Nintendo has reportedly delayed mass production of its NX console in order to factor in Virtual Reality functions and improve the system's unique "console and handheld" integrated gaming experience, according to DigiTimes.
Sources close to the production chain have stated that the console combines domestic and portable gaming functionality, which has long been rumoured. It showcases a 5 to 7-inch display with a controller and joystick for users to play as a mobile gaming platform. NX is also able to connect to a TV and operate as a traditional "domestic" console.
The sources have claimed the supply chain received Nintendo's order to start developing the case mold for the NX in the middle of last year, and was told that the console would enter mass production and launch in the middle of 2016. Nintendo's new mass production schedule means that some key components will still be produced this year, but full mass production won't begin until 2017.
Another report states that Nintendo's order volume has been reduced. The plan was originally for 20 million units in year one, but Nintendo's new target is around 10 million units. Sources claim the change is down to the fact that the Wii U has sold poorly and the console market is considered to be "shrinking" - although with Sony's PlayStation 4 passing 40 million units sold this year, that last point seems a little inaccurate.
Foxconn has been given the lion's share of NX production, but rival firm Pegatron Technology has apparently been sniffing around for work too. Foxconn apparently has 40 percent of the NX order, with the remainder being shared between Japan-based Misumi and Hosiden. Meanwhile, Taiwan-based component suppliers Macronix International, Pixart Imaging and Delta Electronics are also involved.
Thanks to ThanosReXXX for the tip!
[source digitimes.com]
Comments 179
Waiting for the NXU
So does this mean we'll finally get Virtual Boy on Virtual Console?
VR? Really? There goes my interest.
I wish Nintendo would give me something to hang my hat on!
You know what I love? The fact that you can just say "I have sources" and still be trustworthy somehow. It's getting tiring really.
Call it the Virtual Boy 2!
Just tell us what the freaking thing is Nintendo.
Taking this with a massive silo of gritting salt, as with all NX rumours.
@WireWare DigiTimes has little reason to make stuff up, the sources it has presumably are under NDAs - but they will be legitimate sources.
Yeah, sure. What does the console cost ? 2k ?
Nonsense, but that is the added benefit of teasing a new system and then go into absolute radio silence about it.
Rumors spread, anticipation rises and whatever comes from it is sure to disappoint.
VR is dead in the water. you've just gotta look at how home console based 3D gaming isn't even a thing anymore.
@VR32F1END they can do that with 3DS actually. It's a no brainer.
@KingofSaiyanZ Late January Nintendo Direct probably. Just late enough for all the kids to have spent all their Christmas Money on a PS4 VR instead.
@Einherjar If the end result is something worse than people expected, that's not exactly a benefit.
Virtual... reality...
[breaks down sobbing]
I'm not really bothered about virtual reality so don't care whether the rumours are true or false.
Meh more rumors, until Nintendo confirm all these themselves I ain't eating any of these stuff up.
Shouldn't this go under 'Rumours' rather than 'News'?
Sorry but this makes no sense!
Still doomed.
If Ninty's gonna go this route, they know it's gotta be bundled with the console, or it'll have no install base. See: PS Move, Xbox Kinect, perhaps even the Balance Board. If it wasn't for the Wii Remote being the basic controller, what's the chances motion control would've kicked off like it did?
Heck I still don't even know what the Wii-U is
My interest in the NX has been dwindling for a long time. I am still very curious what its gonna be.
If Virtual Reality is actually Augmented Reality as like in an much improved Hololens like device I am all for it if the games are good, but for VR I don't think I will ever interested in VR before we get something like the Amusphere I guess. (No Nervegear please).
In any case it will be interesting to see how VR does at E3 this year :+).
News ????
Why would the case mold be produced a few months before the actual components are produced if they are planning the change the components!? That makes no sense, what if they want to change its size? And 10 million seems like an awfully low amount.
Makes sense to me.Why wouldn't they include VR capabilities?If VR takes off as expected then for the NX to not have the capability for it would be typical Nintendo and will have them playing catch up again. It doesn't necessarily mean the whole system is going to be based around it and I'd imagine it'll be an optional and affordable extra.
If this does turn out to be the reason for the delay then Nintendo probably weren't going to include VR originally but after seeing the buzz around it and it's huge potential,decided it's better to delay the system and future proof it than get left behind like they did with HD and the Wii.Seems like a smart move if you ask me.
Cool I guess but won't that drive the costs up?
I highly doubt that they just pushed it back for VR, but I wouldn't be surprised that in that time they added a native component to allow VR out of the box in that time period. Sony is practically hot gluing software to the ps4 to even get the things running properly on their system so if the NX has naturally it would give them a huge boost in that market space. Although I can't see them fooling around with it themselves it would keep 3rd party devs interested so there's that.
This better be a friggen lie!
Not so much because of the delay, but because of the VR crap.
New Super Mario Bros NX-VR incoming
although VR would be an assett to Nintendoland 2.
It wouldn't surprise me if NX has VR capabilities. It would disappoint me if that is the only way to play games on the system. As long as it's an optional accessory, I'm interested. This is Nintendo - if they're doing VR, they're going to do it in a way that's fun, intuitive, and inexpensive.
All this said, it would be nice to get something official from Nintendo themselves. I understand why we're not, but...
I'd be fine with VR being an OPTION but please don't let it be the WHOLE source of the system.
Reeeeeeaaaally high time Nintendo unveiled something, anything. The complete lack of any noteworthy news at all is boring. Just rumours and more rumours. They're completely losing relevance, instead of at least trying to remain relevant, only continuing to keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into the dark hole they're in. D:
@Grumblevolcano No. Call it the Virtual Man.
I couldn't be happier!!! This is great news!
So they're allegedly adding in VR capabilities and enhancing the alleged home/portable integration... Don't see where the issue is here - sounds like they're future-proofing to me!
I personally don't believe anything from this rumor.
Nintendo had troubles with Wii U partly because they tried to get closer to what Microsoft and Sony did (second-screen principle excluded). Their biggest success are the most innovative products like GameBoy, DS or Wii, based on aging technologies used in a different way. The only thing we know for sure about NX is that it's something new, that they go into new waters. They said it.
So going Virtual Reality when everyone is going to VR : I don't believe a single word of that.
Hmm, I kinda doubt it. VR will be big in the gaming community, but casuals, I don't think so (much bigger market), so I can't see Ninty incorporating it into the NX.
I do definitely hope the virtual reality part of this isn't true, but I wouldn't be surprised.
On the bright side, there are seemingly 3 or 4 different rumours in there - VR, 20m>10m, 2016-2017 - so thanks to @damo for getting this all out in 1 shot and not milking it all day long.
But b/c of all those parts the article is a mess, like a collection of "things" from the past few months, not anything new.
The 20m was always more of a rumour than fact, so this is just a rumour of a rumour going down to 10m.
This part is just flat out wrong -
"Nintendo's smartphone games have received positive feedbacks from gamers."
They only have 1 smartphone game - Miitomo - and there are maybe a handful of "gamers" who like it, there is no "positive feedback".
Also, this part seems a bit bogus -
"Nintendo is now planning to add VR function to the device to satisfy the popular trend in the gaming market."
People are interested in VR, yes, plenty of pre-oredrs, but nobody is gaming on it yet. But most of all, Nintendo NEVER follows, it does it's own thing. And they already have FaceRaiders on 3DS, so they have been doing a form of VR. I'm 99% sure the person writing this has no idea what "VR" means. Nor do most lay people. Most people probably consider Pokemon Go to be VR. Or Hololens. Just nonsense.
But I think most importantly, we can't really know what the delay from 2016 to 2017 means. It's possible that decision was already decided when they announced March 2017. It's possible NX was going to be at E3 and release in late 2016, so this isn't talking about some new delay, it's simply telling us what we already know, NX in March 2017.
Hard to say the article is wrong, but it seems less like a new researched article, and more a collection of internet rumours over the past 12 months.
I figured you'd ask me eventually @ThanosReXXX
Yes! More rumours!
Sooo no actual news? Just more tired speculation? 5/10 IGN too much speculation
I may call bunk on this, I don't see how an handheld can handle VR
The article reads as the NX is an handheld that also doubles as a console (and not some detachable/separate unit) and the VR is being added to it. That would have to be some beast of a mini graphics card
of cause its entirely possible the "VR" is AR or even some video glasses
Please - I don't want VR. . .
. . .BUT ... I did just order DONKEY KONG COUNTRY TROPICAL FREEZE to play in GORGEOUS HD on my HUGE WALL PROJECTOR with my Lovely SQUID GIRL in Co-Op mode!
Had a rough nite, not enough sleep. Thanks for addressing this in your typically concise, pithy way.
The NX babble coupled with the PR crap speak seems to have developed into a life form with super powers.
AR video glasses could work out well. Don't know how they would implement it, but it could feasibly work!
Calling it: NX delayed until q4 of 2017. No offical unviel until Oct 2017.
@Bolt_Strike Someone needs a lesson in sarcasm ^^
That was the whole point. Nintendo has become a magnet of bad press lately.
Every company went through that phase, but Nintendo seems to be the only one without even a hint of a plan B.
They keep pushing that reveal further and further back, remain completely silent and let rumors dictate peoples anticipation.
That's a recipe for disaster really.
Not to mention that their apparent abrupt halt of the WiiU makes the gap between it and the NX extremely awkward and doesn't really scream confidence in their products.
This is the FIRST I've read that the NX is essentially going to be a Wii U Gamepad that is (1) completely portable, and (2) doubles as a console, not a second screen. I think that is a great concept . . . oh the number of times I wished I could haul my Gamepad to where I was.
This is so untrue its not even funny. It somehow talks about having almost every feature that most of us would love the system having. Now it supposedly has VR? Yeah I HIGHLY doubt this will have VR features along with all the other features and actually be good. This could very well be the next Virtual Boy. AR could work as it takes significantly less processing power than VR, but really this is getting to a point where Nintendo really needs to show off the actual console to just squash all of these silly rumors.
Also they wouldn't just shoe horn VR or AR into a console that is currently ready for production.
No No No No
That would certainly kill my interest for the NX, I think VR is an expensive gimmick that'll die out pretty quickly.
I don't belive Nintendo has officially stated that the NX is a hybrid console yet, so isn't this technically a rumor?
Well, if this is true then I won't be getting it anytime soon. I really don't like the idea of VR games. (Plus I'm not sure how it would work with me wearing glasses anyway.) I'll stick to the good old games where you cold sit an watch as someone else plays them thank you very much.
(A Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel on his crotch. Bartender asks "Whats that steering wheel doing on your crotch?" The pirate replies "Yarr its driving me nuts".)
I don't understand the worship VR gets! I'll never understand it! It's nothing special! Stop pretending it's special!
@Einherjar Sarcasm is hard to pick up on in text.
@Neon_Blues I've used the rift and a couple of cheapo ones, the effect is rather good but i'm not convinced in using instead of normal gaming, might dip into VR once a while but as a day to day thing? no. I mean it could be the games aren't really ready or it could be like 3D films people couldn't stand wearing glasses for 3D strapping a screen to their face wont help
That being said the best VR experience I had was an skyrim mod that incorporated an omnidirectional treadmill and motion controller. tiring as hell but its the closest I've ever felt to being in a game but the cost and space requirements is mental
Facebook and Nintendo made the deal last year when they held the Mario Maker competition at Facebook office.
Nintendo and MS will use Oculus Rift vs Sony PSVR.
Maybe Nintendo will make a GearVR for the Wii U tablet too. I know many of you can't wait to wear that tablet controller on your face. Hehe.
@rjejr Okay, that tears it: I'm never going to contribute any "news" again... I say good day, sir!
I'm just laughing knowing that there is someone in the world who is looking at that pic thinking that is real, even with the caption.
The fun and sad part of the web.
Would be very funny after Nintendo basically went "VR is stupid!"
It would also be funny that Nintendo desperately hid any news of its new machine so that people wouldn't steal its idea, and then it turned out to be the last one arriving to the VR race anyway!
@k8sMum "concise"? Usually people just reply with tl;dr. You certainly are not most people though.
And I don't know about superpowers, but the NX creature has it's own Greek mythology at this point, "The history of NX 101" will be it's own university course.
Ever see Creepshow 2, The Raft segment? The NX is in there somewhere.
Warning, don't watch before eating. Or soon thereafter
@Captain_Gonru - Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted 4, FFXV, and every game coming out the next 2 years not starring Mario. And it will be cheaper than NX, and maybe even Wii U, if PS4K Neo is expensive and old PS4 gets a price drop. B/c unlike Ntineod who still sells hardware 4 years later at the launch price, PS4 will get cheaper.
@ThanosRexxx Oh hush you, I read it all didn't I.
@abe_hikura The new Arm chip support 4k resolution running at 120 frames per second. AND it doesn't throttle, it runs at full speed but using 30% less energy than phones released this year.
Get ready for new phones coming later this year that will support Google's Daydream. If Nintendo don't want to fall behind the smartphone again they need to support VR.
If it really is delayed until (probably) Christmas '17 hopefully they'll make at least one Wii U game from now until then to hold us over
To all people whining about not wanting or downright hating VR:
Provided this is true, and for now it is still VERY much a rumor, then the VR part is only an OPTION, hence the mentioning of it being added to the rest of the device's functionalities.
In that regard it would be much like the 3D setting on the 3DS. Don't want to use it? Simply switch it off. So if NX truly does offer some VR capabilities in one form or another (which besides this news not being confirmed yet really isn't too far fetched since the competition is certainly busy enough with incorporating VR tech as well) then you are by no means obliged to use it or to buy software for it. And it might even be that it is a separate kit, then you would never even have to touch it in the first place, so seems to me that there is a case of creating a problem where there actually is none going on...
@rjejr Okay, Homer... Doh!
@KingofSaiyanZ Drake might as well be standing in front of a PS4 when you post on NL, it's so mocking.
@nono6400 The problem is that they released an Xbox 360 with more RAM right before Microsoft and Sony released systems that are technologically far superior. It wasn't that they tried to be competitive: it was that they failed to be competitive.
In the Digitimes article, the writers reference "sources"... But does that mean they're speaking out of anonymity under an NDA, and are thus risking their jobs, or are these "sources" just saying whatever they think sounds interesting? I get that there is secrecy surrounding this, but it's difficult to be credible when there's no proof presented that your "sources" are actually legit. That's great if they are legit, but of course skepticism is going to be met when there's no way to follow up outside of a closed circuit.
Also interesting to see Pegatron, the other Apple device manufacturer, wanting to get in on NX production too. Both Foxconn and Pegatron are pretty damn horrible employers, with multiple human/worker's rights violations that remain unresolved. So I guess anyone wanting a new Nintendo device (or a lot of others, for that matter) these days must consort with the devil, so to speak.
The mobile style device with a touchscreen makes sense, considering Nintendo's current direction, but I'm not convinced that they will dip into VR. The cost of making decent VR specs is hitting WAY above Nintendo's preferred price point range. A $300-350 system can't handle VR properly yet, and I don't think Nintendo is interested in making a $400-500 system. Even the $400 or $500 price point is too low to get really good VR specs; it currently costs around $1000 to have a good VR system set up. (And that's just investing in the rig, before the extra cost of the VR device itself!) The cheaper ones (like Sony's) are going to be barebones crap.
Pinch of salt, anyone? A bucket, even?
@Captain_Gonru @ThanosReXXX
Know what NX and amiibo need, a game like this. A free MMO where you play as your amiibo. Not a Mini's on the March spin-off or a demo chest for old NES games. Of course I've been saying that since amiibo launched, using Free Realms as an example, but this trailer just launched today.
Oh look, Free Realms closed up shop 2 years ago, I wonder if many of those users would jump on a Free Realms like game using amiibo that could be played on both a Home and Away console? I've never played any MMO, not even WoW despite being a dork, and I've never played FPS or sports and racing games either. Free to play MMOs and MOBAs seem like such a big deal today, Nintneod should be involved, and so should amiibo.
Of course we need a console, or consoles, first.
Nintendo just needs to focus on games. Not another console or VR.
@Ralizah It was basically Reggie who said the "VR is stupid!" statement... and since he said those statements in damage control mode (Nintendo's E3 2015), I think it's safe to say we can disregard his statements. I'll be very surprised if Nintendo isn't even experimenting with VR in one way or another.
VR makes sense. This allowed Nintendo to remain backward compatibility with 3DS games. In fact 3d games will look even more impressive with a headgear.
WELCOME TO NINTENDO LIFE!!! Where we are all fans who have lost hope in Nintendo!!!! YAY, US!!
Nobody knows what NX is and Nintendo won't tell until this year is about to end. These are just rumours.
i don't expect Nintendo to do VR unless they have something unique to bring to the table. With that in mind, if these rumors are true I expect something cool from Nintendo.
Don't you think the patented design of the portable NX unit looks like a great fit for a headgear? It's shape looks like it's designed for it, what's more there's no buttons, only shoulder ones.
@Vee_Flames Yeah, well: Bill Gates once said that internet was stupid and look what happened there...
Just the idea of even the slightest possibility of a VR remake of Metroid Prime is enough for me to say hell yeah! (even if it never happens)
not really interested in VR to be honest so i just have to wait and see what they come up whit
I know it isn't only Nintendo, but why do the big electronics manufacturers insist on using Foxconn, a company which has a history of employee suicides and an abusive work environment?
Nobody else want to see AR from Nintendo as opposed to VR? I mean, VR is cool and all that, but at the end of the day it would push the prices up ridiculously and I just don't think that's where they are heading. AR could be done at a more reasonable cost if it's not mega-high-end, and it would actually add fun little components to the gameplay (like the visor on the Varia Suit being on the AR as a HUD as opposed to the screen).
@rjejr Every time someone mentions Amiibo, I keep hearing Mario's voice saying: "I'ts a-me"...
Add one syllable and you have the collectible toys they invented. Makes you wonder if that is how they came up with the name...
But the more genres, the merrier, so even if we wouldn't like some of them, I welcome them all.
That's a lot of games that you haven't played then, going by your own words. And not all shooters, sports or racing games are boring and or overly serious, so you might just have missed some fun ones to play with your kids.
@Churchy Foxconn had recently replaced 60,000 workers with robots. So don't worry, being jobless is better than they killing themselves.
@Vee_Flames Why Reggie's position was shuffled! Confirmed!
Granted, I haven't looked into it, but I would imagine it's because there's nothing better in terms of conditions. I'd imagine (but could very well be wrong) that even with all the negative past concerning suicides, it's still not close to the worst and quite possibly one of the best in how it treats the workers. After all, if there were in fact an obvious alternative, you would hope by now enough pressure would have mounted for them to switch. That...might be wishful thinking, sadly.
Even though we have that failure of the Virtual Boy in our rear view mirrors, I still think that Nintendo could potentially make the best VR out of anyone if they gave it another shot.
@SmaMan Rear view? That should have been buried next to laser discs long ago (I think I still see red randomly to this day).
I do agree, however, that Nintendo does stand a chance to make a better VR as they have the most experience with it.
Still wouldn't buy it, but gotta give credit where credit is due.
So, this is a "news" article and not a "rumour" article... So, it's fact now that the NX is a home/portable console lovechild? Can I start getting happy now?? Kinda confused, so I'll wait for more info before I do any happy dances. I will say this regarding VR though-- The GCN could do 3D if one had a 3D tv, so it showed that Nintendo was thinking ahead "just in case" that kind of thing took off. I've been quietly monitoring the whole VR re-craze and even sampling Oculus myself to get a feel for it. It's still a little "novel", but I definitely see how with the right gaming genre, it can gain far more traction than VR has in the past, and Nintendo would be foolish to at least not incorporate the tech into NX, even if they don't end up using it. VERY smart move-- don't want to be left behind as Nintendo can't afford to be left behind on much else from this day forward.
@SmaMan Nintendo probably haven't stop improving Virtual Boy in the last 2 decades. They were secretly doing R&D all these years spending billions on it and had 2 decades head start.
@Damo unless Digitimes is being fed bad information on purpose. Nintendo has been very careful about saying anything about the NX. One of the things Nintendo did say is that VR isn't something worth supporting in the near future. The cost itself of VR, both in hardware and development, would make a strong argument against VR implementation.
I would be willing to guess that Nintendo is moving toward a streaming and distribution system connected to a family of devices. The stockholders aren't worried about Nintendo competing in a dwindling console market (overall hardware sales are down) and instead competing with smart devices. Nintendo is positioning themselves to be the new Apple I bet.
Nintendo VR hella yeah!!
@KingofSaiyanZ Yeah I know, but at the time I didn't know you would be flaunting it over here.
@ThanosReXXX Depends on how you see things, really. The internet is the best thing ever AND the worst thing ever combined in one package. So Gates is partially right. Heck, my internet can act stupid sometimes! Does that count?
And this is why I lean toward Nintendo. Literally no one, outside of the people working on it, has any idea of what the NX will be. I wondered if the rumor mill worked the same when the other companies were about to release a new console, and it's hard to imagine that being the case. I'm glad there's someone out there leaving everyone guessing.
@ThanosReXXX I only play mainstream JRPG - none of the Atlus anime looking stuff, which is why I'll skip hashtagFE - and 3D platformers. And adventure games that are platformer like - Tomb Raider, Uncharted, inFamous, Onimusha, Ratchet & Clank. I play other stuff occasionally, whatever I can get rented w/ PS+, but I only spend money on platformers and JRPG. Basically, I need a story, not a score.
Great article as usual, but I would like to point one thing: One console doing well (PS4) doesn't necessarily mean the console market isn't shrinking. It's that Wii+360+PS3 totals are greater than WiiU+XONE+PS4. Keep up the great work!
@Vee_Flames Man, don't get me started on internet issues. But as far as my previous comment and your own goes, I think we can agree that companies only deny things or call them stupid if they don't see any profit in them (or if the competition beat them to it)
@rjejr And how about just good, clean, plain old fun? And if I'm not mistaken, you also have some Disney Infinity stuff? That's not really too heavy on the story either...
Not every game needs to have an intricate story line to be enjoyable, especially when playing games with kids or teens. I suppose you do have certain titles that you play with your kids, and I'm guessing they won't be complaining if there isn't any significant story arch hidden in these games...
@ThanosReXXX Haha, I guess that's true. Does Reggie even have any say in hardware design? I don't think so... which makes his comments on VR post-E3 2015 basically damage control. Luckily Nintendo themselves haven't commented much on VR, so we're still in the clear. Maybe.
Wii Sports VR anyone? If they made it and the console affordible, like less then the PSVR, they could potentially repeat the success of the Wii......maybe.
I don't believe it, and I hope it isn't true.
The NX will be a portable/Hybrid; I get that. If Nintendo goes the Occulus Rift route, they will fail harder than Virtual Boy did in the 90s. Occulus Rift is a really expensive tech gadget and very much niche product. Thst's not to say it can't be profotable if it fills this niche well. VR technology has been demoed to death since the 90s. Every attempt at adding VR to consumer tech for the past 20 years or so has failed.
If the NX goes down this VR road, time to say bye bye. I'll go to being a full time retro gamer. But I have full faith this article is bunk and the NX will be awesome.
I'm so afraid that this is it for Nintendo. I'm not going to buy another sub par console from Nintendo.
If it is a handheld unit with an option to connect to TV, then the driving force would be battery life which equates to low power processing and graphics.
The ARM architecture owns this segment.
So think mid range android phone hardware.
This makes me sad if true...
I want my Nintendo Beast, X86-64 with some outstanding GPU power.
On another note... VR? I don't think VR is going to take off like people think.
I don't like the idea frankly...
Hopefully VR is optional.
God, I hope they're wrong about virtual reality. I have zero interest in it, even coming from Nintendo.
this is the stupidest rumor so far... like a hybrid console/handheld has enough power for VR whahaha
dont be leotarded.
@ricklongo That's the beauty of VR though, if it doesn't catch on, or you only rarely want to play in VR, all the games can still be played on a standard television display as well. So personally, if this rumor is true, I'm happy to hear that Nintendo is making room for VR in the event that it does take off, and if it doesn't, well then it won't get much utilization, but it'll be nice for the option to even be there.
@AyeHaley If it's as powerful as a PS4 at the very least, then it would stand to reason that it could handle being the console/handheld hybrid it's rumored to be as well as handle a VR unit, even if the VR unit does need an extra processing unit to connect to the console like the PSVR does.
Rumor life doing what it does best, spreading rumors.
That's nice (for people who want it. But I'm no fan of VR at all... The Virtual Boy was an hours worth of headache and nausea (before returning it within two hours), and I'm not going that route again.
(Wow, these companies are really pushing this vr thing on all fronts if true?..)
Also, Reggie shouldn't be the one to demonstrate this rumor as truth unless he wants to be a hypocrite.
"Virtual Reality just isn't fun."
@ThanosReXXX DI games aren't very good, even the story missions aren't very good - though I did play the original SW trilogy w/ my wife. I think that's 1 of the main reasons why Skylanders is still going but DI only lasted 3 years, Skylanders has enough "story" to keep kids entertained. Kaos has great voice acting. I'd bet a lot of Skylanders is played multiplayer w/ either siblings or parents and kids.
And I do play other games, I played Splatoon for about 150 hours. And way back when in the 90's I played Doom and some other FPSs. But since FF7 in 1998 I really don't branch out much as far as "games" go. I am up to level 1637 on Candy Crush Saga. And I think Peggle and the original Plants vs Zombies are two of the best most addictive things I ever played on PC - I cried inside when EA purchased Popcap b/c I knew it was done - but no Madden, FIFA or COD for me. Or Forza or GT, I only race kart games, not sims. And I only race each track in MK once, until I win it, on easy, and then I'm done. All I need is JRPG and open world type platforming. The rest is like switching tv channels to kill time when nothing is on.
News of NX delay in 3,2....
It also could be delayed because they saw the new PS4 specs as it would be very embarrassing to release a 9th gen console that is weaker than an eight gen (PS4 Neo) Console.
This should be put under Rumor, not News.
I desperately hope this is fake. If it is true, well, myiamoyto has eaten too many mushrooms.
Dear god, please let this be untrue. I would say "well, if I could ignore it, then I won't mind," but Nintendo's last few consoles don't suggest that as being an option. If it's a 3D slider situation, where I can play NX games without it and miss nothing? I don't mind. If it's something I have no choice but to use to play games on the system? I don't think I'm in. The description of the system in the article makes it sound like VR won't be essential, but I'm skeptical of them shifting their entire launch schedule for something and it not being a major factor and/or bundled in with the system by default.
I can't overstate how little I want to play games with VR. Zero interest whatsoever. For that matter, if it's like the Wii U, or the Xbox One at launch where I can't get it without its hardware gimmick (a VR headset) tethered to it, I seriously don't think I'll get it. I was super-stoked about the Wii U before it came out for off-tv play, but I have zero interest in VR as a driving force for a game system.
Okay, kids, brace yourselves for another Nintendo-manufactured product shortage.
This is gonna be a good one.
Hmm... This sounds pretty cool, but I really don't want VR to be REQUIRED to play the games. Make it an option.
I have so much salt at the ready
@Churchy A lot of the other suppliers aren't much (if any) better. The tech manufacturing field in China is just a literal hellhole in general. They're the cost of doing business, unless consumers are willing to pay more (and demand executives don't earn such a crazy amount) for fair wages. Which, as we know, is rather unlikely for anyone who values budget over conscience, given the Walmart effect and such...
Nintendo participated in the outsourcing of labor from Japan to China, with the GameCube and Game Boy Color being the final Japanese made products. I don't know if they would respond to consumer demand to go back to being Japanese made, and I doubt Kimishima, as an executive, cares much about factory workers.
no no no no No No No No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
VR was one of the only things that would turn me AWAY FROM getting an NX. And those morons did it anyway.
That's a huge reduction!
"Console market is shrinking" fake, please, a company would't full invest in a new console with a new way to play thinking "oh yeah I'll produce but this will not sell after all Wii U failed and console market is shrinking so NX will fail too".
More BS rumours aside, IF this is true, just pre-order sooner.
Nintendo HAS to open their mouths and give us ACTUAL INFO on the stupid NX besides "Coming March 2017." That's not building hype, that's setting themselves up for failure. People latch onto all sorts of rumors, hoping and praying that "X is true, because I really like X" only to find out "Sorry, X is total garbage. The reality is Y."
I can't see the NX offering VR right out of the box. I just can't. It's unlike Nintendo to a) be the third in line to show off a concept and b) go all in with said-context before anything else has come to market. Yeah, there's a current trend for VR as it is, but no hardware has really been released to consumers yet; and there's still the general consensus that the whole prospect could be lame anyway... they won't want to repeat the mistakes they made with the Virtual Boy even though both MS and Sony are currently all over it like a rash...
I can see them making hardware modifications to allow VR later, mind...
@Sanicranfast It just says it can support it
@Sanicranfast Why does this disinterest you completely? Seems like a bit of an overreaction.
Rumors are going out of control now.... So its supposed to be a very powerful console, an home/portable hybrid and now it will be able to use VR?
I don't bet on it, mainly because if it were true, it would be a very expensive console.
My salt is growing and my optimism is going down. NX isn't sounding attractive to me - I'm seriously wondering if I'll ever bother getting this new gen or if I better go retro...
VR is fine as long as it's optional. Just like with Vive and PSVR. But, you never know with Nintendo...
Lets hope the VR won't be their gimmick for the console like the tablet controller.
@joedick That was both incredibly polite and astute.
@Luna_110 I would buy a newer SNES anytime, with sequels to the games I loved.
Super Metroid
Star Fox
Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger
Earth Worm Jim
Megaman X series
Super Mario World
Turtles in Time
why, when Sony and Microsoft are both having to release new versions of their home consoles to handle vr at an acceptable level, are we supposed to believe Nintendo is putting it in a portable console that plugs into the tv. Is that even possible?
The Other option that's touted is a home console with a controller that also acts as an independent portable, but If the Wii u was offputtingly expensive (and unprofitable) with its dumb terminal, how can this be priced anywhere near mainstream acceptance?
If even half the rumours swirling around are true I don't see how Nintendo is going to be first choice for second console, never Mind the first choice, full stop. Fell like it's just going to be us die hard Nintendo fans enjoying the console again, but that is just not sustainable market if unles they drastically rethink their business to be 'cheap and cherful'.
You people in the comment section are taking things way too seriously.
Who cares what it is. As long as the thing plays videogames I'm interested. Nintendo's pretty good at making hardware that is fun and enjoyable so sit back and relax.
It's very possible Nintendo has figured out a way to bring some type of VR experience on the cheap. The glasses free 3D is absolutely amazing and barely cost one extra cent for us.
And if it's not VR then don't get upset because you got your hopes up either.
Seriously people just chill out- E3 is in a week and we're going to see all kinds of games for all the different platforms, we get to see Zelda, finally... stop worrying about all this NX stuff. The reveal will come in due time soon enough.
@darth2d2 Nintendo has said since then that it is "looking into" VR:
@MarioPhD Why would any console that's capable of playing VR games, make playing in VR mandatory? That would make no sense. Every game that's getting a VR release these days also has the ability to play it in standard mode on your TV screen/monitor. And you then just control the camera with the right analog stick. Some of the comments on this page, really read as if people don't understand how VR works. There is no reason why they'd make it mandatory, but rather as an optional thing you can use to play your games just as is the case on the PC, soon for the PS4, and it also sounds that Microsoft is ready to do something similar of the Xbone as well. So that all being the case, Nintendo would be foolish to not allow for VR implementation for users that want to use it, as well as to receive all the great ports that might make use of that feature on other systems.
Whatever it is I am down
Here we go!
So many rumours, Nintendo needs to just reveal it already.
I can believe this. It's too strange that Nintendo skipped out on 2016 holiday and e3. VR is cool but what if sony mucks things up with their VR and its dismissed as a 'fad' by the time Nintendo's arrives? There are alot of problems even I as a "pro-VR" person have with this if its NOT optional.
Seems like a bad move by Nintendo. Seems.
@rjejr Speaking of channels, let's spruce this article up with a relevant video from The Know:
(Coach McGuirk voice) NAYSAYERS ALL OF YOU! But yea I also hope this VR crap isn't true xD
@VR32F1END To be honest, I'm surprised Virtual Boy games aren't on 3DS virtual console. The 3DS isn't a headset, but games can be played in 3D like the Virtual Boy.
@3MonthBeef Then it would look like this.
And if it's a fusion device they could call the Home part Alpha and the Away part Omega.
@ThanosReXXX Look I'm doing it again. Where'd you find a video of such white people with no Illuminati music? I stand next to a woman just like that at the bus stop every afternoon.
@JaxonH "Seriously people just chill out- E3 is in a week and we're going to see all kinds of..."
I think at least half of the negativity is b/c you couldn't end that sentence with the words "info about the NX". I'm glad Ntinedo told us it woudln't be there, but it really should be. It's launching in March, you can't skip E3. Sometimes Nintedo does these things to themselves. Well that, and the internet is filled w/ cranky people, happy people are elsewhere.
@Damo Referencing a Twitter feed is like referencing Wikipedia. If it doesn't come directly from Nintendo it is speculation.
In that context they could be talking about developing VR cellphone apps. Phones provide them with a installed hardware userbase. It is more likely that Nintendo would consider this of any option.
Why didn't Nintendolife contact Nintendo to confirm instead of relying on and building upon speculation. Also why didn't that article cite the articles predicting VR was going to be a 120 billion dollar industry? All of the market analysis I have read and heard points to a majority of VR industry growth is to be in technical training simulations and medical treatment. These two articles together seem to be scratching up Nintendo news articles wherever it can be found because my guess is Nintendo is being tight lipped.
@rjejr Hey! The Know is a well respected channel, with no small amount of self-mockery and a healthy dose of viewer directed humor. I almost always like the outtakes at the end.
And I wouldn't mind hanging around at your bus stop for a while if women like that are hanging around there too...
But speaking of conspiracies: our husky voiced friend SuperMetalDave64 has seemingly at long last been able to deal the final blow to ms. Rogers' idiotic Nvidia ramblings, and unlike her, claiming to know all yet until this day still not providing a single shred of solid evidence to support her claims, Dave is making a pretty strong case, even if it is still largely based on his own opinion. Be sure to watch them in their entirety.
He first released this one:
And then followed up with the 'final blow' video:
I'm curious to find out if you're willing to give them a go and then give me your two cents on them.
I'm off for a cup of tea and then onwards to dreamland...
And I'm also still waiting on your verdict of my idea on the name of the new Zelda game, (comment #102 in the "are you excited about Nintendo's expanded E3 plans" article) if only to see if you get it right away, although I reckon you will, but then again: you never know...
Meh, the current glasses/helmet VR is just gimmick and hype imo. Skip it, Nintendo! (I can't see the this kind of VR implementation not killing one's eyesight [by having a backlit screen so close to your eyes]).
dont people realize that just because they incorporate virtual reality it doesnt mean you have to use it? look at the 3DS for instance. its no reason to flip out and pre-determine the console will be a flop
I think the picture is more accurate than the details.
We already know that the NX is a home console only.
I won't believe anything until it's official but VR could be a smart move. Nintendo already has a niche market and could another niche (VR) that could potentially grow into something bigger and mainstream. VR is getting cheaper and very recently - I think it was in April, when the Vive was launched - producers like Valve/HTC (which I prefer because of their special controllers) but also Oculus have shown games and apps that really benefit from VR. Games like The Climb, Adrift, Chronos and a lot others. Or apps like Kingspray Graffiti Simulator.
And of course it would be optional (at least for most games), but think about it this way: Would you have ever gotten to use and appreciate the Wiimote or the Gamepad on Wii or Wii U if it hadn't been mandatory in some games or situations?
@bluedogrulez: Those rumours about the NX beeing portable and stationary is actually pretty old, I'd say about two years ago.
@Ralizah: Wouldn't surprise me since just months before Iwata's passing the company seemed to give in to shareholders a little and now that Iwata, someone who always was strongly against smartphone apps and VR, isn't there anymore to prevent that shift. I just hope they have a good plan, I'm sure they'll figure something out.
Having tried out both Rift & Vive I get why the industry is going gaga for vr atm - me ducking under paint trails showed me how it can be immersive to the point u lose yourself .. However let's remember why Nintendo is (was) regarded as the greatest games innovators ever. IF they do decide to go the VR route, it would only be an option in some games for the simple facts of being affordable & family-friendly.
I can't see them spending years building up a family focused user base, to then ramp the price up to exclude those that they target. Also with them being extremely aware of the dangers of kids using tech, can u really see them adding VR to everything & leaving themselves open to all the motion sickness/dizziness flak that the 3DS had? Although I'd love to see the safety manual pictures 😂
The sheer fact that everyone is speculating on what NX will/won't be for this long shows how much ppl are looking forward to it, I hope this extended hype train pulls into a station soon & we can get some real news : I've never know a product still getting coverage for so long & nothing being known solidly about it.
Whatever they make the NX to be, the hardcore Nintendies will buy it, I just hope they advertise it as well as the competition & stop relying on word of mouth to get their product out there.
Meh, more pointless gimmicks.
Expectation: handheld/console hybrid with VR capabilities, most amazing software lineup of all time, strong third-party support, current-gen graphics, several Wii U games ported over, makes none of the Wii U's mistakes
Reality: Alex's baked potato controller
Someone above was actually naive enough to say VR is dead in the water. The VR that has sold out instantly as soon as pre-orders went up for Rift and PS VR. PS VR special editions were selling for $500. That's on top of needing a PS4 to use it. Still, sold out instantly.
The guy even compared VR to 3D TVs. First off, VR blows 3D out of the water. Second, 3D TVs were never in the water to begin with.
VR is the future
@TheFlyingGerbil you do know AMD just announced the RX 480 that is 5 TFLOPS for the price of $199, for the public.
so its not out of the realm of possibility Nintendo has a system that is VR ready at the price of $300-$350... not if the GPU is less than a $100 with discounts by AMD.
As long as VR isn't the main focus, I'm fine, really. There's a place for it, but it shouldn't be the main draw.
I've been playing on the gear VR for a couple of months now, and I think VR is the way forward, just imagine stepping into a 360 degree mushroom kingdom. All you naysayers have not tried VR, because once you have given it a go, its hard not to love it and see the potential
While I don't believe 'dead in the water' is the right way to go about describing VR, it sill has a hell of a lot to prove when it hits the shelves. Your average consumer (i.e the parent holding the wallet come Xmas) will look at PSVR, see that PS4 at practically the same cost is also required, and move on. What VR can't possibly penetrate at the moment is the mass market, and so far only the 'throw away' experiences of Galaxy VR are coming anywhere close to that.
If VR can come down to a reasonable price before it hits 'flash in the pan' status, then mass penetration will become viable. It has to sell, and sell well before it will become 'the future'.
Virtual Reality is a stupid concept for home gaming. Leave it for the video game bars and arcades. But for home consoles, it's a waste of resources. With Sony and oculus doing this dog and pony show to make us think it's the next big thing, it's hard to understand why Nintendo would just follow their lead instead of shooting it down and doing their own thing. NX sounds like a promising system, and I will be getting it at launch regardless of VR or not, but the VR thing is a passing fad, that will most likely already be dead and forgotten by the time NX sees light of day. So we will once again be considered the gamers who haven't caught up to current times. Which I guess as a Nintendo loyalist I should be used to by now.
VR in my opinion is simply a gimmick and I don't think it will herald an a new era for gaming. I'm not convinced it will really catch on to be honest.
As for Nintendo and delays, well, that is what we have come to expect from them these days.
They put things out there almost in desperation at keeping interest but if the NX doesn't release in March, I think we can all say it's good night from Nintendo in terms of consoles.
With the Wii U and now this, it is almost like they don't know how to market anything anymore which for such a huge company is baffling.
The idea of only making an initial 10 million units is nonsense when you look at PS4 sales! It is like an admission of failure before they have even begun.
Nintendo focusing on mobile gaming is also a desperate measure. Animal crossing may well be popular but games on I pads and I phones are just not for gamers. They are okay for 20 minutes here and there but are hardly for the hardcore gamer. People seem to spend hours on clash of clans. I was bored after 2 hours of it because it simply is NOT gaming.
Nintendo have to decide what on earth they want to do. Either make the quality first party games they have always done and release them on other formats, or produce a console that is not about stupid gimmicks and sound bites and get on with making a console that can compete with first and third party support.
As it stands, it appears that developers know as much as the Public about the NX. By the time the NX releases, new consoles will be ready to be shown at E3 next year or at least further updates.
Nintendo are living in the past and currently have little or no future in consoles.
Don't you love it when this site marks rumors as "news"?! Wow, those high standards!
This is a very realistic rumour. If anything, this is the one I would believe most. A hybrid console that is going to be the next home console and handheld (no more splitting the fanbase between two different consoles with different games). Think about it, if you count Wii U and 3DS together Nintendo's still ruling the market. Plus it will have a much-needed VR extension to play games like F-Zero VR and future PS4 VR and Oculus Rift ports.
Seriously. Whatever you're doing, Nintendo - just stop.
The release schedule is already barren as all heck-beans. And I was excited for a March release date. And with nothing coming out - and the system getting delayed - people are easily going to be able to ignore the NX. And that would mean the end of Nintendo as we know it.
@ThanosReXXX Is Miss Rogers "indiegamergirl" on twtter? If so, she's been too busy taking painkillers and watching the golden State Warriors to know anything about NX.
And I did like The Know, I wasn't insulting them I even subscribed, they just seemed too "normal" for you. And the blonde is the 2nd best looking woman at the bus stop. She used to be 3rd but 1st moved, I was so sad.
I'll watch these later, I have a full day today.
@duffmmann Say, how many Wii U games won't let you play with anything but the Gamepad, even when the Pro Controller has all the necessary inputs for a given game to be functional? Wait, it's more than zero? Interesting....
@duffmmann Also, how many Wii games made players flail around wildly when they could have simply hit a button? More than zero as well? Weird.....
@rjejr No, she isn't Indiegamergirl. That girl is called Amy, not Emily. (and she'd wish she looked that good)
Emily's account is ArcadeGirl64: https://twitter.com/arcadegirl64 which is currently blocked for public viewing, so you have to be a follower to get access. Most likely because of all the heat she's been getting from haters and people that think she is talking out of her other end.
It happened before, a couple of years ago, when she made some statements that were completely false. She got an enormous amount of backlash and hate, and that made her close her account and then she disappeared from the internet altogether for almost an entire year.
And now she's back with this new account and while initially she seemed to be gaining supporters, she is now once again a target for mockery and hate, so I'm suspecting this blocking of public users from viewing her posts is just a prelude to her running away again.
But I guess we'll find out soon enough.
By the way: I knew you weren't mocking The Know; I forgot to add the smiley to that part of my comment.
I am a bit disappointed though that you would consider them too serious for me. As if I, a self-made business man wouldn't be watching "serious" channels... tsss...
I miss Meg, though. She hasn't been in too many items lately, so nowadays it's mostly the Ashley or Ashley and sidekick show. Not necessarily a bad thing, mind you.
@NaturalGus "but the VR thing is a passing fad, that will most likely already be dead and forgotten by the time NX sees light of day"
Highly unlikely. Just look at the upgrades that both Microsoft and Sony are planning especially to accommodate VR: Xbox Scorpio, PS4 NEO et al, which will presumably be launched somewhere around the same time that the NX will be launched, maybe a few months earlier, but that certainly isn't going to make the difference of the hype already dying down.
And VR is more than likely here to stay, contrary to 3D, which has retreated to the cinema for the most part. There are now so many parties involved having a stake in this area, that it would be foolish to expect it to fade away so soon. VR is not just restricted to games so it is not comparable to any other tech or gimmick that has come and gone, like for example motion controls.
And it is actually better for use in home, since it would hardly be a good thing to stumble around a busy arcade with a VR head set on, even if it is attached to a cable. It would be inconvenient for both the player and other visitors of the arcade. The only option would be to have a VR game that has you strapped into a seat, but that would only offer you a small number of types of VR games that you could play in an arcade, so I don't see that happening.
Ew... i don't want to play a games with that virtual googles. Looks dangerous for my brain and eyes in my opinion. Better i play the games in normal way to stay away from kind of seizures.
please understand
1) Where's the Rumor Tag?
2) If they are delaying NX for VR, I'll be delaying buying the thing, if I do at all. Much like Kinect and XB1, most people don't want it.
3) Stop posting rumors, please.
Didn't Reggie once say that Nintendo wasn't looking at VR technology because they didn't believe it could be adapted to be fun at its current level.
Based on that it's hard to imagine VR becoming a focal point of the new console, which Nintendo NEEDS to be a success.
Ugh VR is just the flavour of the month for the plebs.
The Nintendo NX VR is likely to bring back memories of the virtual boy. The video below has more details on the Nintendo NX VR headset
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