Since its release in May 2015, Splatoon has been a notable success for the Wii U. While the platform has struggled, those that do own the system have embraced Nintendo's colourful third-person shooter in a big way. The cultural impact - especially in Japan - has been significant, with amiibo, merchandise and even live concerts making a splash.
The title's also been notable for its frequent content updates and Splatfest events, with a few that have been rather neat and high-profile collaborations - such as Transformers and SpongeBob Squarepants. The past couple of weeks have served as a final hurrah with new amiibo and a final Splatfest.
That final Splatfest was between Team Marie and Team Callie, and Marie has won the day.
It's the end of an era, somewhat, though we suspect plenty will be playing the game online for some time yet.
Comments 41
I quite enjoyed having an excuse to play "Splatoon" at least once every month. I will miss them. Hope "Spla2" is a NX launch title.
Didn't play it. Decided at 10.30 yesterday morning to give it a go and it was over. The times like before were set up to suit the Japanese. I would have picked Team Marie as well.
@BensonUii Your tears sustain me. Sad little troll! Nobody cares about some fictitious crown except you.
My first Splatfest. And I loved it! Im sad that it is over. I picked Marie.
was so glad i participated until the wii u decided it didn't want to go online again. for once, my team won!!!! nice way to go. i will miss these splatfests. i see no reason why they should stop, but i guess they see a reason at nintendo.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE the splatfest ran for an extended 36 hours from Friday night to Sunday morning. Whilst you might have other reasons for not being able to play in that timeframe, it being skewed to any single country shouldn't be one of them.
I was working Saturday night, but I got to play Friday evening and a bit Saturday morning. Love Splatfest, gonna miss them! I'll still be playing Splatoon though, love it. I was #teamCALLIE, by the way, so boo 😉
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It lasted from Friday morning to yesterday morning - that was more suited to Europe than anywhere else.
Was a good run! Would really have liked to win the final Splatfest in "going out with a bang" kinda fashion but no. I will remember it though, was lots and lots of fun!
Yay, Marie won. I made it to Marie King rank, so Spyke will be happy with all my Super Sea Snails.
@BensonUii +1000 points per win in Turf Wars to be precise.
Spla2n when, Ninty?
@gaga64 48 hours, actually.
@the-madprofessor It was from 10AM Friday until 10AM Sunday. Friday half the day wasted as most of us were in work. Which really left Friday evening and Saturday. And nothing on Sunday unless you got up early and Sunday is the 1 day of the week where most of us have free time. Japan definitely had the advantage, Friday evening until Sunday evening.
I took a break from splatting sometime after the first 5 or so spaltfests, but played in this one. Had a blast and loved the 48 hour window. Thought Marie's comment of "I'm going to miss this" to be oddly sentimental. I think Big N is ready to turn their splatoon efforts to the NX and that would be understandable...but only time will tell. Hooked again? I am.
peeks into room
...Squid Girl still better...
quickly disappears
@Megumi_Sagano Nononono, don't leave us.

The last Splatfest... I was so hyped and yet I forgot about it when finally it was on ;w;
Yes! I voted for Marie.
Bit sad that I lost on the last one, but, eh, stuff happens. I was surprised though when I found out Callie didn't win the popularity vote, especially considering that I had fought multiple times against people on the same team in this splatfest, whereas I've never had to do so in other splatfests that I participated in.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE ok, maybe the extreme ends of the session weren't great timing for you personally, but you still had Friday night and all of Saturday, and there's plenty of people who were up before the end on Sunday. At least Europe had some time Sunday morning - in most of the US that would have ended in the middle of the night.
But I concede that maybe it would have been better to run the 48 hours a little later, so the Friday daytime would be moved into Sunday. But then again, maybe the majority of players are in Japan anyway?
@RainbowGazelle sorry my bad maths
@Megumi_Sagano Luckily you can have both. I unlocked the Squid Girl outfit the day it came out and my Splatoon character has worn at least the hat ever since.
Came back to the game for this splatfest. Managed to play a fair bit on Friday night and it was beautiful. Missed Saturday but I did my best for team Callie. Have to say though, Splatoon has well hooked me in again. It's such a fantastic game. Hope to hear news of a sequel and the return of splatfests soon enough!
I managed too play afew games of the last Splatfes but got spanked tho lol sorry fellow Callie members but congrats too the Marie team for winning but Callie is still the best .
I flipped a coin in picking which side since I like them both. Even though I ended up on the side that lost, I still have fun. I'm sure going to miss our region locked battles.
Even without Splatfest, this game got a lot going on. One day I really have to try ranked battle (own game since launch).
I'm surprised that Team Marie won. I was on Team Marie, and I lost about 70% of my matches. It took forever to reach Queen level. Also, about 60% of my matches was on the Walleye Warehouse (my least favorite out of the stages).
It was fun! I was on team Marie and I am surprised that we won because we were losing a lot of rounds.
I am sad to see Sploon go! But my team won, yay~
BOOO Team Callie for life! But in all seriousness... Splatfests might be going away but online Splatoon is sticking around. People are talking like no more Splatoon. Everything will still be there for a long while!
Another instance where the Popular team got more wins by a smidge. I contributed Marie with lots of wins. I'll sure miss the 3 stage rotation and night skins of stages unless they add it as an option later, but I highly doubt that.
Oh crud... I totally forgot. Too much happening this weekend, dangit!
Oh well, raise your glass for what was an awesome multiplayer experience, and may we still find ways to get our sea snail fix.
I sat out the last couple of Splatfests, and would have sat out this one as well until it was announced it would be the final one. I had to take the day off of what I would have ordinarily been doing on Saturday, but I joined in at about noon and stayed until evening. As a B-rank Marie team member (I thought of choosing Callie, but chose Marie at the last minute because I fell under the spell of her sad looking eyes... 8^) ) I won maybe 1 of 12 rounds at the beginning, but eventually won more than I lost.
It's nice that they are offering more money for winning and another way to get snails in lieu of Splatfest. I agree with those that say it would also be nice to get the night versions of the stages in the rotation somehow.
I kinda think Nintendo saw a drop-off in Splatfest participation. To be brutally honest, I lost interest in them. The gameplay isn't challenging enough and there's no strategy involved. But 'normal' Ranked Mode games will always remain challenging and fun!
Maybe there should be a ranked Splatfest.
Picked Marie even though I don't play the game much, we also get a free Marie pin in miitomo!, can buy a Callie pin as well.
Sweet! Team Marie won!!! Woohoo!!! Marie was always my favorite between her and Callie since day 1. Heh.
The final Splatfest ending in an epic splat-tastic performances from all the players! I'm really going to miss them. Splatfest was the only reason I came back to play Splatoon due to having other games I'm playing that take priority like Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Thanks for all the fun, laughs and excitement Splatfest. We will miss you!!! As always,
"STAY FRESH!!!!!!"
@Shiryu Very true. The end of any big developments and competitions in the game would seem to indicate the development team has moved on to their next project. But like you said, hopefully the success of the game indicates that a sequel is in the works and that it helps to launch the next console generation.
Sad day but good games people, Squid Sisters Forever ~
I missed it.
I came to play on sunday morning and I got greeted with the results. Talk about a let down.
And I've only played 1 or 2 splatfests too.
...Sigh... ...Stupid Japan and their hours...
So sad I couldn't participate. Would still have been proud to be on team Callie. Wish it wasn't the last Splatfest.
Darn it, I forgot it was this weekend, so I missed it!!! At least my home-girl Marie won!
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