The Japan-only Monster Hunter Nintendo Direct has taken place, and it did indeed announce a new title and continue the IP's run on 3DS. Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) was unveiled, a sequel to Monster Hunter X (Cross) that is known as Monster Hunter Generations in the West. It's arriving in Japan on 18th March 2017, with pre-orders opening as early as November.
Though it will be a standalone new retail release, it should be emphasized that this is really an expansion, which is relatively common practice for the series - they often sell very well in Japan. Localisation to the West is perhaps a doubt for that very reason, especially if the process would take a potential release to late 2017 / early 2018, which will be very late in the 3DS's lifespan.
The presentation is in Japanese, but you can check it out below. Some key features include a large flagship monster which shoots fire out of its wings, and an enhanced Diablos will be a second ominous foe. Beyond that there's a new HUB on an airship, some new companions and NPCs, two new Hunter Styles, and Prowlers will have Aerial and Adept-style moves available. (Hat tip to GaijinHunter for some details)
Another welcome feature, very much suiting the fact this is mainly a standalone 'expansion', is that you can also transfer data from Monster Hunter X (Cross) to play the new content with your existing hunter and gear.
We'll see whether any localisation announcements come; in the meantime this is one for importers to consider. Do you like the look of it?
Comments 75
they should make this a DLC for the West
Jets on a dragon? HYPE
So...can we 'cross' off March 18, 2017 as a potential release date for the Switch in Japan?
DLC for the West would make so much sense, £15/$18 would be a good price point. It would cost them less than making packaged games and take less time to localize. Just really hoping this comes over as I love monster hunter and the new dragon looks so cool as well as Aerial Prowler (maybe my new main).
#MHSTORIESFORTHEWEST (still salty there's been no announcement of this)
That's a weird name. Hopefully they don't come out with Monster Hunter XXX in the years to come.
Chances are it'll still come here, maybe even an HD version for Switch. As for Diablos (not Diablo, lol), that's a new Deviant.
@Oubie Haha, probably.
@Joeynator3000 Haha, fixed. I hated that thing in 3 or 4 Ultimate, whichever it was. A tough beast.
@ThomasBW84 Diablos wasn't that bad for me....but in 4U that Apex version was a nightmare....Now I gotta deal with a Deviant of him? >.<
Ah, I was right a few articles back when I said it was going to be an expansion like Super Street Fighter 4
@ThomasBW84 They have 3 Saturdays left in March, IF they even release hardware on Saturdays in Japan and IF they're not going to release it worldwide on the same day. I remember the Wii U had a staggered launch. US, Europe and Japan had all different launch dates.
Add another X and this game will be restricted to mature audiences only....very mature!
@Joeynator3000 You mean Black Diablos in disguise? All 4U Diablos did was charge and basic digging attacks. It was the Black one you had to worry about. Still, I've always really liked that monster for it's well-developed ecology and sheer ferocity it shows despite being a herbivore.
The new elder dragon looks to be another in the line of Gore/Shagaru and Gogmazios body types.
Most of all I'm excited for the returns of Barroth (first Brute wyvern! and provider of awesome early game sets) and Barioth.
Interestingly, this title seems to break the trend of providing the usual subspecies a Monster Hunter expansion has like Azure Rathalos, but it still has a G Rank.
@meleebrawler Black Diablos is NOTHING compared to Apex Diablos.
I doubted there were ten Monster Hunter games, but I know there hasn't been twenty. Somebody should teach Capcom how Roman numerals work.
@Xaessya Anybody who knows Capcom and the series would expect this.
Anyways, kinda hype but also afraid that they'll burn out the West on Monster Hunter.
Honestly, I'm hoping that this actually gets a limited digital release over here and comes out sooner rather than later- that way they can pass it off as an expansion pack and sell it for cheaper.
What's the difference between Brave style and Adept? Seems functionally the same.
It wasn't that bad if they would replace the deflecting with something else...Gravios wasn't that bad for me. (or Seregios oddly enough)
Just hope we get Monster Hunter Stories released in the West.
This would be pretty good DLC though.
I was thinking this was one that would slip by Capcom's update radar but looks like I was wrong.
I do hope they let Diablos have it's full moveset back if basic subspecies aren't a thing.
@CrazedCavalier it seems Brave style is about tanking hits rather than dodging/blocking them (who knows if you actually receive damage doing this like with Great Sword's Brimstone Charge). Seems pretty darn tricky to make it work consistently in multiplayer, though.
@Bruh The only one in the series to an +18 age rating
As a DLC I would buy as a new game, sorry, but I'll pass.
I'd rather have this over Stories, even though this is just an expansion.
Did they mention if there's G-rank?
Reallllly really hope they release this as DLC for us lot.
More MH the better. But I hope they are planning something for Switch.
@Moon Yes they did mention G-rank while talking about the airship hub. Perhaps it's the new Elder Hall?
I might import, but since I have to start over it might be for collection reasons. I hated having to translate everything with google translate.
@Moon Sliconera:
"Monster Hunter XX Announced For Nintendo 3DS, Adds G-Rank, Two New Styles, And More"
I've always meant to get into a Monster Hunter game but never got round to it. It feels like a series which would benefit from the combination of beautiful visuals and portability, so I would like to see a Switch game announced. I'd also like the Switch game to be build for the system from scratch rather than an upgraded version of a 3DS game.
I won't be purchasing another Monster Hunter unless it releases on Wii U or Switch. I really enjoyed 3 but I didn't play 4 too much because I just hate playing this kind of game on the 3DS with no second analog stick.
This is why I never buy MH games at full price.
Look at that screenshot right at the top: That's what MH will look when running on Switch.
@CrazedCavalier @meleebrawler Super jealous, thanks for info.
Now I REALLY need this game to be localised.
Did I see Barroth and Barioth there? They were so cool in 3U. Plus that new flagship looks amazing.
Diablos gave me a lot of trouble in 3U (haven't got to it in 4U yet) and I always made sure to stay near the exits when it was enraged. Still nice to see it though.
I wouldn't say the word "doubt" and western release for this game in the same breath. The MH team has been very good to western Monster Hunter fans even if they aren't the main focus for the series.
Pitchfork-chan and torch-kun are ready to go!
Well actually I should've seen this coming. At least they didn't announce MH5 for 3DS, I still have hope for that being released on MODERN PLATFORMS and being multiplatform with shared servers. Everyone should get a new modern Monster Hunter and everyone should be able to play together.
I still do see this coming west late 2017/2018 as this specific game and perhaps Sun and Moon's follow up (if they get one) are what Nintendo probably meant when they said they'll still have software coming to 3DS after Switch releases.
Wait is this the Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate that I was anticipating? Cause if it is, I might as well not get Generations atm unless it has a sale or there is a save data transfer function.
My hands and wrists are not happy with my excessive Monster Hunter. Neither is my 3DS's X button >.<
But I think I'm still hype! Sorta.
Generations save transfers to this. So if you have generations don't sell. It's proba worth to pick up generations on sale so you can jump right into the new G rank content.
Also localization is likely because Monster Hunter has sold over 3 million copies in the west on 3DS.
600K+ for 3U(3DS ver)
1.6 million for 4U
Around 800K for generations(it was at 3.3 million on Capcom's platinum sellers section on their investor website and it updated today for sales as of September 30th to 4.1 million. As generations has been absent the top 20 sellers in Japan for awhile it's been selling a few thousand a week maximum so the vast vast vast majority of that 800K is western sales)
Plus most the game is already localized because of generations. They just need to localize the new characters and G rank content.
It's coming over. Mark my words. Monster Hunter has broken out of being a niche title in the west. It's not as big as in Japan yet
yet but it's certainly a hit and strong seller now. They aren't going to stop the gravy train when they can still top off several hundred thousand more helpings of mash potatoes for themselves with less effort than the last 800K servings.
Guess I benefit from waiting on Generations, though I'm still far from finished with 4 Ultimate. Guess I should probably get back to that.
Honestly, I would of preferred waiting for this than getting Generations when we did. I know there was that whole #MHXfortheWest campaign and all, but personally I always hated that trend in japan where they update the game and you gotta buy it a second time. I don't know if that kind of thing will work in US or EU but I, for one, don't like them giving us the beta version first :/
Also these expansions are typically too big to be DLC. Perish that thought.
Having said all that, this looks great. I like that their bringing back 2nd gen's desert.
If MHS gets localized than this will have to be DLC
@aniki7 Yeah, it seems like Capcom betrayed the people who invested time and money into Generations... or should I say Capcom double-crossed them?
(Sees himself out)
It'd be nice if this came out as a launch title for Switch, unless they're already working on one for Switch. (God I hope they are working on a Switch version at all lol)
Monster Hunter Second Generations
March 18th? I feel like they are going to come out in January and say there is a switch version inbound. Nintendo may want them to keep a lid on that for now.
Considering the new location monsters and most importantly G-rank, all of the pre-existing armor and weapon values would have to be changed to scale to G rank, and change that every weapon from the same monster has the same attack stats. This would be too big for DLC. Still hoping for an HD Switch version considering it would take a year to localize anyway.
"Double Cross" indeed...though I guess I should've known, since we got the first version for once. Damn. Well, at least I got the game that goes with my New 3DS faceplate...
@Nintendian I hope so i aint buying twice! Again!
@CanisWolfred Hey at least we'll get to see some new vicious cinematics. Am i right?
Great as a dlc update for those who bought generations. Not so great as a separate game. It makes it seem as if this is the game generations SHOULD have been. I'm afraid I'm getting a little burnt out on MH. I thought I'd never say that because I absolutely love the series. These games being released so close together makes it difficult to achieve all you can in their previous incarnations. I'm still collecting things in mh4u while putting generations on pause.
If they release this for the switch I'll buy it. No hesitation. I will also get rid of generations on my 3ds (not 4u! love that game).
X: The X of X Z Edition. Ah Japan.
@Samuel-Flutter X means "Cross".
@CrazedCavalier A bit of an explanation of how Brave style appears to function and how it's different from Adept/Bushido
@wiggleronacid That's why the C-stick exists on the new 3DS and there is an attachment, so that excuse makes no sense.
Would it kill them to make it a new 3DS exclusive?
@PageWizard I don't like the circle pad pro and I'm not wasting my money on the new 3ds. Makes sense to me.
I guessed right as I imagine a lot of others did.
@Spoony_Tech xxx videos monster edition !
@allav866 LOL I've been thinking about that joke all day! x'D You took one for the team and said it though! Your sacrifice is appreciated.
But on the plus side, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to move your Generations save to XX. I'm curious if it'll be full price though.
Glad I didn't get generations, sure the games are fun, but damn don't they keep getting releases so quickly, and you will see some stuff reused and such, would wait until I am in the mood to play the series again and just get the newest game.
Nintendo Switch will Release 2nd March . They need 4 weeks of pre-orders and distribution for their end of year financial figures
While I'm not surprised, didn't the head developer actually say in a live interview that there wouldn't be a "G" version of Monster Hunter X (the Japanese name fore the game)? Although I guess he technically didn't lie, because the game isn't called "previous game title + G" like it usually is, it's instead being called "previous game title + X", but their technically the same thing.
Another day...another Monster Hunter game announced. I swear they are worse than Street Fighter. Super Monster Hunter Triple X Deluxe 3D 5 Stories Generations G. Cool for those that like the series but I just can't get into them no matter how hard I try. They are all exact clones of each other and just not fun but that's just one guy's opinion.
@Pikachupwnage well generations saves to the sd card and not the game. So I guess it would be safe to trade it in later on.
I loved the news but if it doesn't make it to the west, I'll get really disappointed.
Said they were working on an all new entry before though.
Probably for Switch actually. They know where their audience is at.
This should have been a launch title for the switch in Japan. It would have guaranteed it's launch success, at least in that territory.
@aniki7 An eShop discount should be instated for those who bought the first game. I skipped MHG, cos I still haven't finished MH4U yet.
@LasermasterA My 3DS XL's circle pad came off and in its wake left a nub that was still fully functional albeit was a bit painful to use for longer sittings as the small thing dug into my thumb. Also, the D-pad is cracked (still fully functional) and the casing around the right shoulder button is cracked however it is still a fully workable machine even after 1650+ hours of Monster Hunter play (from all 3 releases combined) not to mention the other games I've played on it.
@Pikachupwnage Monster Hunter has never been text-heavy (save for 4U) so I imagine localisation to be a cheaper/easier affair than, say, The Great Ace Attorney (see my avatar).
@invictus4000 Have you ever played Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and one of the beginning quests that has you gathering in the lake and then a Lagiacrus comes out and scares the crap out of you? This is one of my most vivid memories in video games. Have you ever made it far enough in any of the games to hunt large monsters?
Oh I came on after many days and saw this lol. Well mine hasn't cracked as much, but my R button has lost it's click and that's after it had stopped working and I got it to work somehow after cleaning it. My X button is less responsive as well. Luckily the rest of the thing is fine. Same 1600+ hrs of MH xD
I might just wait to double Cross if my hands don't get better ;_;
@LasermasterA MH is the only game that might wear out my 3DS because of its reactionary and quick-reflex nature causes me to grip my system harshly. Wait for a good deal on a New 3DS this Black Friday or Boxing Day
@ollietaro I think you greatly underestimate the amount of text.
@Pikachupwnage Okay. Compared to The Great Ace Attorney, I considered MH to have considerably less text.
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