While every Zelda fan on the planet probably has different aspirations for a Zelda movie, it's fair to say that were Nintendo to make one it would generate an awful lot of interest - even more so if famed anime company Studio Ghibli was involved.
Studio Ghibli is Japan's Disney, with a whopping eight of company's films ranking in the 15 highest-grossing anime movies made in Japan. While it's unlikely that the company behind such hits as Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky and Princess Mononoke would ever create a Zelda film, animator Matt Vince has given us a little (unofficial) glimpse of what it could look like.

The short teaser imitates the Ghibli style almost perfectly, with gorgeous scenery and whimsical music (the latter courtesy of Kyle Landry). It's so well done that it actually makes us sad that it's not a trailer for a real adaptation of the famous series.
Give it a watch and let us know what you think by posting a comment.
Comments 44
Looks gorgeous. Though there was very little moving animation in the clip. They recreated areas very nicely and there's a Gossip Stone just before it scrolls up to the title at the end. The scene at the start in Link's room has a lot going on like the 3 hearts carved in the top left of the screen just as the game starts off. Anyway, Cease & Desist Order incoming.
Not very Ghibli at all. Go watch the Ni No Kuni trailer for a Ghibli style game.
I personally wouldn't associate this style with Studio Ghibli specifically... it's more of just a generic anime style.
It does look good though, and Ghibli would certainly make it amazing... too bad they've been relatively inactive for the past couple of years, following the retirement of Hayao Miyazaki.
Too perfect? Meh, it's nice I guess, but it's just music and scenery, and not really Studio Ghibli quality or style, imo.
Though I would had loved to of seen Ghibli tackle an animated Zelda feature film, A Link to the Past or Wind Waker would have been cool.
The background is gorgeous, the animation for Link, not as much. Good nonetheless, just not hitting that Ghibli mark for me.
Those were very well done backgrounds, really entertaining to look at them. Lots of well placed details and great color compositions on them. There weren't that many animated elements unfortunately, and some of them more felt Flash-like than traditional. Yet, I would like to see more animation in that video, as it reminds me more of a slide show, instead of an animated movie trailer. An impressive slideshow though: the visuals and music complement each other.
This is lovely. A Ghibli Zelda film would be wonderful but will sadly never happen.
I have to laugh at people saying that this isn't Ghibli quality. Really? An unofficial animated trailer created by one guy isn't of the same quality as one of the world's most famous animation studios?!?! Well I never...
It looks good... until the animated Link, which looks comically horrible.
@BionicDodo: how does this being done by one guy invalidate it's not Ghibli's style?
While this doesn't look completely like Ghibli work (because it isn't), I still believe that a pairing of Nintendo and Ghibli to make a movie could work really well
Oh hey another fan film that only shows Ocarina of Time.
@riChchestM I'm with you mate. This looks great and I'd love a Zelda anime as much as the next fan but Ghibli?? Not even close lol
Agree with the sentiment that the background pieces are gorgeous and spot on. The Link animation? Not a big fan. Looks off to me. But someone on another site had mentioned it might have to do with how we're used to seeing Link drawn, specifically how his head (and limbs at times) tend to be more exaggerated.
@Tsurii Do you want to make war, cause I'm in.
I think it works as a stylish teaser for a movie that never was; unfortunately what they're teasing is, of course, more Ocarina so lol nope from me!
A Ghibli Zelda film would be a dream come true.
Very nice.
They are the only studio I would trust to get it right!
It's all right. Not a lot of actual animation, though.
Not perfect but totally get enough of a gist to imagine how good a real Studio Ghibli Zelda would be. If only they were still making films!
Closest thing I've seen to a good Zelda movie rendition.
My mouth wasn't foaming a minute or so ago
A Nintendo/Ghibli collaboration needs to happen!
I've seen plenty of Ghibli movies, but I'm not getting that vibe at all.
I'm guessing it doesn't invalidate it, more like it's just obvious that it wouldn't be the same quality.
Studio Ghibli does a fantastic job at animation in their movies, they did draw plenty of frames for character movement and all... and it looks always gorgeous, this doesnt come even close to that.
But yes, I do like these backgrounds and it goes really well with that music... it was interesting to watch... but that Link...
@Tsurii Aren't you a bundle of joy?
I think you are of small a minority in your opinion. I love both Disney and Ghibli. Yeah sure, not everything is gold, but for Princess Mononoke and Mulan alone I am humbled by and extremely grateful to both studios.
@thehoppypoppy Sadly Ghibli have all but confirmed they are no longer producing such films.
Miyazaki's retirement essentially ends Ghibli.
I still prefer that great trailer from that awesome looking Zelda film that was teased on IGN! 😊
Wonder why that hasn't come out yet?? 😕
Wait a second...
It would be my favorite animation of all time, next to Cinderella, or even above it.
At 0:28, we get our first look at a potential source of doom.
This animation was beautifully done! Like others, I wouldn't mind seeing a Nintendo/Ghibli collaboration at some point.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE There is no need for CAD becasue this is just a fan made trailer using fan art. Also Nintendo is not known to do CAD on Fan art. Only games that people make.
Nice! But i would rather have a anime series of Super smash bros. With all those famous characters from the big N.
Made by the company who made the Naruto episodes.
If they deside to do that i would be blown away (if done well)
Very nice! Not quite up to par with Miyazaki's classics, but definitely high quality stuff! Well up until the Link riding on Epona bit. :'D
Beautiful backgrounds, and very nicely done camera moves.
I liked this a hell of a lot more than that live action trailer IGN put out a few years ago.
If a Zelda movie has to happen, Ghibli would be my first choice for the job, though if they're on hiatus Laika would be good too judging from what I've heard about Kubo and the Two Strings. Oh and while I'm assigning jobs to studios; Jim Henson company to make a Star Fox movie please
Stunning! Wish this were real. Love Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki!
I'd love a more fluid animated Zelda film, in the vein of Disney or Don Bluth (An American Tale, All Dogs Go To Heaven, Land Before Time, Secret of Nimh, Dragon's Lair).
I'm not a fan of Anime at all, and that goes for Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away (and yes I have seen both films, and did not like the animation in either of them). I just can't tolerate the faces, the way the mouths move, and the blocky and choppy movement.
Either give me a Live Action, 3D Animated, or a "Fluid 2D" Animated Zelda film.
The world is a better place with Studio Ghibli films.
My kids love My Neighbour Totoro. They also love Hayao Miyazaki's "The Castle of Cagliostro."
The Red Turtle is the next Ghibli project, they are teaming up with another studio.
To be honest, I haven't enjoyed the last several Ghibli movies to come out as much as previous releases. Earthsea was surprisingly disappointing, especially considering that I read and enjoyed the novels. Princess Kaguya was okay, and I haven't watched the movie with Marnie yet.
Mamoru Hosoda may be the next Miyazaki - though I think he has yet to top his Summer Wars, which is still one of my faves.
I would love a Ghibli Zelda story! I think they could do it better than anyone else. As good as a Live action Zelda sounds, I feel like a good traditional animation treatment would suit it much better. There just aren't many people that could pull off Link.
And this is a large reason why I don't ever want to see a live action show. Animation has something that live action never will do, especially for this type of source material.
this makes me want a zelda animated movie so bad now
it is beautiful
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