept, and occasionally Nintendo discussed more specifics, mainly in interviews or investor Q & As. Into early 2012 details were coming out about the new - at the time - Nintendo Network ID, while early buzz around third-party support was strong. It was then confirmed for a late 2012 release, with a major showcase given at E3 that year, in which games and the final form of the GamePad - in particular - were the focus. A late August event then confirmed more games and a launch date / price. While the wait had been longer since it was first seen at E3 2011, the steady march to release kept fans largely 'in the loop'. It was a different approach to that seen with the 3DS, and the hardware was more 'ready' at launch, but the system failed to take off due to a variety of factors.
Back to NX, former company President Satoru Iwata first mentioned it in early 2015 as part of a press conference in which the partnership with DeNA was announced. The reasoning for the mention was made clear - Nintendo had just performed a U-turn to confirm that it was going to invest heavily in mobile apps and games, and was moving to reassure fans that it wasn't stepping away from the hardware market.
As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business, let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand-new concept under the development codename "NX." It is too early to elaborate on the details of this project, but we hope to share more information with you next year.
That was entirely understandable, and importantly the messaging was specific; for context, the Wii U was barely 2.5 years old at this point, so Nintendo was confirming it as something for the future to ease worries around the shift towards mobile. The problem, though, was that Wii U was in dire straights, so even though 3DS was selling well the home console was already struggling for momentum. For a system with dwindling sales and a declining output of games, it was an early dismissal; a 'successor' - as many instinctively saw it - was on the cards already.
The problem in 2016 has been the lack of communication from Nintendo - that secrecy we referenced earlier on. In the first half of this year, as 3DS sales declined and the Wii U continued its grim run, an assumption was made that Nintendo would go big on the system at E3. Instead, initial announced plans were underwhelming in the extreme, with one day dedicated to what we now know as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Wii U, with a short statement saying the NX (and its version of that very game) would not feature. Eventually Nintendo added more Treehouse demonstration sessions to its live streams from E3, though the new system was absent as expected.
From that point to now Nintendo has given no real indication of when we'll see NX, only confirming in its annual report that it's still aiming to release it in March 2017. The fear, of course, is that silence means a delay is coming, while the optimist's view is what we've mentioned before - a switch in tactics. Either way, Nintendo has left a vacuum with no information. The outcome, of course, are 'leaks', rumours and shenanigans online.
Reports with particular meat came in July 2016, which are often referenced as the Eurogamer rumours. For our part we've covered those and others where we've trusted the source and/or been able to cross-check details with others, though naturally even leaks that seem solid may be from out-dated demo kits, or have misunderstandings thrown in. There have been lots of rumours we've ignored, however, because we can't find backup details to reinforce them. I've seen 'NX is getting announced tomorrow / this week as a surprise' rumours so many times in the past month that it's like being in an episode of Quantum Leap. Again, it's entertaining, frustrating and baffling all at once.
Officially, details are slim. There are positive comments from the likes of Ubisoft, The Pokémon Company saying "the NX is trying to change the concept of what it means to be a home console device or a hand-held device", and a handful of confirmed games such as Breath of the Wild, a 2017 'main' Sonic release and Just Dance 2017. We know it'll play major games and have buttons, then.
It's all an odd state of affairs considering the fact Nintendo will be fully aware of the frustration among some of its followers. Yet wait we must, hoping that it's all part of a brilliant plan to get everyone excited ahead of a release in around five months time. If the long silence and mystery is finally broken by an announcement of a delay, there'll be no defending Nintendo from the fury of its fans.
Comments 224
People should really go do something else instead of obsessing about unreleased hardware. There is no shortage of games if you own a PC, a smartphone, a tablet or any other console.
That they might be borrowing from Apple et al. is an interesting point. Could be that it's either a smart device or a hybridizing upgrade to both the 3DS and Wii U (not saying it would be a GOOD idea, just that it could explain the lack of information).
It's either so good it has to be secret or so bad it has to be secret.....
Honestly, I am so sick of NX rumors that I don't even read them anymore, much less spend actual time thinking about it what kind of games this "system" could boast. It's just a huge waste of time doing it whenever a new rumor comes up. I don't need NX infos right now either. I can buy it whenever Nintendo says "Oh, btw NX is out now!". Sure, knowing that Paper Mario and Pokemon will be the last two Nintendo games I'll buy this year is a bit depressing but I am in no shortage of videogame releases. The whole October is filled with so much stuff to buy I don't know what to play first, too!
I'm calling it people are gonna be disappointed.
i'd like to see them break from tradition and release hardware for which the initial reactions is NOT 'what the hell is it?'.
The sorrow over NX from internet fans was funny at first, and then it just kept going, and going, and going until it became a meme that has long overstayed its course. I won't be paying any of it any mind until I see targeted campaigns against Nintendo employees or its offices from people who decide that criminal action will be the only way to get that precious information on a video game console. If you're going to do something this uncivil, you may as well go all the way.
"The problem in 2016 has been the lack of communication from Nintendo"
YES and NO. Thhat is the problem, but it was not one in any way particular to 2016. Nintendo has the worst communication strategy out there, simple as that. Even the Directs did not change that fundamental truth.
Part of it might be the language barrier, but ultimately that is at best an excuse. It really goes way beyond 2016 or the NX. Nintendo just does not seem very interested in any kind of interaction with it's customers.
When most companies are more eager than ever to forge close "ties" with their customers, Nintendo seems desinterested in doing this to a baffling degree. Quite to the contrary, they often almost seem eager to alienate, or at the very least, keep at a distance, anyone who cares or wants to care.
I'm not sure if there is even a word sufficient to express how baffling all of this is Oo
No news is news, it seems.
I have an actual human being source working in NoE who was adamant about info coming out today. Now he doesn't answer my messages and I am just befuddled and sorrowful for this treachery ;_;
I made a promise to myself not to search #NintendoNX in twitter for rest of october.
Just wondering that the NX strategy may not be to create and increase a big hype and then make a big bang at launch.
Maybe the big N is trying to make much more noise for a year long with a good pacing of great releases a whole year after the release, a first year full of surprises and memorable releases, which may impulse a good degree of success the following years.
Something the WiiU and the 3DS, on their first year, lacked. Recently Nintendo assumed they errors about the WiiU and may plan something different in their approach for the NX.
This maybe an explanation on why the NX may be revealed much closer to its release, maybe even by the starting of 2017.
No matter ill still buy it day one.between Wii u,3ds and ps4 I have a big backlog to catch up on from today till at least I'm good regardless.
Not too worried, have started replaying Pikmin 3 and some other games I haven't gotten around to. Who knows, maybe I will be eventually ready to try Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE again (probably not).
What we need to do is remain calm, be patient, and AHHH WHO AM I KIDDING!? REVEAL THE DAMM THING ALREADY!!
@Simbabbad Agreed. And I've still not finished all my Wii U and 3DS games either. Next Nintendo purchase for me is Zelda for Wii U. I refuse to buy the nx until there's three essential titles for it.
The wait is getting ridiculous.
I´ll say it again. NX is not a console. NX is a drug. Gaming hallucinations, here I come!
it's not testing my patience, but then again i was raised to be patient
Remember "good things come to those who wait"
I just bought an Xbox One S. Would I have held off if there was any real NX news to go off? Probably. I may get an NX a year or two after launch now, but for the foreseeable future I'll be getting my Nintendo fix from my 3DS/Wii/WiiU backlog. Oh, and my NES mini.
Nintendo knows how badly they messed up with Wii U. That's why they're guarding NX so tightly. If Wii U had been more successful, NX might not even be on the way right now. Can you imagine a 6 year lifespan for Wii U with an NX release in 2018?
Speaking of Quantum Leap remember when the Wii was on the episode of South Park?? Funny stuff, now if we can only figure out what it is....
I'm completely baffled by Nintendo's lack of information about the NX Everyone knows its coming. The support for Wii U has all but completely dried up - Paper Mario being the last major retail release for the entire year - so its clear that they have moved onto the NX. With the system going into trial production, you'd think some information would be forthcoming... since Nintendo wants to keep this all hush hush, I would think they would want to put some information out there before someone else does now that people will have seen the console on the production lines.
If the Wii U was still being supported with games, I think the wait wouldn't be so bad. But Nintendo has literally left Wii U owners with nothing to play, so there is no other option for their die hard fans but to speculate, and the longer the silence, the worse it gets.
Nintendo are leaving the rumours to set the current narrative of the NX. Even if it is unveiled soon, I'm concerned that Nintendo has left it too late to hype up the console and tell us their story of why it's so good.
I sense ever more the lack of Iwata in all of this. ='(
I stopped caring. Depending on what they end up showing (specially in a matter of lineup titles), I'll decide if I jump in or not.
I'm sick of Nintendo and their stubborn policies.
Maybe they're waiting for the Video Game awards to show it off just like Zelda 2 years ago. Hey, anything can happen.....especially with Nintendo.
I've lost all my hype for the console since it's been too long since any information has been revealed.
It'll show up when it shows up - even if they do a reveal before midnight on New Year's Eve they'll have stuck to their word about revealing more in 2016. It doesn't take as long as some people here think to market a product. I think people should occupy themselves until then and stop working themselves up.
At this point, I don't think there will be an official reveal until next year... too many 3DS games to market... Nintendo also needs to have lots of NX games to show off since they are now aware that interesting hardware alone will not sell... and Zelda BOTW is not enough, especially since it's available on WiiU.
I thought maybe September......but now it feels more like they want to get Paper Mario out before they reveal anything. Then I wonder if maybe Moon and Sun need to be out 1st if NX is going to have a Pokémon or a re-release of Sun and Moon?
I actually enjoy the speculation though and don't need to know anything about it till it releases anyway. I'm not buying it day 1, I haven't done that other then N64. So when they reveal it, it means I will drool over it for a while anyway, so the longer they take the less time I wait in agony before I purchase it........if I purchase it
@Gerbwmu That's another angle worth considering - they might not reveal it before certain software hits the market, so that it doesn't affect the sales of those games.
A few weeks ago it looked like the reveal was close. Those comments from Ubisoft and The Pokemon Company, but then it went cold again. I'm still hoping for some information this month, but I think we probably won't get any official info about it until next year. The rest of 2016 is pretty much covered by the 2 Marios, Pokemon y NES Mini. There's too much stuff coming up the next months to also throw in an NX announcement. I really hope I'm wrong but again I think we won't heard an official reveal until the new year.
There are more than a few problems w/ NX silence -
Wii U was such a failure people were talking about it's successor 32 months ago in Jan 2014. Nearly 3 years ago.
youtube vid covering that rumour
Iwata knew people would freak that he was changing his stance on free-to-start on mobile that he mentioned NX 22 months ago.
At E3 in 2015, 10 minutes into the NDE, Reggie said - "We'll tell you more about NX next year". Which many people assumed to mean next year at E3. Which came and went.
6 months would be plenty of time to announce a console and promote it - if you announced it in April and sold it in Oct - where you could show it at E3, Gamescon, TGS, Paris, Pax, wherever you wanted, people would be watching. By trying to reveal in October to sell it in March, where are you showing it? What game shows are during the next 6 months? Who will be watching then?
I's not just any one thing, it's all of those things.
And who tries to sell a new console in March anyway? They tried w/ 3DS, how did that go? What did they learn from that?
@Mahe Except that the whole reason the Wii U did comparatively poorly is exactly because they botched the launch, launch window support and marketing and then messaging and marketing nearly the system's entire life. If they hadn't stupidly named it the 'Wii U', causing MUCH consumer confusion, then sat on their hands and watch as the confusion grew as interest waned, then failed to provide any sort of marketing that highlighted the system's unique equities in a relatable fashion and THEN failed to produce enough unique gaming experiences that felt fully baked AND REALLY took advantage of the second screen and local multiplayer... all of the while continuing to miserably fail with their marketing messaging for the system (game ads ranging from meh to great, but the system ads never hit greatness).
So if they really want to fix what went wrong with the Wii U, they need to launch a massive 'direct'/Treehouse events soon if not freakin' yesterday and nail the equities and strengths of the NX day freakin' one.
I'm just going to catch up on games and get a PS4; it has a fantastic line-up of games including some amazing jrpgs, which is what I've been wanting to play lately. I've got more than enough games in my stack of shame to keep me busy until I die.
It just doesn't make sense to support Nintendo anymore. Especially if you live in North America. NoA has long since abandon it's fans and user base. That sort of near contempt for a market that has traditionally been a big part of why the have been able to limp through some of their consoles is telling. Sorry NoA - You don't get to blow us off for the last couple of years, punt on a proper marketing window for an already oddly-timed launch and expect people to hang on to their money waiting for a system you refuse to even properly acknowledge with only around 6-7 months left before launch. No hype, no marketing and people with spend their holiday money elsewhere. Without marketing, how will systems sell (past the core/fan gamers)? And if systems don't sell... in March/April - traditionally not a strong season for system sales - then why would any 3rd party support them. Especially if they have already been burned by the Wii U and it's horrific marketing.
As this goes on, Nintendo is at risk of something even worse than anger: people not caring. Especially if the reveal of the console is something underwhelming.
And that's the thing, a lot what Nintendo has been doing recently feels quite underwhelming and with a sparse line-up of games, it makes you question if they know what they're doing with the NX.
When it comes to Nintendo being aware of people's frustration, I honestly wonder if they really are. A lot of the time these days they act as if they have no clue as to what people actually think.
And that's the problem they face, with a lack of information comes a lot of doubt. And when there's a lot going on in the world of gaming, they might find that a large amount of people simply don't care, which would be the worst result of all.
I agree. Hardware or software, I care more about an upcoming release when it's much closer to actually being released. There are hundreds of games to play in the meantime
@Yorumi Exactly... that was a MAJOR part of SONY's strategy to combat the Dreamcast. They released hypothetical specs and much hype for a system that was a ways off, challenging gamers to ask themselves if the wanted this great system now or the (hypothetical) mother of all systems that had a DVD player much later. It worked for them, with many caught flat-footed not wanted to jump the gun before the PS2 launched. It caused many to hang onto their Christmas money/money they had set aside for a system. SONY and M$ don't even need to market against Nintendo; the systems are already out and have decent libraries as well as great best sellers/discounted games.
@Simbabbad Spot on. It doesn't help that the gaming press has been winding people up with constant so-called leaks and rumours. And it's not exactly difficult to get gamers wound up is it?
@Churchy I really hope when the reveal does come around, they start by blasting everyone who had relentlessly dogged them about NX news when they had none to share. That would at once put a very nice end to this entire debacle and demonstrate that they do in fact pay attention to what their fans keep saying to them.
@Churchy Exactly... especially since their diehard fans and core gamers are all grown up with responsibilities and busy schedules. Gaming time and related down time is at a premium. I know I don't have time to wait for Nintendo to get their poop together. I'm just going to keep on gaming whenever I can fit it in and grab a PS4. Apathy is far more potent than anger.
The situation is just starting to become frustrating for me. I swore blind we'd hear something last week. That came and went. I have a similar notion that the announcement will be announced this week. If we get to Sunday and nothing still, I think that there'll be suspicions about whether they'll still make the march release window. Which will be surprising because apparently they could have released in for holiday '16. I think there's either a marketing or branding crisis or they've somehow been reflectful following the Eurogamer leaks. I dunno. There's hype and there's pissing off your fans
@LegendOfPokemon Who do you mean when you say "We"?
I don't think the NX is coming out in March. We are only 5 months away from March now. Chances are getting slimmer and slimmer of it releasing in March. Chances started getting slim of a March release last month. This is the beginning of October, and people still believe the NX can be revealed this month and launch it in March. If we get into November and the console is STILL not revealed, EVERYONE will say the NX is not launching in March, although some people think the NX can be revealed in November and get launched in March. We might know if the NX is still coming out in March at Nintendo's upcoming investors meeting at the end of this month.
I'm not planning on getting the NX until they inevitably show a game I really, really want. It will probably happen sooner than I would like, but at the least I won't care about NX prior to any games being shown.
@Churchy Oh look that's me, at least for the time being.
"In some respects, only one thing about Nintendo's strategy with NX is surprising - the long wait for a reveal of the concept. "
Actually, what is most surprising to me is that they refuse to give us a reveal date. It's frustrating to say the least to be waiting so long and still have no clue when we are "ever" going to get any information on this new system. Nintendo could ease most of this frustration by simply announcing an official reveal date and make sure to stick to it.
@A01 You have played every game you have? Dude, may I ship you some games to beat for me? I can watch a let's play at this point. My backlog is in the triple digits.
General Comment: Honestly thinking about how much stuff I need to beat (or buy) has worked as a chill pill for me and the nx. Either way I have a system to play Zelda on and honestly that is all I care about. Bring on March. I have a country to burn down and snowboard through.
@Simbabbad Absolutely, I just bought myself a PS3 because I've realised there's some great exclusives I missed out on with the last generation. There's also my Wii U backlog I need to work through too...
fan is evolving to a lvl 36 air conditioning unit. Waiting on this bish
While I'd like to know what the NX is, I'm in no hurry for the reveal - I've got my Wii U and 3DS backlog to work through - I STILL don't finish XCX - and I'm in the mood to replay my DS and Wii Collection to 100% them. If I'm truly desperate, I can always break out my collection of GBA and GBC games.....
There are a lot more alternatives than just obssesing about the NX's reveal, like playing games, or working. Or finally getting that bloody undergrad degree.
@Nintenjoe64 Or it's neither and Nintendo are keeping it secret because it's their strategy for NX regardless of its quality...
I know everyone's just freaking out because they've just gotta know what NX is and most are impatient. Nintendo knows everyone's on the edge of their seats. They know what they're doing. And I'm totally OK with it. Very excited for the reveal.
Oct 26 is the Nintendo Investor Meeting. NX will be discussed.
It'll be delayed well past its original 'March 2017' date, I'm willing to bet good money on that. I could easily see an autumn 2017 launch happening, I wouldn't put it past Nintendo at all.
I have stopped caring for the time being. I am sure that when the reveal finally comes I will sit up and take notice, but for now I am tired of waiting around for it to happen. In fact, the longer the wait goes the more I believe that the software is not ready to show, and will not be ready to support a launch in March 2017. If I was placing a bet today I would put my money on a delay until summer or fall 2017. And honestly, if they need to wait until then for the right launch games to be available then so be it. They need the launch to go well.
If that is so then perhaps NX will be revealed shortly before that Oct 26th meeting. IT would make sense that they would want to reveal the system and get positive press about it before the meeting so that they can discuss it openly with the investors who will very much interested in what Nintendo's plans are for the next six months.
@HyrulianOfHyrule The NX could cure cancer, generate a yearly middle-class income for those who buy it, and pick a viable alternative presidential candidate for the United States — Still, "people" would be disappointed.
The question is whether Nintendo can generate enough desire in enough gamers to keep bringing us the goods. One hopes.
Testing patience? Not mine, they will reveal it when they reveal it. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the RPG monsoon that is the 3DS this year.
Who cares about the NX right now. There are plenty of games to play on the Wii U, 3DS, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One or PC. I really don't understand why gamers don't just occupy their time by playing games on those systems instead of constantly wondering about the NX. There are enough games to satisfy anyone until the NX launches. Or take up another hobby while you wait. Read a book, go outside, do community service, whatever makes you feel good. Just stop worrying and waiting for the NX and move on for the time being until it's officially announced. No sense getting upset or hyped for rumours and speculation.
@CB85 And you're making this definitive statement based on what?
@Yorumi I was coming back here to comment about the games, can't believe I forgot about those.
As a Wii U owner this has been a lackluster year at best. But the 3DS ND left me with questions. Like, is that Pikmin game the one that was nearly finished? Thinking there weren't games on Wii U was bad enough when I thought they would all be on NX in 2017, but what if they are all on 3DS instead? I don't buy consoles b/c of the hardware specs, I buy them b/c of the games. Where are the NX exclusives, the games that are supposed to make us want to buy the console? Zelda is on Wii U, the others we know about are multiplats.
Forget the NX hardware Nintendo, start telling us about the NX games.
People buying PS know they are getting various multiplats and certain exclusives. Same for Xbox. But Nintendo needs to let people know what 3rd party support will be there, if any. Sports games like Madden and FIFA, FPS like Destiny and Titanfall and Cod, jrpg like 3DS has been getting? What genre of games will we be play I g on NX?
And as some of us question that March launch date, do developers question it too? Will there be a Lego Dimensions starter game? Skylanders Imaginators? Destiny 1, or maybe just 2. What games?
Rolls eyes
I have plenty of games, and more important things, to keep myself preoccupied, so I'm not exactly in a personal rush to see the NX revealed. Yet in the same light I cannot help but feel concerned with the level of silence there is. The closer we get to the proposed month of March without an announcement, the more worried I am that the NX is not going to have enough time to generate interest, and most importantly - awareness, by the time it launches. I am fearing a repeat of the Sega Saturn of sorts. Plus the closer we get to the holiday season, then the more likely people are going to purchase a competing console as opposed to saving their money for the NX. This is all disconcerting to watch.
Ironically the fans are the ones testing my patience. Some of them just can't stop grasping at straws, and there's so much conversation based entirely on rumors and hearsay, it's rediculous. There are already a million different NX's being concieved on the Internet every single day, to the point where Nintendo doesn't have a ghost of a chance of meeting their expectations.
...Though, I guess that's what I get for frequenting a Nintendo fansite. At the very least, this sort of conversation isn't that hard to avoid if I really need to.
I just go outside or go to work.
There will probably be a Nintendo Direct for the NX in November 2016. It's getting silly but really starting not to care anymore. It's whatever at this point. Nintendo can do whatever they want.
People be too "thirsty" for this NX information. Calm down. They will give info on it when they feel like it. Go play other games in the meantime. They are so many. Relax. Chill. Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon come out next month.
@CanisWolfred Or talking about some "timing" strategy that's not backed by any trend (if there are any) in the industry. At least the speculation is limited to a handful of threads that can be avoided.
I think they should hold off until the new year to unveil it. 6 months is AGES away, showing it now and then having to wait 6 months is daft.
People who are avidly waiting for a A reveal are all surely going to be the people that will be buying it regardless.
Capturing the attention and the continued interest on new adopters is the hardest bit, and they can reveal, grab attention and then release within a 2 month window, that makes far more strategic sense.
@TheLZdragon Exactly. And it's not like mid-2015 where the threads I wanted to avoid (back then, the "doom 'n' gloom" threads) were the only real conversation going on outside of Pokemon and Smash Bros.
If they don't build some hype I can see a lot of Nintendo fans looking for PlayStation hardware under the Christmas tree...that's the only downside. I am ready when they are ready, no rush.
Why is it so hard to accept the fact that they won't reveal it sooner than later due to them not wanting their competitors to copy the concept? They stated that reason several times. Yet you're all still wondering.
@HyrulianOfHyrule well of course someone will always be disappointed.
Maybe. But Nintendo is already profiting from Pokemon Go. I have a feeling that Kimishima will announce the reveal date at the meeting. Kimishima announced the March 2017 release date at the previous meeting.
Eh. I mean sure I want to know what it is and pre-order one, but it's not like I've nothing else to do. Between my WiiU, 3DS and PS4 backlogs I'm going to be busy for some time. Not to mention all the books, films and box sets that will be fighting for my time too. Oh and socialising of course
@CanisWolfred I read "rediculous" as "Reddit-culous" and thought it was a reference to most of this stuff coming/spreading from Reddit!
@Simbabbad exactly what I've been saying in other comments, stop focusing on the non existent and play whats around, there are TONS of great games, and I KNOW no one has played them all, some people just like to whine.
Reality says disappointment shows up as often as good things.
...Hang loose everyone..the big NX Wave is coming..
..and we'll all have fun riding it..
Another day of nothing.
@Ogbert Freudian Slips are best slips!
As much as I want to know now, I mostly agree with you.
People complaining about it being so close... for general consumers there is only one close that matters once they know about it and want it. Is it available to buy right now?
The biggest exception is the Holiday season because people make plans on what big purchases to make.
For instance, I'm thinking about buying a 2DS/3DS this season and if I knew the NX was at least 50% portable and backwards compatible... I wouldn't buy. Conversely, if I knew it was a home console only I'd probably buy one. It matters in that window of time more than usual. I think, overall, that's just a bigger reason to wait, though. Most consumers, even gamers, are just going to look at what's available now.
It could be that Nintendo also knows that the NX won't be stopping people from buying a PS4 or XB1. We don't know that but it's a possible scenario if it isn't a home console with high performance and the same sensibilities as those consoles.
The advantages of announcing now, however, are drumming up excitement in channels where lead time is more important. Retailers like to know what's coming and prepare. Developers are ostensibly developing exclusive games or at least games that are taking advantage of unique NX features — they benefit from slowly generating excitement and interest as they reveal those games piece by piece and try to build word of mouth.
So, there's reasons for both sides, and I'd like to talk about all the features now myself.
@SH007ME Wait... Does that mean? Wave Race confirmed as NX launch title!
They've lost my interest already. I have a backlog of great games to play. An anniversary coming up that has the Xbox one s written all over it (wife slipped up and told me). A 4k TV that's thirsty for more content which makes the one s with its built in UHD player a perfect fit for my gaming setup.
An NX reveal might've changed my mind. Now I'm content to wait a year or two to get one. Unless there's an NX metroid released within the first month of release I'm content holding on to my money.
@Exy Well, as long as it doesn't end with Nintendo Land fireworks...
@Ogbert ..That would be SWELL!..
Why on earth is such a big deal being made out of this? For several years now, you need a short window between announcement and launch of new hardware. This was already the case when they revealed the Wii U, with so many commenting it was a mistake and we can all see how that turned out. PS4 was less than six months between being shown and released, and that was three years ago. All indications suggest Nintendo are going after the casual/mobile crowd again, and that crowd's attention span is tiny. If they'd announced it months ago, people would have lost interest way before March 2017. I'm expecting a reveal before Christmas so they can sell pre-orders over the holidays, but at the same time, a January reveal would not surprise me either.
Either it was delayed or they still didnt learned their lesson therefore the system will fail
@Simbabbad I'm still playing wii games
@Peach64 It's a gaming website, everything small is amplified beyond belief in here sadly. I blame the gaming press. People would have to be thick as mince if they think it takes several months to get the message of a console across.
It's simple once they work out their message.
Here's our new console. You can play these games (cue trailers), it also does this, this, this and this (quick demo). It costs this. Release date March 2017. Keep an eye out for our demo booths and tv commercials. Done.
Oh, I forgot to say this too:
Forgetting about the NX itself for a second, the fact that we need to scavenge for official statements wherever we can is representative of a communication problem Nintendo has with their userbase. We shouldn't need to wait for Nintendo to release their investor's meeting Q&A to get even the tiniest bit of info, it feels like we're forcing information out of their mouths.
@Nintenjoe64 ...or.... So SECRET, it's gotta be a secret😏
I want to see it as soon as possible, but what really worries me about this whole thing is if they delay the NX, and consequently, delay Breath of the Wild even though the game would probably be already finished by March.
@hieveryone You might be RIGHT! And... you also might be wrong☺
Just losing money by not making people aware. Really only the Hardcore keep following the updates for NX. The casual gamer has no clue Nintendo is bringing out a new system. Just like Wii-U. If they don't get a big user base we might see the second running of a Wii-U. I would have thought they had learned a lesson. They have a few months to start hyping like they did with Wii. Maybe they can turn it around before it's too late
Here's my question to those who are afraid of apathy being the response: Who's fault is that? And I'm not trying to be an ass or not at all suggesting Nintendo doesn't have it issues. But when it comes to the NX, Nintendo laid out their timetable (however vague its been) and so far, we haven't heard anything different. They haven't come out and promised anyone anything (other than a release date and more info, which they have given). So really, why is there this attitude that Nintendo is committing some egregious crime in choosing to reveal their product when they feel its ready? I get consumers speak with their pockets and there are other options that Nintendo has to contend with (regardless of what they say). And I admit to becoming a little impatient at times myself. But I'm just gonna see how this plays out. My concern is ultimately getting the message right and not so much the timing.
And while I'm not necessarily in the market for a new console, I'd drop some dough on it, without hesitation, if the NX had a lineup of games that I couldn't resist, So maybe I come from this from a different perspective
As a person who is a big Nintendo fan, and actually currently only owns Nintendo hardware, I went from really excited for this system to kinda bummed out and questioning why I support a game company that is barely releasing any games this year, and isn't giving it's fans a single peice of news about this new system we are suppose to be getting excited about.
After Xbox One S was revealed, I started getting more excited for those consoles. They are getting new features, they are getting the games, and the old systems even are priced almost the same as the Wii U!! Then Sony revealed the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro, and now I'm really questioning, "Why am I still waiting for the NX when I know it's gonna be yet another underpowered system, struggle to get the AAA third party games, and will probably be too expensive for what they are offering compared to the competition"?.
Right now, I'm just buying older Wii U/ Wii/ GameCube gamesto keep me satisfied, holding out for hope that the NX is really worth my time and wait, but so far with the rumours I keep hearing, this system just doesn't seem like a big deal, and Nintendo keeping it such a secret is actually starting to hurt the system.
As sad as it is to say, the best way to kill the time for waiting for Nintendo to mention something about the NX is to tide yourself over with either classic games on older Nintendo consoles, play games you missed out on earlier on the Wii U/3DS, and just kind of ignore articles that even mention the word "NX" in them
"After Xbox One S was revealed, I started getting more excited for those consoles. They are getting new features, they are getting the games, and the old systems even are priced almost the same as the Wii U!! Then Sony revealed the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro, and now I'm really questioning, "Why am I still waiting for the NX when I know it's gonna be yet another underpowered system, struggle to get the AAA third party games, and will probably be too expensive for what they are offering compared to the competition"?
Unfortunately, this is what a lot of us are asking ourselves these days. I really hope Nintendo knocks the doors down with the NX, but we are less than 6 months away from the supposed launch, and we don't even know what its called yet. Last year I got a PS4 cause I was just tired of missing out on good gaming opportunities, and haven't regretted it.
If there were actually a couple of descent first party games coming for WiiU this holiday then it would not matter as much to me. MARIO RPG looks amazing, but NOA has been constantly dropping the ball over these past 2 years. They need to release BREATH OF THE WILD in November for WiiU. Trust me, most if us will re-buy it on NX...
Meh. I've got PES 2017 for PS4 and an Xbox One S with Forza Horizon 3 on my shopping list, plus trips away with the family in late November and late January. If I had any idea what NX was and whether the launch line-up was any cop, I may have shuffled things around with a view to pre-ordering. As it is they've simply waited too long for me. Maybe Christmas 2017, if I'm not buying a new PC by then.
(shrugs) Some people like to spend their time arguing about games on the internet. It's their prerogative, and it's easy to ignore.
I think Nintendo is waiting until after the holidays. Why loose money on software/hardware. I would even speculate that the March release window is not going to happen. Who releases a console in March? They might show and release it at E3. NL featured the most anticipated games for the remainder of the year. I can honestly say, I'm not anticipating nothing and that is a bad thing. I have been in a gaming funk for a month now and this is not helping.
Nintendo is walking a tight rope. It has to sell its remaining hardware and keep hype up for its new console. I know if they showed the NX I would not want to buy a 3DS or a WIIU. I also think that the NX will be backwards compatible with the 3DS. The one thing I'm not doing now is buying games.
@A01 not sure if you were being sarcastic. That's like saying you've run out of books to read.
Nintendo please reveal all the information you have about the NX right now. Thank you.
-Impatient gamer
"It's not going to be what I'm imagining." This has been my mantra for a long while now, and it continues now. Call it a self-restraining defense mechanism from utter disappointment, call it sanity, call it whatever! But either way, the actual reveal is going to be pretty interesting.
@UmbreonsPapa Speaking sense there...
I agree. Not to be negative about it but for the most part the hardcore gamers are going to be the most disappointed. Not casuals though. This new casual audience that Nintendo is preparing to please will accept the NX along with dedicated Nintendo consumers.
@-DEMISE- Nintendo's rich and storied history of delaying volumes of their products beyond count.
Patience is a virtue, I had repeated this several times, but, well, this is Internet (that's what they say), and well, as usual, this look that impatient is more important that patient, ok, those who want to keep the impatient, continue, for me, when Nintendo wants to say what the have to say, go ahead
I have an Xbox One, and playing Forza Horizon 3 and Overwatch. Battlefied 1 and COD Infinite Warfare are just around the corner.
Pokemon Sun and Moon are a month and a half away.
Then on my PS Vita I will soon be playing Dragon Quest Builders and Final Fantasy World.
I could not care less about the NX, it will be my first Nintendo device I will not buy Day One and I have been there since the beginning ( I'm 45 ). I will maybe buy it 18 months are 2 years down the road.
@Nintenjoe64 says it all 😄👏
I know there are the comparisons to things like an iPhone announcement. But people are buying iPhones because of the software. They're buying them because... actually, I have no idea why.
You want a period to hype a system before release because you want plenty of time to be able to talk about the forthcoming games as well. That's what builds the hype on an entire system. If you don't do that, and try to just sell the box instead, I don't really know who is buying.
Also, as far as hiding the concept from competitors is concerned, eventually you need to show your hand and believe that you can do it better than they can. Sony is committed to VR (for a couple of months, until it struggles) and Microsoft is spinning off into PC land with gaming - and I like both and have their systems - so eventually you need to show hand, show your games, and get the ball rolling.
If they're going to hold March, I'd say an early November reveal. That way you can get a bunch of holiday money down on preorders. Maybe.
People need to learn patience. I can't wait for lots of things, but in no way does it effect me enjoyment of anything else. Heck, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are on my playlist right now. Even with my PS4, Wii U, 3ds I'm still playing last gen games.
Another day, another Talking point about NX in the total absence of actual news, just to keep site traffic up. (Of course it's working, or I wouldn't be here moaning, but this is me close to breaking and not bothering tomorrow...)
These are highlights of the PS4 line-up as of today:
Rise of the Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy 15, Mafia 3, Battlefield 1, The Last Guardian, Resident Evil 7, For Honor, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Ghost Recon: Highlands, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Dragon Quest XI, Final Fantasy 7 HD, God of War, Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding.
Personal taste aside, this are games that are building hype from now and through the end of 2016 up until the latter half of 2017. Nintendo have to convince people to spend their dollars on NX instead.
The more they delay the announcement the more time Sony and the 3rd parties have to convince people to start preordering their games, etc.
I know I want to play MOST of those games. I know I think about NX less and less.
I come to a point where i dont care so much about Nx anymore. If they delay it maybe they release zelda on wiiu in march and then they can wait little longer but they need to show what it is.
@jimi Exactly!! Nintendo doing their thing their own way!
Put some Nindies in the pack either! They are gonna be a blast on the NX with Nintendo fully supporting them with NDirects and the exposure they deserve.
I wouldn't mind the radio silence if more was going on with Nintendo's existing systems.
@CB85 That's true if you're talking about software, but it's a different story for hardware. Generally speaking, Nintendo and other platform holders release hardware when they say they're going to, and that mainly comes down to the fact that the process of designing and manufacturing hardware is almost entirely different from that of producing a video game.
Games can be delayed for any of a thousand reasons- things like bugs and glitches, or failing certification, or holdups in ESRB rating, etc, or even just creative/directional changes that pop up late in the process. But with a console, none of those things apply. By the time a system is given a release date, the core design/architecture has been thoroughly tested and revised for months, and supply chain/manufacture are well established and mapped out all the way through to shipping. By the time a system gets a release date, the only thing likely to delay it is some surprise catostrophic problem, like Foxconn goes out of business, or someone finds a lethal flaw in the hardware after it's already been manufactured and is about to ship, or something along those lines.
There is one caveat to all this, though, and that's the fact that NX's March 2017 release date was given somewhat casually during a shareholders meeting, so it doesn't quite have the weight of near-certainty that an official release date given during the console's public unveiling would. That said, I personally doubt that Nintendo would have allowed that date to circulate unchallenged for so long if it wasn't at least plausible.
At this point in time, waiting for NX is really not much of a problem because of Exams and such.
Kyrsta is Hot!
....... Oh wait! Sorry! Wrong thread!
Actually, it's amazing that there are ZERO GENUINE CONFIRMED LEAKS for the NX.....
Kit is also hot btw
What's the point of articles like this? Talking about fan outrage and disappointment over a lack of NX news is rather pointless.
@-DEMISE- a March 2017 release is still plausible, yes, but I'll believe it when I see it.
Not sure which I want to see more: NX or Star Wars Episode 8.
Its also a danger for nintendo not showing it because it build so much hype that nx is a wow thing so it really have to be that when they finally show it or people might move on.
tl;dr version of the comments: "We're entitled to tell a multi-billion yen company how to operate because we're fans and that makes us special."
And before anyone replies that they're special because they're choosing whether or not to spend their money, you're no more special than anyone else Nintendo is marketing NX to. If their approach loses sales to the tiny, nonrepresentative group of gamers who populate fan sites but increases sales to everyone else, then it's the correct approach.
Meanwhile i'm in my home chilling on my last vacational week before i return to college,i'm a patient person when it comes to reveals and such,so i'm not killing myself waiting for the thing. Although the rumors are getting annoying. If they give the date to the reveal,i'll approach it with ZERO expectation to avoid getting salty or dissapointed.
I'm so fed up off waiting but I have a PS4 anyway and no matter what it is even if its a toaster I'm getting IT day 1
@CB85 Yeah that's fine, I don't have a problem with being skeptical at this point since Nintendo are clearly not playing by the standard rule book that everyone's used for the last three decades, so anything's possible. I'm just saying there's really nothing to support a definitive statement that NX WILL be delayed.
found this old thing iwata said but of course it doesnt mean anything and things can have been changed since then.
"Iwata also stated that they are not aiming to create a console/handheld hybrid device but that there might be an increase in form factors for their hardware devices and that they would be "like brothers in a family of systems."
A reveal won't put the system in our hands any sooner.
I'm excited to see what it is, but I honestly can't subscribe to my patience being tested.
I hope they reveal this NX before this years end otherwise nintendo will be in a big trouble with us fans!!
While waiting for NX, i can continue my unfinished Wii U , Wii , NDS , 3DS games. Still so many old titles have to finish despite of less new games during Christmas 2016. At the same time, i'll continue to enlarge my Nintendo games library, by looking for some old games that i haven't own yet.
Not in a hurry to get the NX, and reveal it whenever, but why won't you tell us when you're gonna tell us about it, Nintendo!
Also, I hope the BotW won't be delayed beyond March! x___x
@MoonKnight7 kind of why I've been leaning towards getting a Xbox One S, so I can play the third party games Nintendo just doesn't get anymore.
Not gonna lie, even I am starting to get impatient and normally for things like this I have the patience of a saint! All I can do is play my backlog of games in an attempt to forget all about the NX, until it is officially revealed that is! I just want to know what it is so I can start getting excited!
@aaronsullivan really hope it does deliver
@YeshaYahu5417 right now I'm just disappointed in the effort Nintendo is doing not even hinting or giving any details of the NX what so ever
@sandman89 So am I, the Wii was awesome.
@3MonthBeef "If that means releasing far later than sooner then I say let the impatient people go away."
Wouldn't that be great? Imagine how chilled it would be around here. Normal conversations about games we enjoy, new games on the horizon we're looking forward to, upcoming peripherals. In a way I'd sort of miss the people who think they speak for everyone though.
Who cares.
I'm up to my eyeballs in games right now. Lost Odyssey on Xbox One [360 BC] and Forza Horizon 3 on Xbox One, Dragon Quest VII on 3DS, Paper Mario Color Splash out this Friday on Wii U, Severed and Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, PSVR about to drop in a week's time and a full page list of games about to drop across multiple platforms over the next 2 months.
Take all the time in the world.
Seriously, who sits here and just worries themselves day and night over when a console is gonna get revealed? Guys, I like video games too but... give it some breathing room will ya?
In all honesty, I don't care about the NX anymore. I'm fine with what I have now, and they haven't even hinted at any exclusive games that I would be excited for. It'll probably be like with the Wii U and I'll get one a couple of years after it comes out and there are more than two games I want for it.
The NX is like Brexit: we know it's coming and we know it's by end of March 2017. But, nobody knows what the NX is, like Brexit, and all this uncertainty is putting buyers off and driving people to abandon Nintendo... And, like the UK Gov., Nintendo is basically sitting on their hands doing nothing in the interim - half entertaining the Wii U and 3DS, like the UK is doing with the EU.
And that's where we are at...
The frustration I have with Nintendo is they seem to refuse to follow up on strong momentum. They did a really good job at E3 this year despite having just the one game. Then, there is nothing from them.
Pokémon GO blows up. They go out of their way to distance themselves from the app. The app did 50 times (literally) what they thought it would do, but Nintendo says they had already built this into their revenue.
Finally, they shock the world with the NES Classic Edition. Everyone loves it. Yet, here we are about a month from release, and you can't even preorder it in North America.
It just seems like they are constantly looking to grasped defeat from the jaws of victory.
" they seem to refuse to follow up on strong momentum. They did a really good job at E3 this year despite having just the one game..."
How was with Wii to Wii U?; Momentum =/= right time
If Nintendo can not yet announce the NX as it should be (putting a correct date, without having the likely delays and to leave a well-made console), then it is not the time or the date indicated;
With the Wii, they have the momentum, but when they announced "incorrectly" the Wii U, all we saw what happened, so, everyone should understand why PATIENCE.
I've said this before, but everyone is overreacting over nothing... leaving a reveal this late is nothing new for Nintendo... they've always been secretive.
And they have used a very similar reveal pattern to what we're now looking at before... with the Wii.
We knew about the 'revolution' long before that was announced, and the actual reveal only came around 5-6 months before release... and we're currently 5-6 months away from the March release they announced... so it's highly likely that the reveal will be coming pretty soon.
The fact that so many people are getting impatient for the release just goes to show how much interest people have in the NX, proving that the lack of success faced by the Wii U has not harmed Nintendo's popularity as much as many people make out.
I honestly don't know how people 'run out of games'. Even unemployed due to illness for a few years, I still never ran out of games on any major platform. In fact I had to stop myself from browsing bargain bins, Steam sales, eShop sales, and the like, lest I increase the already huge stack of games I've bought but never got around to playing, much less installing.
Nintendo can't screw this up. Hardware side is on the line.
Calling it now this thing is not releasing on March,it's gonna get delayed.It has to
The rumors never seem to end, and they get funnier and funnier each day! It seems that many people believe anything that's on the internet! Anyways, I feel that they won't even reveal anything about the console until March, that way they can still sell a few more Wii U consoles and (if it is a handheld console hybrid) more 3DS systems and games for them, but, waiting is also kind of dumb, as the rumor fans could give up and move onto something else, or people won't even bother saving the money for the console (resulting in more struggles), but I understand that nintendo also doesn't want people to copy off of it. I remember how many different Wii-hybrids there were in the market, then Sony and Microsoft wanted to cash in on the motion controls...just like in the days of the N64, when the analog stick came into play, Sega and Sony also did it. They're probably waiting till almost the bitter end to announce it so no one else copies, but I will say this...I can see many patience starting to grow away from the NX all together, and then nintendo's recent spark in attention could be lost.
Hopefully it's a powerful console and they have some good games ready for it at launch and in the months following. I just don't want more launches like the Gamecube, N64, Wii, 3DS and Wii U, where barely anything is out for it and it's several months before anything does come out for it. Just bring a decent Mario Adventure on launch and I'm happy...Luigi's Mansion for gamecube kept me entertained long enough while waiting!
@Wizardling Glad I'm not the only one that does that...I have no room on the PS4 until I upgrade the HDD, still many Wii games I have yet to fully immense myself in (as well as PS3, 360, PS2, Gamecube, Xbox)...doesn't help that I always end up busting out the Atari, NES or Genesis for a while.
I'm just expecting Nintendo to flash one last middle finger to all WiiU owners, when NX is delayed and they delay Zelda BOTW WiiU to cater to the NX version release. Wasn't BOTW suppose to come out BEFORE Star Fox's fall 2015 release ... anyone else remember that one?
@Simbabbad so true. as much as im excited for nintendo hardware (always buy day 1), i have PLENTY of backlog wii-u games, along with ps4, including a few more games coming this year.
@Captain_Gonru So what games do we know that are going to be "launch games" including window: Zelda, Just Dance, DQ11. What else ?
There is also Sonic and Pikmin 4 (maybe).
What if Nintendo announces a New Years event? We know the reveal is coming THIS year, not next year.. it might makes sense as they don't have to feel like they might cannibalize 3DS sales. I doubt they care about the Wii U at this point. I really think it's going to happen around the very end of the year if not new years eve..
I'm actually legitimately starting to believe that the NX will in fact, be delayed. I hope, nay-PRAY Nintendo proves me wrong and puts me in my place but honestly, all signs point to it. 6 months to launch and as far as we OFFICIALLY know, the system could still very well be no more than a concept on paper at Nintendo. And let's face it, they have built a 'delay' reputation for themselves.
I almost hope that there is a legitimate leak soon so that Nintendo learns it's lesson the hard way and sees that they pushed their luck too far.
@JLPick My problem has only been compounded by old computer and console emulation, DOSbox, and cheap old games like and the great many on Steam, etc.
It was bad enough in the 90's when I only had new games to be guilty over buying and never finding time for. Now I've hundreds I never even owned during their original heyday.
It doesn't help I keep getting sucked back into the same old favourites, either. I've basically been playing the same half dozen titles for 90% of my gaming time this century, heh.
I figure these people who 'run out of games' must either have the most super narrow taste in genres; or play games so fleetingly and skim over nearly all content, and call that 'finished'.
And if a game has decent multiplayer, that can result in months of my life enjoying the variations and fun one gets from experiencing play with and vs other real people. I still login to a Quake III server occasionally, and it's still fun Hell, I'd be logging into a Q1 server if I could find one with a decent ping and population.
The Nintendo NX is on it's way, so we do need to be patient, as once it arrives the fun will begin:
It did bother me that NX is taking so long to be revealed, but I feel most of it is my own fault. I bought into the rumors that circulated a while back about "September reveal blah blah blah", so I kind of obsessed all September and fell into rumors and hoaxes and set myself up for lots of disappointment. Now I've gone back to just waiting for Nintendo to say something them self, and for all I know it happens at Christmas time. Doesn't matter to me anymore, Nintendo will reveal it when they reveal it.
At this point I am basically set up for disappointment. All I want is a non gimmicks, straight forward home video game console. Hell, I'd almost say go ahead and remake and redesign the NES console for this NX, but I could see how that would be confusing for consumers with the NES mini coming out.
Oh wait but Nintendo knows all about confusing their consumers ahem.... Wii U.
@Simbabbad Couldn't agree more! I don't get what the fuss is all about, not only are there more important things, but there are a lot of other things to distract yourself with. I honestly don't and have never really cared for when Nintendo will reveal it. It'll be finished when it's finished.
@A01: How do you do that? I could fill several years with the amount of unfinished games on my Wii U alone (thanks to Splatoon), if I add all the unfinished PC games I have in my Steam library, it would more than double that amount.
@Captain_Gonru Sonic 17 was given, not Sonic Mania though. I think it's DQ 10 and 11. Just Dance, Zelda, and 2 or 3 "sort of maybe hint hint wink wink" indie games. There are probably about a dozen or 2 rumors but I really can't buy into those at all. Not even BG&E2. That's a very very thin launch line-up, or launch window line-up. #justtellusthegamesatleast
I am pretty sure It will be delayed! My guess Nov 2017!
I don`t care about a new hardware, all I want from Nintendo are their long as I can play Mario, Zeldam pikimin and donkey kong, I`m ok
The leak from Foxconn employee suggests that the NX CPU and GPU are inside a small module with it's own battery. You can carry it with you or plug it into the home base console. This is so revolutionary that it will change the way we use computer and mobile devices in the future.
Since the processors are not inside a device, you don't have to upgrade your laptop or tablet to get faster speed. Just buy a new CPU/GPU module and that's it!
If this is really the case with NX, each year Nintendo can release more powerful module and NX will never be obsolete, it will reach and surpassed even the PS4 Pro.
That is the real secret of NX that Nintendo is guarding so fiercely. It WILL be copied by other companies in the future. Laptop, desktop, phone, TV, tablet, etc will not have processors built-in, you buy a single powerful CPU/GPU module that all your devices connect to wirelessly.
@rjejr The PS2 back on March 4, 2000, in Japan.
I'm starting to move away from the idea of buying an NX. If they think this thing is launching in March, I find it hard to believe that it's not ready to show. if the rumors are true, I don't think it will be particularly successful being a tablet device.
@Simbabbad I am. I was just playing mario kart 8 and realize how amazing it still is. Going to play smash bro soon. An looking forward to PS VR.
"People should really go do something else instead of obsessing about unreleased hardware"
In this case that's probably for the best. I mean, yet another "Talking point" about this topic?! Everything a person could have said already has been said. There's only one thing left: Waiting!
NX will be the first Nintendo console I won't bother with right away, or perhaps not at all. Their current stance on public relations and business tactics would never have flown before this current console generation. What they're doing now is unrecognizable to me. This isn't Nintendo, it's some strange beast of a company that doesn't even know itself anymore, much less it's core audience. At least they seem to have found a new audience with things like Pokemon Go...
At this point, I've long since consigned myself to the fact that the Nintendo of yesteryear, the amazing company I witnessed in my youth, is now dead and buried. This new one doesn't seem to have the intelligence nor the sense of the company's past. I've moved on to PC for the most part, along with going retro when it comes to Nintendo. I do still game on the 3DS from time to time!
I've had enough with the console market shenanigans related to the 8th console generation, it's intolerable. Hard to believe that this 8th gen has been so weak overall outside of 3DS, when I think back on the greatness of 3rd-7th gens... The PC gaming market is dominating now. I don't have 9th gen in my mind very much at this point.
@Nintendian "Since the processors are not inside a device, you don't have to upgrade your laptop or tablet to get faster speed. Just buy a new CPU/GPU module and that's it!"
In other words, do what the PC market has been doing for years, except in a portable device? ...Nah, most people aren't tech savvy enough to desire that sort of thing... They just want a single, simple device with minimal maintenance.
@Ralek85 "I'm not sure if there is even a word sufficient to express how baffling all of this is Oo"
Mystified. Or mystifying.
@Manjushri I had one of those glossy fold out paper ad sheets with a picture of the Ultra 64 and the names and single screenshots for a handful of games like Turok, Shadows of the Empire and Killer Instinct for what seemed like ages before I actually saw a real life N64.
@Manjushri Funny thing about that... In SMT4: Armageddon, despite the name, the routes actually can be either violently grim or saccharine sweet, depending on which one is gone through. The Bonds route is almost Persona-like...
And yeah, the Ultra 64 was officially revealed as early as E3 1995, about a year and a half before it launched. Even the early builds of games like Super Mario 64, and tech demos of games like Zelda 64 (which wouldn't be released for another 3 and a half years) were showcased! Generous amounts of hype were built up for the console despite the wait, because the SNES/GB were making a killing out there in the meantime, and new information kept being revealed about the N64 every month (or every other) in the printed magazines of the time.
Nintendo had basically the complete opposite business tactics of today: Reveal the big guns early, and keep showing new information to sate the public's appetite- without needing the internet. Imagine that...
This picture is a good example of why we should take NX rumours with a pinch of salt. It is the 10 games which Ultimate Gamer magazine KNEW were finished ahead of the N64's release. Note FFVII and the fact that Ocarina of Time came out 2 years after the N64 was released.
@BionicDodo Lol, I think that mag was one of the more sensational ones of the time. Three of those went on to be PS1 games (and Ace Combat instead of Top Gun), so forgiving the sensationalism of "knowing they were finished ahead of time", 7/10 of those did eventually release on the N64, which wasn't too bad of a prediction.
@PlywoodStick I just love how a tech demo of FF using old characters can morph into a finished game ready for launch release. Things can all twisted up in the rumour mill.
I really just wanna know what this thing is.
Nintendo has already killed any enthusiasm I had for them as a company, so they can take as stupidly long as they want.
As for "strategy"... If Miyamoto went up on stage, said "NX" into the mic, loudly farted on the mic, then dropped it and walked off stage, that would generate a more viable discussion about "strategy" for Nintendo at this point than "do nothing while sitting on hands twiddling thumbs as they caress certain places".
I really hope it is October. I need time to save £ for one. Also I never use my Wii U anymore and would sell it now, but I hang on to it as I have no idea what NX will offer. Will I need to system transfer my Nintendo id for example ? The only thing I can think is that Nintendo are waiting for a 'hype window' a period of maybe a month or a couple of weeks where there are no other big hardware announcements to steal the limelight and column inches. Xbox one s is done. I phone 7 is done. Next week vr is done...but then there is the ps4 all the big Xmas games...I'd say sometime around late October is a good date but I have no idea anymore with nintendo. Wouldn't surprise me if they waited till January. Although I think that would be a mistake as their quite young fan Base needs time to save money.
I had a lot of fun with my Wii U and 3DS, but was always envious of "real" next gen games on PS4/XB1 and the "liveliness" of their worlds.
As an adult gamer who just wants to have a great experience for a few hours a week, games like Wind Waker HD or Mario Kart 8 feel like a waste of time. I stopped trying to get 3 stars on every cup in MK8 and had no fun sailing an almost empty ocean in WWHD... This are perfect games, but they don't attract me anymore and I don't expect NX to change the type of games completely. I would not bet on better 3rd party support for NX either...
So I impulsively bought a PS4 Slim last week and could not be happier with it. My first game Far Cry: Primal might not be the best game in terms of unique or revolutionary gameplay, but it's such a dense, living and beautiful world. An experience you will not get on a Nintendo platform any time soon... unfortunately.
NX will have a hard time to convince me to come back
For me it all looks like NX is not going be released in March 2017. Im practically sure of it now.
It will be revealed in March, and released in summer or spring 2017.
Im getting Xbox One now. I know what it is, what games it has i want to play, and games that will be released in near future.
And Im still not sure about NX. Looks like N again doing something "very special". Yeah, Wii U was so special, that no one understand it.
What after release? Generic Mario platformer on start? Game announces? Waiting again? Delays again? No, thanks.
@Simbabbad People can do what they want.
Well rumours saying its delayed while nintendo says nothing so no one knows. The hype is bigger than wii i think now so it better be something good or fans will say meh and move on.
@rjejr DQ 10 is online so Squarenix says if there is interest. Confirmed is Dq11. I do not know about Pikmin4 once I saw it on the 3DS direct.
IGN confirms:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Just Dance 2017
Holiday 2017 Sonic Game
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
OK, so how about Nintendo tell us what games will be launched. I could care less about specs of a console. Show me the games.
NX rumor here. NX rumor there. Who cares show us some games.
I have a huge backlog of games but yet I'm still dying to find out what the console is.
@Nintendian That Foxconn thing was fake.
I hate to say it but lack of communication tends to be a bad thing.
People people people.. the NX is NOT going to be delayed!! They are already manufactured devices Nintendo is heavily testing.. it's coming in MARCH!! The announcement will happen sometime THIS year.. There is no reason to believe otherwise. Has Nintendo hinted or said anything that would lead you to believe this? No!! It's just a lot of people are impatient and throwing out baseless speculation!! Relax, it will be announced within a few months!!
@Deanster101 there is no lack of communication. nintendo said they will unveil it before the end of the year.. period..
@BionicDodo loved the article comment referring to Cruisin USA on the N64 as an "exact duplicate of the coin op" - made me laugh!
Maybe NX is going to be announced in 2 hours at Google's event?
I hear more and more its going to get delayed because they adding some Vr thing and they moved production to early 2017.
But one knows whats going on.
"While Nintendo has stated that they plan to launch the NX in March 2017, Digitimes now claims that mass production on Nintendo’s upcoming console has been postponed from mid-2016 to early 2017. According to “sources from the related upstream supply chain”, Nintendo is allegedly delaying mass production to add a VR function to the new console"
@Nintendian Lets hope so, so the madness ends But doubt it unless its android based.
Sometimes I feel like we're just repeating the same thing constantly with these Talking Points. Nintendo could take their time in the world if they wanted to, there's more than enough games on any platform to pre-occupy a person for years. I mean while I am interested in seeing what Nintendo has in store for the NX, all of this speculation and rumors is bugging me. Personally I would rather just play something to pass the time than constantly speculate about something that will probably just disappoint many people like usual.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not gonna bother clicking these NX Talking Points anymore because neither the articles or comments have kept my interest for the past weeks/months.
@A01 Well in my case, I didn't play any online multiplayer games (except for a bit of Mario Kart Wii/8) before, but when Splatoon was released, I played it a staggering 600+ hours. It was the first and only online multiplayer game that really got me.
@rjejr I think the best release window is October/November, just in time for Christmas. However, this window get over saturated with releases in general and there is definitely less competition in March. Summer was a horrible time to release movies until Jaws came out and changed everything. Now it's when most big movies are released. There's also plenty of opportunities to advertise between October and March. In the States, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is coming up. Nintendo typically has a balloon or two in the parade. The Super Bowl is in early February. Also, it's tax return time in March-April! I think it could work. Plus, it will allow them to go full speed come e3 2017 with games!
Now, I'm one of those who are growing impatient with Nintendo's "no news" approach. I've been eyeing up the PS4 and Xbone for a long time. If I get one of those in the next 3-4 months, I will not purchase the NX upon release......and I'm not the only person saying this! If the NX is a video game revolution and is new approach and differentiates itself form the other two systems, now is the time to get the word out there. Give people another option. Make people question buying one of the others now or over the holidays.
If you can't wait, then make a NX sticker and slap it onto Wii U
The the wait isn't the problem. The problem is that, after PMCS, there's nothing coming out on Wii U in the meantime. Maybe if Zelda were a split release and coming to Wii U this holiday, things wouldn't be so bleak. Nintendo has basically told all Wii U owners to "sit and spin" while offering a complete media blackout on anything regarding the NX. Considering how Nintendo has handled the the Wii U over the course of it's life, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
One thing is for sure, I'm not even going to THINK about getting an NX (or whatever it's going to be called) for a good 2 years after launch.
@dkxcalibur We're getting a PS4 for Christmas, b/c I only game on home consoles, and I don't think Nitneod could have really done anything to change that, but my kids are big handheld gamers, so the timing may affect their future purchases. Of course it's really hard to tell when we don't know what it is.
I think that's another big factor that this article glossed over or left out entirely. When Sony says PS3 or PS4 is coming, we know what it is, when MS says a new Xbox is coming, we know what it is. When Ntineod says NX is coming, we don't know if it's a home console, a handheld, or some combination of both in 1 box or a hybrid. Nintendo has had ample opportunity over the past 18 months to say it's a home console Wii U replacement or it's a handheld 3DS replacement, or it's a hybrid that replaces both. No other company was going to be able to steal their "big secret" by saying any of those 3 options. I think that's why people are more interested, we have a release date for something we don't know what it is. Who does that? What can Sony or MS steal by them saying - "it's a home console". What can anyone steal by their saying "it's a handheld". What can anyone even steal if they say "it's a hybrid". They can keep anything else a secret, but they should have at least told us that much, nobody was going to steal that.
Which leads people to believe that something ain't right.
@Captain_Gonru 7 days? Is that a PSVR thing? You don't strike me as a PSVR kind of guy. No offense intended, if you found that insulting. #ThisClosetoLaunch
That's extra funny b/c we came up w/ that in the DQ XI thread.
Urge to freeze myself...RISING!
@HyrulianOfHyrule Which would be their own fault for getting their hopes up too high.
@mikegamer true but we all have opinions
I think it might be better for them to announce the NX so much closer to its actual release, since the initial reveal-hype will still be (somewhat) big at that point and could help initial boosts in sales. Although I do think a 5 to 6-month period between reveal and release should be plenty for that, so.. I really hope it'll be announced pretty much any day now. I'm personally expecting the reveal by the end of this month or the start of next month though, but we'll see!
@Captain_Gonru Reviews are looking good for that one, I can imagine my kid getting it for Christmas depending on what PS4 bundle we get. If I don't get a PS4 this year I'll be banned from 2 websites.
At this point I don't think the NX will be that powerful... i think they might have some doubts... i mean why still not giving any information how strong the console is going to be??
@3MonthBeef "I mean its time people put either up or shut up"
I know the expression well, but I think people around here are quite happy to keep telling us on a regular basis that they're turning their backs on Nintendo, rather than putting their money where their mouth is. It's all talk and no action.
@Deanster101 I don't know what you mean, that game was a... er... classic. Definitely arcade perfect. Definitely.
@rjejr Yes, I agree with you. What you said describes my position exactly. Here's to hoping the announcement is closer then we know.
@3MonthBeef Yeah well. Your opinion is as valid as everyone else. It is still an opinion, though. I'm well awared of how this thing work. Obviously sites needs traffic and right now talking about NX generates just that. But what I think you are failing to see is that maybe this whole rumors storm is planned or at least allowed by Nintendo. This whole thing is positive for them because it is generating an amount of hype that I think is unprecedented. A lot of people excited about a console that nobody even know what it is? Yeah I think that is good marketing. I'm not sure that this news and rumors are just a product of the evil media. I think there's an honest excitement about the console and that there is a possibility that those semi official comments from game developers are planned by Nintendo to generate hype building momentum to the reveal. But who knows? Opinions, right?
No matter how many times journalists ask this guys about the NX, they always have the options to say "No comment" But suddenly, some are choosing to comment.
Personally I think Nintendo is pushing there luck not saying anything at all.. They should at least give us an idea when the reveal is going to be !
@Simbabbad As long as that console isn't a Wii U...
@m1024 I'm there with you. I bought an Xbox One a year ago (for Forza 6, Forza Horizon 2, and Sunset Overdrive) and haven't looked back. My Wii U still gets some action, primarily trying to pick off every little thing in Hyrule Warriors, but it sees as much life as my PS4 now (some games I like, but I just don't use it as much).
I did just buy the New Galaxy New 3DS (which is New), so more portable gaming, but once you find a system that fits, especially a home console, it's tough to switch back. I'll struggle to be enticed by whatever the NX is for at least the first year to 18 months.
There's no reason why they couldn't have told us by now when they plan to unveil it. If they told us in July that they were going to show it in a Nintendo Direct in November, much of the aggravation in comment sections like this one could have easily in been prevented. I simply don't understand their complete silence. Hopefully, it will make sense when they do finally make an announcement.
@3MonthBeef Yves and Tsunekazu comments are not rumors though
They're killing me!!
I go on the Nintendo life website daily and there doesn't seem to be a lot of NX news on here, a lot of speculation and reports about the console going into production. I still say that Nintendo need to come out with all guns blazing with this console and spend what they can to promote and market this product, I still feel that the Wii just blew away everyone when it came out. People were buying them and saying to their friends and family 'have you played on a Wii yet, it's pretty amazing' Nintendo need that again with NX. The Wii-U I have some mixed feelings about I think yes it was or is a great console but NX really needs that 'wow factor. Sadly as I have a back log of games to play I will probably wait later in the year to buy one, I will continue to support Wii-U for now.
@3MonthBeef "1) The VG Awards show"
Where Nintendo infamously had 2 of it's biggest developers, Miyamoto and Anouma, go live on screen to promise everyone that STZ and Zelda would both be out in 2015, no worries? That GA? (No "G" BTW, it's just Game Awards, no video) Nintendo needs to avoid that show like the plague, nobody will believe a single word they say on there, SFZ was delayed 5 months, Zelda was delayed 2 frikkin' years.
3:10 mark
M: "Are YOU SURE that's a Wii release NEXT YEAR?"
A: "Yes."
A: "How about your Starfox?"
M: "No worries about Starfox. SF will arrive before the LoZ NEXT YEAR"."
They can't show their faces back there again.
@Captain_Gonru "Split release (like they should have in the first place)?"
Yes, for all the people who bought a Wii U in 2014 and 2015 who were told at E3 in June 2014 and the Game Awards in Dec 2014 that "Yes." Zelda would be out in 2015, they really need to do a split release, at least 3 months advance for Wii U over NX. It should really really really really be out this holiday for Wii U if they can have both versions done by March.
How is it even possible to get both versions done at the same time when 1 piece of hardware was finished 4 years ago and the other is just now getting production runs? It's not fair.
@Captain_Gonru Congrats on the home purchase. You moving cross country far where you'll be out of touch for a few days or just in the neighborhood?
The problem isn't that they are or aren't saying things about the NX. It's the fact that Nintendo clearly gave the Wii U the end of life prognosis, and are treating it like it's already dead. The games coming out for the Wii U are the ones that were too far along in development when they declared it dead. Nintendo clearly thought that their smartphone strategy could buy them time to finalize the NX, but it obviously didn't work. The result is that we are now seeing Nintendo frozen in the headlines like a deer, and people are getting upset. Had Nintendo thought this through a little bit more, they would have given some NX information so gamers would at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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