Pokémon Sun and Moon now have their latest trailer full of reveals, and it's a goodie. It packs a lot into a short video, and even includes a few surprising revelations that not many (outside of coming across leaks) would have predicted.
If you want to see it all for yourself, check out the trailer below.
The revelation that Sun and Moon take place 12 hours apart is an interesting, with different encounters and tweaked events expected; will this tempt more players to buy both?
Beyond that the Poké Finder is a charming allusion to the iconic Pokémon Snap, while we also get a good look at allies in the form of the Aether Foundation. The reference to Zygarde Cells and Cores is bound to get plenty of chatter going around lore, while Ultra Beasts are another new addition along with fresh Pocket Monsters.
So, what do you think of this new trailer and its reveals? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 81
Type:Null ey? That's pretty weird
It will be interesting to see how the time period works? Like will I be able to play Sun at 8 o'clock at night? And what are Ultra beasts?
I like the new Raticate, but since it's not an evolution or a mega evolution, it will probably be about as useful in multiplayer as a regular Raticate, which is not very much. As someone who would like for all Pokemon to be equally usable online against other players, this saddens me.
Also, Snap features in main games, yay.
The Type: Null thing reminds me of how I nickname my Reuniclus, Code:LILITH Sounds like a result of some experiment.
Tell you the truth this game doesn't really seem as interesting as X and Y was. I haven't really felt any temptation to buy it.
Pokemon Snap 2 confirmed!
Type: Null
Poké Finder looks like the Pokémon version of Instagram.
This is looking pretty amazing to me!
I'm very excited!!!! New Mon's look awesome, and enjoy the time difference idea.
Aether's actually going to end up begin the villains, calling it.
Team Skull will later turn good and help fight them.
@Ninten-san Nah, it seems like the Pokémon version of... Pokémon Snap.
Anyways, I'm really liking all this new stuff. November can't come soon enough!
The only thought I have right now: "How can these be anything but the greatest Pokémon games yet?"
Sooooooo very excited
@SM4SHshorts What happened up there?
Not 100% sure that "Type: Null" wasn't a translation error?
@headfirstslide There were some server errors some minutes ago. It must've been that. Or maybe he just went on a crazy comment spree, who knows.
So what the heck is an "ultra-beast"? And Type: Null? Sounds like a code name more than a Pokemon name, but maybe that's what they were going for.
@Freeon-Leon @headfirstslide The former! Gee, how inconvenient!
So far so good. They cannot disappoint me more then Bruxish and Drampa so i like all the other designs so far. Pokemon snap feature looks cool and i still wonder about the whole Zygarde stuff. It seems like its still very much linked to X & Y.
Can't help but think that Type: Null and UB-01 are just code names that are used in the game until they are caught and can be fully identified... kind of like the Zygarde in the anime being referred to as Z1 and Z2... and it does make sense when you consider that legendaries are supposed to be mysterious creatures that they know next to nothing about until you catch them.
As for the time thing... I doubt they will be fixed as day/night... there should be some sort of day/night cycle, and it will probably just be that each has events that will only trigger in one period or the other, and the game will probably have either an accelerated cycle, or a way to skip time as a result (so that children don't have to play at night).
The importance they're putting into the daily cycle also sounds promising for Pokemon spawns as well, as it looks like time based spawns may be making a return (last seen in HGSS).
From the Pokémon Sun and Moon website:
A thorough analysis of the secrets of the two different worlds of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon!
Some of the Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are different. What's more, there’s a difference in the way time is set in the two games.
Except for a few scenes, time in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon is tied to the actual time. Pokémon Sun operates on the same time as your Nintendo 3DS system, but time in the world of Pokémon Moon is shifted by 12 hours.
Some of the Pokémon that appear in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon are different—including Solgaleo and Lunala, which hold the key to the story. It seems that some of the Pokémon that appear as Totem Pokémon in the trials are also different.
If you're playing Moon at 8:00 AM, it will be 8:00PM in game.
I really don't like the time shift in moon. I am nocturnal and plan on buying moon. I will time jump the game because I want to play the game at night in night.....
The Pokémon's name is "Type: Null"?
Maybe it's an oversight by the editor of the trailer, 'coz that don't look right. Digging Faticate's sexy cheeks. It's like the developers have tailor made these new Pokémon to be lampooned.
I hope the Ultra Beasts count as Pokémon and aren't just generic non-Pokémon based enemies (similar to the "movie" Pokémon in Gen V).
@Tsurii Oh, don't be like that to X and Y, at least those two weren't pearl and diamond xD
so... remember the "suspicious" lady that works for professor kukui? lillie or something?
Her clothes make her looks like like she's from aether foundation. Maybe Lusamine's little sister hmm.
Or maybe UB-01.
the aether foundation look like top tier bad guy material ._.
I don't think they could possibly add anything else to the game to get me more excited than I already am! Hurry up and get here November!
Curious question:What if we are cheating the time from our 3DS ?
Will it affect or will the game know if we're manipulating the time ?
@MysteryAozz Snap came to mind for me as well seeing those photo taking options. If we don't ever get a Snap 2, I would be satisfied with the concept in an actual main game.
Okay, I'm definitely hyped! Type: Null looks like it's supposed to be a failed experiment of some kind, so the name actually makes sense.
As mentioned above, the Aether Foundation is definitely the real bad guys of the game. They probably use the excuse of "protecting" Pokemon from Team Skull while in actuality they're experimenting on them. They'll probably use the legendaries' power to help create Ultra Beasts. Guzma probably makes amends and helps you and Kukui help defeat the Aether Foundation.
Oh, and UB-01 is Lillie.
Is it just me or is Gladion the Pokemon version of Ghirahim? That pose is too similar...
Also, UB-01 is Lilith from Fire Emblem : Fates. The similarities are real with this game.
@Xaessya I have to disagree. While okay games, they really lacked in the depth as far as replayability. Absolutely no worthy after game content. I'll typically play the last gens games up until the new one comes along. X and Y are just about done and I will only return to it to transfer Pokemon come November.
@IceClimbers Thanks for that major analysis. I'm glad you've already played the game.
@Seacliff Yeah, or maybe they're the main antagonists in Pokemon Moon.
I gotta say at sat for a minute rereading Type: Null thinking "What kind of type is this?", only to see it was the actual name and the type was actually normal.
Yes, but you weren't able to like photos and make comments on them in that game.
@Xaessya ....but it probably won't let you down as much.
I advice to take a look at the Japanese trailer as well. I watched it first and it shows more gameplay, has different music and it's 2 minutes longer.
Also, to those who think Type: Null was some kind of error, the Japanese name seems to be the same (at least it has two words with ":" between them).
Looking good!, love the little Pokemon Snap addition, not sure if it adds anything significant to the game, have to wait and see. Playing through ORAS right now, and actually liking it much more than XY, much faster paced, and the Dexnav pokefinder feature is awesome.
I wasn't super hyped when they announced this game, but it's growing quickly.
Type Null looks really interesting like it was another man made pokemon. You can see it has Arceus's neck. Skarmorys claws. Homedges ribbon on its head and Samurotts tail. I am loving this dark twist to all these new pokemon
If the snap mode is anything like Pokemon Snap, then considered me insanely hyped.
Type: Null is not a translation error.
I have a little theory. Reading Pokemon's page for Type: Null, it is a chimera Pokemon made by man to battle against certain mythological Pokemon. And looking at its design, I'd wager that it was man's attempt at creating Arceus. The ring around the helmet's base looks a lot like the rings on Arceus' waist.
My guess is that we'll get more Type:s - one for each type. Maybe you'll give it an item to change its type, maybe you'll be able to actually make one of your own somehow.
But the alchemical theme in this game is becoming a lot more apparent. And I'm hype as hell for that.
Sina and Dexio are back! <3
Also, the Aether Foundation gives me the creeps. They're too nice, like TOO nice. Like, ulterior motive nice. Almost like it's all a cover-up for possible genetic experiments on Pokemon...
Wow! 😮
I feel like Type:Null is a man-made chimera, named by someone with bad naming sense (like the ghosts in LM:DM). Maybe it gets a special item that turns it into an actual Null/??? type, would be pretty cool.
I have this gut feeling that the suspicious Team Aether has something to do with the Ultra Beasts , maybe a failed experiment combining humans with Pokemon. But hey, it's just a crazy theory...
There's also the Japanese version of the trailer here!
On top of that, there's a newly released 2nd episode of the Train On series for Sun and Moon! With some additional details about the game's trading!
There's also the Japanese version of the trailer here!
On top of that, there's a newly released 2nd episode of the Train On series for Sun and Moon! With some additional details about the game's trading!
@Seacliff I agree. I got the same vibe.
@Xaessya I think you're very much in the minority. X and Y were the most disappointing games to me.
Those are some straaaaaaange names. It took me a while to twig that Type:Null was its name and not a special typing. And UB-01? Hmmmm. There must be something that sets these apart.
Otherwise I really like the Hawaiian extensions to the names. Gives these Pokémon a real sense of place.
Ugh, Raticate. A constant nuisance to fight and not even good in battle, just awful all around. They should give it the sturdy ability just to go over the top with its irritating terribleness. That part of the trailer alone pushed me towards Sun version.
Wait a minute, did Sina and Dexio (aka the ones that give you the Zygarde Cube) get hit by the puberty train since we last saw them in XY, or were they always like that?
Really looks like they're giving the series a much needed injection of new systems and mechanics.
Dang, I was hyped for a cool Alolan Raticate but not caring for the design a ton which is a bummer because Alolan Rattata looks great. Was also dreaming of it losing normal typing because that 4x fighting weakness is rough. Oh well, probably still will try and use it because I used to love Raticate. Super excited for these games. Was planning on getting Sun but after the trailer thinking about getting Moon.
I might end up buying both versions in the end. I have Sun on perorder, and I'll probably try to get Moon on a sale some time later.
Glad to see they're trying to give the series some new life. I found the games were getting really stale.
Okay, so Type: Null is confirmed to be its name… (the name is identical in the Japanese version)
Looks better and better
I guess I'm in the minority. I allowed myself to love X and Y, I thought they were brilliant I'm re-playing through X right now.
A great futur for this game!!!
@7yL3r8 Yeah, and is it me or is Type: Null giving off a shadow of the colossus vibe?
Ultra beasts- I don't like this idea, sounds too much like Yu-Gi-Oh
Zygarde Cubes- I like collectathons
Alolan Ratticate- What have they done to you?!
@Tsurii I can kinda vouch for that; X and Y had alot of potential, but they only scratched the surface, the legendaries were just there. What's more, the team was just generic, I'd find it more believable if they were more social darwinists or wanted to gain immortality, but nope, destroy everyone who can't afford to be in their club.
Plus it came after Black and White, so obviously expectations were high for plot.
Wow, look how choppy the framerate is in camera mode!
I hope this game has better writing and single-player gameplay than X and Y. Also, it'd be nice if they introduced a hard mode for people who don't want to cruise through the entire game.
Visually, this does seem to be a significant step up from the previous games, though. I love the little touches, like being able to see a trainer behind his or her Pokemon.
I was planning on getting Moon, but shifting the time off from real world time seems kind of... annoying. I might just go for Sun instead.
<Player gets handed a tetradecahedron>
"You obtained the Zygarde Cube!"
...Damn it, Nintendo.
Pokemon Z confirmed
I'm gonna try and say this without coming off as bootyhurt, but it's really weird that some people act like Pokemon company aren't aware of their own decisions. I agree that Type:Null is a strange name but, like, don't you think there's a reason? And UB-01 sounds strange too, but how is it not obvious that it stands for ULTRA BEAST #1. And Bruxish is ugly on purpose too! TT-TT shout out to the homie Bruxish. That fish don't get enough love.
Anyway, the hype is real. I'm super excited for this. Totally getting Moon! Might not even change my 3DS clock so it's day time during the day.
I would disagree with the article in this regard...Zygarde is actually the last thing that will get people talking on this curious list of info. That said, I am glad that they're making up for lost time to delve more into Zygarde's anime lore of being a hive-mind Pokemon. To be honest I wish they had done a lot more with the concept.
No, as the comments section has already very well demonstrated, the game theories here are with the Aether Foundation, Type: Null, and the Ultra Beasts. Depending on where the development team decides to go with this, it could potentially take a pretty dark turn story-wise pretty fast...personally I would like a depth or change story-wise with the "team ____ is stealing pokemon, stop their plot," but a darker plot might be more controversial.
...or if you really want to sell both games, pull a FE: Fates and unveil the darker storyline in Pokemon Moon with some nefarious secret Aether is hiding, while fending off a pirate-themed plan of Team Skull in Pokemon Sun. You could easily spin the storyline where you miss the key story cues to stop each team due to the 12 hr time lapse.
@Piersen On the bright side, Raticate now has STAB Crunch and a Psychic immunity while keeping its Normal STAB and Ghost immunity. On the downside, it gains weaknesses to Bug and Fairy and now has a 4x weakness to Fighting.
@Mad_Haus So Type: Null was named by Clemont, was it?
That time stuff seems weird. Other than that, I'm all excited for it.
Type: Null is an interesting name and one that makes sense (from a programming background). This Pokemon looks like a mix of about everything, sort of like Pokémon's own version of Kimeramon. The new Dragon type is also pretty interesting.
Alola Raticate is a little disappointing, though. I was hoping for it to vaguely resemble a mob boss, not an overfed rat.
The twelve hour difference is interesting as well, and may affect which game I get since I commonly play at night.
Pokemon Moon is permanently at night?
That's a pretty big turn off. I don't want to play the game if it's always at night.
Edit: I read someone suggest that it's actually that Moon is always +12 hours over the normal time cycle, and Sun is the default.
@DarkKirby It's not always at night. The game's day/night cycle is offset by 12 hours, so if you're playing at 3am it'll be 3pm in the game.
How anyone can think that UB-01 is anything but Lillie is beyond me. Also, I guess it's my own fault for looking at these videos, but I kinda wish they didn't make it so obvious. I'm hoping that they're playing with our expectations here.
Also, we finally have boss-like Pokémon with these Ultra Beast thingies. Not sure if they're Pokémon, even, and as such they might not even be catchable. The series has needed some serious boss battles for a while now. And Type: Null reminded me of the chimeras in Mother 3, only Pokémonized.
I don't get the type: null thing. Yay Pokemon Snap!
@MarcelRguez I was going to ask what makes it obvious. But looking at UB-O1 and Lillie side by side, the argument can certainly be made that both are one in the same. Interesting concept if that is the case
@UmbreonsPapa Check their descriptions too. As we say in Spanish, blanco y en botella.
Everything but the time swap looks great. I mean, I know it's SUN and MOON but... That's weird.
Wow,I've got to say this game is changing a lot of standard Pokemon conventions.Can't wait I already have it pre-ordered.
Wow, they're really adding in loads of new stuff to these Pokemon games. I'm impressed!
Did you see this @rjejr? Pokémon Snap, destined to be the perfect Pokémon spinoff game for showcasing a great use of the GamePad and Wii U, fully realized with it's sharp graphics has now instead become an extra feature of Pokémon Sun and Moon on the 3DS.
Let's just launch this NX already, it's getting painful to be a home console preferring Nintendo fan.
@aaronsullivan "it's getting painful to be a home console preferring Nintendo fan."
Yeah, not like the Gamepad would have been perfect for Snap or anything. But my kids are really into Pokemon, and I'm not, so I'm just happy for them, this looks like a great game and they'll get their money's worth out of it.
And we still have the Sticker Star port to look forward too. That comment was obnoxious for no reason, it's likely Day 1, I've never played Sticker Star, so it's new to me. And I dont sweat other peopele not liking it, when Starfox Adventures is you favorite SF game and Sonic Adventures is your favorite Sonic game you tend not to care what other people think. In fact those are the only 2 games in those series I really even like. And I'll take TTYD over any 2D Mario. Not 3D though, those are great.
ah, I'm off topic again arne't I? Kids start school tomorrow, bus stops at 6:50 and 7:20, so I'm going to bed.
@Jayronauron Not a bad idea
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