Earlier today The Pokémon Company unveiled more details on Pokémon Sun and Moon. Somewhat appropriately considering the fact these entries are kickstarting a new generation, there were entirely new features, a notable nod to a retro classic, all-new Pokémon and some surprises.
As always we thought we'd gather the information from the official website in one place for you to gawk at, including the latest trailer. Naturally if you don't want to see the new Pokémon, stop reading now. Otherwise, scroll on down.
Aether Foundation
The Aether Foundation works in the Alola region. The foundation's goal is to care for Pokémon that have been hurt.
The Aether Foundation has constructed an artificial island called Aether Paradise. There, they not only provide shelter for Pokémon, but also conduct various research projects. It seems that the main character will also be able to visit Aether Paradise during the adventure.
Ultra Beasts
A mysterious presence threatens the Alola region—Ultra Beasts!
In the Alola region, rumors are flying about mysterious creatures known as Ultra Beasts. Ultra Beasts possess mighty powers and could pose a threat to humans and Pokémon, so they are feared.
It appears that the Aether Foundation is also conducting research on these Ultra Beasts.
According to rumor, multiple Ultra Beasts exist, each of them called by a code name.
B-01's body is composed of a glass-like substance. However, it's constantly changing shapes, never settling on one.
While evidence of something like a survival instinct can be observed in UB-01, no one knows whether it has a will of its own or any emotions. It's said that, for some reason, its movements resemble those of a young girl.
A pair of Trainers investigating Zygarde
Dexio and Sina will show up as you progress through your adventure. These two appeared in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y as the professor's assistants.
They'll give you an item called a Zygarde Cube and ask you to collect Zygarde Cores and Zygarde Cells during your adventure in the Alola region. Cores and Cells can be found all over Alola!
Collect Zygarde Cores and Zygarde Cells!
Objects giving off light can be found in various locations around the Alola region. These are Zygarde Cores and Zygarde Cells. You can collect them in the Zygarde Cube you receive from Dexio and Sina.
If you collect lots of Cores and Cells, the path to finding Zygarde in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon may become clear.
The secrets of the two different worlds of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
Some of the Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are different. What's more, there's a difference in the way time is set in the two games.
Except for a few scenes, time in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon is tied to the actual time. Pokémon Sun operates on the same time as your Nintendo 3DS system, but time in the world of Pokémon Moon is shifted by 12 hours.
Some of the Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are different—including Solgaleo and Lunala, which hold the key to the story. It seems that some of the Pokémon that appear as Totem Pokémon in the trials are also different.
"My wishes for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon..."
The comments below come from GAME FREAK's Shigeru Ohmori, the director of these games, to express the wishes that poured into the creation of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.
Why I chose "Sun" and "Moon" for the titles
We live on a planet overflowing with life. This earth of ours revolves around the sun, and in turn, the moon revolves around the earth. When you look at the sun and the moon from Earth, they appear to be traveling through the sky in similar orbits, but when you change your perspective, you come to realize that their orbits are completely different. Yet the Earth and the sun and moon are all tied to one another, and life grows and flourishes as they work their influence upon one another.
Humans also interact with people of all different kinds. They influence one another, and in turn, are influenced by others. It is only through this miraculous balance that we can live here as we do.
In these titles, what I wanted to express is the brilliance of life and of the relationships between humans and Pokémon as they influence one another. That is why I chose to name them after the sun and moon, which have so much influence over our own Earth.
Why the two titles take place in different worlds
Between Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, there is a time difference of 12 hours. This was our first attempt at making such a great difference between two game versions. In the Alola region, the Pokémon that you might encounter on the same route can vary between day and night, and so this time difference allows players to have a completely different experience.
And it doesn't stop at Pokémon—some events are also different from one version to the other, so I hope you all can enjoy both worlds to the fullest.
Why we're so particular about expressing night and evening
To show the Alola region's rich nature and beautiful towns, we were very particular about the lighting. Thanks to that, the same location can have a completely different appearance depending on the time—sometimes wrapped in the gentle glow of moonlight, sometimes illuminated by the crimson of the sun setting over the sea.
At times, the same event will feature different natural phenomena in the two versions, which can only be seen in either Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon, so I hope it will be fun for players to compare the two and find these differences.
We've poured ourselves into our work so that you can feel an atmosphere and sense of closeness that makes it seem as though you are in the Alola region yourself.
New Pokémon
Because urban areas are their main habitat, their diet is higher in calories than ordinary Raticate. As a result, they have become hefty.
Alolan Raticate prefers to eat only fresh fruits and high-class ingredients. There are rumors that a certain top-notch restaurant takes advantage of Alolan Raticate's taste buds by bringing it along when choosing ingredients to buy, and having it taste test new dishes.
Alolan Raticate continually stockpile huge amounts of food in their nests. They mostly prefer to send out Alolan Rattata to gather food while they themselves stay home in their nests and just eat.
Alolan Raticate is the Totem Pokémon of the trial that takes place in Verdant Cavern on Melemele Island in Pokémon Moon.* It summons Rattata to help it confront those who take on the trial.
*Gumshoos appears as the Totem Pokémon in Verdant Cavern in Pokémon Sun.
Jangmo-o has the pride of a warrior, although it remains humble about its capabilities. In its pursuit to become stronger, it never neglects its training.
Because Jangmo-o uses the scales on its head for both offense and defense, it never turns its back to its enemies. Many Trainers see this behavior and take it as proof that Jangmo-o is a valiant Pokémon.
Jangmo-o gather in harsh locales like canyons, where no other people or Pokémon are around, to live together as they train.
This Pokémon wearing a mask has been dubbed "Null," meaning nothing.
The shapes of its front and hind legs are clearly different. The reason is that Type: Null was constructed to synthesize the strengths of various Pokémon, enabling it to adapt to any situation.
The mask fitted to Type: Null's head is a piece of equipment designed to control its latent powers. It's extremely heavy, so it also serves to hinder Type: Null's agility.
To complete a certain mission, there was need of a Pokémon powerful enough to rival those Pokémon often spoken of in mythology.
[source pokemon-sunmoon.com]
Comments 48
I am so excited for these games. Been playing Pokemon since the beginning and I always look forward to each new generation full of new ideas and features.
Alolan Raticate... Hm high grade taste buds... Works at a restaurant...
Sounds familiar.
I wonder if it has any french imaginary friends.
I NEED THESE GAMES! I can't believe I'll be playing Pokemon Moon at night most of the time! That's so frikkin rad! 8D
Hm...interesting update.
I wonder if Null will be able to change forms and in what manner. Seems like removing the helmet might change it's combat abilities and fighting style.
In terms of catching Pokemon, Pokemon Moon would probably be the best choice because of Dusk Balls. Unless you do most of your playing at night. I'll still probably get Pokemon Sun regardless because I like the legendary better.
The codenamed beasts and Type: Null are mostly a test to see what names they can get away with.
As for time, I'm honestly on the fence - on one hand, seeing real world time has been a series' staple ever since Gold and Silver
without even considering when Hoenn screwed that up... but on the other hand, you know, Hawaii is right next to the date-changing line.So, f@%# it, let's get weird!
Hi Lillie. Why so jelly-fishy?
UB-01 reminds me of that "mysterious girl" that assists the Professor, Lillie.
@PlanetaryNebulae I'd bet money that they have a LOT to do with each other in the game. If she isn't controlling it, she IS it.
@BetterThanVegas That's what I was thinking too. Either she transforms into it, or she's mentally linked to it in some way. Maybe as a result of some horrible experiment that the Aether Foundation did or something.
Here's part of her description: "she's working as Professor Kukui’s assistant for personal reasons. She's not fond of making Pokémon fight in battles, but she loves reading and has devoured many books."
There's something really suspicious about the Aether Foundation... I think they might me the villains!
Also, nice try Cutiefly evolution, I see you!
"The foundation's goal is to care for Pokémon that have been hurt" part of me dares to dream that N will be there. As for UB-01, turns out even that has alchemic origins
@AlexSora89 "Let's get weird", words to live by. Also, how did you get that line through the sentence.
@PlanetaryNebulae Who knows, maybe IT'S controlling her. Moreover, maybe Type: Null was a prototype countermeasure to these 'ultra-beasts'.
I wanna cosplay Aether Foundation so bad. They all so sexy.
And Jangmo-o gonna turn into a Dragon/Fighting? Boi...
I'm so glad that they're returning to having different Pokemon appear at different times of day. It was so fun in 2nd and 4th gens seeing more bugs in the morning, and more nocturnal pokemon at night. Plus it helps give the game more depth and makes it more immersive.
@Ed_Fairway Maybe! Type: Null almost seems like the Mewtwo of Arceus. It even has a mask to help it control its powers!
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy I'm 100% with you about Aether. And then we will find out that Team Skull either works for them so it's just to advertise Aether as good OR Team Skull is just a good team but with a misunderstanding.(A little like Kanji in Persona 4)
So much new stuff, so much great world art.
It really looks like everyone is in for a treat with this one.
Yeah, can't say I totally trust Aether either, though they seem to be one of those that at least some of the people working for them have actually good (re: not crazy) intentions.
I'm actually not too thrilled about the time differences though. Like, day and night encounters I'm sorta neutral about, but the 12 hour thing...that's a tiny damper on me playing Moon (which I will probably be) because I play more at night and in the afternoon and actually like nighttime. :
@PlanetaryNebulae Kinda reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus.
@ChibiNinja I quite like the concept of 12 hour difference. Might mess with the ol' biological clock for some, but that's overprotective parents to decide. As for me, I'll probably make it so my character is a hikkikomori so they only move around at night, make their friendship with Hau all the more heartwarming.
I welcome the day/night cycle and the different pokemon that show up depending on the time. The time difference in Moon won't bother me too much. I'm accustomed to screwing with the clock on the system when it comes to day/night cycles and even the different seasons in Black and White.
I'm gonna go ahead and call it... Lusamine is the Pokemon champion.
@Meowpheel I see what you did there Game Freak
IMO, they completely blew Alola Raticate's design. Type: Null and Jangmo-o at least look awesome. The concept of Ultra Beasts also looks intriguing.
I'm also with others where it appears that there may be more to the Aether Foundation than meets the eye....
I'd imagine beast UB-40 will be singing reggea songs.
Square bracket, del, closed square bracket, sentence, square bracket, slash, del, closed square bracket. Have fun!
Or not.Lillie, the Aether Foundation, and UB-01 are definitely connected somehow.
The time shifting is an incredibly stupid idea. I was going to get Moon, but now feel I'm being forced to get Sun because I don't want to be in the dark all the time.
Basically unless you work nights and are accustomed to being asleep during the day you want Sun.
Nice to see a programming joke in Pokemon. Loving how they are shaking things up though. The 12 hour thing will be odd at first but sure I'll get used to it. Can't wait to find out what these uber beasts are.
The Zygarde cube isn't a cube. -_-
i wanted to play moon, but now i'm not so keen. if it's bright and busy outside, i would rather see daylight in my game. if i'm playing at 2am, i want nighttime!
Thanks for keeping the new Pokémon out of the thumbnails!
Honestly, I hate that the games are twelve hours apart. It was bad enough having to deal with the out of place seasons in Black and White. I'll probably be getting Sun for this reason alone. Couldn't it at least be optional?
Also, Type: Null looks really cool! I don't mind being spoiled a little.
I bet Lusamine is Lillie's sister. Lol
Lillie, Lusamine, and Gladion have the same hair and eye colors.
They're closely related.
Also, Gladion's battle theme in the Japanese trailer shares strains with the Foundation's theme that was also showed off in said trailer.
You could just mess with the clock on your 3DS settings if you wanted to though. That's what I used to do with Diamond on the DS all the time. Don't care as much now though.
Is it wrong that I want the Aether Foundation to be a front for a criminal organization?
I don't think Null is going to be common. I think this might be their attempt to make a Normal Legendary pokemon. And he'll be like the Heatran of the game.
Alright, was hating on Alolan Raticate but if it gets different stats than the original I'm going to be ok with it. I'm hoping that Alolan forms get different stats. Also does anyone else find it interesting that
Sun legendary = weakness to fire
Moon legendary = weakness to dark
so the ultra beasts are essentially SCP's
This just sounds better and better, can't wait.
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy well if it helps faba looks like the villian from cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 if it helps with more proof that they are villians lol.
Time Shift in Pokemon Sun and Moon...
If we change 3DS clock 12 hours for Moon version, we got Sun version time.
Also, the 12 hours switch bugs me a bit. I have chosen Moon version and seeing the in game time not matching my actual local time may feel weird...
@KTT Well I'm sure it won't bother those night time gamers with their caffeinated beverages, can't even tell day and night anymore.
Type: Null... That is the dumbest name ever. What's with the hyphens, colins and dashes going into all the names this generation?
Youngster Joey is drooling over the Alolan Rattata/Raticate.
Calling it right now, there are two options for the bad guys:
1. Team Aether is the bad guys and Skull is misinterpreted/misunderstood, either deliberately or unintentionally
2. Team Aether is good in one game, and bad in the other, and vice versa for Skull. Kind of like a Ruby/Sapphire deal.
There has to be. We are shown the boss, her underling bosses, and even a generic male and female grunt! "Employee" my ass, those are the grunts. The final part of the game will be invading their artificial island and they use all the Pokemon they are "helping" on the island against you.
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