The roll-out of Pokémon GO has been a gradual progress, but it's certainly picking up speed. European gamers have had the chance to get in on the act this week, but until now that was limited to a few countries.
It's now been confirmed, however, that 26 more nations in Europe can now download the app legitimately from Google Play and iOS. The full list of countries is below:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Many are still pointing out that the app is yet to reach Asia, in particular Japan. Speaking recently to Reuters, Niantic Chief Executive John Hanke stated that the target is to release in around 200 countries in total, with Japan in line to receive it 'soon' - South Korea is also on the agenda.
In any case, the app is starting to go truly global, and a release in Japan is sure to be a huge event when that comes.
Comments 73
That's why the game's servers just crashed 6000 times over this morning...
Glad for those countries, but I hope people there will be luckier than me... It finally arrived in italy yesterday and I discovered my phone is unable to run it ;w;
Ouch. Ukrainians, Serbians, and Russians left out.
Then again, Ukraine is in a protracted civil war, Putin wants Russian birth rates to rise, and Serbia is Serbia.
are you kidding? France is still not compatible? Damn.
That would explain why it's impossible to get on at all today then
@russellohh Yep! Here in the UK I have been unable to log on for the last hour or so. Considering the difficulties which have already been experienced so far, this feels like way too many countries to add all at once! I wonder why they didn't continue to stagger it, at least just a little? I also wonder what will happen when Japan finally gets back online. Will the servers be able to cope at all?
Sweden! Finally!
@Ooyah yeah it seems Nintendo are more worried about increased revenue and precious statistics than actually getting the thing to be playable or dealing with server problems. They said they were delaying UK rollout to deal with server problems and that doesn't seem to have worked so it seems pretty ridiculous to then continue rolling out which seems to have made the whole of the UK unable to log in.
@Ninten-san I believe you meant to say:
@Peterjr1 That's probably because, to avoid being banned, all someone within the EU visa-free access area needs to do is hop on an airplane or train to Britain or Deutschland then start playing Pokémon Go there.
Then return to their home country, of course.
@Ooyah Japan is 120 million people, of which at least 30 million are old and at least 5 million are shut-ins.
I have more than enough reason to believe that the servers can handle them.
Still no news on Canada?
Can't wait to get a hold of the game. Seeing it released in so many countries gives me hope.
What a bummer... My phone has Android 5.1, but only 1 GB of RAM and thus can't download it
Gen 1 baby! We win!
Doesn't matter how many countries they launch if they can't keep their servers up.
First experience of Pokemon GO: The servers aren't working
@TheWPCTraveler @Ninten-san Trodde alla här skaffat det redan 😕
Seems redundant to list both Greenland Denmark when Greenland's part of Denmark. It's like listing both the United States and Puerto Rico.
@BakaKnight I had the same experience here in Australia.
Got a new phone today though, so I can now (If the servers were up)
@NintendoVideoGa Also, aren't there 196 countries? This dude says he wants to target 200.
That would explain the servers collapsing all of a sudden! Still, I had a good run this morning. Hope they get it back up and running soon!
@yuwarite It should have launched two days ago, though. Maybe your phone isn't compatible with the app (android 4.4 or higher, min. 720x1280 etc.)?
If you go to while logged in with your google account, you should be able to see if any of your devices are compatible or not.
Hoping the server down fixes the 3 step bug! I'd honestly rather have the servers down than deal with that.
@DavidMOrrom It is likely now is not the appropriate time to release an app like this in France after what happened in Nice on Thursday.
I've lost hope of being able to play today. The server strain seems heavy enough that a permanent solution will need to be put in place before things return to normal.
I work a part time job on Saturdays located right on a gym with a couple pokéstops nearby. I was looking forward to test out all my efforts during the week. Alas... maybe next weekend.
@Desrever Australia isn't crashing as much which is a good thing...
@Peterjr1 You could be spot-on, mate. But it is still impossible to log-on... it must be costing them revenue overall? And it must have been predictable that this would happen. Oh well. All we can do is sit and wait.
@Sunset758 Welcome to the club. Get used to that screen. Haha
With all of the money they are making off of this app, Niantic, the Pokemon Company, and Nintendo should invest in better servers. A slower more gradual roll out of the game could have also helped |
<taps foot impatiently>
Next up are the American countries, yeah?
Aaand the servers are down again.
Sweden is not more important than France. That's not what I meant. No country is more important than the other, but Nintendo doesn't think so. We're a very small country, so Nintendo doesn't make much money from us. That's why we missed out on Club Nintendo and many other things. France always get translations of Nintendo games in their language, but only games for young kids get translated to Swedish. It's the same thing in Norway and Denmark. LEGO games get translated to Danish, but that's only because LEGO was made in Denmark.
So, it's very good to hear that Pokémon GO made it to Sweden!
@NintendoVideoGa Ja, men nu har det i alla fall släppts officiellt i Sverige. Det är bra!
Servers are down .
@Ethan_Bricknell Illuminati confirmed?
Yay Cyprus has it
@Ninten-san I was kidding but I get what you mean
How long does it usually take the fix the servers?
This is one of those times that I really wish I had a phone with a data plan. Walking around my town and catching Pokemon while meeting new people doing the same sounds like a ton of fun, despite the potential problems.
@BakaKnight Try installing the apk and see if it works.
I am WP person no one for me, but husband downloaded it and well...crashing. Hahah! Besides we live middle of nowhere so it seems no Pokemons here
A friend of ours lives in Japan and he said "thanfully no Pokemon Go here yet. I think it may cause mayhem" XD
The servers are back up in the states....
... Pretty much all online games experience issues like this at launch. The only online-only game I've played without these types of server issues at launch was Splatoon. Worked like a charm!
@KTT Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid that would be pointless, my phone is able to download GO from the PlayStore and I even managed to start the game... kinda.
I managed to arrive to the title screen after a LONG loading and after a desperate struggle in the "insert birthday" part, my phone simply gave up and closed the app XD
My phone is simply too weak for run the application it seems ^_^;
I have android 4.2 and it neads 4.4
My phone is deemed unsupported due to having 1GB of RAM instead of the minimal 2GB.
But I have been playing the game through the APK since launch without problems on my end. Pokémon GO never used more than 400MB of RAM, so having 2GB as a minimum to officially download the game is utterly rediculous. But then again, the hype makes us forget this app is still in heavy development.
Did u hear that a guy quit his job to become a full time hunter in NZ? Now that's dedicated!
....You know at this point I'm about to just stop caring about the spam bots. -.-
I knew this game had potential, but not in my wildest dreams did I think it would become the phenomenon it already is. This is quite the stroke of luck for Nintendo and Niantic.
I'm genuinely surprised at the total phenomenon this game has turned into at this point (and in many ways I'm chuffed to see a product with Nintendo's name attached to it being such a huge hit again).
It does kinda show, however, that a gimmick and a strong social hook really can trump all other considerations in this day and age.
Hopefully Niantic eventually gets around to making the game as polished and fun as it can be as an actual game too, as opposed to just a fugly and clunky mess but a great social experiment, now that it's popular and a resounding success.
Edit: Actually, I just went and watched some gameplay footage of the game right from the start (I can't actually play it on my iPhone 4) and it's not as bad in terms of presentation and graphics as I initially thought. The 2D professor is a bit of copout (just create a proper 3D model of all the characters; this is 2016), the player character's face is a bit generic, some of the general menus are a bit meh (especially the item/shop stuff, which all looks very "Appy"), the AR stuff is a bit floaty, and I think the map just looks bland in general and the strange 3D icons that appear it just look daft (that's my biggest area of contention with this game's presentation/graphics; put some actual 3D PokeCenters and stuff on there, or whatever), but the rest is actually fine for the most part. At least the Pokemon themselves tend to look better than I first thought, and that's one of the most important things to get right, I'd say.
@Dpullam Yeah, that's what I'm like too. I thought it might get a few million downloads (tens of millions, and possibly even hundreds of millions eventually) and maybe sit at the top of the charts for a few days (weeks at a push). But, I never thought it would be the biggest App in US history and turn into a truly worldwide phenomenon, not like this. It's a genuinely impressive achievement.
I'd love to see Nintendo/Niantic/The Pokemon Company figure out a way to achieve the same kind of social/cultural phenomenon with a main Pokemon game on 3DS too. I mean, tens of millions of sales of each main Pokemon game is already great, but just imagine if 3DS players were gathering in the hundreds/thousands in the middle of major cities to catch/battle Pokemon together. . . . I'd genuinely love to see that, and I think a more traditional/classical gaming machine like the 3DS really deservers it too, rather than casual/gimmicky mobile phones getting all that glory.
Latvia, Lithuania, Poland... and I bet Russia and Ukraine are around the corner. By the map of Europe, I'll feel very trolled if Belarus doesn't come soon.
People playing the game before official release in their area makes the staggered release less effective.
Yep still in the no pokemon go wilderness.
@Ooyah Okey then, let's remove the app for people in UK so the other countries will have better connection...
I've been waiting for the game to be released in my country since launch. It's disgusting to see people like you complaining about a few hours of server issues, when you had the app available for days or weeks. You must be really self-centered and selfish if you can't be happy that more people can download the app besides yourself. Self-indulgent piece of ****
@PaperMario64 Calm down, dude. They just want to play the game. People are primarily complaining because Pokemon Go's servers can't handle this traffic, not because "people can download the app besides themselves".
Worth noting that the app isn't out in my country and I'm not this salty.
It's like Niantics hired a bunch of monkeys to do their spaghetti codes for this game. Crashes and bugs everywhere and server always can't keep up, this has been a Day 1 problem and they still haven't fixed this yet?
@PaperMario64 Wow, what an incredible over-reaction. That isn't what I meant at all. I reported on my location, but I am assuming that this affected everyone wordwide. Doesn't it make sense for Niantic to be mindful of server strain? I don't mind the downtime, I actually just want everybody to enjoy it. Thanks for calling me a name! But, honestly speaking? I really hope that it releases in your country very soon, and I hope that you really enjoy it. Peace, brother.
Anyone gonna mention the fact it was an alleged DDoS? No? Totally not a bunch of nerds who have nothing better to do than extort cash? Did that news not hit anyone in these comments?
"I don't like that you are outside playing a game. Gawd. Time to be a keyboard warrior and ruin their fun haha" bunch of stupid moronic idiots who cant put their skills to a use that benefits others. Not that those others are very deserving of it, looking at these comments.
Mukava päästä vihdoin pelaamaan Pokémon GO:ta.
Greenland, huh? Never would have expect Pokémon to release there... ^_^;; I'm just happy more of our European friends get to play & bring us all together!
@Ooyah Nice deflection, you are so full of ****. You literally complained how you poor british have to suffer for a few hours downtime because: "this feels like way too many countries to add all at once!"
I think they should remove the app from the UK and give it another country where they don't have self-entitled brats like you.
Btw: When you are crying about downtime and how Nintendo will loose revenue because of this, the stocks goes up 93 %. Keep crying while Nintendo counts your money.
"this feels like way too many countries to add all at once!"
Because it is exactly how it looked and it is better to introduce new countries slowly instead of putting everything at once to avoid server issues, if you don't have good servers/more servers. The guy was concerned if the servers are capable of taking that amount of people, and then he is giving a peaceful hand to you and you are still calling him names. If you wanted to play the game so badly, you could download apk, like the rest of the Europe did. Raging and insulting random people over the internet who didn't do any harm to you won't do any good, you know.
Edit: and good grief, @Ooyah is a new user, way to go to welcome a new user on NintenoLife.
@KTT Who are you to decide which country gets the app first? That's right. Nobody.
It's real easy to live in one of the first countries to get the app and then start complaining about server issues when it's introduced to others.
You people are some piece of work to think you deserve to play the game more then others. I can't even find a fitting name to call you without being cencored.
@PaperMario64 I'm in one of those recently added 26 countries and my device isn't even on the compatible list in Play Store. Calm down would ya?
Calm down, the app wasn't officially available in Poland until Saturday. We had a great share of problems, just like the rest of the world.
Besides being a game developer, I am also a certified QA engineer, who actually specializes in web applications and technologies, and I also agree they should slowly introduce the application to more countries, looking at all the problems they had, as it looks like they didn't really do a complete/good stress and performance testing. Which really baffles me, as it's natural a whole lot of people is going to run the app, because it's Pokemon we're talking about.
Besides, Poke Go is currently chock-full of memory leaks and completely needless synchronizations and queries, it's making my head spin. Don't get me wrong - I really enjoy playing it (when it works), but as a QA engineer I can't help but wonder how it got past the quality assurance team.
@DavidMOrrom I just found out that The Pokémon Company confirmed to IGN France that the reason the app was not released in the country was indeed due to the recent tragic events in Nice. I was right this whole time!
@TheWPCTraveler Why did you say "Serbia is Serbia"?
@Zalb33 I actually couldn't think of anything that would prevent this from catching on in Serbia apart from the "remove kebab" meme.
There's also how Serbian lands have been pried away from Serbia who knows how many times this century, so there's that.
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