A while ago we spoke to Jason Lindsey, who's well known on YouTube as MetalJesusRocks, about a remarkable discovery for his collection. He picked up a North America Nintendo 64DD, which was seemingly the first of its kind. The 'Lot Check' sticker suggested it was used to test games at Nintendo of America, though he was seeking expert help to boot it up and also discover the contents of a blue dev disk that he also picked up with the unit.

He's now shared that status update, in which he talks over his progress in recent weeks booting up the system, and also taking a copy of its firmware in the name of preservation. He also uncovers what was on the blue disk - he had help from the Hard 4 Games channel and knowledgable enthusiasts online.

Though there's nothing earth-shattering so far in his discoveries, it is worth noting that it's progress on testing a unique piece of hardware - check it out below.

It'll be interesting to see if any more blue disk owners answer the call to action at the end of this video - who knows what gems will be discovered?

[source youtube.com, via 64dd.org]