With The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild coming to both Wii U and NX in 2017, many are watching closely to see if the title leads to any inadvertent NX details or leaks ahead of time.
So what's got parts of the web buzzing today? Well, the eager gamers over on the NX subreddit found what seems to be an accidental posting of a release date for the Link (Archer) figure, with users identifying the date throughout Nintendo of Europe's sites - the date given is 4th March 2017. Below is a cropped version of one of the clearer images of this.

Naturally, the buzz is that a date for the amiibo could be a release date (or close) for the game itself, and by extension is leading to assumptions (not unreasonable) that the title could be a launch release for Nintendo's new hardware, the NX. From that perspective, it is exciting.
There are some provisos, however, to keep hype at sensible levels. For starters, 4th March 2017 is a Saturday, which seems very unlikely. Its also been noted that 4th March 2016 was the release date for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and its Wolf Link amiibo; the implication is that someone was doing some work on Nintendo's site and partially copied a date as part of a test, inadvertently putting it live for a period. That does seem like a strong possibility.
Even if this is all a mistake from someone at Nintendo of Europe making a simple human error, it's nevertheless boosted hope that this game (and by extension NX) are still on track. Nintendo's most recent statements in its Q1 financial reports reiterated a March 2017 release for NX, and logic (along with some speculation) suggests an announcement should come in the next month.
In any case, take what you will from this apparent leak. At the very least, it reminds us that there's a lot to get excited about in the coming weeks and months.
With thanks to Spoony_Tech for the heads up.
[source reddit.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 92
Well, if not the NX at least it is pretty certain we will all be playing "Breath of the Wild" on Wii U March 4th, 2017.
I'm going all in. Simultaneous worldwide launch of NX on March 4th, 2017. Japan got both the Wii U and 3DS on a Saturday so if there was to be a worldwide launch, I imagine it would fall on a Saturday.
Hadn't considered the Twilight Princess HD release date being exactly a year before however and there are no other undated amiibo to compare it to.
To my knowledge Nintendo hasn't said Zelda will release day one on NX so even if it's true that doesn't mean NX will release that day.
Anyone can just set a release date, but it doesen't mean its official date.
@Shiryu Not quite, Falco and Star Fox Zero were 5 months apart due to Star Fox Zero delays.
@Spoony_Tech Nintendo UK tweet from April 27th, 2016:
"The new Legend of #Zelda will be the focus of #E3 2016. It will launch simultaneously on both Wii U and NX in 2017"
@Grumblevolcano Falco was for Smash Bros. though.
Time to start putting some money back each week and get on the NX hype train.
@jimmyduckegg But the release schedule was solely for Star Fox Zero otherwise Falco would've been released before Mewtwo.
@Spoony_Tech Good job, we haven't had any NX rumour articles to post on in days, my friends and I were getting restless.
@Grumblevolcano Erm... !? Wasn't Falco released as "Smash Bros" amiibo first? I think it was.
@jimmyduckegg That doesn't mean it will be a launch title.
@Grumblevolcano They probably figured it would market better alongside Star Fox Zero, but the amiibo was primarily for Super Smash Bros. otherwise they probably would have delayed that too.
These are Breath of the Wild amiibo first and foremost, whereas Falco shipped in a Smash Bros. styled boxed but also worked with SFZ.
Think about it, when has any amiibo launched with 0 game uses available day 1?
@jimmyduckegg Thanks for that info. I didn't know anyone made it official.
Why is archer Link coming out before Cloud, Corrin and Bayonetta? Did Nintneod forget all about those 3?
I really hope Nintendo does the right thing and gives Wii U owners Zelda Wild months before NX purchasers. Doen't seem right people can buy NX and play Zelda day 1, but people who bought Wii U in 2014 for it's supposed 2015 Zelda release had to wait 2 years and thru 2 delays, 2015>2016, 2016>2017.
@Captain_Gonru just because
@MarcelRguez Correct, but Nintendo confirmed Wii U and NX versions coming simultaneously (at the same time). So if Wii U Breath of the Wild comes March 4th, NX version comes March 4th too, and well... we need the console to play that NX version too. Unless NX launches March 1st-3rd, I don't see how it isn't a Day 1 title.
@rjejr Nintendo UK already confirmed Wii U and NX versions of Breath of the Wild would launch at the same time. I linked to their tweet above.
Frankly the whole video games industry has been disappointments, delays, and disasters this year. The fact we all go crazy over a possible release date of a plastic figure 5 months away which is likely a publishing error pretty much underlines this.
@MrGawain That with your profile pic made my day XD
@Shiryu "pretty certain"
That might be a bit of s stretch, I think at least 3 games at TGS w/ release dates in the next few months have been delayed until 2017. And FFXV about a month back after Squenix spent 90 minutes announcing the release date. I won't believe Zelda hits the street on a given date until it's on store shelves. Or at least in the back room.
@jimmyduckegg Because, as @Grumblevolcano already mentioned, the date for the amiibo doesn't necessarily confirm a release date for either the NX or Breath of the Wild. It's just a date.
I'm not saying it wouldn't make sense, it would. I'm just saying is not confirmed in any way.
@jimmyduckegg It wouldn't be 0 game uses though. You know for certain that the BotW amiibo would have the typical Smash/Super Mario Maker/Hyrule Warriors/Hyrule Warriors Legends/etc. usage that the Smash, 8 bit and OoT Link amiibo does. As for the Guardian, give Super Mario Maker a Guardian amiibo costume. Simple!
@jimmyduckegg You linked to a tweet, oh therefore it must be true ha ha ha h aha
NoA tweet of Wii U release dates, HALF of which for 2015 were wrong.
Read it in a tweet, oh that's just wonderful. Half the games due out in 2016 w/ solid release dates have been postponed until 2017, a release date means nothing, a tweet means even less.
I'm sorry, no offense, but truly, don't believe everything you read on twitter. Square Enix had a live 90 minute presentation just to give the release date for FFXV, and they still delayed it 2 months.
So is this literally true, or it's just a leak/rumor?
@NintendoEan Someone probably copied and pasted the date from the Wolf Link amiibo but changed the year to use it as a placeholder. However the information is still on Nintendo's website.
@rjejr You forgot to mention about Project Giant Robot being MIA.
@rjejr I too should not build up any sort of expectations because I have been playing this game for a very long time and am well aware of the pain of disappointment. Yet, I beleive that considering the development time of "Breath of the Wild", I believe they will indeed release it during the first quarter of 2017. Call it a gut feeling, let's see if I'm right.
@jimmyduckegg Wait so then it's been confirmed by Nintendo that the Wolf Link Amibo is coming out March 4th 2017?
@rjejr I'm going off the most recent information we have regarding the launch plans of Breath of the Wild.
I'm not denying your point: plans change, games get delayed. I get it, I've experienced it time and time again from Nintendo (not mentioning different companies, they're not relevant to this discussion).
I stand by the notion that the Breath of the Wild amiibo will not release before the Breath of the Wild game itself.
The March 4th, 2017 date is probably a placeholder copy/pasted from the Twilight Princess HD Wolf Link amiibo release date as the article suggests.
I don't get why you're ragging on me for using a Tweet, it isn't some random fan account, this is official PR from the company, and just for verification, NoA and NCL (Japan) all posted it too. Just because the media doesn't suit you, doesn't make it less credible.
Nintendo of America:
Nintendo Co., Ltd.:
@rjejr Just because one tweet ended up being false in the end, it doesn't mean this one will too. Also, I suspect that NoA also made tweets announcing the delays of said titles, meaning that they also made correct tweets.
Delays happen, so of course the corresponding tweets would be incorrect. On the other hand though, I see no reason for the tweet regarding the simultaneous release of BotW To end up being a lie.
@NintendoEan The Wolf Link amiibo was released alongside Twilight Princess HD earlier this year.
Slightly off topic: do you guys think the NX reveal will be after the release of Paper Mario: Color Splash on October 7th as it's the final 1st party game made by Nintendo exclusive for the Wii U?
@Oubie Personally, yes.
@rjejr #justtellus
Feb 21st is a Tuesday and the anniversary of the original Zelda. Maybe we'll be getting the game even earlier!!!
What's there to be excited about? It just probably means NX is still on track for next March. We're still left with a dearth of information about NX. It is even possible that the amiibo come out in time for the Wii U version of BOTW, while the NX version follows much later. This is what happens when we're so desperate for even the smallest morsel of NX news.
They have two weeks. Two weeks until then end od September and my personal curfew for Nintendo to reveal the NX. Any time after September can only mean one of two things to me: Either Nintendo have learned NOTHING from their recent mistakes and they think revealing a system that will be out in less than six months is goid business practice. Or the harder to swallow but unfortunately more realistic option, the system will be delayed. My money is on the latter.
@jimmyduckegg I'm sorry I meant the Link amibo. So, this is all rumored, right?
"Half the dates were wrong"
Perhaps, but half of them were also right too.
Which means any release date, regardless of whether it may get changed, still holds a lot of weight. Even at 50/50 that's a very strong possibility of it happening.
@NintendoEan Rumor isn't how I'd put it, it's either a leak or a mistake. Either way it is not confirmed and I think that's the answer you're after here.
The Breath of the Wild Link Archer, Link Rider and Guardian amiibo do not have a fixed release date yet.
The four Zelda series amiibo we saw in the latest Nintendo Direct are releasing on December 2nd, 2016 - these are the three Links (original NES title, Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker) and Zelda (Wind Waker) amiibo.
They need to tell us more about the NX before the PS4 pro releases. The price and full specs etc may lead to me cancelling my pro pre-order. I can't be the only person with this dilemma and Nintendo really need to steal a little of Sony's thunder and holiday console sales.
Keep in mind that those amiibo pages were riddled with errors in the past. I wouldn't put much stock in that date, and wouldn't consider it an announced release date.
It's not a solid date yet despite the month being assured
@JaxonH Your bosses must love you at work. "Yes, I know I burned down half the building, but the other half is still standing." If they are only going to get it half right, just post that half. Though after TGS, I don't think there will ever be a game not delayed ever again, you following all of that? And you know what, that's fine, if every game gets delayed, well that's the way the industry is. But if it's like that, people believing the first date are still going to annoy me more than the companies being wrong.
jk about the building
@Sir_JBizzle At first I was insulted seeing a by my #justellus but then I saw your name and figured it out. You can stop reading now, you've seen all the rest before.
@BlatantlyHeroic touche', well done sir. I like a clever chap. And if you keep reading you'll see my 1 main reason for Wii U and NX to get the game at different times.
@jimmyduckegg I'm not ragging on you for using Twitter, that's the correspondence method du jour, but for taking something being said 1 time as true. I think you replied to several comments based on 1 twitter post. I'd rather you post 1 reply based on several twitter posts. Not sure that came across right, but I tried.
@Shiryu Does your gut happen to know if that's on NX, Wii U or both? B/c my gut likes Zelda Wild in March, but it likes NX and Zelda NX in August.
What my gut really wants though is Cloud and Bayonetta amiibo, but I have no idea when we'll get them. I have it narrowed down between "tomorrow" and "never". We know more about NX than those amiibo, and that's saying something.
@Grumblevolcano I didn't forget, I knew you would do it for me.
Just more rumours and ppl trying to figure something out about the nx, because Nintendo sure doesn't want to tell us anything
Seriously Nintendo, reveal the NX already -_-
@rjejr Wii U, 100% positive.
@Marshi With the shortening of console life spans, the amount of time between reveal and release is also shortening.
"Yes, I know I burned down half the building, but the other half is still standing"
Rofl lol lol
That was good stuff lol. I understand your pov from a "I hate inaccurate dates" perspective. But that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that it's illogical to completely write off any release date just because some have been delayed or wrong. Even if just 10% were correct, that still means that any date given holds 10% weight to it. That's 10% more than disregarding it completely.
And we're talking over half of them right. Which means any date given has at least 50% weight to it. No, it's not 100%, but it's not 0% either. And anything above 0% has weight to it and therefore should not logically be dismissed outright as if it has no value or worth whatsoever
Disclaimer: this statement does not apply to PS4. Release dates on PS4 are officially deemed 100% worthless
Just judging by that picture, that amiibo isn't that great looking.
@JaxonH Your disclaimer was as funny as my building joke.
And I do think I've moved on a bit, but yes, I do expect everything to be delayed these days, and I'm surprised PM:CS is coming out on time, so you are right about that.
But really, what bothers me more these days is people who still think every game w/ a release date is releasing on that date, like they are completely oblivious to this entire gen, which is fine, ignorance is bliss, but then they try to tell other people that they are right b/c they read it once somewhere. I get it, we need dates, adn until they are changed that is all we have to go by, but people shouldn't spend so much effort trying to convince other people that every release date is etch in stone, b/c half aren't.
I recall years ago having similar conversations w/ people about pre-orders. "I pre-ordered a game, of course I'll get a copy that date. Thats what pre-orders are for, so they know how many to make." But game after game you read about people going to pick up pre-orders at Gametsop or wheverever and they arne't there. Smae fr special ed type stuff in GAME. How manyissues have they had recentlythat weve read abut on here?
I get pre-orders, it's the best way to do things, but people shouldnt be so absolute about things that aren't absolute.
You and your merry band of amiibo hunters have any inside info on Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin? Thoughts on the wait? I think they are saving them for the NX reveal to promote SSB:NX Complete ed, but that's just me, I have a lot of crazy ideas, you might have noticed.
@Moon i agree with you on that
I, for one, am happy to wait a few more months for the reveal of NX. Could you imagine how devastating it would be to Nintendo if they released the concept now only to have Sony or Microsoft "copy" the idea and beat them to market or at least create product mock-ups featuring similar or better features? It wouldn't be good for business to reveal it too soon.
When are we going to hear about the details of the NX? Come on nintendo!
@Captain_Gonru My wife and I just had that same conversation just after midnight. She wants them to announce it do I can shut up and stop talking about it. If we have to wait much longer I'm going to wind up divorced.
Best comments from my wife where comparing the NFL and Nintendo is the NFL wouldn't let itself use the name Superbowl throughout the season and all the announcers would have to constantly say things like "the big game" b/c the NFL would have to sue itself for saying Superbowl until the day of the game. NX is out in 6 months, we don't know what it is or what it's called. Nintendo learning it's lesson from poor Wii U marketing.
I've just woke up & getting ready for work, I had a dream NX was just randomly announced. It was some sort of mask that attached to your face, you could use it to take photos of, well, anything and it would create a game out of them. They didn't announce ANY games, I was thinking ok they'll have a separate reveal for the games... Hopefully. But they showed some creature at the end which I assumed was from Pikmin 4 lol. Sorry if that all sounds crazy, it's 6am and I'm just putting down what I remember.
All this does is confirm what dates my bank account will be emptied for amiibo and hopefully BotW.
i have the wii u IF both versions come out on the same month i'll surely get it for Wii U.
Wow! I have to pre-order the NX...
Rofling at all the people saying this isn't a release date.
This IS the release date. It may get changed, but currently, this is the date. For the amiibo at least.
"Oh they just copied and pasted the TPHD date by mistake" - what a load of codswallop!
@MadAdam81 Agreed, but I do think six months is pretty much the bare minimum for time between reveal and release. Sure, I used to hate console reveals where it would be 2 years before we could buy the damn thing (looking at you Wii U). But at the same time if we hear literally nothing about NX, what it does, what games will be out for it etc, until February for example and Nintendo says "out in 3 weeks!" then that would be a business desision disaster.
And I know the PS4 Pro has been announced 2 month before its release, but that is not a brand new console. Its just an upgrade (and not a very good one imo) over the existing ps4 with all the same functionality thr older model has.
So in short, I really think we need to see the reveal of NX very very soon or it will cause alot of problems for Nintendo.
Rumor says NX reveal could happen between September 20 - September 22.
@MrGawain #18
Your avatar fits the comment perfectly! :'D
Idk, I'd kinda quit caring by now. Smash is old news, so either they quietly canceled that run or like you said, Cloud, Corrin and Bayonetta will be the triple pack for Smash NX, exclusive to GameStop of course, to help push preorders.
I'm just happy they followed through on Roy. But even I haven't preordered any of the newly announced amiibo like Poochy. I saw the new Splatoon amiibo for $3 on Amazon yesterday. 3 bucks. And it hasn't been out that long.
That date is... breathtaking.
I hope the NX is a toothbrush with Streetpass and counts your brushes per day
I'd love to get a reaction video from you on that.
@JaxonH If it was the newly re-skinned green girl inkling now I feel robbed, I paid $3.88 for it on clearance at Target on Thursday. I mostly bought it b/c I felt bad for it, there was her, and about 35 AC amiibo, she seemed so trapped, scared and alone, it was a mercy purchase. Well that, and I'm hoping she works in Spla2oon.
I can imagine Nitneod canceling a lot of things, like the NX for example, selling it to Apple who announce it as "iGame" that runs on iOS and comes bundled w/ SMR, but I can't imagine them canceling a Cloud amiibo, that thing would sell.
@Captain_Gonru delays
There were at least 3 major game delays at TGS this week, and mostly into next year but one later into this year, so that poll doesn't surprise me in the least. I think the industry has reached the point were all games will soon have 2 release dates, "Tentative" and "Final". And no, I'm not joking. Well the words may be different, but you know what I mean. "Planned" and "Permanent"? I know in the corporate minds all release dates are "subject to change" but I think it's time they started being more explicit about that part. There was a time when I would look for games "going gold" but that doesn't seem to be talked about as much anymore, but that may be the time for the "Offiical" release date.
@JaxonH I'd love to get a video of you sitting in your truck after lunch brushing your teeth while looking at yourself in the vanity mirror. They could call it "iBrush".
@MJInnocent Nice dream. I had one a couple of weeks ago where the NX was a baby chick hatching incubator that was Mario red and had pics of Mario and Luigi around the top.
It kind of looked like this, but instead of popcorn it had a few empty hatched eggs and a couple of chicks walking around.
So if I had to pic 1 dream, I'm going w/ yours. Actually yours makes me think of my most anticipated PS4 game Dreams.
Until it is officially posted about the NX and the new Zelda game, no one should really read into the 'could-be-a-rumor' leaks. They can still release the amiibos before the game...for all anyone knows, it could be an update to Super Mario Maker, or they could be releasing a Super Legend Of Zelda Maker game in general. With of how long the new Zelda game has been delayed...and the way that every company seems to be delaying games recently, it wouldn't be a surprise if the Zelda game got another delay and...even if nintendo announces the NX and a launch day...not delay that too. If nintendo was really caring about the NX and if they want it to become a hit, the holiday period would be a good time to announce it (this way people would start saving up for it and it could cause the other console companies to lose money) and...if it does release early March, it would be another perfect time due to income tax returns...I know that would be a great time for me to pick one up!
Also, didn't Twilight Princess come out a week or few days later on the Wii and came out on Gamecube first for a while???
@rjejr it was so weird, and because I'm up at 5.30am it was very confusing, I was trying to reassure myself that they'd announce games, sure, the games must be coming, have to be, they'll just... announce them separately lol.
(Sorry for that)
Sigh... JUST TELL US WHAT NX IS, NINTENDO! And if Zelda is a launch title or not!!
This is beyond ridiculous 17th September and still... absolutely nothing......
@JLPick Other way around. TP hit the Wii first, with GameCube following a week later.
Guess Nintendo wanted to move some Wii consoles.
@Oubie I don't that Color Splash has any effect on the NX. The game will be out nearly 6 months before the NX and the mere announcement of the NX won't sway any people who are already interested. And let's be honest, Color Splash isn't the game that will convince people to buy a Wii U, and therefore would end up being disappointed by a concurrent reveal of the NX around the same time.
@MJInnocent Well that will teach you not to wake up at 5:30 in the morning.
And never underestimate Nintendo's ability to make weird announcements. We knew Zelda was coming out in 2015 for a full year before they delayed it until 2016, and it never got a name. We've known about NX for about 18 months, including some games and it's launch month, but it still doesn't have a name, or a console count. So when Nintneod does announce a new Nintneod Direct - "NX Direct"- all we'll probably get is a name and a couple of screenshots of Zelda.
@Captain_Gonru Legal issues w/ Squenix could make sense. They had to work something out to get him into SSB, and Squenix had to know about the amiibo line, so I don't think that would be the issue w/ merchandising. But maybe Squenix said - well you can use him in SSB this gen, but you can't use him in SSB: NX Complete b/c that is a whole new game on a new system and we only agreed to this gen. So maybe no Cloud in SSB Complete, therefore Nintendo pulled the plug on the amiibo?
But I'm still waiting to see all 3 in the NX reveal. If they aren't there, then we can discuss what happened to them, I just think they're delayed, like I think NX was delayed from holiday until March, and nobody will ever convince me differently, console in March don't make no sense.
@rjejr wow totally forgot that project robot even exists... that game is gonna be for nx i guess
@hieveryone that game is gonna be for nx i guess
Or iOS.
@Captain_Gonru That's more funny, less realistic, and I might believe it if amiibo weren't announced before SSB released which was about a year before Cloud DLC was announced.
NX reveal. Someday. #justtellus
Not sure if you saw it but Jaxon had a funny joke somewhere - NX amiibo 3-pack, Gamestop exclusive. At last I think he was joking.
@rjejr I agree about waiting until NX reveal before suggesting cancellation happened for those 3 amiibo. An NX port for Smash 4 is almost certain so that would be the perfect time to reveal the amiibo unless the reveal isn't until 2017.
@Grumblevolcano "unless the reveal isn't until 2017"
Well lets hope not. My heart, and my marriage, won't last that long. The only question is whether I'd be dead or divorced first.
At some point Nintod must realize the hype they are driving up by remaining silent is starting to turn to bewilderment and ridicule in the press, and that's not good. (Nobody cares about Bots on twitter.)
@rjejr I wake up at 5.10am, get outta bed at half five! Anyway, surely to God, NX reveal, or reveal of NX reveal, is literally any day now... right Nintendo?! What's that you say? Please understand?! Lol it's madness isn't it... all part of the fun!
@MJInnocent Since Iwata has passed on Nintendo should officially change their name to PleaseUnderstand. It looks good, doesn't it.
I just reread your comment. I don't think I've ever waited so long for someone to announce when they were going to reveal the reveal.
@Captain_Gonru iOS FE - I know it's mobile, not iOS, but I am calling them all iOS from now on - could get its own amiibo line. Corrin could unlock 5 hearts once a day for the FE match-3 game.
If NX games don't support amiibo I am going to owe you such a huge apology.
Maybe the Amiibo are releasing separately the day after BotW/NX's launch, but the Amiibo bundled with BotW will come out on day one.
With a little bit of luck, we are playing the new Zelda on 4th March. But I won't hold my breath.
Another proviso: Ninty are acting bloody weirdly at the minute so who the hell knows when anything's coming.
There is also the possibility that the release date will be for another game which the amiibo will have an interactive functionality in, rather than just the supportive functionality they appear to have in BotW.
Wolf Link has an interactive functionality in Twilight Princess, but only supportive functionality in BotW, and the other Zelda amiibo all have interactive functionality in SSB4, and supportive functionality in Twilight Princess... so it would make sense for the new amiibo to follow this same pattern.
@Captain_Gonru Doesn't look like Apple likes NFC very much, which is weird considering all the Apple Pay stuff I keep reading about, though I suppose that is bluetooth, not NFC.
iPhone 6 had it, 7 might, so maybe Apple will use SMR amiibo support as a reason for people to upgrade to the newer iPhones? Maybe NX really will become iGame? I don't like Apple, but no matter the terms of their deal, I'm sure Apple did everything in it's power to pwon Nintnedo, and in apple's eyes they probably can get whatever they want. Including amiibo. I woudln't even be surprised to see Apple get exclusive amiibo functionality, excluding Android.
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