Nintendo Switch

Despite the fact that the upcoming Nintendo Switch was only revealed yesterday and won't go on sale until March 2017, that hasn't stopped Amazon UK customers from having their say on the site's Nintendo Switch landing page, where you can currently only register for an email when it becomes available for pre-order.

Call us old fashioned, but usually customer reviews are best submitted when the customer has taken possession of the goods, but here we are.

At the time of writing there are 40 customer reviews, and overall the Nintendo Switch has a 4.8 / 5 rating, showing that it's a smash hit in the imagination of Amazon customers, at least.

The rather eloquent "Ste Boothroyd" has marvelled at Nintendo Switch's portability and hopes for a port of Devil's Third- an odd choice, some might say.

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It's proved popular with time travellers such as "cbs review", also.

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Not all Amazon customers are happy with their non-existent purchase, however. "Miss E. Carr" kindly shares a photo of a Xbox One S with the latest Gears of War and FIFA games, then bemoans Nintendo for making her rebuy all her Wii and Wii U games again.

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And last but not least, we have the ever insightful "Golgo 13" who took a break from his day job as a hitman to let Amazon know how wack it looks.

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It appears Amazon US have had the good sense to not allow customer reviews just yet, but you can register for an email when pre-orders can be taken, so that's useful at least.

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