Bayonetta and its Wii U-exclusive sequel are two of PlatinumGames' most beloved releases. The first title was a cult classic that sold moderately well, but it took Nintendo's involvement to make the second a reality. While Bayonetta 2 was a critical success, only being available on one console (and the poorest-selling one of the generation to boot) will have undoubtedly hurt its sales potential.
You might assume then that the series has now stalled, but it would seem that isn't the case. Speaking in an interview at E3, the one-and-only Hideki Kamiya revealed that he's been thinking a lot about a third entry in the franchise:
GC: …I preferred Bayonetta's first haircut.
PR woman: [laughs]
HK: Then we will take that into account when we design her haircut when we start doing 3, if we ever make 3.
(The room is suddenly filled with gasps of shock, not just from us and the UK PR but also the other Microsoft and Platinum Games people.)
GC: Wha… what?! You can't tease me like that!
(Widespread laughter)
GC: Are you thinking of doing 3?
HK: Of course we want to make 3.
GC: [meekly] OK.
HK: Why should it end at 2?
GC: I don't think it should end at 2! Have you spoken to any publishers about this?
HK: No, but I've spent a lot of time thinking in my head what that game would be. I've got ideas in my head for Okami 2 as well.
Microsoft PR woman: What?!
(More shocked laughter from everyone.)
Platinum PR woman: I didn't know this!
GC: What are you doing, teasing us like this!
HK: We've got other Scalebounds in our heads too.
While it's easy to put this exchange down to Kamiya simply having a bit of fun, it's wise to remember just how unexpected the announcement of Bayonetta 2 was a while back. Perhaps we'll be seeing our favourite Umbra Witch in another title soon - possibly exclusive to NX, given Nintendo's close relationship with PlatinumGames? Maybe Okami will finally get a proper sequel, too?
[source metro.co.uk]
Comments 62
Maybe Nintendo puts up some piles of cash again... maybe...
Okami 2! Okami 2! Okami 2!!!
Or possibly 3, since Okamiden was actually pretty good considering its hardware. Not as magical, you understand, but pretty good. Pretty and good.
Oh to hell with it. Okami 2! Would have been brilliant on the Wii U, with gamepad drawing for the Celestial Brush, but I'll take it in any form that doesn't require wrist-wanging in combat.
Well, obviously he got ideas for sequels, when you work a long time with a character it's hard to let her go, creativity doesn't just stop cause you lack the funds or even the rights for make the game.
(Okami is still in the hands of Capcom, right?)
Okami ! So good !
make a third stick it on NX as an exclusive, system seller right there
First thing that came to my mind too
Pleaseeee do Bayo 3 for NX. I loved 2!
Of course there is going to be a 3rd. Why announce an amiibo of Cereza and then suspiciously delay it closer to the NX reveal (along with FF7's Cloud)?
Did you guys really ask Kamiya the color of his socks lol?
Ya that'll do it
You know what you need to do Nintendo...
I have to admit that I prefer her second haircut. I just love short hair on women. As for Okami 2, I think my heart skipped a beat when I read that! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!!!
Unfortunately, it is not necessarily up to PlatinumGames to decide when to make a proper sequel to Ōkami, since the IP is owned by Capcom. Likewise for the Bayonetta series, an IP technically owned by Sega. (Which is why adding the character in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U as the likely consumer choice at the ballots, since the developers were already working with Sega.)
@A01 At this point, given the timeframe AND the reduced price re-release, it would not surprise me at all to see it over 1 million sales.
Also need to keep in mind the number of consoles around at the time of release for both games, there was a FAR higher volume of PS3/360s around when Bayo 1 came out as opposed to WiiUs for the Bayo 2 launch. What I'm trying to say is that they nailed it.
@Indielink I'm afraid your profanity isn't welcome here, partially censored or otherwise. Please consider the Community Rules before posting. Thanks.
"We've got other Scalebounds in our heads too"
Haha, Kamiya having a little fun.
I would love a bayonetta 3!
@Indielink yeah I remember running some figures and even if it did badly it'd preformed really well via attach rate
Problem is, SEGA owns Bayonetta, so even if PG found publisher, said publisher would have to strike a deal with SEGA, and for a game that doesn't sell well, I don't see it hapenning unless Nintendo comes in again.
Which is sad, because the genre is pretty much dead - it died with a bang and one of the best games I played in my entire life (Bayonetta 2), but I would love to see game this excellent one more time.
God of War turned out to be huge dissapointment to me, so my only hope for a fix is another Bayonetta
@Dave24 It's not dead. The problem is that nobody outside of Capcom and platinum games has even touched the style action genre. So people are consistently left hanging.
So the same man who ranted about people asking him about Okami 2 is actually thinking about it, even though the IP's situation hasn't changed in the slightest?
The fact he may not make Okami 2 cant stop him from thinking about it. Some ideas just wont go away.
Kamiya's games usually get sequels and he is seldom involved in them. Roll on a sequel to W101 pls!
well i hope we do get a sequel and if nintendo has to help out again i would appraised it if they did as they need titles like bayonetta 3. As for okami i would be alright if we just get a port of the game but a sequel would be even better
There's no point in doing a third and putting it on none Nintendo consoles surely, I mean they didn't get Bayonetta 2. So it really needs to be exclusive if they do make it. And yes I am extremely biased
Given how Nintendo has been working a lot with Platinum Games and looked at Bayonetta, even giving her a character spot in Super Smash Bros, I can see this remaining a Nintendo exclusive.
@MrGawain I don't think they were delayed rather not announced at E3 to provide some new announcements over the summer.
Surprise NX launch titles? Lol
I hope the next Bayo isn't exclusive to Ninty systems. More people really ought to play those games, not less.
@BakaKnight I can agree to that. Wherever I am, I'm always coming up with crazy, yet structured, ideas.
If I had to choose, Okami 2 first. After that they can do Bayonetta 3. Anyway, both franchises are welcome (but don't forget Viewtiful Joe, please)!
If he's thinking about making it, I'm thinking about buying it. I don't care what platform it's for... SOLD!
Well... the NX is 9 months away. That's enough time to make at least one of those titles! 😃
@Dakt Actually, you can, it's called a restraining order, Squidward revved it up that on-I mean two times.
Also, Hideki Kamiya senpai, a Bayonetta 3 game on NX, it would make me feel happy go lucky, it would be swell, just THESE thoughts.......Do THESE words imTHESE sentence not make any sense? That's because if you played Bayonetta 2 all the way until the end......YEEah, THESE is reason why Bayonetta 3 would be NOICE!
I said to myself that after the SM4SH amiibos, I wouldn't dive into other amiibos as much, but if Bayonetta 3 amiibos were revved up, day 1 purchase from this kangaroo! 🐺 And THESE is a promise I will hop on the path of TROOF with, because U wanna know why? Bayonetta was my first "for reals who I think has a chance at getting in" vote in the Smash ballot, do YEEah, I'm cereal, and to be MOAR cereal, Hideki Kamiya was the first Twitter account I followed when I revved up a Twitter account.
@doctorzzim Yes.
NX launch title. That's a loaded gun right there!
You build it, I will buy it!
They own the rights to Okami? I thought that was stuck in Capcom hell for sure.
A proper Okami sequel? So much yes!
@BensonUii hahaha.....nice
He needs to spend more time thinking about Viewtiful Joe 3!

Please do! I loved the Bayonetta games! If they release Bayonetta 3 on NX, they should also release a trilogy collection at the same time (Includes 1,2 and 3)... assuming the NX will be successful, then this would give a lot of people a chance to play 2 because they didn't get the Wii U
If there was a game that would convince me to get a new console sooner than later, it would be Bayonetta or Monster Hunter. Both of those games are really fun to play.
Awesome. Let's do this as a team you bring the games, I'll bring my wallet! An Okami sequel would be a dream come true for me.
He means Okami 3. If there is a third game, the title will not be up to Kamiya anyway because Capcom owns the IP and would like to recognize that Okamiden, a fantastic game in its own right (though I agree, it should have been on 3DS, the DS' hardware really held the game back), exists. Or they could just not have number in the title, and keep everyone happy.
No offense to Kamiya, I love basically every game he has ever graced with his godly touch, but I think it's a bit like Sakurai's dislike of every Kirby game after Super Star/Fun Pak, as that was the last game he was involved in. He hasn't included any content from those games besides music in Smash Bros, and in Brawl the Kirby section of trophies is simply called "Kirby Super Star". You could also liken it to Miyamoto, being well, Miyamoto.
Wow. Someone thinks about projects they might want to do in the future. Weird.
While I can easily see a Bayonetta 3, I still say Okami doesn't need another sequel or spin-off. That view won't prevent me from playing the daylights out of anything Kamiya-san produces though.
W102 would be pretty much the best thing ever.
Give me Okami 2!!!
@sinalefa Knew I'd find you in a Kamiya thread. I'm taking a break from the other site, which I shall not name for fear of going off topic, but I'm never typing Ntinedo correctly, you know that. If they name the NX the "Ntinedo something" I'm in big trouble. I may just call it NX always. I can usually get that one right.
Oh, come on and just pitch it to Nintendo. It would be one hell of a game for the NX! Oh, and bring back Viewtiful Joe
Less thinking, more programming.
Bayonetta 2 was 1/5 of the reason I got a Wii U, so if Nintendo goes Bayonetta 3 on the NX, I may go for it as well, after a year. I give all hardware a year on the store shelves so kinks are worked out of the hardware and I don't have to be one of those fun beta testers who buy at release.
I would LOVE a proper Okami sequel, but I get the feeling he was joking about this.
I haven't even played Bayonetta 2 (I need to buy it ASAP....) yet but I still want a sequel to come out. I have loved whatever I have tried from Platinum Games, definitely the reigning developer of the action genre today.
Heck I am playing the Wonderful 101 right now, trying to get as close to 100% completion as possible. Although some of these achievements are probably beyond my grasp, but currently going through the game at Hard Mode and getting all the collectibles. Definitely an amazing game, especially with all the super whacky stuff going on all time. Plus the finale which is one of the epic-est I have ever played.
I need Wonderful 102 in my life. Or whatever the next title may be called.
Bayonetta was my favorite game on the 360 and Bayonetta 2 is my favorite 8th gen game; so whatever system had Bayonetta 3 would be an instant buy for me.
Okami 2 would be fantastic too, but it's more likely that Capcom would do another 'remaster' of the original than actually put any investment into a new game.
Anything that Platinum releases is going to catch my attention though. I bought a Xbox One because they were producing Scalebound for it.
It's interesting to note that, despite the MASSIVE difference in hardware sales, Bayonetta 2 on Wii U sold better than Bayonetta 1 on 360 and is only about 200k units away from besting Bayonetta 1 on PS3 (which could still happen). That means a third of the series entire sales came from the Wii U which is pretty damn impressive for a supposed "failed" console.
Platinum and Nintendo will surely take note of that when Bayonetta 3 goes into development and I have a feeling that an NX exclusive version is a pretty solid bet. Especially considering Bayonetta's additional exposure through Smash and her upcoming Amiibo which would no doubt be supported in Bayonetta 3.
Perhaps Damien McFerran can take a photo of Kamiya sitting on the toilet next.
Bayonetta 3 as an NX exclusive would get me to seriously consider buying the console.
yall know bayo 3 is gonna happen.
Bayonetta, Zelda, Metroid and a Final Fantasy game on NX would definitely make me buy the system day 1.
btw, platinum games already talked about a 3ds Bayonetta game (jokingly... or not). It's about Jeanne and her day-to-day life as a substitute teacher (which is her civilian disguise) and all the crazy stuff she has to deal with with fighting demons AND managing a classroom of kids.
@A01 I found on VG Charts it sold around 1 million as of May 21st. I'd leaves a source but I don't know how beyond pasting a link.
@argh4430 yeah I'd love to play games exclusive to Xbox and PlayStation on my Nintendo systems! !
But that won't ever happen. Exclusives are there for a reason.
@sketchturner I couldn't agree more! Make a deal with Capcom; bring that trilogy to a close.
For the record, Bayonetta's hair looked better in the sequel.
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