E3, at least in the years I've been following it, has been at its best when focused on the future and full of surprises. Nintendo's plans only fulfil one of those criteria, and partially at that. The latest breakdown of Nintendo's efforts contains a day devoted to games that are rather close, due typically within the next three months. On another day we'll see a game that - by the time it comes out - will perceivably be a last-gen version, while a notable plus comes with the thought that this year's biggest 3DS title will be shown off.
On paper, and considering the expectations of a standard E3, there's an understandably muted sense of hype among plenty of Nintendo fans. In recent polls here on Nintendo Life half of participants said they were disappointed with the big N's E3 plans but plan to watch regardless, or even worse opted for the more blunt "I'm not happy" option. Considering that's the state of play after Nintendo reacted and improved its offering, that's rather telling.
If I were a betting man I'd predict that the switcheroo in the E3 plans last week was a reaction by Nintendo to the overwhelmingly negative reaction when it first confirmed The Legend of Zelda on Wii U as the only playable game and - more importantly - the only subject-matter in a single day of live streaming. I understand the argument that Nintendo may have always been planning more, and that may have been the case, but if that's the case it was a bizarre strategy. I can't imagine a board meeting where someone said "let's annoy our online fans, then throw them a bone or two shortly before the event".
The additions, too, play into what Nintendo could feasibly make happen with a rapid strategic rethink. A second full-day of the Treehouse team showing games is most definitely welcome, though the games on show will be those that are either complete and good to go with localised commercial builds - Monster Hunter Generations and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - or likely to be well on their way to being finished - Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. That's easy to organise, from that respect, as the live broadcast team have the task of plotting out that extra day but perhaps don't need to worry too much around the logistics of preparing specific game builds or demos.
That said, I think it's possible the Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Go additions could have been pre-planned gotchas to add a little buzz. The Pokémon Company only recently did its most recent major batch of reveals for Sun/Moon, and its Japanese social channels and website were quick to announce the E3 details. New Sun and Moon footage - and perhaps details - will actually kick off Nintendo's E3 on day one, while the Pokemon Go Q & A on day two may have also been in the plans for a while. It's difficult to tell, but these events are welcome however they've come about, and we're rather curious as to what form the so-called 'Pokémon Special' will take on the third day.
Looking at the line-up, then, we have streams to follow across all three days of the main show.
Nintendo Treehouse and Developer Broadcast - 14th June at 9am Pacific / noon Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CET
Pokémon Sun and Moon, then The Legend of Zelda on Wii U for most of the day.
Nintendo Treehouse and Pokémon Go Q & A - 15th June at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm CET
Starting with the Pokémon Go Q & A, we'll then see Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
E3 2016 Pokémon Special - 16th June at 7am Pacific / 10am Eastern / 3pm UK / 4pm CET
Though this is an improvement, there's no doubt that there's still frustration, disappointment or apathy for a number of people that follow Nintendo. It doesn't help that the company had a poor E3 in 2015, with a Digital Event in particular that drew ire for reveals such as Metroid Prime: Federation Force and Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival. Beyond that there's the simple truth that after a couple of years where Nintendo went all out it's scaling back - in 2014 and 2015 there were the Digital Events as reveal showcases, live events (Smash Bros. Invitational then World Championships) and then three full days of a broad variety of demonstrations from the Treehouse team. We're lacking (pending further announcements, though I'm not holding my breath) the information blow-out of a Digital Event (or Nintendo Direct) and the pre-E3 fun of those live shows.
With NX being kept locked away and with Nintendo making that choice to step back a little at E3, we're getting a lot less big N in LA than we're accustomed to. I also think some of the negativity goes beyond that, and is a manifestation of a build-up of frustration among some followers. The Wii U's struggles in particular have been demoralising, not least as game releases have increasingly dried up. Throw in spin-offs not many have welcomed, experimental releases for classic franchises and arguments over localisation (and debates over censorship), and there have been unhappy periods in the past year. So much hope had gone into NX bringing excitement and a breath of fresh air; the fact that reveal is coming later has soured some opinions further.
All of that said, I'm more excited about E3 following the additions of the past week. One day focused on nothing but Legend of Zelda never seemed enough, in my view, considering the value and attention that fans and media pay to the LA event. At least now there'll be something to watch over each day of the show, and on a personal level I'll also be following pre-E3 broadcasts from other platform holders and publishers. I don't have the same tingle of excitement of previous years, times of greater contentment and optimism in the world of Nintendo, but I'm looking forward to it nevertheless.
That, perhaps, is the best that could have been wished for. With the year Nintendo's had, in which it lost Satoru Iwata, faced falling sales and some damaging controversies, a reasonable few days at E3 is something to savour. I still believe an NX reveal and blow-out could have kickstarted an extended build-up to launch, but whether that was made impossible by rumoured production delays or is merely being held back strategically is now irrelevant. Nintendo's had to make do with what it has to offer in the here and the now.
I have my fingers crossed for some small but satisfying surprises, but if we only get what's advertised I'll still be soaking it in. Let's not forget, there'll be a whole day looking at the latest Legend of Zelda game - that's something to enjoy. Beyond that it'll be nice to spend a few days just thinking about some high quality and interesting games - the megaton reveals will just have to wait.
If you need a reminder of what's happening at E3, Nintendo and beyond, check out our guide to the press conferences and events.
Comments 158
Oh don't worry, Nintendo's gonna need to bring a Jackhammer to get my expectations back up again.
I agree, E3 was looking to be horrible when we thought it was just Zelda, but adding in Sun/Moon news has me a little more excited.
I don't know, I still think Nintendo had more than Zelda planned, as they still said it was the only playable game, and not the only game period. Perhaps they were going to keep some things under wraps until wrath of of Internet came down upon them, so they decided to reveal some more (or the rest of their plans if you're a pessimist. Lol)
In the end, who really knows except Nintendo?
Shame we have to sit through the insufferable Treehouse Team.
since they said they still had unannounced 3DS games in development I at least hoped they'd do a small Nintendo Direct to announce some 😔
Well next years E3 had better be an absolute killer, that's all I can say. I still want Diddy Kong Racing 2 you know (there were rumours about it appearing at last years E3).
As long as Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE aren't the only games being shown off on the second day, I'm somewhat looking forward to E3.
I say this because their E3 website (which is pretty cool, by the way), states that "Nintendo Treehouse: Live will showcase upcoming games such as Monster Hunter Generations..."; the use of 'such as' could mean that they have more games to show off...
Last year we got a reveal for mother's international release, so obviously we're gonna get mother 3 this year.
I'm not delusional.
I'm really just interested in NX and Nintendo have said they don't plan to reveal it at E3. That, plus the lack of opportunity to be surprised by announcements for WiiU and 3DS, is why I'm not very excited.
@RainbowGazelle I feel you brother. The last two years they did these Treehouse day-long streams they were painful to watch. Only the Twitch chat making fun of them made it bearable.
Nintendo's E3 magic.
@buildz Exactly, they're making the same mistake as before when they said Zelda would be the only PLAYABLE game yet they thought they meant the only game.
I'm sure they will show more than just those
@rjejr I'm more optimistic than I was. I'll probably be joining the live chats here especially since everyone seemed to enjoy me talking s*** at ubisoft last year while I was trying not to choke on laughter
I have no doubt they will have a surprise or two.
@Sir_JBizzle Yeah, Nintendo never said Zelda was the only game going to be there, just playable. I think it is possible they changed something in regards to: they had not finalized plans except for Zelda being the only playable game. That, I think, is possible.
But since they made it very clear that Zelda was the only PLAYABLE game, and every time said "playable" when they said only Zelda, really makes me think that, no, they never intended on it being just Zelda. It was always going to have more, and maybe the just weren't sure what else would be there at the time.
@MrCafecito Well, a signiifcant number of people did realize this. The bigger issue was when Nintendo announced "more information", namely the Treehouse Live and put the website up, and didn't say anything about any other games.
I think, worst-case scenario, they didn't know what else was going to be ready to show off at the event, so they only announced Zelda at first, and it also helps to get everyone's expectations lowered so they don't expect too much.
But I don't think they ever planned on it only being Zelda.
Yeah... I loved the Smash invitational and the NWC 2015. But I do wonder what that Pokemon Special announcement will be... Pokemon Comaster for the west, perhaps?
Tokyo mirage sessions was all it took to shatter any hopeful expectations from nintendo. sigh
My focus is on Nintendo right now, but I doubt it'll stay that way if Sony in particular manages to get a hold on some more enticing exclusives. The NX might be around the corner, but if they're not planning on selling it to me sooner rather than later, then my money will be spent elsewhere, sadly for them.
@BensonUii Let's not make excuses for Nintendo's recent actions. They should be answering to their audience, not the other way around.
@Sir_JBizzle I now think we'll get some minor announcements for the 3DS, like that Runbow port and the new Harvest Moon game, but little else. Especially coming from Nintendo.
Nintendo keeps shooting itself in the foot, and then to take its mind of it, it shoots itself in the other foot.
Let's tell the Nintendo public that we will not mention the NX at E3 .
Bang. Left foot
Lets say E3 is just about Zelda
Bang. Right foot.
Let's talk about some games we have already talked about.
Bang. Left foot.
Four words: Mario Kart 8 DLC.
Why? Think about it - mere days before E3, they went out of their way to tease the DLC. But wait, why did they ruin the only surprise they had planned for E3?!?
(The obvious answer to this question will dawn on you as you read this sentence.)
Give up? ANSWER ˙ɯǝɥʇ ɟo ǝuo pǝsɐǝʇ ʎǝɥʇ ʎɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ 'ǝɹoʇs uı sǝsıɹdɹns ǝɹoɯ sɐɥ opuǝʇuıN
@BensonUii I'd normally disagree with the premise of judging a book by its cover, but since videogames are an audiovisual medium, I'd argue the cover does say a lot about the game.
Besides that, it's not like Nintendo has been making amazing games recently. People haven't bashed Amiibo Festival, Ultra Smash, Triforce Heroes or Zip Lash, off the top of my head, based on first impressions alone. The same thing can be said about Star Fox Zero to a lesser extent. Federation Force's case is peculiar, but it doesn't look too promising either way. And about Color Splash, I don't think we know enough about it to pass fair judgement.
Umm, Nintendo said Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest, and that Tokyo crap will be INCLUDED on Nintendo's E3 Treehouse day 2. So there likely be more games on Treehouse day 2. People have been speculating Paper Mario Colour Splash being there.
I'm glad they lowered my expectations for this. Now when I watch it, I won't be so disappointed, and I'll be able to focus more on what they do say instead of what they don't.
They might have surprises, but I don't think there will be a blowout of surprises. The NX reveal show will come at some point this year, but E3 is too early for it with the release still 9 months away. They're just making a token effort here.
@buildz Yes! Your EXACTLY right! It says there show upcoming games SUCH AS those games. It also says there show upcoming games INCLUDING those.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel
@Peach64 When do you think Nintendo will make the NX reveal? Just curious to see what you think.
I am at least happier with the current situation knowing Zelda wasn't the only thing to be at E3, whether or not Nintendo had this in the plans all along is something we may never know. But it at least gets me slightly more excited.
To be honest though, this year as a whole in terms of E3 hasn't got me as excited as previous years.
@CanisWolfred I hope you're right. Aside from Zelda Wii U (especially) and some Pokemon, I just don't see any reason for me to get hyped for this upcoming E3.
I'm still waiting for a Nintendo Direct...
I'm getting Zelda, Pokémon and Monster Hunter, plus maybe some surprises from Nintendo at this E3. That's good enough for me!
Slow down Nintendo. I still have a backlog of games to complete
another NL user said this first, but I believe it. I think Nintendo probably planned to show off the NX at E3 this year, but the system got pushed back a few months, and then all of a sudden E3 was about to happen and they had absolutely no plans. Treehouse Live is always just spoilers to me, but I watch the games I'm not already super pumped for. So I'll be watching day 2 and day 3, and maybe just a tiny bit of day 1.
Honestly, one thing that hit me recently, is that what I want from the NX (or really Nintendo in the future) is a game like Overwatch. That game hit home for me, in a way, few others did in many years and in a way, I had hoped Splatoon would, but did not quite manage to. Here is to hoping that "rebooted" Nintendo, can pull off something similar with the NX line-up, or future titles.
Obviously this won't justify Nintendo's fix'it year for the NX (and hopefully it's restructuring) and obviously the WiiU's destined to be final moments. Though...
"if we only get what's advertised I'll still be soaking it in."
I'm just glad it won't be JUST Zelda.
If it wasn't obvious enough
@BLPs Well it's not like it was possible for you to be less optimistic. And you do have a lot of Pokemon to look forward to.
I think at this point I just can't get over NX skipping E3 so the rest doesn't really matter to me.
And why list all of these games for E3 now -
"Day 2 of Nintendo Treehouse: Live at E3 will showcase upcoming releases for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, including Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE! Day 2 will start with a special Pokémon GO developer Q&A at 10 a.m. PT on June 15 at:"
but not mention Paper Mario Color Splash? They already said it was due out in 2016. Why not highlight it at E3 if it's due out this year? We already know Zelda U isn't due out until 2017 so why make that such a big focus? And it's also obsolete, they already told us there will be an NX version in 2017 as well.
I'm looking forward to Dreams. I'll probably be here all 3 days though. Well maybe not for Pokemon on Day 3, not my thing, I'll watch some replays with my kids after school.
If they want to announce a New 3DS XL price drop to $149 I'll be excited.
This years E3 will be good with a hole first day full of the new The Legend Of Zelda game, we all wanted some NX reveal but nintendo knows what they are doing so lest wait!
@AlexSora89 Nice upside down typing. And don't forget the Cloud, Bayonetta and Corrin amiibo. (Whoever Korrin is, I still don't know but other people seem excited for it.) I'm hoping they are holding off on them b/c they work well in another game, whether that's MK8 DLC or "amiibo Snap!" I don't know, but somewhere. amiibo Snap! should have released instead of that Mini Mario game. It would be better than Miitomo anyway.
This year I'll be watching E3 with a whole bunch of friends in a game-dedicated bar that just opened in my city. Hopefully the event itself won't suck, because I'm hyped both for Zelda and the prospect of seeing E3 in this manner.
I can't say I care about anything else they'll be covering, though. Chances are I'll be playing Smash friendlies throughout those segments.
Let's be excited about games we already know about! YAY.
Nintendo's E3 is looking like garbage. No NX, Zelda taking up a majority of their E3(Mind you that we have no idea what the NX is, and they are spending an entire day on a game that isn't even an exclusive, and the other console is a mystery.)
Plus Zelda U/NX is ONE GAME.
The rest of E3 is just games that we already know about.
I'm probably going to skip Nintendo's E3. I'm not the biggest Zelda fan, so I would be wasting my time.
Yeah, like I said before, my expectations are SUPER, SUPER low...Still, It'll be decent, I guess.
@DarthNocturnal Apart from me firing shots it was unbearable. I think Tom and I had a good back and forth going in E3 bingo.
@rjejr Guess who's single now! Time to drink! I don't even need the comments now.
EDIT: Not single. Saved that nice and tidy phew
I am very pessimistic about Nintendo right now, but I bet their going to impress us with E3. Their backs are a against the wall and they are borderline from being released in the gaming world from all major 3rd parties and the majority of their loyal fan base.
ZELDA'S MUSIC will be the game changer. We'll be humming it until it comes out. I also bet they'll satisfy our appetite with a demo at some point. I'm expecting a MASSIVE open world with online play also. We can only hope.
I'm excited to see more Zelda and Pokemon, but...I still can't help but be a little dissapointed. I don't know, this just seems a bit bare bones. At least this year we won't see any games that feel like a slap to the face, such as Amiibo Festival, but I'm just a little let down...I don't know. I here that those other games are just being included, and there MIGHT be more, but who knows.
@Marce2240 I think that one of the main reasons people hated Federation Force so much is because it's been six years since we've gotten a new Metroid (nine since the last Metroid game that's been considered good), and all we're getting is a spin-off that really doesn't look much like Metroid...and the fact that this year is the 30th anniversary of the series doesn't exactly help much. As for Color Splash, I know it's a bit too early to judge, but...c'mon! The warning signs are all there! I would love to be proven wrong, but as it stands, it's probably going to just be Sticker Star 2...despite people absolutely hating Sticker Star (Seriously, why would you make a game that looks exactly like a game that everyone hated? Do you really think that's going to work out well?).
Nintendo's E3 news and the lack of appealing wii u games, (sorry fans of Tokyo mirage sessions or paper Mario color splash, but those are t my cup of tea.) is the reason that I'm planning on buying a ps4 and breaking my Nintendo only pattern. That being said, I believe that the Zelda hype train is going light speed and I'm riding it.
@remlapgamer I hope there will be a new theme! I am also hoping the world will be gorgeous.All aboard the Legend of Zelda hype train!
Nintendo definitely have a lot more hidden up their sleeve. They always have plans up ahead - do people not realise this?
I'm excited to see Zelda and more Pokemon Sun/Moon, but otherwise I'm rather 'meh' about Nintendo's E3 this year. I'm curious to see what that Pokemon Special is about though. Didn't specify Sun/Moon or Go. I assume it'll be 20th anniversary related though.
A good magician never explain his tricks. But I'm not a good magician. I'm not even a magician. Or good, for that matter. Here, have fun.
As for amiibo, yeah, sure! I also hope we get some crazy crossover stuff in Mario Kart 8: how about Cloud with the Hardy-Daytona as an extra character? How cool would it be to race in the same highway featured in the most famous motorcycle sequence of the entire PS1 era?
@AlexSora89 I agree with Nintendo having more surprises in store. Granted some will only be happy if there were NX news and or talk of their favorite franchise (Metroid, F-Zero, Mother, etc). Nintendo always surprises, but they do it their way, not the way everyone expects. That said I can't help but think they will release some big frachise game this year (like Mario) that will be shown at E3. They obviously announced Zelda because they know it has been delayed and people are wanting to see how well its progressing. But Nintendo isn't wanting to give away everything before the show. Even Microsoftand Sony haven't spilled their big releases or plans for E3.
Personally I would be stoked to get more MK8 DLC, which looks certain to happen this year. At first when Nintendo UK teased the still of MK64 I thought it was just for a VC release, but it's already out in the UK, so more MK8 DLC seems to be. So with that and Zelda gameplay, I'm good.
A week of waiting...
Spot on with the editorial - general head-scratching like we've all got a bad case of nits.
If the changes were a reaction to the "surprise" of fans when the initial E3 announcements were made, then I don't think it was quick enough. All they needed to do was post a simple tweet saying that although Zelda may be the only playable game, announcements about other games will also be included. Firm the details up later, job done, angst avoided. It's easy to think Nintendo has as much a clue as we do concerning what they are doing. However, the careful wording suggests the opposite. I guess the upshot is that expectations are generally low now. That's one way of avoiding disappointing fans!
It's not necessarily that there is nothing to look forward to and all output has been terrible. I am very much enjoying Fates and Hyrule Warriors Legends. It's the background of uncertainty, coupled with a propensity to make unfathomable decisions that has me more uneasy than any previous year.
I'm expecting Zelda to be good. Pokemon isn't my thing, but I welcome it for those who are interested. There may be a few other announcements. (I'd love a Detective Pikachu release for the West.) Still some good things to come. I just wish that near all announcements didn't come with a side of, "What are they doing?"
I've had the days booked off work since I was able to, I've bought the snacks in, just need to sort out something to drink now. 2014 was great, 2015 was a big let-down on the Nintendo front, and I've got little enthusiasm for the Big N this year.
Hopefully Ubisoft will have some cringe, Microsoft and Sony might have something to tempt me, and I hear there's some Runbow news in the works. For Ninty I guess it's better to go in with "This'll be worse than 2015" expectations than to get "This'll be better than 2014!" whiplash.
Their plans have improved since the announcement of the Zelda stuff. I like Zelda, but not enough for all of E3. I don't have that high of expectations, yet the more they unveil the more excited I get.
Being honest, I'm a Nintendo fan but an owner of a few Sony consoles (PS2 and now PS4 and PSP), and even with PS on my house I'm always more excited for Nintendo. Super Smash, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Mario, DK, Kirby, Metroid, Star Fox (not the 0 abomination), something nice from Square, something from Atlus, Advance Wars, No more Heroes 3, and a LOT more, but now Nintendo reveals just feel so empty, less and less important, and for the first year in my life as a gamer, I'm more excited with Sony than Nintendo. And to me this is very sad and worrying, I hope that NX isn't just a gimmick and bring back my full attention to Nintendo reveals.
And the problem isn't just the Wii U, the censorship from NA, the late localization (YoKai Watch 2 only at 2016), the bad communication, the change that changes nothing (new 3ds), pokémon washed difficult, the generic mobile apps, the low numbers of Special and Collectors editions, the digital only rewards for My Nintendo, and the whole "Our console are for kids so let's keep on kids level", there are so many reasons to leave Nintendo that on my mind only a true fan would keep following Nintendo.
That said, I really love 3DS, to me is on par with PS2 and SNES as the best ever, and I'm a fan so I'll keep following Nintendo, I hope that is a reward on the end of the tunnel.
Nintendo's digital event last year was extremely terrible with poorly made trailers and too much time spent talking about Yoshi's Wooly World when it was already released in Europe! But the Nintendo Treehouse live stream was so much better so Ninty redeemed themselves with that
Nevertheless, I am still very excited to see what Nintendo is gonna show for Zelda U!
It is what it is. But here's the rundown:
1) E3 for Nintendo, overall, will be lame this year. Accept that now, remove expectations and hopefully just enjoy whatever is on show
2) Despite point #1 the fact is, Zelda U will finally be revealed! I don't know about everyone else but I am extremely excited for this game. Just because the rest of their show will be relatively lame doesn't mean the Zelda reveal on day one will be anything less that extraordinary
3) We are actually getting our first taste of NX. Despite the system not making an appearance, it's big launch title is (Zelda U). They may show Wii U gameplay but it's going to look almost the same on NX (see Valkyria Chronicles Remastered).
Special Note
A lame e3 for Nintendo this year isn't the end of the world. We still have (some) games coming this year, and an NX reveal to look forward to in a few months, and the NX itself in just 9 months. With NX will come an entire e3 sized blowout. So think of it not as a lame e3, but rather as one delayed a few months with a substantial down payment (Zelda U).
I agree with most of your points but I just don't feel so hostile toward Nintendo or upset about it. They do a lot of stuff that is aggravating but (to me) that's never even been close to an actual reason to "leave". It's not like a relationship with a woman where you leave if you feel your needs are fully met- is just video games so you only need one reason to stay- as long as they are still making games that you love to play you have the only reason you'll ever need.
The censorship is aggravating and I've done my share of complaining, but in all honesty the games are still perfectly enjoyable and I wouldn't have even known anything if someone hadn't told me a given game was censored. And localization happens when it happens. You'll enjoy the game no less 6 months from now then you will today. One less game now = one more game later... It all balances out.
As for the mobile apps, we have yet to see their two new actual game apps but regardless of whether they are good or bad they're optional for smart phone users and have no bearing on our enjoyment of our consoles. As for the New 3DS, I think it's the best and most worthy hardware iteration they have ever released since the backlit screen on GBA. There were multiple DS iterations and none of them brought even 1/10 of what new 3DS brought to the table. Just the C-stick, stable 3D, extra buttons and NFC a alone trumps the entire DS family of revisions. The extra games and games running better and games with more features is just the cherry on top.
As for MyNintendo, the communication, the kids level mentality and scarce LE stock, I 100% agree.
What if Nintendo is just trolling us hard and actually reveals the NX at the end of the E3? That would be one of the greatest trolls of all time!
What's wrong with the Treehouse team? They do exactly what they're supposed to do, preview games. They're not there to try to makes us laugh, if they do it's a bonus.
@Sir_JBizzle my thoughts exactly. I think Pokemon and a few of the other additions were reactions to the entitled "internetz" overreacting.
But if the past is anything to go off of, Nintendo always has something to show that is a surprise...they definitely keep a few of their cards close to their chest.
As excited as I am about finally getting to see Zelda I can't stomach Nintendo Treehouse. I'm glad there's something extra, just wish they would do something different than Treehouse. The Directs are so much better in my opinion.
@Zeldafanforlife Yeah, I think the introduction of the Treehouse section has been unequivocally A Good Thing.
Before that, to get a feel for how a game played you'd have to read a preview column in a magazine/website, or maybe get some footage of a journalist shouting at the camera from a noisy, on-floor game booth. There was no real chance to see the game played through in a thorough and intimate manner, narrated by people who had some inside knowledge.
I think that comment was made in the spirit of the Internet Hate Wagon. People are annoyed at Nintendo - and with many good reasons - but then it becomes 'a thing' and everyone wants to join in and make their own point. And when all the good points are taken, they resort to moaning about Nintendo Treehouse; as if seeing better preview footage than that from an under-slept, shouty journalist in a demo booth is a bad thing.
It's not like it replaces anything - unless people were expecting Nintendo Directs to literally last for hours. It's a really silly complaint, especially when there are so many sensible ones available.
Nah! WW3 incoming!
Treehouse actually makes me enjoy the E3 experience more, but it's still hard to like that it's still a short list. I like E3 for the surprises, and new games that catch my eye. Seeing that this is news for games that are new but we already know about is a slight downer.
I think a good deal of the negativity lately is more to do with Nintendo fans still feeling gutted by Nintendo lately rather than the actual lineup for E3 being sparse. The games are coming, the reality is just that they aren't the kind of games some Nintendo fans want. Paper Mario seems to again be completely devoid of the ideas that popularized the older entries, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is incredibly niche (not bad, just means less people care), and the 3DS is getting a few goodies. This should be, but probably isn't, troubling for Nintendo, because as more fans continue to feel disillusioned and think Nintendo no longer offers the kinds of games they like, the Nintendo fanbase will continue, as it has been for decades, to shrink. The end result, is that things look bleak for any kind of NX launch next year with Nintendo not communicating well and not making it known that they are addressing any of the problems they've been having for years.
But for me though, I absolutely love Zelda and Pokemon, so seeing more on these will make Nintendo's E3 presence at least interesting.
I'm sorry but it fits a little too well:
New Slogan: "Nintendo, Lower your Expectations"
And are also feeling gutted by the EXTREME lack of content in Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.
@PigmaskFan Definitely, it's things like that. Like Paper Mario, it's another series that was once loved by its fanbase, yet has been stripped down.
@greengecko007 Sadly enough. The series has been cut down and has no heart attatched to it.
Its miyamotos fault. As great a developer he used to be, he deserves the blame for what the lifeless series it has become. And then theres starfox...
I'm hoping there will be a Nintendo Direct sometime in August/September that helps build the excitement that E3 will lack. Nintendo seems to want their own spotlight and the competition with Sony and Xbox isn't going well. Last year, people hated Nintendo's presentation and Sony killed it. I think they want to avoid that this year so they are playing it quiet. It's disappointing for sure but one can only hope they will dazzle us after E3. It's day like this that I am so, so, so glad I own a PS4. It's really challenging if you only own a Nintendo console. I tried that for a year and it was painful. Never again. I will buy NX but not at launch, they need to prove its viable before I leave my PS4.
Well, I'd say there's a 50% chance Nintendo will have at least one surprise up its sleeve this E3.
@Barbiegurl777 Your kidding right? 3DS will have at least a total of 27 games, if not more, released this year alone. With a huge salvo coming between June-November That's not counting hidden gems like pocket jockey. My wallet weeps.
At times like this, a lot of people would do well to remember the words of the entirely made up Jedi-master Yoda. As made up as it all was, it still was some pretty solid advice nonetheless:
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering... "
And like @JaxonH already said: in the end it's just video games, so really nothing to be angry or that upset about. It's a hobby, not one of life's primary requirements. Each and every one of us will get by perfectly fine without it.
As a latest example of the ever increasing ridiculousness of online whiners, I now see people on various sites also being disgruntled (to put it very mildly) about the change in program at the E3, with Pokemon moving to an earlier time slot and people are now all up in arms because Zelda isn't shown first.
I always learned that you save the best for last, and not to start a dinner with the desert, but I suppose I'm way too old fashioned for this wonderful online world full of people living the glass half empty life and apparently enjoying every sip of it...
@CanisWolfred And even THAT is pretty optimistic.
I thought it would be hard to undershoot last years "Lets just show you stuff you already knew in and out"
But along came "Lets not show you anything at all"
And yes, i do know Zelda U is shown.
Why do i still not care ? I mean, its a Zelda game. I know what to expect from it, no matter how drastically it changed. And we knew about it for ages.
Its nothing that gets me exited in the long run anymore. And that's pretty much what E3 is for me. A sneak peak of whats to come.
So yeah, i occasionally poke my head out should there be a suprise hidden in there, but otherwise, ill skip E3 this year.
@Nintendofan83 I feel you, I was in the same boat myself. I opted to get a 3DS along side my Wii U. I'm happy to say I wasn't disappointed. Its rare when I actually have the time to sit down for a proper gaming session on a console. If I do my daughter wants me to play minecraft, or trade off on some online splatoon matches. So the portability of the 3DS, the quality, variety, and sheer number of games has wowed me.
"I don't have the same tingle of excitement of previous years, times of greater contentment and optimism in the world of Nintendo, but I'm looking forward to it nevertheless."
This sentence basically sums up how I feel about Nintendo's E3 as a whole. As much as I love Zelda, I felt that focusing exclusively on Zelda U was a bit silly and would no doubt irritate fans (heck, it already has) who were hoping to see other franchises presented. I think that Nintendo's chances of "winning" E3 this year are slim to none, but I'm still looking forward to some of what they'll be showing off.
@ThanosReXXX The saddest thing I find is the tone of vengeance in a lot of the comments.
It's often not about disappointment or sadness so much as outright anger and hatred; not "Oh dear, I was really hoping for X" or "I wish Y could come back to life and fill me with joy", but "Screw you Nintendo, I hope you burn in the pits of hell".
Which is stupid, immature, self-defeating, and even a little disturbing. If you want a game series to return, wanting the company that produced it to crash and burn is not likely to bring that about. Also, launching such an emotional tirade against a video games company on a message board just looks pathetic and self-absorbed - especially if you begin it with "Dear Nintendo".
Everything's become so hysterical and overwrought and facile and... ridiculous. It's exhausting.
Some people come online to talk about video games. Others seem to come online to star in their own self-absorbed, hysterical soap operas where they can shout and stamp their feet as much as they want. It's seems to be getting increasingly difficult to find anywhere to discuss video games without the conversation becoming dominated by a bunch of frumpy arse-cakes.
@RandomBlue That old man has single handedly destroyed 2 beloved franchises. And he still works there. That's crazy
The E3 lineup is better now for sure, but still pretty disappointing all in all. Especially for people like me that dont really care about pokemon. And as odd as it sounds, no one could be more pumped for Zelda U yet I'm afraid to watch the full-day live stream because I don't want over-exposure to kill the excitement of discovering it myself. I would have honestly preferred an official title, a new 3 or 4-minute trailer, and maybe an eshop demo instead. If it starts showing too much, I may just tune out. (-_-)
The only game I am looking forward to from nintendo is Zelda, as for the rest of the games nintendo has announced for E3 I don't care for at all. So I will be watching what Sony and Microsoft are going to be showing off this year over Nintendo.
I'm not really hyped for this year's E3. I'm not really interested in Microsoft's presentation, I have only one thing on my wishlist for Sony's conference which I can't be certain will be fulfilled, and Nintendo's E3, despite Zelda U, is looking barebones. I'll be watching Nintendo's E3 since I'm not going to school that day while I have to go to school during Microsoft/Sony's conference, but I'm not keeping my hopes high during this one. Shame...
I wonder what will become of color splash. I don't believe the reaction was positive, I personally was very disappointed in the sticker star-like gameplay, so I'm wondering if Nintendo is quietly just going to release it later in the year to little fanfare a la Mario Tennis. I understand it's a "big" title but let's look at last years "big" titles to end 2015 and we can see Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis were it.
I don't understand how a console can go 3-4 months at a time inbetween game releases, even Nintendo's Wii had a wealth of titles up until 2011. While it's clear the Wii U is dead, the Wii U was never really alive as it struggled to get any form of consistent releases.
Hoping the NX is good as their Wii U has probably been their worst effort yet. Excluding Virtua Boy, as that was more of a toy than a legitimate gaming console
Best part about this is that I can't be extremely disappointed like I was last year, because my expectations are at absolute rock bottom right now.... right where it seems Nintendo wants us to be.
I don't get why we can't at least get the name of the NX or some new news. It makes no sense to not include it at all.
@AlexSora89 I agree, no point firing with all cylinders with nothing to hold back as a surprise, I'd like to hear about "Project Giant Robot" personally, what I do want to see is some NX game teasers (like Rise: race the future) or the names for the mobile FE and Animal Crossing. Metroid prime fed force needs a date and more Paper Mario footage.
At the very least it would be nice to end the show by saying the NX will revealed on [insert date here] and give us a concrete day to look forward to.
I can't wait for new Zelda and Pokémon but they were never going to be enough on their own.
@JpGamerGuy90 since January, Nintendo has released 1 Nintendo game per 1-2 months. certainly not 3-4
@Zadaris like a Smash teaser?
So many people are impatient and feel very entitled. Doesn't matter to me that they're not starting with Zelda. I've never been into the Pokemon games but have occasionally watched the show over the years and I don't really care about Sun and Moon but I know a lot of people do. I wish everyone would learn to be patient more than anything.
@greengecko007 I really don't care if the fan base shrinks, fanboyism has destroyed Video games as a hobby and I for one am beginning to get sick of the whining "this is NOT my paper Mario!" fanboys screech, I just tell them they cant judge a game based on not even 30 seconds of footage, (good luck judging sonic 1 with 30 seconds of footage.) and I don't care for how much hate fed force gets by Nintendo fans stop worshiping franchises when they cant gross as much sales as the titan Pokémon IP, what did get me is the sudden revival of a Famicom era IP known as Fire Emblem.
Zelda is soured in my view cause they are showing the Wii u version. It's coming to the nx but they are hopefully showing the weaker version. The last time they did this I got the version they showed at e3, the Wii version of Twilight princess. So I still think this is a horrible plan Nintendo has this year. But at least they added more.
I definitely love Zelda and have most of the games but i would rather they show the version I am going to buy versus the one I am now skipping.
I can't really help, but being excited for Nintendo's E3 and E3 in general and also as I don't focus too much on expectations. Of course I do have some wishes for Nintendo's E3, but I think as long as the games are presented nicely along with at least one surprise I will be fine... or a Nintendo Direct for Japan seeing what we might get in the future. (I think there will likely be a Japanese Direct soon if not a English one as well).
In any case I think this E3 will likely be okey enough as in a waiting time until the NX, and for all what we know we might see a teaser for a NX game without knowing. So yeah, just 8 days now until Nintendo's E3 :+).
Edit: Can't say I really complain about getting more time to cleaning up my backlog a bit more before the NX comes out either ^^.
@BensonUii Hey, Nintendo has ONLY ONE game to show at E3 this year, you can't blame Nintendo fans for being disappointed. Oh, by the way, people who are upset about Nintendo's E3 plans ARE fans. Who else would care besides Nintendo fans? They don't just call themselves fans for no reason. Nintendo has had many E3s where they would show plenty of great quality games. Then you've got times when they would show hardly anything. Which one did most like better? Therefore, Nintendo's E3 plans this year simply aren't smart, unless they plan to show more good things than just Zelda.
Part of me believes they'll reveal something about the NX; like a blank game cartridge or even a teaser logo. I feel like Reggie's comments about the NX last year weren't officially confirmed beforehand. Nintendo is always about surprises!
Nintendo's worst E3 yet.
Sure, we're finally getting Zelda U/NX info, but that's all I'm hyped for. I don't like Pokemon, Monster Hunter is not my cup of tea, and I especially hate that stupid anime game.
I still strongly like last year's E3 a lot better, but that's not saying much. That's like saying that I liked my last time taking a dump than my most recent one.
That Zelda art style makes me so happy every time I see it though.
Those of us in Australia read the answer first 🙃
focus on the now? you mean the nothing? my wii u isn't even hooked up right now, its already wrapped in plastic like the rest of my classic gaming equipment. all i'm looking forward to this year is paper mario color splash and the cloud strife amiibo. other than that i don't see too much for me. maybe i'll pick up a 2ds just to play links awakening on the go and maybe some altered beast and ecco the dolphin. any word on monster hunter stories? will it require the new model or any will do?
@PanicPuppet92 if they go back to carts i'll be back to buying physical games again! i don't know why but i like them more than discs!
@DoctorWily i dunno, that would make people happy and i'm not sure that nintendo really wants to do that....
@123akis the treehouse did let me get a better look at xenoblade chronicles x and fatal frame. i'll watch it again this year.....but please no puppets....
As long as Nintendo announces MK8 DLC and/or new adventure maps for Hyrule Warriors (Wii U), E3 2016 will be better than E3 2015.
@NintendoFan64 You are right about FF, that's the reason why I said the situation surrounding that game is a little more complicated than others.
As for Color Splash, that's a case of fan expectations not being met, not of a gane being bashed by design reasons, at least the complains I've seen about it. I get that people want PM to return to its roots but, the way I see it, the game itself might still be good. There are similarities to Sticker Star, obviously, but that doesn't mean it's a carbon copy of that game. Nintendo can always fine-tune the more questionable aspects (like the whole sticker economy thing) of SS for the sequel. That's the problem with this kind of games, it's pretty hard to judge them just by some minutes of gameplay footage. GameXplain put a good analysis of the reveal trailers up shortly after they came out, and it managed to mitigate my negative reaction to Color Splash somewhat.
Nintendo's E3 this year will be like going to a five star restaurant and being served McDonalds. A Big Mac is good and I'll definitely eat it up, but it's very underwhelming and unfitting.
It would be shocking to see Nintendo not reveal a game or two within the three days they have. The 3DS could use a game that isn't an RPG to coincide with Pokemon for the holiday season, and the Wii U... literally doesn't have anything (unless you count Color Splash).
I think it would make sense to see remakes and low budget titles announced for both systems. Maybe a HD remake of Super Mario Sunshine, Galaxy, or Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii U? A small scale F-Zero game for 3DS? Super Mario 3D Land 2 that uses assets from the original? A port of Super Mario Maker for 3DS? Even a Mario sport game would make the holiday season more tolerable.
The sad part is that these expectations, at least to me, are very low... and Nintendo might not even reach them. Regardless if they announce anything new or not, it will be interesting to finally see Zelda. Oh, and if they don't announce more Mario Kart 8 DLC after that tweet, then Nintendo is pure evil.
I feel that we will get enough to be satisfied with at E3. It's just a shame that Nintendo can't make what seems to be most of the Nintendo fans a bit happier. There are so many negative comments it's crazy, especially as nothing has actually happened yet. People are bemoaning something that has not even happened or in the case of the NX something we don't know anything about. The problem nowadays is that people seen to think companies should do what they want
As a very long term Nintendo fan I am always happy with what I get given, it's just the way it is and always has been. I just hope we get a MEGATON and everyone shuts up with the negativity.
@HSuzumiyaVI This is why you and me see eye to eye, you just make sense.
The fanboyism will be the death of me. Its totally unrealistic to think a company will provide you with a game you will like every single time, or that game should be made the way you want it to be made. I love how some take so much time describing, at length, what a game should or should not be. If it means that much to you it might be time to put on the indie developer hat, otherwise your just setting your setting yourself up with unrealistic expectations every time.
Even with just Zelda, this E3 would've still been full of Nintendo magic for me!
(The other stuff they've announced don't interest me anyway)
Man, am I excited for some "next gen" Zelda!!
It might as well just be a Zelda U reveal as far as I am concerned. I couldn't care less about the other games that are mentioned.
I am happy for those who have additional games to look forward to and that Nintendo is catering to a bit of a broader audience, but for me personally there is zero hype (even Zelda) regarding this year's E3.
Yeah sure, I'll watch it. At the moment I'm more excited to see what Sony & Microsoft has to offer and I don't even own one of their consoles yet. Will probably pick up a PS4 in the near future.
Personally, I have been disappointed by Nintendo too many times and for too long. I really hope that changes in the near future.
I'm not hyped for this E3 at all. It'll be nice to see Zelda at last but there's a chance I might not even play with the Wii U version and with its release still so far off anyway.So other than that,there is Tokyo Mirage which I don't really care about,also we've known about that for 3 or 4 years.I don't have a 3DS and have never played Pokemon or Dragons Quest anyway so even if I had one I would have no interest in these 2 games. So if this is all there is to be then for me personally it'll be the worst E3 since I started following them.It's sad really.
Read the comments. Man you people are sour... :---) Yet I cannot fault you for that. It's been a pretty bad year for ol' Ninty.
On another note, I rather enjoyed the Treehouse team (more so in 2014 than 2015 tho). People who make fun of them must be pretty immature.
But there's one thing I'm a bit worried about: I would like to see the Zelda gameplay footage without the convention hall noise or talking. I hope someone manages to get direct-feed capture of the gameplay or that Nintendo releases a proper trailer for the game so that we'll be able to hear every sound and the gorgeous music in full detail.
Also, full screen HD footage plz.
So Sun and Moon will be shown during the first half and then Zelda U will be shown during the second half on June 14th? Man, that's a bummer for people who don't care about Pokémon.... or don't want to be spoiled like me, haha.
@ThanosReXXX "I always learned that you save the best for last, and not to start a dinner with the desert"
Are you implying that Nintendo kicked off their Digital Event last year with the dessert instead of the entrée?
Nope. Nintendo's E3 is completely pathetic, and there's no excuse.
NX better be damn good.
Gamepad fans: look at how well that controller worked out!
@Maxz @Tsurii @Zeldafanforlife Exactly. All good points. Unfortunately the online world is filled with people taking rumors for facts, adding their own delusions and then when their expectations aren't met to the letter, they go from disappointed to outraged in no time and what better place to rant than in a comment section of a game site where you can bore other people that do like to talk about games and the people that make them in a normal way...
Oh well, can't be helped I'm afraid. Guess we'll just have to "get with the times"...
And as expected, I also saw some criticism directed at Mr. Miyamoto, both here and on some other sites, and even though I myself also sometimes wonder what the man is thinking, I think that in the larger picture, he is still a definite added value to the gaming industry.
Player Essence made a nice discussion video on that very topic:
@Lewieboy124 No, I wasn't trying to be funny at the cost of Nintendo.
I was dead serious.
With legend of zelda delayed due to running issues on the Wii u and the decision to move it to the NX makes me wonder why anyone would by a Wii U version!
As for Pokemon just not interested at all. Or FE, and as for MHG I'll will pay no attention to this until it's back on a console with voice chat!
Will we get any reggie now he's been moved so far down the ranks to the tea boy!
Why? Is that a clockwise/counterclockwise water joke?
Yes, new footage for all the announced stuff, and also my personal impossible dream...
I'm with Thomas Whitehead on this one. I'm just going to enjoy E3 as it is, even though I know it could have been so much more for Nintendo. I'll just try to focus on the positives. And besides, I'll also be looking forward to Microsoft's conferences s well so there is no way I'll end up disappointed. Hopefully the new Zelda game is everything we hoped it would be so at least that sliver of positivity can be maintained.
Given last year and how Nintendo forewarned prior to E3 that they'd be focusing primarily on games releasing in 2015 and early 2016 (Metroid Prime: Federation Force being the exception), and yet fans and users of this site still raised there hopes for many large announcements, I reckon that lowering expectations proves to be quite difficult for some people. I was okay with Nintendo at last year's E3, not exactly enthralled, but I preferred it's approach to game announcements over Sony's focus on games that are late 2017 or further releases. My main complaint for their E3 2015 Digital Event was concerning games that were scheduled for 2015 and early 2016 releases that were not included in it (Rodea the Sky Soldier, Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water, and a few others).
For this year, I have little to no excitement for E3, on pretty much all fronts. I don't care for the direction of the new Legend of Zelda, am still irritated with their recent localisation/censorship issues, and still don't have an interest in the 'not even going to be there' NX (if I do decide to purchase one, it'll be at 2017 winter times at the earliest). I shall enjoy seeing more of Pokémon Sun and Moon though, and if they surprise us with some footage of Paper Mario: Colour Splash that raises my hopes for the game, that would be very pleasing.
On Microsoft's front, them closing Lionhead Studios and cancelling Fable Legends has me very sour about them. Scalebound has been delayed until 2017, Phantom Dust has had no updates after the team working on it quit, and I somewhat doubt there will be an announcement of a Blinx 3, Sunset Overdrive 2, or Jet Force Gemini 2. An in Sony's case, they've been unable to please for a long time. I would hope for a bulkier PS4 controller, a new Ape Escape, a new MediEvil, a new PSASBR, and for Gravity Rush 2 to get some attention, but only the last of those things are likely.
My views on E3 are at an all time low this year, so it'll be quite easy to please me. Hooray for lowered expectations!
@ThanosReXXX I was trying to subtly say you brought up a good point about last year's digital event. Nintendo kicked it off with the dessert (Starfox Zero), then moved on to an entrée (Skylanders), then they dished out main courses (TriForce Heroes and Hyrule Warriors Legends), then went back to a starter that's made of Marmite (Federation Force).... and now I've taken this analogy way too far, haha. In short, the pacing was all over the place.
Even though I'm slightly disappointed over them putting Pokémon first on the agenda instead of Zelda U, I think the pacing will be better because of it.
@Lewieboy124 Ah, guess I misread you then. Always a possibility with having to interpret another person's text. Sorry about that.
Last year was indeed all over the place, but I tend to look forward only, so to me the example of dinner/desert only counts now, because it was only meant to be seen in the context of the Zelda U showing.
Although, even if Star Fox isn't what many hoped it would be, I would still say that it is a main course, and not a desert or afterthought. That would be Federation Force. And a hard one to digest at that...
@Barbiegurl777 Well you can also use this list for a quick look see. Can see what games past, present, or future that piques your interest.
U.S. is on the far right of the list. Happy Gaming =)
Eh, no!
@Barbiegurl777 Just click the arrow next to North American, should sort the list to current year releases and those that don't have a release date as of yet.
@BLPs "Guess who's single now!"
Jiminy crickets BLPs what the heck is going on over there? Auditioning for your own reality TV show? (yes, I read your edit)
I have no idea what this is, but since Disney Infinity ended I need it as an amiibo.
@AlexSora89 Woudl make for a heck-u'va amiibo.
I applaud anyone who is optimistic about Nintendo's E3 this year. I'd also like to know the drugs that you're on
@rjejr Just arguments. Getting past some stuff.
@JaxonH I was a bit bitter yesterday, for personal reasons, and I think that some of my complaining are exaggerated, the censorship for an instance, I kind of like the changes made in Bravely Second, and the Fire Emblem ones doesn't bother me (but Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Fatal Frame are ridiculous changes), I love the New 3DS, actually I do own 2 (red and Fire emblem Edition), but they could make more than just 1 game and the Xenoblade Chronicles, things like Monster Hunter 4 upgrades are great but I want more. The localization is weird, I can wait, but they need to be clear and logical about it, just look at Dragon Quest, 2 games at the same time, this is weird and to me plainly bad, I'll buy both, but why release 2 similar games, sequels, almost at the same time?
And everything else I keep my point, but you agreed with me so there's no point in explain it. (Sorry about the confuse text, I just waked up)
There have never been any rumors that I've heard of of Zelda having problems running on the Wii U other than that slight choppiness we saw from the game awards footage from a year and a half ago but it's not fair to judge how a game runs in it's pre-alpha build. For the record, I plan on getting both versions of the game.
I don't think there has ever been an instance where the censorship of ANY game has bothered me. Leave the core game itself intact and I couldn't really care less what they censor.
Oh yes. I can't wait to play as Cloud while riding the Master Cycle in Midgar!
E3 magic? Hopefully it won't backfire! Because we want our carrot...
... and not giving us carrots will backfire.
Sorry for the accidental triple post (well, the first two in a row were accidental, anyway) but I noticed just now your first gif in this thread and wanted to join in the fun. Call this...
... an easter egg, if you will.
Creeping out more n more games so one or two surprise's would be nice.
@HSuzumiyaVI Exactly!
The funny thing is, I didn't want NX at E3. I wanted them to focus on games for the Wii U and 3DS. I also didn't want an NX release this year. I thought early 2017, like March or April, would make a nice date. Because by the time the holidays come you'll have a nice line-up of software. 2012-2017 sounds nicer, too. And I wouldn't buy a new console this year anyway.
I wish I would have posted all this as a rumour. That way I would now be a reliable source. =P
What I'm meaning to say is that I'm not really bothered by E3 this year. I wished there was a Direct, though. I hope they'll upload some trailers, because I don't think I'll watch the Treehouse Live, as I usually don't want to see too much of a game before release.
I hope for a surprise or two, though. Even if it's only an eShop game or DLC. I just want something nice to look forward to.
@Kriven I wonder what the fourth stage will look like?
Even with what they've got on offer it feels rather anemic to me. Nintendo presentations have been feeling that way more and more throughout the 8th gen of consoles, though... Their grandeur has seemingly left them, with some sparks here and there. There are plenty of nice 3rd party offerings on 3DS, to be sure, but even that took a while to get the ball rolling. Kinda feels like I've been drifting further into retro and PC...
I'm just "whatever" about Nintendo's E3 this year. At least I have Microsoft and Sony's E3 to look forward too. I'm more excited for those two than I am for Nintendo's which is really saying a lot because I'm more of a Nintendo person. Tsk. Tsk. I kinda wished they wouldnt show Sun and Moon because I dont appreciate that those games being spoiled. If I dont watch it, my friends will spoil it for me so I might as well watch it?
I said this a few months ago and I'll say it again: I'm MUCH MORE excited for Nintendo's E3 2017 because NX stuff will or should be reveal by then and the games that will follow suit. We just gotta bear though this year's Nintendo E3 people. Yea.
@Nin10doh I'm just a person with big ideas in the Source modding space. so I know a few ropes, but an indie dev? well, I guess but we all have lives outside the internet. thank you for the suggestion.
@AlexSora89 i'd buy it. the wii U version is from what I heard ingenious, they packaged a dev tool like Hammer and made it like the Portal 2 testing initiative. the level editor on Steam (I recommend Bee mod for it, because it gives you enhanced tools.)
i'm going to buy it someday, might layby it at least n.n
@Rin-go enjoying the 5 year anniversary sale?
Being able to edit Mario stages is too much of a good thing. And there are people, such as myself, who would love to do so on the go. It happened with Super Smash Bros.; hopefully we won't have to wait fourteen years before the same happens with Super Mario Maker.
@WindWakerLink well, how times change, any thoughts on what happened during E3?
@AlexSora89 I admit, i'd buy that.
So would I, but so far E3 proved that the Mario Maker card is one Nintendo would play only when desperate measures are needed. The 3DS is selling strong; the WiiU isn't. Hence Mario Maker being a thing on one console and not on the other.
@AlexSora89 i'd call it a compromise but its likely an in Nintendo joke made into a Mario paint game using the dev tools that Nintendo uses.
At least there's a bit of Mario Maker in Super Smash Bros., thanks to the Super Mario Maker stage being available to both versions. That's not saying much, though.
@AlexSora89 really? I never noticed sorry.
The stage also looks downright gorgeous on 3DS, which makes Nintendo's decision not to make a Maker (sorry, pun not intended) for the system even more baffling.
@AlexSora89 my guess, the Wii U was the reason why.
once Mario maker failed to sell more copies as it did Nintendo decided to move to the NX.
Thing is, Nintendo thinks games alone sell consoles, but that's not the case - if their next console had, for [an absurd] example, the same power as the SNES, they could still have Final Fantasy VI as a launch title, and that is a timeless gem, but... there's no denying no other devs (aside from a few indies) would develop a game for said console when othery companies offer machines with much more raw power.
"Because it has Mario on it" is something that works only on fans such as myself: I'll most likely buy the next console, but I'm already taking the possibility of being unable to play some games on it - and having to buy either Xbox One's or PS4's successor - due to the less-than-competitive power into account.
@AlexSora89 how funny you actually mention the SNES, there were plenty of consoles stronger than the SNES, Neo geo and PC engine as well as the Phillips CDI. why did they all fail?
and what about the 3DS? why did the Vita fail?
games determine the want of a system, hence why exclusives is Nintendo's strong point, we are in 2016 and I just witnessed my Xbone go obsolete in 4 years. should Nintendo make a base line NX and make a 600 NX that is 10 TFLOPS and smokes a GTX 1080? cause that's what is happening to PlayStation and Xbox... they are disintegrating the convenience of being a console for power, of which wont be used until the PS4 and XBO die out...
so mug us for buying a console then?
The SNES was just an example to explain my point with. As said in the other article where the two of us are flooding the otherwise blank comment section, we'll have to wait and see.
@AlexSora89 true, I comment based on the article.
plus, its relatively quiet around here.
Well, nice to know I can keep annoying you then!
@HSuzumiyaVI "It was TOO MUCH ZELDA!" LAWZ! XD XD Kidding! Kidding! It was really enjoyable for what it was. What kept it lovely for me was to see the Treehouse people there playing, discussing, joking around, having developers talking about their stuff...that's what I wanted! I'm glad I kept my expectations low because they surprised me which is what I secretly hoped for. Haha. The Zelda...wow. Awesome. But I'm kinda like "umm.... guys. You're showing too much! I'm already sold on getting the game! Please stop! XD "
The Sun & Moon stuff was great. It was good to see the producer and new director for Sun & Moon. Day 2 stuff was good too. I'm really looking forward to E3 2017 even more so from Nintendo. It's gonna be ALL KINDS OF AWESOME!
SN: Sorry for my late reply. I just notice the notification to your reply.
@WindWakerLink its ok, its been a while since I was on this site.
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