Nintendo's presence at E3 also comes with eShop deals for Wii U and 3DS owners in North America. There's a focus on Zelda and Pokémon games, but other top titles including Super Smash Bros. and Splatoon are also up price cuts.
Games from both Nintendo and third parties are on sale from 14-21 June (the discounts are now live), but select Nintendo games are also getting an extra 10% reduction for those who have signed up for a My Nintendo account.
If you haven't registered with My Nintendo yet or linked your account to your Nintendo Network ID, you have until the end of the sale to do so and reap the extra benefit. Games with the extra 10% discount will have a "Just for You" tag in the Wii U eShop and a "Discount" tag in the 3DS eShop.
Here's what's on offer. Games eligible for the extra My Nintendo Discount will be marked with [MN]:
Wii U
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - US$29.99/CA$32.99 [MN]
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - US$4.79/CA$4.79 [MN]
- The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - US$4.79/CA$4.79 [MN]
- Pokémon Rumble U - US$10.79/CA$15.23 [MN]
- Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire - US$4.79/CA$4.79 [MN]
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - US$38.99/CA$42.24 [MN]
- Splatoon - US$44.99/CA$52.49 [MN]
- Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - US$23.99/CA$26.99 [MN]
- Paper Mario - US$5.99/CA$5.99 [MN]
- Just Dance 2016 - US$29.99/CA$29.99
- Skylanders Superchargers Portal Owner's Pack - US$24.99/CA$29.99
- FAST Racing NEO - US$11.20/CA$14.99
- Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut - US$4.99/CA$5.49
- Mutant Mudds Super Challenge - US$6.99/CA$9.09
- Extreme Exorcism - US$6.49/CA$6.49
- Typoman - US$8.99/CA$11.99
- Lovely Planet - US$6.99/CA$8.99
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - US$23.99/CA$26.99 [MN]
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages - US$3.59/CA$3.59 [MN]
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - US$3.59/CA$3.59 [MN]
- Pokémon Battle Trozei - US$4.79/CA$6.77 [MN]
- Pokémon Trading Card Game - US$3.59/CA$3.59 [MN]
- Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - US$25.99/CA$29.24 [MN]
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - US$19.99/CA$27.99
- Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam - US$23.99/CA$29.99 [MN]
- Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward - US$12.99/CA$14.99
- Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal - US$20.99/CA$25.99
- Shin Megami Tensei IV - US$13.99/CA$18.99
- Story of Seasons - US$19.99/CA$24.99
- Project X Zone 2 - US$19.99/CA$22.49
- Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX - US$29.99/CA$39.19
- Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden - US$14.99/CA$17.49
- Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe - US$4.19/CA$5.93 [MN]
What have you got your eye set on? Let us know!
Comments 87
Monster Hunter 4 and Paper Jam here I come
i already own of them ... was hoping to get more VC games like europe ... pfff only will purchase two games out of those 'massive' collection
Wow, on Sunday, I was going to buy Paper Mario but I decided to hold off just to see if it was part of this sale. So glad I did, because it's $5.39 with the My Nintendo discount.
It's a shame I already own the ones I want from the list. This sale does me no good.
Majora's Mask for $23? Thats a good price
@Lizuka That's a good game and for that price you can't go wrong.
Slightly disappointing given what Europe and especially compared to what Japan got. Still, some of the 3DS Pokémon and Zelda VC games that I haven't picked up are mighty tempting at just about $3.20 each, and Terraria is down to $15 on the 3DS as well...might grab that one at that price, seems to be a solid little game.
Pokémon Battle Trozei is the only thing I might consider.
Either already own, are can still get the others cheaper elsewhere.
Microsoft and Sony still want my money more then Nintendo.
Paper Jam on sale already? & PxZ 2? That's just... Wow...
Getting Hatsune Miku and might see about Splatoon.
Question - if I use the additional 10% off, will I still get the gold coins for My Nintendo?
Shin Megamall Tense IV snuck into the list all like "Yeah, I'm on sale for E3" acting like its not on sale every other week
@dany60 Some might call it "Huuuuuge". Might have to grab Fast Racing Neo.
Already own or don't want all of these sadly. I've been in a mexican standoff since it's release on Fatal Frame 5 getting a discount...
Few games I'm interested in. Might finally pick up Fast Racing Neo, Pokemon Pinball or the DeDeDe game....
At the same time, I still have the recent Humble Bundle games to play.... we'll see.
But a nice vareity of games, that's for sure.
@DarthNocturnal It's not 50% off. It's 40% off, then 10% off. 40% off of $7.99 is $4.79. 10% off of $4.79 is $4.31.
I've been thinking of picking up Majora's Mask for 3DS lately, so might as well do it now at that price.
@Decapre wow ? it's 20$ on amazon new retail since months
Wait, when I go to buy a game, it asks if I want to redeem my additional 10% discount or not. Is this a one time offer? Can anyone confirm?
Wow. What great discounts! So overwhelmingly generous! /sarcasm
I seriously have most of the ones I'm interested in on one format or another (I normally don't double-dip). I may consider Pokemon Pinball, but other than that, I'm passing on the rest of these.
I'd rather have Europe's discount bonanza. I finally would have gotten the Prime Trilogy if that had been the case.
@MarinaKat Same.
Guess I'll save my money.
I um... Is Paper Jam good?
C'mon nintendo. Do something neat (I realize you did for zelda fans already but those outside the fold)
I already own most of what I want that's discounted
Having just finished Shantae and the Pirate Curse, I'll be grabbing its prequel . . . nice deal!
Darn, I was hoping Xenoblade Chronicles would've went on sale. I suppose I'll just wait until the Steam Summer Sale since most of the games I do want are available at retail.
@claypool great game for that price, I got it when it came out and so far it's my favorite zelda game
You say massive, others say they got screwed.
Not really either of those.
I'm glad FAST Racing Neo is on sale, it's been on my wishlist for a while now. Other than that though, either nothing else interests me, or I have it already.
@Yoshi It's not a one-time offer. The discount will apply to all games it is eligible for no matter how many you buy.
Yeah not quite as massive as I was hoping. I imagine most of the games i want to get on here I could physcial copies used for cheaper maybe even new at some places.
Already own everything that I want from this list.
Where's the massive sale?
It sure feels massive when you have to type all these games out. : |
I was also going to mock the use of the word massive, but honestly, by Nintendo stands it is!
Wow, playing it safe Nintendo. That is a really weak sale...
Perhaps they will add more games as more days pass? I'm holding out for Mario Kart 8
I got Paper Mario at last. I'm so happy I'll be able to replay it after so long.
Maybe I'll get SMTIV, haven't decided yet.
Paper Jam at $20 is tempting even if it's not any good but I still need to get Kirby at $40 because the kirbs over everything.
Obviously, and I will beat this drum to death, Mirai DX at $30 is a steal. Love it.
Nothing I'm interested in, except maybe PokéMon TCG and Rainbow Curse.
Lame sale. But hey - we're used to this.
Ah, Nintendo's 'Sorry about E3' sale is here.
With Wind Waker being a Nintendo Select everywhere except in the USA/NA, the $29.99 price point is inexcusable!
I was hoping for a discount on Link between worlds.. Oh well
Does me no good at all
they call that a sale? there's barely 30 titles in sales... and then NL call that "Massive"? Nintendo really have a talent, a gift, to dissapoint me lately...
idk why i was hoping for a decent price cut on Metroid Prime Hunter... i'm such an idiot...
guess i'll just wait for Terraria's release in 2 days, as planned, to empty my eshop wallet... ;D
As a US customer, this is pretty good. When you frame it in the context of Splatoon and Windwaker being cheaper than retail, new or secondhand, it is a bit surprising. I just sold my copy of Splatoon for 45 USD on ebay. If you own a physical copy of Splatoon you could probably buy the digital copy and sell the hard copy for a higher price on Ebay.
Oh, also I think Nintendo is killing this E3. Zelda is the single most ambitious game at E3 from what I have seen so far, especially since it was actual gameplay and not a commercial.
Yeah, big sale!!!
Reads list
...I don't know what I was expecting.
I'm tempted to grab Project Mirai DX, since the demo was super-fun, and it's getting hard to find now. That might be the best price I'll ever get for it, but...I don't know. Just seems a bit too much for my blood, considering it's a sale.
Pointless sale is pointless because most Nintendo gamers already have the games from this list that they want.
If you take a look at your "Just for you" offers page, you might find some discounts ready to claim.
I see 10% discounts for the Wii U and 3DS versions of Smash Bros.
I don't see the point honestly, if I did not already have these games, I would get physical versions for much cheaper on Amazon or other sites.
No, Pokémon Rumble U is simply not worth playing.
If you want to play any Pokémon Rumble game, play Super Pokémon Rumble (aka Pokémon Rumble Blast) or Pokémon Rumble World on the 3DS.
I may get Shantae on Wii U. I haven't played any of them yet, even the ones in the Humble Bundles I got. They sound like good games, though.
Well I was hoping to get DK64 on sale like the EU did. But doesn't seem like that will be happening.
Hmm I already have most of these games :/
@Captain_Gonru No, even if it's free I'm not sure it's worth the download and install time. And that's not just cranky old man me talking, that's my 2 Pokemon obsessed sons as well. go play free Pokemon rumble World on 3DS, that's much better. I wouldn't buy it for $30 though.
@Spin I was waiting on DK64 as well, $5 seems berter than $10 for a fairly old game that didn't get the best reviews.
Fates could've worked here......
Nothing good there for me. Then again, Nintendo sales never seem to be all that great to me.
I see some "maybe" games, but my wallet is safe this year.
Definitely the Oracle games, maybe Fast NEO and Pokemon.
@Gold_Ranger Totally agree. It's actually $27 with MyNintendo
discount. However I just bought it pre-owned for the same $27 from Best Buy and it's a physical copy.
The biggest discounts are on the VC games...but looks like the developer for Xenoblade Chronicles and X is not participating.
The extra 10% applies to all first party titles. Still I found better deals from Walmart Wii U pre-owned. Although Walmart has extremely limited stock the prices are unbeatable.
At least Twilight Princess HD is on sale for 39.99 on Best Buy and Amazon. Could be less if you have Best Buy GCU membership.
Good, but not massive
"Massive"? LOL
Screw the sale, my mind is still warped from that amazing Zelda livestream
10% off All 1st party games? Or just certain ones?
Also, I do hope that more games are added to the sale as the week goes on
Seems like a decent sale to me. I'm sure I'll pick up Shantae and Paper Mario. Probably Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages. Maybe Majora's Mask. Still on the fence about Splatoon. Don't want Smash Bros.
I got Pokémon Battle Trozei, Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe, Dementium Remastered, Pokémon Trading Card Game from this E3 sale, and since it was a recent sale, also got 3D Streets of rage 2/gunstar heroes/out run, I got a lot of games to beat...
Pretty weak pricing for most of those games, but a few aren't bad.
I might grab Shantae.
I got Majora's Mask for 25$ and Paper Jam for 30$. At retail in Canada it would've cost me 90$. I call that a pretty great deal. That's the kind of deal that would get me to go full digital all the time.
Well a lot of people here seem disappointed, but I might use this chance to grab Paper Mario, Majora's Mask, and maybe a couple others.
I find it amusing that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is a dollar cheaper than Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal.
@GamePerson19 Mynintendo members get extra 10% off (based on discounted price) on all first party games on the list including Super Smash Bro U and Wind Waker HD. I noticed all 3rd party games do not get the extra 10% which makes sense.
@Kiyata You don't consider like more than half of the Wii U games worth playing a massiv sale? Including Smash, KaTR and even Splatoon?
I see a bunch...
Fast Racing Neo
LOZ Ages and Seasons
Paper Mario
Pokemon Rumble and Battle
I collect retail over download but these sales are good for eshop only titles.
Shantae, paper mario,pokemon tcg, xeodrifter for me!
Ok thank you for clearing it up for me. I might have bought Mario Kart 8 expecting a 10% discount Also, what are the odds of more games being added to this sale?
I'm interested in Fast Racing Neo and the two Oracle Zelda games (which I own the cartridges for, but it's really a chore to dig them up to play).
@hoshinosammy no because I don't own a Wii U
Those are great prices for Majoras and Project X Zone 2 here in Canada. I have MM physically (only because it was a gift), but would love having it on the home screen beside Oot 3d.
Would Wind Waker be a good first Legend of Zelda game? I've never played any Legend of Zelda but am really attracted to the art style
Yes, absolutely. It is very charming and fun. If you haven't played a Zelda game before, I think you're in for a treat.
@Trinexx Hey, Wind Waker is basically half off, thats pretty good.
@The8BitLego: That's true, but the reason why I brought up Europe's discounts was because not only did NoE offer a larger and wider discount range, but all games were at a 50% discount; all discounted games are only 40% off here, and while some discounts are increased to roughly 50% if one has a My Nintendo account, that still doesn't apply to all of the games on sale.
This sale is fine if one likes downloading retail titles or doesn't own most of the games, but it's pretty disappointing when you know there's a better-rounded sale going on in a different region that you don't have access to (without importing a system).
Getting Majora's, de 2 gc zelda and rumble u just cose i want to use my amiibo a see wath pokemon i get
OMFG Why are sooo many people complaining? Unless it becomes a select, nintendo does not put its games on sale. I think considering its past, this sale is great.
Smells like Reggie yet again proves he has no idea what he's doing. I can see why everyone says he's a disgusting failure.
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